Home Coated tongue Sharp acceleration of thought processes. Pathologically accelerated thinking (thought racing)

Sharp acceleration of thought processes. Pathologically accelerated thinking (thought racing)

Acceleration of the pace of thinking (tachyphrenia, tachylalia, logorrhea) is accompanied by subjective ease, ease of thought process, abundance and rapid variability, lability, volatility of emerging mechanical associations, memories, ideas, their superficial nature, the predominance of mechanical associations over logical ones. Acceleration may have varying degrees, up to the “jump of ideas” - an uncontrollable vortex flow of scraps of mechanical figurative associations, phrases, individual words, even the mechanical connection between which is difficult to detect. Observed with painful high mood in the manic and hypomanic phases of manic-depressive psychosis and manic syndromes exogenous, somatogenic and other psychoses, in initial stage alcohol intoxication.

Slowing down of thinking (bradyphrenia, bradyarthria) is accompanied by stuckness, difficulty switching, inertia, monoideism, a slowdown in the rate of formation of associations and their poverty, laconicism of answers, long pauses between the patient’s questions and answers, poverty of speech initiative, combined with general decline activity, initiative. Observed during the depressive phase of manic-depressive psychosis, with depressive syndromes other etiology, with epilepsy, organic brain lesions.

Along with quantitative disorders of the thought process, when the pace of thinking accelerates and slows down, especially when it is significant, the qualitative (content) side of the thought process is also disrupted. Thus, when the pace of thinking slows down, its productivity suffers, there is a depletion of associations, a decrease in the clarity and dynamism of thinking, and difficulty in choosing words is observed (oligophasia). Against the background of a painfully low mood, there is a tendency to form delusional and crazy ideas self-abasement, self-accusation, sinfulness, guilt. When the pace accelerates, thinking becomes superficial, chaotic, with a slight loss of the object of reasoning, is characterized by low productivity, the processes of generalization, abstraction, and concretization suffer, a decrease or absence of critical thinking is noted, a predominance of mechanical associations is noted over logical ones, internal distractibility is replaced by external one.

One of the forms of disturbance of the tempo of thinking is “sperrung” (E. Kraepelin) (delay, stop, blockage of thinking) - a sudden, psychologically inexplicable break (stop, blockade) in speech of varying duration (seconds, minutes, days). Subjectively, this is experienced as a lack of thoughts, emptiness in the head. There is no amnesia observed during this period. Usually, at the same time, the processes of understanding the environment slow down and become difficult; patients become helpless, lose the ability to read, imagine and act. Their actions become aimless, monotonous, and automated. In contrast to the slowdown in thinking, which is usually persistent and long-lasting with a gradual increase and decrease, after sperrung there is an immediate restoration of the pace of mental activity (thinking) and speech. Sperrungs occur most often in schizophrenia, including its initial period, with pronounced affects (affective sperrung).

Mentism, manticism (Chaslin P.H., 1914) is a kind of involuntary uncontrollable influx, flow of thoughts, memories of various contents. It is often pretentious, paradoxical in nature, contradicting the dominant premorbid interests, needs, and inclinations of the patient. Mentism can be short-term, episodic and long-term. Mentism is observed in schizophrenia, often in its initial stage, with encephalitis, severe asthenic syndromes(asthenic mentism) of various etiologies, after contusion (Gilyarovsky V.A.), with depressive syndromes (depressive mentism) of various etiologies (Basov A.M., Belyaeva G.G., Neznayov G.G., Sobchik L.V. ).

Acceleration of thinking is characteristic of manic and hypomanic states of various origins and is observed in manic-depressive psychosis, as well as in manioform states of exogenous origin, sometimes in schizophrenia, mainly in the onset and in its circular form. When thinking is accelerated, disturbances in its dynamics come to the fore, manifested in the lability of judgments.

Characterized by rapid, facilitated emergence and change of thoughts. The judgments of patients with accelerated thinking are superficial. This, as well as attention disorders inherent in states with accelerated thinking, explains the low mental productivity of patients in a manic state. Mental productivity is even lower with symptomatic manias of intoxication or infectious origin, since in these cases great importance phenomena of increased exhaustion of mental processes acquire (such states are classified as astheno-manic). The performance of patients with mild hypomanic states and cyclothymia may be relatively good. The more pronounced the acceleration of thinking, the less effective the patient’s activity.

Attention disturbances in manic states are primarily characterized by its instability. The combination of unstable attention, facilitated formation of associations, and accelerated flow of thoughts leads to peculiar changes in the patient’s speech - individual statements are not connected by any common idea, random associations are characteristic, often in consonance. The object of thinking becomes any object to which the patient pays attention. With a significant acceleration of thinking, they talk about a leap of ideas - thoughts replace each other so quickly that from the outside it is perceived as a continuous stream of words. At the same time, with a leap of ideas, in contrast to schizophrenic fragmentation, it is still not difficult to grasp the sequence of thoughts and their, albeit very superficial, interconnection. Only in cases of extremely sharp acceleration of thinking does the observer lose the ability to perceive transitions between individual thoughts. In these cases they speak of manic (vortex) confusion. Accelerated thinking, due to its instability, is characterized by an easy loss of the object of reasoning.

Hello, Dear friends!

The speed at which our brain processes information plays a huge role, both in decision-making and in life in general. How efficiently and quickly we respond to external factors and irritants, our success and well-being depend.

How to speed up the brain's reaction? After all, he is a supercomputer weighing only a few pounds! But a person’s movement depends on his ability to correctly send signals to the body.

The center of control and issuance of commands that control life is also responsible for relationships with other people, perception and emotional assessment of what is happening.

Optimizing your brain's response is an opportunity to be better! That is why for today’s article I have selected some tips that will help you increase your mental abilities.

1. Physical activity

Californian scientists have proven that with systematic physical activity, a person’s convolutions begin to move better, producing so-called “gray” cells in the body.

So, for example, in battle, an individual must concentrate at lightning speed and make informed decisions. Coordination of body movements, assessment of threat or distance to the enemy is similarly carried out using brain signals.

The life of an individual sometimes depends on how effectively the reaction to the signal given by the computer is structured. Therefore, to develop the speed of thought and the entire body, I definitely advise you to go in for sports.

2. Thinking training

When it comes to skill development, it is important not only physical exercise. You can independently develop the desired area of ​​the brain and make it work more productively.

How to do it? Firstly, it is worth understanding in advance what type of thinking prevails over you? Secondly, earlier in my materials I wrote about how to develop logical thinking or improve left hemisphere brain, responsible for feelings and creativity.

However, I would like to note that the thought process itself and independent analysis greatly helps to develop inactive parts of the brain. I invite you to discover new sensations.

Try unknown smells or dishes, experiment while traveling, take up a craft previously unknown to you. And necessarily, to open new horizons.

3. A simple question “Why?”

Get yourself a new one and good habit. Did you probably know that gray matter is predisposed to undisguised curiosity? So that’s why I suggest you develop the piquant skill of asking a question “ Why?»

Ask yourself this question at least 10 times a day. Compare conclusions, conclusions, study new information and develop. You will be surprised how many prospects and opportunities will open up for you when you introduce such a small question into your speech routine!

4. Eat more nuts

Nuts contain oil. Starting from cedar to walnut. Previously, it was considered useful only for the treatment of heart disease. But now research has revealed that it works great in increasing the speed of brain function.

Thanks to nuts, the amount of oxygen that enters the head increases and its proper circulation is ensured. In addition, it promotes more efficient functioning of membranes in the body's cells.

This is why people who are not lazy and add a lot of nuts and plant foods to their diet are less susceptible to nervous disorders, attention problems and memory problems.

Also, for the sake of successful digestion, it is worth noting that nuts are rich in proteins, which means it is better not to mix them with carbohydrates (honey, raisins, ...)! This is one of the rules of balanced nutrition, which will help you digest and assimilate food much more efficiently.

5. Train your memory

Techniques that help strengthen memorization skills have a beneficial effect not only on thinking, but also on the memory of body physics. Practice and exercise are the recipe for a positive implementation of a new habit.

Dancing, aerobics, gymnastics, as well as meditation help our body to improve everything vitally. important systems regulation. By memorizing movements, exercises and poses, you strengthen the connection between the body and the brain signal.

Yes, and ourselves chemical reactions, which occur during activity, train muscle memory and strengthen the entire body, and this increases the level of movement speed.

Reading, solving problems and training visual memory, along with logical puzzles, are excellent in developing a person.

6. Proper nutrition

Can unhealthy fats make you stupid? You won't believe it, but it's true! Researchers at the University of Toronto have proven the fact negative influence fat on the mental capabilities of experimental subjects - that is, rats.

Why is this happening? When you give up junk food, a person’s brain begins to work easier and faster. When replacing harmful animal food with a huge amount fats for food plant origin, the body increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain.

And this in turn increases the indicators of the thought process and reaction speed.

7. Improving acquired skills

Of course, our lives are full of familiar and ordinary activities. Among them you can find sewing, drawing, and cooking. But I will advise you to diversify your leisure time by complicating household chores and acquired skills.

This will help stimulate neural connections to additional load. Start reading literature that, in addition to theory, has practical implementation. Get acquainted with drawing styles unknown to you, master a different type of cutting or sewing. Discover the world of raw food cooking and put what you learn into practice!

This approach obliges you to achieve higher performance, and your brain to be healthy and productive.

8. Games

An active lifestyle and the desire to move, rather than lie on the couch, helps keep gray matter in good shape. You managed to highlight free time? Be sure to spend it on fresh air in the company of children or friends!

Games of tennis, football, basketball, frisbee and any strength training are perfect for you! Go hiking, reach the top and don’t be too lazy to buy a gadget that measures the number of steps per day

A new-fashioned lotion can be very useful for those people who spend most of their time sitting. And with the help of the application, you can always understand whether you walk home or can you afford to take public transport?

9. Train your concentration level

Concentration is a panacea for increasing brain performance! But you should understand that its “eaters” are not always noticeable and perceptible. Learning to see exactly when you got distracted? What was the reason to do this?

By doing one thing after another and being in the “here and now” state, you will be able to achieve high marks for your work in reality.

10. Aromatherapy and relaxation

In order not to burn out all the cells in your head from too much effort, you should pay due attention to rest. I will advise you to resort to aromatherapy to tone up or, conversely, relax.

Substances that stimulate the body may contain notes of cypress and mint. But in case of calm, use a rose. A geranium scent might also work.

Friends, I’ll put an end to this.

Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us how you speed up brain reactions and what proven exercises do you recommend?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

To be successful in modern world, we need to have time to respond to the changes that happen around us every day. To do this you need to have high speed thinking. Find out how to increase it through reading!

Acceleration of time

With every decade, with every century, time accelerates, and this is a fact. In the 19th century, they could not imagine that people would soon fly at supersonic speeds, that this would become completely natural for the modernity of the 20th century.

In the 10th century, during the Byzantine Empire, people did not imagine what they would invent after some time complex machines(trains), and horses will cease to be the main transport for long-distance travel.

And now scientists are developing teleportation devices¹ that will allow you to move instantly.

Each time has its own speed of thinking. When environmental conditions change very quickly in front of a person, he needs to have time to perceive and analyze information.

How speed of thinking depends on reading

Reading is the main way a person obtains information. One of the main things a child is taught is the ability to read.

The speed of a person’s thinking depends on his ability to perceive the text and see the meaning embedded in it.

High reading speed brings practical success - such people are able to quickly make decisions: speed in the modern world is the key to success in work and relationships.

Effective Reading Techniques!

The points below will allow you to take a fresh look at such a natural ability as reading, increase its speed and, as a result, the speed of your thinking!

When people read aloud, the tongue cannot speak the words as quickly as the mind can process them. Reading aloud can significantly slow down the speed at which you perceive information.

2. You need to fully concentrate on reading.

Without the ability to concentrate, a person cannot remember a text, no matter how slowly or quickly he reads it. needs to be trained.

3. It is necessary to expand the level of perception of the text.

As children, children are taught to trace the text with their finger so as not to lose the place in the text where the child is reading. But this slows down thinking - the finger can’t keep up with the brain! It is useful to develop a child’s concentration from childhood, teaching him to increase his reading and thinking speed.

4. It is useful to do eye training.

Continuous use of the techniques described below will allow you to effectively train this skill:

  • while walking you need to look at the license plates of cars passing by;
  • consciously switch attention to a variety of objects around you.

For example, carefully examine the details on the window, and then quickly switch to the view behind it. Thus, quickly switching attention between different objects will teach you to quickly draw conclusions and understand what is happening “here and now”;

  • listen to calm music while reading.

This promotes the development of stable intention² and concentration of the human mind;

  • speak tongue twisters out loud.

In addition to the fact that this has a positive effect on diction and makes it clear, tongue twisters teach you to quickly perceive meaning and switch attention to new information. To do this, it is useful to pronounce several tongue twisters without pausing.

Following the above rules and training in fast reading will, over time, teach a person to perceive information faster and significantly increase the speed of thinking. This will allow you to achieve greater success in life and will contribute to the self-improvement of the practitioner.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation - a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically continuous function time (

Main forms of thought disorders

Concept of thinking

Concept and types of thinking disorders

We have previously described painful changes in perceptions that relate to the area of ​​sensory cognition. In this lecture we will focus on violations of abstract cognition, thinking in concepts and words, which is unique to humans. There is a close inextricable connection and unity between the sensory and abstract knowledge of the world. The thinking process is carried out using the analysis of everything observed, i.e., isolating individual elements and simultaneously synthesizing them, establishing connections between them, and mentally reproducing the whole picture. The analysis is based on the corresponding activity of the cerebral cortex. In the process of thinking, a person always attracts the previous one to analysis and synthesis. personal experience, and through the acquired knowledge - wide social experience.

In addition to analysis and synthesis, the thinking process also includes other mental operations: comparison, difference, generalization, abstraction, etc. An even higher quality of thinking is what is defined by the concept of “criticism”. We are talking about a person’s ability to correctly evaluate life situation, outline realistic plans, determine your attitude towards various social problems and events. At the same time, thinking acts as a means of establishing the individual in society and is inextricably linked with such higher specific qualities as consciousness, will, and worldview.

Thus, thinking is mental process, which consists in reflecting human brain, general properties of objects and phenomena outside world, establishing connections between them.

Thinking disorders in mentally ill patients are very diverse. Moreover, both the form and content of thinking can be upset.

Thinking disorders are inseparable from speech disorders in mentally ill patients. It should be remembered that since oral and written speech reflects thoughts, it is the most reliable means of penetrating into them and becoming familiar with the content of thinking. The speech of patients also reveals the peculiarities of their thinking, its pace, various shapes, the nature of the disorders.

In this case, the patient quickly moves from one thought to another, without having time to express one judgment, he jumps to the second, then to the third, etc. One gets the impression of a whirlwind unfolding of a cinematic film with ideas, concepts and judgments often replacing each other. A characteristic feature of the leap of ideas is that with a rapid change of thoughts, their external connection is to a certain extent not disrupted. Speech accordingly becomes hasty and inconsistent. It is wrong to consider the leap of ideas as a result of the intensification and productivity of the thinking process, as a result of the acceleration of the “flow of ideas.” When ideas jump, there is only the appearance of excitement of mental activity. The process of thinking in the sense of its depth and consistency is not strengthened, but, on the contrary, weakened. The main disorder with a jump in ideas is a weakening of attention, expressed in distractibility.

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