Home Hygiene How does early stage psoriasis manifest? What does psoriasis look like on the human body?

How does early stage psoriasis manifest? What does psoriasis look like on the human body?

Psoriasis is a dermatoses and manifests itself as unpleasant rashes all over the body. They hardly hurt, but they are very itchy and unsightly, so they cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. Let's look at what types of psoriasis there are, how they differ and...

Classification of psoriasis according to ICD-10

According to the international classification of diseases, psoriasis is assigned the code L40. This means that it belongs to papulosquamous disorders (from lat. papula- “knot” and squama- “scales”).

L40.0 Psoriasis vulgaris

Other names: plaque-shaped. It is diagnosed in almost 90% of patients. It appears as papules with a scaly structure. The plaques may be gray, silvery-white, or pinkish in color. Papules sometimes grow, connect with neighboring ones and form into entire “islands” or “lakes”.

L40.1 Generalized pustular psoriasis

Other names: exudative, impetigo, Zumbusch's disease. Considered the most severe form; manifests itself as bubbles or blisters filled with an inflammatory substance - exudate. If the blister opens and an infection gets inside, psoriasis becomes purulent. Most often, such blisters are found on the arms and legs, less often on the body.

L40.2 Acrodermatitis persistent

Other names: Crocker's dermatitis, Setton's dermatitis. The contents of pustules (pustules) formed with this form of psoriasis are sterile, so acrodermatitis is not an infectious disease. The main disadvantage is that plaques can form on the fingers, which can cause the nails to peel off.

L40.3 Pustulosis of the palms and soles

Other names: pustular bacterid. From the name it is clear that with this type psoriasis affects the feet and palms. They become covered with small and large pustular formations, which gradually grow and increase in area. The contents of pustules are sterile, but pustular bacterid is considered serious illness. Treatment is complicated by the fact that the pustules are constantly exposed to mechanical stress (they wear out and open when walking).

L40.4 Guttate psoriasis

It appears as small purple dots scattered on the thighs, legs, forearms, shoulders, head, neck and back. Often develops after suffering from streptococcal sore throat or pharyngitis.

L40.5-7 Arthropathic psoriasis

Other names: psoriatic arthropathy, psoriatic arthritis. The disease affects about 10% of all patients with psoriasis. Affects joints and connective tissue. Externally it manifests itself as swelling of the phalanges of the fingers and toes. Less commonly affects the hip, glenohumeral, knee joints and spine. Sometimes it leads to disability: the patient cannot move.

L40.8 Other psoriasis

Other names: inverse psoriasis. It manifests itself as smooth, inflamed spots that hardly peel off and are localized in the folds of the skin and on the folds (in the groin, on the elbows, on the external genitalia, under the mammary glands, etc.). Difficulties in treating other psoriasis are associated with constant friction of the affected areas, as well as sweat secretion in the folds of the skin. Inverse psoriasis is often caused by a fungal infection.

L40.9 Psoriasis, unspecified

This includes all other forms of psoriasis that do not fit into any of the above.

Clinical classification

There is another division of psoriasis into categories according to clinical classification.

By localization

Psoriatic plaques can spread to different parts of the body.

  • Palms and soles. As it was already found out earlier, this is a pustular bacterid (code L40.3).
  • Joints. Psoriatic arthritis was also reported (code L40.5-7).
  • Mucous membranes. Rashes appear in the oral cavity, on the conjunctiva and on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Education in form inflammatory elements different shapes, but with clear boundaries. There is slight swelling around.
  • Nails. Scientific name: psoriatic onychodystrophy. Symptoms: depressions and grooves on the surface of the nails, dullness of the nail plate, peeling, crumbling, visible capillaries, itching near the cuticle.
  • The scalp. This type is called seborrheic psoriasis. Many people confuse it with dandruff because one of the symptoms is flaking of the scalp. But seborrheic psoriasis is a much more unpleasant disease, because the skin also cracks in the area of ​​the ears and can spread to the neck. All this is accompanied by severe itching and bruising when scabs are torn off.
  • Large folds of skin or intertriginous psoriasis. Plaques form between the fingers, in the groin, in the armpits, and under the breasts in women.
  • Body surface. This phenomenon is called erythroderma. This type of disease has a high percentage fatal outcome, because due to plaque damage, the skin loses its basic functions: temperature regulation, barrier protection, etc.
  • Systemic damage is also dangerous, because it involves a combination of several types of psoriasis.

According to the clinical picture

The manifestations of psoriasis are:

  • ordinary (vulgar);
  • exudative;
  • pustular;
  • arthropathic;
  • in the form of erythroderma.

The entire typology is discussed above.

By stage of development

If we consider psoriasis from its point of view, then we can distinguish several stages.

Progressive psoriasis

Stage of maturation of inflammation. Has the following characteristics:

  • formation of pinkish smooth papules;
  • inflammatory reaction after irritation of the papule (scratching, attempts to pierce with a needle or toothpick, etc.);
  • the beginning of peeling of individual elements.

Stationary psoriasis

The stage proceeds almost unchanged:

  • new papules do not form;
  • old plaques do not increase in size;
  • moderate peeling.

Regressive psoriasis

The last stage is when the wounds heal. Healing starts in the middle. In place of the former plaque, a white depigmented spot forms, which no longer causes discomfort, except for the aesthetic component.

According to seasonality of exacerbation

Psoriasis is characterized by seasonal relapses. In this regard, they distinguish:

  • summer psoriasis: aggravated by exposure to sun rays;
  • winter psoriasis; develops due to extreme cold affecting the skin;
  • non-seasonal psoriasis: the most severe form with no periods of remission. Those. The disease occurs year-round.

This is what psoriasis looks like in summer

By area of ​​skin lesion

In this classification there are only 2 types of psoriasis:

  • limited – occupies less than 20% of the body’s skin;
  • widespread – more than 20%;
  • universal – the entire skin is affected.

National Trust Classification (USA)

Psoriasis also differs in the area affected:

  • mild: damage up to 2% of the skin area;
  • average: 2-10%;
  • severe: more than 10%.

According to the international PASI index

Table for calculating the psoriasis damage index

The PASI index is represented by a number from 0 to 72 and indicates the severity of psoriasis from the weakest clinical signs (erythema and peeling) to the strongest (bruising, suppuration). The index is determined by specialists.

Treatment of psoriasis

Modern strategies for treating the disease involve the use of a whole range of methods. It is important to adhere to three main goals:

  • achieve quick initial positive results;
  • track the ineffectiveness of some methods and cancel them, but continue to use what helps;
  • bring the patient into remission.

Among the types of treatment for psoriasis, there are two:

  • non-medicinal;
  • medicinal.

Non-drug treatment

If it is possible to do without medications, doctors always try to use this. Several non-drug therapy factors can play a significant role in the treatment of psoriasis.

Daily regime

People suffering from psoriasis should:

  • try to quit smoking;
  • exclude alcohol (even beer);
  • wear clothes and sleep on linen only made from natural fabrics;
  • replace washing powder with laundry soap;
  • cut your nails short;
  • wash only in the shower, do not visit the bathhouse or sauna;
  • try to eliminate stress.

Positive dynamics in the treatment of psoriasis are well influenced by a low-protein diet, limiting protein to 30 g per day. Patients who do unloading once a week show good results. On this day you can eat 2-3 tomatoes, a few lettuce leaves, 1 cucumber, 2-3 glasses of green tea and 300 ml of unsweetened soda.

General principles dietary nutrition for psoriasis means:

  • freshly squeezed citrus juices;
  • fresh or stewed vegetables;
  • unsalted fish;
  • flour products made only from rye flour;
  • dried fruits, fruits;
  • nuts (no more than 50 g per day).

You should also limit or exclude: meat, grains, smoked meats, sugar, potatoes, cheese, beans, oils, sweets, coffee.

Spa therapy is not the last place in the treatment of psoriasis. This is an excellent anti-relapse factor. The following balneological resorts are popular:

  • Hot key;
  • Nemirov;
  • Sergievskie Mineral Waters;
  • Lyuben the Great;
  • White church;
  • Nalchik;
  • Naftalan;
  • Evpatoria.

Psoriasis can also be treated at the Dead Sea. The main advantage of spa therapy: the power of nature in the fight against disease. Water procedures, balanced diet, clean air and soft sun - all this will reduce the symptoms of psoriasis and go into remission.

A type of spa therapy for varicose veins is treatment with Garra Rufa fish. These small creatures do not have teeth, but with their lips they gently eat away particles of flaky skin and improve microcirculation of the outer skin. In addition, the procedure gives an excellent relaxing effect.


Among the physiotherapeutic methods in the fight against skin psoriasis, the following are used:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • selective phototherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • X-ray therapy;
  • cryotherapy (cold treatment);
  • electrosleep;
  • phonophoresis.

With the help of physiotherapy you can achieve good aesthetic results, because... almost all methods involve different types external effects on the skin. The plaques become smaller and healthy skin cells form.


This method is highlighted separately because it is one of the most effective in the treatment of psoriasis. It is used even when severe forms diseases that are difficult to respond to other physiotherapeutic procedures. Photochemotherapy involves exposing the skin to long-wave UVA rays. Therefore, another name for the method is .

Drug treatment

Treatment of psoriasis also helps relieve the main symptoms and put the patient on the path to recovery. Three general (systemic) stages can be distinguished: drug treatment psoriasis:

  1. Emergency therapy. It is carried out during the period of acute disease and is intended to relieve acute symptoms. Medicines used steroid drugs and sometimes immunosuppressants.
  2. Transitional stage. Involves the gradual introduction of more weak drugs, which will be subsequently taken by the patient in courses.
  3. Current maintenance therapy.

Drug therapy also includes the use of external drugs:

  • creams;
  • foam;
  • gels;
  • lotions;
  • ointments;
  • sprays

Hormonal ointment based on hydrocortisone, used to treat psoriasis

Drugs can be purchased or made from. The products can be left in the open air or under an airtight bandage. The maximum effect in the treatment of psoriasis is achieved by a combination of drug and non-drug therapy. All means and methods are selected by the doctor.


As you can see, there are a lot of types and forms of psoriasis, and it is very difficult to determine which type of disease you have. Therefore, when primary symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor who will determine the type of psoriasis and prescribe appropriate treatment. The sooner you start fighting psoriasis, the more effective and quick the results will be.

Many patients experience this every day unpleasant illness like psoriasis. Pathology refers to inflammatory chronic diseases that are not transmitted from person to person. It is impossible to completely cure the disease; it has a wave-like character and manifests itself in frequent changes from resting states to new outbreaks of rashes. It is very important to start treating the disease at its first manifestations. The initial stage of psoriasis has its own signs and symptoms, which we will discuss later in the article.

Psoriasis – photo of the initial stage

So, we will try to answer the questions, what does the initial stage of psoriasis look like, does psoriasis itch? initial stage and how to recognize psoriasis? Most often, the pathology manifests itself with single or multiple rashes on various parts bodies. According to statistics, spots can most often be observed on the scalp, knee and elbow joints, palms, armpits and in the groin.

Many patients do not pay attention to such manifestations, attributing the appearance of spots and itching to allergic reaction and treat manifestations with antihistamines. It is also worth noting that most often the rash occurs in areas of the body that are most susceptible to mechanical damage, for example, in areas of friction with clothing.

In order to recognize a disease, it is worth having a clear understanding of its manifestations. So, the symptoms of psoriasis at the first stage are as follows:

  1. The appearance of reddish or pink papules on the skin. They can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The edges of the spots are clearly defined, the rashes have a round or oval shape.
  2. After just a short time, the spots are covered with characteristic scales, which are easily removed. Papules protrude above the surface of the skin and are very itchy.
  3. The spots are accompanied by an inflammatory process, the patient begins to experience severe discomfort, and it is very difficult not to scratch the rash. Often, psoriatic rashes due to mechanical damage can be accompanied by a bacterial infection.

There are also certain signs by which the presence of the disease can be determined. They include.

Appearance of stearin stain

The appearance of characteristic scales that are easily scraped off. When removing scales, the peeling process intensifies.

After removing the scales, the patient has a red, thin and shiny skin surface. This is the so-called thermal film. It is easy to damage and if this is done, minor bleeding may be seen.

Blood dew

When plaques or thermal film are damaged, drops of blood appear on the surface of the spot. Often, bloody discharge is observed at the border of the spot and healthy skin.

Methods for treating psoriasis at the first stage

Treatment of the initial stage of psoriasis at home involves the use of drugs to local application. This type therapy consists of applying various creams, ointments, lotions to the affected areas, as well as using sprays and shampoos with therapeutic effect. All actions are aimed at eliminating the main manifestations of the disease and achieving stable remission. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs with minimal side effects. Next, we’ll look at how to treat early-stage psoriasis with creams and ointments.

Topical products

To soften papules and plaques, relieve itching and inflammation, as well as speed up the healing process in medical practice use the following means:

  • calcipotriol;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • zinc ointment;
  • taklonex;
  • Kartalin and others.

If the use of ointments is not enough, doctors use complex therapy, consisting in the use of drugs of the following group:

  1. Antiallergic drugs. Loratodine, diazolin, and suprastin are used here.
  2. Antidepressants and sedatives. Persen, valerian, motherwort and others are often used.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. This is Nurofen, Ibuprofen.
  4. In especially severe cases, hormonal agents are used. These include bensalitin, cortisone, celestoderm.

Physiotherapy methods

  • cryotherapy;
  • phototherapy.

The advantage of these types of therapy is safety and good effectiveness. Disadvantages include high cost and the possibility of treatment only in a hospital setting.

The use of folk recipes

Often patients with this pathology use prescriptions traditional medicine for treatment at home. For these purposes, various plants and natural materials are used, for example, propolis, various oils, tar, medicinal herbs and much more.

Traditional therapy is used mainly as an adjuvant treatment and is often used in conjunction with medications.

Taking decoctions of chamomile, string, St. John's wort, and calendula is considered very useful for psoriasis. These plants can also be used to add to baths.

Using traditional methods treatment, it is worth remembering that even ordinary herbs can cause an allergic reaction and many side effects. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Treatment of psoriasis at the initial stage is very important. A timely response to the problem will help avoid negative consequences and long-term treatment.

WITH initial signs Anyone can experience psoriasis. The disease, according to experts, can have the most different reasons and provoking factors for its occurrence - from severe stressful situations to dietary disorders. Therefore, not every person can promptly recognize and correlate a suddenly formed pink spot with scales on its surface with psoriasis at an early stage. You can't do it without the help of a specialist. Timely treatment and subsequent implementation of all the doctor’s instructions are the key to a quick recovery.

The manifestations of psoriasis at the stage of its appearance as an inflammatory process of the skin directly depend on the type of pathology and the background on which the disease developed. It is generally accepted to distinguish the following forms of pathology:

  • ordinary;
  • pustular;
  • point;
  • teardrop-shaped;
  • nail

Typical locations of the disease are the plantar-palmar part, body, scalp, and elbows. Initial psoriasis can be confused with dermatitis. However, the main elements - plaques - have a number of features, according to which the doctor makes a diagnosis, for example, whitish scales.

With psoriasis, the layers of the epidermis on the skin become looser, flaky, and change color to a pink tint. The number of rash elements in psoriasis varies - from single to multiple, merging into a huge defect.

The first symptoms of guttate psoriasis are often mistaken by people for an allergy - food or drug:

The spots in this case are small, pink, and isolated. They form in places that are most susceptible to friction from clothing. There is practically no peeling of the skin.

At the initial stage, spot psoriasis can easily be mistaken for symptoms of other dermatological problems - from allergic urticaria to atypical rubella.

Only an experienced dermatologist can carry out an adequate differential diagnosis. Therefore, it is not recommended to delay consultation with a specialist.

The appearance of plaque-type psoriasis is one of the most common variants of the disease. May appear brightly severe symptoms- multiple round red rashes and barely visible elements.

Initial stage plaque psoriasis is shown in the photo:

The following changes will be observed on the surface of the skin:

  • rounded elements with clear boundaries – Voronov’s rim;
  • rashes with psoriasis are necessarily accompanied by peeling;
  • for the first time elements, usually single ones, can quickly disappear;
  • in the center of the spot, barely noticeable detachments of the epidermis appear - whitish scales.

Typical sites of skin lesions are elbows and knees, head and face. On other parts of the body, plaque elements are diagnosed less frequently.

If you experience the above symptoms when psoriasis appears, it is recommended to immediately consult a dermatologist.

When treating the initial stage of psoriasis, you can quickly get rid of it.

Pustular type of disease

The most severe course is the pustular type of the disease. The early stage of psoriasis will be characterized by the rapid expansion of new areas of the skin.

Generalized pustular psoriasis at an early stage can be quickly recognized from a photo:

The formation of papules occurs rapidly, they are located over large areas of the body. May be accompanied by intense pain and fever. In the affected area, blisters with purulent contents form.

How does psoriasis manifest?:

  • a small bubble appears against the background of a pink spot;
  • the contents of the vesicle turn from light to purulent;
  • there are several more similar elements nearby;
  • gradually they merge into one huge bubble;
  • after opening the defect, erosion or an ulcer that becomes crusted forms in this area.

If single papules appear, for example, in the pubic area or armpits, then we may be talking about a local type of psoriasis with pustules. What the initial stage looks like can be seen in the photo:

The wounds are covered with yellowish crusts, which bleed when removed. If a secondary infection occurs, the course of the disease becomes more complicated. Treatment of psoriasis will require not only local methods of therapy, but also systemic drugs in a hospital setting.

Symptoms of spot psoriasis

The first signs of psoriasis in women with the point type of the disease are small diameter points. In this case, there may be no peeling of the epidermis, or it may be poorly expressed - barely.

Typical locations of elements are face, body, limbs. Rashes are observed on other parts of the body that are most susceptible to friction from clothing, for example, the folds of the groin and armpits.

In the photo, early stage psoriasis can be confused with other pathologies of the dermis:

The final diagnosis will be made by a dermatologist after laboratory and instrumental studies. Treatment at home is allowed, but under the strict supervision of a doctor: diet therapy, ointments and creams for external use, traditional medicine recipes.

Viral infections transmitted by a person, leading to a significant weakening of the immune system, can provoke the appearance of the teardrop-shaped type of psoriasis. Many dermatologists adhere to this version.

Typical areas of localization of rash elements are the feet, palms, and also on the head, psoriasis on which is often mistaken for allergic symptoms. What psoriasis looks like at the initial stage can be seen in the photo:

The rashes initially have a pale pink tint and are small in size. Then they noticeably begin to grow, acquire a rich red color, and become covered with crusts. Sometimes the spots merge.

The most common question is: does psoriasis itch at the initial stage? With this type of disease, the answer to the question is yes. The main complaint of the patient at the doctor’s appointment will be itching, and the nature of the rash will be indicated much later. Treatment tactics boil down to following a diet, taking antihistamines, applying medicinal ointment.

Typical localization sites at the initial stage with photos

Typical areas of the body where psoriatic elements are detected are the scalp, elbows, as well as knees and nails. In children, the disease can begin in natural folds of the skin - inguinal, axillary. Therefore, elements of the rash are taken as symptoms of diaper dermatitis and allergies. And only a doctor after an examination is able to make a correct diagnosis.

However, in some cases, spots and plaques may be located atypically - for example, between the toes or on the nail plates, behind the neck, between the shoulder blades. In this case, the person does not even pay attention to them and self-medicates. The first signs of psoriasis in men and women progress to the next stage - advanced clinical picture diseases. In this case, specialized treatment is required.

What does psoriasis look like on the body at the initial stage?

In most diagnosed cases of psoriasis on the body, the nature of the elements is largely determined by the type of pathology. Defects of the plaque variant are localized in areas of skin friction.

The initial stage of psoriasis is shown in the photo:

Signs of body psoriasis are as follows:

  • the appearance of round spots, shade - from pink to flesh-colored;
  • moderate elevation of the defect above the surrounding skin;
  • the size of the spots varies - from dotted to large, confluent type;
  • peeling - from single scales to abundant crusts of different colors;
  • there may be cracks and erosion on the surface of the elements;
  • itching – from barely noticeable to intense, interfering with work and rest;
  • rarely – fever, in severe cases of the disease.

Depending on the stage, treatment will be prescribed by the doctor - from external agents, for example, ointments, decoctions and lotions, to tablets with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hormonal effects.

At first, scalp lesions appear as small areas of flaking, usually along the hairline. It is often mistaken for banal dandruff, so effective measures - specific treatment - may be delayed.

Photo of the initial stage:

Over time, intense peeling, itching, as well as papules and pustules with serous contents appear, in the place of which crusts form after opening. The skin becomes inflamed, thickened, and painful. Hair, however, does not fall out, since the lesion affects the upper layers of the epidermis, without involving the hair follicles in the process.

Initially, treatment is symptomatic - following a diet, using anti-inflammatory shampoos and ointments. If bacterial or fungal microflora has already joined, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications.

Initial nail damage

Nail damage in psoriasis resembles fungal infection– longitudinal stripes on the nail plate, dots along the edge, increased fragility. The root itself may not be involved in pathological process.

As the pathology progresses, the nail plate thickens and loses transparency. Processes of longitudinal striation and nail delamination are observed. In severe cases, it completely peels off from the underlying tissue.

Modern laboratory research methods help to recognize the disease in a timely manner and carry out differential diagnosis. Treatment of toenails and fingernails - specific ointments, oil tea tree, lotions with medicinal decoctions - must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If you seek medical help early, you can quickly get rid of the disease.

First appearance of psoriasis of the palms and feet

Peeling of the skin of the palmar and plantar areas of the body is not immediately differentiated as psoriasis. At first, people mistake these symptoms for allergic dermatitis or a fungus.

However, as pathologies progress, they add characteristic features– plaque spots, psoriatic scales and crusts, itching. The rash quickly spreads over the entire foot, rising to the knees and above. The spots can spread from the palms to the body or face.

Remission appears to be a subsidence of the main symptoms, but the dark color of the epidermis may persist, but without itching or peeling. Symptoms of psoriasis on the hands last longer due to the fact that this area of ​​the body experiences more aggressive external factors.

Therapeutic tactics are based on the same principles: strict diet therapy, giving up bad habits, using healing creams, lotions, and ointments. The success of the fight against psoriasis lies in following all the doctor’s recommendations.

Development of psoriasis at an early age

Young children are also at risk for the disease, including infants and newborns. This is due to the fact that a predisposition to the disease can be inherited, and under certain conditions, for example - improper care, artificial feeding, the symptoms of the disease will make themselves felt.

How does psoriasis progress in children? early age, you can check with your pediatrician. You should pay attention to the slightest changes in skin color - typical spots and peeling will not always be observed. The first rashes are often detected in the folds - the groin, axillary area.

What to do at the first signs of psoriasis in young children should be decided by the doctor. As a rule, measures are taken to eliminate provoking factors, strengthen the personal hygiene of children, and correct nutrition.

First aid at the initial stage of psoriasis

Faced with the first clinical manifestations illness, it is important not to get confused, but to consult a doctor and begin treatment. It is important to carefully monitor yourself:

  • follow an alkaline diet for psoriasis - foods should be alkalizing internal environment, for example, vegetable salads, puree soups;
  • completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages, because;
  • carefully monitor personal hygiene - take a warm shower, wear underwear made of natural fabrics, lubricate the affected skin with softening creams and oils;
  • walk more in the fresh air - ultraviolet radiation has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • avoid stressful situations– nervous overload and psycho-emotional shocks aggravate the course of the disease;

According to medical statistics, skin diseases are currently rapidly increasing in incidence. specific gravity among the ailments associated with violation immune defense body. More and more people are becoming interested in the phenomenon of psoriasis. This disease raises many questions, because only a few people know how to fight it. In addition, psoriasis looks unpleasant, which causes both fear, disgust, and sympathy for people suffering from this disease.

Etiology of the disease

Psoriasis is one of the types of non-contagious lichen. Not transmitted from a patient healthy people, since its development is provoked neither by infections, nor fungi, nor viruses that are dangerous to the healthy functioning of people. The etiology of this disease has not yet been fully studied and proven, but many dermatologists still agree that psoriasis is a disease directly related to genetic hereditary pathologies.

The risk group for psoriasis includes people of all age groups without exception.

It should be noted that most often it affects:

  • teenagers aged 15 years;
  • young people 18-25 years old;
  • elderly and old people.

The disease manifests itself in both men and women to the same extent. Most often, psoriasis develops against the background of dysfunction of the autonomic and nervous systems, infections with streptococcal infections, and hormonal imbalance.

Psoriasis is the only type of lichen that cannot be treated, turning into a chronic, stable form of lesions of the skin of the body.

By following doctors' prescriptions, you can only muffle the foci of inflammation, which tend to recur under the influence of external irritants.

Provoking factors

Since there is no clearly defined etiology of psoriasis, dermatologists resort to identifying possible root causes of the disease. The main list includes the following:

  • enthusiasm bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • physical fatigue;
  • infectious infection of the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • household skin injuries (insect bites, cuts, burns);
  • occupational skin injuries;
  • hormonal imbalances that occur in adolescence, during pregnancy and lactation, menopause in women;
  • age-related changes;
  • intoxication of the body during colds and flu;
  • taking antibiotics and herbal medicines without a doctor’s prescription;
  • taking medications;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • climate change;
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight on exposed skin.

Psoriasis is more difficult to diagnose diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, obesity, cirrhosis, gallbladder diseases, depression, diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Psoriasis (psoriasis) can manifest itself in different ways. Symptoms (photos below are proof of this) are directly related to the type of disease.

In medical practice, the following types of scaly lichen are distinguished:

  1. Chronic downtime.
  2. Teardrop-shaped.
  3. Pustular.
  4. Flexible parts of the body.
  5. Erythrodermic.

Signs of lichen simplex:

  • formation on the scalp, lower back, knees, elbows of raised dense red plaques from small to large, covered with white scales;
  • severe itching of inflamed areas of the body;
  • destruction of the nail plates, similar to the effects of fungal infections.

Psoriasis vulgaris, as it is also called, can develop asymptomatically; the photo of the initial stage shows slight redness of the skin, while the nail plates have a far from healthy appearance.

Signs of guttate psoriasis:

  • covering the entire body with multiple red microspots, similar to pimples;
  • itching all over the body;
  • inflammation of the skin is observed after infectious diseases of the throat (sore throat, tonsillitis).

This is psoriasis, the initial stage of which resembles chicken pox(chickenpox).

Signs of pustular psoriasis:

  • severe inflammation of the skin on the palms and soles;
  • the formation of deep suppurations in the layers of the skin and black spots with scales in places of abscesses.
  • high body temperature;
  • chills;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • dizziness;
  • physical fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • itching in the area of ​​inflammation and ulcers.

Signs of psoriasis of the flexor parts of the body:

  • appearance on the skin of medium size;
  • the rash is localized under the armpits, under female breasts, in the groin, on the buttocks, on the inner thighs.

Signs of erythrodermic psoriasis:

  • the condition of the skin of the whole body looks like a severe burn, it acquires a bright crimson red tint;
  • the whole body hurts;
  • changes in body temperature are observed, sometimes it is high, sometimes it decreases sharply;
  • with fever, heart rate increases;
  • general health is satisfactory and often requires hospitalization.

Visual symptoms (see photo below) make it clear that psoriasis is a complex rash that goes away on its own over time. This disease requires competent, effective treatment.

Complications and consequences

Psoriasis, which develops against the background of other diseases, has a stable course and frequent relapses. Lack of treatment or its ineffectiveness leads to complications such as:

  • high blood pressure;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • blurred vision;
  • psoriatic hepatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • diseases of joints and blood vessels;
  • oncology.

The course of psoriasis, which reduces the quality of life of people, is accompanied by socio-psychological problems:

  • development of complexes and fears;
  • isolation from the public due to the unattractiveness of the body due to psoriatic skin rashes;
  • deep and prolonged depressive states;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • voluntary renunciation of professional activity;
  • leading a chaotic lifestyle;
  • passion for bad habits;
  • restriction of vigorous activity.

Despite the fact that psoriasis is incurable, sufferers require medical care. To brake inflammatory processes necessary for any type of psoriasis. Medical therapy primarily aimed at eliminating itching and painful sensations, as well as improving the appearance of the skin. In most cases, it is possible to achieve positive dynamics in the patient’s health due to integrated approach to the process of treating a complex disease.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • taking sedative medications;
  • supporting the body with immunostimulants;
  • taking antihistamines;
  • prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs for vascular damage;
  • taking corticosteroids in the form of ointments, gels, creams;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • phototherapy;
  • aromatherapy;
  • ichthyotherapy;
  • plasmapheresis;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of concomitant ailments.

Self-medication of psoriasis can aggravate the problem, so even with the slightest suspicion of the development of psoriasis, you should seek advice from a dermatologist who works on solving it together with endocrinologists, psychologists, neurologists, and therapists.

Preventive actions

If it is impossible to cure psoriasis, then every patient can reduce relapses and the intensity of the disease.

Along with medication practice for lichen, one should adhere to the following recommendations, the implementation of which determines the fullness of life of sick people

. So, their list is as follows:

  • constant monitoring by a dermatologist;
  • compliance with the prescribed;
  • use of natural detergents body care – soaps, shampoos;
  • rejection of synthetic derivatives of modern industry - aggressive washing powders, cleaning products;
  • avoiding contact with allergens that provoke psoriasis;
  • taking healing mud baths;
  • minimizing psychological stress;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • wearing clothes made from natural fibers;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hardening of the body;
  • body massage;
  • timely contact with your doctor.

Psoriasis is non-communicable disease, which affects the skin and its appendages: hair, nail plates. External manifestations are rashes and peeling of the skin, which is where the second name of the pathology comes from - scaly lichen. It is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation with periods of relative stability, or remission. Since it is not caused by microorganisms, it does not carry infectious nature and is not contagious. Medical statistics claim that approximately 3-4% of the population suffers from this pathology. Psoriasis can manifest itself in people of any age, but “prefers” young people: in more than 70% of patients it is detected before the age of 18-23 years.

Why does psoriasis appear?

Psoriasis is an abnormal reaction of the body to external irritants, which results in rapid death of the upper layer of skin in certain areas of the body. Normally, the duration of the cycle of cell division and subsequent maturation is 21-28 days; in this case, the period is reduced to 3-5 days.
Today, most experts tend to consider psoriasis a multifactorial disease of hereditary etiology.
There are several theories about the origin of the disease. According to the first, there are two types of lichen:

  • the first is a consequence of poor performance immune system, affects the skin and is inherited, appearing at a young age;
  • the second makes itself felt after 40 years, affects joints, nails, is not genetically determined and is not associated with a malfunction of the immune defense.

Proponents of another theory argue that the only factor contributing to the development of psoriasis is immunity disorders, which are provoked by a wide variety of factors:

  • infectious diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • cold climatic conditions;
  • alcohol abuse.

In accordance with this theory, scaly lichen is classified as systemic diseases and may extend to internal organs, joints, other tissues. When joints are damaged, so-called psoriatic arthritis develops, which affects the small joints of the hands and feet.
The following factors favor the appearance of the disease:

  • dry thin skin;
  • constant contact with irritating reagents: household chemicals, alcohol solutions, cosmetics;
  • excessive hygiene leading to disruption of the natural protective barrier of the skin;
  • smoking, drug or alcohol consumption (contribute to deterioration of blood supply and skin nutrition);
  • taking certain medications;
  • fungal and bacterial infections;
  • change in climate region;
  • stress;
  • consumption of spicy acidic foods, chocolate;
  • allergic conditions;
  • injuries.

Classification of the disease

How psoriasis begins, how it manifests itself, what its effect on the body is - all these points are determined by the specific type of pathology.
Today there are several classifications of the disease. One of the most common divides psoriasis into two types:

  • non-pustular;
  • pustular.

The non-pustular (or simple) form is characterized by a stable course chronic pathology. This group also includes erythrodermic psoriasis, the main symptom of which is damage to most of the skin.

The pustular variety includes:

  • annular pustulosis;
  • Barber's psoriasis;
  • von Zimbusch psoriasis;
  • psoriasis of the palms and soles.
  • drug-induced form;
  • seborrheic;
  • Napkin psoriasis;
  • “inverse psoriasis” (develops on the flexor surfaces).

Depending on the localization of the pathological process and the characteristics of the manifestation of the first symptoms of psoriasis, the following are distinguished:

  • psoriasis of the scalp;
  • nails (onychodystrophy);
  • pustular;
  • spotted;


Psoriasis is a systemic pathology that, in addition to spreading to the skin and nails, can affect spinal column, area of ​​joints, tendons, immune, endocrine, nervous system. Often there is damage to the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland.

The first symptoms of psoriasis most often are:

  • general weakness;
  • feeling of chronic fatigue;
  • depressed state or depression.

Due to the complex impact of pathology on the body, experts are more likely to talk about psoriatic disease.
And yet the main clinical picture is associated with damage to certain areas of the skin. One of the first manifestations is the appearance of round, bright red or pink papules covered with psoriatic plaques (scales). Their peculiarity is their symmetrical location on the scalp, flexor surfaces, lower back, and less often on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Papules size per early stages is a few millimeters and can subsequently reach up to 10 cm or more. The peculiarity of the rash becomes the basis for dividing the disease into the following types:

  • point, in which the elements are smaller than the head of a pin;
  • teardrop-shaped - the papules are shaped like a teardrop and correspond to the size of a lentil grain;
  • coin-shaped - plaques with rounded edges reach 5 mm in diameter.

Sometimes the rash is arched, in the form of rings or garlands, geographical map with irregular edges.

The top layer of papules are easily removable scaly plaques formed by keratinized epidermis. Initially, scales form in the central part of the plaque, gradually spreading to the edges. The light, loose appearance is due to the presence of air-filled spaces in the keratinized cells. Sometimes a pink ring is formed around the elements, which is an area of ​​plaque growth and the spread of inflammation. The surrounding skin remains unchanged.
When the plaque is removed, a shiny, bright red surface is revealed, formed by capillaries with significantly thinned walls, covered with a very thin film on top. Capillaries are detected due to a violation normal structure the upper layer of skin and its significant thinning. Changes in the structure of the skin occur as a result of incomplete maturation of keratinocyte cells, leading to the impossibility of their normal differentiation.

Psoriasis of the scalp

The main symptom is the appearance of psoriatic plaques noticeably raised above the surrounding skin. They are abundantly covered with dandruff-like scales. In this case, the hair itself is not involved in the pathological process. From the area under the hair, the rash can spread to smooth skin, the neck area, and behind the ears. This process is due fast division keratinocytes in the affected area.

Symptoms of psoriasis of the palms and feet

This form of lichen provokes a significant thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin in these areas. Skin covering becomes rough and covered with cracks. The reason is intensive cell division (their reproduction rate is up to 8 times higher than normal) and preservation on the surface. At an early stage, pustules form on the skin with contents that are initially transparent, but gradually become white. Over time, dark scars form. In most cases, it appears simultaneously on the feet and palms, but sometimes plaques appear in only one area. When the process spreads to the back of the hands, we are talking about another form of psoriasis (not palmoplantar).

Symptoms of nail psoriasis

How does it manifest? This type of disease is characterized by a variety of symptoms. There are mainly two types of plate damage:

  • according to the thimble type, in which the nail is covered with small pits, reminiscent of marks from needle pricks;
  • according to the type of onychomycosis - the affected tissues resemble nail fungus: the nails change color, noticeably thicken and begin to peel off. Through the plate one can discern a psoriatic papule surrounded by a reddish rim, resembling an oil stain.

Dependence of symptoms on the stage of the disease

The manifestations of psoriasis vary depending on the specific season and. Many patients experience a “winter” version of the disease, in which periods of exacerbation occur in late autumn or winter. In the warm season, due to the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, improvement occurs. The “summer” type is quite rare.
During the pathology there are three stages:

  1. Progressive, in which new elements constantly appear, the active growth of existing plaques, the presence of a pink zone around them, severe peeling, and itching are recorded.
  2. Stationary – the growth of papules stops, new rashes do not form, small folds are noticeable on top layer skin, around plaques.
  3. Regressive - there is no peeling, plaques begin to disappear, and as the disease subsides, areas with increased pigmentation remain in their place.

Symptoms of psoriasis in children

Symptoms have some differences, especially in infants. The first signs are not typical. A delimited area of ​​redness appears in the skin folds, which is accompanied by maceration and gradual peeling of the stratum corneum (starting from the periphery). Outwardly, it resembles eczematitis, diaper rash or candidiasis. In children younger age rashes continue to appear in places uncharacteristic for psoriasis (on the skin of the face, mucous membranes of the genital organs, in natural skin folds).
Very often, rashes first develop on the head, under the hair. Here, accumulations of crusts form against the background of moderate infiltration. Another common area for rash localization is areas of the skin exposed to constant friction from clothing or exposure to aggressive medications.
The papules that form on the body gradually merge into plaques with irregular outlines. Their sizes can vary from a lentil grain to a child's hand.
With a drop-shaped form, papular elements are small in size. They appear unexpectedly, quickly covering the body, face, neck, scalp head and extensor areas of the arms and legs.
Psoriasis in children has a long and persistent course. The only exception is the teardrop type, which is characterized by a milder course with long periods of remission. As in the case of adults, there are three stages, or stages, in the development of the disease.

  1. In the progressive stage, small itchy papules with a red rim of peripheral growth appear. Features of symptoms in infancy is a weak expression of pinpoint bleeding, terminal film and the phenomenon of stearin stain. In children, the lymph nodes enlarge and thicken, sometimes they become painful (especially with erythroderma and exudative psoriasis).
  2. Upon transition to the stationary stage, peripheral growth stops, the infiltrate in the center of the plaque becomes flattened and desquamation decreases.
  3. The regressive stage is characterized by resorption of the rash elements. Sometimes a characteristic depigmented rim can be seen around them. Sites former rash lose pigment or, conversely, undergo hyperpigmentation. The lymph nodes become soft and decrease in size.

Diffuse lesions are observed on the child's palms and soles. Cracks and infiltration of the skin are also noted. In the case of common forms of dermatosis, the nails are affected: pinpoint indentations or longitudinal grooves form on them. Severe psoriasis leads to deformation of the nails.

Pustular psoriasis is very rare in children. It can occur in older adults. This disease is characterized by a severe course with a noticeable deterioration in the condition and an increase in temperature.

Arthropathic varieties in childhood do not meet. In rare cases, small patients indicate the presence of joint pain.

Video about psoriasis symptoms

How is the disease diagnosed?

If you suspect psoriasis, you should consult a dermatologist.

  • is based on an external examination, assessment of the condition of the nails, skin, and localization of lesions. As a rule, there is no need for special analyzes.
  • If difficulties arise with making a diagnosis, a biopsy is performed. A skin sample is taken from the affected area.
  • If there is joint pain, radiography is recommended. A blood test is done to rule out other types of arthritis.
  • If guttate psoriasis is suspected, a throat culture for microflora is prescribed to differentiate from acute pharyngitis.
  • A test using potassium hydroxide can rule out the presence of a fungal infection.

Treatment methods for psoriasis

The method is determined by the form of the disease, symptoms and sensitivity to medications.
First carried out local treatment with impact on the affected areas. This avoids the occurrence of an adverse reaction.
There is a technique according to which patients are prescribed soft drugs. If there is no effect, they are replaced with more potent ones. Even if the chosen product is effective, it is changed periodically to avoid addiction.
Gives good results. Their use is advisable for severe and moderate forms of pathology. The disadvantage of this treatment is the high likelihood of serious adverse reactions.
Main groups of drugs used:

  • Retinoids (Tigason, Neotigazon) - eliminate impaired maturation of the surface layer of the skin.
  • Immunosuppressants (Cyclosporin A) - reduce the activity of the immune defense and the activity of T-lymphocytes, which provoke intensive division of skin cells.
  • Cytostatics - drugs for treatment malignant tumors() – stop the reproduction of atypical epidermal cells and their growth.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used:

  • photochemotherapy;
  • selective;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrosleep;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • hyperthermia.

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