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Traction on a traction table. Traction therapy - therapeutic traction of the spine

If you need examination of any organ or system of the body, consult a doctor radiology diagnostics(MRI, CT, X-ray) of the Stolitsa network of clinics. The procedure will be performed quickly and professionally. We work around the clock and cooperate only with the best specialists Moscow.

When should you see a radiology doctor?

MRI, CT, and X-rays are among the most accurate diagnostic methods existing today. To make an appointment with a radiation diagnostics doctor:

  • if you suspect the development of oncology;
  • the need to study the work internal organs and systems (heart, intestines, genitourinary system etc.);
  • to assess the nature and extent of damage resulting from injuries;
  • assess the condition of organs or systems before and after surgery;
  • if necessary, study soft and hard tissues, etc.

We use only the most modern equipment, we guarantee you professionalism and Attentive attitude personnel.

Radiation diagnostic doctor services

The list of services provided by a radiation diagnostics doctor includes conducting an examination and transmitting its results to the patient. The specialist will explain your diagnosis in detail and answer all questions, but will not be able to give further recommendations - this should be done by the attending physician.

Consultation with a radiology doctor

IN Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics There are 7 X-ray rooms, 2 X-ray computed tomography rooms (step-by-step and spiral devices with 16 slices), a magnetic resonance imaging room with a 1.5 T device, 5 ultrasound diagnostic rooms equipped with modern equipment. It is possible to perform X-ray and ultrasound examinations in intensive care and at the patient's bedside. Radiation diagnostics is carried out for children from 0 to 15 years of age.

2 X-ray rooms, X-ray computed tomography and ultrasound diagnostic rooms operate around the clock.
The department employs 45 employees, of which 19 are doctors (4 candidates of medical sciences, 3 with higher qualification category, 2 from the first).

Doctors and average medical staff master the following techniques:
- fluoroscopy gastrointestinal tract, stomach with water-siphon test, examination of the stomach with food intolerance(celiac disease), pneumoirrigoscopy with diagnostic and therapeutic purpose. X-rays of the osteoarticular system, spine with functional tests, pulmonary system, mediastinal organs, organs abdominal cavity, urinary system using contrast agents (intravenous urography, cystography, ureterocystography), paranasal sinuses nose, temporal bones. Linear tomography of the mediastinal organs and lungs.
- X-ray CT scan osteoarticular system, spine, paranasal sinuses, temporal bones, brain, mediastinal and pulmonary organs, abdominal organs, pelvic organs, urinary system and adrenal glands. The study uses a bolus injection of contrast agents to improve visualization of organs.
- magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, pituitary gland, abdominal organs, including MR cholangiography, neck organs, mediastinal organs, spine and spinal cord, hip and knee joints, soft tissues. All studies can be carried out using contrast agents, and it is also possible to conduct non-contrast angio- and venography.
- neurosonography, ultrasound diagnostics hepato-biliary system, functional study of the biliary tract, esophagus, stomach and duodenum, with a water-siphon test, intestines, kidneys, ureters, Bladder(including functional tests), abdominal cavity in acute surgical pathology, thyroid, thymus, mammary glands, adrenal glands, pelvic organs in girls, scrotal organs and prostate gland, testicular vessels with varicocele, skeletal system, large joints, soft tissues, lymphatic system, heart and large vessels. The studies use color Doppler mapping, power Doppler, pulsed Doppler, and 3D imaging.

Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics: Physician highest category Olga Anatolyevna Voronenko with 40 years of experience in radiation diagnostics.

Since its foundation, the department has been a clinical base Department of Radiation Diagnostics And childhood RMAPO, led by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Ivanovich Pykov. The department employs 4 doctors of medical sciences and 6 candidates of medical sciences. Scientific developments are being carried out in all areas of radiology diagnostics, the results of which are being introduced into the practice of the department. The staff of the department constantly provides consultations to patients at the Tushino Children's Hospital.

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