Home Prosthetics and implantation Stepanova from the prostate gland. How do spells and prayers help against prostatitis?

Stepanova from the prostate gland. How do spells and prayers help against prostatitis?

Prostatitis – dangerous disease, which can change a man’s whole life. This disease must be combated with medications, since the cause of prostatitis is the inflammatory process. A conspiracy against prostatitis will help you set yourself in the right mood and speed up your recovery. What is healing magic and how does it work? Read more about this.

When reading a prayer, you need to sincerely believe in its magical power

Magic is an effective means of solving many problems, including health problems. Many people are interested in whether there is a conspiracy against prostatitis and how effective it is. Yes, such conspiracies exist, but the issue of their effectiveness should be discussed in more detail in order to know what you have to deal with.

Magic is a way of concentrating energy and transferring it to the universe (God, higher powers, etc.) to quickly achieve what you want. It really works, but a little differently than everyone used to think.

Treatment of prostatitis with spells will not get rid of the disease with the wave of a magic wand, but will only speed up recovery, helping to concentrate energy at the right point and direct it to restore the body.

The material for work is the own energy or thoughts of a person struggling with a disease.

By performing any ritual and reinforcing it with words, a person is subconsciously already tuned in to positive result. In essence, magic is a variant of self-programming to achieve success, which explains the effectiveness of various rites and rituals.

Those who think that reading a conspiracy or prayer will forever get rid of the disease in a matter of days will be disappointed. Prostatitis cannot be cured with prayer alone, without supporting this action with traditional methods of treating prostate inflammation - pills, suppositories and physiotherapy.

A few words about preparation

Any magic is based on faith, therefore a conspiracy against prostatitis will be effective only if a person believes in it. Most men are somewhat skeptic, especially when it comes to magic and unconventional methods of treatment. To set yourself in the right mood, you should simply ask yourself the question: “What am I losing?” If the magic does not work, the man will not lose absolutely anything - neither time, nor money, nor health. Of course, provided that drug treatment for prostatitis is not abandoned and the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions. If you manage to find in yourself that very faith that makes a magician out of every person, you can be sure that prostatitis will not have a chance.

All rites and rituals backed by a conspiracy are just a way to materialize your desires. Before reading the plot, a person performs a certain sequence of actions. With the right mindset, this sequence of actions influences the subconscious, making it believe that what you want has already happened. The conspiracy further reinforces self-confidence. As a result, an “action-prayer-recovery” connection is formed in the human brain, which starts the process of self-healing. It is precisely these features of the brain that explain why treating prostatitis with spells can really bring positive results.

Thus, in order to cure prostatitis with a conspiracy, you need to believe in your own strength. It is important not to forget: a conspiracy will speed up the healing process, prayer will have a positive effect on faith in the success of treatment, but here medications Magic cannot be replaced. To get a positive result, you need to act, and it’s not enough to read a prayer. To combat prostate diseases, a man needs medications, physiotherapy, lifestyle changes, and only then prayer is underway for prostatitis, which seems to enhance all other remedies. Prayer without traditional treatment will be ineffective, since the man does not take any steps to recover.

Grandmother's plot against illness

Therapy from the prepared mixture lasts for two weeks

This way to “talk” prostatitis is a combination traditional medicine and magic, or rather witchcraft. It combines a ritual, a potion and a conspiracy.

A ritual is the preparation of a potion that will have to be consumed over a period of time. To be fair, it should be said that the potion in this case is quite effective folk medicine from prostatitis.

To prepare it you need to mix three chicken eggs with the juice of three lemons until foam forms. Then add 200 ml of honey and cognac to the mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and stored in the refrigerator.

The potion must be prepared during the full moon. As the moon wanes, the symptoms of prostatitis will go away.

You need to take this medicine 1 large spoon 30 minutes before each main meal. The course of treatment is 14 days. Before taking the medicine, you need to read the plot:

“The moon is big and my illness is strong. Let the moon go away and take the illness with it. As the moon becomes small, there will be no trace of illness left. Amen."

For the first time, the medicine should be taken on the night of the full moon so that you can see the full moon from the window.

How to speak water to make prostatitis go away?

From time immemorial, sorcerers and healers have used water to treat various ailments. The enchanted water was considered “living” and helped to get rid of prostatitis, among other things.

There are two options for performing the ritual.

  1. On a full moon you should take a bath hot water by adding 2 large spoons sea ​​salt, the same number of calendula and St. John's wort flowers. Before getting into the bath, you should read a prayer for health. Then, while in the water, the man must read the spell: “Three monks walked, each carrying a purse. The salt fell from one purse, but my pain remained in its place. The calendula fell from another bag, and in its place the disease remained. The third monk dropped his wallet, and the St. John's wort fell out of it and sprouted shoots. So my masculine strength sprouts and strengthens, but the monks put a curse on my illness. Their path is far away, but they must make it in time for the new moon. The devil will take away the disease, and he himself will be ill, but I will walk healthy and strong. Amen." This ritual should be repeated for 14 days.
  2. On men's day (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday), you should fill a mug with water and take it in your left hand. Then read the following spell: “As the Holy Apostolic Council is strong, so my male flesh stands strong. Just as the faith of the monks is strong, so will my male health be strong. Just as my word flies with the wind, so does my illness fly away forever. Let me be heard. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Then their mugs take 12 sips, repeating the spell after each. It is necessary to wash the genitals with the remaining water, saying: “The water, blessed by the Holy Spirit, is strong, so my male health will become strong. Amen."

Which spell to choose is a personal matter for everyone, since both described rituals are among the most effective means of combating prostatitis.

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

According to ritual custom, after its completion, you need to indulge in love pleasures

There are many different conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova for prostatitis. The simplest of them is on the female tree.

Pine, birch, willow or quince are used as female trees. You need to take a block of this tree and split it into 6 parts with an ax, trying to get identical pieces of wood. Then two triangles are laid out on the ground, facing the sun.

Note! The ritual is carried out on the waxing moon, preferably at 10-11 am.

Then the man must stand so that his legs are in the center of the two resulting triangles. One hand should be placed at the level of the solar plexus, the other in the groin area. Then the following words of the conspiracy are read: “Eternal luminary, share your power with me. As the sun rises, so let my masculine strength rise. As the sun sets behind the horizon, my illness will go away with it. Let it be so. Amen."

Then you need to burn the logs in the fire, and collect the ashes in your hand when they burn out. Then you should throw the ashes into the wind, saying: “Fly the wind, take my illness away. Let it scatter in the wind, to no one more harm without causing harm, let illness leave our land and not return. I am charged with the sun, ready to fulfill my masculine duty. Amen."

The final part of the ritual is the most enjoyable. At sunset, you need to make love to your wife to consolidate the result.

Tree plot

Another simple ritual is to wake up at dawn, go outside and urinate under the first tree you come across. While urinating, you should say: “I’m releasing my illness, I won’t let it back in.” Let him go into the ground and never come back. Hold back, tree, the disease in the ground and don’t let it out. Amen."

Then you should return home, without looking back and without speaking to anyone along the way.

A simple healing prayer

Another simple way is to read a prayer for health. Each man must come up with the text of the prayer independently. Main principle- this is an appeal to God so that he grants good health. A prayer should be read every time you take medicine. An example of a prayer: “Grant, Lord, health to your son, God’s servant (name of the man). May I be strong and strong, and may my masculine strength be strong. Amen."

When to expect the effect?

After the offensive positive symptoms There is no need to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

As already mentioned, the conspiracy and prayer are read to consolidate the effect of drug therapy. The main purpose of the rituals is to speed up recovery. The effect should be expected on average 10-14 days after the ritual. Some men claim that thanks to prayers they were able to achieve recovery faster. So, if the tablets acute prostatitis help in an average of 10 days, prayer speeds up the recovery process and symptoms noticeably decrease after 5 days. It is important to remember: easing symptoms and improving well-being is not a reason to stop taking medications. The course of treatment should last as long as recommended by the doctor.

Let us note right away that jokes about prostatitis are bad. When the first signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Conspiracies are only a secondary method of treating an illness.

Let's look at the main conspiracies and prayers from the healer Stepanova, and others folk recipes cure the disease.

Stepanova's conspiracies and recipes for prostatitis

The first conspiracy for prostatitis should be read on the outgoing moon:

“Where did you spend the night and sleep, Mother Lady? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? “I saw a wonderful dream, I won’t beg about it to anyone, and I won’t tell it.” My lips, be silent when I sleep.

Close my mouth with a golden lock, Mother of God, and lock it with Your key. The first word of the Mother of God, the second of the guardian angel, the third of mine is empty and silent. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The following spell prayer for prostatitis is read in the morning, during sunrise, during the waxing moon. You need to find peace in a quiet place, hidden from all prying eyes.

Many men will really like this prayer, as it has a rather pleasant ending. What to do:

  • Using an ax, split the female tree into six equal parts (for example, fir, pine, alder, birch are suitable, but not aspen).
  • At a shoulder-width distance, you need to lay out two triangles from these logs.
  • Take off your shoes and put both nights in triangles.
  • Left hand press to the solar plexus area.
  • On the right, take a round piece of the same wood and hold it near the heart.

Turning to the east, say:

“Light of God, give part of your power to the servant of God (name). You are on the rise, and so is she, you are at the zenith, and he lived uphill. When you roll towards sunset, the servant of God (name) will arrange a feast in his house, and will run his vein into the hollow female place.

The course of the sun will slow down, and an intimate matter will happen with the servant of God (wife’s name). And it will be so, and no other way. And forever and ever. Amen".

After this prayer has been said, it is necessary to light a fire from the chopped wood. After the tree burns out and the coals have cooled, you need to draw a cross on the ashes using an oak branch and say:

“It’s time for God’s servant (name) to get into the sun. His vein is working. Amen".

Then you need to silently leave, taking this branch with you, at sunset you need to put it under your pillow, and then have intercourse with your wife.

Grandmother's conspiracy of prostatitis

This "grandmother's" drink has several useful properties, and also has healing effect.

  • Take three chicken eggs that were laid no more than three days ago, squeeze the juice from three lemons, take 200 grams of honey and cognac;
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  • The resulting mixture should be taken daily, 1 tablespoon three times, half an hour before meals.

But, before consuming the mixture, you need to perform a conspiracy ritual:

“The monk carried the staff. He’ll take the belt for himself and give me my health. The disease will bring the devil back. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

An effective conspiracy for prostatitis

This ritual must be performed at least twelve times. During this entire time, you cannot give anything to anyone from home.

There is a conspiracy for the waning moon. You need to speak to the water in the bathroom and sit in it. First, a prayer for healing is read, and then the conspiracy itself.

Important! The first time the plot is read on the waning moon, and all the other 11 - day after day, sequentially.

Conspiracy for prostatitis on the waning moon

“All the holder, the Lord, the Holy King, not killing and punishing, the statements that fall and raise not erupted, correcting the sorrows of man’s body, we cry to You, our God.

Bless your weak servant (name), give him your mercy, forgive the sinner, voluntary and involuntary.

Lord, show Your healing skills, tame passion and all stagnant infirmities, becoming Your servant (name) a healer. Raise him sickly from his knees and the bed of bitterness, make him perfect and whole.

So You are, our saving and merciful Lord, and we give glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

After this, you need to pronounce the conspiracy itself:

“Three monks are walking, they are carrying three schemas. Take the staff and belt. Put the disease on your belt and bring back the line.

Give me health. 3 trails, 3 monks, 3 schemas. 3 monasteries, 3 Bibles.

Lord, heal me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy against prostatitis from Natalia Stepanova

This prayer against prostatitis should be spoken only in men's days weeks - Thursday, Monday and Tuesday.

You need to chant the water, which you then drink 12 times. The remaining water should be used to rinse the male flesh.

What needs to be said:

“How firmly he stands on four legs
Holy Apostolic Council,
So tightly
I attach all my male flesh

For an ardent desire, for a long life,
And may God's blessing be on this water
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

And here is a recipe for a special infusion for the disease from Stepanova.

Wanting to enhance the effect of traditional and traditional therapy, many patients make a conspiracy against prostatitis. For it to be effective, all stages of the ritual must be followed exactly. Men who practiced this treatment noted a significant improvement in their condition. If a person believes in the power of prayers and spells, he should supplement the main therapy with such an unconventional technique.

To perform a ritual, you must initially tune in to it. A person must sincerely believe that it will work. If there are doubts about the effectiveness of prayer or conspiracy, then you should not count on a positive result.

Anyone who decides to make a conspiracy against prostatitis must first ask higher powers blessings. It makes no difference whether the patient believes in the existence of God or not. You just need to believe that there are higher powers in the world that can help solve the problem. These are the ones you need to contact.

The request for blessing and help must come from the heart. Only in this case can it be called sincere. How exactly to ask, each person decides for himself. He can choose quite ordinary words. The main thing is that they convey the entire essence of the request. If possible, it is necessary to light a church candle, which is a symbol of obedience and faith.

Absolutely anyone can carry out such preparation for performing a ritual with prayer or a conspiracy that will make prostate treatment for prostatitis successful.

During the plot, it is advisable to light a candle

Grandmother's plot

One of the most popular rituals for treating the prostate gland from prostatitis is the grandmother’s plot. To carry it out, you need to remember these words:

“The monk carried the staff. He’ll take the belt for himself and give me my health. The disease will bring the devil back. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

After pronouncing them out loud, you need to drink a special drink that was prepared in advance. It is believed to have healing effects. And the words of the conspiracy only strengthen its effect.

To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to take the following ingredients:

  1. Lemon (3 pcs.);
  2. Eggs (3 pcs.);
  3. Cognac (200 g);
  4. Natural honey (200 g).

Eggs that were laid no more than 3 days ago are suitable for this recipe. You need to squeeze the juice out of fresh lemons. After this, it is mixed with the remaining ingredients. It is recommended to take the resulting medicine 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day about 30 minutes before meals. At the same time, one should not forget to pronounce the spell to make the treatment more productive.

For a conspiracy to work, you must sincerely believe

Water spell

A spell against prostatitis can be done using water, as it has special healing properties. With its help, it is possible to cure damaged cells and restore the body's strength. That's why experts alternative medicine It is often recommended to use water during a therapeutic course aimed at eliminating certain diseases of the internal organs.

To make water as beneficial as possible, it should be charmed. Afterwards it will be suitable for use for medicinal purposes.

You can speak the water, which you then drink to treat prostatitis, yourself. Although healers and witches are often asked to do this.

Men should drink the charmed water at special days, in which rituals to improve health and strength have a strong effect. Such rituals are best performed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If a man wants to make a spell on his own to cure inflammation in the prostate, he should take 1 liter of potable water. You need to say the following words over the container with it:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Apostolic Council stands firmly on four legs, so firmly do I fasten all my male flesh: On long life, to ardent desire, and let this water be God's blessing. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now the water is charmed and ready to be received. You need to take exactly 12 full sips. Whatever remains should be used to wash the genitals. This ritual needs to be repeated on men's days. That is, 3 sessions are held per week.

Even science recognizes the special energy of water

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Healer Natalya Stepanova offers her spell for the treatment of prostatitis, which should help get rid of severe symptoms diseases. It must be read on the outgoing moon. During the ritual you need to say the magic words:

“Where did you spend the night and sleep, Mother Lady? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? “I saw a wonderful dream, I won’t beg about it to anyone, and I won’t tell it.” My lips, be silent when I sleep. Close my mouth with a golden lock, Mother of God, and lock it with Your key. The first word of the Mother of God, the second of the guardian angel, the third of mine is empty and silent. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Treatment with this spell must be supplemented with drug therapy. It is not recommended to be used as monotherapy.

Tree plot

There is one more plot to choose from, which is done on a tree. It must be read in the morning at sunrise. It is best to choose the period of the waxing moon. To carry out a healing ritual, you need to find a secluded, quiet place that is hidden from prying eyes. This is a mandatory condition that must be adhered to.

For the prostatitis spell to work, you need to perform a series of actions and read the plot. To begin with, a man should use an ax to split the female tree into 6 equal parts. The choice may fall on birch, pine or alder. It is not recommended to choose aspen.

From the resulting logs you need to lay out 2 triangles. They should be positioned at the same width as the man's shoulders. Now you need to take off your shoes and place both feet in the middle of the figures.

The left hand must be pressed in the area where the solar plexus is located. With your right hand you need to hold the round piece of the cut down tree, placing it next to the heart. All that remains is to turn to the east and say the spell:

“Light of God, give part of your power to the servant of God (name). You are on the rise, and so is she, you are at the zenith, and he lived uphill. When you roll towards sunset, the servant of God (name) will arrange a feast in his house, and will run his vein into the hollow female place. The course of the sun will slow down, and an intimate matter will happen with the servant of God (wife’s name). And it will be so, and no other way. And forever and ever. Amen".

“It’s time for God’s servant (name) to get into the sun. His vein is working. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, it is necessary, without saying a single layer, to take an oak branch and leave. At sunset it is placed under the pillow. Afterwards you need to have sex with your wife. This is the last action of the ritual for prostatitis.

It is important to perform every action correctly

Healing prayer

This healing prayer for prostatitis is effective. It is used by men who are worried about the symptoms of inflammation in the gland. Treatment of prostatitis with spells and prayers will bring positive results if all stages of the ritual are performed correctly.

Men with prostatitis usually turn to higher powers for help when they lose faith in doctors. It is necessary to read the prayer for recovery with your head bowed and getting rid of unnecessary thoughts. It consists of the following words:

“Almighty! Heavenly Father! Grant healing to me!

Our Father, I believe holy in you.

Great God, I believe in you, loving.

Your name is powerful, the adversary will have no strength,

My prostate will heal.

Holy is the name of God in my land.

He is being treated with decoctions, the servant of God (name), who is sick.

I’m healing, saving sick flesh,

My God, Savior, a strong stronghold.

My God, my God, my salvation,

Herbal potions are your blessing.

Deliver me from evil illness, from hundreds of shackles,

Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Amen! (3 times)".

You should not expect that after the first reading of a prayer or conspiracy, the patient’s condition will improve significantly. This process will take a lot of time. So the man will have to be patient.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting the “Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Middle-aged men are well aware of the disease - inflammation of the prostate gland, which brings them great trouble. If left untreated, it can lead to impotence. But with competent, professional treatment, the disease recedes. Although except drug treatment, you can try a spell for prostatitis, which our ancestors used with success.

Our ancestors left us a legacy of many different rituals and rituals that cure serious illnesses and illnesses with one condition: you need to believe in them unconditionally. Conspiracies for prostatitis will also definitely help if you believe in them with all your heart and follow everything prescribed, without deviating from the rules.

To perform the ritual correctly, you need to find a small log from the female tree in advance. Birch, fir, pine, spruce will suit you.

Important! Do not use aspen under any circumstances, it is considered a cursed tree and is used only in black magic.

On the waxing Moon, before sunrise, split this log into six small logs, and fold them into two triangles on the ground at a distance of about one meter from one another. bare feet stand in the middle of the figures, the left hand should lie on the solar plexus, and the right hand with a piece of wood on the heart. Turn your face to the east and say:

“Red sun, God-given luminary, share the power given to you with the vein of God’s servant (name). Just as you are on the rise, so you lived on the rise, just as you are at the zenith, so she is at the apogee, and as you retire, at sunset, so the slave (name) will have a feast in his hut, running his vein into the hollow female place , and if the course of the luminary is completed, then the intimate affair of the slave (name) will be completed. It will only be this way and no other way, and forever and ever. Amen".

After this, you need to pray to God and thank him with all your heart and soul for life, and ask for health for yourself, your family, and everyone who loves and hates you. Make a fire from the logs and wait until it burns out completely and until all the logs turn to ash. Then draw a cross on the ash with a piece of wood that was held near the heart and say:

“God's servant (name) followed the red sun, his man lived again at work. Amen".

Hide this piece of wood under the pillow at sunset, secretly from your wife. And after this, it is imperative to continue the ritual: to have intercourse in bed with your wife. On the third day, wrap the wood in red cloth and hide it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes.

If you conduct any magical rituals, don’t tell anyone about them and don’t brag about the results.

A simple spell for water

Let the wife or sister, or mother of a man suffering from, go to a well or spring for water, and bring a bucket clean water. You can't talk to anyone on the way there or back.

On the brought water, read the spell three times:

“Just as Sunday meets Monday, and Tuesday meets Wednesday, and Thursday meets Friday, and Saturday, a lonely day, has no friend - a girlfriend, so the servant of God (name) no longer has an illness - a cursed illness. Amen".

Use charmed water to wash a sick man in the morning and evening for a week.

When asked if there is a conspiracy for prostatitis, strong and effective, which will help immediately and unconditionally, we will answer that there is, but this does not mean that you need to refuse treatment from doctors and follow their instructions. All alternative methods treatments are good as an additional remedy to traditional treatment.

The right remedy

This treatment is carried out for at least twelve sessions, and during this time nothing should be given away from home.

First, a prayer for prostatitis is read for healing, and then a spell is recited over the water in the bathroom. After this, the patient sits in the water and reads the plot all the time.

This ritual is performed only on the waning moon, from the full moon to the new moon.

Text of the holy prayer:

“O Heavenly King, Almighty, do not punish, but bless your sinful servant (name), forgive him his voluntary and involuntary sins, grant him Your mercy.

Lord our God, show your miracle, your healing ability, tame passions and heal infirmities, become your servant (name) a healer, raise him from his knees and from the bed of sorrow, make him healthy and strong.

For you, our Lord, are Holy and Saving, delivering from all sorrow and illness, and we give glory to you. Amen".

After reading the prayer, a conspiracy is read and it is read all the time while you are taking a bath. For greater effect, you can cook decoction from herbs: chamomile, elecampane, yarrow and add to water.

“Three schema-monks are walking, three schema-monks are carrying, take the belt, take the staff, hang the disease on the belt, return the devil. Give me health. Give three troporas, three monks, three schemas, three belts, three staves, three monasteries and three Holy Bibles.

Lord, heal me, restore my health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ritual from a Siberian healer

The name of the famous healer Natalia Stepanova is known to everyone interested in unconventional methods of treatment. Its rites and rituals have special power and will certainly help everyone who believes in them.

This ritual is performed only on men's days of the week.

You need to bring well or spring water (can be purchased at the store), drink it from a full glass twelve times and say with each sip: “Lord, help.” Then cast a spell on the remaining water and wash the male flesh with it.

“Just as the Holy Apostolic Council stands confidently on its own feet, so I firmly strengthen my masculine strength, for an ardent desire, for a long life, may God’s blessing be on this water, help me in illness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Healing infusion from Stepanova

For a long time, people were treated by healers with infusions and herbs, which returned them health and strength. This is a recipe for a special infusion to restore male strength and cure prostatitis.

  1. Finely chop 100 g of young aspen bark.
  2. Wash and dry 10 g of young oats and 250 g of vodka.
  3. Mix everything and put it in a dark place for a week.
  4. Drink 15 drops three times a day before meals.

You need to drink this infusion for a long time, from a month to three, and do not stop treatment with a doctor.

Remember! Alternative treatments can be used after talking with your doctor, and great value has your faith in the success of healing.

Useful video: conspiracies of the Siberian healer

Grandma's secret

This infusion, which our grandmothers used, has many beneficial properties that strengthen our immunity, and in addition, produces healing effect against male impotence. To prepare you need:

  1. Buy three of the freshest chicken eggs at the market.
  2. Squeeze the juice from three lemons.
  3. Mix 200 g of buckwheat honey and cognac.
  4. Mix all ingredients and leave for three days in a dark and warm place.
  5. Drink a teaspoon half an hour before each meal.

“The holy monk carries a belt, takes a staff for himself, gives me my health, and returns my illness to hell. Amen".

Useful video: Prayer for healing from prostatitis


Treatment of such a serious disease as prostatitis is a long and painstaking process. You can’t rely only on, first be sure to consult a doctor and let folk conspiracies And magical rituals will serve as an aid in healing.

The spelling process is carried out in compliance with the rules, the implementation of which is prerequisite. Conspiracies are pronounced during the waning moon. This time is considered a period of restructuring of the entire human body, spiritual cleansing and divine penetration into its essence. For this reason, conspiracies read exclusively during this time period are most effective.

The special word order was created specifically due to the fact that the disease is quite capable of leading to the development of infertility or the formation malignant tumor. Therefore, the petitioner focuses on increasing libido and returning potency. In addition to conspiracies, herbal tinctures are often used. Their use occurs during therapeutic therapy.

Perhaps the most famous is the infusion of Horsetail. To prepare it, take 2 liters boiled water and at least 4 tbsp. l. dried grass. After mixing the ingredients, the mixture is left for 40 minutes, and then filtered and the tincture is ready. Drink the drink throughout the day. Duration of admission – 1 month. After a week's break, you can repeat the course twice.

Prostate adenoma: treatment with folk remedies at different stages

Treatment methods for prostate adenoma early stage worth noting as conservative. Treatment regimens with folk remedies can also bring excellent results.

For a more serious stage of prostate adenoma, treatment with folk remedies is possible as complex therapy to medication. Symptoms of the disease cannot always be identified independently; the disease is often discovered by men over 45 years of age during a routine examination by a urologist.

How to treat prostate adenoma with folk remedies? Is it possible to cure prostate adenoma with folk remedies? To treat prostate adenoma with folk remedies, consultation with a specialist is required. Some folk remedies Even as a prophylaxis against prostate adenoma, they will give a good result.

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, the specialist prescribes medicinal, surgical or non-surgical treatment.

The most effective medications for the treatment of prostate adenoma in men

Cross yourself three times, kiss the icon and wash yourself with holy water.

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Just as the holy Apostolic Council stands firmly on four legs, so firmly and firmly do I anchor my masculine flesh: for long years, a fierce desire, and may God’s blessing descend upon this water. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen (3 times)."

You need to take 12 sips of the charmed water, and wash the rest of the male genital organ.

Prostate adenoma is a more harmless disease than prostate cancer, but no less insidious. According to statistics, this is the most common pathology genitourinary system, which awaits men after 45 years. Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) causes a lot of pain. Effective treatment prostate adenomas in men - medications of a medicinal nature.

Unconventional treatment - a conspiracy for prostatitis

Then stand for another 3-5 minutes, hugging the tree, and you can collect the bark. Collect so that the tree does not die afterwards. When you get home, cross yourself and put the bark to dry. To avoid having to wait long, you can put it in the oven to dry. Then chop and distribute 150 grams into three parts.

Do this ritual with each bottle. The contents are poured into a bottle and placed in a dark place for 14, 21 and 28 days.

You can spend years visiting doctors' offices, you can drink liters of infusions and decoctions according to traditional medicine recipes, you can even surrender to the hands of a surgeon, but you will never get rid of the problem until the end of your days. Hope in a doctor, healer or grandmother is hope in an ordinary mortal person. His intervention does not always bring healing, giving only temporary relief.

“Almighty! Heavenly Father! Grant healing to me! Our Father, I believe holy in you. Great God, I believe in you, lovingly. Your name is powerful, the adversary will not have strength, My prostate will be healed. Holy is the name of God on my land. Heal with decoctions, servant of God ( name), sick. I am being treated, saving sick flesh, My God, Savior, a strong stronghold. My God, God, my salvation, Herbal potions are your blessing. Deliver me from evil ailments, from hundreds of shackles, Now, and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen! (3 times)".

Treatment of prostatitis is a long process, even in combination of spells and prayers with drug therapy. To avoid having to suffer from this disease, it is best to take care of men's health from childhood. But, if, nevertheless, the illness has settled in the body, do not rely on prayers alone. The main assistant is modern medicine. And only then – conspiracies.

Since ancient times in Rus' they used special words, whispering, which helped to achieve desired result. Such whispering is called a conspiracy. This ritual is used in most different cases life. Especially often - for medicinal purposes.

The conspiracy will not work if you do not believe in it. With all your heart, with all your soul, strive for recovery, let every word pass through yourself.

In Rus' there are a lot of conspiracies for prostatitis. However, every man must understand: such a ritual becomes only an addition to the main treatment.

Prostatitis is a dangerous, insidious disease that leads to serious, irreversible consequences. Therefore, the disease must be treated under the supervision of a urologist and follow the doctor’s advice.

Prayer will be a good addition to complex therapy, a kind of cherry on the cake. Special words will help the patient psychologically, set him up for recovery, and restore faith in the best.

Before performing any magical action, you need to properly tune in to it. Know clearly: it will help. Do not doubt this for a second, which is very important.

Next, you need to ask for blessings from higher powers to carry out the ritual. Whether a man believes in God or not is not important. The name of God is equally irrelevant. In any case, even the most unbelieving person knows for sure: there are some higher powers that help us. It is from these higher powers that you should ask for blessings to carry out the ceremony.

This request must come from the heart. Sincerely, a person must ask the higher powers for help and blessings to carry out the conspiracy. Simple words you have to figure it out yourself. You can light a church candle, which symbolizes a person’s obedience.

These simple preparations anyone can do it. They will set the man up to carry out the conspiracy itself.

Several years ago I myself began to experience unpleasant symptoms of this disease. Doctors confirmed initial stage. As a believer, I first of all turned to God in prayer. Scripture says that every illness is not from God, but only a consequence of our wrong state of mind, that is, deviation from the Divine path (the Bible calls this sin).

You can go to doctors for years, carry out treatment with various folk remedies, and in despair expose yourself to surgical intervention, but remain with your own problem for the rest of your life. Hope in doctors and healers is ultimately hope in a person who is as mortal as the rest of us. The operation, at best, will provide only temporary relief; at worst, additional complications.

It is written: “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

Whenever any illness invaded my life, first of all I raised my eyes to my Healer - Jesus Christ. So, when the symptoms of prostatitis appeared, I did not consult with people, did not try to be treated with any folk remedies, did not place my trust in doctors, but relied on the Word of God, which says: “But He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our illnesses (Isa. 53:4).

I declared to God: “Lord, you have healed me many times from various diseases according to my faith in Your Word. Now, deliver me from every cause of prostate disease. After all, You already took away all my weaknesses and illnesses 2000 years ago and nailed them to the cross with Your body. By Your stripes I have already been healed. I see Your light penetrate into the prostate area and restore complete balance to my entire immune system.

You have already taken upon yourself every cause of this disease - prostatitis. I see my prostate gland as young, strong, healthy. Your Divine oil fills it, renews it, heals it. Rivers of living water flow through my prostate, nourish it, it blooms like a palm tree in the desert, like a rose in the garden. I proclaim youth, strength, health to my prostate gland and complete balance and harmony. Thank you for healing from prostatitis, dear Heavenly Father. Praise and glory be to You forever. Amen.

This is roughly the kind of prayer I prayed every day for about two to three months. And my prayer of faith was answered. Symptoms of prostate disease are gone, just like the flow goes away muddy water after a rainstorm.

Also, for preventive purposes, I daily proclaim youth, strength, and health to the prostate gland. The Lord is my Healer. He created me, His hands formed all my organs, and He knows perfectly well how to deliver His children from their ailments. Thank Him for everything that He has done, is doing and will do in my life.

The Lord also put it on my heart to pray for the healing of all those men who are still associated with the disease of prostate adenoma.

Dear friend, do not rush to despair, do not rush to subject yourself to surgical intervention. Know, Lord, that our Healer wants to touch you with love and free you from a painful illness. All you have to do is believe Him. Look at the Cross of Calvary, see there the Son of God, crucified for our iniquities. Study carefully His wounded body, and you will see on Him all your illnesses and all your infirmities, which Jesus took upon himself. In return, he clothed you with the shining robes of health, holiness and righteousness. Just believe His Word and you'll be healed.

By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I have prepared for you an audio recording of a prayer for healing from prostatitis. Listen and heal. God bless you.

To quickly get rid of prostatitis and cure it forever, at the first symptoms you should go to the hospital. If you completely cannot trust doctors, also try to help yourself by reading a conspiracy to get rid of prostatitis. Only your actions should be an addition, and not the basis of treatment, which should be prescribed by a specialist, as well as observing the course of the disease.

Traditional methods therapies involve the use medicines, which, however, can cause a number of side effects:

  • violations blood pressure;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • temporary loss of sexual desire.

The disadvantages of drug therapy include its high cost.

Traditional methods of getting rid of prostate adenoma

Treating prostate adenoma at home has many advantages. Firstly, folk remedies, while maintaining effectiveness, are practically free of side effects. Exception - individual allergic reaction into individual components. Secondly, these are completely natural methods that helped our ancestors fight the symptoms of the disease. The most effective means considered for treatment:

  • Oak bark;
  • propolis;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • parsley;
  • tomatoes (heat-treated fruits contain beneficial lycopene).

Proven folk remedies containing these components effectively combat the unpleasant manifestations of prostate disease. They speed up the recovery process epithelial cells, relieve swelling, and also have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Their regular use can reduce discomfort and eliminate problems with the urination process.

For prostate adenoma, treatment at home should be integral part complex therapy, in combination with methods of official therapy. Also traditional way is an excellent remedy prevention of adenoma formation.

Stepanova's conspiracies and recipes for prostatitis

“Where did you spend the night and sleep, Mother Lady? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? “I saw a wonderful dream, I won’t beg about it to anyone, and I won’t tell it.” My lips, be silent when I sleep.

Close my mouth with a golden lock, Mother of God, and lock it with Your key. The first word of the Mother of God, the second of the guardian angel, the third of mine is empty and silent. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The following spell prayer for prostatitis is read in the morning, during sunrise, during the waxing moon. You need to find peace in a quiet place, hidden from all prying eyes.

Many men will really like this prayer, as it has a rather pleasant ending. What to do:

  • Using an ax, split the female tree into six equal parts (for example, fir, pine, alder, birch are suitable, but not aspen).
  • At a shoulder-width distance, you need to lay out two triangles from these logs.
  • Take off your shoes and put both nights in triangles.
  • Press your left hand to the solar plexus area.
  • On the right, take a round piece of the same wood and hold it near the heart.

“Light of God, give part of your power to the servant of God (name). You are on the rise, and so is she, you are at the zenith, and he lived uphill. When you roll towards sunset, the servant of God (name) will arrange a feast in his house, and will run his vein into the hollow female place.

The course of the sun will slow down, and an intimate matter will happen with the servant of God (wife’s name). And it will be so, and no other way. And forever and ever. Amen".

“It’s time for God’s servant (name) to get into the sun. His vein is working. Amen".

Then you need to silently leave, taking this branch with you, at sunset you need to put it under your pillow, and then have intercourse with your wife.

Pour 1 cup of onion peel into 1/2 liter of water, which must first be rinsed in a colander. Boil the husks in an enamel saucepan for 7 minutes. Make sure that the water does not boil too much.

Then let it brew for 40 minutes, strain and add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 5 days. Then take a five-day break, and then take it for another 5 days.

In between, do salt wraps. Prepare a linen diaper of such a size that you can use it to make diapers for yourself. Soak the diaper in the solution, wring it out and wrap it around for 2-3 hours. Prepare a solution at the rate of 2 liters of water per 200 g of salt.

Consequences of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland, accompanied by inflammatory processes in this area. This is enough dangerous disease, which can have serious consequences without timely correct treatment.

As the disease progresses, disturbances in the body may include the following:

  • damage to the urinary system, after which, as a result of infection of the body, the spread of harmful bacteria occurs in neighboring sections;
  • changes in the prostate gland due to inflammation, leading to disruption of secretion and functioning of this body, muscle swelling, tissue atrophy, stone formation;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system organs in the form of decreased potency, libido, infertility and even impotence.
  • nervous disorders consisting of anxiety, nervousness, depressed state, apathy;
  • other consequences such as metabolic disorders, as well as negative changes in the partner’s body due to the penetration of pathogens inflammatory process into various systems.

The medical interpretation of this disease is as follows: a nonspecific inflammatory process of the prostate gland. May occur after hypothermia (in children or adolescence did not sit on the cold ground, steps or concrete parapets in a circle fun company?), after urological examinations using instruments or a catheter.

Complications as a result of this disease are severe:

  • Abscess of the anal area.
  • Abscess of the urinary system.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Perineal abscess.

And the worst problem of any man is impotence.

Of course, treatment for prostatitis with prayers alone is categorically unacceptable. But conspiracies will provide great moral support to the patient. Faith in healing works miracles stronger than even the most miraculous drugs. Why not give it to someone who is trying with all his might to be cured.

Proper diet for adenoma

Men suffering from prostate diseases need to remember that products containing tyramine can cause complications. These are coffee, cheeses, sausages, cottage cheese, wine and soy. They contribute to exacerbation of the inflammatory process and an increase in the area of ​​hypertrophied tissue.

Prostate diseases are treated by completely changing your diet. It should be based on low-fat foods, vegetables and grains.

The raw food diet is gaining popularity. With such a diet, there is a decrease in the metabolism of hormones involved in the development of prostate adenoma.

A nutritionist will help you develop an individual diet based on your body’s needs.

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