Home Hygiene Biology presentation on the topic “Arachnids. Presentation on the topic "class arachnids" Small harm, big benefit

Biology presentation on the topic “Arachnids. Presentation on the topic "class arachnids" Small harm, big benefit

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Class Arachnids Arachnida (lat. Arachnida) - a class of arthropods from the subtype of chelicera (Chelicerata). The most famous representatives: spiders, scorpions, ticks. The author of the presentation is Arkhipova T.S.

Arachnids, like insects, live everywhere. They are distributed up to 80 ° N. sh., to the altitudinal limit of life in the mountains and are found even in the air, thousands of meters above the ground, where they are carried by the wind along with pieces of cobwebs. The science of arachnids is called arachnology.

The cephalothorax bears 6 pairs of appendages: 4 pairs of legs; a pair of pedipalps, which most arachnids use as tentacles or pincers; and a pair of chelicerae playing the role of grasping jaws (there are no chewing structures). There are no antennas. The eyes are always simple. In representatives of some groups, such as scorpions, the abdomen is elongated into a long tail. Features buildings.

The internal structure of the spider

According to its characteristics, the web is a unique material. It is five times stronger and seven times lighter than steel. The web can be stretched by 15%, and it will return to its original shape. Not a single artificial polymer can boast of such properties.

All arachnids, with the exception of some mites, are carnivorous, usually eating insects and other small animals, which they mostly catch alive. Only the liquid tissues of the prey are sucked out (external digestion), no solid particles are swallowed. Most arachnids are armed with venom glands, although only a few are dangerous to humans.

Most arachnids destroy flies, which is of great benefit to humans. Many types of soil mites are involved in soil formation. Many species of birds feed on spiders. The meaning of arachnids

Scabies cause great harm. They can get into the skin of animals and humans, gnawing passages in it. In humans, they usually settle between the fingers. The most dangerous disease, spread by blood-sucking mites - taiga encephalitis. The carrier of its pathogens is the taiga tick.

There are many arachnids that cause great damage to human health and the number of commercial domestic animals. Of the spiders, the karakurt living in Central Asia, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. Horses and camels often die from its poison. Dangerous for humans and scorpion venom. The bite site turns red and swells, nausea and convulsions appear. Render needed help Only a doctor can help the victim.

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slide 2

External structure spider

gossamer warts

slide 3

The internal structure of the spider

  • slide 4

    slide 5

    A spider weaving a web.

    Spiders can move very quickly.

    Little spiders travel through the air

    They hold on to the cobwebs, and they are carried by the wind.

    Spiders themselves secrete the substance from which the web is formed.

    All spiders are capable of this.

    slide 6

    tunnel spider

    At different types spiders form networks is different.

    Slide 7

    A monarch butterfly caught in a web.

    The web is sticky. All insects in it

    are caught.

    Slide 8

    Why is a web needed?

    The web is a remedy


    Breeding and protecting offspring

    Slide 9

    Garden spider and dragonfly

    Then a spider comes, injects poison and eats the victim.

    Slide 10

    Spiderlings of an ordinary cross crawl out of a cocoon


    Spider with cocoon

    slide 11

    Class arachnids (squads)

  • slide 12

    Squad Spiders

    Tarantula karakurt (black widow)

    slide 13


    wolf spider

    spider crab

    Slide 14

    Detachment of haymakers

  • slide 15

    Scorpion Squad

  • slide 16

    Squad Ticks

  • Slide 17

    Ixodid tick bite causes disease spinal cord in humans

    Slide 18

    If a tick bites a person who has not received a vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis, you must apply within the first 48 hours for medical care

    Slide 19

    Small harm, big benefit.

    Spiders that have settled in houses clog the walls of our dwellings with cobwebs.

    Few of the spiders are poisonous; they are, of course, dangerous to people who live where there are many poisonous spiders.

    But the benefits are invaluable!

    Slide 20

    A spider is a friend to man!

    They feed on insects, often harmful. Destroying them, spiders benefit a person.

    Spiders are catching in the net

    five hundred insects per day.

    Flies predominate in this catch.

    slide 21

    After all, a fly, it only looks harmless. On the body of one fly alone, 20 million microbes were counted! And such terrible, from which people get sick with tuberculosis, anthrax, cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, various worms .. Mankind would all die. Only the enemies of flies, mainly spiders, save us from such a nightmare.

    Origin of Spiders Spiders were the first among the earliest animals to live on earth. The ancestors of modern spiders were an arachnid, thick enough large sizes. For a fairly long period of time, this arachnid insect lived in the water.

    Ancient spiders The first ancestors, which were already similar in body structure, and in other ways, to modern spiders were Attercopus fimbryungus. Attercopus fimbryungus lived about three hundred and eighty million years ago, that is, about one hundred and fifty million years ago before the first dinosaurs appeared on the planet.

    Most of the early spiders, the so-called segmented spiders, that is, those that already had a fairly well-formed abdomen, belonged to the Mesoselai variety. The Mesoselai group was distinguished by the fact that the place from which they unwound the web was in the middle of their abdomen, and not at the end of the abdomen, as in their modern "relatives".

    Weaving a web A spider begins to weave a web with a single web that soars in the air until it catches on some kind of support

    Subject: biology

    Teacher: Talitskikh Marina Vladimirovna

    Educational institution: MBOU - secondary school, Vesele village, Mozdok district

    Theme: "Arachnids"

    Basic provisions to the topic:

    1. - Class Arachnids.

    - Representatives of arachnids are eight-legged land arthropods, in which the body is divided into a cephalothorax and abdomen, connected by a thin constriction or fused.

    - Arachnids do not have antennae.

    - Six pairs of limbs are located on the cephalothorax - chelicerae, leg tentacles and four pairs of walking legs. There are no legs on the abdomen. Their respiratory organs are lungs and trachea.

    - The eyes of arachnids are simple. Arachnids are dioecious animals.

    - The body length of various representatives of this class is from 0.1 mm to 17 cm. They are widely distributed around the globe. Most of them are land animals. Among ticks and spiders there are secondary water forms.

    - The class of arachnids includes up to 60 thousand species.

    2. The external structure and lifestyle of spiders- rice. 91 p. 120

    - cross spiders(so named for the cross-shaped pattern on the dorsal side of the body) can be found in the forest, garden, park, on the window frames of suburban and village houses. Most of the time, the spider sits in the center of its trapping web of sticky thread - cobwebs.

    - The body of the spider consists of two sections: the cephalothorax and the spherical abdomen. The abdomen is separated from the cephalothorax by a narrow constriction. At the anterior end of the cephalothorax are four pairs of eyes, and at the bottom are hook-shaped hard jaws - chelicerae. With them, the spider grabs its prey. There is a canal inside the chelicerae. Through it, poison from the poisonous glands located at the base of the chelicerae enters the body of the victim. Next to the chelicerae are short, covered with sensitive hairs, the organs of touch - the leg tentacles. Four pairs of walking legs are located on the sides of the cephalothorax.

    - The body is covered with a light, strong and rather elastic chitinous cuticle. Like crayfish, spiders periodically molt, dropping their chitinous cover. At this time they are growing.

    - At the lower end of the abdomen there are three pairs of arachnoid warts that produce cobwebs - these are modified abdominal legs.

    - In a spider, as in crustaceans, the body cavity has a mixed nature - in the course of development it arises when the primary and secondary body cavities are connected.

    3. Digestive system

    - The cross spider cannot eat solid food. Having caught prey, such as some kind of insect, with the help of a web, he kills him with poison and lets digestive juices into his body. After some time, the contents of the caught insect liquefies, and the spider sucks it out. Only the chitinous shell remains of the victim. This type of digestion is called extraintestinal.

    - The digestive system of a spider consists of a mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. In the midgut, long blind outgrowths increase its volume and absorption surface. Undigested residues are brought out through the anus.

    4. Respiratory system.

    - The respiratory organs of a spider are the lungs and trachea. Lungs or lung bags are located below the abdomen, in front of it. These lungs evolved from the gills of distant ancestors of aquatic spiders. The spider-cross has two pairs of non-branching tracheas - long tubes with special spiral chitinous thickenings inside. They are located in the back of the abdomen.

    5. Circulatory system

    - spiders are open.

    Heart has the form of a long tube located on the dorsal side of the abdomen. Depart from the heart blood vessels. Like crustaceans, spiders have hemolymph circulating in their bodies.

    6. excretory system

    - It is represented by two long tubes - Malpighian vessels.

    - With one end, the Malpighian vessels blindly end in the body of the spider, with the other they open into the posterior intestine. Metabolic products are removed through the walls of the Malpighian vessels, which are then brought out. Water is absorbed in the intestines. That. spiders conserve water, so they can live in dry places.

    7. Nervous system

    - The spider consists of the cephalothoracic node and numerous nerves extending from it.

    8. Reproduction.

    - Fertilization in spiders is internal. The male carries sperm into genital opening females with the help of special outgrowths located on the front legs. After a while, the female lays eggs and wraps them in cobwebs. This is how you get a cocoon.

    - The eggs develop into small spiders. In autumn, they release cobwebs, and on them, like on parachutes, they are carried by the wind to long distances- resettlement is taking place.

    9. Variety of arachnids

    Ë Spiders

    Ë Haymakers

    Ë Scorpions

    Ë Ticks

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