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What size is the submarine. The largest submarines

IN Russia is completing construction of the largest nuclear submarine in the world.
It was developed at the Rubin-Sever Design Bureau, the Severodvinsk branch of the St. Petersburg Central Design Bureau Rubin. And there will be no missiles on this boat... perhaps there will be a torpedo))) Western analysts believe that this boat and torpedo with artificial intelligence and a 100-megaton nuclear charge will be the same breakthrough as Armata...

"Belgorod" is called the largest large research nuclear submarine, which is a carrier of manned and uninhabited underwater vehicles. Officially, its customer is the Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research (GUGI) of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The record will be set for the length of the boat. The longest submarine in the world is the Akula Project 941, whose length is 172.5 m. The Belgorod is almost 12 meters longer - 184.
"Belgorod" is a boat according to the updated "Antey" project (project of submarines with cruise missiles 949A). Thus, “Belgorod” can even be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world.

It is assumed that Belgorod will study the bottom of the Russian Arctic shelf, search for minerals at great depths, and also lay underwater communications. In particular, with the help of deep-sea vehicles, nuclear underwater modules will be installed on the seabed, designed to charge uninhabited underwater vehicles. The submarine will ensure the deployment of a global system for monitoring the underwater situation, which the military is building on the bottom of the Arctic seas. But not only)))

Representatives of the Navy list all this functionality with indispensable reservations: “according to some data”, “there is reason to assume”, “probably”... This stems from the fact that Belgorod, as well as another Project 09851 submarine being built in Severodvinsk "Khabarovsk" are the most secret boats of the Russian Navy. And the Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research has a controversial relationship with them. This is eloquently evidenced by the fact that not a single representative of the GUGI was present at the ceremonial laying of these two boats.

Perhaps, in addition to their civilian functions, these boats will become carriers of a strategic unmanned torpedo with a nuclear reactor as a power plant, with a unique range, artificial intelligence and a 100-megaton warhead. This torpedo was called "Status-6".

Washington Free Beacon columnist Bill Hertz recently published an article citing a statement from a US intelligence source, which states that Russian sailors successfully tested “an unmanned nuclear submarine capable of carrying a multi-megaton nuclear warhead.” A submarine took part in the tests special purpose B-90 "Sarov". Hertz calls this weapon revolutionary, since designers in the USA and other technologically advanced countries of the world have not yet approached this idea.

Thanks to its excellent characteristics in terms of speed, stealth and depth, Status-6 has an increased ability to overcome US anti-submarine defenses with a range of 10,000 km and a diving depth of 1000 meters.

Even if it is detected by the SOSSUS anti-submarine sonar system, which monitors the US coast for underwater invasion, the UUV will easily escape any NATO torpedo at maximum speed. In addition, possessing intelligence, “Status-6” is capable of performing complex maneuvers.
The fastest American torpedo, the Mark 54, has a speed of 74 km/h, that is, according to minimal estimates, 26 km/h less. The deepest European torpedo, the MU90 Hard Kill, launched in pursuit, can travel no more than 10 km at a maximum speed of 90 km/h.

The strategy for using Status-6 can be different. The device can act both as an impact weapon and as a weapon of guaranteed deterrence. In the second case, the UUV can arrive at its destination and lie low, waiting for a signal to detonate the warhead. The signal can be sent through an ultra-long wave channel, since only ultra-long waves penetrate the water column. The result is a weapon of deterrence, ready to work instantly. Without wasting time on approaching and “swimming”. And this means, no matter how close to the borders of Russia they are nuclear forces rival, our nuclear charge has already been delivered to the potential aggressor, all that remains is to detonate it. So let's be better friends. And live, don’t bother...)))

Main sources: svpressa.ru/war21/, vpk-news.ru, 42.tut.by and other Internet.

The Soviet Union and the United States maintained nuclear parity with each other until the early 70s. Neither side had an overwhelming superiority over each other in the number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles. In the USSR, they relied on silo installations of nuclear intercontinental missiles and a nuclear submarine fleet. Strategic aviation was small in number and did not have the qualities that would provide it with air superiority over the enemy. In the United States, on the contrary, at that time there already existed a nuclear triad, in which the main emphasis was on strategic aviation and silo launchers of ICBMs.

However, even such a large number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles, capable of repeatedly destroying all life on the planet, could not satisfy either the Soviet or the American side. Both countries were looking for a way to create a first strike advantage. The rapidly developing arms race in this direction led to the emergence of the largest submarines in the history of mankind, the Soviet Project 941 Akula-class nuclear submarines.

Reasons explaining the appearance of the steel monster

The huge steel monster, the size of a 9-story building, was a response to the appearance of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine in the US Navy. This submarine could carry 24 intercontinental missiles. Not a single submarine in the USSR possessed such firepower. The presence of such submarines by the enemy negated the existing balance in delivery means, which had been achieved with such difficulty by that time. Project 941, developed in the Soviet Union, could not only deprive the Americans of superiority in the naval component of the nuclear triad, but also provide a certain advantage.

This is what caused the next round of the naval arms race. Work began to boil in Soviet design bureaus and overseas. Each country tried to be the first to create a strategic submarine missile carrier.

The reasons for the appearance of a ship of this size are explained by the technical side of the issue. The thing is that the Soviet nuclear submarine was created with the expectation of being ahead of the Americans in terms of the power of its missile salvo. The Project 941 nuclear submarine was supposed to carry on board the new R-39 intercontinental ballistic missiles, which were superior to the American Trident-1 intercontinental missiles deployed on the Ohio-class missile submarines. The Soviet nuclear baton could carry 10 nuclear warheads, instead of the 8 on the American missile, and the R-39 missile flew much further than its American counterpart. The new Soviet rocket had three stages and, according to the project, was supposed to weigh up to 70 tons. Having such specifications main weapon, Soviet designers had to solve a difficult problem - to create an appropriate launch platform.

In addition, it was planned to immediately install 20 such missiles on the new nuclear submarine missile carrier. The commissioning of new Soviet nuclear-powered ships was supposed to cool the militant ardor of overseas strategists. As foreign sources noted, the Soviet Typhoon-class Shark submarine, according to NATO classification, could wipe out the entire West Coast of the United States with one salvo. The presence of 3-4 missile carriers of this type by the Soviets would threaten the entire territory of the United States, not to mention the vulnerability of the territories of NATO allies.

The enormous destructive power akin to a typhoon strike, which the Soviet submarine possessed, became the reason for it to be given the appropriate name “Typhoon” in the West. According to the classification, Project 941 boats had the code “Typhoon”.

For reference: According to the NATO classification, “Akula” submarines were Soviet multi-purpose submarines of the “Shchuka-B” type of Project 971, built already in the mid-80s. The NATO code “Akula” was assigned to these ships after the name of the lead ship of the K-284 “Akula” nuclear submarine project, which entered service with the Pacific Fleet in 1984.

Birth of a record holder

In the Soviet Union, there have already been cases of creating record-breaking equipment. This includes the world's largest transport aircraft, the AN-22 Antey, and the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker, Lenin. In military terms, the USSR also caused a lot of trouble for the American military, creating excellent military equipment. Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles latest generation terrorized overseas. The navy did not lag behind in this regard, so the world's largest nuclear submarine, the Akula, did not come as a surprise to the Soviet country.

The Soviet ship, built in the early 80s of the 20th century, remains to this day an unsurpassed achievement of design thought. In many technical respects, the new nuclear submarine is rightfully considered the most ambitious Soviet military project. The technical dimensions of the ship alone are amazing, not to mention the cost of building a ship of such scale. The length of the ship is 173 meters, and the width of the hull is 23 meters. The hull of the boat is a steel cigar the size of a 9-story building. Only the draft of the boat was 12 meters. These dimensions also corresponded to the huge displacement. The Soviet submarine missile carrier had the displacement of a World War II battleship - 50 thousand tons.

In terms of displacement, the Akula nuclear submarine was three times larger than its opponent, the Ohio-class submarine. If we talk about the name of the ship, the Soviet version is of folk origin. Even on the slipways, the boat began to be called a shark. This comparison was so successful that it subsequently took root in military and political circles. For the first time, the general public called the new nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Shark" General Secretary Central Committee of the CPSU L. I. Brezhnev.

For reference: In the Russian fleet, the first submarine, called “Shark,” was created back in 1909. The designer of the submarine was Ivan Bubnov. The boat died in the First World War during a military campaign.

The designers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Equipment, the flagship of the Soviet shipbuilding industry, handled the task of developing a project for a Soviet underwater super-cruiser perfectly. In 1972, Leningraders received technical assignments for the development of a project for a third-generation strategic nuclear submarine. The design work was headed by the talented Soviet designer S.N. Kovalev, who already had completed and successful projects behind him. His offspring roamed the seas and oceans, remaining a reliable shield of the Soviet state. Since 1973, after the decision of the Soviet government, work on the creation of the project began within the walls of the Rubin Central Design Bureau.

The place where new ships of this size were built was the Sevmash enterprise. For the construction of new ships, a new boathouse of enormous size was specially erected on the shipyard territory. Dredging work was carried out in the water area of ​​the shipyard to allow the passage of ships of such a large displacement.

Three years later, the first lead submarine of Project 941 was laid down on the Sevmash stocks. The ship received the factory index TK-208 (heavy cruiser - 208). In total, it was planned to build 7 ships under this project over the next 10-15 years. It should be noted that Soviet designers managed to overtake their American colleagues by earlier creating a ready-made project for a new submarine missile carrier. The launch of a new Soviet submarine of colossal size in September 1980 came as a real shock to the Americans. The first Ohio-class boat launched in December 1981, when the Soviet missile carrier entered the active fleet.

Over the course of 8 years, from 1981 to 1989, 6 vessels of the same type were built in the Soviet Union. The seventh ship planned for construction remained on the stocks, even taking into account the fact that the main hull structures for the submarine were ready. The construction of Soviet nuclear missile carriers of Project 941 was provided by more than 1000 related enterprises. At the Sevmash shipyard alone, 1,200 people worked on the construction of the ship.

An interesting detail: of the 6 ships built according to the project, the very first one turned out to be the longest-lived. The KT-208 submarine, launched back in 1981, continues to be in service today. Now this is the TPRKSN (heavy strategic missile submarine cruiser) “Dmitry Donskoy”, KT-208 boat of Project 941.

Design features of the Project 941 submarine missile carrier

For the uninitiated, the boat is a huge whale-shaped steel cigar. However, for specialists Special attention It’s not so much the size of the ship that causes this, but its layout. The submarine has a double-hull design. Behind the outer shell of a lightweight steel body is a dual main robust body. In other words, inside the boat there are two separate buildings, located parallel to each other according to the catamaran pattern. Durable cases are made of titanium alloy. The torpedo compartment, central post and aft mechanical compartments on the ship are placed in closed compartments, capsules.

The space between the two durable hulls is filled with 20 silo launchers. The conning tower is shifted to the rear of the boat. The entire front deck is one big launch pad. This arrangement of launchers implies the possibility of simultaneous launching of all ammunition. In this case, the missiles should be launched with a minimum time interval. The Soviet missile carrier is capable of launching missiles from surface and submerged positions. The working immersion depth for launch is 55 meters.

The ship has 19 compartments, each of which communicates with the others. Horizontal rudders are installed in the light hull of the bow of the boat. The conning tower has a reinforced structure, specially designed for the emergency ascent of the ship in conditions of the presence of a continuous ice sheet on the surface. Increased strength is key distinctive feature Soviet missile carriers of the third generation. If American Ohio-class nuclear submarines were built to patrol the clear waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, then Soviet submarines mainly operated in the waters of the Arctic Ocean, therefore the ship’s design was created with a safety margin capable of overcoming the resistance of an ice shell 2 meters thick.

On the outside, the boat has a special anti-radar and soundproof coating, the total weight of which is 800 tons. Another feature of the ship's design is the presence of life support systems in each individual compartment. The internal layout of the boat is planned and equipped in such a way as to ensure the survival of the ship's crew in the most unforeseen situations.

The heart of the nuclear-powered ship is two OK-650VV nuclear reactors with a total power of 380 MW. The submarine is set in motion through the operation of two turbines with a capacity of 45-50 thousand l/s each. Such a huge ship also had propellers of the appropriate size - 5.5 m in diameter. Two 800W diesel generators were installed on the boat as backup engines.

The nuclear-powered missile carrier on the surface could reach a speed of 12 knots. Underwater, a submarine with a displacement of 50 thousand tons could move at a speed of 25 knots. The working diving depth was 400 m. At the same time, the boat had a certain reserve of critical diving depth, amounting to an additional 100 m.

A ship of such large size and with such performance characteristics was controlled by a crew of 160 people. A third of this number were officers. The interior living quarters on the submarine were equipped with everything necessary for a long and comfortable stay. Officers and midshipmen lived in comfortable 2- and 4-berth cabins. The sailors and petty officers lived in specially equipped cubicles. All living areas on the boat were served by an air conditioning system. During long cruises, the ship's crew, free from combat shifts, could spend time in the gym, visit the cinema and library. It should be noted that the ship’s autonomy exceeded all standards existing before that time - 180 days.

Main comparative characteristics of the Project 941 ship

The Soviet nuclear-powered ship, which entered service in 1981, had a significant superiority in comparison with other foreign-built ships of the same type. The likely opponents of the Soviet III generation missile carrier were:

  • American Ohio-class nuclear submarine with 24 Trident ICBMs on board, 18 units built;
  • English nuclear submarine "Vangard" with 16 Trident ICBMs, 4 units built;
  • French nuclear submarine Triumphant with 16 M45 ICBMs, 4 ships were also built.

The Soviet nuclear submarine was three times larger than all the listed ships in terms of displacement. It had a total weight of 51 tons for a salvo of 20 R-39 ICBMs. British and French submarines were significantly inferior to the Soviet missile carrier in this parameter. British and French nuclear submarines could fire warheads weighing a total of 44 tons at the enemy. Only American Ohio-class submarines, of which less than two dozen were launched, could compete with the Soviet underwater giants.

No other ship, domestic missile carriers of projects 667BDRM and 955, could compare in displacement and combat power with Akula-class submarines. Soviet nuclear submarines, launched in the 80s of the last century, formed the basis of the nuclear missile power of the USSR and became the basis for the nuclear naval component of modern Russia.

The nuclear-powered icebreaker KT-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" remains the only operational ship of this class as part of the Russian Navy. Two vessels, KT-17 Arkhangelsk and KT-20 Severstal, were put into reserve in 2006 and 2004. respectively. The final decision on the fate of these two legendary ships has not yet been made. The nuclear submarine KT-208 received a new name in 2002 - KT-208 “Dmitry Donskoy”. The boat is the only one of all ships of this type that has retained its technological resource. This, in turn, made it possible to carry out on the ship in 1999-2002. modernization according to project 941M. The purpose of the modernization was to re-equip the ship for the new Bulava SLBM.

There are no plans to equip the ship with new ballistic missiles. The submarine is used as a self-propelled floating test complex for new types of missile technology. The decision of the high government commission was to extend the life of the vessel until 2020. The nuclear-powered missile carrier is based at the Zapadnaya Litsa naval base and is part of the Russian Northern Fleet.

By the beginning of the 70s, the main participants in the nuclear race, the USSR and the USA, quite rightly placed their bets on the development of a nuclear submarine fleet equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles. As a result of this confrontation, the world's largest submarine was born.

The warring parties began to create nuclear-powered heavy missile cruisers. The American project, the Ohio-class nuclear submarine, envisaged the deployment of 24 intercontinental ballistic missiles. Our answer was the Project 941 submarine, provisionally named “Akula”, better known as “Typhoon”.

History of creation

Outstanding Soviet designer S. N. Kovalev

The development of Project 941 was entrusted to the team of the Leningrad TsKBMT Rubin, which was led by the outstanding Soviet designer Sergei Nikitovich Kovalev for several decades in a row. The construction of the boats was carried out at the Sevmash enterprise in Severodvinsk. In all respects, it was one of the most ambitious Soviet military projects, still stunning in its scale.

“Akula” owes its second name - “Typhoon” to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Brezhnev. This is how he presented it to the delegates of the next party congress and to the rest of the world in 1981, which fully corresponded to its all-destructive potential.

Layout and dimensions

The size and layout of the nuclear underwater giant deserve special attention. Under the shell of the light hull there was an unusual “catamaran” of 2 strong hulls located in parallel. For the torpedo compartment and the central post with the adjacent radio-technical weapons compartment, sealed capsule-type compartments were created.

All 19 compartments of the boat communicated with each other. The horizontal folding rudders of the “Shark” were located in the bow of the boat. In case it surfaced from under the ice, provisions were made to significantly strengthen the conning tower with a rounded lid and special reinforcements.

“Shark” amazes with its gigantic size. It is not for nothing that it is considered the largest submarine in the world: its length - almost 173 meters - corresponds to two football fields. As for the underwater displacement, there was also a record here - about 50 thousand tons, which is almost three times higher than the corresponding characteristic of the American Ohio.


The underwater speed of the main competitors was the same - 25 knots (just over 43 km/h). The Soviet nuclear one could remain on duty in autonomous mode for six months, diving to a depth of 400 meters and having an additional 100 meters in reserve.
Comparative data on modern SN RPLs
Project 941 Ohio Project 667BDRM Vanguard Triomphant Project 955
A countryRussiaUSARussiaGreat BritainFranceRussia
Years of construction1976-1989 1976-1997 1981-1992 1986-2001 1989-2009 1996-present
Built6 18 7 4 4 2
Displacement, t





Number of missiles20 R-3924 Trident16 R-29RMU216 Trident16 M4516 Mace
Throwing weight, kg2550 2800 2800 2800 n.d.1150
Range, km8250 7400-11000 8300-11547 7400-11000 6000 8000

To propel this monster, it was equipped with two 190-megawatt nuclear reactors, which drove two turbines with a power of about 50 thousand hp. The boat moved thanks to two 7-bladed propellers with a diameter of more than 5.5 meters.

The “combat vehicle crew” consisted of 160 people, more than a third of whom were officers. The creators of the “Shark” showed truly fatherly concern for the living conditions of the crew. For officers, 2- and 4-berth cabins were provided. Sailors and foremen were located in small cubicles with washbasins and televisions. All living areas were supplied with air conditioning. In their free time off duty, crew members could visit the pool, sauna, gym or relax in the “living” corner.

The 19th century was marked by a number of science fiction predictions. One of these seemingly incredible projects was the Nautilus submarine, invented by the writer Jules Verne. By that time, there was only one all-metal submarine from which missiles were launched - the submarine of the Russian scientist Schilder.
However, soon the technological progress of all countries was forced to produce similar ships in connection with the outbreak of hostilities. During Civil War In the United States, the first ship was sunk by a submarine. Already in the First World War, all leading countries had a submarine fleet. Submarines have been recognized as an effective weapon for warfare.
Much has changed since then: submarines began to be produced in different sizes, from the smallest to the gigantic, with their own nuclear reactors on board. Submarines are used not only for military purposes, but also for peaceful purposes - as research bases.

10. Astyut (Estute)

Astute class submarines are operated by the British Navy. As of 2014, these submarines were the most advanced designed in England. By 2018, the construction of 3 such boats was completed, and 4 more are being prepared for launching. In 2012, testing of these submarines was completed successfully, and the Astyuts demonstrated their ability to effectively launch two Tomahawks simultaneously to successfully hit a target.
The names of the submarines of this class are Estute, Embush, Artful (on this moment active), Odeishes, Anson, Agamemnon (laid down and awaiting completion) and Ajax (a contract for release has been signed).
The length of these boats reaches 97 m in length, immersion depth - 300 m, displacement - 7,800 tons. "Astyut" is equipped with 6 480 mm TA, missiles of the Tomahawk and Harpoon types and additional TA of 533 mm caliber.


Seawolf was the American response to the Soviet Shchuka-B cruisers during the Cold War. Initially, it was planned to build twelve such submarines, however, only 3 were launched until 1998, after which the project lost its relevance.
The length of the Seawolf hull is 107.6 m. The maximum diving depth is 600 m. The speed of boats of this class is 18 knots. Surface displacement is 10,500 tons, underwater displacement is 12,200 tons. The armament on these ships includes 8 660 mm TA, torpedoes and Tomahawk missiles.

8. Condor

The Condor is the first of the giant submarines in service with the Russian fleet. By 2018, our army is armed with two Condor cruisers, each of which is 110.5 m long.
The Condor's hull is made of titanium alloy, which is much lighter and stronger than standard metals, which allows the ship to dive to greater depths than its predecessors, and do so much more unnoticed by enemy reconnaissance equipment.
There are two representatives of this type of submarine: “Zubatka” and “Perch”. In the future, it is planned to modernize both ships at the Zvezdochka CS. This means a complete overhaul and debugging of submarine systems, as well as the installation of the latest navigation systems and the Caliber cruise missile system.
The maximum diving depth of the Condor is 600 m. Submarines of this class can reach speeds of up to 35 knots under water. Displacement -10,400 tons. The Condor's armament consists of 6 TA 533 mm, torpedoes and Granat-type cruise missiles, as well as 8 man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Igla" and "Igla-1".


Despite the fact that “Pike-B” is somewhat inferior to “Condor” in length (111.7 m), it is somewhat “heavier”, having over 13 meters in width. Shchuka-B is a Soviet design, one of the largest nuclear submarines at the time of its release. Unlike the Condors assembled later, the Pike has a steel hull.
Project 971 existed from 1983 to 2001, moving into the jurisdiction of Russian Federation. During the period of its release, the project has undergone several revisions and changes. As a result of the modification, the “Pike” received the names “Nerpa”, “Cheetah” and others, and in the West they are called “Improved Akula”.
By 2018, there were 4 operational submarines of this class left. They are armed with 4 650 mm and 2 533 mm TAs, Kalibr-PL and Strela-ZM missile systems. The maximum diving depth of the “Pike” is 600 m, displacement is 12,700 tons.


One of the few European countries armed with giant submarines is France. The Triumphant class submarines were built between 1989 and 2009. 4 of the planned 6 units were launched.
The length of each is 138 meters. The maximum diving depth is more than 400 m. Equipment is four 533 mm torpedo tubes, 10 torpedoes, 8 Exocet SM39 cruise missiles. Displacement – ​​14,300 tons.


Four Vanguard-class submarines are in service with the British Navy. These are nuclear giants almost 150 meters long, the construction of which began in the nineties of the last century.
The Vanguards are equipped with four 533 mm caliber TAs, sixteen Trident II D5 missiles and torpedoes. The maximum diving depth is 400 m. Correspondence between surface and underwater displacement is 15,100 and 15,900 tons.

4. Delta

“Delta” is not a separate class, but a collective name for a series of nuclear submarines developed in the USSR. “Delta” included submarines of the “Squid”, “Dolphin”, “Murena” and “Murena-M” series.
The most advanced modification of the Delta, the Dolphin, has a length of 167.4 m. 7 Dolphins were built, 5 of which are still in service with the Russian submarine fleet.
"Delta" is equipped with 4 TA 533 mm, 12 torpedoes, 16 ballistic missiles and up to 8 anti-aircraft missile systems "Igla" and "Igla-1". The maximum diving depth is up to 650 meters. Surface displacement - 11,700 tons, underwater - 18,200 tons.


Ohio is the largest submarine in service with the United States. Today they actively patrol the country's borders, spending up to 60% of their time underwater. At the same time, the submarines of this series are quite old - the first of them was launched in 1081. The length of the Ohio nuclear giant is 170.7 m.
Due to its enormous size, the Ohio is capable of carrying more than 20 Trident II missiles and over 150 Tomahawk missiles. To launch projectiles, the Ohio is equipped with 4 TA 533 mm. Ohio's displacement is 18,800 tons.


"Borey" is somewhat inferior to "Ohio" in the length of the hull (170 m), but is almost a meter wider, due to which it has a greater displacement. This is a Russian submarine, which is one of the most advanced designs in the world. By 2027, Russia plans to launch 14 ships of this type. It is planned that “Borey” will replace “Delta” and “Shark”, which will be discussed further.
"Borey" can reach speeds of up to 29 knots. The Borey's displacement is 24,000 tons. The submarine's equipment is 6 TA 533 mm, 6 hydroacoustic countermeasures of 324 mm caliber, torpedoes, cruise missiles "Onyx" and "Caliber", as well as 16 launchers of the Bulava complex. "Borey" can truly be called deadly.

1. Project 941 “Shark”

The largest existing submarine is the domestic Akula, known in the West as the Typhoon. Sharks were developed during the Cold War to counter the American threat. The length of this steel nuclear predator is 172.8 m. Surface displacement is over 23,000 tons, underwater displacement is 48,000 tons. The strategic purpose of the project was a long-term “ambush” in the Arctic Circle, from where, according to the plan, ballistic missiles were to be launched at enemy targets. shores.
"Sharks" were built for long-term autonomous navigation. The height of these ships is comparable to modern nine-story buildings. Inside each Project 941 cruiser there were five residential blocks, in which the crew had access to gyms, swimming pools and even a real bathhouse. The decor and furnishings of the premises were more like a luxury hotel than a military facility. Even the doorways in the underwater giants' quarters were full-size, unlike most other submarines.
A total of six ships from the Project 941 series were built. Unfortunately, they did not last long - less than 10 years later they were decommissioned due to the high costs of their maintenance. At the moment, only one modified submarine from this series remains afloat - Dmitry Donskoy. It is used to test Bulava-type ballistic missiles.

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