Home Plaque on the tongue Special Medical Unit. Omedb

Special Medical Unit. Omedb

- (SAL),

- separate medical battalion (omedb), and

- forces and means of the medical service of units and divisions of the division.

Tasks of the medical service of the division:

1 Organization and implementation of a system of measures to provide medical care to the wounded and sick, their treatment.

2. Organization and implementation of medical measures in order to maintain combat capability, improve the health of personnel, and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases.

3. Carrying out medical measures to protect personnel from weapons of mass destruction.

4. Continuous improvement of medical support for units of the division based on a deep analysis of the nature of the preparation and conduct of hostilities, the features of the occurrence of the course and nature of combat injuries and diseases, as well as the achievements of medical science and the practice of the experience of the medical service.

The medical service of the division is headed by the head of the medical service (doctor organizer), which is responsible for the medical support of the division, combat and mobilization onnuyu readiness, condition and organization of work of the sanitary-epidemiological laboratory, a separate medical battalion. The medical units and subunits attached to the division are subordinate to him.

The head of the medical service of the division is subordinate to the commander of the division, and on special (medical) issues, he follows the instructions of the superior head of the medical service

Sanitary and epidemiological laboratory of the compound (divisions) .

Designedfor the organization and implementation of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures as part of the division.

Tasks sanitary and epidemiological laboratory ( SAL):

1. Study sanitary and epidemiological the situation in the troops on the territory of their deployment and combat operations by conducting sanitary and epidemiological reconnaissance and sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

2. Participation in bacteriological reconnaissance and the implementation of a special indication of bacteriological agents according to an abbreviated scheme.

3. Conducting a medical examination of water and food for contamination RV, 0V, products of a nuclear explosion.

4. Carrying out current and planned sanitary-hygienic and microbiological studies.

5. Epid emiological examination of foci of infectious diseases, organization of measures for their localization and elimination.

6. Sanitary supervision over the accommodation, food, water supply, combat activities of troops, burial of the dead and the dead.

7. Control and methodological assistance for the organization and conduct sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in the lower levels of the medical service.

8. Study and generalization of experience in the implementation of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, development of practical recommendations on this basis.

Organizational structure of the sanitary and epidemiological laboratory:

Commander of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Laboratory - epidemiologist, deputy head of the medical service of the division.

As part of the sanitary and epidemiological laboratory : bacteriologist, toxicologist-radiologist, hygienist, laboratory assistant, sanitary instructor-disinfector, health instructor-dosimetrist two drivers.

On the equipment of the sanitary and epidemiological laboratory : VML(military medical laboratory based on GAZ-66), consisting of a laboratory and sterilization branches and benzoelectric unit AB-T/230-M with a capacity of 8 kW on the chassis of a single axle trailer. VML (military medical laboratory) is equipped with: AL- 3 (auto laboratory); L -1 (military hygienic laboratory); LI (laboratory indication); MPHL(medical field chemical laboratory); PHO(contrasting clothes); DC-4 (degassing kit); appliances PHR-MV; DP-5M; sterilizer BVKU- 50; drying cabinet 2V-151; two thermostats TC-37; two KhATE-12 refrigerators; microscopes ML-1 and MD; as well as other laboratory and household and sanitary property. In addition, the sanitary and epidemiological laboratory is equipped with: D DP-2 (disinfection and shower installation on trailer 1 UAZ-452-A -1.

Capabilities of the sanitary and epidemiological laboratory:

The equipment of the VML (military medical laboratory) allows for 12-14 hours of work to carry out the following studies in the indicated quantities:

Microbiological (current) - 200;

Sanitary and hygienic -15

Chemical-toxicological -15

Radiometric (dosimetric) measurements - 90-100

According to the indication of bacterial (biological) agents - 8-10 samples.

In addition, the power VML(military medical laboratory) is enough for three hundred food tests, one hundred tests on the content of vitamin C in food products and hot water, fifty air tests for harmful chemical impurities.

Research Order SEL ( sanitary and epidemiological laboratory ) :

Head of SEL (sanitary and epidemiological laboratory ) is involved in the planning of medical support for the division, works together with the head of the medical service of the division and organizes sanitary and epidemiological intelligence.

The objects of sanitary and epidemic reconnaissance are the areas of deployment of division command posts, omedb (omo) separate brigades of logistics of the division, as well as points of water supply and settlements on the paths of medical evacuation of the wounded and sick.

Specialist doctors of the SEL (sanitary and epidemiological laboratory) conduct sanitary and epidemiological reconnaissance and sanitary and hygienic research, are consultants in their specialty in organizing medical care for those affected by 0V (poisonous substances), RV (radioactive substances), BC (bacterial agents).

SAL(sanitary and epidemiological laboratory ) is deployed in the TPU area of ​​​​the division, omedb (omo), as well as at the objects of sanitary and epidemic intelligence. Moves to a new place of deployment at the direction of the head of the medical service of the division.

VML (military medical laboratory) deployed in places sanitary and hygienic research and epidemic outbreaks. In addition, it may be involved in the work of the department of special processing of omedb or omo.

2. Tasks and organizational structure of omedb.

Separate medical battalion - This is a military unit that is part of the motorized rifle and tank divisions.

Like a stagemedical evacuation in the system of medical and evacuation support of troops, the omedb is designed to provide qualified medical care to the wounded and sick with their subsequent evacuation to the destination.

In a combat situation, the omedb is assigned coordinated and organically related to the tasks of the entire medical service of the division the following main tasks:

1. Participation in the collection, removal and removal of the wounded and sick from the battlefield and from the centers of mass destruction.

2. Evacuation of the wounded and sick from the MPP "to themselves" or to omo.

3. Reception, registration, medical sorting, accommodation and nutrition of the wounded and sick.

4. Complete sanitization of the affected, in need of it, degassing, decontamination, disinfection of their uniforms and equipment.

5. Temporary isolation of infectious patients before their evacuation to the infectious diseases hospital.

6. Provision of qualified medical assistance to the wounded and sick in the prescribed amount, as well as the completion of the provision of first medical aid (i.e. the provision of first medical aid in cases where it was not provided earlier, on mpp).

7. Temporary hospitalization and treatment of non-transportable wounded and sick.

8. Treatment of lightly wounded and lightly ill with deadlines recovery up to 10-12 days.

9. Preparation of the wounded and sick for further evacuation as directed.

10. Quality control providing first aid at the MPP.

11 Providing parts of the division and units of the medical service with medical equipment.

12. Carrying out medical measures to protect the personnel of the division and medb from weapons of mass destruction (together with the engineering, chemical and other services of the division).

13. Strengthening the medical service of the units of the division with personnel, transport, medical equipment, as well as the allocation of part of the forces and means to subdivisions to eliminate the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy.

14. Military medical training of the personnel of division units, combat training of the medical service of the division.

15. Medical records and reporting, summarizing the experience of the medical support of the division.

To solve the above tasks, the omedb has the necessary forces and means (including 22 doctors of various specialties, 3 pharmacists), as well as an appropriate organizational and staffing structure.

A separate medical battalion consists of:

1) Management (headquarters);

2) The main units in the composition

- medical company,

- medical platoon,

- evacuation platoon,

- medical supply department,

- evacuation department:

3) Support units in the composition

- liaison offices and

- material support platoon.

Heads omedb commander, doctor-organizer. In addition to him, the management includes: assistant commander for work with personnel, chief of staff, deputy commander for armaments - head of the technical unit, deputy commander for logistics - head of logistics, head of the financial service and other officials.

On control(headquarters) is responsible for official correspondence, drafting orders, orders, medical reports and reports, applications for all types of allowances and property. The headquarters plans combat and special training of the personnel of the battalion and the team recovering, measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction, organizes fire-fighting measures, direct protection and defense of the omedb.

The main division of the battalion is medical company.

She's destined for the deployment of omedb as a stage of medical evacuation, reception, placement, medical sorting of the wounded and sick, providing them with qualified medical and first aid, treating and preparing them for further evacuation.

Head of medical team commander, leading surgeon omedb. He directly coordinates the work of the functional units of the battalion, controls the quality of medical care for the wounded and injured, and also personally participates in the most complex surgical interventions.

The medical company includes the following units and medical team:

- Receiving and sorting platoon (2 surgeons)

- Operational dressing platoon (5 surgeons 1 anesthesiologist

- Hospital platoon (2 therapists, psychoneurologist, 1 doctor - clinical laboratory assistant

- Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (2 anesthesiologists

- Dental office (1 dentist

- X-ray room based on the GAZ-66 car (1 radiologist).

medical platoon - V which includes 21 people incl. 2 surgeons, 1 therapist. 1 anesthesiologist.

A platoon can work not only as part of a medical evacuation stage (OMEDB), but is also able to independently perform the following critical tasks:

1. Strengthening the forces and means to provide qualified medical care to the regiment, which is part of the division, but operating in a separate (isolated) direction;

2. Deployment in the interests of the division when relatively small sanitary losses appear - to provide the wounded and sick with first medical and qualified medical care;

3. Temporary replacement for broken mpp;

4. Reception of non-transportable wounded and sick from the hospital preparing to move, their treatment and care.

The requirement of constant readiness to perform independent tasks predetermines the use of a medical platoon, which, firstly, ensures its rapid curtailment, and, secondly, does not violate general order and the rhythm of the work of the omedb in the absence of the personnel of the medical platoon. This circumstance should be taken into account when deploying omedb.

On the equipment of the medical platoon - 2 AP and 2 trucks.

In addition to the above divisions, the omedb includes:

1) Wounded collection and evacuation platoon , headed by a paramedic, is intended primarily to strengthen the medical service of the units of the division and to work in the centers of mass sanitary losses. The platoon consists of squads, including sanitary instructors, porters, orderlies, and is equipped with LUAZ-967 M ambulances (10 units), ambulances (8 AS-66), stretchers, straps and other equipment.

2) Medical supply department accepts, stores and keeps records of medical equipment, supplies it to the functional units of the omedb and medical posts of parts of the division, as well as repairs inventory and trophy medical equipment. It replenishes its stocks from the army medical warehouse. The department deploys a warehouse, a pharmacy and a sterilization and distillation unit (SDP-3), which, as a rule, is deployed near the surgical dressing department, since it is this department, together with the pharmacy, that uses sterilization-distillation plant and is one of the main consumers of injection solutions, dressings and medications. The composition of the department: the head of the department - a pharmacist, the head of the pharmacy - a pharmacist, the head of the warehouse - a pharmacist.

3) Evacuation and transport department It is intended for evacuation of the wounded and sick from medical posts "to themselves". Passing flights of ambulances are used to transport property and personnel during the relocation of medb. Has 8 ambulances. The commander is the senior driver. A department that provides, with the help of ambulances and trucks, the evacuation of the wounded and sick from the MPP and centers of mass destruction to the medical hospital or omo, transportation of medical equipment in the part of the division, as well as transportation of the personnel of the battalion during its movement;

4) logistics platoon, designed to supply omedb with all types of material and technical allowances.

3. Deployment order and working mode omedb.

Omedb must be constantly ready to receive at least 200-250 wounded and sick per day. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in modern conditions, when the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction, a situation may arise when the arrival of the wounded and sick will reach 500 or more people in a short period of time (4-6 hours). In this case, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of assistance to the provision of urgent measures of qualified medical care for health reasons.

The time and area of ​​​​deployment of the battalion is determined by the head of the medical service of the division, and the final choice of location and tracing (i.e., marking) of the site for placing functional departments on it is made by a reconnaissance group led by the commander of the omedb or the commander of the medical company.

When choosing a place, the combat situation, the organization of the rear of the formation, the nature of the terrain and the road network are taken into account. The determining condition in solving this problem is to ensure the possibility of the arrival of the wounded and sick within 6-8 hours from the moment of injury.

To deploy a battalion, a platform on the ground measuring 300x400 meters is required. In all cases, a helipad or runway for landing helicopters and airplanes is equipped near the deployment site of the omedb.

In addition, if possible, the functional units of the omedb should be deployed in shelters, on the first floors and in the basements of stone buildings. Great experience Patriotic War testifies that most often medical battalions were deployed in a combined way, both using their own tent fund, and simultaneously in preserved buildings and shelters.

First of all deployed sorting and evacuation, department of special treatment and surgical dressing department, as well as open slots are being equipped for sheltering personnel and trenches for all-round defense with firing positions. The deployment time of the first stage is up to 40 minutes, the full readiness of all units of the battalion for work is ensured 2-3 hours from the moment of arrival in the specified area.

Omedb is deployed to work on site for at least 2-3 days. Justifying this position, they are guided by the following consideration: after the provision of qualified medical care, no more than 70% of the postoperative wounded can be evacuated from the battalion by air ambulance transport on the first day. The remaining 30% of the wounded will be able to endure (due to the severity of their condition) air evacuation not earlier than on the second day after surgery.

Full cycle of work omedb in one place includes 3 periods:

1) reception and "loading" of the wounded and sick of the battalion (1st day);

2) providing the wounded and sick with the necessary medical care, their treatment and preparation for further evacuation (1-2 days);

3) curtailment of the battalion, preparation and movement to a new area (3 days).

According to circuit diagram The following units are deployed in the battalion:

Sorting and evacuation department,

- department of special processing,

- operating room,

- hospital department,

- medical supply department,


- maintenance and support divisions,

- room for personnel.

The battalion deployed according to this scheme is capable of receiving, sorting, and providing qualified medical care upon receipt of any contingents of victims: the wounded, the sick, those affected by nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, toxins, with various combined lesions, incl. radiation.The arrival of any of the named categories does not require rearrangement of tents, their significant re-equipment. The exception is the arrival of the injured from the centers of bacteriological contamination and the transfer of the battalion to a strict anti-epidemic regime, which requires a significant restructuring of its scheme and organization of work.

Best conditions to perform the tasks of omedb for the provision of medical care, they are created when organization of work on a 3-line system. Its essence lies in the fact that the incoming wounded patients are divided into 3 groups according to the nature of the lesion or disease, each of which sequentially passes through the necessary units of the battalion in a separate stream.

To the first groupinclude seriously wounded and wounded of moderate severity, severely injured and affected by moderate severity of the surgical profile.

To the second group - lightly injured and lightly wounded.

To the third group sick and affected therapeutic profile.

Shelters for the wounded, sick and personnel are being equipped near the functional units. A security and defense system is being created. Ways of approach to units are indicated by signs and well visible at night signs.

  1. purpose main functional departments of omedb

The experience of the Great Patriotic War convincingly showed that a clear organization of the reception and medical sorting of the wounded ultimately determined the successful work of all other functional units at any stage of medical evacuation. This circumstance acquires even greater significance in modern warfare, when, with the massive influx of wounded, a sharp discrepancy arises between the volume and capabilities of the medb. In this case, only a clear medical triage is able to somewhat smooth out the aforementioned discrepancy.

The difficulty of predicting the structure of the incoming flow of the affected places the main requirement on the omedb deployment scheme - universality. It is important that upon admission of any category of the wounded and sick, there should be no rearrangement and significant re-equipment of tents. It may only be necessary for the personnel of the battalion to carry out maneuvers; only the tasks and content of the work of individual functional units will change within certain limits.

The forces of the hospital platoon as part of this department are equipped with:

Intensive care tents (rooms) for non-transportable wounded, burned, affected by nuclear weapons, toxic substances and toxins, as well as for somatic patients;

- tents for carrying out intensive care and resuscitation measures for the debilitated and wounded who do not need urgent operations;

- tents for symptomatic therapy agonizing affected;

- anaerobic, in the equipment and provision of which the personnel of the operational dressing platoon takes part;

- isolation rooms for infectious patientsare equipped for two infections, which are equipped with field furniture, washbasins, care items, dishes, disinfectants, etc.

Psychoisolation, where folding beds are installed, which must be securely fastened. For cupping psychomotor agitation lytic mixtures and tranquilizers should be widely used;

- clinical laboratory forconducting general clinical tests, mainly blood and urine. With the possible admission of a large number of those affected by penetrating radiation, the importance of hematological studies increases significantly.

All patients admitted with a combat therapeutic pathology are examined by a general practitioner. If necessary, appropriate laboratory tests are carried out. The diagnosis is established. The necessary therapeutic assistance is prescribed and carried out. If the patient is not transportable, then he is temporarily hospitalized for the period of non-transportability. The remaining patients, after establishing the diagnosis, providing them with therapeutic assistance and giving them an evacuation destination, are transferred to the evacuation ward for patients. 11 ..

Separate medical battalion (omedb)

  1. a special unit of the division intended for its medical support;
  2. stage of medical evacuation, deployed in the military rear area to provide qualified medical care to the injured and sick, treat them and prepare for evacuation as directed to the medical facilities of the hospital base.

Omedb performs the tasks of medical and evacuation support for units and divisions of the division; conducts medical measures to protect the personnel of the division from weapons of mass destruction; reinforces the medical units of the division units with medical forces and means and supplies them with medical equipment. The medical brigade consists of a management, a medical company, a medical platoon, a platoon for the evacuation of the wounded, an evacuation department, a medical supply department, and support units. The medical company includes a reception and sorting, surgical dressing and hospital platoons, an anesthesiology and resuscitation department, a dental office, an X-ray room, and a laboratory. The medical company is designed to deploy the functional units of the omedb as a stage of medical evacuation and perform its tasks of providing qualified medical care to the injured and sick, treating them and preparing for evacuation to the hospital base.

The medical platoon is designed to work as part of a deployed medical unit; provision of qualified medical care in a regiment operating in an independent (isolated) direction; temporary replacement of the regiment's out-of-service first-aid post, as well as for the treatment of non-transportable injured and sick when moving medical units. Depending on the combat and medical situation, the medical platoon can perform one of the above tasks. The wounded evacuation platoon is designed to search for the injured and sick, provide them with first aid and evacuate them from the battlefield and from the centers of mass destruction to the first-aid posts of battalions and regiments, and the evacuation department is to evacuate the injured and sick from the first-aid posts of the regiments and centers of mass lesions to the hospital. The medical supply department is entrusted with the tasks of receiving, storing and accounting for medical property, providing them with medical supplies and parts of the division, manufacturing medicines, organizing maintenance and repair of medical equipment. Support units (power plant, radio station, warehouses, kitchen, etc.) perform tasks in terms of material and technical support omedb, communications, nutrition, etc.

To perform these tasks, the omedb has the necessary complete and standard medical equipment, medical equipment (auto-dressing rooms, auto laboratory, etc.), USB-56, UST-56 and camp tents, a radio station, a power plant, trucks and sanitary vehicles and other means. Deployment of medb as a stage of medical evacuation requires a site measuring 300 × 400 m, which accommodates all functional medical units, premises for personnel of support units (Fig.). The triage and evacuation department receives the injured and the sick, registers them, sorts them (see Medical triage), provides them with emergency medical care, prepares for evacuation and loading them onto transport. At the sorting post of this department, those in need of special treatment (contaminated with radioactive and toxic substances), patients with acute reactive conditions, infectious patients and those suspected of an infectious disease, as well as lightly wounded and lightly ill patients are isolated, after which they are sent to the appropriate units. All other injured and sick people from the sorting post on the transport that delivered them are sent to the sorting area, where they are sorted into seriously wounded, moderately wounded and sick and sent to the appropriate sorting rooms.

In these units, and in case of mass admission and favorable weather conditions, a subsequent medical sorting is carried out at the sorting yard. The first step is to identify those in need emergency care who are immediately sent to the appropriate departments of the omedb. The rest of the injured and sick are distributed to those in need of qualified surgical care who are sent to the operating room, dressing room or anti-shock room; those in need of intensive care, the provision of qualified therapeutic assistance, who are sent to the hospital department, and who are subject to further evacuation as directed to the hospital base, who are sent to the evacuation rooms. Lightly wounded and lightly ill after providing them with the necessary medical care, depending on the duration of treatment before full recovery are evacuated, left in the convalescent team, or sent to a unit.

The results of medical sorting are indicated by sorting marks. In the reception and sorting rooms for the seriously wounded, the wounded of moderate severity and the sick (and in case of mass admission and favorable conditions - at the sorting yard), medical sorting is carried out by teams, each of which includes a doctor, two paramedics and two registrars. In the receiving and sorting rooms, the injured and sick are placed in groups according to the order of direction to the surgical dressing and anti-shock departments, and in the evacuation rooms - taking into account the profile of the hospitals to which they are evacuated. In the department of special treatment, contaminated with radioactive and poisonous substances are processed and bacterial means, their uniforms, shoes, as well as ambulance transport. After treatment of the affected and sick, according to indications, they are sent to the appropriate units. In the surgical dressing and anti-shock department, the injured are provided with qualified surgical care and complex anti-shock therapy is carried out. The work of this department is organized according to the brigade system.

Surgical teams work in the dressing room, each of which consists of a surgeon and a nurse. An operating room nurse and an anesthetist support several surgical teams. Each team works on three tables: on one, the nurse prepares the wounded for surgery, on the other, the surgeon operates, on the third, the nurse, who has moved from the first table, applies a bandage, and, if necessary, a splint. Teams work in the operating room, each of which consists of two surgeons, an operating room nurse and an anesthetist, and works on two tables. The order of their work is similar to the order of work in the dressing room. The link of orderlies delivers and carries away the wounded in a timely manner. The hospital department provides temporary hospitalization of non-transportable injured and sick, providing them with qualified therapeutic assistance, temporary isolation and treatment of infectious patients and patients with a psychoneurological profile, isolation of the wounded with complications anaerobic infection and providing them with surgical care, preparation for evacuation, which is carried out directly from the wards, bypassing the evacuation of the sorting and evacuation department.

At the hospital department there is a team of convalescents, which contains the lightly wounded and lightly ill with a cure time of 5-10 days. In the order of occupational therapy, they are recruited to work as auxiliary orderlies and staff of the support unit. The volume of medical care provided in the omedb depends on the combat, rear and medical situation. Under favorable conditions, qualified medical care is provided in full, and in case of mass admission of the affected and sick, only urgent measures of this type of medical care are carried out and first medical aid is provided in full (see Medical care in military field conditions).

Bibliography: Military medical training, ed. F.I. Komarova, p. 264, M., 1984.

A separate medical battalion (OMedB) occupies an important place in the system of staged treatment of the wounded and injured. Created in 1935, they became the main operational unit of the military level, where the wounded were received and provided with qualified surgical and therapeutic care. According to the experience of the Great Patriotic War, up to 70-80% of the wounded admitted to the OMedB needed surgical interventions. The actual operational activity was 50-60%.

Since 1979, changes have been made to the organization of the OMedB: the number of personnel has increased by 34%, a medical platoon and a communications department have been introduced to the staff. Currently, the OMedB is a special medical unit, which is part of the division, which is designed to provide qualified medical care and from where the evacuation of the wounded and injured begins as directed.

The following tasks are assigned to OMedB:

1. Participation in the search, first aid, collection,

removal of the wounded and injured from the battlefield and the centers of the use of weapons of mass destruction.

2. Evacuation of the wounded and injured from the MPP to the OMedB.

3. Providing the wounded and injured with the first medical and

qualified medical care.

4. Temporary hospitalization and treatment of non-transportable,

outpatient treatment of lightly wounded with a treatment period of 5-10 days.

5. Preparation of the wounded for evacuation as directed.

6. Temporary isolation and treatment of infectious patients.

7. Strengthening the medical units of the division with personnel, transport,

medical property.

8. Organization and conduct of sanitary and hygienic and

anti-epidemic measures in the troops of the division and in the occupied

her territory.

9. Organization and conduct of qualified medical intelligence. 10. Organization and implementation of medical measures to protect personal

composition from WMD.

11. Conducting military medical training of the personnel of the division and

special training personnel of the medical service. 12. Providing the personnel of the division with medical equipment and


13. Management of the medical service of the division, record keeping and reporting,

collection and generalization of material on the work of the medical service of the division in

combat conditions.

The OMedB is headed by a commander (organizer doctor), who reports directly to the head of the medical service of the division and is responsible for the timely evacuation of the wounded and injured from the division’s MPP, for the timely and high-quality provision of medical care and the preparation of the wounded and injured for further evacuation, for the education and discipline of personal composition of the battalion.

A separate medical battalion (OMedB) consists of:

1. Management.

2. Medical company.

3. Medical platoon.

4. Platoon collection and evacuation of the wounded.

5. Support platoon.

6. Evacuation - transport department.

7. Departments of medical supply.

8. Post offices.

The DIRECTORATE of the battalion manages all the activities of the battalion and organizes its work. Composition: commander, his deputies, chief of staff, head of the financial unit, head of the secret unit, clerk. On equipment there is a car with a radio station.

MEDICAL COMPANY is the main unit of the OMedB, which is intended to deploy the OMedB on the ground as a stage of medical evacuation and organize the work of functional units for receiving, medical sorting, providing first medical and qualified medical care and preparing the wounded and injured for evacuation. Composition: the commander of the medical company - the leading surgeon of the battalion.

Subdivisions: - reception and sorting platoon - 15 people (including 2 surgeons);

Operational dressing platoon - 22 people. (including 5 surgeons);

Hospital platoon - 14 people. (including 2 therapists);

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care - 11 people. (including 2 doctors of anesthesia);

Dental office - 2 people. (including 1 dentist);

X-ray room - 2 people. (including 1 radiologist);

Clinical laboratory - 2 people.

In total, the staff of the medical company includes: 70 people (including 14 doctors).

MEDICAL PLATOON. The platoon commander is a surgeon, in addition to him there are: senior residents - a surgeon, a therapist, an anesthesiologist. In total - 21 people. Equipment: 2 auto-dressing stations (AP-2), 2 trucks, tents UST-56, radio station, medical kits, other medical equipment. Designed: for independent work in the centers of WMD; reinforcement of regiments operating in isolated directions; temporary performance of the functions of the MPP that are out of order; as part of the OMedB when it makes a maneuver; advancing to the boundary of small sanitary losses for the provision of first medical and qualified medical care.

The platoon for the collection and evacuation of the wounded is designed to collect, provide first aid to the wounded, carry them out and evacuate them from the battlefield to the WFP. The platoon leader is a paramedic. The platoon consists of two squads, commanded by sanitary instructors. The platoon consists of: drivers-orderlies, orderlies-porters. Equipment: SMV, ambulance straps, stretchers, tires, helmets for the wounded in the head, ambulance transporters, ambulances (AC-66). There are 23 people in the platoon.

The SUPPORT platoon is designed to provide the OMedB with material and technical allowances, food, water supply, for the transportation and storage of all types of property, except for medical. The platoon deploys: a kitchen-dining room, warehouses, a power plant, tents for personnel, a platform for vehicles. The platoon commander is a rear service officer. Only 21 people. Equipment: car workshop, trucks, trailer kitchens, power plants, tank trucks.

The EVACUATION AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT is intended for evacuation of the wounded from the MPP to the OMedB, to reinforce the units of the division with transport, to transport medical equipment from the OMedB to the unit, and to transport the personnel and property of the OMedB. There is: an ambulance car (AS-66) - 8 units, a driver-medic - 8 (one of them is a senior, i.e. commander).

MEDICAL SUPPLY DIVISION is intended for supplying medical and sanitary equipment of WFP to units and functional departments of OMedB. Carries out the reception, storage, accounting, issuance and replenishment of medical equipment for the provision of first medical aid to 1000 wounded and qualified medical care to 1000 wounded. The department deploys: a pharmacy and a warehouse. The department is headed by a pharmacist (head of medical supply of the division), in addition to him, the department includes: head of the pharmacy, head of the warehouse, assistant, orderly. Equipment: tents UST-56, sterilizer-distiller on a trailer, medical kits, medical equipment.

COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT is intended for the organization of radiotelephone communication. The squad leader is a senior radiotelegraph operator, besides him there is a radiotelephonist, an electrician driver. Equipment: radio station, power station, car.

TOTAL in OMedB 179 people, including: doctors - 23, paramedics - 6,

nurses - 51, sanitary instructors - 4, orderlies - 15, pharmacists (pharmacists) - 3, other medical workers - 77.


The commander is an epidemiologist, in addition to him there are: doctors - a bacteriologist, a toxicologist, a radiologist, a hygienist, a laboratory assistant, a sanitation instructor-disinfector, a medical instructor-dosimetrist, orderlies drivers. Only 10 people. The equipment includes: a car laboratory, VML “, a disinfection-shower car (DDA-66), water tankers, tents, special kits and equipment.

In order for qualified medical care to be as close as possible to the troops (forces), medical battalions were created. For the first time, the medical battalion was included in the organizational and staff structure of the rifle division of the Red Army in 1935, instead of the three detachments of the medical profile that had previously existed in the divisions: dressing, sanitary-epidemiological, evacuation. Consisted originally of:

  • management
  • medical company (included 3 platoons: sorting and dressing; surgical; rendering assistance to those affected by poisonous substances and patients)
  • evacuation company
  • medical platoon
  • departments for the collection of lightly wounded (deployed a collection point for the lightly wounded in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe divisional exchange office)
  • pharmacies
  • housekeeping departments

The experience of its use was gained during the fighting near Lake Khasan, on the Khalkhin Gol River, during the Soviet-Finnish War. Taking into account the experience of application, the staff was adjusted, in particular, surgeons were increased, some of the paramedics and medical instructors were replaced by nurses. This continued during the Great Patriotic War, so in 1941-1942. lightly wounded and lightly injured (constituting most of the sanitary losses) were singled out in a separate stream, in the medical battalion of which they were left with treatment terms from 2-3 to 10-12 days and after the provision of outpatient care, they were formed convalescent teams(those in need of treatment less or more than the specified, respectively, were treated on an outpatient basis in their units or evacuated to a higher stage of medical evacuation). The maneuverability of the battalion was also increased. In the future, the structure of the battalion had the following composition:

  • medical company
  • sanitary and anti-epidemic platoon
  • evacuation and transport department
  • health supply departments
  • economic platoon

Direct subordination of the medical battalion to the head of the medical service of the division.

Also, during the Great Patriotic War, there were more convalescent battalions- military units for outpatient aftercare and recovery of the wounded and sick for up to 15 days after discharge from hospitals.

Since the early 1980s, the medical battalions have been reorganized into separate medical battalions (omedb, OMedB) with withdrawal to separate subdivisions of compounds sanitary and epidemiological laboratories (SAL) with direct subordination of both heads of medical services of the formations. At the same time, the SEL commander was the deputy head of the medical service of the division. Sometimes in colloquial speech in a relationship omedb use of an obsolete term "medsanbat".

SME as a stage of medical evacuation[ | ]

Name medical battalion was originally used only in relation to a military unit, and when deploying the stage of medical evacuation, it was called divisional medical center (DMP). Since 1961, in connection with the abolition of the latter, the name "medical battalion" has been used both in relation to the unit and in relation to the stage of medical evacuation.

Qualified medical care (surgical, therapeutic) was provided in the divisional medical center; in case of a massive influx of the wounded and sick or during offensives, the volume of assistance provided was reduced to the first medical aid and, if necessary, qualified assistance those in need were evacuated further to the surgical field hospital or hospital base. So, up to 75% of those admitted to the stage needed qualified assistance, and its actual ability to provide such assistance could be 12-14% of those admitted. During the Great Patriotic War, up to 80% of the wounded were admitted within 12 hours after being wounded. In the structure of all those entering the stage, 70-80% were wounded, 20-30% were sick, during the hostilities the ratio changed and the number of the latter was 8-10%. Wherein total The number of people arriving at the stage outside of combat operations was up to 30 people per day, and during high-intensity combat operations it increased to 500-600 people per day.

The medical battalion, as a deployed stage of medical evacuation, is housed in tents (USB, UST, camp) or in adapted premises. Available full-time ambulance transporters and vehicles with medical equipment are used to evacuate the wounded and sick from regimental medical posts (“on oneself” or “through oneself”), from centers of mass sanitary losses, or are attached to medical units of division units to reinforce them during collection and evacuation from battlefield wounded. Battalion units deploy:

  • sorting and evacuation department (consisting of: sorting post; sorting yard; rooms for sorting the seriously wounded, moderately wounded, lightly wounded and patients awaiting evacuation; dressing room for the lightly wounded)
  • sanitary and epidemiological laboratory
  • department of special processing
  • operating room and anti-shock department (comprising: operating room; dressing room for seriously wounded and moderately injured; anti-shock ward for burn shock; anti-shock ward for traumatic shock. Usually, an operating room with a preoperative and anti-shock room for traumatic shock are combined into a single complex - "Pirogov's triangle" .)
  • hospital department (consisting of: an anaerobic ward; two isolation rooms for patients with various infectious diseases; a clinical laboratory; a ward for non-transportable wounded and sick (agonizing); rooms for convalescent teams)
  • pharmacy and medical equipment warehouse
  • service units (food and clothing warehouses, kitchen with dining room)
  • quarters for the personnel of the battalion itself

If necessary, the medical and sanitary battalion is attached to medical and nursing teams from the medical reinforcement detachment. In the process of changing the deployment site of the medical battalion during the movement of the division, the flow of the wounded and sick switches to a separate medical detachment, advanced in advance in this case to the area where the division is located by the higher head of the medical service (army).

SMEs as a medical and preventive institution[ | ]

  • outpatient department
  • admission department
  • surgical department
  • therapeutic department
  • isolation rooms for infectious patients
  • x-ray room
  • physiotherapy room
  • laboratories
  • pharmacies

purpose [ | ]

A separate medical battalion is a link in the system of medical support for troops (forces) during staged treatment. This is the stage of medical evacuation, at which the wounded, injured and sick are provided with qualified medical care during military (combat) operations [ ] .

War time [ | ]

Tasks of the medical and sanitary battalion in wartime:

  • evacuation of the injured (wounded) and sick from regimental medical centers or from areas of mass sanitary losses (by medical instructors);
  • provision of qualified medical assistance in full or reduced scope, provision of first aid;
  • preparation of the wounded, injured and sick for evacuation to hospitals;
  • treatment of lightly wounded and lightly ill patients (with a cure period of 3 to 10 days);
  • carrying out sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in the troops and in the area of ​​operations of the formation;
  • participation in measures to protect troops from weapons of mass destruction and to eliminate the consequences of their use;
  • supply of military units and medical units of the formation with medical equipment;
  • preparation of medical composition for its intended purpose.

Peaceful time [ | ]

In peacetime, a separate medical battalion provides medical and preventive services to the personnel of the unit, including inpatient treatment, advisory work and military medical expertise, monitors nutrition, water supply, working and living conditions of military personnel, hygiene and physical condition of personnel, and so on. Further.

The composition of omedb [ | ]

The personnel of the omedb is characterized by a large proportion of officers and ensigns. This is due to the fact that a large number of full-time military posts in the omedb should be filled by doctors and other specialists with higher and secondary special medical education(nurses, paramedics, radiologist, laboratory assistants, pharmacist and so on). A typical organizational and staffing structure of an omedb looks like this:

The OMedB is headed by a commander (doctor-organizer), who reports directly to the head of the medical service of the division and is responsible for the timely evacuation of the wounded and injured from the MPP (regiments) of the division, for the timely and high-quality provision of medical care and the preparation of the wounded and injured for further evacuation, for the education and discipline of the battalion personnel.

A separate medical battalion (OMedB) consists of:

  1. Management.
  2. Medical company.
  3. Medical platoon.
  4. Platoon collection and evacuation of the wounded.
  5. Support platoon.
  6. Evacuation - transport department.
  7. Medical supply departments.
  8. Communication departments.

CONTROL battalion directs all activities of the battalion, organizes its work. Composition: commander, his deputies, chief of staff, head of the financial unit, head of the secret unit, clerk. On equipment there is a car with a radio station.

MEDICAL COMPANY- the main unit of the OMedB, which is intended to deploy OMedB on the ground as a stage of medical evacuation and organize the work of functional units for receiving, medical sorting, providing first medical and qualified medical care and preparing the wounded and injured for evacuation. Composition: the commander of the medical company - the leading surgeon of the battalion.


  • receiving and sorting platoon - 15 people. (including 2 surgeons);
  • operational dressing platoon - 22 people. (including 5 surgeons);
  • hospital platoon - 14 people. (including 2 general practitioners);
  • department of anesthesiology and resuscitation - 11 people. (including 2 anesthesiologists);
  • dental office - 2 people. (including 1 dentist);
  • X-ray room - 2 people. (including 1 radiologist);
  • clinical laboratory - 2 people.

In total, the staff of the medical company includes: 70 people (including 14 doctors).

MEDICAL PLATOON. The platoon commander is a surgeon, in addition to him there are: senior residents - a surgeon, a therapist, an anesthesiologist. In total - 21 people. Equipment: 2 dressing stations (AP-2), 2 trucks, tents UST-56, radio station, medical kits, other medical equipment. It is intended: for independent work in the centers of influence of WMD; reinforcement of regiments operating in isolated directions; temporary performance of the functions of the MPP that are out of order; as part of the OMedB when it makes a maneuver; advancing to the boundary of small sanitary losses for the provision of first medical and qualified medical care.

PLATOON OF COLLECTION AND EVACUATION OF THE WOUNDED designed to collect, provide first aid to the wounded, carry them out and evacuate them from the battlefield to the WFP. Platoon commander - paramedic (senior ensign). The platoon consists of two squads, commanded by sanitary instructors (sergeants). The platoon consists of: drivers-orderlies, orderlies-porters. Equipment: SMV, ambulance straps, stretchers, tires, helmets for the wounded in the head, ambulance transporters, ambulances (AC-66). There are 23 people in the platoon.

SUPPORT PLATOON is designed to provide OMedB with material and technical allowances, food, water supply, for the transportation and storage of all types of property, except for medical. The platoon deploys: a kitchen-dining room, warehouses, a power plant, tents for personnel, a platform for vehicles. The platoon commander is a rear service officer. Only 21 people. Equipment: car workshop, trucks, trailer kitchens, power plants, tank trucks.

EVACUATION AND TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT designed to evacuate the wounded from the PMP to the OMedB, to reinforce the transport units of the division, to transport medical equipment from the OMedB to the unit, to transport the personnel and property of the OMedB. There is: an ambulance car (AC-66) - 8 units, drivers-medics - 8 (one of them is a senior, i.e. the squad leader).

DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SUPPLY it is intended for supply of medical and sanitary - economic property of WFP to units and functional departments of OMedB. Carries out the reception, storage, accounting, issuance and replenishment of medical equipment for the provision of first medical aid to 1000 wounded and qualified medical care to 1000 wounded. The department deploys: a pharmacy and a medical warehouse. The department is headed by a pharmacist (head of medical supply of the division), in addition to him, the department includes: the head of the pharmacy (pharmacist), the head of the warehouse (pharmacist / pharmacist), assistant (pharmacist), orderly. Equipment: tents UST-56, sterilizer-distiller on a trailer, medical kits, medical equipment.

POST OFFICE designed to organize radiotelephone communications. The squad leader is a senior radiotelegraph operator, besides him there is a radiotelephonist, an electrician driver. Equipment: radio station, power station, car.

SANITARY - EPIDEMIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. The commander is an epidemiologist, besides him there are: doctors - bacteriologist, toxicologist, radiologist, hygienist, laboratory assistant, sanitation instructor-disinfector (desinstructor), medical instructor-dosimetrist, orderlies drivers. Only 10 people. The equipment includes: a car laboratory, VML, a disinfection-shower car (DDA-66), water tankers, tents, special kits and devices.

TOTAL in OMedB there are 179 people, including: doctors - 23, paramedics - 6, nurses - 51, sanitary instructors - 4, orderlies - 15, pharmacists (pharmacists) - 3, other medical workers - 77.

The medical platoon of the OMedB is intended: For maneuvering forces and means when moving the OMedB. The evacuation platoon of OmedB is intended: To strengthen honey. service units with evacuation vehicles for the removal of the wounded and sick from the battlefield and their further evacuation. The evacuation department is intended: For the evacuation of the wounded and sick from the medical.

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Topic #1 2

"Separate medical battalion"

Bishkek 2014

Study questions

1. Tasks and organization of the medical service of the division 15 min.

2.Organizational structure of OMedB 10 min.

3. Purpose of the main divisions of OMedB 15 min.

4. Conclusion 5 min.

Educational and material support


1. Textbook "Military medical training" F. Komarov.

2. Textbook "Organization and tactics of the medical service" I. Chizh, 2005.

3. Instructions on medical support of military operations

ground forces(connection, part, subdivision), 1987

4.Cathedral allowance "Military medical service".

Visual aids:

1 .Schemes :

  • Organization OMedB.
  • Tasks of the medical service of the division.

2.Technical training aids:

  • Slide projector

1st study question.Tasks and organization of medical

Division services

The medical service of a motorized rifle (tank) division is headed by the head of the medical department. division service, which is directly subordinate to the division commander, according to honey. issues are subordinated to the head of the medical department. army service.

Head of medical division services are subordinated to:Separate honey. division battalion, chiefs of medical. regimental services, doctors (paramedics) separate battalions and other divisions where they are laid down by the state.

The task of OMedB:

1. Evacuation of the wounded and sick from parts of the formation or directly from the centers of mass sanitary losses to the OMedB.

2. Strengthening the forces and means of honey. connection part services.

3. Reception, medical sorting of the wounded and sick, providing them with the first medical and qualified honey. assistance, treatment of the wounded and sick with a recovery time of up to 10 days.

4. Temporary hospitalization and treatment of non-transportable wounded and sick, isolation of infectious patients.

5. Preparation of the wounded and sick for further evacuation.

6. Protection and defense of the OMedB, protection of the wounded and sick, as well as personnel from WMD ..

7. Provision of connection parts honey. property.

8. Conducting special training of medical staff. connection services.

9. Keeping honey. accounting and reporting.

The division's OMedB includes:

  1. Control.
  2. Medical company.
  3. Medical squad.
  4. Evacuation squad.
  5. Evacuation department.
  6. Department of medical supplies.
  7. Supply platoon.
  8. Communication department.

To the management includes: battalion commander, chief of staff, deputy battalion commanders for educational work, logistics and armaments, head of the financial service.

Part medical company includes: Command, reception and sorting and surgical dressing platoons, department of anesthesiology and resuscitation, hospital platoon, clinical laboratory, X-ray and dental rooms.

On medical companythe following tasks:

  1. welcome, med. sorting, registration and placement of incoming wounded and sick.
  2. Complete sanitization of the wounded and sick who need it.
  3. Temporary isolation of infectious patients and persons with acute reactive conditions.
  4. Providing the wounded and sick with the first medical and qualified honey. assistance in the prescribed amount.
  5. Temporary hospitalization of non-transportable wounded and sick.
  6. Treatment of lightly wounded and lightly ill patients with a recovery time of up to 10 days.
  7. Preparation of the wounded and sick for further evacuation.
  8. Analysis of the quality of medical and evacuation measures carried out in units.

medical platoonOMedB is intended:

  1. For maneuvering forces and means when moving OMedB.
  2. Reinforcement of units of the division operating in isolated areas.
  3. Temporary replacement of failed honey. regimental points.
  4. Advances to the centers of mass sanitary losses.
  5. Receiving the injured and providing them with first medical and qualified medical assistance.

Evacuation PlatoonOmedB is designed for:

  1. To enhance the honey. service units with evacuation vehicles for the removal of the wounded and sick from the battlefield and their further evacuation.

evacuation department intended:

  1. For the evacuation of the wounded and sick from medical points of regiments and centers of mass joint ventures in OMedB.
  2. Delivery of honey. property in the division.

On department of medical suppliestasks are assigned:

  1. Determining the need for honey. property, its recovery, acceptance, storage

and protection against weapons of mass destruction.

2. Providing honey. property of OMedB subdivisions and parts of the division.

3. Manufacture of various dosage forms.

4. Control over the correctness and rationality of the use of honey. property.

5. Organization of maintenance and repair of honey. technology.

6. Accounting and reporting.

On support unitstasks are assigned:

  1. Logistics support of OMedB.
  2. Provision of radio and telephone communications.

OMedB is deployed and moved by order of the deputy commander of the rear division on the proposal of the head of the medical department. division services. It is deployed outside the objects of probable enemy impact at such a distance from the troops that a qualified honey. assistance to the wounded could be provided no later than 8-12 hours from the moment of injury. When choosing a place for deployment, the location of supply and evacuation routes, camouflage conditions, and the presence of water sources are taken into account.

OMedB must be constantly ready to receive the wounded and sick. First of all, a sorting and evacuation department, an operating room, anti-shock wards, intensive care tents should be deployed within 40-60 minutes. Fully OMedB should be deployed 2 hours after arrival in the area. The deployment of OMedB requires a site measuring 300 x 400 m.

The work of the functional divisions of OMedB

tasks sorting and evacuation department are:

  1. Reception of the wounded and sick entering the OMedB, their registration, honey. sorting and providing emergency care to those in need, as well as preparing the wounded and sick for further evacuation.

As part of the sorting and evacuation department,a sorting post and a sorting yard, as well as sorting and evacuation rooms for the seriously wounded and moderately wounded, for the lightly wounded and for the sick are being deployed and equipped.

A dressing room for the lightly wounded is also deployed by the forces of the surgical dressing platoon, designed to provide emergency qualified surgical care to the lightly wounded.

The total capacity of the sorting and evacuation rooms (tents) should ensure the simultaneous reception of at least 200 250 wounded and sick.

At the entrance to the OMedB is exhibitedsorting post, which is equipped with a Red Cross flag, means for giving sound signals, a table with warning signals, equipped with radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices.

At the sorting post, the wounded and sick are divided into three groups:

  1. Subject to isolation (infectious and suspicious patients, patients in a state of psychomotor agitation).
  2. In need of sanitation.
  3. The wounded and sick, not subject to isolation and not in need of sanitation.

In the third group, in turn, "walkers" and "stretchers" are distinguished.

The first group is sent to isolation wards, the second to the special department. processing, the third to the sorting yard.

With a massive influx of the wounded, the sorting post can be strengthened. Control over his work is assigned to one of the doctors of the sorting and evacuation department.

Persons working at the sorting post must know the permissible rates of contamination with RS and the rules for working with agents and BS.

The sanitary instructor of the joint venture is also responsible for monitoring the air and the surrounding area and giving an alarm.

sorting yardis a section of terrain in front of the sorting tents.

The wounded and sick are divided into the following groups:

  1. Those in need of qualified surgical care in the surgical dressing department.
  2. in need of intensive care.
  3. In need of qualified therapeutic assistance.
  4. in need of symptomatic therapy.
  5. Subject to further evacuation without qualified medical assistance. assistance in OMedB.
  6. To be referred to a convalescent team.
  7. To be returned to the unit.

The wounded and sick of the first group are sent to the operating room, dressing rooms or anti-shock, the second, third and fourth groups to the hospital department, the fifth group to the evacuation, the sixth and seventh groups to the convalescent team.

An extremely difficult and responsible task for honey. triage is the allocation of victims who have received lesions that are incompatible with life, and who need only symptomatic therapy. If during the Second World War the agonizing did not constitute a small group, in the conditions of modern warfare (especially with the use of neutron weapons, ultra-low and low-yield nuclear weapons, highly toxic agents, viscous incendiary mixtures), this group will be extremely severely affected. It will include, for example, those who received injuries and injuries of an extremely severe degree, accompanied by a deep disorder of vital functions (with loss of consciousness, arrhythmic breathing, blood pressure below 60/40mHg with a tendency to decrease), burned with a deep burn area of ​​40% and more than the surface of the body, affected with acute radiation sickness of an extremely severe degree.

The personnel of the receiving and sorting platoon work at the sorting yard and in the sorting tents. When receiving those affected by WMD, therapists, as well as toxicologists, radiologists and epidemiologists, are necessarily involved in their sorting.

Sorting crews are formed to work at the sorting yard. Each team includes a doctor, two secondary medical worker, two registrars.

Equipment sorting tents (premises)should ensure the reception and placement on stretchers, bunks or sitting at least 150 wounded and sick. To provide emergency medical care. assistance, sorting wards are equipped with tourniquets, small dressing kits, stomach tubes, heart remedies, antidotes and other honey. property, kits B-1, B-2 and B-3, as well as oxygen inhalers and ventilators. It is equipped with stands for stretchers, tables for registration and medicines and with dressings, care items.

The sorting room for the lightly wounded should be deployed at some distance from other units of the OMedB. This makes it possible to separate the lightly wounded into a separate stream with its subsequent direction to the evacuation or dressing room for the lightly wounded.

In the summer warm time a sorting room for the lightly wounded may be located outdoors, directly under the open sky.

Evacuation tentsserve for the temporary stay of the wounded and sick, for their short rest and nutrition, and to provide the necessary medical care. assistance before evacuation. When a significant number of wounded and sick are admitted to the OMedB at the same time, especially in winter or inclement weather, evacuation tents can be used to temporarily accommodate the incoming wounded. Preparation of the wounded and sick for further evacuation includes:

  1. Drug injections.
  2. Various serums.
  3. Correction of bandages and transport immobilization.
  4. The wounded must necessarily urinate or catheterize the bladder.
  5. Feed the wounded and sick.

From evacuation tentsthe wounded are sent to the appropriate field hospitals as directed. The evacuation wards are usually staffed by paramedics, honey. nurses and orderlies of the receiving and sorting platoon.

It is intended for carrying out full sanitization of the wounded and sick, who are infected with toxic and radioactive substances or biological agents, entering the OMedB.

In the department, if necessary, replacement upper layers infected bandages. Partial decontamination, decontamination, and complete disinfection of the uniforms of the injured, transport and stretchers on which they were delivered are also carried out here. The personnel of the department, if necessary, works in personal means protection. The department is equipped with a disinfection and shower unit DDP-2, a set of CO, B-5 ​​and means for providing emergency medical care. help.

Sanitization areaIt is created as a sanitary checkpoint, has a dressing room, a washing room and a dressing room.

In front of the dressing room, places are allocated for unloading the vehicles that delivered the injured, and for collecting the uniforms and equipment removed from them.

To guide the movement and unloading of a special department arriving at the department. Transport handling is allocated to a health instructor. He also directs the lightly injured, capable of independently performing partial decontamination of uniforms, to a site intended for this purpose.

in the locker room places are equipped for stretchers and for seated injured. Here, dosimetric control is carried out, examination of the affected to decide the order and method of their sanitization (washing in the shower, treatment with special treatment or a combined method), if necessary, remove the upper layers of the dressing, correct badly applied dressings and splints, wash the radiometric equipment, degassing And disinfectants, preparing the affected to be sent to the washing.

In the washing all those who come in are washed with warm water and soap; if necessary, degassing agents can also be used. The affected wash themselves or with the help of orderlies.

in the dressing room for the purpose of definition of completeness a dignity. processing produce dosimetric control. Sanitary if necessary. The processing is repeated. The injured and sick are dressed in clean linen, uniforms and sent to the appropriate functional unit of the OmedB.

Special processing of uniforms and linen of the injured and sick, as well as stretchers and vehicles, is carried out on a site allocated for this purpose, which is equipped at a distance of 50 80 m from the site of the dignity. processing on the leeward side.

At the site of special processing of transport and propertya medical instructor a dosimetrist, one or two orderlies and several soldiers from the convalescent team are working. From the equipment on the site there are degassing devices, buckets, hooks.

Operational dressing departmentis deployed by the surgical dressing platoon and the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the medical company. It is designed to provide the wounded with qualified surgical care, including a set of anti-shock (resuscitation) measures, as well as to sort the wounded in the interests of their subsequent evacuation to their destination.

As part of the surgical dressing department deployed:

1. Operating room.

2. Dressing room for seriously wounded and wounded of moderate severity.

3. Antishock (resuscitation).

As part of the operating room and the dressing room, the preoperative and predressing rooms are equipped, respectively.

For preliminary preparation of the wounded for surgical intervention, giving them a short rest in anticipation of the operation, as well as for preparing surgeons and nurses for work in the operating room, a preoperative room is deployed. It is equipped with places for placing the wounded on stretchers, tables are placed on which items necessary for sterilizing instruments, injecting painkillers, sanitizing the wound area, and care items are placed.

To work on providing surgical care to the wounded, the personnel are divided into surgical teams. Each of them includes 1-2 doctors and nurses. Surgical teams working in the dressing room usually consist of one surgeon, operating room and medical staff. sisters. Teams designed to work in the operating room have two doctors, nurses and operating room nurses. While the wounded is being operated on one table, the next one is being prepared for the operation on the other. One of the surgeons, having completed the most critical part surgical intervention, goes to another wounded man and, together with the honey located here. sister starts a new operation. If honey. the platoon works as part of the OMedB, it is advisable to use one auto-dressing room with a surgical team to strengthen the dressing room for the seriously wounded and the wounded of moderate severity.

Opportunities OMedB to conduct surgical interventions per day of work when the wounded are admitted range from 100 to 130 operations.

In the operating room OMedB are produced:

A. abdominal operations according to indications:

1. Trepanation of the skull.

2. Thoracotomy and suturing open pneumothorax.

3. Laparotomy.

4. And in some cases also ligation of large vessels.

5. Complicated limb amputations.

In the operating room, 4 5 operating tables are deployed (two for each team), tables with sterile dressings and instruments, with medicines, tables for anesthesia, etc. are equipped. of property, sets B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, G-8, G-10, AN, artificial lung ventilation, oxygen therapy and inhalation anesthesia, blood and blood substitutes are allocated to the operating room.

dressings are intended for primary surgical treatment of wounds and burn surfaces, for amputations, stopping bleeding in case of damage to blood vessels, transfusion of blood and blood substitutes, novocaine blockades, correcting defects in immobilization and pneumothorax.

Dressing room for seriously wounded wounded of moderate severityequipped with 4-5 dressing tables. Surgical teams working in the dressing room for seriously wounded and moderately injured usually consist of a surgeon, two medical assistants. sisters and nurses. One team simultaneously works in the dressing room on 2-3 tables, in the operating room on 2 tables. Anesthesiology and resuscitation teams include an anesthesiologist (resuscitator), 2-3 anesthetist nurses and a registrar. The provision of surgical care is carried out as follows. In the dressing room, the wounded is laid on the table, one nurse removes the bandage from him, holds the toilet around the wound, treats the skin to produce a blockade, or performs other preparations. The doctor at this time with another honey. sister performs an intervention on a nearby table. Then he approaches the prepared wounded man and renders him assistance, and honey. the sister at the first table, with the help of an orderly, applies a bandage to the wounded. To ensure the work of 2-3 surgical teams (including a dentist) in the dressing room, sets G-7, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-1, and other necessary equipment and medicines, instrumental tables, a table for preparing plaster bandages, basins and other household property. Its main task is to prepare the wounded for the operation. The dressing room for the seriously wounded and the wounded of moderate severity is essentially the second operating room and is intended to establish the final diagnosis, surgical interventions for injuries of the extremities, wounds maxillofacial area, soft tissues.

In the dressing room for the seriously wounded and the wounded of moderate severity, first of all, they are sent:

  1. Persons with ongoing external bleeding.
  2. Damage to the main vessels.
  3. Extensive destruction and separation of limbs.
  4. Fractures of long tubular bones.
  5. Maxillofacial wounds, accompanied by retraction of the tongue.
  6. Circular deep burns of extremities, deep burns chest, complicating respiratory excursions, but not complicated by shock.

Dressing room for the lightly woundedon 2 tables, it is basically equipped in the same way as the dressing room for the seriously wounded and the wounded of moderate severity. In the dressing room, set V-1 is used, as well as dressings from sets B-1, B-3, splints from set B-2, and various medicines.

The dressing room for the lightly wounded is designed to prepare the wounded for surgical intervention, to establish the final diagnosis of the wound.

  1. Apply and fix bandages.
  2. Stop external bleeding by ligation of blood vessels.
  3. Perform immobilization of the limbs.
  4. Produce novocaine blockade.

Antishock (resuscitation)is intended for a complex of anti-shock (resuscitation) measures, which includes:

  1. Novocaine blockade.
  2. Transfusion of blood and blood-substituting fluids.
  3. The introduction of anti-shock solutions, sleeping pills and narcotic drugs.
  4. Cardiac and respiratory analeptics.

With regard to the wounded in need of surgical interventions, the question of the most appropriate form of anesthesia is decided in the anti-shock room, some of them are given anesthesia here. Therefore, anti-shock, as a rule, is deployed at the junction with the operating room and is provided with anesthesia equipment.

Persons are transferred to the anti-shock room.

  1. Being in a state of shock.
  2. Needing operations in the second turn.
  3. Wounded in the chest with an open but sealed bandage pneumothorax.
  4. Wounded in the pelvic area without intra-abdominal organ damage.
  5. wounded with extensive injuries to the limbs.
  6. Wounded with signs of shock, but not having indications for emergency operations.
  7. Victims with deep burns and burnt with pronounced respiratory disorders and the threat of asphyxia c ii.

From honey. equipment, anti-shock kits, Sh-1 and AN sets, inhalation anesthesia devices, artificial lung ventilation, an oxygen inhalation station, oxygen inhalers, medicines and necessary equipment are allocated to the anti-shock department. The tent is equipped with folding camp beds (18-20), their leg ends should be raised.

Here, even in the summer, a bake, since one of the important measures in the system of providing care to the wounded, who is in a state of shock, is their systematic warming. At any time of the year, the air temperature in the tent is maintained at 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.

Next to the anti-shock room, a storage facility for canned blood is being set up. It is a pit (cellar).

On X-ray room assigned:

  1. Timely diagnosis injuries and diseases in the wounded and sick
  2. Rendering advisory assistance physicians of departments in determining the diagnosis.
  3. Participation in medical sorting.

An x-ray examination is carried out first of all for those in need of assistance for health reasons, and secondly for those who remain on treatment at the OMedB.

On hospital department assigned:

  1. Carrying out intensive care activities.
  2. Temporary hospitalization of non-transportable wounded and sick, their treatment.
  3. Provision of qualified medical assistance to the injured and sick of a therapeutic profile.
  4. Preparation of the wounded and sick for further evacuation after removing them from a non-transportable state.
  5. Conducting clinical tests.
  6. Care for those in need of symptomatic therapy only.
  7. Temporary isolation and treatment of infectious patients and those affected by microbial forms of biological weapons before their evacuation to the infectious diseases hospital.

As part of the hospital department, intensive care tents are equipped (for non-transportable, burnt and affected by toxic substances, toxins with acute radiation sickness), for those who need only symptomatic therapy, isolation rooms for infectious patients, a psycho-isolator, a clinical laboratory and an anaerobic ward.

In addition, the hospital department maintains a convalescent team of 50 people.

After the completion of the mass reception of the wounded and affected by the department, if necessary, tents from the sorting and evacuation department can be transferred. General practitioners (if necessary, surgeons), anesthesiologists, paramedics, medical assistants work in the department. sisters, anesthetists.

In postoperative tents, separate places are allocated for those wounded in the head, neck, spine, chest, abdomen and pelvis, for those who have been burned.

Therapeutic contingents are distributed to patients with cardiovascular pathology, diseases of the respiratory system. For all the wounded and sick, medical records are drawn up.

Medical equipment: sets G-12, G-13, B-3, V-3, FOV, LUCH, ANT,

Medicines, artificial lung ventilation devices, a tracheostomy kit, oxygen cylinders with reducers and outlets for 4-8 patients, blood transfusion kits, shields for the wounded with spinal injuries.

Anaerobic designed to provide qualified surgical care and temporary stay affected by anaerobic infection. The tent is divided into two parts. In one of them, a dressing room (operating room) is equipped on one table, in the other, stands with a stretcher for 4-6 places are placed.

In the dressing room, tables are placed for instruments, sterile linen and dressings. A set of tools and medicines should provide amputation of limbs, bandages.

The state hospital department is designed for 30 beds.

Equipment and equipmentintensive care tentsshould be typical. In the wards, the wounded, burned and sick are given intensive care. Its main task is to prevent complications in the postoperative period and after removing complications from shock, as well as to restore vital important functions. Novocaine blockades are carried out for the wounded and burned, analgesics are administered, and oxygen therapy is carried out. It should be borne in mind that the restoration of the vital functions of the body in severe forms of shock may be unstable. In this regard, after the transfer of the wounded and burned from the anti-shock and operating rooms to the hospital department, it is necessary to continue careful monitoring of them and be ready to conduct appropriate resuscitation(intubation, artificial ventilation lung, arthrovenous section, indirect and direct heart massage).

IN psychoisolation,designed for the wounded and patients with neuropsychiatric disorders who need temporary isolation, folding beds or stretchers are installed, which must be secured, as well as a table for the doctor and a lockable box with medicines to stop psychomotor agitation.

To stop psychomotor agitation, various lytic mixtures and other medications should be widely used.

insulators equipped for 2-3 infections, depending on the sanitary and epidemiological situation and the composition of infectious patients. The isolation ward will be equipped with field furniture, washbasins, care items, hand sanitizers, and dishes. Here, infectious patients are provided with the necessary assistance to ensure further evacuation.

Task clinical laboratoryconducting general clinical tests, mainly blood and urine. Using the L-1 kit, a laboratory assistant working here can perform 25 complete and 50 incomplete blood tests per day. Set L-1.

Department of medical supplydeployed as part of a pharmacy and honey. warehouse. A pharmacy can produce 100 120 litas per day. Solutions for injections and other dosage forms, the warehouse can receive and dispense honey. property to assist 500 600 wounded and sick.


Upon receipt of the affected from the focus of chemical contaminationThe following features of the organization of the work of the OMedB should be taken into account:

  1. Most of the affected patients will need urgent provision of qualified therapeutic assistance, in particular, intensive care measures.
  2. The number of those affected requiring surgical care will decrease significantly.
  3. Infection with toxic substances is dangerous to others.
  4. All those infected with drip-liquid poisonous substances need a complete dignity. Processing, and the affected, who were in areas exposed to FOV vapors, in a change of uniform.
  5. A significant part of those affected by poisonous substances are non-transportable, requiring hospitalization in the OMedB for a period of 1-2 days.
  6. Among the applicants there may be those suspected of being affected by poisonous substances (sham gas-poisoned), requiring observation for 1 day.

Based on these features, in the organization of the work of the OMedB it is necessary to provide for:

  1. Increasing the capacity of sorting tents designed to receive those affected by poisonous substances.
  2. Strengthening the department processing (due to sorting and evacuation and dressing for the lightly wounded).
  3. Attraction of surgeons and other honey. personnel to provide therapeutic assistance to those affected by poisonous substances under the guidance of an experienced OMedB therapist.

Taking into account these requirements ensures the most rapid provision of emergency qualified therapeutic assistance to a significant number of seriously injured, which is the most important criterion for evaluating the work of the OMedB in these conditions.

The dynamics of the development of damage by modern types of toxic substances necessitates the provision of qualified therapeutic assistance no later than 2 hours after the last administration of antidotes.

Since assistance can be provided to the injured both before they conduct special. Processing, and after it, the personnel of the OMedB, located in some tents of the sorting and evacuation department and the special department. processing, must work in individual respiratory and skin protection.

The organization of work on the reception of those affected by toxic substances also has some features. At the sorting post, from the general flow, those affected by toxic substances are isolated, in need of sanitization, who are sent directly to the special department. processing. Those who do not need to be processed from the sorting post are sent to the sorting and evacuation department (to the sorting yard or tents). If the intake of those affected by toxic substances exceeds the capacity of the special department. processing, then all of them at the sorting post are divided into two groups:

  1. Those who have honey in the previous stages. evacuation uniforms and protective equipment were removed.
  2. Dressed in infected uniforms.

The first are sent to the sorting tent intended for them, and then to the hospital department, the second to the department, where their uniforms are removed. Then they are taken to the sorting tent for them for assistance and after that to the special department. processing.

From the department of special treatments affected by toxic substances are sent to:

  1. Those in need of qualified therapeutic assistance and non-transportable to the hospital department (intensive care units).
  2. Those in need of surgical interventions to the surgical dressing department.
  3. Lightly wounded with a treatment period of up to 10 days to the convalescent team.
  4. Suspicious for damage by toxic substances for observation at the hospital department.
  5. Those who received injuries that are incompatible with life are placed in rooms for those in need of symptomatic therapy.

In the hospital department, as well as in the sorting and evacuation department and the special department. treatment, places are equipped for the affected, who have convulsions (single-tier planks, soft flooring on the floor).

When organizing workon the reception of the affected from the centers of biological chargeit is necessary to exclude the possibility of introducing infectious diseases into the troops and medical institutions, to prevent their spread as a result of intra-point infection, and to ensure the protection of personnel of the OMedB from infection when caring for affected biological weapons. Therefore, the OMedB accepts the affected, as a rule, only from the centers of biological charging, and its work proceeds under a strict anti-epidemic regime.

The strict anti-epidemic regime of the OMedB includes:

  1. Isolation during medical sorting of the wounded and sick with clinical manifestations infectious disease or suspicious of this disease, receiving and providing them with honey. care in a dedicated isolation (infectious) department.
  2. Full dignity. processing of all arriving from the center of biological infection in two offices a dignity. processing: a) For persons with signs of an infectious disease or suspected of this disease, b) and for the wounded and sick who were in contact with infectious patients.
  3. Temporary cessation of the evacuation of the wounded and sick from the OMedB until the type of pathogen used by the enemy is established.
  4. Expansion in connection with this volume of honey. assistance (providing qualified medical assistance in full).
  5. Termination of the reception of the wounded and sick from units that have not been exposed to biological weapons.
  6. Carrying out emergency, and after establishing the type of pathogen and specific prophylaxis for all the wounded, sick and personnel of the OMedB.
  7. Use by personnel working in the isolation department, available funds personal protection.
  8. Deployment of a sanitary checkpoint for personnel working in isolation and observation departments.
  9. Decontamination of ambulances, stretchers and all items used to deliver those affected by biological agents.
  10. Systematic ongoing disinfection, and after the lifting of the strict anti-epidemic regime, thorough final disinfection of all property and complete sanitization of personnel.
  11. Taking materials from patients to determine the type of pathogen used by the enemy on the spot in the military medical laboratory of the SEL division and sending them to the laboratory of the sanitary-epidemiological detachment.

All of the above causes the need for certain changes in the scheme of deployment and organization of work of the OMedB. First of all, it should be possible to divide all incoming streams into two main streams.

According to the first persons who do not have clinical manifestations of an infectious disease are sent to second all affected with clinical manifestations of such a disease or suspected of this disease. The division into the indicated streams starts from the sorting post. As the signs of the disease are clearly manifested, all those suspicious for the presence of infectious diseases are transferred from the first stream to the second.

Two independent departments are created in OMedB:infectious and observational.

As part of infectious department(for the wounded and sick with clinical manifestations of an infectious disease or suspicious) should be provided:department of special processing,providing complete dignity. processing of all applicants, with the disinfection of their linen and uniforms,sorting and diagnostic tentsfor those suspected of having an infectious disease,hospital tents for sick people, operating room, medical post for medical and secondary medical work. staff, buffetfor distributing food to the wards, washing and disinfecting dirty dishes.

All supplies for the infectious diseases departmentshould only be done throughtransfer point. In the operating room, a special mode of operation is established,providing for its disinfection after each surgical intervention, the destruction of the used dressing material after the operation, the collection of dressing gowns, linen, aprons in bags moistened with Lysol.The personnel of the department must work in personal protective equipment for respiratory organs and horse covers (two gowns, cotton-gauze respirators, rubber gloves, goggles).

In organizing work and equipping functional unitsobservational department.Intended for the reception and provision of qualified honey. care for the wounded and sick who do not have clinical signs of infection, some features should also be noted. So,sorting rooms should be provided with preparations for emergency prophylaxis and disinfectants. The volume of assistance in the operating room and dressing rooms is expanding, since in connection with the cessation of evacuation, everyone in need of surgical intervention is operated here.

In the observational departmentthrough DDP 2 (DDA) from C EO is deploying a special department. processing as part of two sanitary checkpoints: 1) for the incoming wounded and sick and 2) for the medical staff of the OMedB working in the infectious and observation departments.


The movement of OMedB during the battle is organized in accordance with the plan of honey. providing the division and the evolving situation. Transport OMedB allows you to move it at the same time in full force.

Having deployed during an offensive battle, the OMedB takes the bulk of the wounded and sick in the first 8-10 hours. Then, depending on the pace of the advance of the troops, the number of wounded and sick and a number of other conditions, he continues to work to provide qualified medical assistance. assistance on the spot within 1.5-2 days and during this time lags behind its connection. That's why importance has a timely release of OMedB from non-transportable, which can best be achieved by taking them on the spot by others medical institutions(OMO, VPKhG, VPTG, etc.).

However, it will not always be possible to deploy them in the area where the OMedB is located. In these cases, temporarily leave with them the personnel of the medical platoon with the necessary property. Honey. the platoon completes the provision of medical care to the wounded and sick, provides them with treatment, food, care for them until they leave the non-transportable state. After the evacuation (or transfer on the spot) of all the wounded and sick, honey. the platoon joins the OMedB.

The battalion is moved to a new area in full force or by echelons. When moving in full force, the control platoon follows in front, followed by a reception sorting platoon, an operating room dressing platoon with an anesthesiology and intensive care unit, a hospital platoon and, finally, a support platoon. The column is usually led by an officer from the battalion headquarters. Close the column means of technical support.

When loading property, special attention is paid to the sequence of filling cars with it. Those items that are required first of all during deployment are loaded last, heavier and bulky items, as well as property in hard packaging, are placed along the bottom of the body, soft inventory is placed on top. The property should be packed tightly and compactly, this contributes to its preservation during transportation and facilitates the deployment of the functional units of the OMedB.

Depending on the conditions of the situation, the nature of the terrain, the availability of housing stock, functional units can be deployed in tents, basements, and separate houses.

When deploying OMedB in tents, the distance between them should be less than 25 30 m, and between compartments 50 meters.

OMedB should be ready to receive the wounded and sick in 40-60 m upon arrival at the deployment site. First of all, they equip units designed to receive and sort the wounded and carry out urgent measures by qualified medical personnel. help. A clear organization of deployment is achieved by early distribution of duties among all personnel, training, and constant supervision of work by the heads of functional units. Each of them creates calculations:

  • To deploy the tent UST 56 - 5 people.
  • To deploy the tent USB - 56 - 7 people.

Having set up one tent, the calculation proceeds to the installation of the second. The equipment of workplaces in tents should be carried out by those persons who work in them.

According to the concept, OMedB deploys:

  • Sorting and evacuation department
  • Department of Special Processing
  • Operational dressing department
  • Hospital department
  • Pharmacy
  • Headquarters

In addition, they are equipping a helicopter landing site, a platform for ambulance and utility vehicles, premises for the personnel of the OMedB and convalescent teams, as well as places for service units. Slots are being torn off near the functional units, shelters are being equipped for the wounded, sick and personnel of the OMedB. Simultaneously with the deployment of OMedB, a security and defense system is being created, including tearing off and equipping the simplest structures for all-round defense.

Compiled by an OTMS teacher

colonel m/s Zh.Shabdanbekov

Page 18

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