Home Pulpitis Lesson notes letter n in the senior group. Summary of speech therapy lesson "sound "n""

Lesson notes letter n in the senior group. Summary of speech therapy lesson "sound "n""

The outline of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group contains educational games and tasks on the topic “Sound [n]” and allows you to form phonetic-phonemic representations of children with general speech underdevelopment. In addition to classical means, it is proposed to use a surprise moment, the introduction of a hero, an audio recording, which causes positive motivation and interest in the activity in children. This lesson will be of interest to speech therapists, speech pathologists, and educators.

Summary of a lesson on the formation of phonetic-phonemic concepts in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Topic: “Sound [N]. Journey to the Princess Nesmeyana"

Target :

  • Introducing children to the sound [n].



  • introduce children to the sound [n] and the method of its characterization based on articulatory and acoustic features;
  • clarify the articulation of the sound [n];
  • continue to formulate the concept of “consonantal voiced sound”;
  • learn to clearly intonate the sound [n];
  • learn to identify sounds [n];
  • teach analysis and synthesis of forward and backward syllables.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop visual and auditory attention;
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • develop coordination of speech and movement.


  • teach to listen to other children, not to interrupt;
  • develop cooperation skills, independence, initiative.


  • “Zvukovichok” (symbol of consonant sounds (hard, sonorous)), sound articulation profile [n], plot picture “Princess Nesmeyana”, individual mirrors, sound pencil cases (for each child), “flying carpet”, audio recording.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

The speech therapist invites children into the office, invites them to say hello to the guests and go to the carpet.

Speech therapist: Guys, look, we have a new carpet in our group. But this is not an ordinary carpet, but a flying carpet. Do you want to go on a trip with it?

Then make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and we will begin our journey.

Music is playing.

The carpet rises smoothly and slowly, carrying us across the sky. Houses, fields, forests and rivers float far below... And you and I flew to the land of fairy tales. Open your eyes and slowly get up. Look who's greeting us. Do you recognize the heroine of the fairy tale?

Children: Tsarevna-Nesmeyana.

Speech therapist: That's right! Sit on your chairs.

2. Main part.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen carefully to the story about the princess.

Once upon a time there was a princess. She was such a roar, such a screamer. Never smiled in my life, never laughed. So they called her Princess Nesmeyana. Nesmeyana sits on the throne and whines: [n]-[n]-[n]. Guys, take the mirrors and show how Nesmeyana whined.

Children: Pronounce the sound [n], observing the articulation in the mirror.

Speech therapist: Guys, have you already guessed what sound we will be introduced to?

Children: We will get acquainted with the sound [n].

Speech therapist: That's right! Let's see how we pronounce the sound [n]. (The speech therapist places a diagram of the articulation of the sound [n] on the board.) The lips are open. The teeth are close together. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper teeth. Guys, what does the exhaled air meet in your mouth?

Children: The air meets a barrier in the mouth.

Speech therapist: If the air meets a barrier in the mouth, can we sing the sound [n]?

Children: No.

Speech therapist: What do we call sounds that cannot be sung?

Children: Agree.

Speech therapist: That's right! The sound [n] is a consonant sound. Now put your hand on the neck and pronounce the sound [n]. Is the neck shaking?

So what is the sound [n]?

Children: The sound [n] is ringing.

Speech therapist: That's right! Guys, look what happens to our lips when we pronounce the sound [n]?

Children: Lips don't smile.

Speech therapist: So what is the sound [n]?

Children: The sound [n] is hard.

Speech therapist: What color circle do we use to indicate a solid consonant sound? What does the bell mean?

Children: We denote a hard consonant sound with a blue circle. A bell indicates that the sound is ringing.

Speech therapist: Well done! Let's all repeat about the sound [n]. What is he like? And the sound player will help us.

Children: Repeat the characteristics of the sound.

Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, Nesmeyana doesn’t even look at us, but roars more than ever. Let's play the game “How are you?” and let us show Nesmeyana that one must live with joy.

Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, come to Nesmeyana’s nanny and let’s make her laugh, catch the sound [n] in words. Let's play the game “Catch the sound [n]”. I will pronounce the words, when you hear the sound [n] - clap your hands.

Princess, roars, smiles, cries, prince, throne, noise, Nesmeyana, whines, screams.

Children: Do the task.

Speech therapist: Well done! But Nesmeyana still roars, swears, and drags the nannies by the braids. The nannies ran away. Nesmeyana was left alone.
It's night outside. Look at the picture “Princess Nesmeyana.” Name words with the sound [n]. Where is the [n] sound hidden, at the beginning, in the middle or at the end?

Children: Name words with the sound [n], determine the place of the sound in words.

Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, Nesmeyana is sitting alone, all in tears, capricious. Overseas princes came to her. They walk in front of her, joke, and she gives them tasks: “What I say, show it on the diagram” (an, in, na). The princes cannot complete her task. Can you?

Children: Make diagrams of syllables using sound pencil cases.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys! Nesmeyana was glad that you completed her task and smiled. Nesmeyana realized that it is better to live with joy than to be sad and sad. Let us also give smiles to each other. And now it's time to return to the group.

Sit on our magic flying carpet and close your eyes.

Music is playing.

The carpet rises smoothly and slowly, carrying us across the sky. Far below, fields, forests and rivers float by... Gradually, the magic carpet begins to descend and lands in our group. Open your eyes, slowly get up.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you enjoy the trip? What sound did we encounter on our travels? What did you like most? What was the hardest thing to do?

Children: Answer questions.

Gerasimova Tatyana Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 67",
Yaroslavl city

Maksimova Svetlana Alexandrovna
MDOU Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Tver region, village of Spirovo.

Summary of the combined lesson

on literacy training.

Topic: “Sound [n], letter N.”

Objectives: - introduce children to the sound [n] and the letter N;

Learn to pronounce the sound [n] correctly;

Be able to characterize the sound [n];

Develop phonemic awareness, auditory memory and attention

Identify the sound [n] in a number of sounds, words, syllables.

Equipment: bell; an envelope with pictures whose names begin with the letter H; counting sticks (or plasticine, cardboard); box with riddles; didactic game “Place of sound in a word.”

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment.

Guys, stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

(the bell rings)

Attention, the magic bell rang and ordered our lesson to begin. (Children say the last word together with the teacher).

2. Repetition of knowledge.

Didactic game “Agree a Word.”

Guys, I suggest everyone play a little.
- I will say the word, and you must finish it.

Tomato, fence, conductor, ball, constructor.

Guys, what sound did we insert into the words?

What do we know about this sound? (Consonant).

If children find it difficult to ask:

What sounds are there? (Vowels consonants).

Why are they called that? (Children's answers).
- How are they different? (Children’s answers)

3.Introduction to a new sound and letter.

Guys, I have a beautiful envelope, let's open it and see what lies there.

Name what is shown in the picture.

Rhinoceros Pump Narcissus

Nose Knife

Sock Scissors

Guys, what is the first sound you hear in all these words? (Sound [n]).

Today we will get acquainted with the new sound [n].

Let's talk a little about this sound.

Pronounce it [n].

Tongue tensely
Press the gum upward
[N] - we will pronounce it loudly.

What sound is this: a vowel or a consonant?

(Consonant, because we can’t sing it, our upper teeth get in the way).

Physical education minute.

Game “Be careful! »

Guys, I will pronounce sounds, syllables, words.

If you hear the sound [n], clap your hands; if not, put your hands behind your back.

a) [a, y, n, o, n, m, e, i, s, n].

b) ay, am, an, he, oi, ok, in.

c) knife, fork, spoon, pump, nose, mother, leg, belt, hole.

Showing the letter N.

Guys, do you want to know what the letter N looks like?

What does the letter N look like? (Children's answers).

Look, “N” - you can easily remember:

Listen: knife, file, scissors.

“N” - do you hear at the beginning of words?

You can write the letter “N” like this:

Leg, leg


They put a belt on.

Try writing this letter in the air.

4. Consolidation of knowledge.

Guys, in order for you to better remember the letter N, I suggest you make this letter using counting sticks (blind from plasticine).

Look what wonderful letters we made.

Didactic game “Place of sound in a word.”

Guys, I have a box for you.

You need to open it and see what lies there. But in order for it to open, you must name words that contain the sound [H]. (Invite the children to determine the place of the sound in the word).

Guys, you named a lot of words that contain the sound [n], now the box should open.

Look, there are riddles in the box. Let's sit down at the tables and play the game “Locate the sound in the word.”

Children take turns taking out riddles, the answers of which contain the sound [H]; determine the place of a sound in a word.

1) Two rings, two ends 2) Black Ivashka, wooden
In the middle there are studs.shirt. Where does he lead his nose?

(Scissors). Puts a note there

3) a) What can be seen from 4) Two brothers will knock on one,
with closed eyes? (Dream) But they don’t just beat, they sing together
b) What is sweeter than honey that they sing. (Drum).
stronger than a lion? (Dream).

5) a) The device is small,
But this one is amazing.
If my friend is far away
It's easy for me to talk to him

5. Summary of the lesson.

The ringing of a bell.

Guys, the magic bell has rung, so our lesson has come to an end.

What sound and what letter did we meet today? (Children's answers).

What did you like? (Children's answers).

What caused you difficulty? (Children's answers).

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter N, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter N and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter N in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

They bought little Natasha a toy horse. Natasha sat on the horse and shouted:
- But but but!

  1. How did Natasha scream?
  2. NNNO - what is the first sound here?
  3. Who bought the horse?
  4. NATASHA - what is the first sound in this word?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Scissors Sky Notes Rhinoceros

What is the first sound in the word RHINO? - SCISSORS?
Is the [n] sound in the word LEMON at the beginning, at the end or in the middle of a word? WINDOW? RAM? NOTES?

When we pronounce the sound [n], the tip of the tongue hits the “tubercles” behind the upper teeth. Say: NNN. The tip of the tongue hits the “tubercles” behind the upper teeth and prevents air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [n].

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [n]?
  2. What other consonant sounds do you know?
  3. Voiced or unvoiced sound [n]?
  4. What other voiced consonant sound do you know? ([m])

Assignment: Printed letter N for preschoolers

Examine the letter N. Sew the letter H in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.


You can solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You will see anything in me.
(Nose - dream)

With the letter I, my friends,
I don't mean anything
I'm changing to C -
Feel free to put me in the soup.
Don't take it with the letter M -
I coat your doorway.
(Zero - salt - mole)

The old man carries me with difficulty,
But if you add Yu, instantly
The one who will come to his aid
Who carries me without difficulty.
(Nosha - young man)

Tale about the letter N

Pinocchio nose
For the New Year, all the children in kindergarten had to dress up as someone. Nikita decided to make himself a long nose and paint his cheeks, well, as if he were Pinocchio.
Nikita sat down on the floor, cut the paper with scissors, smeared it with glue and rolled it into a tube. I looked, and it wasn’t a nose, but a whole nose.

“I’m tired of making this Pinocchio nose,” Nikita mutters.
- I’d rather tie it to my head with threads and be a rhinoceros.

I started winding the threads. I reeled and reeled in - nothing worked! Nikita pouted.

I'd rather stick it directly on my head.

I smeared glue on my head and applied my nose. My hair was stuck together and my nose had fallen to one side.

I'm tired of this rhinoceros. It’s better to come after the New Year and say that I was dressed as invisible, that’s why they didn’t see me.

Riddles for children starting with the letter N

Between two luminaries
There's one in the middle.

People always have it
Ships always have it.

Five steps - a ladder,
There is a song on the steps.

On five wires
A flock of birds is resting.

The blue sheet covers the whole world.

On one finger
The bucket is upside down.

Who has one eye during the day,
And at night - a lot?
(By the sky)

What kind of ceiling is this?
Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high.
Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,
It's a little bluish.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue.

All my life I've been racing,
But they cannot overtake each other.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter N

In autumn bad weather there are seven weather conditions outside.
On a foreign land even spring is not beautiful.
Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
The bird in the golden cage is sad.
One bee applies a little honey.
An unfinished book is like a path not taken.
Not knowing is not scary, not knowing is scary.
Unhappy days are long remembered.
Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall.

Funny poems about the letter N for children

Our brothers sewed a dress,
One of the brothers was king.
He put on the crown.
But he did not lag behind in his work.
(G. Vieru)

Twin words
The mink crawled out of the hole
And she went to a familiar hole.
The minkin entered the hole,
I couldn’t find the mink in the hole.
If there is no mink in the hole,
Maybe a mink next to a mink?
There was no trace.
Mink is here
But MINKS - no!
(A. Shibaev)

Different noses
They stick their noses in other people's business,
They peck their noses before going to bed,
But one funny nose
Papa Carlo brought it to us.
(Ya. Akim)

Who will give way to the rhinoceros?
He will undoubtedly act wisely.
He, the thick-skinned one, likes to push
And what about the poor passerby?
It's good that such ignoramuses
They will meet less and less often!
(B. Zakhoder)

Igorek sticks his nose in
It's in the jam
That's in honey.
Oh, I'm afraid
Like a nose
To the jar of honey
It hasn't grown.
(F. Bobylev)

Take us to Vera.
- Where is she?
- In the square.
(Ya. Kozlovsky)

We don't need such jokes!
Who cut forget-me-nots at night?
There are footprints on the garden bed.
This must be a rhinoceros.
(G. Sapgir)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

Literacy lesson in the preparatory group, topic "The sound N, НН and the letter N"

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce the sounds Н and Нь.

Objectives: Develop connected speech, articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills of the fingers, memory. Learn to distinguish between the sounds N and НН. Compose sentences of three words. Conduct sound analysis of words.

Integration of educational areas "Communication", "Socialization", "Cognition" and "Health"



Target : Introduce the sounds (N), (Нь), and the letter N.

Tasks: Develop connected speech, articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills of fingers, memory.

Learn to distinguish between the sounds N and N, and compose sentences of three words. Conduct a sound analysis of a word. Solve puzzles.

To instill in children independence, the ability to work in pairs, and to finish what they start.

Methods and techniques : instructions, encouragement, explanations, demonstration.

Equipment: cards with letters (A, O, U, I, E, Y, Y, Z, E, E), alphabet, blue and red cards, letter H, projector.

Educational areas:“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Security”.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Today we are not alone, we have guests. You are adults and educated, let's wish each other health and introduce ourselves. Our guests are interested in what we do and how we spend time together.

Once upon a time there lived in the city Zvukin’s invisible sounds. The wizard gave red dresses to the vowel sounds, and blue and green dresses to the consonants. The sounds formed words. Words were combined into sentences. All sounds lived together. And one day the sounds decided to hold a carnival. And each sound made himself a carnival dress, put it on and turned... into letters.

Letters-icons, like soldiers on parade,

They lined up in a strict order.

Everyone stands in the designated place.

And it's called Alphabet.

(The teacher shows the alphabet, introduces the alphabet. Slide No. 1)

Educator: And vowels came to visit us today.

(Children read poetry.)

"A" (Slad No. 2)

Here are two pillars diagonally,

And between them there is a belt.

Do you know this letter? Yes.

In front of you is the letter "A".

“I” (Slide No. 3)

The letter "I" is at the end

Closes the alphabet.

“O” (Slide No. 4)

You see a hollow in the tree,

Well, just like the letter “O”.

"E" (Slide No. 5)

The letter "E" with a huge mouth

And a huge tongue.

"E", (Slide No. 6, No. 7)

“Y” Those letters, dear sisters,

It's so easy to tell sisters apart

One has two points,

Like a ladder of goslings.

“U” (Slide No. 8)

It’s a convenient letter, it’s convenient

That you can hang your coat on a letter.

"Yu" (Slide No. 9)

So that "O" doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the stick.

Oh, look what happened?

The result is the letter "Y".

“Y” (Slide No. 10)

And the poor thing is the letter “Y”

Walks with a stick, alas!

“I” (Slide No. 11)

I got a hammer

I knocked down a letter from the boards.

How many planks are there? Three!

And what letter? “I”.

The teacher explains that the letters “I”, “Ё”, “E”, “Yu”, “I” are friendly only with soft consonants.

Let's play " Flowers" . Look, I have two unusual flowers: one is green and the other is blue (Slide No. 12). Every flower has five petals, who knows? Why? (Children's answers.)

One flower is green because the sound (N) is a soft consonant, and the other is blue because the sound (N) is a hard consonant.

Pronunciation of pure phrases and shading.

Na-na-na But-but-but

There is a pine tree on the hill. It's dark outside.

Now-now-now He-he-he

There is no moon in the sky. Light the fire.

Today is Nata and Nina’s name day.

They gave the birthday girls socks, skates and a pancake maker.

Finger game "Mink"

With the tip of the thumb of their right hand, children alternately touch the index, middle, ring and little fingers (1, 2). Do the same with your left hand.

The mink crawled out of the hole

And she went to a familiar hole.

The minkin entered the hole,

I couldn’t find the mink in the hole.

Tracing and typing letters

Let's find out how to type a letter correctly. We trace along the outline and print. First, we draw a line from top to bottom, then, leaving a little space, we draw a second line from top to bottom, then we connect two sticks in the middle.

Completion of the letter composition of words, sound analysis

Children are asked to guess the word and write the letter “H” with the appropriate pencil. The words are displayed on the screen: Nina, threads, notes, nose, skates, windows.

At the end of the task, the children conclude: The number of vowels in a word equals the number of syllables.

Working on a proposal

Make up sentences using the diagram. At the window ______ Nat.

There are_____notes on the table. Nika_____ on a pony.

Gymnastics for the eyes


we came to a magical forest. (Eye movements in a circle).

There are so many miracles around here.

On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat. (Eye movements left and right).

To the left, the Christmas tree is looking at us.

Snowflakes in the sky are spinning (Eye movements in a circle and down)

Solving puzzles

Children work in pairs. The teacher hands out a card with the task. Answers: Vorona, Osina, naUKA (Assignment: ON what letter is the syllable?)

Physical education

Pinocchio stretched,

He bent over once, he bent over twice.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

We need to stand on our toes.

Game "Find the extra letter"

The teacher shows cards with vowels and the letter “N”. Children find the extra letter. Why is the letter "N" redundant?

Children's answers. The letter "N" is a consonant, and the rest are vowels.

Game “Find words with the sound “N”

The teacher explains to the children that they need to remember words with the sound “N”

Lesson summary

Educator: What sound and letter did we get acquainted with? What is the letter "N"? (a consonant, it can be hard, soft, voiced.) What vowels does the letter “N” go with (A, O, Y, U, E). And what letters does “Нь” go with (I, E, E, Yu, I).

Guys, I really liked the way you worked. Well done, everyone completed the task.

Target - introduce children to the sound and letter N.


Educational: teach to characterize sound N according to acoustic and articulatory characteristics ; teach to highlight N in syllables, words; give the concept of “consonants”; continue to learn to identify the first and last sound in a word.

Corrective and developmental: develop phonemic processes; teach children to compose sound patterns and analyze them; develop general, finger and articulatory motor skills, develop mental processes.

Educational: cultivate discipline, the ability to listen to the teacher and the answers of other children.

Equipment: subject pictures in N (at the beginning of the word - nose, pump, at the end of the word - banana, loaf, peony, penguin, drum, glass, Carlson, can, sofa); red and blue circles, Kuesner sticks.

1. Organizational point:

The one who comes up with words based on the sounds will sit down. A, U, I.

2. Game "Third Man"

I’ll name three words, you listen and tell me which word is superfluous, which one doesn’t fit? Why? (As you answer, pictures are posted on the board)

Cucumber tomato, lemon

Apple, loaf, pear

Bread, milk, can

Banana, pumpkin, melon

Orange, cabbage, potatoes

3. Game “Remember - repeat”

I will pronounce the words, and you will remember them and repeat them.

Lemon, loaf, can

Lemon, can, loaf

Orange, lemon, banana

Can, lemon loaf

Can, lemon, loaf

Loaf, lemon, orange

4. New message

What is the last sound heard in all these words?

Articulatory characteristics of sound

When we say N the lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue hits the tubercles behind the upper teeth and prevents the air from freely leaving the mouth.

Phonetic characteristics of sound

If the air does not come out freely from the mouth, but encounters an obstacle on the way - the tongue and teeth, then it is a consonant sound. We will denote it with a blue chip.

The neck “trembles”, which means sound N- sonorous.

5. Game “Clap, don’t yawn”

(The speech therapist puts pictures of a banana, lemon and sofa on the board.)

Clap your hands when I say it right

Baman - banana- banam - panam

Milon - estuary - lemon- nimol

Divam - tivan - vidan - sofa

6. Physical education minute

Development of gross motor skills

The birdhouse is empty, Hands like wings.

The birds have flown away

Leaves on the trees They squat.

I can't sit either.

All day today Stand in a circle and wave their arms

They're all flying and flying...

Apparently, also to Africa Running in circles

They want to fly away

Development of fine motor skills

The duck walked along the shore (“walk” with two fingers on the table)

The gray one walked along a steep path. (waddling)

She led the children with her,

Both small and large, (bend the ring finger and thumb)

Both medium and smaller (bend the middle finger and little finger)

And my favorite one. (bend the index finger.)

7. Fixing sound in syllables

Sound analysis of syllables AN, IN.

Listen carefully to what syllable I pronounce.

How many sounds did I make?

What's the first sound?

What's the last sound?

Game "Living Syllables"

(Two children come to the board and become living syllables. The speech therapist determines which of the children will make which sound, and the children choose the appropriate color designation.)

Name the resulting syllable.

This is the syllable AN.

Who is the sound A?

Who is the sound N?

8. Fixing sounds in words

(Identification of the sound N in the words lemon, sofa, nose, pump, peony.)

Highlight the sound N in words as follows.

Can. In the word bidon, the N sound is at the end of the word. The word "can" has two syllables.

9. Didactic game “On the contrary”

- Upper, but vice versa, what will happen? - Lower.

dry -... wet

cheerful... sad


left right

take off-... put on

high-... low


10. Fixing the sound in a sentence

Making sentences based on single-story pictures. For example: “Penguin_________fish” (catches)

“Monkey________banana” (eats)

11. Exercise “Make a sentence”

Cat, sleep, window, on, Vaska.

Sit, on, the sofa, Natasha.

Children, mountain, with, ride.

Nina, village, go, to.

Anton, ruler, on, put, book.

Shoes, with, feet, take off.

12. Game “Make a letter”

On the letter N I'm like on a ladder

I sit and sing songs.

Children collect the letter N from counting sticks.

11. Summing up. Assessment of children's activities.

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