Home Children's dentistry Lectures on general tactics of ground forces. Lecture on the academic discipline “General Tactics” on the topic: “appointment, organization, armament of divisions, brigades and battalions of the US Armed Forces, Germany

Lectures on general tactics of ground forces. Lecture on the academic discipline “General Tactics” on the topic: “appointment, organization, armament of divisions, brigades and battalions of the US Armed Forces, Germany



Topic No. 3: “Motorized rifle (tank) battalion in the main types of combat”

Department of Signal Corps

protocol no.




"I affirm"

Head of the Military Department of Signal Corps,

tactics and general military disciplines

Colonel A. Rendak


in the discipline "General Tactics"


Topic No. 3 “Motorized rifle (tank) battalion in the main types of combat”

Clarified: Considered at the meeting

Department of Signal Corps

protocol no.

Novocherkassk 2010

Lecture No. 3

Lesson 2. Modern combined arms combat

Educational, methodological and educational goals:

1. To familiarize students with the definition of tactics and show the dialectical connection with operational art and strategy.

2. Study the essence, character traits, types and basic principles of modern combined arms combat, means of armed combat at the tactical level.

3. Cultivate perseverance and determination in acquiring knowledge.

Time: 2 hours.

Lecture outline

No. Study questions Time, min.
1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTORY PART MAIN PART 1. Tactics how component military art. Contents of basic tactical concepts and terms. 2. Fundamentals of combined arms combat. Modern means armed struggle at the tactical level. FINAL PART

Material support:


1. General tactics. Textbook. M.: Publishing house. LLC "Katalit", 2008 p.5-45,

Introductory part

Accept the report. Check availability of trainees.

Announce the name of the topic and lesson, educational questions and goals, ways to achieve them, the corresponding electronic slide will highlight. Indicate the relationship between the proposed educational material with other disciplines and the relevance of the issues being studied in the light of upcoming military professional activities.

Main part

Name the first educational question and, in accordance with the text of the lecture, inform the personnel of the content of the educational material.

· Military art and its components;

· The essence and objectives of tactics;

· Subject of tactics.

Remind the second educational question and, in accordance with the text of the lecture, bring the content of the educational material.

Special attention pay attention to the following concepts and definitions, which must be written down and illustrated with the appropriate slides (see list of slides):

· Tactical actions and their forms;

· Combat and its components;

· Types of combat;

· Types of fire and maneuver;

· Means of armed struggle.

When commenting on the content of a slide, it is advisable to clearly define the essence of the issue and then justify it.

Periodically monitor the work of students, walk around the audience, check their note-taking, evaluate their mastery of the material by surveying 2-3 students.

At the end of the presentation of the material, summarize the educational issue.

Final part

Remind the topic, learning goals and the degree to which they have been achieved. Announce grades for answering questions. Give a task for independent work, highlight the corresponding slide of recommended literature for independent work. In this case, it is advisable to give an extremely brief summary.

Answer the questions. When answering questions, it is better not to repeat verbatim provisions that have already been discussed during the lecture, but to give them additional evidence and justification or, depending on the nature of the question, provide new material.

Give a command to end the lesson.



Since ancient times, commanders have sought to find the “elixirs” of victory. Centuries passed, countless military campaigns and battles were carried out, a sea of ​​human blood was shed before inquisitive minds, comprehending the accumulated combat experience, analyzing the hidden springs and levers that determine the achievement of success, found useful guiding threads for practical activities, developed recommendations for preparation and conducting the battle. Over time, they were enriched and formed into coherent theories.

Over the past millennia, tactics have gone through a long and complex path of development. In the pages of the military press in the past, there have been numerous discussions about what tactics is - science or art. Authors who did not consider tactics a science cited the following argument as their main argument: tactics cannot provide immutable rules of combat that are suitable for all cases, and therefore cannot be a science, it is an art based only on the talent of military leaders. However, every science has its application to life, i.e. its own art, and, conversely, every art has its own science, its own theory, which is a generalized experience, a generalized practice. Therefore, the question of what constitutes tactics - science or art, should be answered: both. Tactics, like strategy and operational art, has its own scientific theory and its own art - the application of this theory to life.

The purpose of the lecture is to introduce you to the basics of modern tactics as an integral part of military science.


Tactics as an integral part of the art of war

The current military-political situation in the world over the past decade allows us to conclude that one of the main sources of wars and armed conflicts are conflicts on racial, ethnic and religious grounds, which also have an economic background. This makes it necessary to have armed forces that have the ability, together with other law enforcement agencies of the country, to solve problems in both large-scale and local wars and armed conflicts. The participation of the armed forces in solving tasks that are not entirely typical for them, for example, the destruction of illegal gangs, influenced the development of methods of armed struggle against them.

But in general, these methods of fighting are based on the basic theory of military art.

Military art includes three components (Slide No. 3) :

· strategy,

· operational art,

· tactics.

Each component has specific features of conducting armed struggle of various scales.

(Slide No. 4) Strategy - the highest field of military art, covering the theory and practice of preparing the country and armed forces for war, planning and conducting war and strategic operations.

(Slide No. 5) Operational art includes the theory and practice of conducting operations (combat actions) by formations of the Armed Forces. Guided by the requirements of strategy, we can say that operational art explores (Slide No. 6) :

· character modern operations;

· patterns, principles and methods of their preparation and maintenance;

· basics of using operational formations;

· operational support issues;

· basics of troop command and control in operations and their logistical support.

The use of Ground Forces in armed struggle is carried out in the form of operations, battles and engagements. In modern conditions, the first operations and combat operations carried out in initial period war in order to repel and disrupt enemy aggression.

The only means for formations, units and subunits to achieve victory in an armed conflict with the enemy is combat. Tactics is the study of the theory and practice of combat.

(Slide No. 7) Tactics - theory and practice of training and conducting combat by subunits, units and formations various types Armed Forces, branches of troops (forces) and special troops, using all, including the latest means of armed struggle. It is divided into (Slide No. 8) :

general tactics

· tactics of branches of the Armed Forces, branches of troops and special troops.

General tactics examines the patterns of combined arms combat and develops recommendations for its preparation and conduct through the joint efforts of subunits, units and formations of various types of armed forces, combat arms and special forces. The basis of general tactics is the tactics of the Ground Forces.

The general tactics and tactics of the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the armed forces and special forces are closely interconnected. General tactics determines the tasks of subunits, units, formations, branches of the Armed Forces, combat arms and special forces in combined arms combat, the order and methods of their joint use, and thereby influences the development of their tactics. In turn, changes in the tactics of the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the armed forces and special forces influence the development of general tactics.

Tactics has two aspects - theoretical and practical.

Theory of tactics explores the content and nature of modern combat, reveals the laws and principles of warfare, studies the combat capabilities of military formations, and develops methods of preparing and conducting combat. Theoretical principles of tactics are reflected in regulations, manuals, textbooks, textbooks, military theoretical works.

Practical aspect covers the activities of commanders, staffs and troops in preparing for and conducting combat. It includes: collecting and studying situational data, making decisions and communicating tasks to subordinates, planning, preparing troops and terrain for battle, conducting combat operations, managing subunits, units and formations, and comprehensive support for combat.

Tactics are as close as possible to the practical activities of troops; the level of its development, the quality of tactical training of officers, staffs and branches of the military largely determine the success of achieving victory in battle.

Therefore, the main requirement for the theory of tactics is that it should be ahead of practice, pave the way for it, reveal possible ways development and thereby accelerated the improvement of methods of preparing and conducting combined arms combat.

Tactics is also inextricably linked with other components of the art of war; its theory and practice are subordinated to the interests of strategy and operational art, are guided by their requirements. In turn, under the influence of the rapid development of weapons and military equipment, tactics have a significant impact on operational art, and through it on strategy.

But tactics as a science does not stand still; changes in it occur more and more rapidly as technological progress accelerates and the means of armed struggle and the moral and combat qualities of army personnel are improved.

Implementation nuclear weapons, the emergence and improvement of high-precision weapons, the continuous growth of firepower, striking force and maneuverability of troops, the introduction of automated control systems for troops and weapons radically changed the nature of the battle and the conditions for its conduct, they gave the battle unprecedented decisiveness, maneuverability, dynamism and spatial scope.

Significant changes in the capabilities of weapons and further improvement of means of combat, technical and logistical support, command and control of troops and weapons create a qualitatively new material and technical basis for the development of combined arms combat tactics and create the need to solve emerging problems and quickly and correctly respond to a changing situation.

The importance of the efficiency of the commander's thinking, foresight, reasonable initiative and independence of action has increased; fast and accurate operational-tactical calculations are required, a sharp reduction in the time required to prepare for a battle and solve the problems of controlling units and subunits during its conduct. Of particular importance is the ability to mislead the enemy regarding true intentions by using in various ways his deception.

Tactics is designed to reveal these changes, to explore the nature of modern combat, its characteristic features, patterns, preparation, principles and methods of warfare.

Thus, as we see, the range of tactics tasks is extensive. It is determined by the level of development of weapons and military equipment, views on the nature of a future war, methods of unleashing and waging it, and specific tasks arising from operational art.

Since troops must be prepared to repel a surprise attack from a potential enemy, then the most important tasks tactics are (Slide No. 9, 10) :

development and implementation of measures to ensure the constant combat readiness of units, units and formations to carry out combat missions in difficult conditions of the ground, air and radio-electronic environment;

development and improvement of methods of conducting combat operations in the initial period of the war;

studying the enemy’s forces and means, his views on their use in battle, as well as on methods of conducting various types of combat;

identifying strengths and weaknesses weapons, equipment, troop organization and enemy tactics;

studying management issues, comprehensive combat support;

development of requirements for the organizational structure of military formations and the level of combat training.

Tactics develops ways to use various types of modern weapons, as well as protect troops from the same weapons of the enemy.

(Slide No. 11) Tactical actions are organized actions of units, units and formations in carrying out assigned tasks using various types, forms and methods of action. The types of tactical actions include: offensive, defense, counter battle, positioning on the spot, march, transportation, exit from battle, withdrawal, actions in encirclement and when leaving it, change of units, tactical airborne operations and others.

(Slide No. 12) Main types of tactical actions are defense And offensive , and forms - the battle , hit And maneuver .

(Slide No. 13)The battle- the main form of tactical actions, units. It can be combined arms (ground), air, anti-air and sea. Modern combat of tactical formations, units and subunits is combined arms. This means that units, units and formations of various types of troops (motorized rifle, tank, etc.) and special troops, and in coastal areas - ships, participate in it and conduct it through joint efforts Navy according to a single concept and plan under the command of a combined arms commander.

(Slide No. 14) Combined-arms (ground) combat is strikes, fire and maneuver of units, units and formations organized and coordinated in purpose, place and time to destroy (defeat) the enemy, repel his strikes (attacks) and perform other tactical tasks in a limited area within a short period of time. time.

In combat, various combat forces and means are used, built in certain battle formations, including motorized rifle, tank, artillery and anti-aircraft units, units of engineering and NBC protection troops and others. Close and continuous interaction of heterogeneous forces and means located in a single combat formation allows them to most successfully solve combat missions due to the mutual complementation of each other's combat properties and capabilities, and ensures the most effective combination of strikes, fire and maneuver. It follows from this that combat is a two-sided phenomenon; in it, two groups of forces and means confront each other, having the same goal - to defeat the enemy.

The means of achieving victory are weapons, military equipment and people, and the main means of destroying (defeating) the enemy in battle is fire. He prepares and accompanies the actions of units during the execution of a mission, ensures their speed of action and creates the necessary conditions to carry out the maneuver. In defense, essentially, only fire in combination with obstacles, maneuver by units (fire weapons, military personnel) and fire determines the possibility of repelling an enemy offensive.

(Slide No. 15) Fire in modern conditions is the firing of various types of weapons and the launching of missiles in conventional equipment to engage targets or perform other tasks. It varies according to (Slide No. 16) :

tactical tasks to be solved,

types of weapons,

ways of conducting


direction of fire,

shooting methods,

types of fire.

According to the tactical tasks being solved (Slide No. 17) it is carried out to destroy, suppress, exhaust, destroy, smoke, etc.

Destruction of a target consists of inflicting such losses (damage) on it that it completely loses its combat effectiveness: the crew (crew) is destroyed or the equipment of the combat vehicle is disabled. The probability of hitting individual targets is 0.7 - 0.9 or the mathematical expectation of the number of hit targets from a group target (squad, platoon, battery, etc.) is 50-60%.

Suppression of a target consists of inflicting such losses (damage) on it that it is temporarily deprived of combat capability, its maneuver (by fire, movement) is limited (prohibited) or control is disrupted. The mathematical expectation of the number of targets hit is 25-30%.

Exhaustion consists of the moral and psychological impact on the enemy’s manpower by conducting restless fire with a limited number of guns (mortars), tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and other fire weapons and ammunition for a set time.

Destruction of a target consists of rendering it unusable, and defensive structures cannot be used for further actions.

By type of weapon, it is divided into fire from small arms, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, tanks (tank guns and machine guns), infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), artillery, mortars, anti-tank missile systems, anti-aircraft weapons and other means.

(Slide No. 18) According to the methods of firing, fire can be direct and semi-direct fire, from closed firing positions, and others.

Direct fire is called aiming, which is carried out when firing from an open firing position at an observed target (the target is visible in the sight). It is usually carried out from a machine gun (machine gun, sniper rifle), hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, infantry fighting vehicle (armored personnel carrier), artillery pieces, anti-tank missile systems and other means.

Indirect aiming is called when the weapon's firing position is set horizontally using an azimuth indicator (protractor), and vertically using a lateral level. Such guidance is carried out when firing from tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery pieces from closed firing positions, at night and in other conditions when the target is not visible to the shooter.

Semi-direct aiming is used when the target is visible in the sight, but the range to it exceeds the cut of the sight scales. Semi-direct fire is carried out from tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), ATS-17 and other weapons.

(Slide No. 19) According to the intensity of fire, fire can be single shots, short or long bursts, continuous, dagger, rapid, methodical, salvo and others.

Dagger fire (small arms only) - fire opened suddenly from close distances in one direction. It is prepared at distances not exceeding the range of a direct shot at the chest figure, and is conducted from carefully camouflaged positions with extreme tension until the enemy is completely destroyed or his attempts to advance in a given direction are prohibited.

Rapid fire is carried out from one or more tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, guns and mortars; shots follow one after another as soon as they are ready, at maximum speed, without disturbing the fire regime and without compromising aiming accuracy.

Methodical fire - fire in which, according to one command, each subsequent shot is fired in a certain sequence at set (equal) intervals of time. It can be fired by tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, guns and mortars.

Salvo fire is fire in which shots (launches) from several tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, guns, mortars, rockets, rocket launchers and carbines are fired simultaneously or in the shortest period of time at the command (signal) of the unit commander.

Fire in the direction of fire is distinguished as frontal, flanking and cross (Slide No. 20) .

Frontal fire - fire directed perpendicular to the front of the target (enemy's battle formation). It is conducted from small arms, anti-tank weapons, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) and other fire weapons.

Flanking fire - fire directed at the flank of the target (enemy's battle formation). It is carried out from small arms, anti-tank weapons, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), and sometimes from guns.

Crossfire is fire directed at a target from at least two directions.

(Slide No. 21) Fire, in addition, differs in the methods of firing from a place, from a stop (from a short stop), on the move, from the side, with dispersion along the front, with dispersion in depth, over an area, and others.

(Slide No. 22) By types - fire on a separate target, concentrated, barrage, multi-layered, multi-tiered and others.

Fire at an individual target (machine gun, tank, infantry fighting vehicle (armored personnel carrier), anti-tank guided missile system, KNP, etc.) is carried out by one weapon (machine gun, grenade launcher, machine gun, tank, infantry fighting vehicle (armored personnel carrier), gun), artillery (mortar) platoon or battery.

Concentrated fire (CO) - fire from several tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, machine guns, machine guns or other fire weapons, as well as fire from one or more units, directed at one target or part of the enemy’s battle formation. It is used to destroy important targets and is conducted in certain areas, the dimensions of which are determined by the fire capabilities of the units and depend on the power of the ammunition used and the number of funds involved. For a tank platoon (3 tanks), the CO section can be up to 120 m wide (40 m per gun), 100 m deep (due to natural dispersion - best part scattering ellipse); for a platoon on an infantry fighting vehicle - up to 75 m (25 m per gun) and 50 m, respectively; for small arms of a motorized rifle platoon, the CO area with a density of 10-12 bullets per 1 linear meter can be up to 100 m. Concentrated fire from machine guns and light machine guns on ground targets is carried out at ranges of up to 800 m, and by air - up to 500 m; from PKTiPK machine guns - up to 1000 m.

Multilayer fire is fire conducted simultaneously from machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), tanks, guns, mortars and other fire weapons at the enemy in front of the front of the platoon (company, battalion) to a depth of 400 m. It is prepared and conducted to repel enemy attacks on defense and counterattacks on the offensive.

Multi-tiered fire is fire conducted from machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) and other fire weapons located at several tiers in height at the enemy in front of the front of the platoon, company and battalion during defense in the mountains and in the city.

(Slide No. 23)Hit- a form of tactical action. It consists of the simultaneous and short-term defeat of enemy troop groups and targets by powerfully influencing them with all available means of destruction or by attacking troops (strike by troops). (Slide No. 24) Depending on the weapon used, strikes can be nuclear or fire; based on the means of delivery, they are divided into missiles, artillery and aviation, and based on the number of weapons involved and objects hit - massive, group and single.

A troop strike is a combination of fire and movement of tank, motorized rifle units and units, and airborne assault forces in order to develop success and complete the defeat of the enemy and capture the designated area (line, object). Therefore, the blow is most characteristic of the offensive, primarily for its decisive element - the attack. In defense it is usually used during a counterattack. The strength of the strike of attacking (counterattacking) units and units is determined primarily by their firepower, the speed (tempo) of movement, and the surprise of its application.

(Slide No. 25)Maneuver- a form of tactical action, which is the organized movement of units (fire weapons, military personnel) when performing assigned tasks in order to occupy an advantageous position in relation to the enemy and create the necessary grouping of forces and means, as well as transferring or retargeting (massing, distributing) strikes and fire to effectively defeat the most important enemy groups.

The maneuver is carried out by units (fire weapons) and fire. IN defense maneuver by units is used for (Slide No. 26) :

· changing a position to a more advantageous one,

more reliable cover of the threatened direction,

· strengthening (or replacing) the unit located on it,

escape from the enemy's attack,

· firing line training,

· reaching the line of transition to a counterattack.

IN offensive The unit's maneuver is carried out for (Slide No. 27) :

· increasing efforts towards the achieved success by introducing the second echelon into battle,

· movement of part of the first echelon units from one direction to another, to attack the enemy in the flank and rear,

· to occupy an advantageous position to repel an enemy counterattack.

Types of maneuver (Slide No. 28) divisions are: coverage, bypass, retreat and change of area(locations, strong points, positions), and fire means - change of firing positions. Oxvat - a maneuver carried out by units during actions to enter the enemy’s flank (flanks) and attack him. A bypass is a deeper maneuver performed by units to get behind enemy lines. Envelopment and outflanking is carried out in close tactical and fire cooperation with units advancing from the front. Withdrawal and change of positions - a maneuver carried out by units (fire weapons) in order to escape from the attacks of a superior enemy, prevent encirclement and occupy a more advantageous position for next steps. It is carried out only with the permission of the senior commander. The change of firing positions is carried out by infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), tanks, anti-tank missile systems, grenade launchers, machine guns, artillery and mortar units, as well as personnel to increase their survivability by reducing the effectiveness of enemy fire and misleading him about their true location. Carried out by the decision of the commander to whom they are subordinate.

The maneuver by units should be simple in concept, carried out quickly, covertly and unexpectedly for the enemy.

To implement it, the results of enemy fire (fire), open flanks, gaps, terrain folds, hidden approaches, aerosols (smoke), and in defense, in addition, trenches and communication passages are used and, if necessary, the optimal amount of forces and means is involved spending minimal time.

Fire maneuver is used to more effectively defeat the enemy. It consists of simultaneous or sequential concentration of fire from a platoon (squad) on the most important enemy targets or in the distribution of fire from several targets, as well as in retargeting at new targets.

Thus, the theory and practice of combined arms combat must be constantly improved taking into account the requirements of strategy, operational art and changes in the material base of combat, and the level of tactical art of commanders, staffs and troops must continuously increase.

The role of tactics in modern conditions, as confirmed by the experience of local wars, is great. Therefore, tactical training is the most important part of combat training of troops, the leading academic discipline in military educational institutions.

An electronic textbook created using a training shell, which reveals the basic concepts and military terms used in military affairs, provides the basics of the organization and content of modern combat and the combat use of motorized rifle and tank units; provides reference materials on the organization and armament of units of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the armies of foreign states. There is a built-in system for monitoring and self-monitoring of the learning process, which provides the possibility of distance learning. Designed for students of military departments at government institutions of higher education vocational education training specialists for the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation, there is the possibility of adaptation for military departments of training specialists for other types of the RF Armed Forces. Each chapter (including final and intermediate tests) can be used either independently or as part of a course (textbook). The volume of the textbook is about 15 MB. The electronic textbook is designed for students who do not have special computer training; minimal PC skills are required. All information necessary for the student’s work is on the screen and does not require additional lengthy queries or transitions. The textbook contains educational information material, illustrated with photographs (drawings), diagrams and animation, which helps to improve the perception of the material being studied.
The order of studying the material and its volume is adapted to the level of training of students, with periodic correction when passing self-control tests. The content and nature of the information appearing on the screen depends on the degree of knowledge of the subject by the student. If necessary, the teacher has the opportunity to quickly make changes and additions to the textbook material, change assignments and test questions. At the same time, entry into the editor for students can be reliably blocked.

In case of incorrect answers, the possibility of repeating this material is provided. Upon completion of studying the material in each chapter, a grade is assigned. The selection of test questions is carried out by random sampling from the library of available ones. The electronic textbook “General Tactics” was created at the military department of the Moscow State Institute Electronic Technology(MIET), used in classes and individual independent work students (IRS) in the discipline “Tactical training”.

Electronic textbooks created with the use of a learning shell allow you to intensify the learning process and increase interest in the subject, promote the effective assimilation of educational material and free up the teacher’s time for individual consultations and assistance to those lagging behind, allowing you to switch to distance learning.

Topic No. 3 “Fundamentals of conducting an offensive by combined arms units” Lesson No. 1 “Offensive combat. Tasks of departments and their capabilities"

Purpose of the lesson: To become familiar with the essence of offensive combat, the capabilities and tasks of combined arms units during an offensive battle. Study questions: 1. The essence and characteristic features of offensive combat. 2. Ways to go on the offensive. 3. Combat capabilities and tasks of the offensive

Literature 1. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 2, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 176… 193; 2. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 3, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 171… 181; 3. Textbook Tactics, Military Publishing House, M, 1987, p. 176… 237.

Question No. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The essence of the offensive is to defeat the enemy with all available means, a decisive attack, rapid advance of troops into the depth of his location, destruction and capture of manpower, seizure of weapons and equipment, various objects and designated areas (boundaries) of the terrain. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF OFFENSIVE COMBAT Intensified fire confrontation; High determination; Ground-air nature of the battle; Application of new tactical techniques; Application of raid tactics; Conducting anti-helicopter warfare; Fight against the enemy's HANDS and defend against them; The need to break through the defense; The complexity of the radio-electronic environment.

Question No. 2 An offensive is carried out in order to defeat the opposing enemy and capture designated lines or areas of terrain and create conditions for the conduct of the following actions. (Destruction means inflicting such damage on the enemy that he loses the ability to resist.) METHODS OF TRANSITION TO THE OFFENSIVE Offensive with advancement from the depths (immediately). An attack from a position of direct contact with the enemy.

Question No. 3 Combat capabilities are quantitative and qualitative indicators that characterize the ability of a unit to carry out certain combat missions within set time under specific environmental conditions. OFFENSIVE COMBAT CAPABILITIES FIREPOWER MANEUVERABILITY STRIKE FORCE

CALCULATION OF FIRE CAPABILITIES NAME OF ANTI-TANK WEAPONS ATTACK ON PREPARED DEFENSE ATTACK ON REFLECTION UNPREPARED COUNTERATTACK DEFENSE RPG-7 0, 2 SPG-9 0, 5 0, 8 1 ATGM 1 1, 3 1, 5 BMP 1 1, 3 1, 5 TANK 0, 5 0, 8 2 ORDER OF CALCULATION 3 BMP 1+3 RPG 0, 2=3, 6 When 4 enemy tanks are destroyed, the platoon loses all anti-tank weapons. To accomplish the task in an offensive, it is necessary to retain more than 70% of anti-tank weapons. Based on this, a motorized rifle platoon, when attacking a prepared defense, can destroy 1-2 enemy tanks

Calculation of fire density To effectively defeat a defending enemy, the fire density should be 8 -10 v/m AK – 17 pcs 100= 1700 v/m RPK – 3 pcs 150= 450 v/m PKT (PK) – 3 pcs 250= 750 v/m m SVD – 1 piece 10 = 10 military unit PM – 1 piece 30 = 30 military unit TOTAL FOR A PLATTOON: 2940 military unit In order to create a fire density of 10 military unit, the platoon must advance at a front of no more than 300 m.

MANEUVERABLE CAPABILITIES Maneuverability is a property of a unit that characterizes the degree of its mobility and ability to quickly move, deploy during preparation and during an offensive, as well as retarget fire weapons within a certain time during the battle. 1. Fire maneuver; 2. Actually maneuverable capabilities.

OFFENSIVE COMBAT OBJECTIVE Object of attack; Direction to continue the offensive. Platoon and company, battalion The immediate task. Battalion Follow-up task. The closest task depth for SMEs is 3 -5 (1, 5). The subsequent task is 10 -15 (3 -5) km. Depth of the task for the MSR Closest – 1.5 (500 m)

Assignment for self-training 1. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 2, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 176… 193; 2. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 3, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 171… 181; 3. Textbook Tactics, Military Publishing House, M, 1987, p. 176… 237;

The topic of the next lesson is Topic No. 3 “Fundamentals of conducting an offensive by combined arms units.” Lesson No. 2 “Battle formations and methods of defeating the defending enemy.”


BMP - infantry fighting vehicle;

BRM - combat reconnaissance vehicle;

BTR - armored personnel carrier;

Navy - navy;

KShM - command and staff vehicle;

SME - motorized rifle battalion;

MSV - motorized rifle platoon;

MSO - motorized rifle squad;

MSR - motorized rifle company;

Air defense - air defense;

ATGM - anti-tank missile system;

ATGM - anti-tank guided missile;

PU - launcher;

RPG - hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher;

RPK - Kalashnikov light machine gun;

SV - Ground Forces;

TTX - tactical - technical characteristics.


The history of mankind is closely connected with the conduct of large and small wars. During these wars, the art of preparing and conducting both individual battles and battles, and wars in general, arose and continuously developed. Martial art like scientific theory has three components: strategy, operational art and tactics. The difference between these sections is the scale of the event.

Strategy is the highest area of ​​military art, covering the theory and practice of preparing the country and the Armed Forces for war, planning strategic operations and war in general.

Operational art includes the theory and practice of preparing and conducting an operation (conducting combat operations) by formations of the Armed Forces.

Tactics (from the Greek word taktika - the art of forming troops) is an integral part of the art of war, covering the theory and practice of preparing to conduct combat by units, units (ships) and formations of various types of the Armed Forces. It is divided into general tactics and tactics of the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the armed forces and special troops. The basis of General Tactics is the tactics of ground forces. General tactics examines the patterns of combined arms combat and develops recommendations for its preparation and conduct through the joint efforts of subunits, units and formations of various branches of the Armed Forces, combat arms and special forces. The tactics of branches of the Armed Forces, branches of troops and special troops develops specific issues of the combat use of subunits, units, formations of a branch of the Armed Forces, branches of troops and special troops in combined arms combat and independently. Theoretical provisions of tactics are reflected in combat manuals, manuals, manuals and teaching aids.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are designed to repel aggression and defeat the aggressor, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with Russia's international obligations.

In accordance with accepted military doctrine The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at this stage are in the stage of reform, the main essence of which is to provide reliable protection countries from external aggression by significantly increasing their capabilities.

The guidelines provide basic provisions on the basics of combined arms combat, as well as reference materials on the organization and armament of units of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, the US and German armies.

1. Fundamentals of modern combined arms combat

1.1. Basic tactical concepts, definitions and terms

The ground forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of military branches, special forces and the Logistics of the Ground Forces. The branches of the military are motorized rifle, tank troops, aviation of the Ground Forces, missile troops and artillery, air defense forces of the SV (Military Air Defense).

Organizationally Armed forces consist of operational formations (district (front), army), operational-tactical formations - army corps, military formations (division, brigade), military units (regiment, separate battalion, separate division) and military units (battalion, division, company, battery, platoon, squad, crew).

Front(in peacetime district) is an operational-strategic association of the Armed Forces, designed to solve major operational-strategic tasks.

Army- an operational association of one or another branch of the Armed Forces, consisting of formations and units of various branches of the military.

Operational associations And operational-tactical formations do not have a permanent composition.

Military units- these are military formations with a permanent organizational structure designed to solve operational-tactical And tactical tasks (Fig. 1.1).


Consist of military units

Separate battalion

Separate division

Consist of divisions



Consist of divisions

Comprises divisions

Consist of divisions


Fig. 1.1 Types of formations, units and units of the Armed Forces.

Military unit- an administrative, combat and economic unit of one or another type of troops with a permanent structure, designed to solve tactical problems in battle (Fig. 1.1).

Military unit- a military unit of a permanent organization, mainly of homogeneous composition in each branch of the military, capable of carrying out combat missions as part of a military unit or independently, due to its organization, weapons and equipment, (Fig. 1.1).

The use of Ground Forces in armed struggle is carried out in the form of army (corps) operations, battles and battles.

for tactical tasks

By methods of management

by shooting method

in the direction of fire

by type of weapon

by intensity of fire

Types of fire

separately goals




Weapon controls

Troop control facilities

Guidance and target designation means

Intelligence means

by delivery means

Depending on the weapon and strength

by composition of forces and means








Operation- a set of battles, battles, strikes and maneuvers of an army (corps) coordinated and interconnected in purpose, objectives, place and time, carried out according to a single plan to solve operational problems in a certain vast area in a set period of time.

Battle- an integral part of the operation, is a combination of a number of the most important and intense battles and strikes, united by a common plan and carried out by certain groupings of troops to perform one operational task.

The battle- the main form of tactical actions of troops, represents strikes, fire and maneuver of formations, units and subunits organized and coordinated in purpose, place and time in order to destroy (defeat) the enemy, repel his attacks and perform other tasks in a limited area for a short time . The battle can be combined arms, air, anti-aircraft, or sea.

The main factors determining the development of combat are changes in weapons and equipment and army personnel. In addition, the development of the battle is influenced by the nature of operations and the war as a whole, the requirements of operational art and strategy for tactics; organizational structure of troops; the enemy (his weapons and equipment, organization of troops, methods of action); the level of development of military theory, the degree of combat and psychological training of troops, combat traditions and national characteristics of the army.

Weapons and equipment have the most revolutionary influence on the nature of combined arms combat and the methods of conducting it, and on the development of tactics in general.

Modern combined arms combat can be conducted with the use of nuclear weapons, as well as other weapons, or with the use of only conventional weapons, which comprise all fire and strike weapons using artillery, anti-aircraft, aviation, small arms, engineering ammunition, conventional missiles, incendiary ammunition and fire mixtures.

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful means of defeating the enemy. It makes it possible to destroy the enemy’s nuclear and chemical attack weapons with high efficiency and in a short time, inflicting heavy losses on him in manpower and equipment, dramatically changing the balance of forces and means, and creating conditions for his decisive defeat. Nuclear weapons can quickly hit engineering structures and other objects, create zones of mass destruction and radioactive contamination, rubble, areas of fires and floods, and also have a strong moral and psychological impact on personnel.

The damaging factors of nuclear weapons are shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, electromagnetic pulse and radioactive contamination of the area. In addition, nuclear weapons have enormous capabilities for combined destruction.

At the same time, systems for combating enemy nuclear weapons are constantly being developed and improved, as well as measures to protect troops from them, maintain and quickly restore their combat capability.

A new direction in the development of nuclear weapons in the US Army is the creation of neutron weapons.

When a neutron munition explodes, a huge number of neutrons are released, which have great penetrating ability even through protective materials and high biological activity. Thus, steel armor with a thickness of 100 - 125 mm absorbs up to 90% of gamma radiation and only 20 - 30% of fast neutrons, and the interaction of neutrons with the protective material leads to the formation of powerful secondary gamma radiation and induced activity.

It should be noted, however, that as you move away from the epicenter of the explosion, the energy of neutron radiation quickly decreases: at a distance of 1600 m, the neutron flux, regardless of the power of the ammunition, is weakened by tens of thousands of times, so the power of neutron ammunition does not exceed 1 - 2 thousand tons.

Wet soil and concrete have effective protective properties against neutron radiation: concrete floors 25 cm thick or a layer of wet earth 35 cm thick weaken the neutron flux by 10 times, and floors of double thickness by 100 times.

This poses a number of tasks of paramount importance to commanders: timely identify and destroy the enemy’s nuclear, including neutron weapons, skillfully use nuclear weapons on the battlefield if the enemy unleashes nuclear war; use the results of their nuclear strikes in a timely and effective manner; improve the methods of action of troops in conditions of massive use of nuclear weapons by the enemy and methods of combating their tactical and operational-tactical nuclear weapons; increase the survivability of its troops and their resistance to the effects of nuclear weapons; learn to quickly restore the combat effectiveness of units, units and formations after enemy nuclear strikes and conduct combat operations with a limited number of forces and means.

Questions for self-control

1. What types of troops do the Ground Forces consist of?

2. List military formations, units and subunits.

3. List the forms of combat use of the Ground Forces and define them.

For administrative use

Ex. №__


Doctor of Military Sciences, Associate Professor

Reserve Colonel Kalashnikov V.N.


in the academic discipline “General Tactics” on the topic:






Main part:

  1. ^

    Organization, weapons and military equipment of motorized infantry and tank battalions of the German ground forces



1. General tactics. Lecture notes. – M.: RAP, 2003 (DSP).


2. Organization, weapons and tactics of Chinese ground forces units (Squad, platoon, company, battalion). – M.: GRU General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 1985, (DSP).

3. Tactics of a squad, tank, motorized rifle and tank platoon. Book 1. – M.: Military Publishing House, 1985 (DSP).

3. Tactics. – M.: Voenizdat, 1988.


4. NATO countries and their armed forces in Central Europe. Quick reference. Western Group of Forces, 1993 (DSP). P.52-55.

Educational and material support

1. Multimedia support.

2. Posters.


The fundamental changes in the world that took place in the 90s led to the revision of military-strategic concepts, plans for building armed forces and their technical equipment by leading Western countries and the NATO bloc as a whole. In this regard, the military-political leadership of the North Atlantic Alliance has taken a course towards reducing the number of armed forces. Simultaneously with the reduction, the issue of increasing their combat effectiveness is being resolved by improving the quality of weapons and improving the tactics of operations of units, units, formations and associations.

Thus, the military-political leadership of the bloc continues to implement the policy of creating smaller, but more professionally trained and better equipped armed forces.

That is why the orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces emphasize the need for all military personnel to deeply study the organizational structure, weapons, military equipment and combat tactics of units and subunits of the armies of the main NATO countries (USA, Germany).

  1. ^

    Motorized infantry and tank units, units and formations of the US Armed Forces, Germany

1.1. Organization of formations and units of the US and German ground forces

Ground forces are organized organizationally into army corps (AK), divisions, separate brigades and regiments, separate and line battalions (divisions), and companies (batteries).

The highest tactical unit of the US Army is the Army Corps. It does not have a stable organizational structure: its combat composition can vary depending on the role and place of the corps in the operational structure, assigned tasks, theater conditions and other operational considerations. A typical AK may include from two to five divisions, a separate armored cavalry regiment (OBRKP), three to six field artillery brigades, an army aviation brigade, an air defense brigade, an engineering brigade, a communications brigade, as well as combat and logistics support units.

The main tactical formation of the ground forces is the division. In the US Army, divisions can be of the following types: light infantry, infantry, mechanized, armored, airborne, air assault.

The divisions have a fundamentally identical organizational structure. Each includes two main components: a divisional base, consisting of units and subunits permanently assigned to the state, and combat battalions, the number of which may vary depending on the type.

The divisional basis of the division includes: the command and headquarters of the division with a headquarters company; three brigade headquarters with headquarters companies; Army Aviation Brigade; divisional artillery; anti-aircraft division; separate battalions (reconnaissance and electronic warfare, engineering, communications); separate companies (protection from weapons of mass destruction, military police); rear command.

The ratios and types of battalions determine the type of division. The mechanized division has four motorized infantry and five tank battalions, the armored division has five tank and four motorized infantry battalions.

Individual brigades (mechanized, armored, infantry) have an identical organization. Each can include from two to five battalions, an artillery battalion, a logistics support battalion and separate companies (reconnaissance and electronic warfare, reconnaissance, engineering).

The combat composition of a division's brigades is determined by the decision of its commander and may include two to four combat battalions, an artillery battalion and other units.

The main combat unit of a mechanized (armored) division is a motorized infantry (tank) battalion.

The highest tactical unit of the German ground forces is the Army Corps. It may consist of two or three mechanized divisions.

The mechanized division is the main tactical formation of the ground forces. It consists of: two or three mechanized brigades, an engineering brigade, an infantry regiment, an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, an artillery regiment, two command and support regiments, a supply regiment, a repair and restoration regiment, two medical regiments, a reconnaissance battalion, and a reserve battalion.

The mechanized brigade (Appendix 8) includes two tank battalions, two motorized infantry battalions, an artillery battalion and five separate companies: anti-tank fighter, reconnaissance, headquarters, engineering, and reserve.

In total, the brigade has: about 4,600 personnel; Leopard-2 tanks - 106; BMP “Marder-1A3“ - 106; 155 mm SG - 24; 120 mm SM - 20; ATGM "Jaguar-2" - 15; ATGM “Milan” - 32; BRM “Lux” - 12; BTR - 53.

The basis of mechanized brigades are motorized infantry and tank battalions.

1.2. Motorized infantry and tank units, units and formations of the US Armed Forces, Germany

Motorized infantry and tank battalions are the main combat units of US Army divisions. They are capable of conducting combat operations and performing various combat missions in all types of combat as part of a brigade, and sometimes independently.

Battalions serve as the basis for the creation of battalion tactical groups ( btgr), which, depending on the composition, are three types:

  1. motorized infantry ( mpbtgr)
(usually based on MPB with one or two dowries tr)

  1. tank ( tbtgr)
(created, as a rule, on the basis TB and one or two dowries mpr)

  1. balanced ( sbtgr)
(contain an equal amount mpr And tr)

Each battalion includes command and control units, combat units, as well as combat support and supply units.

^ MOTORIZED INFANTRY BATTALION consists of a headquarters and 6 companies: headquarters, 4 motorized infantry and anti-tank.

Headquarters battalion (31 people) is designed to organize the management of regular and assigned battalion units in battle, their combat and logistics support. In peacetime, he plans and conducts combat training, records personnel and provides logistics to battalion units.

Headquarters includes: chief of staff and 4 sections - reconnaissance (3 people), operational (5 people), personnel (4 people) and logistics (3 people).

^ HEADQUARTER COMPANY intended for organizing communications, medical support, evacuation of personnel and equipment from the battlefield, routine repair of equipment, provision of battalion units with all types of food.

She consists of from: company management and 5 platoons (reconnaissance, mortar, repair, medical and support).

Headquarters Company Directorate(32 people) includes 3 sections:

  • control section (6 people),

  • communications section (15 people),

  • section of military chaplains (11 people).
Reconnaissance Platoon(30 people) consists of a platoon control (6 people) and 2 reconnaissance sections (12 people each)

^ Mortar Platoon (56 people) consists of a platoon control (16 people) and 2 mortar sections of 120-mm self-propelled mortars. Each mortar section (20 people) includes a control group (8 people) and 3 crews of 120-mm mortars (4 people each).

IN repair platoon(75 people) 7 M-88 repair and recovery vehicles and 32 cars.

^ Medical platoon (61 people) consists of a platoon control, a battalion medical center and 2 sections: company medical instructors and evacuation.

Platoon provision (95 people) consists of platoon control and 3 sections: transport, supply and support.

^ Total in headquarters and headquarters company:

 personnel - 380 people,


 PU ATGM "Dragon" - 4,

 120 mm SM - 6,

 12.7 mm machine guns - 35,

 7.62 mm M-60 machine guns - 18,

 BMP M-2 “Bradley” - 2,

 BRM M-3 “Bradley” - 6,

 KShM M-577A1-8,

 BTR M-113AI - 18,

 REM M-88 - 7,

 cars - 122,

 radio stations - 125,

^ MOTORIZED INFANTRY COMPANY (mpr ) is the main combat unit of the battalion. Each motorized infantry company consists of a company command (14 people) and 3 motorized infantry platoons (35 people).

In every motorized infantry platoon there is a control section (8 people) and 3 motorized infantry squads ( MPO).

Included motorized infantry squad - 9 personnel (commander, deputy, BMP gunner-operator, ATGM launcher operator, machine gunner, 2 machine gunners, grenade launcher).

In service MPO consists of :

 BMP M-2 “Bradley” - 1,

 PU ATGM “Dragon” - 1,

 7.62 mm machine gun - 1,

 40-mm grenade launchers M-203 - 2.

Total in mpv :

 personnel - 35 people,

 BMP M-2 “Bradley” - 4,

 PU ATGM “Dragon” - 3,

 40-mm M-203 grenade launchers - 6,

 7.62 mm M-60 machine guns - 3,

Total in mpr:

 personnel - 119 people,

 BMP M-2 “Bradley” - 14,

 BTR M-113AI - 1.

 PU ATGM “Dragon” - 9,

 40-mm RPG M-203 - 18,

 7.62 mm M-60 machine guns - 9,

 5.56 mm M-249 machine guns - 18,

^ ANTI-TANK COMPANY (PTR ) consists of a company command (5 people) and 3 anti-tank platoons. In every PTV There is a control section (4 people) and 2 anti-tank sections, 2 crews each (4 people) of the M-901 self-propelled ATGM with the TOU ATGM.

Total in PTV :

 personnel - 20 people,

 PU ATGM “TOU” - 4,

 BTR M-113AI - 1.

Total in PTR :

 personnel - 65 people,

 PU ATGM “TOU” - 12,

 BTR M-113AI - 4,

 7.62 mm machine guns - 12.

Total in MPB:

 personnel - 921 people,

 BMP M-2 “Bradley” - 58,

 BRM M-3 “Bradley” - 6,

 ATGM M-901 “TOU” - 14,

 PU ATGM “Dragon” - 40,

 120 mm mortars - 6,

 12.7 mm machine guns - 40,

 7.62 mm machine guns - 66,

 BTR M-113AI - 26,

 KShM M-577AI - 8,

 122 vehicles and other weapons.

^ TANK BATTALION (TB ), constituting the main striking force of the division, organizationally consists of a headquarters (29 people), a headquarters company and 4 tank companies.

The structure of the headquarters and headquarters company is similar to the headquarters and headquarters company MPB and contain:

 personnel - 368 people,

 M-1 “Abrams” tanks - 2,

 BRM M-3 “Bradley” - 6,

 120 mm mortars - 6,

 BTR M-113AI - 13,

 KShM - 10.

 REM M-88 - 6,

 95 vehicles and other weapons.

Each ^ TANK COMPANY consists of control (13 people, 2 M-1) and 3 tank platoons (16 people and 4 M-1 tanks each).

Total in tr :

 personnel - 61 people,

 M-1 Abrams tanks - 14.

Total in TB:

 personnel - 612 people,

 tanks - 58,

 BRM M-3 - 6,

 BTR M-113AI -13,

 120 mm mortars - 6,

 cars - 95.

Concluding the first question , we note that an analysis of the organizational structure of the main combat units of the US Army division allows us to conclude that MPB And TB capable of inflicting serious defeat on the enemy both offensively and defensively.

The battalion is provided with greater independence on the battlefield by a headquarters company that is significant in size and number of units. Having four companies allows the commander to attack two targets simultaneously. The entry into service of new types of equipment and weapons increases the combat capabilities of battalions.

MOTORIZED INFANTRY BATTALION The Bundeswehr is the main combat unit of a motorized infantry (tank) brigade and is designed to conduct offensive, defensive, deterrent and other types of combat operations.

It consists of a command and headquarters with a control department and seven companies: headquarters and supply, four motorized infantry, mortar-anti-tank and reserve.

MPB consists of command and headquarters (10 people) and 7 companies:

 headquarters and supply,

 4 motorized infantry,

 mortar-anti-tank and

 spare.

^ Headquarters and supply company (187 people) includes the following divisions:


 reconnaissance,

 repair,

 food supply (50 people);


 management (12 people),

 medical (16 people),

 transport (24 people).

^ Reconnaissance Platoon (30 people) consists of a control department, 4 reconnaissance departments (2 Lux BRMs in each), 3 radar departments (one radar in each).

^ Repair Platoon(55 people) includes a control group, a group for the repair of communications equipment, 5 groups for the repair of small arms, a repair group optical sights, 4 groups for the evacuation of damaged equipment (ARV "Standard") and a group for the repair of wheeled and tracked equipment.

^ Total in command, headquarters and headquarters and supply company :

 personnel - 197 people,

 BMP "Marder" - 2,

 BRM "Lux" - 8,

 Armored personnel carrier "Fuchs" - 3,

 KShM M-577A1 - 2,

 sanitary armored personnel carriers - 4,

 60-mm RPG "Panzerfaust" - 20,

 7.62 mm MG-3 machine guns - 14,

 BREM “Standard” - 4,

 field kitchens TFK-250 – 5.

^ MOTORIZED INFANTRY COMPANY (mpr) is the main tactical unit of the battalion and includes a control section and 4 mpv.

Department of Management mpr(19 people) consists of 2 groups: management (11 people) and supply (8 people).

Every motorized infantry platoon(26 people) consists of a management department and 2 MPO, each of which contains:

 personnel - 10 people,

 BMP "Marder" (BTR M-113) -1,

 60-mm RPG "Panzerfaust" - 1,

 7.62 mm machine gun MG-3 - 1,

 7.62 mm rifles MG-3 - 3,

 submachine guns - 5,

^ Total in mpr:

 personnel - 124 people,

 BMP "Marder" (BTR) -13,

 60-mm RPG "Panzerfaust" - 13,

 ATGM "Milan" - 4,

 7.62 mm machine gun MG-3 - 9,

 cars - 3,

 motorcycles - 3,

 radio stations - 52.

^ MORTAR-ANTI-TANK COMPANY consists of command, supply, evacuation, fire control departments, 2 reconnaissance departments, 2 mortar (5 × 120 mm SM in each) and 2 anti-tank (6 × Jaguar-2 anti-tank guided missile launchers in each) platoons

^ Total in Ministry of Internal Affairs:

 personnel - 145 people,

 120 mm SM - 10,

 BTR-M-113 (ANP) - 3,

 SPU ATGM "Jaguar-2" - 12,

 Armored personnel carrier "Fuchs" - 4,

 BREM “Standard” - 4,

 radio stations - 43,

 cars - 12.

^ RESERVE COMPANY It consists of 184 people and 12 Fuchs armored personnel carriers.

Total in mpb:

 personnel - 1022,

 BMP - 53,

 BRM "Lux" - 8,

 Armored personnel carrier "Fuchs" - 19,

 BTR M-113 - 4,

 ATGM "Milan" - 16,

 120 mm SM - 10,

 SPU ATGM "Jaguar-2" - 12,

 60 mm RPG - 94,

 7.62 mm machine gun MG-3 - 50,

 ARV "Standard" - 8,

 Cars - 106,

 Motorcycles - 31,

 Radio stations - 320.

^ TANK BATTALION consists of a command and headquarters, a headquarters and supply company, 4 tank companies and a reserve company.

TANK COMPANY(60 people) consists of a control section (12 people) and 3 tank platoons (16 people), each of which has 4 tank crews. In total, the tank company has 60 people and 13 Leopard tanks.

^ RESERVE COMPANY(88 people) has a control department and 3 spare crews (4 people each).

Total in the tank battalion:

 personnel - 541 people,

 Leopard tanks - 53,

 Armored personnel carrier "Fuchs" - 2,

 BREM "Standard" - 4,

  • Cars - 136,

  • Radio stations - 215.
Concluding the second question , we note that the strength of the combat units of the German Army is the presence in them of a large number of infantry fighting vehicles and other equipment, and the saturation of anti-tank weapons. But the lack of a sufficient number of air defense systems makes the combat formations of units vulnerable from the air.

In the field of military development, NATO’s activities are focused on a gradual reduction in the level of nuclear weapons and general-purpose forces while maintaining a powerful group of the bloc’s armed forces in Central Europe, which has a high combat potential, supported by technical re-equipment, increased mobility and improvement of the organizational structure of troops.

New concepts of combat and operational use of armed forces in modern warfare, especially the experience of the 2003 war with Iraq, have a significant impact on improving the organizational structure, methods of employment and support of combat operations of ground forces of NATO countries.

While improving their combat training, officers of the Russian Armed Forces must constantly study the organizational structure and composition of the armed forces of the armies of the leading countries of the world, the directions of their development and the qualitative improvement of weapons and equipment.
V. Kalashnikov

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