Home Prevention Today is Special Forces Day. How to celebrate Special Forces Day in Russia

Today is Special Forces Day. How to celebrate Special Forces Day in Russia

Any terror, any danger can be stopped by special fighters. These are special forces soldiers. Their service and exploits are shrouded in mystery. They are not afraid of the cunning plans of enemies or bandits, or difficult conditions or situations. These elite fighters have their own professional holiday, and each structure has its own personal holiday.

Who has ever admired the incredible feats performed by special forces? Who has neither watched films nor read books dedicated to special forces soldiers? But these are not fairy tales, these are not myths. This real stories, which in the understanding of the common man in the street are perceived as feats beyond the control of human abilities. But it’s not easy to name the fighters who commit them ordinary soldiers, and the units where they serve are not called special for nothing. And even Special Forces Day is a day for which each unit has its own celebration.

Who's celebrating?

The history of special forces has its unofficial beginning since the post-revolutionary Civil War. The young country had to find its feet in conditions of hatred, misunderstanding and even brutal resistance. And even then the first special units, who fought against fist uprisings and bandit robberies. Such detachments were especially relevant in the fight against Basmachi gangs in the southern republics of the country.

During the war with the Nazis, special sabotage groups were created that performed extremely complex tasks, both at the front and behind enemy lines. They went down in history as saboteurs. Also during the war years, special units were formed to perform special tasks. The famous first division after the war was named OMSDON named after Dzerzhinsky. This unit has survived to this day and is known as the Separate Operational Division.

The post-war years dictated new conditions for the activities of the military. In conditions cold war Intelligence activities were important. Therefore, in 1950, on October 24, Marshal Vasiliev, who then held the position of Minister of War of the USSR, signed a directive according to which it was necessary to begin forming special companies. appointments total number 46 units, 120 soldiers each.

The main task of the GRU special forces has always been to combat the nuclear threat of NATO member countries. It was the fighters of these units who were trained to conduct reconnaissance, as well as sabotage operations behind enemy lines. Therefore, GRU Special Forces Day is celebrated in October.

But in 1953, the total number of armed forces was significantly reduced, which was also reflected in the number of special forces units, which were actually reduced to 11 companies.

But just a few years later, in 1957, the situation changed dramatically. On August 29, as many as five battalions are created, designed to solve special problems. This day went down in history as Special Forces Day.

Today, every law enforcement agency has its own special units. And each such unit has its own history, and a personal holiday when they celebrate Special Forces Day.

Special units exist not only in the internal troops and intelligence, but also in the drug police and customs, border service and Federal service security However, despite their relationship to different security forces, special units perform similar tasks. So in the internal troops there are 16 special forces units.

Within the structure of the Internal Affairs Directorate there is a special police detachment called OMON. But the level of training and tasks that such detachments solve do not quite correspond to those of the special forces. After the reform, OMSNs appeared in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, into which SOBRs were actually reorganized.

It is worth mentioning separately the soldiers who serve in the GRU special forces. The audacity, maneuverability, experience, and training of these warriors are legendary. They participate in almost all anti-terrorist operations, search for and detain dangerous criminals, eliminate criminal groups, free hostages and, of course, participate in complex special operations.

Soldiers from all these units, as well as retired officers, gather in a close circle on Special Forces Day in Russia, remembering their fallen comrades, but do not really like to remember their valiant exploits.

History of the holiday

Almost all military and security holidays in Russian Federation regulated by the Presidential Decree, which was signed in 2006. The special forces were the luckiest of all. These fighters have several official dates to celebrate their professional holiday.

The single date on which Special Forces Day is celebrated is October 29. On this day, all special forces are congratulated, regardless of the type of troops and the type of law enforcement agencies where they serve.

On October 24, GRU special forces celebrate their holiday. This day went down in history as the birth of intelligence. There is another holiday in October - October 3, when riot police officers accept congratulations.

November is also full of holidays associated with special forces units. On November 5, military intelligence officers celebrate the holiday. SOBR has its own holiday, which falls on November 9th. And the units that are part of the penal system celebrate their triumph on November 13th. And, of course, the well-known Special Forces Day in August.

It is on August 29th that special forces troops are congratulated. The background of the holiday is connected with the formation of a training company, which was entrusted with the purpose of ensuring security Olympic Games. Then this company became the basis of the special forces elite. The “Vityaz” detachment was formed from the soldiers who served in it.

Interestingly, the celebrations do not take place in a solemn atmosphere. You cannot see open parades or parades with the participation of special forces. On the holiday, fighters demonstrate their skills only in a closed circle of comrades. And only the top leadership is able to celebrate all the achievements of these soldiers serving for the sake of peace in Russia.

Of course, especially distinguished fighters are awarded special awards and receive extraordinary titles. But no public events are held these days.

There is such a profession - special forces

Yes, there is such a profession - special forces soldier. And this is not just a military profession, it is a call from the soul. After all, only people who are ready to devote their lives to fighting the most dangerous enemies, capable of performing the most unimaginable and complex tasks, are able to serve in such units.

Special forces are always there where there is an armed threat to civilians or the police. They fight organized crime and terrorists. They are called when it is necessary to free hostages or capture or eliminate armed bandits. In fact, the help of these fighters is resorted to when all other resources have been exhausted, and only warriors with special training can complete the task.

However, there is virtually no information in the press about their actual affairs. Of course, most units are classified and their actions are not advertised. It’s not for nothing that special forces work in special masks.

And even on days free from dangerous and difficult tasks, the fighters know no rest. They must always be in shape. Therefore, a special forces soldier’s rest sometimes does not exceed 4 hours a day. The daily routine is scheduled minute by minute. Marches, overcoming obstacle courses, practicing throws and strikes, working in a group and solo training, studying theoretical materials, and after lunch everything again. And so on every day.

This is a job for real men who are not afraid of dangerous and extreme situations, they are used to carrying out missions both under bullets and behind enemy lines. His experience and knowledge are not limited only to knowledge of hand-to-hand fighting. He is fluent in any weapon, drives absolutely any type of transport, is familiar with the basics of medicine and knows how to provide the necessary assistance.

Special forces soldiers are subject to increased requirements regarding physical, mental, and psychological qualities. They must be ready to withstand incredible everyday, mental, and physical stress, live in field conditions and eat pasture or available food.

A man must be ready to leave his home at any time to go to a hot spot. And even after retirement, a special forces soldier does not cease to be a warrior. Every year on their holiday, former colleagues always get together and visit the graves of their fallen comrades. A special organization has even been created that unites soldiers and takes care of former special forces soldiers and helps solve pressing problems. Since the state, unfortunately, does not worry enough about retired fighters.

A special feature of the special forces is the maroon beret. It is neither red nor crimson, but speckled. Because he was sprinkled in battle with the blood of guys who died defending their homeland. Not every fighter can receive such a distinctive sign. Only after passing a certain rather difficult exam is a special forces soldier awarded the honor of wearing a maroon beret.

The profession of a special forces soldier is always associated with a threat to life. But all the “pitfalls” of the profession are compensated by a sense of responsibility for the fate of other people and boundless respect from compatriots.

Congratulations to the special forces

Your every day is associated with danger. And you go to the feat in an ordinary way, like someone going for a walk. For you, daily risk is just work. There is simply no doubt that you are a hero. And on Special Forces Day, we sincerely congratulate you. May your service and life not present any unpleasant surprises. And only real friends will be nearby.

On this festive day - Special Forces Day, we say words of congratulations with gratitude and respect to the strongest, bravest and bravest men. And, of course, we wish not to lose strength of spirit, not to weaken morally and physically. Happiness, love and days without shelling to you, special forces.

I congratulate you on Special Forces Day,

And, of course, I sincerely wish

So that the enemies don't shoot,

And friends never upset me.

So that your beloved waits for you,

And fate smiled without concealment.

Find and neutralize

The order I will give is not an easy one.

For every slightest mistake

The commando responds with his head.

Low bow to you, warrior,

Serve without loss at all.

Thank you, special forces,

The country is fast asleep, believe me.

Larisa, August 15, 2016.

Today the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate the Day of Special Forces Units, which are, in particular, the most important integral part intelligence systems Ground Forces. Special purpose formations, units and subunits have successfully solved and are solving the tasks assigned to them, including in all the “hot spots” of recent decades. They are equipped with the most modern weapons, military and special equipment.

Special Forces Day, celebrated annually on October 24, was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

The beginning of the history of special purpose units in Russia is considered to be the creation of units in 1918 special purpose- CHON. They were subordinate to the Cheka and were intended to fight the Basmachi in Central Asia and rebels in the territory Russian Republic. In the future special units had mainly the Cheka (NKVD, MGB, KGB).

October 24, 1950 USSR Minister of War Marshal Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky issued a directive ordering the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff of 120 people by May 1, 1951. In other words, ARMY SPECIAL FORCES was created. Over time, the structure and quantitative composition of army special forces changed more than once, but the essence of its purpose, in principle, always remained the same.

Currently, special forces units are paramilitary formations of the FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Justice and other federal government bodies (detachments, groups, reinforced groups), having their own code names - “Alpha”, “Vityaz”, “Vympel” , "Rus".

Special units are designed for anti-terrorist actions, actions to search and detain especially dangerous and armed criminals, liquidation of criminal groups, release of hostages and other special operations.

The main feature of special forces units is their relatively small composition, excellent training, audacity and surprise, initiative, speed and coordination of actions, skillful use of the strike and maneuver capabilities of weapons, military equipment, as well as the protective properties of the terrain, time of day, and weather conditions.

These units demonstrated their viability and usefulness already in 1968 during the first major operation. We are talking about sending troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia. It all started when a Soviet transport plane requested an emergency landing from Prague due to engine failure. After landing, events unfolded at lightning speed.

The special forces soldiers jumped out of the plane almost as soon as it touched the landing strip and ran towards the airfield control tower. The Czech soldiers were so confused that they didn’t even think about resisting. The successful capture of this airfield allowed the Vitebsk Airborne Division to be transferred to Prague.

Meanwhile, other special forces units, which entered Prague a few days before the start of the operation, captured the city's radio and television centers, telephone centers, newspaper offices and other important buildings, and in the morning the fighters entered the building Central Committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, where at that time a meeting of the cabinet of Alexander Dubcek was taking place.

Having captured the government building, special forces soldiers held the ministers of Czechoslovakia for five hours and then took them to Moscow. It is worth noting that the famous German wartime saboteur Otto Skorzeny, observing the development of events in Prague, later called the operation carried out by Soviet special forces “brilliant.”

In May 1968, a special forces group of 9 people raided a secret American helicopter camp, which was located in Cambodia, 30 km from the border with Vietnam. This camp was used by American troops to send their reconnaissance and sabotage groups to Vietnam, as well as sorties to search for their downed pilots. On the camp's airfield there were always 2 light helicopters, 8-10 heavy transport helicopters and 4 Super Cobra fire support helicopters in combat readiness.

The purpose of the operation was precisely the Super Cobra helicopters, which were armed with guided missiles and were equipped the latest systems aiming at the target. As a result of the operation, which lasted 25 minutes, one helicopter was hijacked to Vietnam and the rest were destroyed. The Americans lost about 15 people killed and wounded. The American intelligence services only learned that these were Soviet special forces soldiers only a few years later.

Both before and after, many operations were carried out that were no less effective and spectacular than this one. And not all of them are known to the general public. Therefore, these guys, whom no one knows by sight, but about whom the whole world knows, have truly earned the right to be considered legends.

And it’s even more offensive to realize that today these military units, which have no analogues in the whole world, are completely destroyed by their own government. Thus, in March 2009, one of the best brigades was disbanded - the Berd brigade of the GRU special forces. Well, politicians know better. Apparently, they believe that Russia does not need professionals who are ready and able to fight for the HONOR and FREEDOM of their country. What will tomorrow bring us? Let's see…

/Based on materials topwar.ru /

Day of Special Forces Units (SPU) is a professional holiday for military personnel of special forces units of the Russian Armed Forces. Celebrated in Russia annually on October 24 in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

The date October 24 for the “Day of Special Forces Units” was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1950 that the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky signed directive No. ORG/2/395/832 with the stamp “Secret” on the creation of special purpose units (SpN) (deep reconnaissance or special-purpose reconnaissance) for operations in the deepest rear of a potential enemy, in which it was prescribed in as soon as possible(before May 1, 1951) form in armed forces The country has 46 special forces companies with a staff of 120 people each, in all military districts, groups of forces and fleets. The order was carried out and on May Day 1951, the USSR Armed Forces already had special forces units numbering more than five and a half thousand people. It was the day Vasilevsky signed the directive that became a significant date. It is worth noting that special-purpose units existed in the Russian army before 1917. This was the Separate Naval Brigade for Special Purpose (OMBON), formed on May 31, 1916, as part of the Mine and Artillery Regiments for Special Purpose and the River Flotilla for Special Purpose. These units were staffed by naval officers and took part in hostilities on the Western Front until the beginning of 1918, after which they were disbanded. Thus, the birthday of the “old” Russian special forces is May 31st.

Later, Special Forces units were created (a brigade for each military district or fleet and a centrally subordinate brigade). If NATO countries began military operations against the USSR, units and units of the Special Forces would be the first to come to the defense. Reconnaissance groups were supposed to appear in close proximity to command posts and other strategic objects of the aggressor armed forces. Their task was to conduct reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroy control posts, missile launchers, strategic aircraft, nuclear submarines, disrupt communications, energy supplies, destroy transport communications, sow panic and bring chaos to military and government administration.

Units and units of the Special Forces of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (groups, detachments, individual battalions, regiments, brigades) played a huge role in Afghan war, in Tajikistan and in operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, as well as in other places.

"...Only infinitely courageous and determined soldiers can do what the special forces did in Afghanistan. The people who served in the special forces battalions were professionals in the most high quality".
— B.V. Gromov, “Limited contingent”
Over its more than half-century history, the structure and quantitative composition of Special Forces units have changed several times.

The history of special forces begins in the 30s of the last century. Many countries, including the USSR, began to create special military units. But this did not bring the required result; very often the trains were disbanded due to low efficiency, or simply at the whim of the authorities. As a result, before the Great Patriotic War The special forces military units were in a deplorable state.

At the cost of enormous efforts and sacrifices, it was possible to recreate special forces groups, but the special forces were again disbanded in 1945. In the 50s, a secret directive issued a decree on the creation of 46 battalions of special forces groups. There was no shortage of personnel; after the war, many men aged 20 to 40 had all the necessary skills and, importantly, invaluable combat experience.

History of special forces

The path of special forces in Russia is very difficult and thorny. Many times battalions were disbanded, created anew and disbanded again. Currently, there are many units of special forces groups. GRU special forces, Navy special forces and many others. All these units played very well important role in the theater of military operations in Chechnya, Afghanistan and other conflicts in which the Russian special services took part.

Currently, special forces groups are engaged in reconnaissance, detection and destruction of saboteurs, conducting special operations behind enemy lines, and counterintelligence.

When is special forces day

Many people know firsthand about Airborne Forces Day or Russian Navy Day. Has anyone ever wondered if there is a special holiday? internal forces Russian Federation and when is it? Yes, such a thing really exists.

In order to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers who fell in international and internal conflicts, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, by a special Decree approved October 24 as Army Special Forces Day and Special Forces Day. It is worth noting the symbolism of this date. On October 24, 1950, a decree was issued on the creation of special forces battalions.

This day is a holiday for veterans and military personnel of special forces groups - GRU special forces, Navy special forces, FSB special forces and internal troops of the Russian Federation.

This is truly a holiday for those who managed to pass the maroon beret. The standard ceremonial headdress of army special forces is the blue beret. In itself, army special forces are the elite among the armed forces of the Russian Federation. And the maroon beret is worn by the elite of the elite. And it is extremely difficult to obtain. The fighter faces a long preparatory course, and then a long and tedious exam. After the exam, the fighters conduct a special forced march, overcome a special obstacle course in extreme conditions, they capture a high-rise building, clear the building, and perform a set of acrobatic exercises. The final stage is a training match with four changing partners, one of whom is already wearing a maroon beret.

The beginning of the history of special purpose units in Russia is considered to be the creation in 1918 of special purpose units - CHON. They were subordinate to the Cheka and were intended to fight the Basmachi in Central Asia and the rebels on the territory of Russia proper.

Subsequently, special units were mainly owned by the Cheka (NKVD - MGB - KGB). On October 24, 1950, the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, issued a directive ordering the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff strength of 120 people by May 1, 1951. Over time, the structure and quantitative composition of army special forces changed more than once, but the essence of its purpose, in principle, always remained the same.

Now special forces units are paramilitary formations of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Justice and other federal government bodies (detachments, groups, reinforced groups), having their own code names (“Alpha”, “Vityaz”, “Vympel”, “ Rus'"). They are intended for counter-terrorism actions, actions to search and detain especially dangerous and armed criminals, liquidation of criminal groups, release of hostages and other special operations.

Distinctive features of special purpose units

Special status within the industry department. The specifics of special forces activities leave their mark on units of this category within a ministry, department, army or navy, depending on their departmental affiliation. The activities of each such division are assigned to a separate regulatory legal act. Special functions require more specific weapons, equipment, equipment, and transport, which affects higher funding in contrast to regular units. The level of combat training requires the presence of an enhanced training base and separate training centers.

High level of moral, psychological, ideological, physical and combat training of personnel. Special forces units, as a rule, perform tasks in specific conditions, which requires high level preparation.

Availability of special means of defense and attack. Special forces units have weapons, equipment and vehicles with highly targeted characteristics, higher than those available in the sectoral department of the state. This is due, again, to the tasks assigned to special forces. From an economic point of view, it is not advisable to equip regular units with expensive equipment. In addition, special forces have narrowly targeted means (for example, special means reconnaissance, special assault weapons). Taking into account the fact that the training of special forces personnel has higher costs, there is a need for higher security, which requires the availability of more technological means of protection, life support and evacuation.

Judging from the economic side, the life of a special forces soldier is several orders of magnitude more valuable than the life of an ordinary soldier in a general unit.

Ability to perform tasks autonomously under extreme conditions.

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