Home Gums Essential oil against dandruff and hair loss. How to cope with itching in a short time? How to get rid of dandruff

Essential oil against dandruff and hair loss. How to cope with itching in a short time? How to get rid of dandruff

Vegetable and essential oils are used in many areas of cosmetology; a particularly noticeable effect from their use has been noticed for restoring and improving hair growth. They can also be used to get rid of dandruff and restore the scalp after recovery. Which oil and how to use depends on the type of seborrhea and the general condition of the scalp.

Methods of therapy

To get rid of dandruff, you can use folk recipes that contain several ingredients. But, before using them, you need to remember the following rules:

Essential oils are used in a variety of recipes, but you can simply add a few drops to your shampoo or hair mask. This method is suitable for daily use, and to enhance the effect, aromatic combing is carried out on dried hair. To do this, take a wooden comb, apply 1 to 5 drops on it and carefully comb each strand.

Aroma combing helps against dandruff only in the initial stages, but if you use it regularly on healthy hair, you can avoid the occurrence of seborrhea.

Vegetable oils are slightly warmed before applying to the scalp. Heated oil helps against dandruff much more effectively, as it is better absorbed by the scalp. To get results, it is enough to apply them for 30-60 minutes 2-3 times a week. The first procedure can be shortened to 20 minutes to check how the scalp reacts and whether negative reactions occur. You can wash off the mask with regular shampoo, the main thing is that it suits your hair type.

As a rule, all oils and recipes using them are used in the same way: they are applied to the scalp 30-40 minutes before washing the hair, after which they are washed off using shampoo. Effective means:

Application of essential oils

The main reasons why essential oils are used for dandruff are their antiseptic and antifungal properties. This is their undoubted advantage, since dandruff is accompanied by the proliferation of fungi, and inflamed sebaceous glands are often associated with infection.

General beneficial properties:

When choosing, you need to consider which anti-dandruff essential oil is most suitable for a particular hair type and what problem you need to get rid of:

Essential oils have virtually no serious contraindications, the main thing being individual intolerance. In this case, itching, irritation occurs, and the amount of dandruff produced increases. In some cases, you may experience headaches or dizziness. It should be remembered that cypress oil is contraindicated for cancer patients, and, despite its naturalness, most essential extracts are not recommended for use in the first months of pregnancy, and therefore you should read the instructions before using them.

Treatment with vegetable oils

Natural vegetable oils are a natural and affordable source of vitamins, amino acids and other substances beneficial for the scalp and hair, as well as the basic basis for therapeutic masks. They are less allergenic, so they can be used without fear of negative reactions.

But since they are fatty compounds and can clog pores, they are not recommended for use in the treatment of oily seborrhea or in advanced conditions. In case of excessive sebaceous secretion, they can be used together with essential oils, or applied to the scalp for a short period.

The following vegetable oils may be useful for treating dandruff:

Only the most effective home remedies are listed here, but everyone can combine vegetable and essential oils in different ways and come up with the most suitable mask for themselves. The main thing in this case is to strictly follow the dosage, otherwise essential oils can cause a burn. Therefore, before using any product containing oils, you should consult a specialist.

It is difficult to find a person who has never encountered dandruff. The cause of the pathology is a special fungus that promotes increased flaking of the scalp. In addition to special shampoos, the main means of combating this unpleasant phenomenon include all possible anti-dandruff oils. We will tell you which ones in the article.

How does oil work on dandruff?

The following oils are believed to be particularly effective in getting rid of dandruff:

  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • tea tree oil.

If you follow all the rules for preparing products, it won’t take much time to forget about dandruff forever and make your hair a source of true pride.

While not a cure, most anti-dandruff oils have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. They have a positive effect on hair and scalp in general:

  1. improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. tones the skin;
  3. increases cellular blood circulation;
  4. promotes hair growth;
  5. saturates hair follicles with nutrients.

If you regularly use any essential oil, the problem of dandruff is unlikely to affect you. And if you already suffer from it, you must carefully follow all prescription requirements and regular use of the products.

It is also important to continue using it even after dandruff has been eliminated. It should be remembered that such natural substances are an excellent means of prevention, which is recommended by all cosmetologists.

And if you are worried not only about dandruff, but also excessive hair loss, the use of oils is simply necessary. However, there is no absolute recipe for which type to choose. You need to choose the right product for you by trial.

Castor oil for dandruff

This product has the most pronounced antifungal properties, in addition, it perfectly moisturizes the skin due to its high content of vitamin E. Castor oil against dandruff is an excellent remedy that can be applied alone or combined with certain components.

  • In order to forget about this unpleasant phenomenon, it is enough to use castor oil for 14 days every time you wash your hair. Simply apply the product to the ends of your hair, leave for 1 hour and rinse.
  • The effectiveness of castor oil will increase if you add calendula tincture to it. The composition is applied to the hair at the very roots and washed off after 30 minutes.
  • You can also mix castor and olive oils in equal proportions with the addition of lemon juice.
  • A mask made of castor oil, sour cream, honey and garlic will help improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and increase growth activity.

Burdock oil for dandruff

This remedy is not inferior in its popularity and effectiveness to castor oil. Burdock oil contains a high concentration of vitamins and beneficial microelements that contribute to the successful fight against dandruff.

The main component here is inulin, a substance that belongs to absorbents of natural origin. It has a pronounced antibacterial property and also rids the scalp of various toxins and other harmful substances. It is inulin that makes burdock oil against dandruff the best weapon against this unpleasant phenomenon.

Burdock oil should be used until all signs of flaking on the head completely disappear. Then you need to pause and repeat the course again. This treatment regimen will help avoid relapses.

Burdock oil is used in the same way as castor oil:

  1. you need to rub it into your hair at the very roots;
  2. hold for 30 minutes;
  3. wash off.

Tea tree oil for dandruff

Tea tree extract contains terpenol substances, which help not only get rid of dandruff, but also long-term preservation of hairstyle.

You should use tea tree oil as follows:

  • warm up slightly
  • add to your favorite shampoo,
  • apply to strands
  • cover your hair with cling film,
  • Gently rinse off after half an hour.

You can also mix tea tree oil with your favorite shampoo and use it as usual.

Coconut oil for dandruff

This product contains many triglyceride substances. They reduce skin itching and accelerate hair growth.

This remedy is used not only against dandruff, it helps get rid of lice and gray hair, and also helps treat some types of dermatitis.

Like tea tree oil, coconut oil should be slightly warmed before use. Adding lemon juice to this oil in a 1:1 ratio will help you forget about dry hair. Apply the product along the entire length of the strands, then rub into the skin with light movements.

Olive oil for dandruff

This is an excellent remedy that helps get rid of dandruff, flaking skin, and prevents dry hair.

How to use:

  1. apply the product to the curls along the entire length,
  2. do a gentle scalp massage with your fingers,
  3. cover your hair with film,
  4. wash off the oil thoroughly after half an hour.

After this procedure, your hair will be pleased with its thickness and shine.

To prevent dandruff, it is advisable to use a special shampoo based on olive oil, to which, to increase efficiency, you can add another 2-3 drops of oil.

Flaxseed oil for dandruff

The best among all oils in terms of speed of absorption and ease of rinsing.

Flaxseed oil not only gets rid of dandruff, but also perfectly nourishes the scalp. This is an excellent choice for those with dry hair prone to hair loss.

  • This product is rubbed into the roots for half an hour;
  • Then it is washed off.
  • Goes well with burdock and castor oil.

Anti-dandruff essential oil blend

In addition to the products listed, you can use a complex of essential oils:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn;
  2. lavender;
  3. jojoba.

In addition to antiseptic properties, they help heal small wounds, restore the skin, and get rid of dry skin and dandruff. They are used in combination or separately - in each case you will get excellent results. You can also combine it with any herbal extracts that help get rid of dandruff.

These tools can be used in different ways:

  • leave on your head until the morning;
  • use for massage;
  • or, as a mask, combine with any cosmetic product.

They will not only get rid of flaking of the scalp, but also improve the overall condition and appearance of your hair.

It doesn’t matter which essential oil you choose to get rid of dandruff and improve the condition of your curls. Any of them is highly effective and helps in solving the problem.

However, keep in mind that any oil can cause an allergic reaction, so the first use in the fight against dandruff should be careful. In the absence of negative consequences, you can continue use until dandruff is completely eliminated and further prevention is achieved.

For dandruff, not only special pharmacy shampoos are often recommended, but also a variety of oils. They are more natural, which means they will definitely give results without side effects. All that remains is to figure out which anti-dandruff oils are best for a particular case. But first, let's look at what exactly causes dandruff.

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff or seborrhea is a condition of the scalp in which the natural exfoliation of epidermal particles occurs too quickly, and most importantly, over a long time. In this case, a person may also suffer from itching, redness and even inflammation of the skin. But what causes all these unpleasant and unaesthetic symptoms?

Usually there are several main reasons that are combined with each other:

  • Fungal infection.

All people have microorganisms called Malassezia Furfur living on their scalp. But, if in the normal state they do not manifest themselves at all, then with a decrease in immunity, stress, nutritional disorders and other factors, the growth of the fungus increases. And this already leads to more exfoliating skin cells, because due to the fungus they divide too quickly and, sticking to each other, turn into those same scales.

Moreover, there are two types of seborrhea: dry and oily. In the first case, the scales are white, the hair becomes dry, brittle, and the skin is red in appearance and unpleasantly itchy in sensation.

With oily hair, the development is completely different: the hair is hard, shiny, often sticks together in strands, and pustules and enlarged pores appear on the skin. The scales are yellow and often form clumps on the hair.

  • Accompanying illnesses.

Eczema, contact dermatitis and other skin problems may also cause dandruff. It is sometimes noted that seborrhea occurs in people with neurological, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. In any case, before actively getting rid of scales on your head, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out the exact cause.

  • Features of the body.

It has long been noted that dandruff appears more often in people over 30 years of age and in men. There is also a genetic predisposition to seborrhea. Naturally oily hair and improper care are also a risk factor. But a lack of vitamins and microelements is also harmful, which generally worsens the condition of the hair.

Seborrhea is a fungal disease, so its treatment should be taken seriously. There are many reasons for its appearance, but often they are all interconnected. Therefore, therapy should be comprehensive - that is, not only to relieve symptoms, but also to heal the body from the inside.

How do essential oils work against dandruff?

In addition to pharmaceutical products, properly selected care products and changes in diet in the fight against seborrhea, it does not hurt to use folk remedies - for example, natural and essential oils. They differ in action. Secondly, the concentration of substances is higher, which means they may be more effective. It is worth understanding the mechanism of their action.

Most essential oils have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The high content of substances kills fungus, relieves inflammation and itching, heals affected areas and increases regeneration. Moreover, in reasonable quantities they can be used to prevent exacerbation constantly - as part of or independently. And in order to avoid addiction, you should alternate them.

IMPORTANT! Some essential oils can cause allergies, so you should be careful when using them and conduct a verification test on a different area of ​​the skin.

The best oils for dandruff

The effectiveness of oils in complex treatment has been proven. But among all their diversity you can get confused. Therefore, we will consider each in detail.

Burr oil

It is considered the best option and the most affordable. Contains many microelements, and especially insulin, which has an antibacterial effect. Can be applied independently or added to masks and shampoos, mixed with other oils and used as a base when working with essential oils.

The easiest way to use is to rub into the roots and scalp, hold as a mask for 30 minutes and rinse off using medicated shampoo. It is better to use it after the signs of dandruff disappear, so that there is no relapse.

Antimicrobial oil, it contains a lot of vitamin E, which moisturizes the skin and increases its regeneration. No less popular oil in the fight against seborrhea. It also improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and accelerates hair growth. Used both independently and in combination with other oils. The properties are enhanced if you add a couple of drops of calendula tincture to castor oil and apply it as such to your hair. Therefore it is a base oil.

IMPORTANT! The only negative is that it is not suitable for oily hair and oily seborrhea.

Essential oil

Any essential extract destroys fungus and relieves inflammation. Blood flow increases in the scalp, so the hair roots receive better nutrition. And the undoubted advantage of such substances is the absence of a large amount of fat in the composition, which allows them to be used for oily seborrhea.

IMPORTANT! To avoid causing a burn or an allergic reaction, it is not recommended to use pure essential oil - only in combination with a base oil or as part of a mask, shampoo or other care product.

Tea tree oil

Among broadcasters, he is rightfully considered the best. It is ideal for oily hair and even in concentrated form it usually does not cause allergies. However, you should not neglect safety measures to avoid getting burned. The composition contains special terpenol substances. They will destroy dandruff, but will also provide an additional styling effect - hair after tea tree oil is more manageable and keeps its shape longer.

The best way to use is to warm it slightly, add to shampoo and apply to hair. Leave under cling film for half an hour and rinse. This mask is suitable for any type of seborrhea.

Coconut oil

Contains triglycerides. They relieve itching, accelerate hair growth and treat dandruff. This oil is often used for dermatitis and other skin problems. It is also better to warm it up before use. Has moisturizing properties.

IMPORTANT! Also suitable for oily hair. However, it is worth taking refined oil, which will not clog pores and worsen the condition of the skin.

Olive oil

Like coconut, it is an excellent skin moisturizer. It is also good for preventing dandruff, as well as restoring split ends and damage. But to get the desired effect, you should choose virgin, grade oil.

It should be added to shampoo or to homemade masks - with almond oil, chicken egg yolks, jojoba oil and others. Then the effect will only intensify.

IMPORTANT! Particularly effective for dry dandruff.

Linseed oil

It is easiest to wash off and absorbs faster. It has a nourishing effect, making it ideal for those with dry hair. The action itself is to restore the correct life cycle of cells, so the number of dandruff flakes decreases. To complete the treatment of seborrhea, it is better to use it together with other oils.

Sea buckthorn oil

This oil is a lifesaver for skin regeneration and skin hydration. It is very nutritious and quickly produces the desired result, destroying fungus while restoring hair and skin. It especially helps with scratching in case of dry seborrhea.

Oil Feature– vitamin C in its composition is not destroyed during heat treatment, as often happens with other oils. Therefore, it can also be used in a heated state.

IMPORTANT! It can color hair, so it is recommended to take into account when using it for blondes and girls with colored hair.

Sunflower oil

High-quality sunflower seed oil can also help with dandruff. And its lower cost is a definite plus. It is rich in vitamins A, E, D and C. For masks, it is better to purchase unrefined oil, which contains more nutrients.

IMPORTANT! Suitable for oily seborrhea.

Lavender oil

This is an essential oil with an antibacterial effect. It is also able to heal wounds and scratches, promotes hair growth, but also improves its appearance. With regular use, it eliminates dandruff and its consequences. Used as an added component to masks and shampoos.

IMPORTANT! Suitable for oily hair. After making a mask, it is better to use it immediately, since essential substances quickly evaporate and lose their properties.

Almond oil

It nourishes and moisturizes hair of all types. Damage over the entire surface of the hair is also eliminated. It does not increase their fat content, but when using you should not overdo it with the amount of oil. Suitable as a base product when used together with essential and other natural oils, complementing their properties.

IMPORTANT! If a person is allergic to nuts, then the oil is prohibited for use.

Jojoba oil

This essential oil contains many fatty acids and vitamins, which allows it to be used for a variety of hair problems, including dandruff. It does not clog pores and helps get rid of flakes. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave an oily sheen, but the curls themselves become more manageable and softer to the touch.

IMPORTANT! It is obtained from the jojoba nut, so it is contraindicated for allergies.

Black cumin oil

Contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins, so it is suitable for almost any hair problem. Moreover, it can be used both internally and as part of masks. This way the effect is more complex. The zinc and copper in its composition destroy the fungus, and the vitamins restore the skin and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

IMPORTANT! It is forbidden to heat it, as fatty acids are destroyed.

Camphor oil

An essential substance that relieves inflammation, nourishes and restores hair structure. For dandruff, it is better to heat it and apply it along with coconut oil to the skin. For dry hair, a mask with honey, yolk and camphor oil is especially effective.

IMPORTANT! In its pure form it can cause burns, so it is never used without a base oil.

Argan oil

Very effective for any type of dandruff. Its properties for hair in general are unique, as it instantly puts hair in order. With seborrhea, it can restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands and nourish the hair.

IMPORTANT! The only producing country is Morocco. It should also be remembered that this oil is not used if there are wounds on the skin.

Burdock oil with apple cider vinegar

This is a very effective combination in the fight against seborrhea. The properties of burdock oil have already been discussed above, but apple cider vinegar deserves a separate mention. It restores skin microflora and destroys fungus. It contains many nutrients and vitamins. And finally, it has a direct effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In combination, oil and vinegar carry out a comprehensive job of eliminating dandruff on all fronts. It is useful to take vinegar diluted with water orally to enhance the effect.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that burdock oil increases the oiliness of hair, and vinegar can lead to allergies and burns. Therefore, do not use for oily seborrhea and strictly adhere to the mask time.

Oils for itchy scalp

With dandruff, itchy skin is very disturbing. It can also be eliminated with oils. The above essential oils are best suited for these purposes. Coconut oil and other fatty oils also work well to combat this problem. But when used in combination against dandruff, they also relieve itching.

Before using oils, it is better to consult a dermatologist. This way you will avoid many problems.

Contraindications for essential oils

It was already noted above that oils can lead to an allergic reaction. Therefore, individual intolerance is the main contraindication. When using in the absence of allergies, it is necessary to follow safety precautions - do not overexpose the oils to the skin and hair, monitor the sensations during the process so as not to get burned. Maintaining the exact ratio of substances in the mask will protect you from troubles in the process.


Oil therapy for seborrhea is very effective. But it should be remembered that its duration for the full effect should be at least a month, and for prevention it should be constantly repeated. This is a universal remedy for dandruff caused by local problems. For more complex causes, it can only become an additional treatment.

Scalp treatment. How to cure dandruff, seborrhea and folliculitis. Table of fatty and essential oils for scalp treatment. Recipes for dandruff. Oily and dry seborrhea. Simple pityriasis.

Dandruff or simple pityriasis.

Simple pityriasis* This is a mild clinical form of seborrheic dermatitis. which by the age of 20 occurs in almost 20% of people. Dandruff occurs as a result of the desquamation of horny (dead) cells from the scalp.

Difference between seborrhea and simple dandruff.

Seborrhea – This is a disease of the sebaceous glands, in which normal functioning is disrupted and the composition of the secretion changes. Seborrhea appears on the scalp and in areas where hair grows. The cause of the development of Seborrhea occurs due to disruption of the sex glands: adrenal glands, thyroid gland. Failures of the central nervous system, immune and nutritional systems, as well as deficiency of vitamin A and group B can also lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

There are two types of seborrhea - dry and oily. At dry form of seborrhea Dandruff and acne are more common.

Increased greasiness serves as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which affects the formation of dandruff.

At oily form of seborrhea the skin looks damp, greasy with a painful shine. The pores of the sebaceous glands are enlarged, with the formation of comedones, blackheads, mellium - whiteheads (sebaceous cysts).

Dandruff– this is a manifestation of dry Seborrhea. It occurs for the same reasons as seborrhea. It can be eliminated by introducing a diet, excluding sweets and fatty foods from the diet. Taking vitamins A, group B and C. Can become more active during puberty from 14 to 25 years. Reduced immunity also plays an important role in the appearance of dandruff. Normal exfoliation of the epidermis takes place within a week. When immunity decreases, the fungus becomes more active and the epidermis grows much faster. Many small horny particles form on the head.

Itching – is felt when the scalp is irritated. If itching occurs, the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis can be determined. The structure of the hair suffers - the hair becomes dry, brittle, and split. It quickly falls out, and in its place the formation of new hair stops. Over time, hair may be completely lost. If Seborrhea worsens, you should consult a trichologist. Aromatherapy is intended to prevent the onset of the disease and as an adjuvant to the main treatment. In parallel with hair masks and rinsing, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of Seborrhea, noted above.

Inflammation of the follicle(hair follicle). This is an infectious disease - folliculitis. There are several reasons, and the most common is a violation of personal hygiene (other people's combs, hard metal hair brushes...). The skin can receive microtrauma through which staphylococcus penetrates. The cause of inflammation of the follicle can be diabetes, poor diet, anemia, and liver disease. Regular use of aromatherapy for hair care will reduce the possibility of scalp diseases and help eliminate existing unwanted problems.

Below you will find ready-made recipes for healing your scalp and improving hair growth.

Recipes for scalp diseases.

Essential oils that are most active for the problem of dandruff and seborrhea: geranium, rosemary, tea tree, petitgrain, sandalwood, lavender, parsley, laurel, Atlas and Virginia cedar,lemon balm,juniper from berries and pine needles, patchouli, thyme, lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus, bergamot, ylang-ylang.

Fatty base, transport oils, most active for the problem of dandruff and seborrhea: hazelnuts, shea (shea), evening primrose, baobab, jojoba, camellia, neem, arugula, hazelnuts, black cumin,

Oil extracts: calendula, monooi, chamomile extract, celandine

Hair masks.

They are done 2 times a week using a fatty base oil suitable for your hair (see table). It is better to prepare the mixture immediately before use. Solid butter (batter) can be melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath. It is better to heat the oil to body temperature 36-40 degrees. Then add essential oil. The mask is applied only to the scalp. After a light massage, you need to put a plastic bag or cap on your head and wrap it in a warm towel or scarf. Keep the mask on for 2-3 hours. After the procedure, rinse the mask from your hair and rinse thoroughly.

Proportions: for 30 ml (g) of base oil – 12-15 drops of essential oil. The amount of mixture prepared may vary.

Masks for sensitive skin:

  • Clary sage – 2 drops
  • Roman chamomile or officinalis – 3 drops
  • Peppermint – 1 drop
  • Calendula – 2 teaspoons
  • Jojoba – 1 teaspoon
  • Chamomile – 6 drops
  • Lavender – 3 drops

Mask soothing itchy skin:

  • Sesame – 10 ml
  • Mandarin – 3 drops
  • Sandalwood – 2 drops
  • Lavender - 3 drops

Anti-dandruff rinse:

To rinse your hair, it is better to use melted or boiled water. The chlorine from the water should evaporate. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the rinse. Before rinsing your hair, add the mixture to a bowl and mix well. The rinse water must be warm! For rinsing, you can use infusions of herbs: chamomile, nettle, yarrow, burdock leaves

Proportions: for 1 liter of water – 7-10 drops of essential oil.

  • Eucalyptus – 3 drops
  • Tea tree – 3 drops
  • Geranium – 3 drops
  • Atlas cedar – 3 drops
  • Parsley – 8 drops

Masks for dry seborrhea:

They are done 2 times a week using a fatty base oil suitable for your hair (see table). It is better to prepare the mixture immediately before use. Solid butter (batter) can be melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath. It is better to heat the oil to body temperature 36-40 degrees. Then add essential oil. The mask is applied only to the scalp. After a light massage, you need to put a plastic bag or cap on your head and wrap it in a warm towel or scarf. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes to 3 hours. After the procedure, rinse the mask from your hair and rinse thoroughly.


  • Lavender – 5 drops
  • Chamomile – 3 drops
  • Cedar – 2 drops
  • Cypress – 3 drops

Rinse for dry seborrhea:

To rinse your hair, it is better to use melted or boiled water. The chlorine from the water should evaporate. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the rinse. Before rinsing your hair, add the mixture to a bowl and mix well. The water must be warm!

For rinsing, you can use infusions of herbs: chamomile, nettle, yarrow, burdock leaves...


  • Orange - 5 drops
  • Carrots – 3 drops
  • Orange – 3 drops
  • Ylang – ylang – 4 drops
  • Roman chamomile or chamomile – 4 drops
  • Myrrh – 3 drops
  • Mandarin – 3 drops
  • Sandalwood – 2 drops
  • Parsley – 8 drops

Masks for Oily seborrhea:

They are done 2 times a week on the basis of a fatty base oil suitable for your hair. (See table) It is better to prepare the mixture immediately before use. Solid butter (batter) can be melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath. It is better to heat the oil to body temperature 36-40 degrees. Then add essential oil. The mask is applied only to the scalp. After a light massage, you need to put a plastic bag or cap on your head and wrap it in a warm towel or scarf. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes to 3 hours. After the procedure, rinse the mask from your hair and rinse thoroughly.

Proportions: for 30 ml (g) of base oil – 12-15 drops of essential oil. The amount of mixture prepared may vary

  • Rosemary – 4 drops
  • Eucalyptus – 3 drops
  • Tea tree – 2 drops
  • Lemon balm – 3 drops
  • Cypress – 4 drops
  • Grapefruit – 4 drops
  • Kayaput – 4 drops

Rinse for oily seborrhea:

To rinse your hair, it is better to use melted or boiled water. The water should be warm. The chlorine from the water should evaporate. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the rinse. Before rinsing your hair, add the mixture to a bowl and mix well. For rinsing, you can use infusions of herbs: chamomile, nettle, yarrow, burdock leaves...

Proportions: per 1 liter of water – 7-10 drops of essential oil

Masks for hair loss:

They are done 2-3 times a week using a fatty base oil suitable for your hair (see table). It is better to prepare the mixture immediately before use. Solid butter (batter) can be melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath. It is better to heat the oil to body temperature 36-40 degrees. Then add essential oil. The mask is applied only to the scalp. After a light massage, you need to put a plastic bag or cap on your head and wrap it in a warm towel or scarf. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes to 3 hours. After the procedure, rinse the mask from your hair and rinse thoroughly.

Proportions: for 30 ml (g) of base oil – 12-15 drops of essential oil. The amount of mixture prepared may vary

Hair growth mask:

  • Wheat germ, argan, –20 ml
  • Evening primrose – 5 ml
  • Jojoba – 5 ml
  • Pine – 5 drops
  • Ginger – 3 drops
  • Rosemary – 2 drops

Nourishing mask for hair growth:

  • Wheat germ, avocado, cedar, cashew – 10 ml
  • Rosewood – 3 drops
  • Ylang-ylang – 2 drops
  • Rosemary – 2 drops
  • Petitgrain – 2 drops

Nourishing mask:

  • Sesame, avocado, jojoba, argan – 10 ml
  • Rosemary – 5 drops
  • Mandarin – 2 drops
  • Rose – 1 drop

General strengthening hair mask:

  • Palm or coconut oil – 10 g
  • Ylang-ylang – 5 drops
  • Lemon – 2 drops

Rinse for sensitive scalp:

To rinse your hair, it is better to use melted or boiled water. The chlorine from the water should evaporate. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the rinse. Before rinsing your hair, add the mixture to a bowl and mix well. The rinse water must be warm! For rinsing, you can use infusions of herbs: chamomile, nettle, yarrow, burdock leaves

Proportions: per 1 liter of water – 7-10 drops of essential oil

  • Rosewood – 5 drops
  • Ylang-ylang – 3 drops
  • Rosemary - 3 drops
  • Orange – 3 drops
  • Sandalwood – 1 drop

Masks for hair restoration and growth enhancement:

They are done 2-3 times a week for 3-4 months on the basis of a fatty base oil suitable for your hair (see table). Then take a break for 1 month and change the composition of the mixture recipe. This will prevent the body from becoming accustomed to essential oils and reducing the effect of the mask.

It is better to prepare the mixture immediately before use. Solid butter (batter) can be melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath. It is better to heat the oil to body temperature 36-40 degrees. Then add essential oil. The mask is applied only to the scalp. After a light massage, you need to put a plastic bag or cap on your head and wrap it in a warm towel or scarf. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes to 3 hours. After the procedure, rinse the mask from your hair and rinse thoroughly.

Proportions: for 30 ml (g) of base oil – 12-15 drops of essential oil. The amount of mixture prepared may vary

  • Bay – 12 drops

Growth stimulation mask:

  • Jojoba, argan, flaxseed – 10 ml
  • Atlas cedar – 3 drops
  • Cypress – 2 drops
  • Frankincense – 2 drops

For brunettes:

  • Ylang-ylang – 4 drops
  • Rosemary – 4 drops
  • Black pepper – 3 drops
  • Cognac – 1 teaspoon

For blondes:

  • Ylang-ylang – 4 drops
  • Lemon – 3 drops
  • Lemon (juice) – 1 teaspoon
  • Bay - 4 drops

Firming mask:

  • Basil – 3 drops
  • Bay – 5 drops
  • Frankincense or Atlas cedar – 4 drops
  • Sesame, avocado, jojoba, argan – 10 ml
  • Rosemary – 5 drops
  • Mandarin – 2 drops
  • Rose – 1 drop

Note: I know that there are cases when essential oil is added to ready-made shampoos and conditioners to increase hair growth. This is explained by the simplicity and simplicity of the use of aromatherapy. Perhaps for some this is a way out, given the lack of time. I would like to warn you that shampoo can be quite aggressive and has its own ready-made formula. You won't be able to do much harm by doing this, but allergies may occur. You need to take the simplest mild shampoo, or better yet, a soap emulsifier or soap base. The stable data for you should be thatessential oil fat soluble, which means it should be used together with fatty butter, sour cream, egg yolk, maybe with honey...Only then will it have a nutritional effect. It won’t penetrate the skin by itself... it can’t! without carrier oil Essential oil has only a superficial effect. A homemade shampoo recipe involves adding fatty natural oils in a decent amount. What do you add to the finished product? Remains a mystery.

Essential oils, which have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects, are an excellent remedy for dandruff: the best mask recipes to help get rid of dandruff.

To treat scalp seborrhea at home, essential oils can be used in three ways.

First, add them to your hair wash. For example, in a regular shampoo with the most neutral, soft base, or in a homemade shampoo prepared independently using egg yolk or other natural products.

Add a mixture of oils to a small amount of shampoo, mix them well, apply to your hair and vigorously but gently massage your scalp for two to four minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.

Secondly, essential oils that are added to water have a very good effect. It is very useful for her to rinse her hair after washing.

It is advisable to take boiled or filtered water in a filter jug. The optimal water temperature is room temperature or a little warmer. To rinse medium-length hair, you will need about half a liter of water with a mixture of oils added to it.

The third option, perhaps the most effective of the three, is to make anti-dandruff masks based on base oils with the addition of essential oils.

For the base, take ten grams of basic vegetable oil - that's about two teaspoons. Add the desired number of drops of one or two essential oils according to the mixture chosen below and mix very well.

These three options can be alternated, but you need to take care of your hair regularly. How quickly the therapeutic effect appears depends on the initial condition of the scalp. If dandruff has been bothering you for a long time, there is severe itching, and your scalp is inflamed and irritated, it will take at least a few weeks for it to heal. You should make masks at least twice a week.

The dosages indicated below are generally calculated for medium-length hair. They must be followed very precisely so as not to harm the scalp, since aromatic oils are very active. Be careful not to get the mixture into your eyes.

When using essential oils, be careful: they can cause allergies. When trying new oils, it is very advisable to do a test for allergic reactions: sniff one drop of oil (several times during the day) and apply the essential oil solution to the inside of your arm, for example, the crook of your elbow. Never apply pure essential oil to your skin - it can cause burns. It is worth taking a mixture of one part aromatic oil with four parts base vegetable oil.

Anti-dandruff remedies and masks for home treatment

When choosing an oil that will help you get rid of dandruff, focus on the condition and type of your scalp.

If it is dry, you can use almost any base oil as a base - olive, almond, sunflower, castor or coconut.

If the skin - and therefore seborrhea - is oily, you should give preference to almond or sesame oils.

To rinse your hair, add only one of the selected oils to the water:

  • three drops of eucalyptus or
  • four drops of cedar oil or
  • three drops of lemon balm or
  • four drops of frankincense or
  • four drops of neroli essential oil.

These same oils, one at a time, can be added to a mask based on base oils.
You can add one (!) of the mixtures to masks or shampoo:

  • five drops of incense or
  • three drops of rosemary plus two drops of tangerine oil
  • three drops of lemon balm plus four drops of neroli
  • four drops eucalyptus oil plus two drops orange oil
  • three drops of fennel oil plus five drops of cedar.

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