Home Dental treatment Who approves the military doctrine in the Russian Federation. Stages of formation of Russian military doctrine

Who approves the military doctrine in the Russian Federation. Stages of formation of Russian military doctrine

The strategy is aimed at countering challenges and threats to economic security, as well as preventing a decline in the quality of life of the population.

The editors of TASS-DOSSIER have prepared material on complex legal acts (doctrines and strategies) adopted in Russia related to security in various areas. To date, five such documents have been adopted. Since 2014 such legal acts approved within the framework of the law “On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation” of June 28, 2014.

Economic Security Strategy

The first State Strategy for Economic Security of the Russian Federation was adopted by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin on April 29, 1996. The document identified four main threats to economic security: impoverishment and property stratification of the population; deformation of the structure of the Russian economy (including the strengthening of the fuel and raw materials sector); uneven development of regions; criminalization of society.

The new document dated May 13, 2017 already identifies 25 challenges and threats, including increasing structural imbalances in the global economy, discriminatory measures against key sectors of the Russian economy, and weak innovative activity.

Information Security Doctrine

On September 9, 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the first version of the Information Security Doctrine. The document described the system of official views on ensuring the national security of the state in the information sphere.

The doctrine identified four types of threats to information security: threats to constitutional rights and freedoms in the field of spiritual life and information life; threats to information support of state policy; threats to the development of the domestic information industry; threats to the security of information systems in general.

The new Information Security Doctrine was adopted by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 5, 2016. The document already identified 10 types of threats. In particular, the increase by a number of foreign countries of the capabilities of information and technical influence on the information infrastructure for military purposes; discrimination against Russian media abroad; increase in computer crime; use of information influence mechanisms by terrorist and extremist organizations, etc.

National Security Strategy

The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 was approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev dated May 12, 2009, replacing the expired Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation. This is the basic document strategic planning, defining the national interests and strategic national priorities of the country, the tasks of internal and foreign policy aimed at strengthening national security and sustainable development.

The concept of “national interests” was defined in the document as the need to ensure the security and sustainable development of the individual, society and state. Among the factors threatening national interests were listed “relapses of unilateral approaches in international relations,” uncontrolled and illegal migration, epidemics, depletion of energy resources, an increase in the number of countries possessing nuclear weapons, etc.

The new version of the National Security Strategy was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 31, 2015. It identifies national interests as: strengthening the country’s defense, ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional order; strengthening national harmony; improving quality of life; preservation and development of culture, traditional Russian spiritual and moral values; increasing the competitiveness of the national economy; securing Russia's status as one of the leading world powers.

The document noted that Russia is in last years has demonstrated the ability to ensure sovereignty, but it is threatened by the build-up of NATO’s power potential, the spread of the practice of overthrowing legitimate political regimes and etc.

Food Security Doctrine

The Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation was approved by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on January 30, 2010 and is currently in force. It sets out the goals, objectives and main directions of state economic policy in this area.

In particular, the concept of food independence was introduced - a state of the economy in which the production of vital food products per year is at least 80% of the population's needs for them. At the same time, it is planned that the supply of fish products and sugar should be provided by domestic producers at least 80%, meat - at least 85%, milk and dairy products - at least 90%, grain - at least 95%.

The document develops the provisions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

Environmental safety strategy

Strategy environmental safety of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 was approved on April 19, 2017 and is currently in force. It replaced the State Strategy of the Russian Federation for the protection environment and ensuring sustainable development (approved by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin of February 4, 1994).

The document develops the provisions of the National Security Strategy, assesses the current state of environmental security in Russia, and identifies the main global and internal threats. Global threats include the consequences of climate change on the planet, increased consumption of natural resources, and reduction of biodiversity. Internal challenges - high degree of soil, water, air pollution; low level environmental education and culture; insufficient funding for environmental activities.

The Decree on the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation was signed on December 25, 2014. This document acts as a fundamental conceptual act in the field of ensuring the country's defense capability. The military doctrine of the Russian Federation was approved with the aim of normalizing issues related to the use of weapons in the political interests of the state.


The military doctrine of national security of the Russian Federation was the result of a wide discussion in the media and a conference of the All-Russian Academy of Civil Aviation, where theoretical issues related to the use of weapons within the framework of the political activities of the state were discussed. The need for formation single document, including key aspects of the problem, appeared at the end of the last century. By that time, almost all developed countries had already created a complex regulatory documents of such kind. The main provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation were adopted in November 1993.

The essence of the concept

The new Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation that exists today proclaims the officially accepted views of the leadership on the use of weapons to ensure the defense capability of the state. According to theoretical requirements, this document answers the following questions:

  1. With which opponents and how to prevent armed conflicts.
  2. What character can the struggle have, the tasks and goals of the state and the army during the conduct of hostilities.
  3. What military organization should be created to resolve armed conflicts, and in what directions should it be developed.
  4. What forms and methods should be used as part of military operations.
  5. How to prepare the state and army for war or the use of armed forces in conflicts.

The military security doctrine of the Russian Federation is focused on protecting the country's economic interests. Its content is determined by the state’s capabilities to conduct armed conflicts. They, in turn, depend on the state of the economy, the level of development of scientific and technological progress and social infrastructure. The military doctrine of the Russian Federation performs informational, organizational and regulatory functions. They determine its key importance in matters of preparing the state and army to protect the interests of the country using the armed forces.


The Russian military doctrine of 2015 contains the term “deterrence system.” It should be understood as a set of specific measures aimed at preventing aggression using non-nuclear weapons against Russia. The document outlines the priorities of state policy in matters of defense construction. In descending order they look like this:

Internal dangers

On this issue, the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation adheres to its previous position. Internal hazards include:

  1. Attempts to forcibly change the constitutional system of Russia.
  2. Destabilization of the social and internal political situation in the country.
  3. Disorganization of the activities of government bodies, the most important military and government facilities, as well as the information infrastructure of the Russian Federation.

Terrorist actions by gangs and other organizations are of particular relevance today. There is also concern about the informational influence on the population aimed at undermining patriotic, spiritual and historical traditions in the sphere of ensuring the defense of the Fatherland, provoking social and interethnic tension, and inciting national and ethnic hatred.

Main threats

The Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation recognizes them as:

  1. A sharp deterioration in interstate relations.
  2. Creating conditions for the use of armed forces.
  3. Obstructing the activities of military and government controlled in the Russian Federation.
  4. Violations in the functioning of nuclear strategic forces, missile attack warning systems, control over outer space, chemical industry facilities, nuclear energy, storage of nuclear weapons and other potentially dangerous areas.

  5. Education and training of illegal groups that use weapons against peace and order in society, their activities on the territory of Russia or in allied states.
  6. Demonstration of military power during training events in adjacent regions.
  7. The Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation considers the activation of the armed forces of individual countries or groups of states with partial or complete mobilization as an important threat.

    Second section

    This part of the document has been subject to repeated adjustments. The change in the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation was due to external circumstances, the growing threat of terrorism. These problems are associated with increased competition and rivalry in the world, and the instability of global economic processes. Of no small importance in increasing tension is the redistribution of influence in favor of new power centers. The tendency for threats to shift into the internal sphere and information space of Russia is also recognized as dangerous.

    The second section of the Doctrine notes that in some areas military dangers to the state are increasing. The document specifies the sources of external threat in relation to the current situation set out in the State Defense Strategy. This is, first of all, the build-up of military potential and the enlargement of the NATO bloc, the bringing of its combat infrastructure closer to the borders of Russia, and the destabilization of the situation in a number of countries and regions.

    Defense Policy of the Russian Federation

    It is set out in the third, main section of the Doctrine. The country's defense policy should be understood as the activities of the authorities to organize and ensure the protection of the territory of the state and the interests of its allies. The third section clearly defines the focus of this work:

    1. Containment and prevention of armed conflicts.
    2. Improving the country's army.
    3. Development of methods and forms of using the armed forces and military bodies.
    4. Strengthening mobilization readiness to ensure the defense and protection of the territory of the state and the interests of its allies.

    Military doctrine confirms that nuclear weapons at the disposal of a state are considered primarily as a deterrent against aggression. Russia reserves the possibility of using such weapons in response to the use of such weapons against it or its allies. Nuclear power will also be used if the enemy's conventional weapons directly threaten the very existence of the country.

    Use of force issues

    They are also reflected in the third section of the document. Military doctrine recognizes the legitimate use of force to repel aggression, restore or maintain peace, and ensure protection Russian citizens located outside the country. The activities of the armed organization will be carried out decisively, comprehensively and purposefully. The use of force will be based on an early and constant analysis of the military, political and strategic situation in accordance with all the requirements imposed by international law.

    The third section clearly defines the main tasks that the military organization of the state faces in peacetime, as well as in conditions of increasing danger of aggression from other entities.

    Mobilization preparation

    Its fundamental principles are set out in the fourth section. In the current version of the document, mobilization preparation and readiness is given Special attention. The Military Doctrine clearly defines the objectives of the activities. They consist of preparing the country, armed forces, agencies and troops to ensure the protection of the territory and population of the state from attack, as well as to meet the needs of citizens during hostilities. This indicates that the political leadership is taking into account the increasing likelihood of Russia being drawn into a large-scale war. This, in turn, will require the full mobilization of the armed, economic and moral forces of the state and citizens. IN in this case This does not mean so much the army as the country as a whole.

    Providing defense

    The fifth section of the document is devoted to this issue. Military-economic support for the defense complex is aimed at creating conditions for stable development and maintaining the country's potential at the level necessary for the implementation of the adopted state policy. The main tasks in this area are:

    1. Equipping the army and military bodies with weapons and special equipment.
    2. Providing material resources. In case of immediate danger from aggressors, the troops will be re-equipped in accordance with wartime standards; in peacetime, by the accumulation, echeloning and maintenance of reserves.
    3. Replenishment of losses of equipment, weapons, and materiel during combat operations.
    4. Improving the defense industry, ensuring the country's independence, forming a complex of technologies of paramount importance, intensifying innovative investment activities, maintaining state control.
    5. Fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation with interested countries to exchange innovative ideas and generate profits for the defense industry.


    Military doctrine formulates clear guidelines for the forms, methods, and procedures for using armed force to ensure the protection of sovereignty, the constitutional order, territorial integrity, as well as the national interests of the state, the fulfillment of allied obligations, and the terms of international treaties.

It is a system of official positions and views that sets guidelines for preparing a state and its army for possible military action. Each country has its own approaches to development, which may vary depending on the policy and the degree of development of implementation the latest achievements Sciences.

Definition: In essence, military doctrine is a kind of core of the general political activity of any state and represents the interests of all institutions, civil society as a whole and each person individually. Although the government's intentions can be declared not only openly, but also in disguise, such a system does not provide for closed sections that citizens would not know about. As a rule, military doctrine is clearly stated in the following fundamental documents: general military and combat regulations, the Constitution, various legislative acts, concepts and national security.

In Russia: Russia's military doctrine is a totality official installations, where the economic, political and strategic foundations for ensuring the security of the state are determined. It was formed during the transition period, under the influence of democratic transformations and a diverse economy and a dynamically transforming system international relations. In 2010, Russia approved new provisions regarding decision-making in the event of a full-scale war, as well as local and internal armed conflicts.

In any situation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Commander-in-Chief will do everything to protect the sovereignty and independence of the state, its territorial integrity, defeat the enemy and repel aggression. In the event of local wars, Russia declares its readiness to promptly eliminate the source of tension, eliminate the existing preconditions for the conflict and prevent the resumption of hostilities.

To carry out the defeat and complete liquidation of all illegal groups on its territory, and in international wars to promote the separation of warring parties, help stabilize the situation and create conditions for a peaceful settlement. Moreover, Russia does not provide for a renunciation of the use of nuclear weapons if the enemy uses any systems for the mass destruction of its citizens.

IN THE USA: US military doctrine is based on the views of the country's leadership regarding gaining dominance in the world, and is often aggressive in nature. Thus, on January 5, 2012, a document was made public where the country’s main political goal is to support its global leadership. Its provisions define the stages of development of the US Armed Forces, clearly define their composition and structure, preliminary planning of operations and even an approximate military budget.

This document caused criticism not only in Russia, but also in Western European countries, including Germany. Although the military doctrine, the provisions of which are described in it, is just a continuation of previously formulated political goals, experts are wary of the phrase “global leadership.”

Formally, the Russian Federation is not on the list of potential adversaries of the United States, but one important point can be found in the document. This is a statement about uninterrupted access to natural resources anywhere in the world and providing safe opportunities for their transportation by air and water. Since Russia contains a significant amount of mineral resources, and due to the state’s location at the junction of Asia and Europe, the movement of goods across its territory is inevitable, such statements by the US leadership may be considered by military and civilians as a threat.

The concept of “Military Doctrine” most often refers to a series of regulations that determine how the military forces and means of a certain state will be used to achieve political goals, various global military objectives and large-scale military development. The content of the Military Doctrine covers all areas and aspects that relate to the state’s preparation for a probable war or repelling a possible attack.

Every state has such a document and determines the state’s military policy in relation to other countries. The doctrine can be adopted by both a separate state and a union state entity. In the latter case, the text of the document is approved in accordance with the military policy followed by the allied states. Most often in this case - the strongest state in the union bloc.

The military doctrine of the Russian Federation is approved by the President of the Russian Federation. It is defensive in nature and establishes involvement in various military bases to ensure the military security of the country.

Compared to US Military Doctrine, which provides for global impact anywhere in the world, the Russian one provides for the use of armed forces only as a last resort. At the same time, maintaining troops in a state of high combat readiness, as well as equipping them with the latest types of weapons and military equipment, are among the priorities of Russian doctrine. Judging by the political situation on the world stage for 2010-2014, it is safe to say that every year the need for a new declaration on military policy has increased.

In 2014, the President of the Russian Federation approved a new Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation. The president had to approve the updated text due to changes in the political situation in the world. In the document, the president noted that NATO member countries are geopolitical opponents of Russia. In addition, the unstable situation in Ukraine and in the countries Far East also demanded some changes. With the adoption of the new document in 2014, the previous version of the text, which was approved by the President of Russia in 2010, was canceled.

Approval of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation

The new version was approved by the Russian Security Council in December 2014. After this, the doctrine was sent to the president for signature. The updated Military Doctrine, which is the most important defense state element, appeared on December 26, 2014.

Although the main text remained virtually unchanged, various additions that were made there significantly changed the essence of the document.

A brief history of the emergence of Military Doctrine in modern Russia

The first military doctrine arose in modern Russia back in 1993. Before this, Russia used USSR documents that were adopted in 1987. The emergence of a new Military Doctrine was a necessary measure, since the political situation in the world had long required the creation of such a holistic document. In the early 90s, a similar normative documents most developed countries had. Usually it covered wide range military-political issues, and also determined the algorithm of action of the army as a result of an enemy attack. The following Military Doctrines were adopted in 2000, 2010 and 2014.

Since the new National Security Strategy was released in 2015, the Russian Military Doctrine was also supplemented with a number of changes in 2016.

If we take the USA as an example, they have had a Strategy for a long time national defense, which is an analogue of the Russian Military Doctrine. The US strategy is presented as a collection of documents that addresses a wide range of issues related to military and national security. By the way, it was in the United States that a tradition was established according to which the country’s Military Doctrine (or its analogues, which may have other names) was approved by the president, because in a number of countries it is the president who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

In addition, the United States has developed an effective tool for making changes and additions to it, which is often a necessity of utmost importance, since the political situation in the world is very unstable. This instrument is the annual report of the Secretary of Defense, which he makes for the following organizations:

  • For the US Congress;
  • For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Armed Forces;
  • For American White Paper.

The first Russian Military Doctrine dates back to 1993. It was this year that the President of Russia for the first time approved a specific document that concerned Russia’s further military policy on the world stage and in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy. This document was called the “Basic Provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.” Before the publication of this document, the public was warned through various means mass media. At the same time, Russian military academies were discussing the norms that were planned to be enshrined in the texts of the document.

The main issues that the Russian Military Doctrine should address

The modern version of the military document is able to answer a number of the following questions:

  • Which country is most likely to become an enemy, and what is the approximate scenario for a possible war;
  • What nuances might the proposed war have?
  • What global goals and objectives should the state pursue during the war?
  • How can a possible military clash be prevented so that it does not “spill over” into a large-scale war;
  • Creation military organization, which will have to take over leadership after the onset of hostilities on a national scale;
  • How and by what means the war will be fought;
  • How will the state conduct full-scale military operations;
  • An algorithm for preparing for war and algorithms for the use of force in the event of armed conflicts.

In general, the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation has normative, informational and organizational functions that determine the algorithm of actions for preparing the state for war, as well as defense and attack, from the perspective of application military force.

Basic principles and concepts of the Russian Military Doctrine

Since most of the major world powers, which could become possible opponents of Russia in the event of war, have nuclear weapon, any military conflict should, if possible, be resolved without the use of strategic nuclear weapons. The use of nuclear weapons by one of the warring parties will cause a response, which could lead to a global catastrophe. That is why the Russian government is focusing on the use of non-nuclear weapons. Much attention is paid to new developments of weapons, which in the near future can become a powerful deterrent for possible opponents.

The updated document introduced a new concept of “non-nuclear deterrence system.” This concept is a complex of various measures that are comprehensively aimed at the development, armament and use of powerful non-nuclear weapons against a possible enemy of the Russian Federation.

Having studied the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, we can highlight the following directions in military construction and military policy, which are arranged in descending order:

  • Containing the enemy with nuclear weapons. This clause provides for the delivery of nuclear strikes against the enemy after the first strike or as a retaliatory strike. This strike should be carried out by railway missile systems, as well as strategic submarines. In the event of a retaliatory nuclear strike, the submarines must launch a general retaliatory strike;
  • Defense by aerospace forces, which includes the use of high-precision non-nuclear weapons. These strikes should be carried out against the concentration of US Army forces and their possible allies;
  • Large-scale military conflicts with NATO armies, which can occur both within various borders with Russia and on the territory of the CIS countries;
  • Resolution of the regional Far Eastern conflict;
  • Conflicts with Japan that are territorial in nature;
  • Reflection various types missile attacks that could be aimed at Moscow. This issue should be effectively dealt with by the missile defense system, which is located in the Moscow region;
  • Various local conflicts and peacekeeping operations. They can be both on the territory of Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space;
  • Operations aimed at countering piracy in the Indian Ocean, as well as various military operations in the Arctic region.

The main content of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation

Although Russian doctrine has been significantly updated, the classification of wars and military conflicts has not changed at all. Many military experts continue to express dissatisfaction with the fact that the updated documentation does not clearly define the concept of “war.” This can lead to the fact that any conflicts can be interpreted as a military invasion, even if it is a provocation.

Some military experts in 2016 proposed including their own definition of the concept of “war.” In their definition, war is the highest form of conflict resolution among states, social, religious or ethnic groups, which takes place with the use of high-intensity armed violence. The main goal of such an event is the complete achievement of certain goals of one of the parties to the conflict.

Classification of wars according to various criteria

Since in modern conditions It is impossible to give a complete definition of the term “war” based on several criteria; the system for defining wars is quite complex. For example, you can classify a war according to the technological level of the warring parties:

  • Technologically underdeveloped states. This type of war poses a danger only to its direct participants, since the parties usually have small arms. As an example, we can cite constant clashes in Latin American countries or Africa;
  • Highly developed states. The last example of this type was the Second World War. In modern conditions, a war by high-tech states can lead to the destruction of all humanity on the planet;
  • Between underdeveloped and high-tech states. As an example, we can cite the war between the United States and Iraq, which lasted from 2003 to 2011.

Wars are often classified by the use of strategy to achieve their goals:

  • The simplest is the use of a strategy for the direct physical destruction of the enemy. As a rule, this strategy is used by underdeveloped states;
  • The most advanced is when an indirect influence strategy is used. This could be a simple economic blockade. In more difficult case, this type of war consists of supporting opposition forces in a state, often using indirect or direct support for troops;
  • Mixed technique, which includes a combination of the first two methods.

Depending on the scale of war, there are the following types:

  • Local. They are conducted only within the borders of enemy states. Often wars of this type develop into larger ones;
  • Regional. These wars are being waged by several states in one of the regions. Unlike local wars, the goal here is more significant;
  • Large scale. The most serious type of war. As a rule, not ordinary states, but entire coalitions of states. The last large-scale war that occurred in the world was World War II. Everyone knows perfectly well the terrible devastation that conflicts of this type cause.

Wars can also be divided according to the type of weapons used in them:

  • The most dangerous may be nuclear war. Since the largest world powers have nuclear weapons, if a conflict breaks out between them, nuclear weapons may well be used. This could destroy all life on earth, so no one is eager to start it;
  • Using weapons of mass destruction. This group includes both nuclear and chemical weapons;
  • Using conventional weapons. Most wars nowadays are of this type;
  • In theory, wars can occur using revolutionary types of weapons.

In accordance with standards international law, wars happen:

  • “Fair”, that is, when they are conducted in compliance with international law. As a rule, such wars are fought to protect the national interests and independence of the country;
  • "Unjust" wars. This is the so-called “aggression”, when all norms of international law are brazenly violated or ignored.

War can occur between the following participants:

  • Among the states;
  • Between the coalition and the state;
  • Among coalitions;
  • Between different ethnic or social groups in one state. This kind of war is called civil war.

Sources of external military danger

According to the new edition, the sources of external and internal military danger are clearly defined. Depending on the military-political situation, one can determine when Russia should prepare for war.

The following circumstances are understood as sources of external danger:

  • The main source of external danger is considered to be the global strengthening of NATO and the deployment of its troops near the eastern Russian borders. Judging by current state European NATO troops, only American troops should be feared. Despite the fact that the “yellow” Russian press constantly “trumpets” the danger posed by European NATO troops, in fact, things are not very rosy there;
  • Aggravation of the political situation in the country. This item may include inciting ethnic or class hatred at the expense of foreign countries;
  • Various military groups or gangs, which are often sponsored by a potential enemy, can also pose a danger.

In addition to the above, sources of external danger include the militarization of space and the deployment of missile defense near Russian borders. Due to the fact that in recent years the United States has been actively using a system of blackmail with strategic high-precision missiles, this point also applies to external military dangers.

In addition to indirect sources of external danger, there may also be direct military threats to Russia. Such threats mean:

  • Territorial claims both to Russia and to its allied countries. For example, the situation with Japan's territorial claims to Russia;
  • Direct interference of the NATO bloc in the internal affairs of Russia or its allied countries;
  • Various armed conflicts on the territory of countries that have common borders with Russia;
  • The proliferation of nuclear technology, weapons of mass destruction and other military technologies or weapons among countries with which Russia has strained relations;
  • As a consequence of the 4th point, an increase in the number of states that have nuclear weapons in their arsenal;
  • Sponsoring global terrorism.

Such dangers may arise from the fact that, with the help of foreign support, regimes may be established in some countries that will be unfriendly against Russia.

Dangers that, according to Russian Military Doctrine, are considered internal

Since it is very dangerous to directly threaten a major nuclear power, which is Russia, a potential rival can often act covertly, organizing various sabotages, rebellions and aggravations between ethnic, social and religious groups. Such actions represent fertile ground for the emergence of various internal dangers on Russian territory. They come in the following types:

  • Efforts aimed at changing the existing constitutional order;
  • Destabilization of the general attitude in the country;
  • Creation various kinds interference in the operation of government and military facilities.

The main threats to Russia, according to the Military Doctrine

The most significant military threats that can directly lead to military action are:

  • Aggravations as a result of military-political negotiations. This category also includes deadlocked negotiations, which lead to the fact that one of the parties will have to use force of arms to confirm its position in the dispute;
  • Favorable conditions for the enemy to take advantage of his troops;
  • Violations in uninterrupted operation Russian nuclear and strategic forces;
  • Direct demonstration of military force on the borders of the Russian Federation;
  • Mobilization in the armed forces of countries neighboring Russia.

In addition, the transfer of a number of state and military bodies to work in a military regime indirectly indicates the preparation of this state for war.

How do military conflicts work today?

A special section of the Military Doctrine is devoted to describing the features of military conflicts that are most popular in modern world. Typically, features of modern military conflicts include:

  • The use of non-military and military means by the protest population;
  • The scale of the use of modern weapons in the complex. Modern weapons can be modern intercontinental missiles and the latest weapons that can operate in accordance with new physical laws. Such weapons can be as destructive as nuclear weapons;
  • Impact on the enemy throughout his entire territory. Moreover, this point includes not only massive strikes on land and sea, but also complete dominance in aerospace;
  • Selective destruction of large military targets, the use of mobile detachments of troops special purpose, which are capable of delivering sudden attacks on the enemy;
  • Quick transition from the defense phase to the attack phase;
  • Formation of a military area.

In addition to these features that were spelled out in the previous Military Doctrine, new ones have appeared. For example, the use of private military companies or the use of political forces and social movements during military operations.

Fundamentals of military policy of the Russian Federation

The main section of the document is devoted to explanations of state military policy. The definition of “military policy” is also given here. In this case, military policy should be understood as the special activities of the state, which are directly related to all areas that relate to the organization and implementation of defense. Moreover, Russian military policy affects not only its own interests, but also the interests of its allied states.

The main directions of Russian military policy are as follows:

  • Try to prevent, contain and prevent any military conflicts;
  • Constantly improve and modernize its armed forces and all related organizations;
  • Improve the methods of using armed forces and other troops for greater efficiency;
  • Increase the mobility of all types of troops.

Russia's military doctrine reminds us that the country's nuclear potential should be viewed solely as a deterrent. At the same time, it provides for the use of nuclear weapons by Russia not only in the event of an attack on it using any weapon of mass destruction. In the event of a large-scale aggression against Russia, which would pose a threat to the existence of the state, even if conventional weapons are used, Russia has the right to use nuclear weapons against the aggressor state.

The same section covers most of the questions on the use of various military organizations. According to the doctrine, Russia can use force in the following cases:

  • When repelling any aggression directed towards Russia;
  • To restore or maintain peace;
  • To protect its citizens, even if they are outside the Russian Federation.

According to the doctrine, any use of armed forces must be carried out on a large scale and purposefully. Moreover, strictly in accordance with international law.

The new edition contains clauses that relate to military tasks in peacetime, when the threat of aggression appears and steadily increases. In addition, clauses appeared regarding the observance of Russian interests in the Arctic and such a concept as “strategic deployment of armed forces.”

The tasks for the development of military organizations received several new points:

  • Creation and development of mobilization bases that should serve for the strategic deployment of the armed forces;
  • Development of methods for preparing and mobilizing the population in the event of serious threats to the state. This same point includes the development of techniques for mobilizing other resources necessary for waging war;
  • Improvement of the entire system of radiation, chemical and biological protection.

Mobilization preparation and military-economic support

Unlike the previous edition, the new document pays increased attention to mobilization preparation. This training includes not only the training of the armed forces, but also other organizations, in order to ensure the protection of the state from attacks, as well as to provide for various needs and requirements during war.

It is this section that indirectly hints that the President of the Russian Federation does not exclude the possibility of the state being drawn into a large-scale military conflict in the near future. At least, modern politics The US is so aggressive that this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. In any case, Russia will be ready to conduct full-scale hostilities, which may require a global mobilization of human and state resources.

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