Home Gums Acupressure massage for stuttering lessons. Massage for stuttering in children

Acupressure massage for stuttering lessons. Massage for stuttering in children

Stuttering is a violation of the tempo and fluency of speech, which is manifested by repeated repetition of sounds and pauses in words. Treatment of pathology is aimed at brain structures through psychological and speech therapy work, medications and mechanical manipulations. Massage for stuttering in children is a set of passive exercises that engage the active centers of the nervous system and also increase tone blood vessels. In addition, massage movements can improve psycho-emotional state children.

Speech therapy massage tasks

Action speech therapy massage is to normalize the blood supply and innervation of the structures responsible for normal speech child. The manipulation is carried out in complex treatment dysarthria, delays speech development and stuttering.

Massage therapy for stuttering is aimed at the following:

  • Normalization of the tone of the muscular structures of the speech apparatus: larynx, pharynx, tongue, facial muscles
  • Articulatory preparation of the speech apparatus.
  • Decreased salivation, which makes it difficult to repeat phrases.
  • Engaging muscles whose tone is reduced due to previous inactivity.
  • Stimulation of areas in the central nervous system responsible for colloquial speech: Wernicke and Broca center.
  • Influence at emotional sphere child's body: relaxing effect that improves mood and relieves anxiety.

The connection between speech therapy massage, osteopathy and stuttering has been determined. The technique of osteopaths is aimed at eliminating tension in the active centers of the head, improving blood supply to the brain and stimulating lymph outflow.

Osteopathic effects on the articulatory apparatus relate to physiotherapy, most often additional method therapy.

Doctor's advice. If a child begins to stutter, you cannot wait until the problem “outgrows.” Diagnostics on early stage helps eliminate it faster and cure stuttering completely

Types of massage to treat stuttering

There are the following types of mechanical influence in the treatment of stuttering:

  • Acupressure for stuttering - a type of speech therapy manipulation that acts on small active biological areas, most of which are in the zone hairline and on the face. Each point is connected to nerve center, which sends impulses to internal organs.
  • Classic manual massage includes stroking and vibration techniques. With its help, you can relax or activate the necessary muscle areas of the speech apparatus.
  • Probe massage, which is performed through the use of an instrument - a probe. It is distinguished by the rigidity of the technique, so it is performed on children over 4 years old.

Important! Contraindication to probe massage is epilepsy, there is a risk of seizures

The massage therapist’s task is to choose the required procedure option. In some cases, a combined effect of mixed massage is required: increasing the tone of one muscle group and relaxing another.

Methods and techniques of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage for stuttering is a complex of methods and techniques. Three complexes are often used, the actions of which are aimed at the area of ​​pathological symptoms.

The speech therapy program is planned as follows: during diagnostic exercises with children, material is studied aimed at overcoming the underdevelopment of the language reflex.

Stages of massage therapy aimed at getting rid of stuttering:

  • Stage 1: normalization of muscle tone.
  • Stage 2: strengthening the voice and breathing.

The duration of the procedure is at least 6 minutes and up to 20 minutes in the last sessions of the session.

Mechanical effects on the tissues of a child’s body can be accompanied by activation of centers in the brain. Therefore, there are contraindications to the procedure:

In addition, mechanical action is not carried out in the presence of a rash or damage to the integrity of the facial skin.

Speech therapy massage tools and procedure rules

The massage therapist in the robot can use metal and plastic probes, balls, whiskers, and “fungus.” The size and shape of the tool is selected individually. The only condition is that the items used must be safe to use and not cause harm.

For manipulation, two options for patient placement are used:

  • Lying on your back, with a special cushion under your neck or shoulder blades.
  • Sitting on a chair. For children younger age Children's chairs and strollers are used.

Postures are used that achieve maximum relaxation of the muscles of the entire body. Before starting the exercises, do a light warm-up.

Massage technique

The key point of the manipulation, on which the result depends, is the synchronization of the child’s speech movements and the mechanical action of the massage therapist’s fingers or probe. During the procedure, the tempo, rhythm, and intonation of spoken phrases change. In severe cases, classic and probe massage are used simultaneously.

The specialist should massage each area for at least 2 minutes throughout the session. During movements, it is necessary to observe the patient’s facial expressions, intonation and gestures. Achieving the required pace and clarity of phrases allows you to increase the level of complexity of working with speech stereotypes.

Conditions for working with a child who stutters:

  • Complete separation from educational process within 12-14 days.
  • Daily classes with a speech therapist and homework for one and a half to two hours.
  • Limitation social contacts during the massage course.
  • Within 2-3 months after the end of the course, they visit a doctor to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

All manipulations of the massage therapist are carried out in a warm and ventilated room. The massage course consists of 10-12 sessions. The interval between courses is one to two months.


Stuttering is a disease in which there are no painful changes in the articulatory apparatus (the larynx, vocal cords, lungs, lips, teeth, tongue).

There is also no organic damage to the brain, in particular to its parts that control the act of speech. But there is inconsistency between the operation of the articulatory apparatus and the speech control system.

When a child stutters, he is unable to correctly reproduce a sequence of sounds. Therefore, he tries to correct his mistakes, begins to stammer, and pronounces words and phrases again.

The child begins to worry, which further intensifies the stuttering.

In a calm environment, this defect weakens.

This feature is characteristic of true stuttering.

Physiological changes inherent in the process of speech development should be distinguished from neurotic stuttering. For stuttering, a change in exacerbations with more or less long latent periods is typical.

You should also distinguish stuttering from scanned speech. This is a disorder in which the child speaks either quickly or slowly. The cause of this pathology is diseases of the cerebellum.

Stuttering occurs as a result of the interaction of predisposition (general or individual) and trauma (acute severe mental trauma - fear, death loved one, beloved animal, parental divorce, chronic conflict conditions - scandals in the family, etc.).

Stuttering is a very common pathology among children under five years of age. This pathology occurs more often in boys.

There is also evidence of the highest incidence of pathology in left-handed people.

In the future, stuttering may disappear, but for some children it remains for life. About 1% of adults stutter. There is a theory of family predisposition to stuttering.

Stuttering is a problem that causes a lot of suffering for both children and their parents.

IN Lately methods have been successfully used in the treatment of stuttering alternative medicine in combination with psychotherapeutic methods and a system of speech therapy educational measures.

Acupressure gives especially good results. The use of acupressure allows you to relieve the increased excitability of the speech centers and restore the regulation of speech by the nervous system.

Most parents whose children stutter can learn acupressure skills under the guidance of a physician and then independently apply this technique at home.

The sooner you start performing acupressure on your child, the better and more sustainable the result will be. An adult can use acupressure self-massage to correct stuttering.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to observe unhurriedness and thoroughness in carrying out all treatment methods. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare parents and child in advance for long-term treatment, consisting of several courses.

Acupressure courses are carried out in a certain sequence.

The interval between the first and second courses should be two weeks, the interval between the second and third - from three to six months.

Subsequently, the courses are repeated for two or three years every six months. One course of acupressure consists of 15 procedures. The first 3-4 procedures are carried out every day, and the subsequent ones every other day.

The effect of acupressure may vary.

It depends on the severity speech disorder and on what form of stuttering the child has. In mild forms of speech impairment, improvement is possible after the first course.

But to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to continue the course of treatment until complete recovery.

It is possible that after the second or third course of treatment there is no noticeable improvement in speech, but even a slight increase in stuttering. This indicates a more severe form of the disease, which requires longer and more intensive treatment (a second course begins earlier than after six months).

For successful therapy Stuttering requires a set of measures.

First of all, the child needs professional psychotherapeutic help (removal psychological trauma, leading to stuttering, increasing self-confidence, achieving calmness and poise, etc.). In addition, general strengthening procedures are carried out. It is recommended to combine acupressure with breathing, facial gymnastics, articulation exercises.

The method and technique of acupressure local massage is performed according to a light, soothing, relaxing scheme of influence: SHAO HAI (C 3) with light pressure.

1. Point TIAN TU (I 22). Located in the center of the jugular notch, along the midline of the body.

2. FENG CHI point (VB 20), “the point of conjugation of the hand and foot meridians “small yang” and the external supporting meridian.” Located symmetrically on both sides, in the occipital region of the head, 1.5 cun posterior to the mastoid process.

3. Point I AM (T 15). Located 2 cun below the FEN FU point (located under the occipital protuberance).

4. Point GAO HUAN SHU (V 43). Located symmetrically on both sides of the midline of the back 3 cun to the right and left at the level of the fourth fifth thoracic vertebrae. (Located on both sides of the spine, at the intersection of a horizontal line drawn through the top of the IV thoracic vertebra and a vertical line spaced 3 cun from the posteromedial meridian). When clarifying the location, you need to clasp your shoulders with your hands so that your shoulder blades move apart.

5. Point HE GU (GI 4). Located on the dorsum of the right and left hand.

If you bring the first and second fingers together, an elevation is formed. Its top will correspond to the desired point.

If you dilute a large one and index fingers one hand and place the thumb of the other hand between them at the level of the fold between the 1st and 2nd phalanges, then the desired point will be in the space between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, in the place where the end touches thumb. When pressing on this place, a sensation of pain may occur, which radiates towards the little finger.

It is possible to use another acupressure scheme for stuttering, containing 10 points. In this case, a calming method is also used.

It is based on the use of slow stroking in a circle, without moving skin. Then apply pressure with your fingertips, gradually increase the pressure and hold your finger at depth. Each movement is repeated 3-4 times without lifting the finger from the point. The duration of exposure to each point is about 3–5 minutes.

Point 1. Located on inside hands on the wrist between the tendons, symmetrically on the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.

Point 2. Located on the inside of the forearm, 2 cun above the middle fold of the wrist, symmetrically on the right and left. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. Located on the outer side of the shoulder, 1 cun above the elbow fold of the unbent arm, symmetrically on the right and left. During the procedure, the patient sits with his arm down. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.

Point 4. Located on the shin 3 cun below the kneecap and 1 cun back from the front edge of the tibia, symmetrically to the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his legs stretched out. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 5. Located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae, symmetrically to the right and left. The patient sits slightly leaning forward during the procedure. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 6. Located on the face in the depression above the zygomatic arch at the base of the ear, symmetrically on the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his elbows on the table. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 7. Located on the shin 3 cun above the inner ankle, symmetrically on the right and left. The patient is in a sitting position. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 8. Located on the forearm one and a half cun above the middle fold of the wrist, in a depression, symmetrically on the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.

Point 9. Located asymmetrically along the posterior midline on the lower border of the scalp. During the procedure, the patient sits with his head slightly tilted.

Point 10. Located on the hand, on the border of the inner and outer sides of the palm at the little finger, symmetrically on the right and left. The patient sits with his hand slightly bent on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.

1. Massage of all points (except point 10) is performed using a soothing method. Light pressure is used. The duration of exposure to each point is 3 minutes or more.

2. Point 10 is massaged using a tonic method. Apply deep pressure. The duration of exposure to the point is 0.5–1 min.

3. The entire massage course consists of 12 sessions. Sessions are held every day. If necessary, you can conduct another 2-3 courses with an interval of one week.

Speech therapy massage for stuttering is carried out along with speech therapy sessions, psychotherapeutic, medicinal and physiotherapeutic interventions. Speech therapy massage, as a rule, precedes other speech therapy techniques used in classes.

The massage is performed mainly in the area of ​​the head, neck and upper shoulder girdle. When conducting a speech therapy massage, the speech therapist must have a good understanding of the mechanism of the disorder, as well as know the anatomy of the facial and articulatory muscles, neck muscles, as well as the area of ​​distribution of the cranial nerves. It is especially important to clearly understand the area of ​​innervation of the trigeminal and facial nerves.

When stuttering, it is customary to use mainly two types of massage: segmental and acupressure, as well as their combinations.

Segmental massage technique

Segmental massage allows you to separately influence individual muscles that provide speech activity.

The massage is performed in a clean, comfortable, warm and well-ventilated room.

The speech therapist's hands should be clean, warm, without abrasions, scratches or any areas of inflammation, with short-cut nails, without jewelry that interferes with the massage. Before massage, you can lightly lubricate your hands with “Baby” cream or use “Baby powder”.

Massage is recommended daily or every other day. Usually 10-20 procedures are prescribed. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the patient's age and neurological symptoms. Usually the massage starts from 5-7 minutes and can be extended to 20-25 minutes. For chronic stuttering, repeated courses of massage are recommended.

The massage should begin with taking the correct posture, or resting posture. Adopting the correct posture helps to relax the muscles and does not make breathing difficult.

You can precede the start of the massage with phrases that promote calm and relaxation.

“You calm down, relax. Breathing is even, calm, rhythmic. You are calm and relaxed. Eyes closed. Breathe easily and freely. Your muscles are relaxed. Are you resting. You feel good and calm.” The speech therapist's voice should be quiet, soft, and soothing.

The following body positions are optimal for segmental massage:

1. position of the stutterer on his back, arms along the body, legs lying freely, socks slightly apart. Under the head there is a small flat pillow that reaches top edge shoulder blades The specialist takes a position behind the patient's head.

2. pose - half-sitting, in a chair with a high headrest. The specialist takes a position behind the patient.

Basic techniques of segmental massage:

1. stroking: a) superficial stroking;

b) deep, enveloping stroking.

2. rubbing.

3. kneading.

4.vibration or tapping.

5. Press firmly.

1. Stroking. This is a mandatory technique with which every procedure begins. He alternates with other techniques and ends each massage complex. The significance of the technique is as follows: stroking increases blood circulation in superficially located vessels, decreases muscle tone, and regulates breathing.

The movements are carried out with a straightened hand, the first finger is abducted, the rest are bent. The applied force should not cause displacement of the skin.

Stroking is divided into superficial and deep (encompassing). “Rake-like” stroking is used as an auxiliary technique.

a) Superficial stroking

This is the softest, most gentle technique. The specialist's palms are relaxed. The technique is used to reduce the tone of the facial and articulatory muscles.

b) Deep stroking is a more intense technique. It is used to influence the receptors of deeply embedded muscles and blood vessels, thereby having some stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Deep stroking should be carried out in muscles accessible to isolated influence.

c) “Rake” stroking is mainly used when massaging the scalp. When performing this movement, the fingers are spread wide apart. The technique is performed with the fingertips in the longitudinal, transverse, zigzag and circular directions.

2. Rubbing - is performed using significant pressure on the massaged area, which causes displacement and stretching of the massaged tissues. It significantly enhances blood circulation, metabolic and trophic processes in tissues, muscle contractile function, and increases tone. The technique is performed with the pads of the fingers, the edge of the palm or the entire palmar surface. The movement is carried out in a straight or spiral direction.

3. Kneading - activates muscle work as much as possible. It is carried out by shifting, stretching, kneading tissue. Massage movements are performed in longitudinal, transverse, but more often in spiral directions.

4. Vibration or tapping. Has different effects. Strong, hard vibration increases muscle tone, and light, weak vibration reduces their tone.

Vibration is received with one, two or all fingers, giving tissues oscillatory movements of varying frequencies and amplitudes. Movements can be carried out with one hand, two hands simultaneously or sequentially in parallel on both sides. Vibration changes interstitial metabolism and improves tissue trophism.

5. Press firmly. Improves blood circulation, lymph circulation, metabolic processes. Can be used where bundles of nerve endings exit. These are the so-called “biologically active points”. Firmly pressing these places, as a rule, ends any stroking.

The choice of massage techniques is differentiated, depending on the distribution of muscle tone.

When stuttering, the following techniques are mainly used: superficial stroking, weak vibration and firm pressure. Other techniques are used to a lesser extent.

Individual techniques in massage practice, as a rule, are not used independently, but are used in the form of complexes of techniques.

Diagnosis of muscle condition

For the right choice techniques and dosage of corrective speech therapy massage for people who stutter, it is necessary to determine the state of muscle tone:

Muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle;

Facial muscles;

Articulatory muscles;

Tongue muscles.

This is established by: a) inspection; b) palpation; c) performing dynamic and static exercises used to examine the condition of the patient’s specified muscle groups.

It is necessary to take into account the emotional state of the stutterer and his personal characteristics.

General instructions for a relaxing massage

1. The massage is performed at a slow pace.

2. Muscle relaxation is facilitated by musical accompaniment (quiet music with a slow, smooth rhythm) or by the speech therapist conducting the massage pronouncing calm formulas for autogenic training.

3. The massage should give the person who stutters a pleasant feeling of warmth and peace.

4. The massage therapist’s hands must be warm.

Relaxing the neck muscles

People who stutter often experience pronounced tone in the muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle. Relaxation of the neck muscles reflexively reduces the tone of the tongue root and promotes increased movements lower jaw(removing “muscle clamps”).

1) Slowly stroke your neck with your palms

both hands from top to bottom:

a) in the throat area, alternately with the right and then with the left hand (avoiding pressure on the thyroid gland area);

b) from the parotid area of ​​the face along the lateral surface of the neck to the armpit (relieves tone from the sternocleidomastoid muscle). 2) Place both hands on the back of the neck, close to the back of the head, hands slide along the side of the neck down to the armpit (remove tone from the trapezius muscle).

Additionally, after the massage, you can use exercises to help relax the neck muscles:

a) they dropped their head forward - “fell asleep”;

b) the head was slightly thrown back; from this position, movement to the right, left and down.

c) the head was lowered, then “dropped.”

Relaxation of facial muscles

1) The massage starts from the middle of the forehead towards the temples (Fig. 1).

Movement option: from the middle of the forehead to the ears (Fig. 1 a).

2) The second direction of a relaxing massage is the movement from the eyebrows to the scalp. Movements are made with both hands evenly on both sides (Fig. 2).

At the end points of the movement, light pressure is applied with the fingers.

3. Movement from the chin on both sides to the temporal cavities, with fingers fixed in the recesses at the tragus and earlobe (Fig. 3).

4. Movement from the back of the nose to the auricle (Fig. 4).

5. Move from the middle upper lip before ears(Fig. 5).

6. Movement from the midline of the forehead down through the temporal cavities along the cheeks to the middle of the chin (Fig. 6).

7. Stroking from the middle of the chin along the lower lip, along the nasolabial fold, along the side surfaces of the nose through the bridge of the nose to the middle of the forehead and along the forehead to the temporal hollows, finish the movement by lightly pressing the skin (Fig. 7).

These movements are performed mainly with the index, middle and ring fingers. Each movement ends with light pressure with the fingertips at fixed points at the end of the movement. Movements No. 3, 4, 5 are repeated using light vibration.

Massage to relax the orbicularis oculi muscle

1. Stroking with the pads of the second and third fingers of both hands; simultaneously slide from temple to lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye. Having reached the inner corners of the eyes, the second and third fingers easily slide along the eyebrow towards the temple. Finish the movement by lightly pressing the skin on the temples (Fig. 8).

2. Stroking the orbicularis oculi muscles. Using the pads of the fourth fingers of both hands, simultaneously stroke from the temple along the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye. Then smoothly move to upper eyelid and stroke it very easily without pressing on the eyeball (Fig. 9).

Relaxing lip muscle massage

Light movements are carried out in the following directions:

1. Along the upper lip from the corner of the mouth to the middle (Fig. 10).

2. Along the lower lip from the corner of the mouth to the middle (Fig. 11).

3. From the middle of the upper lip to the chin (Fig. 12).

4. The speech therapist places the index and middle fingers near the corners of the mouth and slightly stretches the lips, as if smiling. With a reverse movement, the lips return to their original position. The movements are light and smooth (Fig. 13).

5. Stroking the nasolabial folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth (Fig. 14).

6. With the second and third fingers, lightly tap the orbicularis labii muscle clockwise (Fig. 15).

Massage movements are carried out with the mouth in different positions: closed and slightly open.

Larynx massage

Carefully grasp the larynx with your thumb, index and middle fingers and make light rhythmic movements in the transverse direction. During the massage, a person who stutters may sing vowel sounds.

The sequence of influence on the massaged areas during one massage session can be as follows:

1) neck muscles;

2) muscles of the upper shoulder girdle;

3) facial muscles;

4) lip muscles;

5) area of ​​the larynx.

People who stutter are treated mainly with massage aimed at relaxing the muscles and eliminating so-called muscle tension.

This type of massage (relaxing) has a beneficial effect mainly on those who stutter with a neurotic form of speech pathology.

With a neurosis-like form of stuttering, residual paretic symptoms are often observed.

phenomena in the articulatory muscles, which can be expressed by both spasticity and flaccidity of the articulatory muscles.

These phenomena are especially often observed in the muscles of the tongue. In these cases, a special differentiated massage of the affected muscles is included in the complex of massage movements.

Acupressure technique (Massage of biologically active points)

Impact on biologically active points (BAP) is one of the methods of reflex therapy.

The main goals of special acupressure for stuttering are:

Relaxation of the muscles that ensure the functioning of the vocal, respiratory and articulatory apparatus;

Normalization of the emotional state of people who stutter.

By pressing the BAP, certain reflex reactions are caused in the corresponding organs or muscles.

One of the conditions for the effectiveness of acupressure is the correct determination of the localization of a biologically active point (BAP).

When determining the desired point, various anatomical formations serve as reference points: cavities, muscles, tendons, bones, etc.

Acupressure techniques for children are the same as for adults, but the pressure on the points should not be intense.

Basic acupressure techniques

There are two main techniques for correcting stuttering:

1. Stroking - done with the pad of the index, middle or ring fingers circular movements in the area of ​​the BAP, while the applied force should not cause tissue displacement.

The movement should be carried out slowly and continuously, which helps to relax the muscles.

2. Kneading - perform a rotational movement with pressure, the finger should not move from the projection of the point. Rotation speed 30-60 rpm.

Since the main task for people who stutter is to relax the muscles involved in the speech process, the pressure on the point is carried out as follows: pressing on the point with the fingertips is easy, rotational movements should be slow, smooth, clockwise, for about 30 seconds with a gradual increase in pressure. Then you should slightly release the pressure. Without removing your finger, you can stop for 1-2 seconds and repeat the movements 3-4 times, so that the impact on one point can last for 3-5 minutes. Once the finger is removed from the point, there should be no noticeable dimple in the skin.

Let's consider BAP in a complex according to the principle of influence:

BAP complex 1 - relieving tension from the articulatory muscles (Fig. 16):

a) a single point under the nose in the upper third of the vertical groove along the upper lip;

b) a single point in the center of the chin-labial fold;

c) paired points outward from the corner of the mouth by 1 cm, on a vertical line from the pupil;

BAP complex 2 is associated with the condition of the muscles of the pharynx and larynx. Helps relieve tension from the vocal apparatus (Fig. 17):

a) a point on the midline of the neck, between the lower edge of the body of the hyoid bone and the upper notch of the thyroid cartilage;

b) a point approximately 0.7 cm above the upper edge of the jugular notch of the sternum.

BAP 3 - is associated with the condition of the muscles of the pharynx, larynx and root of the tongue, helps to relax these muscles (Fig. 18). Massage carefully, as unpleasant sensations easily arise.

The point is located on the midline of the neck or in the middle of the upper edge of the hyoid bone.

BAT 4 - helps relieve tension from the muscles of the lower jaw (Fig. 19).

The point in the middle of the most protruding part of the chin.

Complex BAP 5 - helps relieve tension from the muscles of the lower jaw (Fig. 20):

a) paired points anterior to the tragus of the ear, in the depression formed by the lower edge zygomatic bone and cutting of the lower jaw;

b) paired points at the level of the lower edge of the earlobe attachment.

Complex BAP 6 - is aimed at regulating the breathing rhythm and relieving tension from the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle (Fig. 21):

a) the point is at the level of the palm applied to the collarbones;

b) a point at the level of the nipples in the center of the sternum;

c) paired points are located in the resulting depression when the shoulders are in a contracted position.

Complex BAP 7 - points of general action, affect the muscles of the vocal apparatus, increase performance during mental fatigue (Fig. 22):

a) paired points below the upper edge of the lateral condyle of the tibia by 4 transverse fingers at the anterior edge of the tibialis muscle;

b) paired points between the I and II metacarpal bones, closer to the middle of the II metacarpal bone, in the fossa.

BAT 8 - “life point”.

A single point on the crown, closer to the crown, in the depression on the “straight parting” - where it is crossed by a line drawn from ear to ear vertically upward through the upper points of the ears (Fig. 23).

When performing acupressure, the following must be considered:

1) At the first sessions, no more than 3-4 points are massaged, gradually increasing their number.

2) Symmetrical points massage in pairs and simultaneously.

4) Massage, as a rule, precedes a speech therapy session.

In rare cases, it may constitute the final stage of the lesson.

5) It is recommended to carry out the massage in a course: between courses 1 and 2, a break of 2 weeks; between 2 and 3 the break can be about 3 months. Courses are repeated every 3-6 months. Procedures should be carried out every other day. The break between massage sessions during the course should not exceed 3 days.

6) The child should be relaxed and calm during acupressure. Acupressure for stuttering is useful to carry out against the background of relaxation. For this purpose, you can use specially selected music, as well as massage against the background of autogenic training.

Speech therapist's reference book Author unknown - Medicine



Stuttering is a disease in which there are no painful changes in the articulatory apparatus (the larynx, vocal cords, lungs, lips, teeth, tongue).

There is also no organic damage to the brain, in particular to its parts that control the act of speech. But there is inconsistency between the operation of the articulatory apparatus and the speech control system.

When a child stutters, he is unable to correctly reproduce a sequence of sounds. Therefore, he tries to correct his mistakes, begins to stammer, and pronounces words and phrases again.

The child begins to worry, which further intensifies the stuttering.

In a calm environment, this defect weakens. This feature is characteristic of true stuttering.

Physiological changes inherent in the process of speech development should be distinguished from neurotic stuttering. For stuttering, a change in exacerbations with more or less long latent periods is typical.

You should also distinguish stuttering from scanned speech. This is a disorder in which the child speaks either quickly or slowly. The cause of this pathology is diseases of the cerebellum.

Stuttering occurs as a result of the interaction of predisposition (general or individual) and trauma (acute severe mental trauma - fright, death of a loved one, beloved animal, parental divorce, chronic conflict conditions - scandals in the family, etc.).

Stuttering is a very common pathology among children under five years of age. This pathology occurs more often in boys.

There is also evidence of the highest incidence of pathology in left-handed people.

In the future, stuttering may disappear, but for some children it remains for life. About 1% of adults stutter. There is a theory of family predisposition to stuttering.

Stuttering is a problem that causes a lot of suffering for both children and their parents.

Recently, alternative medicine methods in combination with psychotherapeutic methods and a system of speech therapy measures have been successfully used in the treatment of stuttering.

Acupressure gives especially good results. The use of acupressure allows you to relieve the increased excitability of the speech centers and restore the regulation of speech by the nervous system.

Most parents whose children stutter can learn acupressure skills under the guidance of a physician and then independently apply this technique at home.

The sooner you start performing acupressure on your child, the better and more sustainable the result will be. An adult can use acupressure self-massage to correct stuttering.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to observe unhurriedness and thoroughness in carrying out all treatment methods. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare parents and the child in advance for long-term treatment, consisting of several courses.

Acupressure courses are carried out in a certain sequence.

The interval between the first and second courses should be two weeks, the interval between the second and third - from three to six months.

Subsequently, the courses are repeated for two to three years every six months. One course of acupressure consists of 15 procedures. The first 3-4 procedures are carried out every day, and the subsequent ones every other day.

The effect of acupressure may vary.

This depends on the severity of the speech disorder and what form of stuttering the child has. In mild forms of speech impairment, improvement is possible after the first course.

But to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to continue the course of treatment until complete recovery.

It is possible that after the second or third course of treatment there is no noticeable improvement in speech, but even a slight increase in stuttering. This indicates a more severe form of the disease, which requires longer and more intensive treatment (a second course begins earlier than after six months).

Successful therapy for stuttering requires a set of measures.

First of all, the child needs professional psychotherapeutic help (removing psychological trauma that led to stuttering, increasing self-confidence, achieving calmness and balance, etc.). In addition, general strengthening procedures are carried out. It is recommended to combine the acupressure method with breathing, facial exercises, and articulation exercises.

Methods and techniques of acupressure local massage performed according to a light, soothing, relaxing treatment scheme: SHAO-HAI (C-3) with light pressure.

1. Point TIAN-TU (b22). Located in the center of the jugular notch, along the midline of the body.

2. FEN-CHI point (UB-20), “the point of conjugation of the hand and foot meridians “small yang” and the external supporting meridian.” Located symmetrically on both sides, in the occipital region of the head, 1.5 cun posterior to the mastoid process.

3. Point YA-MAN (T-15). It is located 2 cun below the FEN-FU point (located under the occipital protuberance).

4. Point GAO-HUAN-SHU (U-43). Located symmetrically on both sides of the midline of the back 3 cun to the right and left at the level of the fourth to fifth thoracic vertebrae. (Located on both sides of the spine, at the intersection of a horizontal line drawn through the top of the IV thoracic vertebra and a vertical line spaced 3 cun from the posteromedial meridian). When clarifying the location, you need to clasp your shoulders with your hands so that your shoulder blades move apart.

5. Point HE-GU (0b4). Located on the dorsum of the right and left hand.

If you bring the first and second fingers together, an elevation is formed. Its top will correspond to the desired point.

If you separate the thumb and index fingers of one hand and place the thumb of the other hand between them at the level of the fold between the 1st and 2nd phalanges, then the desired point will be in the space between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, in the place where the end of the thumb touches. When you press on this place, you may experience a feeling of pain that radiates towards the little finger.

It is possible to use another acupressure scheme for stuttering, containing 10 points. In this case, a calming method is also used.

It is based on the use of slow stroking in a circle, without moving the skin. Then apply pressure with your fingertips, gradually increase the pressure and hold your finger at depth. Each movement is repeated 3-4 times without lifting the finger from the point. The duration of exposure to each point is about 3–5 minutes.

Rice. 1

Point 1. Located on the inside of the arm on the wrist between the tendons, symmetrically on the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.

Point 2. Located on the inside of the forearm 2 cun above the middle fold of the wrist, symmetrically on the right and left. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. It is located on the outer side of the shoulder 1 cun above the elbow fold of the unbent arm, symmetrically on the right and left. During the procedure, the patient sits with his arm down. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.

Point 4. Located on the lower leg, 3 cun below the kneecap and 1 cun back from the anterior edge of the tibia, symmetrically to the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his legs stretched out. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 5. It is located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae, symmetrically on the right and left. The patient sits slightly leaning forward during the procedure. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 6. It is located on the face in the depression above the zygomatic arch at the base of the ear, symmetrically on the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his elbows on the table. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 7. Located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle, symmetrically on the right and left. The patient is in a sitting position. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 8. It is located on the forearm one and a half cun above the middle fold of the wrist, in a recess, symmetrically on the right and left. During the massage, the patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.

Point 9. It is located asymmetrically along the posterior midline at the lower border of the scalp. During the procedure, the patient sits with his head slightly tilted.

Point 10. It is located on the hand, on the border between the inner and outer sides of the palm at the little finger, symmetrically on the right and left. The patient sits with his hand slightly bent on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately on both sides.


1. Massage of all points (except point 10) is performed using a soothing method. Light pressure is used. The duration of exposure to each point is 3 minutes or more.

2. Point 10 is massaged using a tonic method. Apply deep pressure. The duration of exposure to the point is 0.5–1 min.

3. The entire massage course consists of 12 sessions. Sessions are held every day. If necessary, you can conduct another 2-3 courses with an interval of one week.

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Acupressure On the affected side, all points 1 to 13 are stimulated (except for points 7 and 8, located on the sides of the eye, which relax). On the healthy side, if necessary, apply a relaxing method to points 10, 11, 12 (Fig. 124). Rice. 124. Topography of “points”

Speech impairment or stuttering is quite common. There is a massage for stuttering that will eliminate the increased excitability of the speech centers. It will also restore speech regulation. Most often, segmental and are used for stuttering. Some experts use them in combination.

The massage technique for stuttering, which will be outlined below, is used for children and adults. Unlike adults, children's massage uses the least amount of pressure.


Basic rules for this massage:

  • the pace is slow and leisurely;
  • the patient should feel calm, comfortable and warm;
  • It is better to perform a massage accompanied by calm music;
  • The massage therapist's hands should be warm.

Sequence of massage:

  1. neck area;
  2. upper shoulder girdle area;
  3. facial muscles;
  4. lip muscles;
  5. larynx area.

Massage technique

What we want to achieve from a massage is muscle relaxation. A person who stutters often has pronounced muscle tone in the neck and upper shoulder girdle. Having achieved relaxation of these zones, the tone of the tongue root decreases and, accordingly, the tone of the muscles of the lower jaw decreases.

Relaxing the neck muscles

  1. The massage begins at . This massage technique is performed with the palms of both hands in the top-down direction 5-7 times.
  2. Alternately stroking the throat area, bypassing thyroid gland. Repeat 5-7 times.
  3. Stroking the side of the neck. The palms should move from the parotid area to armpits. Repeat 5-7 times.
  4. We also stroke the side of the neck, but move from the back of the head to the armpits.
  5. Exercise “Fell asleep.” It is carried out as follows: the head falls forward. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. Turns the head left and right, with the head thrown back slightly. Repeat 3-4 times.
  7. Exercise “Dropped”. To do this, the head is lowered. Repeat 3-4 times.

Relaxation of facial muscles

  1. Stroking the forehead area. The movement is directed from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  2. Stroking from the center of the forehead to the ears.
  3. Stroking from eyebrows to hairline. Where the movement ends, apply slight pressure. The reception is carried out with both hands.
  4. Movement from the chin to the temporal cavities. Performed with both hands at the same time. Light pressure is applied in the area of ​​the ear tragus.
  5. Stroking from the back of the nose to the auricle.
  6. Next stroke: from the center of the upper lip to the auricle.
  7. Smooth stroking from the center of the forehead to the chin. Hands should frame the face, passing through the temporal area along the cheeks.
  8. Movement from the center of the chin to the middle of the forehead, moving along the nasolabial fold and bridge of the nose. From the center of the forehead, movements continue to the temporal cavities.

Movements must be accompanied by vibration. Techniques are carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers.

Relaxation of the orbicularis oculi muscle

It is carried out extremely gently, without any stretching.

  1. Stroking from the temple to the inner corner of the eye, passing along the lower eyelid, then along the superciliary arch to the temporal zone. The movement is completed by lightly pressing the temples. The technique is performed using the pads of the 2nd and 3rd fingers of both hands simultaneously.
  2. Stroking the circular muscles of the eye, moving from the temple to the inner corner of the eye, passing along the lower eyelid and gently moving to the upper eyelid. the movement is carried out with the pad of the 4th finger of both hands simultaneously. Do not press on the eyeball.

Relaxation of lip muscles

During the massage, the lips can be closed or slightly open.

  1. We begin the massage with light stroking from the corners of the mouth to the center of the upper lip.
  2. Stroking from the corners of the mouth to the center of the lower lip.
  3. Stroking from the center of the upper lip to the center of the chin.
  4. Exercise “Smile”. To do this, use your index and middle fingers to slightly stretch your lips, placing your fingers in the corners of your mouth. Having stretched, we perform the opposite action.
  5. Stroking the nasolabial fold, moving from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  6. Gently tap the labial muscle with the 2nd and 3rd fingers clockwise.

Larynx massage

With your thumb, index and middle fingers, you need to lightly grab the larynx and perform transverse rhythmic movements. To complicate the exercise, you can ask the patient to pronounce vowels.

Massage is effective if it is carried out in a course of 12 procedures. If necessary, you can repeat the course at intervals of 2 weeks. Massage should not be performed immediately after meals or on an empty stomach.

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