Home Dental treatment Chinese acupressure for cough. Chinese acupressure that quickly relieves any type of cough

Chinese acupressure for cough. Chinese acupressure that quickly relieves any type of cough

Massage is an ancient healing technique that, when performed correctly, gives good results. The most effective massage is considered to be performed by a specialist with the appropriate skills and experience. But there are some types of massage that can be practiced at home, in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Acupressure helps eliminate coughs unpleasant symptom behind a short time and prevent the development of complications. Anyone can master this massage technique. The main thing is to know where they are located active points.

Benefits of massage

A properly performed massage improves the patient’s well-being and helps to clear the throat properly. This is possible by influencing biologically active points, each of which is responsible for certain organs. A qualified massage therapist himself can determine the desired intensity of impact on the points, depending on the diagnosis and general condition person.

After the course therapeutic massage The patient has the following positive dynamics:

  • Muscle and joint pain disappears or decreases.
  • The functioning of all organs and systems improves.
  • Immunity increases.
  • There is a surge of strength and a significant improvement in mood.
  • All regeneration processes are accelerated.
  • The functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves.

Acupressure helps improve overall well-being in adults and children. Thanks to this procedure, the body has additional strength to fight infection and inflammation.

Acupressure has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and increases defenses.


Acupressure for coughs in children and adults cannot be performed in all cases. So, with a cough of allergic origin, the patient’s condition will only worsen. This is explained by the fact that in case of allergies, cough provokes swelling of the larynx, and it will not be possible to eliminate this phenomenon using massage techniques; here you need to exclude contact with the allergen and take antihistamines.

But acupressure helps with coughs that are caused by bacteria or viruses. In this case, massage technique helps to quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptom and alleviate the patient’s condition. It is advisable to resort to acupressure techniques for the following pathologies:

  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Smokers cough.

It is worth considering that acupressure when coughing in smokers helps to get rid of coughing attacks very quickly, but only if the person has decided to finally get rid of the addiction. Otherwise, there is no point in such procedures, since the lungs and bronchi will again become clogged with harmful resins.

Do not neglect the medications prescribed by the doctor. A cough can be quickly cured only with complex therapy.


Acupressure is an ancient technique that was widespread several centuries ago. The effect on the body is exerted by pressing one or two fingers on biologically active points. When treating a cough, it is necessary to act on points that are located on the head, chest and arms.

You need to massage the active points with very careful movements, gradually increasing the pressure. During the massage, the patient should not experience pain, dizziness, weakness or other discomfort. The maximum permissible time for massaging one point should not exceed 2 minutes. Acupressure has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • Reduces the intensity of cough attacks.
  • Makes breathing easier.
  • Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Relaxes and calms.
  • Reduces spasms.

Acupressure does not help remove stagnant mucus, but it is very useful for strengthening the immune system. This massage technique is useful for preventive purposes during outbreaks of respiratory diseases.

This massage technique can also be recommended for treating children. Drug treatment the procedure is unlikely to replace, but avoid the use of many strong drugs will help, but only if treatment is started in a timely manner. Medicines and reflexology should be supplemented with plenty of fluids and bed rest.

If relief is not observed within a couple of days, you should consult a doctor. Further, acupressure can be continued only as directed by a specialist.

What points to massage when coughing

Many experts advise treating coughs not only with medications, but also with reflexology. Acupressure is especially useful for prolonged, debilitating coughs. This eastern method helps to quickly eliminate inflammation of the larynx, which is often observed with a strong cough.

With the help of acupressure you can quickly recover from wet cough and reduce the intensity of dry cough. Each active point on the body is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ. When exposed to them, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect can be achieved.

The main active cough points that can be affected to speed up recovery are in the following areas:

  • The space between the eyebrows.
  • A point in the very middle of the forehead.
  • The highest points of the cheekbones.
  • Areas around the nose. Especially near the bridge of the nose.
  • Clavicle, near the jugular cavity.
  • A point on the neck, approximately 10 cm above the sternum.
  • Points between the phalanges of the fingers, in addition to the thumb.
  • The point located on the bend of the wrist is closer to the thumb.
  • The auxiliary point is located at the intersection of the thumb and index finger.

When pressing on biologically active points, the patient should feel a slight tingling and warmth. Massage the points only clockwise, with light pressure.

If you regularly massage active points when coughing, you can prevent a number of complications.


Maybe someone will be surprised that this massage technique has a number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to perform massage of any kind during oncological pathologies and autoimmune pathologies, as well as varicose veins veins and blood diseases.

The procedure can be carried out, but with great caution in the following cases:

  • At elevated temperature bodies. For adults, this figure is 37.5 degrees. Children should not have a massage already at 37 degrees.
  • Any inflammatory processes.
  • Damage to the skin in the area where active points are located.
  • Various pustules, moles, birthmarks and warts in the area where the points are located.
  • High or, conversely, low blood pressure.
  • Failure – cardiac, renal or liver.

IN acute period Any disease cannot be massaged. But this procedure is good for coughing during the recovery period.

When performing acupressure, you can use different essential oils, which will enhance the effect. But you should not resort to oils if you are prone to allergies to plant components.

Before starting a massage, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will determine how appropriate acupressure is in this case and will be able to show basic massage techniques. Do not put too much pressure on biologically active points, as this can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition. All movements must be neat and soft.

Colds in adults - unpleasant disease, causing a lot of inconvenience. A runny nose prevents you from breathing fully Fresh air, and coughing causes pain in the chest. Treatment for bronchitis takes up to 3 weeks, and sometimes a month. Therefore, doctors often recommend massage for coughs, which has a beneficial effect on the body. The treatment method is selected individually for each patient.

Benefits of massage for coughs: advantages, contraindications

The procedure helps to increase blood circulation, reduce the walls of the bronchi, and improve the circulation of the lung epithelium. Cough massage allows you to quickly remove phlegm from the bronchi, thereby reducing intoxication of the body. Therapy is indicated for patients from birth.

The technique of children's massage differs from the usual technique used to treat cough in an adult. She is calm, soft, as internal organs are just beginning to take shape. Massage for adults involves intense impact on certain areas of the body.

For what type of cough is the procedure indicated?

Bronchitis is accompanied by attacks of various types. There are two types of cough - dry and wet cough. In the first case, the procedure will not help, since phlegm is concentrated in the chest, the airways are clogged with mucus, which does not allow full breathing and coughing. There is only one remedy - drug therapy.

But a wet cough during a massage is an indication for treatment. The main goal in this case is to help phlegm and mucus come out, thereby alleviating the patient’s condition.

Contraindications to the procedure.

Cough massage is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • temperature;
  • stage of severe exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hypertension and heart disease;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • tuberculosis and skin diseases.

Massage at acute bronchitis - effective remedy, used in the treatment of dry cough. Thanks to the application various equipment Doctors, by influencing certain points, alleviate the course of the disease.

Massage for bronchial pathology: technique

The functional purpose of the procedure used in the treatment of cough is to activate the removal of accumulated sputum and mucus from the bronchi. Massage therapists achieve a similar effect thanks to various techniques, between which there are some similarities and differences.

The choice of technique depends on the course and nature of the disease. Since some types of procedures cannot be performed without knowledge.

Basic technique: vibration massage

If you hear wheezing coming from chest You can start treating your cough. This type manipulations are carried out at home.

Therapeutic massage is performed in the following order:

  1. Place the patient on his stomach. Rub the surface of the back with straight palms from the lower back to the head, gently working the skin along spinal column until slight redness forms.
  2. The second technique is light intensive pushing of individual areas, using both hands and 4 fingers, rising from below and rushing upward along the spinal column on both sides.
  3. Gently tap with your fingertips parallel to the spine, gradually rising from the lumbar region to the top.
  4. Use boat-shaped palms to pat the chest area

Between individual appointments, the patient is given the opportunity to clear his throat, because all the manipulations performed are aimed at intensively removing accumulated sputum and mucus from the bronchi.

Duration of treatment is half an hour, 2 times a day. If the patient has a dry cough, then before performing a massage, drug therapy is prescribed to cause phlegm.


The anti-cough procedure is indicated for both children and adults. The patient is placed in such a position that the pelvis is slightly higher than the head. For these purposes, a cushion is placed. After warming up and kneading the back muscles, proceed to manipulation. When coughing, they are directed from the lower back to the head, which promotes the removal of sputum.

At the end of the treatment, the massage therapist helps to gently push out the accumulated air while exhaling, pressing on the back in the chest area.

This type of manipulation is used to treat advanced forms of bronchitis, but in this case additional impact on the legs will be required.

Acupressure for coughs

The basis of treatment is the effect on individual parts of the body. To eliminate a cough, apply pressure and stroke points located on the legs, in the arms, and behind the ears. And also near the shoulder blades on both sides of the spinal column and the neck above the 7 vertebrae.

This type medical procedure requires knowledge of anatomy, so it can only be performed by a professional massage therapist with a medical education.


One of the most popular procedures, which is useful after severe bronchitis. Honey contains nutrients.


  • Before application natural product warming up and kneading the back muscles.
  • The massage therapist then gently works on the chest area using the “hand release” technique. The patient's head should be lower than the entire body.
  • When discomfort appears, the massage should be stopped. After the manipulation, apply a compress to the chest, take a shower and go to bed.

Liquid honey is used for treatment. If you have allergies or skin wounds, you should avoid the procedure. Similar treatment is also indicated for pneumonia.

When coughing, honey massage has a beneficial effect, both at the initial stage of the disease and with prolonged bronchitis. But the effect of manipulation is individual for everyone.

Cryomassage as a treatment for cough.

Cryomassage is prescribed in rare cases, but it is no less effective than other medical procedures. Manipulations begin with kneading right side back with a smooth transition to the other part.

The exposure is carried out using a cryopackage at a temperature of 23 degrees. First, gently stroke the skin, then apply the application for 10 seconds. Then the cool pack is applied several times to the body for 5 minutes, wrap the patient in a warm blanket.

To obtain the proper effect from treatment, half an hour before it should be taken expectorant. Heat, oncology, hypertension are the main contraindications to the procedure.

Cupping massage: features

This technique makes it possible to achieve high results with severe bronchitis due to vacuum. For these purposes, a plastic jar is used, which is placed on the patient’s back or chest. The cough becomes softer during the massage, and phlegm is expelled intensively.

Similar manipulations are carried out for pneumonia. Due to this effect, blood and lymph circulation accelerates. What contributes:

  • intensive nutrition of tissue cells;
  • eliminating the disease.

This treatment method stimulates the respiratory system. It can be carried out independently.

Therapeutic chest massage has a beneficial effect on the body, restoring the immune system, and promotes the removal of mucus during a prolonged cough. The procedure helps speed up recovery without the use of additional medications. Treatment is carried out according to clinical indications and only in the absence of contraindications. Therefore, you should first consult with your doctor.

  • With temperature
  • No temperature
  • Massage
  • Drainage massage
  • With such symptoms of diseases respiratory system like a cough, all children face. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, parents are ready to use different methods. One of them is a special massage that harmlessly helps get rid of cough.


    • Cold.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Pneumonia.
    • Emphysema.
    • Pneumosclerosis.

    Why does massage help remove mucus?

    During the massage bronchial tree warms up, and the mucus accumulated in it becomes more liquid. As a result, mucus is coughed up better and removed from the small bronchi into larger ones, and then into the trachea, which helps the body get rid of excess mucus and germs or viruses.


    Cough massage is a good alternative to using medicines. This procedure can be carried out from birth, and parents can learn how to carry it out without involving specialists.

    In addition to stimulating mucus discharge, the following massage:

    • Stimulates blood and lymph flow.
    • Strengthens muscle fibers involved in breathing.
    • Increases rib mobility.
    • Stabilizes respiratory function.
    • Enhances the effect of using medications.


    • The child's body temperature is elevated.
    • The baby has just eaten.
    • A cold or other respiratory tract disease has just begun (massage is indicated only from the 4-5th day of the disease, when acute stage passed).
    • The baby feels discomfort in the tummy position.
    • Complications of the underlying disease appeared.
    • The baby has skin diseases.
    • The baby's body weight is too low.

    Types of massages

    Cough massage can be performed using different methods, so it happens:

    • Drainage. The main feature of this massage, which promotes better hatching sputum, lies in the position of the body - the child’s head should be lower than the body.
    • Pointed. This is very effective massage, but it should only be carried out by a specialist who knows well which areas need to be affected.
    • Canned. This massage has a good effect and a positive effect on the immune system, but its implementation is not always possible due to the need to use improvised means.
    • Vibrating. For this massage, gentle tapping is performed on the child’s back. It is also called percussion.
    • Medov. This type of massage is highly effective for coughs caused by chronic or protracted illness. The limitation to its use is high risk allergies.

    See the next video for more details.

    For more information about vibration massage for coughs, see the next program.

    Massage technique

    Since the most accessible and frequently used massage option for coughs is drainage, let us consider in more detail the technique of performing it. First, the child is massaged on the back and then on the chest, avoiding the area of ​​the nipples and kidneys. The room should be ventilated before the procedure.

    Back massage

    Start by rubbing your back with the entire surface of your palms from your shoulders to your lower back and back. Next you need to do:

    • Quick pinching movements with fingers. Perform the first pinching close to the spine, and then repeat, stepping back a few centimeters to the sides until you reach the sides of the chest.
    • Patting with fingertips collected in a handful.
    • Tapping with the ribs of the palms. It is better to perform them diagonally, moving from the area above the lower back to the shoulders.
    • Pounding the ribs with fists. They are also carried out diagonally.

    All movements should not be rough, but quite active to cause slight redness of the skin.

    Chest massage

    With the baby lying on his back, rub the chest with your palms (the entire surface), moving from the center of the chest to the collarbones. The pressure should be small, but sufficient to cause slight redness to appear. Finally, sit the child down and rub the jugular cavity, which is located between the collarbones. Press it gently so as not to compress the larynx. Next, ask your baby to cough.

    After the procedure, the child is wrapped in a blanket and left to lie for a while in a calm environment. The duration of the massage is approximately 10 minutes, it is recommended to perform it twice a day for 5 days. To make your hands glide easier, you can use oil or cream.

    For the technique of drainage (percussion) chest massage, see the following video.

    Percussion massage - Komarovsky’s opinion

    A well-known pediatrician considers this type of massage to be effective for coughs and explains its name by its connection with the word percussion (as tapping is called in Latin). During such a massage, the child’s bronchi begin to vibrate, and sputum is separated from their surface. And if it was difficult for the baby to cough up the “adherent” mucus, then after the mucus enters the lumen of the bronchi, the cough becomes more productive.

    Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that percussion massage given its effectiveness, it cannot be called independent method therapy. The famous doctor emphasizes that such a procedure must be combined with taking medications and, more importantly, with sufficient drinking and air humidification. Komarovsky also notes that such a massage cannot be performed at elevated body temperatures.

    According to a popular pediatrician, a percussion massage that parents can perform at home should look like this:

    1. Place the baby on his stomach and place a pillow under the pelvis so that he is higher than his head.
    2. Sit next to the baby and use your fingertips to perform intense and frequent taps that should not cause pain to the baby. It is advisable that the fingers touch the skin at an angle directed towards the head. While tapping, change the position of your baby's head every 30 seconds.
    3. After 1 minute, the child should be raised and then asked to cough.
    4. Repeat this series of tapping and coughing 4-5 times.

    This procedure can be performed up to 6 times a day.

    For more information on how to do massage for bronchitis, see the program by Dr. Komarovsky.

    In the fight against cough, people usually do not pay attention to alternative methods of treatment. But in vain, because acupressure is quite effective method getting rid of cough. There is no magic in the procedure.

    Its essence lies in the effect on biologically active points, which promotes rapid liquefaction and removal of sputum.


    Acupressure for wet cough

    Massage of biologically active points removes mucus from the bronchi to the throat, and subsequently out. The method is actively used for bronchitis and other serious illnesses respiratory tract. There are a total of 4 paired points on the body, the impact of which helps fight wet cough:

    1. At the back of the neck at the hairline. They are located at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other.
    2. In the middle of the back of the head in a hole under the occipital protuberance. They are located at a distance of 1–2 cm from each other.
    3. In the clavicular inferior dimples. They are located at a distance slightly closer than between the nipples.
    4. In the superior clavicular depressions. They are located in the place of greatest depression.

    You need to massage active points alternately for 1-2 minutes up to 2 times a day.

    Acupressure for dry cough

    Promote the dilution of sputum and its rapid accumulation in respiratory tract Can acupressure on the arms and neck. In this way, it is possible to influence the bronchi, converting sputum into a liquid mass. There are 7 points in total that will help in the fight against dry cough:

    1. At the very bottom of the neck, in a soft place as close as possible to the chest bone.
    2. On the lower bend of the wrist near the main tendon of the thumb.
    3. On the outside of the palm in the soft place between the thumb and index finger.
    4. On the first phalanges of four fingers: index, middle, ring and little fingers. The point is located closer to the bend of the next phalanx.

    You need to massage each point in turn. There should be up to 2 minutes of massaging per point. Several procedures can be performed per day.

    Do not be afraid to try treatment using such an exotic method. Its effectiveness may pleasantly surprise you by quickly relieving your cough. The main thing is to get to the right point and massage it slowly. The cough will go away in a matter of days, depending on the intensity and correctness of acupressure.

    WITH colds I'm sure everyone has encountered this. With a cough specifically, too. This condition can be so debilitating that it literally exhausts the patient. You have to use a lot of different medicines, decoctions, tinctures to alleviate the course of the disease. But not everyone knows that cough massage can also be an effective remedy.

    Benefits of massage for coughs

    The main task in treating cough as a pathology is to remove bacterial sputum from the bronchi. If this is not done, bronchitis may begin to develop, and inflammatory process may descend to the lungs, which will lead to serious illness, the therapy of which will be long-term.

    Massage can really be a procedure that will greatly facilitate the removal of phlegm.

    Note! If you have a dry cough, it is not advisable to do it as a therapeutic procedure. First, you should get a cough with sputum, which will begin to remove mucus.

    With the help of massage you can achieve the following effect:

    • the procedure softens the mucus and makes it easier for it to come out;
    • the muscles of the chest and back are strengthened;
    • breathing is stabilized - with this pathology, this significantly alleviates the patient’s condition;
    • The ribs become more mobile and open more actively when inhaling.

    It has been established that after proper exposure, the effect of medications is enhanced. The body reacts more compliantly to medications.

    Types of massage

    This procedure varies in technique and purpose of the procedure. The choice depends on the doctor and the patient's condition. Are used as the most simple types, and special ones - for which you will have to visit a specialized office in the clinic.

    It is advisable to prepare before the massage. There are a number of recommendations:

    • preparation - it is necessary to prepare the body and the room. It is not recommended to massage immediately after eating and on an empty stomach - better, an hour after eating. The room is ventilated, the temperature should be comfortable for the body - at least 23 degrees.
    • warming up – before any action, tissues and muscles are warmed up. If you begin to perform particularly strong manipulations without warming up, you can get injured.

    But the most important rule of any massage is that the patient should not experience pain. If pain occurs, stop immediately.


    The simplest and most frequently used type of such influence. But this does not mean that it does not have a positive effect. On the contrary, this type of effect on the muscles alleviates the condition almost immediately:

    • a cushion is placed under the patient’s abdomen so that in a supine position the front part of the body is slightly tilted down;
    • the procedure is carried out after the initial classic massage to relax all muscles;
    • Massive movements are made from the bottom up to help the outflow of sputum.

    Conducted within 30 minutes. Distinctive feature- in some cases drainage massage so effective that the outflow of sputum begins already on the massage table.


    This type is allowed to be used even by infants. It is simple and does not last long. Performed using the following technology:

    • approximately half an hour before the intended session, it is recommended that the patient be given an expectorant;

    Important! If we are talking about small child, then it is better to use syrup instead of an expectorant.

    • just before vibration massage The patient’s back should be relaxed with stroking movements for a minute;
    • the process itself consists of tapping the back with the edge of the palm; great effort should not be made;
    • at the end of the procedure, a cough may occur with sputum discharge, you should not be afraid of this - it is this that indicates the success of the procedure;

    The duration of the session is 5-10 minutes for adults and 1-2 minutes for children. It is recommended to perform it twice a day - morning and evening.


    This type is considered very effective, but can produce a painful effect, so children need to do it very carefully, and the condition of adults needs to be monitored.

    The actions should be like this:

    • on the patient's back from cervical region honey is applied to the end of the shoulder blades;
    • with gentle stroking it is evenly distributed;
    • then the pressure intensifies, the movements can be circular or distributed from top to bottom;
    • the palm should be pressed sharply, then torn off just as sharply;
    • as a result of these actions, the honey will accumulate into a mass of dark or gray, which needs to be removed;
    • After the procedure, the back is carefully covered to preserve heat.

    Typically, such a massage is prescribed for a dry cough in order to transform it into a cough with phlegm and ensure its release from the bronchi.


    It is advisable to perform this procedure only by a specialist. However, acupressure does not provide discomfort even a child. It consists of light stroking and vibrational pressing of certain points on the back.

    Cough massage points:

    • the first two points are located on both sides of the spine 1.5 cm from the base of the skull;
    • two more on the sides of the joint, which clearly protrudes when the neck is tilted;
    • the next pair is located next to the spine on the line of the heart;
    • two points - on the line of the collarbone with the sternum;
    • there is only one - in the clavicular cavity.

    You need to place your finger on each point and press with a little force, while you need to vibrate a little with your finger. Each point is worked for 1-2 minutes, the pressure on the point constantly changes from weak to strong.


    For this massage, special medical cups are used. Before use, they are held over burning cotton wool and immediately attached to the back. Oxygen is burned out of the cans, and due to the resulting vacuum, they are perfectly attached to the skin.

    The sequence of movements looks like this:

    • two cans are applied to the back on both sides of the middle of the spine;
    • they are moved towards the shoulders, returning to the spine;
    • movements should be circular or resemble a figure eight;
    • do the same with the rest of the banks;
    • One of them should be placed at the base of the neck and twisted clockwise;
    • After the procedure, the patient is wrapped in a blanket.

    To make the cups glide better over the skin, before the massage, your back can be softened with special oils and rich cream.

    Massage for children

    All of the above types of massage can be done for children, literally from birth. Parents can perform the necessary actions themselves at home. The need for massage in children when coughing occurs due to the following diseases:

    • with an obvious cold;
    • during bronchitis;
    • indications are pneumonia and emphysema.

    All movements are performed easily and with minimal effort. Children's skin is especially sensitive, so brute force can lead to unpleasant consequences.


    A single rule for carrying out such a treatment procedure: it should be used only 4-5 days after the onset of the disease, not earlier. There are also a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to refuse massage.

    You should not massage:

    • at elevated temperatures;
    • low body weight of the patient;
    • high blood pressure:
    • chest injuries;
    • intestinal diseases;
    • increased skin sensitivity;
    • complications of the underlying disease.

    When performing a honey massage, it is necessary to take into account the possible allergic reaction for bee products. You should not massage the patient immediately after eating.


    The importance of massage in treating coughs cannot be underestimated. Often it is massage of the chest area that allows phlegm to drain quickly and without pain. This is especially true for infants, to whom it is almost impossible to explain that coughing helps get rid of phlegm.

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