Home Prosthetics and implantation Submucosal node in the uterus after surgery. Submucous uterine fibroids

Submucosal node in the uterus after surgery. Submucous uterine fibroids

Myoma, or uterine leiomyoma, is one of the most common diseases of the genital organs in women of reproductive and premenopausal age. Among all gynecological operations carried out for bleeding from the genital organs, 20% are due to bleeding caused by leiomyomas.

They are usually multiple, less often - single, and of considerable size. Nodes can be located in different parts of the uterus in muscle layer- intramural, under the mucous membrane - submucous uterine fibroids, under the peritoneum - subserous, between the broad ligaments of the uterus - intraligamentary.

Types of submucosal fibroids and their clinical manifestations

They account for about 1/3 of all localizations of leiomyomas (in relation to the uterine layers). The causes and pathogenesis, risk factors for the occurrence and development of submucous fibroids are presumably the same as for similar formations in other localizations. However, due to good blood supply and high metabolic processes, the first is typical fast growth.

They are considered the most unfavorable type of leiomyomas, since the frequency of their presence reaches 35%, and in cases of pregnancy, the probability of spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature birth, abnormal position of the fetus, premature placental abruption, and complications during childbirth is quite high. In addition, treatment of submucosal formations almost always requires the use of surgical methods.

Submucosal leiomyomas originate from the myometrium (the muscular layer of the wall), but their growth is directed under the mucous membrane, into the uterine cavity. At instrumental study(hysteroscopy, ultrasound) they are defined as a section of the wall that “bulges” inward (to a greater or lesser extent). At the same time, its size, the size of the base, as well as the ratio of submucosal and intramuscular volumes are determined. The main classification is based on the volume of the node in relation to the myometrium:

  1. Type 0 are nodes that are completely located in the uterine cavity and connected to its wall only by a stalk.
  2. Type I - broad-based fibroids, less than 50% of which is located in the myometrium, in the wall (intramural)
  3. Type II - formation, more than 50% of the volume of which is located intramural.

This classification makes it possible to correctly assess the clinical situation, decide on the choice of surgical method and decide on the need for preoperative preparation in the form of conservative treatment.

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis

The main provoking factors for the development of submucous fibroids:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic inflammatory processes with frequent relapses in the pelvic organs;
  • gynecological instrumental procedures and operations accompanied by trauma to the mucous membrane and myometrium - diagnostic curettage, abortion.

The most common and main symptoms of submucosal fibroids, even of small volume, are:

  1. Pathological uterine bleeding. They can manifest themselves as excessively heavy bleeding with blood clots during menstruation (menorrhagia), long and heavy menstruation with short intervals between them (hyperpolymenorrhea), non-cyclical bleeding not associated with menstruation (metrorrhagia). Such blood loss leads to secondary iron deficiency anemia, often accompanied by weakness, dizziness and headaches, fatigue, cardiac dysfunction and myocardial dystrophy.
  2. Painful periods(algomenorrhea).
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen, which is sometimes cramping in nature.
  4. Constant pelvic pain of variable intensity, pain in the lumbar region, becoming permanent as the node grows.
  5. Liquid s unpleasant smell, sometimes brownish-colored discharge, which can appear when there is a malnutrition of the node and its necrosis.
  6. Infertility, spontaneous abortions, miscarriage (spontaneous termination from the 22nd to 37th week).

Large submucosal fibroids, especially types “0” and “I”, are dangerous due to their “birth” and uterine inversion. During menstruation, the pharynx expands, in which, upon examination, the gynecologist can detect the lower pole of the node. In this case, pronounced cramping contractions and “pushing out” of the fibroids occur, similar to labor contractions and pushing. During the birth process, the node can drag the uterus along with it and turn it out. This complication is dangerous due to heavy bleeding and infection of the uterine cavity.

Diagnostic methods

Treatment of submucous uterine fibroids depends on the correct diagnosis, completeness of information about the location of the fibroids and its condition.

Echography (ultrasound) using a transabdominal sensor is the most accessible and convenient non-invasive diagnostic method. Information content is 93-96%. When examining the expanded uterine cavity, oval or round-shaped formations with regular contours and peripheral compaction of the capsule type, characteristic of the processes of sclerosis and fibrosis, are determined. In the presence of necrosis, the heterogeneity of the fibroid structure is determined, and in older women it may contain zones of calcification.

Transabdominal sensors are most optimal for assessing formations of 10 cm or more. The use of transvaginal (vaginal) convex sensors with high resolution makes it possible to detect submucosal leiomyomas measuring 3-4 mm. Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound examination has even greater informative capabilities.

Hydrosonography(ultrasound with the additional use of a contrast solution) makes it possible to more accurately determine the size and location of nodes, the degree of deformation of the inner wall of the uterus, and also carry out differential diagnosis with focal forms of adenomyosis and endometrial polyps, which are characterized by less echogenicity.

Ultrasound with Dopplerometry- allows you to see the characteristics of blood flow in and around the myomatous formation, assess the degree of blood supply and changes in structure, and predict its further development. This greatly simplifies the choice of treatment tactics.

Representing a visual or on-screen examination of the uterine cavity through insertion into it optical system endoscopic device (hysteroscope). Devices with 5-150-fold magnification have been developed that allow diagnosing even small nodes, determining the nature of their surface, consistency, width of the base, seeing extensive or pinpoint hemorrhages, expanded and elongated blood vessels under a thinned layer of mucous membrane, etc.

Separate curettage mucous membrane cervical canal and the uterine cavity. It makes it possible to draw certain conclusions about the degree of proliferation (growth) of the endometrium and the presence of estrogen-dependent fibroids, which is associated with increased activity estrogen- and progesterone-dependent receptors. This determines the need to use progestogens hormonal drugs(combined oral contraceptives, GnRH agonists, mifepristone, etc.) before and after surgery.

Treatment of submucosal fibroids

IN Lately a certain place in the treatment of submucosal fibroids was occupied by such conservative methods, How:

  • guided focused ultrasound ablation magnetic resonance imaging(FUS-MRI ablation), which consists of non-invasive destruction of leiomyoma using focused ultrasound waves;
  • embolization of the uterine arteries - their occlusion using polyvinyl alcohol in order to stop the blood supply to the myomatous nodes;
  • application medications- analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, mifepristone, etc.

However, these methods are used as independent methods in exceptional cases. They are mainly used to reduce the volume of the node and reduce the severity or completely eliminate the symptoms of fibroids in preparation for surgical treatment.

When a node is born in the vagina, it can simply be unscrewed and removed. In almost all other cases, the presence of submucosal leiomyoma is a direct indication for conservative myomectomy (for node size less than 17 mm) or radical surgery. Surgical methods:

  1. Myomectomy through the abdominal wall.
  2. Transvaginal hysteroscopic myomectomy.
  3. Two-stage myomectomy.
  4. Radical subtotal or total hysterectomy, which consist of supravaginal amputation of the uterus (removal without the cervix) or its extirpation (complete removal), respectively.

Conservative simultaneous myomectomy through the abdominal wall consists of simultaneous removal of the tumor using a laparotomic approach (with an incision in the anterior abdominal wall) or through a laparoscopic technique, which is the most optimal and modern. In both cases, access to the neoplasm itself is provided by dissection of the myometrium followed by the formation of a scar in it. Despite the obvious advantages of the method as a whole and the possibility of removing relatively large tumors, its main disadvantage is the threat of uterine rupture during a subsequent pregnancy due to the presence of a scar in it.

Transvaginal simultaneous hysteroscopic myomectomy consists of removing submucous leiomyomas of “0” and “I” types with a slight intramural (in the muscle layer) component through the vagina using an optical hysteroscope device. It is impossible with multiple nodes of other localizations and in the presence of severe forms of adenomyosis. The operation can be performed in one of three ways:

  1. Mechanical, which consists of cutting the capsule and twisting the formation. The procedure is characterized by a short duration (up to 15 minutes), does not require additional special equipment or a liquid medium that can lead to overload vascular bed. In addition, it eliminates the possibility of vascular damage and burns to adjacent areas, which can occur with the electrosurgical technique. However, despite the possibility of removing nodes even of significant size, the method is applicable only to “0” type fibroids and, less often, to “I” type mobile formations with a very small intramural volume.
  2. Electrosurgical hysteroresectoscopy, which uses a hysteroresectoscope with special loops for cutting tissue and cylindrical or ball electrodes designed for coagulation of bleeding vessels at the bottom of the wound. The operation can be performed by evaporation (vaporization) or resection of fibroids. In the second case, it is excised and removed in parts. The most convenient localization of the tumor for this method is the fundus, lateral walls of the uterus and the mouth of the fallopian tubes.
  3. Contact or non-contact laser method using a solid-state laser whose wavelength is 1064 nm.

Two-stage conservative myomectomy carried out in the presence of type II submucosal formations, the submucosal component of which is less than 50%. The essence of the method is to combine the laparoscopic method with electrosurgical or laser hysteroresectoscopy.

Principle of management of patients with submucous fibroids using hormonal therapy

Conservative myomectomy submucosal nodes - this is an effective surgical method treatment providing favorable course postoperative period at short term hospital stay. In combination with targeted hormonal therapy, it helps restore normal menstrual cycle, ability to become pregnant and prevent relapse of the disease.


Uterine fibroids are one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases of the female genital area. The pathology is manifested by the growth of nodes in the muscular layer of the uterus, called the myometrium.

Several decades ago, it was believed that a myomatous node could be dangerous from an oncological point of view, which led to the removal of the uterus. Modern gynecologists talk about the need to remove the uterine body only in exceptional situations. This is due to the fact that amputation of the uterus is dangerous due to the development of complications and long-term consequences for other pelvic organs.

Uterine fibroids can progress in different forms. Gynecologists distinguish the following clinical varieties nodes:

  • intramural, submucosal, subserous, retroperitoneal, intraligamentary;
  • multiple, single;
  • large, small, medium;
  • uterine and cervical localization;
  • simple, proliferating, presarcoma.

A submucosal node is a benign, common formation that forms under the lining of the uterus. A feature of a submucosal or submucosal node is the direction of growth towards the uterine cavity. In general, a submucosal or submucosal node occurs in 30% of cases. total number uterine formations.

Submucosal uterine node is dangerous because characterized by rapid growth and severity of the clinical picture.

Experts note that this type is also dangerous for the development of infertility. In this connection, submucosal or submucosal nodes often have to be operated on. In some cases, the rapid progression of submucosal or submucosal nodes leads to removal of the uterus.

Submucosal nodes can progress in several varieties.

0 type Such fibroids involve the development of a pedunculated formation, localized under the mucous layer without signs of growth into the myometrium.

First type. There is slight tumor growth in muscle tissue.

Second type. With this form, most of the neoplasm grows into the myometrium.

Third type. This variety is characterized by the absence of muscle tissue between the node and the mucosal layer.

Submucosal nodes may be located interstitially. Such a tumor is difficult to diagnose and treat due to poor clinical symptoms.

Small submucosal nodes are not dangerous and do not need to be operated on. They do not negatively affect a woman's ability to conceive. However, with the rapid growth of submucous tumors, there may be a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Despite the fact that submucosal nodes are the most dangerous, they are rarely detected in pregnant women.


The mechanism of development of uterine fibroids and submucous nodes is a mystery to specialists. The formation of an atypical structure of the myometrial region occurs during the embryonic period. It is believed that the reason increased growth Myomatous node is a violation of the production of certain sex hormones, in particular, an increase in the production of estrogen and a violation of the ratio of its level to other hormones. There is an opinion that fibroids are not a tumor formation, but an area of ​​hyperplasia.

Factors that provoke the appearance of submucosal formations include:

  • PCOS;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • excess weight and physical inactivity;
  • stress;
  • long-term use of COCs;
  • multiple surgical procedures on the genitals;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive sphere;
  • no pregnancies before age 30;
  • absence of childbirth and breastfeeding in 30-year-old women;
  • hypertension.

Doctors note that before operating uterine fibroids, it is necessary to eliminate the factors provoking the disease.

Clinical picture

Often dangerous pathology It is asymptomatic, which is typical for small-volume tumors. With an increase in submucous fibroids, signs indicating the disease appear:

  • duration increases critical days and volume of bleeding;
  • intermenstrual bleeding is observed;
  • anemia develops due to excessive blood loss, which is a dangerous complication;
  • pain appears, intensifying during menstruation;
  • compression of the bladder and intestines occurs, which causes disruption of their functioning;
  • a noticeable increase in abdominal circumference is diagnosed;
  • Reproductive function is impaired, resulting in infertility and miscarriage.

With submucosal nodes on the pedicle, torsion may occur. This dangerous condition requires immediate surgical treatment. Treatment with conservative or folk remedies unacceptable. If the torsion is not treated and the uterine fibroids are not operated on in a timely manner, necrosis may develop. Given dangerous complication often leads to removal of the uterus.

Diagnosis and treatment

Many women are interested in whether there are submucosal nodes in the uterus, whether it is dangerous or not. Doctors note that the pathology should be treated at the initial stage. Timely treatment allows you not to operate on fibroids, but to use gentle methods, for example, medications or folk remedies.

Removal of the submucosal node is performed when symptoms are severe, so it is important to identify the disease as early as possible. The presence of a dangerous submucosal node in the uterus can be determined using the following diagnostic methods:

  • gynecological examination by palpation to identify uterine deformation;
  • Ultrasound of organs located in the pelvis;
  • MRI, as well as CT, which help detect tumors at the initial stage;
  • hysteroscopy, which provides the opportunity to diagnose and treat small tumors.

Diagnostics are complemented laboratory research blood for the content of sex hormones. This test is performed before prescribing drug treatment. Significant data laboratory diagnostics have before operating on uterine formations or prescribing folk remedies. Treatment methods for submucosal nodes may include both conservative and surgical tactics. The main method of treatment for submucosal pathology is to remove the uterine formations different ways. Before operating on a patient, the doctor takes into account the type, volume and location of the tumor.

Removal can be:

  • organ-preserving;
  • radical.

Organ-preserving removal allows you to operate on tumors while preserving the uterine body and reproductive function. You can treat with gentle methods using:

  • hysteroresectoscopy;
  • myomectomies using laparoscopic and laparotomy methods;
  • FUS ablation;
  • embolization of the uterine arteries.

Radical removal involves amputation of the uterus. The patient can be operated on using the following methods:

  • laparoscopic endoscopic hysterectomy;
  • extirpation by laparotomy.

Surgical treatment can be supplemented with hormonal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, immunostimulating drugs and folk remedies.

After preliminary consultation, a woman can use folk remedies, including:

  • douching and tampons with healing solutions and ointments;
  • taking decoctions internally.

Treatment with folk remedies is not dangerous, however, its feasibility should be agreed with the treating doctor. This is due to the fact that folk remedies can affect hormonal levels.

The danger of submucosal nodes and their prevention

It is quite difficult to accurately determine whether it is dangerous or not with submucosal or submucosal nodes in the uterus. If submucosal tumors are not treated and operated on in time, the following complications may occur:

  • the birth of a submucosal formation that occurs after intense physical activity;
  • anemia due to bleeding, manifested by weakness, headaches and pallor skin;
  • malnutrition of the submucosal neoplasm as a result of torsion of the leg and necrosis, which forces the woman to immediately operate;
  • infertility and miscarriage in advanced stages of the disease.

Treatment of the disease initial stage medication and folk remedies will help to avoid complications and consequences in the form of hysterectomy. Doctors pay attention to preventive measures that can help prevent the development of a dangerous disease.

In order to prevent the growth of submucosal nodes, gynecologists recommend:

  • avoid abortions and other surgical procedures;
  • promptly diagnose and treat diseases of the female genital organs of an inflammatory and dyshormonal nature;
  • plan your first pregnancy before the age of thirty;
  • hormonal contraceptives use when necessary;
  • Regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo examination.

If you treat the patient with medications and folk remedies in a timely manner, and also operate on submucosal nodes if there are indications for surgery, you can expect good results. However, doctors note that in modern gynecology, not a single technique can guarantee complete recovery. In addition, any method is accompanied by side effects and the risk of complications.

In order to avoid relapse, factors should be excluded causing the progression of dangerous submucous nodes.

The decision on how to treat the disease should be made by the doctor, taking into account the examination data and the patient’s medical history. The effectiveness of the therapy depends on these criteria. The woman’s compliance with the doctor’s recommendations is also essential.

One of the most common complaints of women visiting a gynecologist is prolonged menstruation. This symptom may be evidence of a number of dysfunctions reproductive system. And the development of a submucosal node is one of them.

If this problem is detected in a timely manner, its treatment will not cause any complications. For this reason, women should be aware of the main manifestations of this disease.

Etiology and signs of the disease

Submucous fibroid is a benign formation that is located under the uterine mucosa, only partially protruding into its cavity. In modern gynecology, this pathology occurs most often. If previously the submucosal node was diagnosed mainly in mature women, now this disease is increasingly being detected in young girls.

To date, the exact causes of the formation of submucosal nodes are unknown. After spending clinical researches, scientists were able to identify several factors that can significantly increase the likelihood of this pathology occurring. Women at risk are:

It is not possible to accurately determine the cause of the development of pathology in every case. Therefore, in the diagnostic process, a specialist must take into account all factors that can help him make the correct diagnosis. For example, when hormonal imbalances occur, polycystic ovary syndrome often occurs. Determining the cause of this pathology is very important, as it allows you to predict the course of the disease and choose the right course of treatment.

Obesity in most cases can cause hormonal disorders. Rarely, the development of a submucosal node can be observed in previously nulliparous women over 30 years of age.

Asymptomatic development of this pathology is observed in approximately half of the cases. The rest of the women, at the very beginning of the growth of the node, note long and heavy menstruation. This symptom alone indicates the active growth of the submucosal node. This occurs due to partial rejection of the endometrium and inadequate contraction of the myometrium.

Next, the woman’s body will make attempts to independently normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. However, the symptoms cannot be ignored. Most often occurs during menstruation severe pain, and the feeling of discomfort increases in a sitting position.

With small-sized submucous nodes there is no discomfort. If the tumor begins to grow, then the abdomen may increase in volume and the temperature may increase, caused by twisting of the leg of the node. In this case, the woman needs emergency help.

The main danger of developing a submucosal node is infertility, and therefore this problem absolutely cannot be ignored.

How is the disease diagnosed?

When the first symptoms appear of this disease you need to contact a specialist. The doctor is obliged to conduct comprehensive diagnostics, which is performed in several stages:

Important! In some cases, the hysteroscopy technique is used not only for diagnosis, but also for surgical removal of the tumor.


Typically, treatment of this pathology is carried out in two stages:

The treatment regimen is selected depending on the size of the formation. If we are talking about early stages disease, then preference should be given to conservative methods.

Features of hormone therapy

Treatment of small tumors is carried out through the use of hormonal drugs.

They allow tumor regression, but in some cases the effect of their use can be exactly the opposite. In this regard, the use of such medications occurs cyclically, that is, the medications are taken in periods. This technique allows you to minimize the likelihood of relapse.

Most often, doctors prescribe pure gestagens to their patients. We are talking about the drugs Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Also used are combination drugs- Janine, Yarina. At the same time, the course of treatment in each specific case is strictly individual, calculated depending on the stage of the disease.

Combined oral contraceptives are prescribed from the first days of menstruation. Such medications should be taken at the same time throughout the course.

Surgical intervention

Many women who have been diagnosed with this question wonder whether it is advisable to undergo surgery. If the pathology is significant, then conservative therapy won't help here anymore. Today, a patient can be operated on in the following ways:

Most often, hysteroresectoscopy of the submucosal node is performed, which is a minimally invasive operation. Therefore, this treatment is optimal for women who want to have children in the future.

The most radical method is hysterectomy, when the entire uterus is removed during the operation.

Naturally, the procedure ends in infertility, so it is carried out only in extreme cases, when there is a strong growth of the node.

Treatment with folk remedies

Not all women who receive a similar diagnosis decide to surgery. Some try to remove the submucosal node using folk remedies. Such methods are welcome modern doctors only as an additional therapy.

Most often, treatment with folk remedies is done with douching and decoctions. Burdock tincture has the largest number of positive reviews. The recipe is prepared as follows:

Infusions of calendula, carrot tops and aloe are prepared using the same recipe. But before starting treatment with folk remedies, you need to consult a specialist. The operation is performed only if the node in the uterus is at an advanced stage. But if a specialist recommends surgical treatment, then you should not refuse to avoid further complications.

Uterine fibroids – benign neoplasm in an organ that happens various types. Depending on the structure, histology and location, it poses a different danger. Submucous uterine fibroids are one of the most unpleasant. Its course is usually quite severe, with severe symptoms. More information about this neoplasm can be found in the article below.



Submucosal nodes are benign (non-cancerous) neoplasms. However, they are considered quite unfavorable. They are formed in the submucosal layer of the uterus and protrude into its cavity (sometimes slightly, sometimes strongly). Can cause quite severe symptoms. Reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.

They vary in size (from a few millimeters to several centimeters). They are usually round in shape and wide base. They are rarely solitary. Multiple tumors are more common.

The picture shows where the submucous fibroid is located

Depending on the size and severity of symptoms, they may require emergency treatment. In some cases, treatment of small nodes is not performed. The type of therapy differs depending on many factors and is selected by the attending physician. The photo below shows what the knot looks like.

Submucosal fibroids after removal


Myoma is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. According to various sources, 50-70% of women have this tumor. Moreover, women aged 35 to 50 years are most susceptible to it. But recently there has been a tendency to reduce the age of patients with this diagnosis. There is no exact information about the reasons for this trend yet.

At the same time, submucosal uterine fibroids are more common than all other types of fibroids. This is due to the fact that mucosal and endometrial cells divide most actively (compared to muscle cells, for example). In this regard, the formation of fibroids in this tissue layer of the organ is more likely.


A subtype of this neoplasm is quite common. This is an interstitial-submucous uterine fibroid. This diagnosis is made when the tumor is located in two tissue layers of the organ at once. Its main part is located in the submucosal layer, the smaller part is in the muscular layer. This situation is more unfavorable, but is rare.

The main difficulties are caused by the removal of a submucous node of this type. It is necessary to make an incision in abdominal wall. At large sizes fibroids, this cannot be done laparoscopically. Abdominal surgery is required.


Uterine fibroids with a submucosal node are hormone-dependent. That is, the main reason for its development is hormonal disbalance in organism. With excessively active estrogen production, cells in the uterus begin to actively divide. As a result, a tumor forms. For this reason, it often develops together with endometriosis, a condition in which the endometrium grows.

If estrogen levels remain consistently high, the tumor continues to grow. During menopause, its growth stops as estrogen production stops. Other reasons that increase the likelihood of a node appearing are:

  1. Physical inactivity and obesity;
  2. Stress;
  3. Poor nutrition;
  4. Bad ecology;
  5. Abuse of bad habits;
  6. Absence intimate life(especially after 25 years).

Fibroids with submucous growth tend to grow rapidly. This is due to the fact that they have an active blood supply. Therefore, leaving them without treatment is quite dangerous.


Submucous uterine fibroids have the most striking symptoms compared to other types of neoplasms. Severe symptoms sometimes they are an indication for surgery. Although sometimes it can be completely asymptomatic. But if signs appear, they are usually of the following nature:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. May or may not be related to the menstrual cycle;
  • Increased bleeding during menstruation. The presence of bleeding not associated with menstruation. Disorders of the menstrual cycle (lengthening, shortening, disruptions). In rare cases, the intensity of menstruation decreases significantly;
  • Enlargement of the abdomen with large tumor sizes. Due to the fact that fibroids stretch the abdominal wall;
  • With large tumors on the anterior wall of the uterus, frequent urination occurs. On back wall uterus - problems with bowel movements. This is due to the fact that fibroids compress neighboring organs.

This type of neoplasm is most often diagnosed in a timely manner. While other asymptomatic fibroids are often found in an already advanced form.


Is it scary not to treat such a tumor at all? Without treatment, the presence of a node can cause unpleasant consequences:

  • Infertility due to the fact that the embryo cannot attach to the walls of the uterus. Or due to the fact that a large node physically blocks the access of sperm to the egg;
  • Problems in the urinary system. Frequent urination;
  • Chronic constipation, difficulty with bowel movements;
  • High probability of infection. Inflammatory processes may develop;
  • Probability of rebirth into malignant tumor. It is quite low (only 2%), but nevertheless present;
  • Necrosis of the node is a condition that requires urgent surgical intervention;
  • Anemia, hemorrhagic shock as a result of significant blood loss during uterine bleeding. And also during menstruation.

The consequences can be very serious. And even irreversible. For this reason, you should not delay contacting a doctor and starting treatment.


Pregnancy with submucous fibroids is unlikely. The embryo cannot attach to the wall. But even if this happens, it will be dangerous for both the fetus and the mother. Submucosal uterine fibroids and pregnancy are a bad combination. This is fraught with the birth of a child with pathologies. Severe hypoxia may develop. In addition, the tone of the uterus increases, therefore at all stages of gestation there is a possibility of miscarriage or premature birth.

Pregnancy with fibroids is very complicated

The birth process can also be complicated. Possible heavy bleeding.


The disease is diagnosed by a number of methods. The most informative is MRI or CT. But they are quite expensive. The following studies are most often prescribed:

  1. allows you to determine the position and size of fibroids;
  2. – visual examination by a gynecologist using a colposcope;
  3. If a cervical localization is suspected, the neoplasm can be diagnosed using gynecological speculum;
  4. To determine the tissue composition, material is taken laparoscopically for histology.

If surgery is necessary, then sometimes a number of other diagnostic procedures. For example, analysis for tumor markers. A blood test for hormones is almost always performed.


It is possible to successfully operate on a submucosal node in the uterus or treat it hormonally. The difference in approaches is significant.

  • (without surgery) is used for small and medium fibroids. Taking hormonal medications temporarily stops estrogen production. As a result, artificial menopause develops. The node stops growing and sometimes shrinks;
  • Surgical treatment involves removing the node or the entire uterus (see). It is selected depending on the patient’s condition and the development of the disease.

Rarely done. It consists of a focused effect on fibroids with ultrasound. It is expensive, but is a good way to treat a node without surgery. carried out in case of active growth of fibroids or uterine bleeding.


Whether surgery is necessary or not is determined by the doctor in each specific case. Usually, this is guided by the size of the fibroid. Small ones up to 2 cm are almost never operated on. The middle nodes are removed only in the presence of severe symptoms. Or with a tendency to active growth. Typically, large and very large tumors require removal. Dimensions for surgical intervention range from 6-10 cm.

More information about when the operation is performed can be found in the article ““. The varieties and features of this process are also described there.

Consequences of deletion

The consequences of fibroid removal are often much less dangerous than its presence. Rehabilitation period doesn't take too much time. With laparoscopic or cavitary removal node, the ability to become pregnant is restored within a few months.

Removal of uterine fibroids

Infertility is only possible if complete removal uterus. But such intervention is carried out extremely rarely. And only in very advanced cases.


Myomatous tumor of the uterus is called submucosal (submucosal) when it forms under the myometrial mucosa.

A tumor with submucous growth is characterized by the direction of development towards the uterine cavity.

The characteristics of the neoplasm include benign nature, rapid growth, and pronounced clinical picture. Compared with other types of uterine fibroids, tumors with a submucous location often mutate into malignant ones.

The frequency of detection of submucosal myomatous formations is about 30% of cases of diagnosing uterine fibroids. The disease often affects women of childbearing age.

Doctors were unable to identify the reasons for the growth of fibroids, but they determined one thing - the formation is diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance. Other factors influencing the growth of uterine fibroids affecting the submucosal layer:

  • various diseases that cause hormonal imbalance(polycystic ovary syndrome, dysfunction of the endocrine glands);
  • being overweight or lacking it;
  • prolonged exposure to stressful situations;
  • application oral contraceptives over a long period;
  • several abortions;
  • heredity;
  • cases when a woman after 30 years has not yet given birth or breastfed;
  • tanning abuse;
  • excessive physical activity.

Submucous uterine fibroids and other forms benign formations can be formed under the influence of one or a number of the factors listed above.

Symptoms of submucosal tumor of the uterus

Like other types of fibroids, the submucous form develops without special symptoms. When the tumor grows to a certain size, a woman may experience signs:

  1. The duration of menstruation increases, as does the amount of discharge, and blood clots appear. Due to the large volume of blood secreted, anemia may develop. With time bloody issues They also bother a woman between cycles.
  2. Painful spasms, reminiscent of contractions, occur in the uterus and radiate to the lower back.
  3. When the submucosal node reaches a large size, it will begin to put pressure on the intestinal walls and bladder, which provokes malfunctions of organs. A woman may complain of constipation and frequent urge to urinate. If an infection occurs, the picture will become unfavorable.
  4. The abdomen increases in volume as the tumor grows rapidly and actively.
  5. It is almost impossible to get pregnant, and if you do, the threat of miscarriage remains throughout the entire period.
  6. The illness causes constant weakness and fatigue.

The listed signs appear clearly, it is difficult not to notice them. As soon as a woman notices one or more symptoms, she needs to consult a gynecologist. He will determine the nature of the tumor, what to do with the node, its size will influence the choice of treatment method.

Course of the disease

Myomatous tumors of the uterus can be single or multiple, which is determined by the number of nodes. Doctors classify submucous uterine fibroids by type, depending on the nature of their germination:

  • zero type - a pedunculated fibroid node is located under the mucous layer and does not affect the muscle fibers;
  • first type - differs from the zero type by partial germination into the muscle tissue of the uterus;
  • the second type – fibroids grow deeply into the muscle tissue;
  • third type - there is no muscle tissue between the fibroid and the mucous layer.

There are cases when submucous uterine fibroids are localized on the surface, but its node forms under the uterine mucosa. In this case, the tumor is called interstitial-submucous. It develops more slowly and exhibits indolent symptoms, which is why it is detected in the later stages.

For those planning to become a mother, uterine fibroids are not dangerous, but the tumor must be small. If the fibroid node grows very actively, the tumor may interfere with the development of the fetus.

The direction of tumor growth causes miscarriage after 11 weeks. Among other fibroids, a submucosal tumor is dangerous for pregnancy and gestation, but in pregnant women the tumor is rarely detected.

The presence of a rapidly growing tumor in a woman’s body interferes with fertilization.

Diagnosis and treatment of submucosal tumor

In order for treatment for uterine fibroids to be as effective as possible, the doctor needs to establish the nature of the tumor, its features, and assess the patient’s health status.

Diagnostic procedures are prescribed for the study:

  • gynecological examination, during which you can determine the deformation and increase in the size of the uterus;
  • Ultrasound, performed through the abdominal wall or intravaginally;
  • CT and MRI are considered highly informative techniques that detect the disease at the beginning of its formation. Hardware diagnostics allows the doctor to identify deviations from the norm in the organ;
  • Hysteroscopy, during which a device is inserted through the vagina to visualize the pathology and take material for research in the laboratory.

The main treatment for submucous fibroids is surgical removal. The operation can be radical or organ-preserving, it all depends on the clinical picture of the disease. Doctors try to preserve the uterus, but this is not always possible.

If the tumor is no more than 5 cm in size, then hysteroresectoscopy is used for removal. Larger fibroids can be removed in parts - first the accessible part is cut out, then hormone therapy and remove the remaining fragments.

Hormonal drugs can also be prescribed as preparation for surgery to reduce the size of the tumor, and with it the volume of intervention. Such drugs include contraceptives (Yarina, Zhanin), gestagens (Utrozhestvan, Duphaston, Norkolut), antigonadotropins (Gestrion, Danazol), gonadotropin agonists (Diferilin, Buserelin, Decapeptyl, Zoladex).

Another way to treat fibroids is FUS ablation, a procedure in which the tumor is removed with ultrasound. The entire procedure is carried out under MRI control, so it is possible to act precisely on the fibroid without damaging it. healthy tissue uterus.

If the tumor has grown to enormous sizes or its stem is twisted, as well as in cases of heavy bleeding, fibroid growth into neighboring organs, surgical methods tumor removal:

  • laparoscopy (small punctures are made in the abdominal wall through which the operation is performed);
  • embolization of arteries (vessels through which nutrition is supplied to the fibroid are clogged);
  • hysteroscopy (fibroids are removed using a hysteroscope through the vagina);
  • laparatomy (abdominal surgery).

In the presence of submucosal and other types of fibroids, a woman may be recommended “grandmother’s recipes” to help cope with the disease. Use traditional medicine It should not be used as the main treatment because it is fraught with complications.

There are recipes for herbal decoctions that are used for douching, baths, wetting tampons, etc. Only a doctor can decide on the advisability of using different herbs.

Complications after submucous fibroids

More often, complications arise when trying to self-medicate, but there are cases of incompetently prescribed treatment by a doctor. Such complications include:

  • prolapse (birth) of a fibroid node through the cervix. This complication is usually observed in women when lifting heavy, serious physical activity. Suddenly, a woman may feel painful spasms in the lower abdomen, after which heavy bleeding begins;
  • anemia, spontaneous bleeding. Due to excessive bleeding, a woman may develop anemia. Signs will be: pale skin, weakness and fatigue, low blood pressure, headaches;
  • the tumor does not receive nutrition. This complication is caused by compression of the tumor or torsion of the pedicle, as a result of which the blood supply to the fibroid node stops and tissue necrosis begins. The situation requires urgent surgical intervention;
  • infertility - active growth of the tumor leads to the fact that it interferes with fertilization and development of the fetus in the uterus;
  • a serious complication is the degeneration of fibroid cells into malignant ones.

Prevention of uterine fibroids

Since the causes of the disease have not been established, factors that worsen health should be avoided. You definitely need to come to preventive examination see a gynecologist once a year to promptly detect any malfunctions in the genitourinary system.

At risk are mostly women who do not take care of their health, have had abortions, have taken hormonal contraceptives for a long time without interruption and consultation with a gynecologist, have not given birth to a child before the age of 30, etc. If you minimize such factors, then the chances of developing uterine fibroids are possible reduce to small.

As for the prognosis for submucous fibroids, any of the treatment methods gives results if it is selected correctly by the doctor. However, none of existing techniques cannot give a 100% guarantee that the patient is now healthy forever.

Each method has its drawbacks, is contraindicated for some diseases, and can cause complications. Therefore, it is not possible to say which treatment option is universally suitable for everyone and will be the best.

The doctor selects a treatment program for the patient individually, taking into account the risks clinical picture diseases. The prognosis for recovery is favorable, but much depends on the accuracy of the doctor’s recommendations. Women need to follow the instructions, then there is a greater chance of recovery.

After completing the course of prescribed therapy, the symptoms will no longer bother the woman, and if you take care of your health, you may no longer encounter relapses. In many cases, doctors manage to save reproductive functions patients, after which they manage to get pregnant and give birth.

Considering that the success of treatment is influenced early diagnosis, you need to start good habit– check your health status annually with specialized specialists. A woman needs to monitor her health from a young age; the task of every mother is to explain to her daughter the importance of preventing gynecological and other diseases.

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