Home Coated tongue Postoperative abdominal belt dimensions. What is a postoperative bandage and how to choose it

Postoperative abdominal belt dimensions. What is a postoperative bandage and how to choose it

Dear friends, hello!

Unfortunately, we sometimes get sick.

Sometimes our relatives get sick.

And sometimes the disease requires surgery.

And the question arises: how to choose a POSTOPERATIVE bandage? There are many of them, and they are all so different!

What should you pay attention to?

Sometimes you are asked about a POSTPARTUM bandage.

And sometimes about a bandage for an UMBILICAL or INGUINAL hernia.

Your pharmacy may also offer chest bandages. What are they? When and to whom to offer them?

We will talk about all this now.

But first, a few words about what a hernia is and why it is dangerous.

What is an abdominal hernia?

In Latin, the word “hernia” sounds completely obscene: “HERNIA”.

In the 19th century, military doctors often gave this diagnosis to the children of “rich Pinocchios” so that they would not be drafted into the army.

Therefore, the expression “suffer x...th,” forgive me, Lord, 🙂 meant having a hernia.

And every fifth conscript in Russia at the end of the 19th century “suffered”... from this very disease.

But in Russian the word “hernia” is tied to another word “gnaw”: they say, a hernia “gnaws” abdominal wall, and the contents of the abdominal cavity protrude.

A hernia is a protrusion of internal organs through any defects in the anterior abdominal wall.

Defects can be congenital or acquired.

Contents hernial sac most often are intestinal loops.

Why do abdominal hernias occur?

You ask: “What makes them, in the sense of intestinal loops, protrude? “They were “lying” in their abdominal cavity, “lying,” and suddenly decided to stick out?”

Of course, this does not happen suddenly.

Anterior abdominal wall – a durable formation consisting of skin, subcutaneous fat, fascia (cases for muscles), muscles abdomen and connective tissue fibers, which have a high margin of strength.

Normally, it perfectly withstands multiple increases in intra-abdominal pressure that occur during our normal life: heavy lifting, constipation, childbirth in women, etc.

But when these factors are repeated day after day, when a woman has had several births, when the abdominal press is weak, when the body ages, the abdominal muscles lose their elasticity and firmness, the connective tissue fibers of the anterior abdominal wall are stretched, and any trip to the toilet or weight lifting may lead to the formation of an abdominal hernia.

The most common are inguinal, umbilical hernias and hernias of the white line of the abdomen.

In this picture, number 1 is a hernia of the linea alba, number 2 is an umbilical hernia, number 3 is an inguinal hernia.

With an inguinal hernia, there is swelling in the groin area, where the inguinal canal passes. In men it occurs much more often than in women due to the structural features of the inguinal canal.

The protrusion increases with lifting weights, straining, and at the site of the hernia there may be painful sensations.

Umbilical hernia is common in infants.

Normally, after the umbilical cord falls off, the umbilical ring, which is a defect in the linea alba, is quickly covered by connective tissue fibers.

But if there is congenital weakness of the connective tissue, this process may be delayed, and the child develops an umbilical hernia, that is, a protrusion in the navel area. It increases when the baby cries and strains.

An umbilical hernia in a baby, as a rule, does not cause any pain.

It can also occur in adults, more often in women after childbirth, when intra-abdominal pressure increases sharply and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall stretch and weaken.

Linea alba- This is a strip of tendon that is located between the rectus abdominis muscles. Look:

Causes hernia of the white line of the abdomen– this is obesity, injury, pregnancy, constipation, ascites, chronic cough, that is, all situations in which intra-abdominal pressure increases.

And we still have to look at the postoperative hernia, and then we will move on to bandages.

Postoperative hernia occurs as a result of the integrity of the anterior abdominal wall being compromised. During the operation the skin was cut, subcutaneous fat, fascia, possibly abdominal muscles. And even though it was all stitched up at the end of the operation, the weak spot remained.

And if he has constipation, then intra-abdominal pressure rises again in the toilet.

And if he has problems with the respiratory system (for example, COPD - chronic obstructive disease lungs, one of the smoker’s “favorite” ailments), then he coughs, and this also increases intra-abdominal pressure.

And sometimes he lifts something weighing more than 2-3 kg in the first month after the operation.

And all this can lead to intestinal loops exiting through a weak spot in the anterior abdominal wall in the area of ​​the postoperative suture, that is, to the formation of a postoperative hernia.

With any hernia in adults, in addition to protrusion, there may be pain that intensifies after eating or after lifting heavy objects.

Why is a hernia dangerous?

The most serious complication of a hernia is its strangulation - compression of an organ that came out through a defect in the anterior abdominal wall, in the so-called hernial orifice, that is, at the site of the defect.

This can happen at any time as a result of heavy lifting, coughing or straining.

And then the blood supply to the hernia, which most often is nothing more than intestinal loops, stops, and its necrosis occurs, that is, necrosis.

Signs of a strangulated hernia- this is a sharp feeling in the abdomen, which occurs in any situation accompanied by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Possible vomiting.

And if previously the hernia could be easily repaired independently or by hand when the person lay down, then if it is strangulated, it does not reduce.

In this case, urgent surgery is needed.

Now let's move on to the bandages.

Postoperative bandage

It can be abdominal, that is, for the abdomen, and thoracic, that is, for the chest.

Abdominal bandage

This bandage is worn on the stomach (“abdomen” in Latin means “stomach”) and has 3 indications:

  1. Condition after surgery on the abdominal organs.
  2. Small reducible abdominal hernia.
  3. Postpartum period.

Previously, when there were no traces of bandages in our country, after the operation they used an ordinary towel and secured it with a pin.

The purpose of the bandage is to take on part of the load carried by the anterior abdominal wall and protect the postoperative suture from divergence even with a slight increase in intra-abdominal pressure (rising from the bed, bending over to put on shoes, constipation, coughing, sneezing, etc.).

Which bandage should you prefer?

To understand which abdominal bandage better, let each of you imagine yourself in the place of a surgeon.

So let's say I'm a surgeon. I just operated on the patient, put a gauze sticker on the post-operative suture, and now I will change the dressing daily and watch how the healing progresses.

What requirements must an abdominal band meet?

  1. The gauze sticker can get wet, since ichor often comes out of the seam (after all, how much tissue is cut!), so I need cotton to be directly adjacent to the seam, which absorbs moisture well and dries quickly. I don't want exudate to accumulate under the bandage, which could become infected. And then you will also have to deal with the fight against infection.
  2. I need the patient to not have any skin irritation, i.e. The fabric of the bandage must be hypoallergenic. Why do I need an extra one?
  3. The bandage must cover the entire seam with interest, that is, the width of the bandage must be appropriate.
  4. It may happen that purulent complications arise, and I need a bandage so that it is easy to make an incision in it and remove the drainage tube to ensure the drainage of pus from the wound. (Look at the design of the bandage above. See how there are alternating wide and narrow strips? You can make a cut along one of the narrow strips. This would be difficult to do if the panel were solid).
  5. I need the patient to wear the bandage as long as I tell him, and not complain that he is hot, or that the bandage is constantly twisting.
  6. If the patient is obese, bandages that have a double panel to support the anterior abdominal wall are very convenient.

And if you ask a patient who has already worn a bandage for some time, his requirements will be as follows:

  1. So that it is not hot in it.
  2. So that it does not curl when walking.
  3. So that it does not turn into a rag after 2-3 washes and does not lose its properties.
  4. So that it does not cause irritation and itching.

Based on this, I came up with the following requirements for the abdominal bandage so that it suits both the surgeon and the patient:

  1. It is made of thin, breathable material.
  2. The front panel, which is adjacent to the seam, contains cotton.
  3. Contains no latex!!! (Many manufacturers' bandages contain it, but latex very often causes allergies).
  4. The design of the bandage makes it easy to make an incision to remove the drainage, while the incision does not fray or spread.
  5. The cotton content is low. Otherwise, such a bandage will not have good wear resistance after washing.
  6. There are rigid inserts around the circumference of the bandage that prevent it from twisting.
  7. The packaging indicates that this bandage is registered by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare as a medical product.
  8. For a fat patient, it is better to choose a bandage with a double fixing valve.

Now carefully examine the postoperative bandages that you have in the pharmacy, read the information on the packages. Well, how? Are they compliant?

What are they missing?

Selection of bandage size

Usually it does not present any difficulties. You need to measure your waist circumference.

But often the patient’s relatives come to you. Do not sell the bandage by eye. Let the relatives measure the patient and come to you again.

Let them also ask the doctor what width of bandage is suitable?

The width depends on the size of the suture and the patient’s height.

And a few more short questions and answers.

How to put on an abdominal bandage?

In a lying position.

How long should you wear it?

The duration of wearing depends on the speed of healing of the suture, the age of the patient, and lifestyle.

On average, 1.5-2 months, but if the work involves heavy lifting, then up to six months.

How to care for it?

As a rule, manufacturers recommend washing the bandage by hand. Do not use powders with chlorine-containing substances or other bleaches. Water temperature up to 40 degrees. Do not wring, do not twist (get wet in a towel), do not dry on a radiator.

Are there any contraindications?

Yes. These are irreducible abdominal hernias, and individual intolerance to the materials from which the bandage is made.

Other indications for use

As I already said, a postoperative bandage can also be used for small hernias of the linea alba or umbilical hernias in adults.


How to find out? Very simple. When a person lies down, the hernia is reduced independently or with the help of a hand.

Questions for the buyer

When a relative asks you for a bandage after surgery, ask the following questions:

  1. After what operation? (to find out which bandage is needed: chest or abdominal)
  2. Did the doctor tell you how wide the bandage is needed?
  3. Do you know your waist circumference?
  4. Is your relative fat? (Should I use one valve or two?)

Of course, you ask the last question if you have bandages with a double valve in your assortment.

Complex sale

If they buy 2 long elastic bandages from you (“for me for surgery”) or, ask what kind of surgery is ahead, and if you are told that it is on the abdominal or chest organs, find out, “Did you buy a post-operative bandage?”

A postoperative bandage can also be used as a postpartum bandage, although there are also special postpartum bandages for this case. But this is not important.

To quickly restore the tone of the abdominal muscles after childbirth, you need exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Usually 2-3 months are enough to get your stomach in order.

If the pharmacy has gymnastic balls with a diameter of 45-55 cm, offer a ball to the bandage for faster recovery. Exercises can be found on YouTube if you type “fitball after childbirth.”

Chest bandages (thoracic)

They are prescribed in the following situations:

  • Intercostal neuralgia,
  • Chest contusion
  • Fracture of 1-2 ribs

Let's look at it in more detail.

Condition after surgery on the chest organs.

Here we are talking, first of all, about heart surgery.

Why do you need a bandage in this case? After all, there are no intestinal loops in the chest, and a postoperative hernia is unlikely to occur.

The fact is that to access the heart during the operation, the sternum and sometimes the ribs are cut.

After surgery, the halves of the sternum are most often connected with a special wire. Less often - metal structures. They remain in the person's body for the rest of their life

In this case, a chest bandage is needed to provide rest to the sternum, ribs and the postoperative suture itself, so that bone fusion and suture healing proceed faster.

Therefore, the thoracic postoperative bandage must be made of non-stretchable materials.

Or, in extreme cases, the part that will be located directly on the sternum should be inextensible.

Look at this bandage, for example.

Here the upper part is made of inextensible material, and the lower part is made of elastic material.

Thanks to this design, the bandage converts the thoracic type of breathing to the abdominal type, and favorable conditions are created for wound healing.

In addition, it is convenient because it will not move up and down the body, because it is made in the form of a T-shirt.

If you have a thoracic bandage in your assortment, the material of which stretches, then after heart surgery it will not work - the fixation is not correct.

Offer it for chest bruises, fractures of 1-2 ribs, or intercostal neuralgia. However, for these cases, any chest bandage is suitable.

Intercostal neuralgia occurs as a result of compression, inflammation, irritation of the intercostal nerves due to diseases, some infections, and injuries.

How to recognize her?

The pain is very strong, often one-sided, localized in the ribs, intensifies with the slightest movements of the body and even during inhalation and exhalation.

The thoracic band reduces chest excursions and pain becomes less intense.

How to choose the size?

Measure the chest circumference.

How to care for it?

The same as for the abdominal bandage.

  • The material is thin and breathable.
  • The composition should not contain latex.
  • It is indicated that this is a medical product.
  • A bandage in the form of a T-shirt, in my opinion, is more convenient.

Bandage for inguinal hernia

Such a bandage is usually purchased by older men who, for some reason, are contraindicated for surgery.

It should be made of hypoallergenic fabric (latex-free) and have pockets with hard inserts (pelotes).

It can be one-sided or two-sided.

In the latter case, with a unilateral hernia, one pelot is removed.

The main task of such a bandage is to prevent strangulation of the inguinal hernia when lifting heavy objects, coughing, or constipation. The bandage is put on after the hernia has been reduced so that the pelot is located above it.

They wear this bandage all the time during the day.

If you are asking for a groin bandage for a woman, then this bandage is also suitable.

Umbilical bandage for children

You may know that a nickel and a hypoallergenic patch were previously used to treat an umbilical hernia.

The nickel was placed over the hernia, it held the hernial protrusion, and the patch fixed the coin.

And a mandatory element in the treatment of umbilical hernia in infants was a conspiracy. 🙂 Or maybe there is.

I looked on the Internet to see what this ritual looks like and couldn’t help but laugh. It goes like this:

“The mother needs to lightly bite the baby’s hernia in the morning and thus say the following words: “hernia, hernia, I’m gnawing on you, you have one tooth, I have seven, and I’ll eat you.” And so three times. And after each prayer you must spit over your left shoulder.”

Why mom only has 7 teeth remains a mystery to me, but what I liked most was the postscript:

“The first results are visible within a few months.”

(Even without these tricks they will be visible in a few months).

How to treat an umbilical hernia in a civilized way: they use a special umbilical patch or umbilical bandage, which is an elastic strip containing cotton, in the center of which there is a pelot - a prototype of that same nickel.

The pelot is positioned over the hernia. The umbilical band is permanently placed on the baby's tummy. It is removed only for bathing and massage.

In the treatment of an umbilical hernia, it is also important to strengthen the child’s abdominal muscles, so the doctor recommends that the mother do a clockwise abdominal massage and special exercises. And if you have a selection of large-diameter balls, then offer a ball in combination with an umbilical bandage. Fitball for children can be found on YouTube. Exercises on the ball with the baby will speed up the closure of the umbilical ring.

Usually it closes by 1.5-2 years, but it happens a little later.

If the defect persists, after about 5 years the doctor performs surgery.

The children's bandage is made of hypoallergenic fabric, which will not irritate the baby's delicate skin, unlike a patch.

Phew. 🙂 That’s all I wanted to tell you today. How did you like the article, friends?

Do you still have any questions? Write them in the comments box below.

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With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

Hernia bandage- a device (elastic belt or underwear with straps for fixation and inserts) that supports the abdominal muscles, exerting uniform pressure on the problem area.

A bandage will not get rid of a hernia, but it can slow down or stop the development of the disease and help you recover in the postoperative period.

What is a bandage for?

The main function of the bandage:

support and fix organs;

prevent progression of the disease;

Doctors prescribe a hernia bandage to avoid complications:


increasing the size of education;

The bandage plays the role of natural muscle support. Thanks to him connective tissues do not stretch, and the hernial orifice does not increase in size.

Areas of use.

It is necessary to wear a hernia bandage if:

during pregnancy and during heavy physical activity.

after surgical removal hernias to prevent relapses, as well as relieve pain.

for prevention if the body is predisposed to the occurrence of a pathological condition.

You cannot wear a hernia bandage on last stage diseases, as well as in case of strangulated hernia. In this case, the corset will weaken the walls of the abdomen, which will cause the formation to increase in size.

Functions of corsets.

Preventive. It has a full effect on the abdominal area. The belt increases muscle tone and blood supply to organs.

Therapeutic. The presence of pelots - special pads that locally act on the hernial tumor provides a therapeutic effect. Products with stiffening ribs have an additional supporting effect on the spine, improve muscle tone, retain the hernia and slow down the rate of its increase.

Restorative. Provides relief in the rehabilitation period after surgical operations on the peritoneal organs, including removal of an umbilical hernia. By influencing the problem area, the elements of the bandage do not allow a new hernia to appear and protect postoperative sutures from discrepancy.

Types of bandages.

Each type of hernia requires the use of a specific bandage.

There are several types differing in design:

Abdominal bandage made from elastic fabric that is denser in the area adjacent to the abdomen. This wide belt is indicated after surgical removal of a hernia, as well as for preventive purposes.

Inguinal bandage It is a narrow elastic belt with straps and pockets into which belts are inserted. This product can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The versatility of the design allows the bandage to be used for left- and right-sided hernias. The women's bandage differs from the products for men in shape (there is an unfastening gusset). Thanks to the belt, compression of the inguinal and femoral canals is ensured, which prevents the exit of organs.

Umbilical bandage. This is a dense elastic belt, 20 cm wide, equipped with straps and buckles. It is used to prevent the formation of a hernia, its strangulation and for rehabilitation after surgery. Modern products are made from materials that do not cause allergies and are breathable.

Bandage for hernia in pregnant women(antenatal) supports the abdomen and reduces the defect without affecting the course of pregnancy.

Postoperative bandage has a special clasp that secures the structure to the chest to avoid additional impact on the stomach. When wearing such a bandage, pain and stress on surgical sutures are reduced, and relapses are prevented.

Children's bandage serves for the treatment and prevention of hernias in young patients. The corset is made from hypoallergenic fabrics and does not cause discomfort to the baby. Models are produced for newborns and preschoolers.

Pelvic bandage It is a narrow belt with crotch straps. The product has a great preventive effect and reduces pain.

Inguinal bandages should not be worn when pinched and when the hernia cannot be reduced manually.

You need to buy any bandage only after a visit to a specialist.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary type of bandage.

Important factors are:

pressure force,

The width of the belt,

degree of fixation.

When buying a bandage, you need to remember a few rules:

All locks and fastenings must be in good working order. Their spontaneous unfastening is not allowed.

The belt material must be breathable. Antiseptic impregnation is a “plus”.

The width of the product should correspond to the body type. A belt that is too wide will poorly fix the protrusion, and a narrow one will compress the abdomen.

Before purchasing, you need to try on the bandage and make sure that the model fits comfortably on the body, the seams will not chafe, and the bandage is in the right place. It is better to try on several models and choose the most convenient one.

An important characteristic is invisibility under clothing. Corsets in the form of swimming trunks have these qualities.

The size of the bandage must be selected correctly. You need to know your waist and hip size. Based on these indicators, the size range of products is determined. It is especially important to consider the dimensions when choosing an inguinal bandage.

In the store, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for the product. If washing is prohibited, then you need to additionally buy a cover that will protect against dirt. It should also be made from fabrics that are pleasant to the body.

Even in a specialized salon with an excellent reputation, you should ask the seller for documents confirming the quality of the product (manufacturer’s certificates, etc.).

How to put on and wear a bandage.

The bandage is put on in a lying position, because the muscles are most relaxed, and the hernia is reduced in size.

You need to do a light stroking massage, place the compacted part of the bandage on the hernia and reduce the swelling with gentle massaging movements.

The belt is wrapped around the body and the structure is secured on the front side of the abdomen with clasps.

The bandage is worn for several hours during the day. After removing the belt, you need to do light massage skin, without affecting the area of ​​protrusion.

The service life of hernia bandages is 12 months of active use. After this time, the fabric loses its elasticity, the locks move and the device ceases to have the desired effect.

Experts' opinion.

There is no clear opinion among doctors about effective use bandage for hernia.

Many experts are convinced that surgical intervention should occur as early as possible, and attempts to slow down the growth rate delay the inevitable. Therefore, it is more advisable to remove the hernia in the early stages and use the bandage for preventive purposes.

answered user Sergey 28 June, 18
chose user GeFo 28 June, 18

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Rehabilitation after hernia removal.

A week later, the patient’s stitches are removed and after the scar has healed, various restorative procedures are prescribed.

During the rehabilitation period, young children and adults are shown:


medicines for pain relief,

physiotherapeutic procedures.

After the suture is removed, a postoperative bandage is prescribed; you need to walk in it for several hours a day until the damaged muscle tissue is restored.

In the early period after umbilical hernia surgery, the patient can move independently, but do this only in a supporting corset.

Features of recovery in the first weeks after surgery for umbilical hernia:

after removal of a hernia, men are regularly examined by a urologist, because after the operation they may have problems with the genitourinary system;

the diet after removal of an umbilical hernia is the same for women and men, it will be strict for the first days, and in case of complications - for weeks, then the food is diluted and supplemented;

after hernia repair, the scar can be removed using the laser method only after complete healing of the wound and tissue restoration;

after surgery to simultaneously eliminate several gastrointestinal pathologies, the diet is selected individually, because it differs depending on the organ being operated on;

therapeutic measures are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and rehabilitator, and at home you can only follow the instructions and apply methods approved by a specialist;

physical education and physical work are permissible after the scar has formed, but at the same time, loads must be limited for another year, because the tissue healing process is long, and with incomplete recovery there is always a risk of relapse or the development of a postoperative hernia.

Possible complications after surgery.

Complications after surgery arise due to mistakes by the patient or surgeon. What can happen after excision of an umbilical hernia:

eating food out of schedule contributes to constipation, which will become a factor in the appearance of a postoperative hernia or relapse of the umbilical hernia;

an early return to exercise will lead to suture failure and relapse;

refusal of an umbilical bandage may result in muscle divergence and re-occurrence of pathology in the same place;

ignoring the need to visit a doctor for dressings and preventive examination threatens inflammation of the wound, which will aggravate the condition and delay the recovery of the body.

Massage and physiotherapy.

At home, massage is acceptable after full recovery body.

The patient may be prescribed:

medicinal electrophoresis,


treatment with currents.

Among the non-traditional treatment methods that are safe after surgery are:




Exercise therapy and bandage.

Therapeutic exercise will be a useful measure to prevent relapse of the pathology; gymnastics is prescribed after the scar has healed, when the patient gets rid of pain.

A prerequisite for starting classes will be the absence inflammatory process any localization.

All people tend to get sick. Some illnesses go away quickly and almost unnoticed. Others require certain types of surgery. In this article we'll talk about what it is like in the abdominal cavity. You will learn in what cases it is necessary to use of this accessory. It is also worth talking about what types of devices called bandages are available, how to choose the size and use them correctly.

What is a bandage?

This is a special device (accessory) that tightly supports the area on which treatment or surgery was performed. It is worth noting that a correctly chosen system never causes discomfort. The bandage relieves pain, helps blood and lymph circulation, and supports the skin. The device also relieves stress on the muscular system and promotes rapid healing of scars.

Types of bandages

Medicine knows many varieties of such support devices. The bandage can be worn on an arm or leg to maintain proper flow of blood and lymph. There are also medical accessories that facilitate the work of the spine. Most often these are products for the spine and, however, the most popular in medicine is a postoperative bandage for the abdominal cavity. It can be unique or universal.

Postoperative abdominal bandage

Such a device for supporting the abdominal wall is prescribed to almost all patients after surgery. When making recommendations, the doctor evaluates the area of ​​the scar and the person. A postoperative abdominal bandage is simply necessary for people who have overweight bodies. Also, during serious operations that affect vital organs, it is impossible to do without a support device.

Many women who have recently become mothers by caesarean section have to wear a post-operative bandage. In some cases, the device is recommended for use after natural childbirth.

How to choose a postoperative bandage?

Many patients do not know how to choose the right device. To begin with, it’s worth saying that you should only buy accessories of this kind at specialized points. Thus, bandages are often sold in pharmacies, points with medical accessories and stalls near hospitals. How to choose the right umbilical hernia bandage or abdominal support devices?

First, measure your own height and weight. It is based on these points that the size of the bandage is selected. After this, decide what type of support device you need. If you plan to buy a bandage, the tape should be thin and have a strong fastener. Otherwise, proper support for the abdominal wall will not be provided.

If a bandage is selected to support the wall after surgery on the female reproductive organs, then the device should have a large area of ​​influence. The same bandages are recommended to be worn after childbirth naturally or by caesarean section.

When you want to buy a belly band after surgery on the liver, spleen or stomach, you should choose abdominal binders that support the entire abdominal wall.

Also, when choosing a medical accessory, it is worth considering the size. The bandage should completely cover it with some margin. Most support devices have Velcro-type fasteners. For women or childbirth, you can buy a bandage that is worn like underwear, but has a high and tight waistband.

Price category of restraint devices

Depending on what type of bandage you buy, the device may have a different price category. Also, the cost may vary depending on the manufacturer and supplier. Remember that the same device may have different prices at different retail outlets.

Very often, women or operations purchase the “Fest” universal bandage. This device will help support the stomach during pregnancy. After the baby is born, such an accessory can be turned over and worn to support the abdominal wall and speed up the body’s recovery. The “Fest” universal bandage will cost you from 600 to 1000 rubles.

If you need support for the umbilical or intervertebral hernia after surgery or treatment, the price of such a device will range from 800 to 3000 rubles.

Women's bandages in the form of underwear with wide belts will cost you on average from 200 to 800 rubles.

Remember that any of the types of bandages that we talk about are prescribed by your doctor.


Despite the price, most models have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • abdominal (or chest) support;
  • decreased muscle load;
  • relieving stress from the spine and internal organs;
  • helps eliminate and prevent postpartum stretch marks;
  • fixes the fetus inside the uterus;
  • prevents premature birth;
  • eliminates signs of abdominal syndrome.


The products of the German company Orlette are considered to be of the highest quality, but there are other worthy manufacturers. Support is necessary for patients who have undergone surgery and lead an active lifestyle, as well as those who engage in physical work for at least 2-3 hours daily. In this case, you cannot do without special underpants.

  • painful syndrome with osteochondrosis or in the lower back;
  • varicose veins;
  • leg pain;
  • preventing stretch marks;
  • after removal of the uterus;
  • relief of multiple pregnancies;
  • repeat pregnancy;
  • obstetric pathologies;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • rehabilitation after cesarean section;
  • hernia.


Before you start looking for a place where you can buy a bandage, find out if you have any contraindications to wearing it. Wearing is not recommended in the following cases:

  • surgical intervention in the area of ​​application of the bandage (compression is fraught with swelling, suppuration, and friction of the operated area);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (it is especially not recommended to squeeze the intestines if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer);
  • individual species seams (fresh seams may come apart when squeezed);
  • an allergic reaction to the fabric from which the abdominal bandage is made;
  • with some skin ailments(wounds, eczema, tumors);
  • kidney diseases accompanied by swelling.


The main types of bandages include:

Perhaps the greatest variety can be found in postoperative bandages used by women. Let's go over the main varieties:

  • Ribbon bungee belt. Worn on the lower back. During pregnancy, it is fixed under the abdomen. This type does not put pressure on the uterus and consists of 3 joints. In addition, it is reinforced with side elastic bands and equipped with valves.
  • Bungee briefs. They support the abdomen well during pregnancy and securely fix the uterus. There are elastic, thin inserts on the stomach and lower back. The belt is wide, the waist is high.
  • Bungee Bermuda shorts (shorts). They are a type of bungee pant. Comfortable and practical, wear well in the cold season.
  • Combined bungee. It is used both before and after childbirth. It is a belt made of rubberized fabric, equipped with Velcro. Strengthens the back and supports the abdomen, evenly distributing the load throughout the body.
  • Postpartum skirt-belt. There is a dense insert on the stomach.
  • Bungee grace. Reinforced postpartum model, has a tightening function. There is a multi-level fastener on the side and bottom, there are thick inserts on the stomach, and the waist is high.
  • Bungee belt equipped with a player. Perhaps the most exotic model presented above. Has a built-in player with a USB input.


The best way to determine the size is a simple fitting. During pregnancy, the size constantly increases, so you should not be afraid of large bandages - this is a temporary phenomenon. The size is selected as follows: the circumference of the hips and waist is measured at the widest possible point, and the data obtained is checked against what is written on the packaging. Tape bandages correspond to sizes S, M, L.

How to choose

It's time to talk about how to choose a post-operative bandage.

  1. Material of manufacture - exclusively natural fabrics. The best option would be cotton - it is, however, more expensive than synthetics.
  2. Don't listen to other people's advice. The structure of a woman's body is individual. What suits some is completely unsuitable for others. Try on the model and judge for yourself whether it is comfortable or not.
  3. Be clear about the view. If you feel discomfort with the belt, try changing it to panties or Bermuda shorts.
  4. Prenatal bandages are significantly different from postnatal ones. A woman loses weight and her size bar goes down. It is impossible to predict in advance the size of the postpartum constriction product.
  5. Try on your future purchase in a lying position. The fetus and uterus descend during vertical fitting - this should not happen.
  6. Pay attention to the type of fasteners. These can be buttons, snaps, ties, hooks, lacing. The main thing is that the fasteners do not chafe or cause discomfort. The ideal option is multi-level fasteners, they will allow you to adjust the product as your belly grows.
  7. Often the price of a product depends on its appearance. Therefore, you should not chase overly expensive bandages.
  8. Different types of bandages are suitable for different putting on positions. Take this into account when choosing.
  9. The bandage should be comfortable.
  10. Gyroscopic material is welcome. It is desirable that the composition contains elastane, cotton, microfiber or lycra.
  11. Avoid used products. They are unhygienic, stretchy and hardly have a tight fit.

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    How to determine the size of a post-operative bandage

    A high-quality postoperative bandage contributes to a significant improvement in the patient’s condition after surgery, helps the healing of sutures, while protecting them from discrepancies and damage, and also significantly speeds up the rehabilitation process.

    Before you start looking for a suitable bandage structure, you need to mandatory Get personal advice from your treating specialist. Based on the type of your specific pathology, well-being and other indications, the doctor will determine the need to wear such a support system. In addition, he will help you choose the type and size of the product that is most suitable for you, and will also instruct you regarding the features of its use.

    In what cases can you not do without a postoperative bandage?

    After surgical intervention in the area of ​​the peritoneum, sternum, OMT, abdomen, lower back, sacrococcygeal spine, and so on.

    After injuries, as well as with identified flaccid muscle syndrome (loss of tone).

    After heart surgery.

    After a cesarean section, episiotomy or other surgical intervention during the birth process.

    After undergoing a mastectomy.

    After surgical treatment obstetric pathologies, including after removal of the uterus.

    For preventive purposes - to protect fresh scars from damage, discrepancies and rubbing, as well as to prevent the occurrence of postoperative hernias.

    When internal organs protrude.

    Aesthetic surgery: to maintain the result after liposuction.

    To reduce pain after surgery (with abdominal syndrome).

    Other reasons that can be identified by the treating specialist during a personal examination of the patient.

    Like any other effective medical product, the postoperative bandage also has a number of contraindications for use:

    Inflamed, strangulated and unreducible hernias.

    The presence of rashes, pustules, cuts, abrasions, open wounds and other skin lesions in the area where the bandage system is intended to be worn.

    Individual intolerance to the raw materials from which the bandage structure is made (allergy).

    Gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the acute stage. For example: it is not recommended to wear compression models (bandages) in the peritoneal area if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

    Exacerbation period renal pathologies, especially in the presence of swelling.

    Other contraindications related to the characteristics of a particular pathology.

    Types of postoperative bandages:

    Postoperative belt, including those with Velcro fasteners and special inserts (magnets, pelota, etc.).

    Bandage in the form of a bodice, top or T-shirt. Particularly effective and convenient after operations in the thoracic area, for example, on the heart. Quite often, the degree of fixation in such options can be further adjusted using adjustable straps.

    Special bandages after mastectomy (with a hole for the right or left healthy breast), as well as bodices for complete breast replacement with a bandage function.

    Ostomy bandage after surgery (for men and women).

    Models in the form of comfortable panties or shorts.

    Accordingly, there are various subtypes of bandage systems. Each of them should be selected based on the unique characteristics of the individual patient and his situation. Below are the most popular categories of bandages and the specifics of their choice.

    Thanks to the wide range of models, choosing a postoperative abdominal bandage will not be difficult. It is enough to know your size and decide which option will be most preferable for you: a belt with Velcro fasteners, panties with an enlarged waistband, shorts or another suitable bandage system. An equally important parameter is the width of the product. It must be ergonomic and ideally suit the patient’s height and build.

    A signal that the bandage has been chosen correctly is good fixation and a tight fit, a feeling of maximum comfort, sufficient freedom of movement and, in some cases, a significant and obvious reduction in pain.

    The key to maximum effectiveness of a bandage after heart or chest surgery is the correct choice of the type and size of the product itself. It is necessary to ensure that the design has good compression (without squeezing!) and is comfortable for regular wear. In this case, the bandage must completely cover not only the postoperative suture itself, but also have at least a centimeter reserve of material around the scar. Thus, the seam will receive the greatest degree of protection - not only from injury, but also from the ingress of microbes from the outside. The fabric of the bandage should be of high quality and natural (ideally 100% cotton with an admixture of elastic fibers) and allow air to pass through well without interfering with heat and water exchange. Optimal support of such a postoperative bandage, combined with its convenience, will guarantee an accelerated recovery process for the patient.

    A good bandage after a cesarean section is distinguished not only by good fixation, but also by maximum comfort during wearing.

    It is important to remember that every woman's figure is unique. Therefore, if you feel any discomfort while using one or another type of postoperative bandage, you can always replace it with another. For example, for some people, special panties or shorts may be just as effective as a bandage belt. Naturally, a fundamental factor in the effectiveness and convenience of a product is the correct choice of its size. Remember: under no circumstances should any bandage press too hard, rub or injure postoperative sutures! In this case, there is a high probability that you chose a model that is too small. The other extreme is an overly “loose” bandage. This means that you should choose a product that is at least a size smaller.

    Always focus on your feelings. A post-operative bandage should become an assistant for you and help speed up the rehabilitation process, and not cause complete inconvenience. A correctly selected bandage is already half the success during the post-operative recovery period!

    The fragile body of a child after surgery needs the most careful protection and special care. Therefore, the choice of a children's postoperative bandage should be approached extremely carefully. So, in addition to selecting the appropriate size and type of product (after mandatory medical consultation!), you need to take care of several more important nuances. The base material used to make the bandage can play a special role. It is important that the fabric is absolutely safe, hypoallergenic, moisture-wicking and highly breathable. Of course, reliability, practicality and wear resistance of the design play a significant role. Give preference to effective products whose manufacturers have already proven themselves in the market and offer models of decent quality. For example, bandages from Russian company The crate fully meets the above requirements. In addition, they successfully passed multi-stage clinical trials, have everything Required documents and certificates of conformity.

    How to choose the size of any postoperative bandage?

    Each ortho-product, especially a medical bandage, must include instructions for use. Usually this is where all the issues related to proper wearing, care and choosing the right size are explained in detail. In addition, for clarity, there is also a special size table (including on our website), thanks to which it will be quite simple to choose the right option for a specific figure. For example, to determine the dimensions of a bandage belt, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the hips and waist (at the widest point). Then the data obtained is simply checked against what is indicated on the packaging or in a special table. And to determine right size for a bandage in the form of a top or bodice, it is enough to know the volume highest point chest in centimeters (chest circumference in cm) and clothing size (standard - from 44 to 58).

    However, if you still have questions and you can’t decide on the appropriate type of bandage or size, that’s okay! Qualified specialists of the MegaMedShop online store are always ready to help you!

    How to choose a postoperative bandage by size - review of medical products with description and cost

    After surgery, it is difficult to do without this product. Postoperative bandage is a special medical product in the form of a belt, corset or panties, which is intended for use in rehabilitation for fast healing sutures, prevention of hernia manifestations. An orthosis is necessary to speed up recovery after abdominal surgery in adults and children, and cesarean section in women. It helps relieve muscle tension and pain in the suture area.

    What is a postoperative bandage?

    After any surgical intervention there is a long rehabilitation period. Painful sutures, swelling, hematomas and hernias - almost every patient is familiar with this after surgery. Postoperative bandages can speed up the recovery process. This is a dense bandage with high elasticity with convenient fasteners, which is designed to support internal organs.

    It is produced in the form of a belt, corset, skirt, panties, grace for use in the chest, abdominal and groin areas. Postpartum models are in demand. Postoperative bandages are made from hypoallergenic materials that allow air to pass through. The composition includes: natural cotton, elastane, lycra, viscose, microfiber. The combination of these materials provides the necessary degree of compression, giving the orthosis high functionality.

    It is important to consult your doctor before purchasing an orthosis. This medical product has a number of contraindications, so self-medication is not advisable. Not recommended in the following cases:

    • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), especially duodenal or stomach ulcers;
    • for ailments in certain areas skin(eczema, tumors, deep wounds);
    • if the patient has kidney disease that causes swelling;
    • in the presence of allergic reaction on the materials from which the orthosis is made;
    • when there are certain types of fresh seams on the body.

    What is a bandage for?

    The main purpose is to reduce the period required for the healing of a surgical suture. When worn regularly, the orthosis evenly distributes the pressure of the internal organs onto the injured area. Each product has a certain degree of compression. The supporting effect helps to protect the patient from the manifestation of postoperative hernias, and ensuring the immobility of the forming scar helps it to quickly begin to heal. Main indications for use: postoperative period, after liposuction, before and after childbirth.

    There are many bandages available in pharmacies, but which one will suit you in terms of characteristics and cost? On this issue, you can consult a doctor or independently study reviews online. All orthoses are divided into the following types:


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    1. Postpartum or postoperative abdominal bandage. Relevant after surgery in the abdominal area, designed to speed up the rehabilitation period.
    2. Postoperative for the thoracic region. Fixes and stabilizes the position of the chest after injuries or operations. Used in the treatment of myalgia, intercostal neuralgia, myositis.
    3. Antihernia is an effective preventative. Fixes the abdominal walls, groin areas. Prevents the protrusion of internal organs when hernias appear in the designated areas.


    It is important to choose the size responsibly, otherwise the orthosis will not only not cope with the task, but may also cause harm. Large models do not provide reliable fixation, small ones compress tissue, disrupting microcirculation, slowing down the healing process. Manufacturers launch orthoses on the market different sizes. Finding an option that suits you is not difficult.

    How to wear a bandage after surgery

    When can I start wearing a bandage after abdominal surgery? It is important for the patient to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and not self-medicate. It is recommended to use this medical product immediately after completion of the operation, using it until the suture is completely healed. It is important to wear a postoperative orthosis constantly, taking a break only at night, when there is no physical activity.

    How to use post-operative bandages correctly? This is best done in a lying position, when the muscles are as relaxed as possible. The orthosis should be placed on the operated area, making a partial exhalation. Please note that you should not fix it too tightly, otherwise you may damage the developing scar tissue. After applying the orthosis, check how you feel. If you experience discomfort or pain, then the fixation should be loosened.

    Buy a postoperative bandage

    Previously, the importance of using these medical devices was underestimated. They were even advised to make them yourself. Today, the sale of orthoses is in demand. Please note that before purchasing you should carefully select the size and quality of the material. A small product will put pressure on the body and cause discomfort; low-quality fabric will not allow the skin to breathe.

    Abdominal bandage

    Doctors prescribe wearing an orthosis to all patients who have undergone abdominal surgery. This is necessary to reduce the load on the suture in order to avoid complications and hernias:

    • name: PO-25P Ecoten;
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: two compression panels, moisture- and breathable, has plastic inserts that prevent twisting;
    • pros: fits perfectly, the cotton panel does not irritate the injured area.

    The abdominal orthosis, due to the elasticity and elasticity of the material, provides a supporting effect. Often, in parallel with wearing an orthosis, patients are prescribed to perform gymnastics and massage. Such products are fixed at the waist with a strong contact tape and tightened with a stretch:

    • name: RA-30 Ecoten;
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: 100% cotton, anti-curl insert, bifurcated stretch panel;
    • pros: suitable for the rehabilitation period after any abdominal surgery, affordable.

    Postoperative gynecological

    This support device is recommended to be worn by all women with various types of uterine pathologies during the rehabilitation period. Order it in St. Petersburg or Moscow at favorable price An online store will help with delivery by mail. After a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), compression products help reduce pain, prevent sutures from coming apart, provide protection to the pelvic bones from overload, and reduce the risk of developing pathologies. Pay attention to this model:

    • name: B-637 Crate:
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: suitable for the “apple” figure type, composed of cotton, elastane and polyamide, the upper part is made of elastic rubber;
    • pros: reliably holds the pelvic organs in the correct position.

    Gynecological models are intended for women who have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs. They have their own distinctive features:

    • when the uterus prolapses, use special panties that cover both the hips and the perineum, firmly fixed with clasps;
    • The design of gynecological models allows them to be worn comfortably under clothing; in real life they do not cause discomfort.

    Take a closer look at this option, which is not too expensive and does its job well:

    • name: OVO-445 Ecoten;
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: detachable gusset, pelotte in the groin area and in a pocket at the bottom;
    • pros: the structure of the material provides an optimal level of compression, the product does not cause discomfort while wearing, thanks to its hypoallergenicity, moisture and breathability.

    Postoperative umbilical hernia

    They are used not only after surgery, but also for the purpose of prevention. Effectively protects against the appearance of hernias, prevents the prolapse of internal organs:

    • name: Trives T-1442;
    • price: 1290 rub.;
    • characteristics: has stiffening ribs in the spine area, removable harness, 6 positions in the size chart.
    • pros: reduces the load on the abdominal cavity, restores the tone of the abdominal muscles.

    In the postoperative period, the orthosis helps the patient to minimize the risk of complications and relapses. Put on an elastic corset in a supine position, placing the pelvis at a level above the shoulders. How long should you wear the bandage after abdominal surgery, should be agreed with your doctor:

    • name: GP-20 Ecoten;
    • price: 1960 rub.;
    • characteristics: made of 100% cotton, has an additional tie to adjust the compression, there is a moveable belt to ensure uniform pressure;
    • pros: helps shorten the rehabilitation period, avoid relapse.

    Bandage after appendicitis

    This type of orthosis helps muscle tissue recover faster and prevents the formation of adhesions, hernias, and scar tissue. Protects against stretch marks, skin irritation, and infections. Some patients note that the product helped them relieve pain when motor activity:

    • name: B-352 Crate;
    • price: 1440 rubles;
    • characteristics: made of breathable elastic bandage tape;
    • pros: improves muscle tone, reduces pain after surgery.

    For ostomy patients with an opening

    For such patients, a special bandage is required. A stoma is a special opening in an organ that allows the body to interact with environment. Such patients after surgery need a special orthosis with a slot:

    • name: Orliman COL-165/167/169;
    • price: 5244 rub.;
    • characteristics: has 8 stiffening ribs, a dense insert in the stoma area;
    • pros: the material breathes and does not cause discomfort, a wide size range is available for order.

    The hole diameter is standard – 9 cm. The product reliably fixes the operated part of the body, preventing the muscles from overstraining when moving:

    • name: Orlett AB-412(S);
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: an anti-torsion system is provided that prevents the orthosis from moving;
    • Pros: easy to fix, has a uniform compression effect, prevents the occurrence of hernias.

    Bandage after heart surgery

    The product belongs to elastic corsets for the chest. The advantages of such postoperative bandages are as follows:

    • gentle fixation of the thoracic region;
    • reduction of pain during intense breathing;
    • protection of the suture, acceleration of its healing;
    • reducing the load on internal organs and the spine.

    One of the popular women's models, which is available in 7 sizes and has positive reviews:

    • name: Orlett CB-201;
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: consists of two materials, one of which does not restrict the patient’s breathing, the second guarantees a tight fit of the product to the body;
    • Pros: invisible under clothes, does not cause discomfort when worn.

    This type of orthosis is in demand among men - it has a light degree of fixation and is relatively inexpensive:

    • name: Orlett AB-206 (M);
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: conveniently attached thanks to a practical Velcro fastener, made of durable elastic fabric;
    • pros: 5 positions in the size chart, gently supports and does not compress the chest.

    Men's bandage

    It is recommended for use after chest surgery or when an inguinal hernia is detected. A bandage for the upper torso provides elastic fixation, reduces pain that may occur after surgery or injury, and promotes the healing of sutures:

    • name: Orlett CB-200;
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: made of two types of fabric: 1 – with low elasticity in the chest area, so as not to restrict breathing, 2 – highly elastic fabric for strong fixation on the body;
    • pros: facilitates the rehabilitation period after serious chest injuries, invisible under clothing.

    For inguinal hernias, men are prescribed an orthosis temporarily. It reduces the discomfort caused by the disease, but does not prevent further progression of the disease:

    • name: double-sided model Orlett HB-484:
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: double-sided, equipped with removable pilots;
    • pros: helps in the prevention of inguinal hernias and relapses of the disease.

    Women's bandage

    Doctors recommend wearing corsets of this type during pregnancy if there is a risk of developing uterine pathologies. The period is determined by the doctor. This option would be suitable:

    • name: BD-111 ORTO;
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: made of elastic elastic material, reinforced at the back with thick fabric, has an anatomical profile and elastic side ties;
    • pros: relieves the lumbosacral region of the spine, eliminates lower back pain, helps avoid stretch marks, creates conditions that are optimal for the proper development of the child.

    It is not recommended to use the product without consulting a gynecologist, especially if it has plastic inserts. They put pressure on the peritoneum and the fetus, which can result in the development of pathologies in the child. A popular and reliable orthosis from this group:

    • name: Nera-Lux 9902 TONUS ELAST;
    • price: rub.;
    • characteristics: composed of 90% cotton, 10% polyamide, the front part is made of microfiber, which gently fixes the growing belly without limiting the development of the fetus;
    • pros: relieves stress from the spine, lower back, and pelvic organs.

    Belly bandage

    These orthoses are in demand among those men and women whose figure is far from ideal, and whose stomach resembles a bag. The peculiarity of this bandage is the use of a special stretching fabric during the production process, which ensures free air circulation. For example, in the model:

    • name: Orto BPA-140;
    • price: rubles;
    • characteristics: the back is made of non-stretchable material, the abdominal and side parts are made of elastic material;
    • pros: corrects the figure, strengthens the weak anterior abdominal wall in case of obesity.
    • cons: please note that such a bandage does not solve the problem of excess weight without adjusting your diet.

    The product does not cause discomfort when worn and allows you to form a normal silhouette. Thanks to long-term compression, it is possible to achieve a gradual reduction in volume. You should use this product carefully so as not to cause stress to the body. Take a closer look at this model:

    • name: Orto BB 208;
    • price: rubles;
    • characteristics: the product is reinforced with metal stiffeners;
    • pros: models the figure, relieves lower back pain.

    How to choose a postoperative bandage

    What to consider when purchasing? First, decide how much a postoperative bandage costs. When you have found a model that suits your budget, it’s time to pay attention to the main selection criteria:

    • material – cotton products are expensive, so you can take a closer look at high-quality synthetics, which are hypoallergenic. The range of prices for postoperative bandages will help everyone find an option that will completely suit them. Remember that a quality product cannot be cheap;
    • fasteners – patients with a large build should opt for multi-level Velcro;
    • seams - they should be neat and not rub the skin;
    • size – should fit snugly to the body, but not pinch it. It should be comfortable.

    How to choose a postoperative bandage by size

    Regular fitting will help determine this parameter. When you don’t have time to buy a postoperative abdominal bandage at the pharmacy, and you plan to place an order on the Internet, you can choose a comfortable orthosis by studying the information from the manufacturer on the packaging. Before doing this, measure the circumference of your waist, chest or hips (depending on the type of product) at the widest point, and then compare your measurements with the generally accepted size chart. For example, tape models come in S, M, L sizes. The width is chosen depending on height and build. It is important that the dressing covers 1-2 cm of healthy tissue around the suture.

    How to choose the right bandage after abdominal surgery

    Postoperative abdominal bandage is an important stage in consolidating the positive results obtained during surgical treatment. The need for such a device is dictated by special circumstances that arise during surgery on the body. A weakened person must be supported so that the period of rehabilitation of damaged tissues passes without unnecessary problems. After this stage is completed, the need for protection disappears, and the body begins to perform all functions independently.

    The essence of the device

    A postoperative, or abdominal, bandage on the abdominal cavity (stomach) is an orthopedic device that holds all organs in normal position by supporting the abdominal muscles and eliminating the divergence of surgical sutures. It is worn only on the recommendation of a doctor in initial period postoperative recovery. Only a doctor can assess the need, required type and duration of wearing a bandage, based on the type of operation, complications encountered, age and individual characteristics body.

    Not every operation on the abdominal organs requires wearing this device. For example, if appendicitis is successfully removed, it is enough to apply a fixing bandage.

    At its core, a bandage after abdominal surgery is quite dense elastic elements that cover the operated area with a ring. It should not put too much pressure on the tissue, but the fixation of the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in the desired anatomical position should be reliable. The area covered by the bandage can be different and depends on the type of operation and the location of the operated organ.

    By installing the bandage, the following tasks are solved:

    1. Reliable maintenance of internal organs in the position provided by human anatomy.
    2. Reducing pain and discomfort when moving.
    3. Reducing the risk of postoperative complications in the form of suture dehiscence, hernias, adhesions, scar strictures.
    4. Ensuring an optimal postoperative scar, i.e. a scar with the smallest size.
    5. Normalization of blood and lymphatic circulation, which stimulates the regeneration process.
    6. Elimination of complications such as swelling and hematomas.
    7. Ensuring a person’s motor capabilities, and sometimes even starting work.
    8. Reducing the load on spinal column, which is especially important in the presence of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias.
    9. Aesthetic figure formation (a person looks slim and fit).

    Wearing a bandage is mandatory for patients with increased body weight, in severe postoperative condition and severe weakening of the body, for older patients. The fixation device is recommended for women who gave birth by caesarean section to ensure full child care. The need for it arises when consolidating the results of cosmetic operations.

    Product design

    Taking into account the variety of surgical interventions, different kinds postoperative bandages. They can have a standard shape and be purchased ready-made. You can sew the device yourself, based on your body type, but be sure to follow the recommendations of a specialist.

    There are 2 main types of abdominal bands:

    1. A universal design that can be used for any type of operation.
    2. A design with a narrow specialization performs specific functions: after intestinal surgery, after cesarean section, kidney resection.

    The bandage may have different shape. The most common option is in the form of a dense belt of increased elasticity, which is placed around the body. The bandage, which is an elongated panty with a belt, is used after surgery of the pelvic organs and appendix. If a colostomy is planned, a slot is made in them to install a stool receiver. In some cases, it is recommended to strengthen the fixation, which is ensured by inserting stiffening ribs made of plastic elements into the bandage structure. During operations in the upper part of the peritoneum, the holding device may look like a special T-shirt. These models are equipped with wide straps with adjustment, which makes it possible to attach them at different heights.

    Choosing a bandage

    Choosing a product model and size is a responsible undertaking that should be taken seriously. Correct selection of a bandage requires taking into account the following parameters:

    1. Coverage diameter. To take this parameter into account, you need to measure your waist circumference. Any quality product has length adjustment, but it is provided only within a certain range. That is why bandages come in 6–7 sizes, and it is important to choose the right one. Excessive compression can have the opposite, undesirable effect. The following standard sizes are practiced: S - up to 85 cm, M - 85–95 cm, L - 95–105 cm, XL - 105–120 cm, XXL - 120–135 cm, XXXL - more than 135 cm.
    2. Coverage area width. The bandage is selected so as to completely cover the seam with a margin of 10–15 mm in both directions. The most common width is 23 cm. Bandages increased width can reach 32–35 cm.
    3. Product material. The best material when used for medical purposes is cotton fabric, not causing allergies. Increased elasticity is achieved by introducing polyamide fibers. Purely synthetic fabrics are not recommended as they often cause skin irritation.
    4. Fixing elements. Fasteners must provide a strong and reliable fastening with a certain tension. Most often, adhesive tapes (2–3 layers) are used for these purposes. In cosmetic surgeries, preference is given to hooks arranged in several rows, which allows for additional tightening of the body.

    Trying on the selected product is best done in a lying position. The bandage should fit tightly to the skin, but not create a compressive load that causes discomfort. The device should not shift during movement or change its original shape. The choice of abdominal bandage has a strictly individual approach. The product cannot be reused because it gradually stretches and loses its elasticity.

    Product operation

    One of the most important parameters is the duration of wearing the bandage. It is installed by a doctor and monitored during the process. recovery period according to the patient's condition. In addition, you should establish a wearing mode. For example, after resection of the appendix, the brace is worn for 7–9 hours a day during the busiest times, and most operations (including cosmetic ones) require constant wearing of the device. The average duration of operation of the bandage is 55–60 days, but it largely depends on the severity of the operation performed. If a person starts physical work or sports training without waiting for complete tissue restoration, then the duration of wearing the bandage can increase to 4–5 months.

    It is recommended to install the postoperative bandage in a supine position over cotton underwear. Prolonged fastening of muscles leads to their stagnation, therefore, after removing the fixation, it is necessary to carry out special exercises with gradual loading of the muscular system of the anterior abdominal wall.

    When wearing the device for a long time, it is necessary to take care of it. The bandage can only be washed by hand at a temperature of no more than 45 °C. Chlorine-containing detergents should not be used. During operation, avoid exposure to direct sunlight and heating devices.

    A postoperative abdominal bandage is a necessary element that ensures complete restoration of damaged tissue. Individual choice The product and its wearing mode must be supervised by a doctor. With proper use of this device, high-quality healing of the suture and an optimal recovery process are guaranteed.

  • Sometimes you have to use a variety of devices and devices to restore your health and return to normal life. One of these useful medical supplies is a bandage. It is convenient, simple, effective, and affordable.

    There are several types of bandages for arms, legs,... However, the most popular is the postoperative abdominal bandage.

    A bandage (from the French Bander - to tie) is defined as a remedy for sprains in the abdominal wall, to support internal organs and close the hernial orifice.

    Bandages come in different designs, materials, and methods of fastening. Some use a variety of plates, springs, pelotes (metal plates covered with a soft pad).

    general information

    The bandage was invented relatively recently. Of course, various devices have been used before to support internal organs after surgical interventions. But previous versions, unfortunately, could not be used immediately after the operation. Their shape did not quite match the structure of the body.

    The technical result of the invention was precisely the new design, which is still in use today. Currently, a variety of models, materials and colors allows you to choose the most suitable product.

    The purpose of any bandage is to maintain organs in the desired position to prevent postoperative complications - hernias, scars and adhesions. Depending on the purpose, bandages are divided into types:

    1. Postoperative. It is used to reduce pain, heal wounds, and prevent complications.
    2. . Helps with prolapse or release of hernia.
    3. Prenatal. Reduces stress, protects the stomach from stretch marks.
    4. . Relieves pain, supports joints during pelvic bone separation or injury.
    5. Postpartum. Helps restore the mother's body.

    To choose the optimal model, it is worth considering the anatomical structure of the human body, features of the operation, ease of use, material and purpose.


    Postoperative bandages are applied to the abdominal area and are needed for successful rehabilitation (recovery). Although they are used with the same success after operations on the back, arm or leg.

    A modern support bandage must have good performance properties:

    • Increased strength.
    • Stability of the supporting effect.
    • Air permeability for good moisture and heat exchange.
    • Surgical suture protection.
    • Improving the outflow of exudate from the wound in the presence of drainage.
    • Reducing pain.
    • Modeling on the body of any person.
    • Antiallergic effect.

    The orthopedic belt protects the skin from stretch marks, protects the wound from infections and possible irritations, and helps restore motor activity. In addition, it helps you look decent and move confidently. But the postoperative bandage should not be confused with shapewear (grace, semi-grace, etc.). The belt cannot pull or compress the body.

    Any postoperative bandage must meet certain requirements:

    • Product processing antibacterial agents.
    • The mesh fabric must contain reinforced inserts. This will prevent deformation and twisting when worn.
    • Presence of plastic anti-twist inserts. Allows you to keep its shape.
    • Anatomical shape. It should fit perfectly and be invisible under clothes.
    • Manufacturer's warranty (at least 6 months).

    According to the method of application, there are two categories - for the early postoperative period and for the late one. Postoperative bandage can be universal (a wide range of purposes for use) and highly specialized (surgeries on the heart, intestines, stomach, kidney, etc.).


    A support belt is indicated for almost all operated patients. The doctor analyzes the condition of the skin, scar, and gives recommendations on which bandage to choose after surgery. A correctly selected product will be comfortable, relieve stress and help quick recovery.

    An abdominal belt is needed on the stomach after:

    • Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity.
    • Caesarean section.
    • Liposuction in the abdomen or back.
    • Other plastic surgeries.

    It is worn to prevent postoperative hernias, with a weakened anterior abdominal wall or stoma. It is also used as a postpartum bandage, restoring tone to stretched muscles and abdominal skin.

    During operations on the liver, spleen, and stomach, a bandage is chosen that completely supports the abdominal wall.


    Despite all the advantages, you need to understand that it is not always possible to wear a bandage after surgery. Only the doctor decides which rehabilitation method to choose. For example, if appendicitis is successfully removed, a bandage will be sufficient, since healing occurs quickly. A bandage is worn for several hours and can slow down the process.

    For chronic diseases accompanied by swelling or operations with poor healing of sutures, the bandage is prohibited. Allergy to tissue components or disorders digestive system(ulcers, swelling) are also a contraindication.


    A modern postoperative bandage is made as an elastic wide belt. It is wrapped around the waist. The tension force is adjustable. This makes it possible to perfectly fit the product to your figure. After surgery on the intestines, a belt with a special hole for the stoma is used.

    Natural fabrics have a lower risk of allergies. The safest are cotton, lycra, elastane. The material should be light and breathable. Panel close to the body with cotton content. Latex is not welcome in the composition - it is allergenic.

    A high-quality abdominal bandage should be tight, but not hard.

    The packaging must contain a description and confirmation that the product has medical purpose, and registered accordingly.


    The main parameter is waist circumference. It is measured with a measuring tape. The body should be hugged tightly, but not pulled together.

    Sizes from different manufacturers are approximately the same and range from S (45–55 cm) to XXL (128–140 cm). Sometimes bandages are divided into women's and men's.

    The width must be chosen so that the belt has a margin of at least 1 cm and covers the surgical sutures. A belt that is too wide will be uncomfortable and the edges will curl up. That is why belts with a width of 21–30 cm are mainly produced.

    If there are supporting inserts, you need to monitor their position. They should be in the right place and support the stomach, and not shift, squeezing it.

    It will be great if the first fitting takes place in the presence of a doctor. He will determine the required fastening force and explain how to fasten the product correctly.


    Hooks, buttons, lacing, ties, fasteners are allowed. But it is important to ensure that they do not rub the skin or touch the suture area. Sometimes putting on such belts requires outside help.

    A belt with multi-stage fixation is considered quite convenient. It is convenient to adjust to any size. Ideal fixation with a wide, strong adhesive tape (Velcro or Velcro).

    Obese patients should choose a bandage with two to three wide fasteners.

    How to wear?

    In any case, rehabilitation should take place under the supervision of the attending physician. And all recommendations must be followed.

    Use up to two weeks. The risk of suture dehiscence becomes irrelevant, internal organs are stabilized. Perhaps, under some circumstances, the period will increase, but not more than three months - so that the muscle tissue does not atrophy.

    Helpful Tips:

    1. Wearing a bandage all the time is not recommended. 6–8 hours a day is enough. After 2 hours there is a break.
    2. The belt is worn over cotton and seamless clothing.
    3. At first it is better to put it on while lying down. Internal organs must be in the correct physiological position. In a few days you will be able to put it on while standing.
    4. Before going to bed, the belt must be removed.
    5. It is not advisable to stop wearing the postoperative bandage immediately. It is better to do this by gradually increasing the intervals between wearing, because the body needs to get used to the load.
    6. After recovery, you should wear it only during periods of physical activity. For example, doing homework or going for a walk.

    After successful recovery, the bandage can be replaced with special shapewear.


    The elastic waistband certainly requires careful care. It should not lose its properties, change shape or size.

    Proper care:

    1. Rubberized models are washed in warm soapy water at a temperature of 30°C.
    2. Cotton is washed only by hand using hypoallergenic products.
    3. The product must be fastened before washing. This keeps the shape.
    4. Do not use bleach or overly scented laundry detergents. This causes discomfort or skin irritation.
    5. It is recommended to rinse and wring out the belt only by hand.
    6. It is dried flat on a soft towel or drying rack away from radiators.

    Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. Postoperative bandage – excellent remedy rehabilitation. You just need to choose the right size, fastening, and fabric.

    A properly selected high-quality bandage will prevent the appearance of hernias, significantly reduce the risk of relapse of the disease, and help rapid recovery health.

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