Home Gums Percussion massage against diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Percussion massage is an excellent remedy for coughing in adults and children. How to do percussion massage for a child

Percussion massage against diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Percussion massage is an excellent remedy for coughing in adults and children. How to do percussion massage for a child

Drug therapy is used to treat cough and helper methods. These include folk remedies, herbal decoctions, physiotherapy. With the help of special movements, the discharge of sputum is increased. The patient's condition is improving. Drainage massage is a quick cleansing procedure respiratory tract from accumulated mucus

What is drainage massage

The basic principle of this method is to drain (remove) pathological fluid from the bronchi and lungs by placing the patient in a special position. In this case, the accumulated mucus moves under the influence of gravity towards the trachea. Receptors of the mucous membrane are irritated. A nerve impulse is generated. As a result of its effect on the brain, coughing impulses occur. The pathological fluid is pushed out.

Using massage on a child to enhance mucus discharge reduces congestion in the bronchi. The resulting cough removes mucus, children cough more often, and breathing improves.

The patient's condition stabilizes and recovery accelerates. The role of drainage during chest drainage massage is performed by changing body position in children.

When dry severe cough this procedure is not carried out.


Drainage or postural massage is performed for the following diseases:

  • Bacterial, viral, fungal bronchitis.
  • Emphysema.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Cystic fibrosis with a predominance of the pulmonary form.
  • Intra- and community-acquired pneumonia.
  • Bronchial asthma of any origin in the acute stage.
  • Obstructive pulmonary diseases.
  • Bronchiectasis.
  • ARVI with tracheitis.

Attention! The main objective of postural manipulations is to improve blood supply, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects. They are held in medical institutions. By following the necessary techniques, you can perform them yourself, at home.

Drainage is effective means for the treatment of inflammation respiratory system. The entire complex of measures taken will lead to quick recovery patient.


This procedure activates blood circulation, normalizes the tone of the bronchial muscles, and increases the mobility of the costal muscles. This is not always necessary. Sometimes you can harm a person. There are situations in which this should be avoided. Contraindications for this procedure:

  • Children's age up to 3 months.
  • Coronary and renal pathology.
  • Decompensation of acquired and congenital diseases.
  • Pulmonary hemorrhages.
  • Severe heart failure.
  • High temperature more than 38 degrees.
  • Open wounds and trophic ulcers.
  • Availability inflammatory diseases skin.

Expectoration manipulations should not be performed on newborns; expectoration is quite difficult for infants. In infants, the cough reflex is not sufficiently developed.

Attention! For young children, massage when coughing is not performed immediately after meals. Active movement and changes in body position can cause nausea, regurgitation, and vomiting. If a child cries or is capricious, they calm him down. They distract you with a rattle and give you some water to drink. Only then do the manipulations take place.

How to do drainage massage correctly

This manipulation reduces the intensity clinical manifestations, improves metabolic and trophic processes in the body. Before the massage, the child or adult is given expectorant herbs or tablets to drink to expel mucus, which will stimulate the thinning of the mucus. It will be better for her to move away. Then general warming rubbing is carried out, enhancing the drainage effect.

Important! When coughing, there are special features in massage for infants and children adolescence and adults. The duration is determined by the individual condition and severity of the disease.

Although positive result The procedure can be used at any age; cough massage in a child under one year of age is carried out after consultation with a doctor. The pulmonary system in children is imperfect. It is necessary to do this massage correctly; mechanical methods of influence are used with caution.

Saline solution for inhalation


Drainage massage for coughs is done in three versions. The patient's position during the session is great value to stimulate mucus removal. You need to choose a position based on the localization of the pathological focus.


  • The patient is placed on a hard surface and the head end is lowered. He takes the “searching for slippers under the bed” pose.
  • Place a cushion or towel under your feet.
  • Lying on his stomach. Massage using flat or superficial and deep stroking of the chest. Gently rub the muscles between the ribs and the intercostal space with your fingers.
  • The specialist kneads the body with his palms, longitudinally, spirally or circularly moving the skin parallel to the ribs from the spine.
  • When inhaling, the massage therapist's hands move parallel to the 11th - 12th ribs. As you exhale, squeeze your chest tightly. Compression of the diaphragm stabilizes ventilation in the lower parts of the lungs. Carry out on both sides for 3 - 5 minutes.

The cough massage lasts 15 minutes. After it is completed, you should stand up and cough well. When the procedures are carried out correctly, a large amount of sputum is released.

The drainage method is also effective for weight loss. The movement of blood through the vessels and lymph improves, and metabolism is activated.

Execution technique

The preliminary session improves blood circulation, prepares the body for better discharge mucus. After this, the next stage is recommended. There are several techniques and types of drainage massage for wet cough.

  1. Before starting the massage, the patient lies down on a hard surface.
  2. Rotates alternately around its axis 360 degrees. Takes a deep breath, clears his throat. Movements and poses should be repeated 5 - 6 times.
  3. The patient is asked to sit on his knees in the “praying man” position. Lean forward, touching your head to the floor. Perform all cycles 4 - 5 times.
  4. Lying on his back, the patient turns on his side, hanging his head and arm down. It lies there for a couple of minutes. Then he does this exercise on the other side.
  5. Raise the foot end of the bed and place a folded blanket under your feet. Lower limbs should be located 30 cm above the head.

What can help with a cough at home?

The drainage massage takes 20 - 30 minutes.

Manipulations during exacerbation of bronchitis, coughing with pneumonia, asthma are performed daily 3-5 times a day. For visible discharge of sputum, 8-10 sessions are sufficient. If they are poorly tolerated, they are reduced or cancelled.

Apply lymphatic drainage procedure to reduce fluid, swelling in the body, remove toxins from tissues and organs. This method is good remedy for weight loss, improves skin condition.

With such a hardware massage, just one procedure is enough to normalize the cough. However, manual drainage massage more effective for manipulation.

Features in children

When performing a cough massage, the physiological processes of the body and the behavioral reactions of the child are taken into account. For infant the procedure is carried out 1 - 2 hours after feeding.

If vomiting, fever, or crying occur, the session is stopped.

When preparing, observe the following rules:

  • Pinch and squeeze the skin with forceps until it turns red.
  • If a child has a strong cough, massage is carried out from the lower back along the back to the shoulder blades. Massage every centimeter of the body one by one.
  • The intensity should be increased gradually. From light stroking they gradually move to intense pressure.
  • Perform tapping with the edge of the palm.
  • The child needs to spread his arms in different directions, the procedure is then continued. Use your fingers to apply longitudinal pressure in the armpits.
  • Do not rub your palms too tightly in the area of ​​the kidneys or spine.
  • Chest massage small child Proceed with rubbing movements in a clockwise direction.
  • Massage the chest wall, ears, nose, nasolabial triangle.
  • Wave technique. Start from the middle part. Grab a small area of ​​skin, stroke your back with your palms lengthwise, towards your shoulders.
  • Use massage or baby cream.
  • Correctly finding the acupressure point and acupressure when coughing in children reduces cough. It must be performed by a professional.
  • After a preparatory session for a child with a wet cough, postural drainage begins.

Attention! For children, vibration massage for cough is performed in a gentle manner, without applying significant effort.

Infants after 3 one month old This massage is also done with the pads of the fingers, without tapping.

Below are options for body positioning during postural (positional) massage for cough in children.

  • 0 - 3 months. There is no massage.
  • 4 – 24 months. The baby is placed on the mother's lap. Supports under the arms. He does not yet understand the need for treatment. They calm him down. Give a pacifier or favorite toy.
  • 3 years - 5 years. Place a pillow or folded blanket under your chest. Postural massage for coughs in children over 3 years of age is done carefully. Broncho - lung tissue at this age is not elastic enough. Coughing can cause damage.
  • 6-10 years. The small patient is asked to lie on his stomach on the cushion so that his head hangs down. It can be manipulated in a playful way. They read books and tell a fairy tale.
  • 11-14 years old. The teenager is at a conscious age. After the procedures, children are not immediately allowed outside. They are covered with a blanket for 30-40 minutes. Cough from sputum production intensifies.

Percussion massage is a healing technique characterized by stimulation of the upper respiratory tract.

Percussion massage technique involves tapping fingers on the sternum, ribs and back and other parts of the body.

Massage helps cope with colds, in combination with drug therapy. We will master massage techniques for adults and children in the course of this article.

The airways are lined with sensory nerve endings that transmit information from the respiratory center to the ventilation apparatus.

Massaging the respiratory muscles leads to increased contraction of the intercostal muscles. Receptors send their impulses faster.

Percussion massage improves the function of the respiratory system and ventilation of the lungs, increases blood flow, eliminates fatigue and promotes. The technique activates deep breathing, which helps tissues become more saturated with oxygen.

Who and for what ailments is massage suitable?

The percussion massage technique is very useful for those who are susceptible to frequent colds or suffer from chronic ailments of the upper respiratory tract. The course will also be indispensable for people who are in a constant state of stress and fatigue.

During the period of colds and after it ends, percussion massage sessions will maintain health and prevent the development of bronchial diseases. The procedure must be included in ,pneumonia. The positive effect is achieved due to the normalization of lymph flow and blood supply, as well as due to the easy discharge of sputum from the bronchi.

Percussion massage for children: video

The percussion massage procedure is prescribed for children suffering from pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis or long runny nose. The main goal of the course is
stimulate the discharge of thick mucous secretions deposited on the walls of the bronchi using special manual techniques.

Manipulations are not performed on children during the acute stage of the disease. It's important to know that Fever and heat are direct contraindications to the session.

Properly performed percussion massage promotes:

  • stimulation of full breaths;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen;
  • improving bronchial ventilation;
  • acceleration of blood and lymph flow;
  • cleansing the bronchi from mucus and sputum.

The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes; for children under one year of age, the massage is given no longer than ten minutes.

Typically, a children's percussion massage procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The baby is placed on his stomach, arms extended forward;
  2. A towel roll is placed under the stomach;
  3. The massage therapist begins intensive tapping with the child’s fingertips (the session lasts 60 seconds);
  4. After tapping, the child is placed on his feet and asked to cough;
  5. You can repeat tapping up to five times.

The procedure for children is performed exclusively in the back area. To achieve maximum effect, actions are repeated up to six times a day.

If the child cries or talks about back pain, then the massage is performed incorrectly. The procedure must be stopped

Massage technique

The percussion massage technique is performed in a sitting or lying position. The essence of the procedure is percussive massage. All movements are carried out on symmetrical areas.

Percussion chest massage

When massaging the chest, the process of mucus separation accelerates, which makes breathing much easier. The duration of the sternum massage is ten minutes. It should be performed several times a day (optimally - morning, afternoon and evening).

  1. The massage therapist places his palm on the patient's chest and presses it tightly against the skin. At this time, the other hand clenches into a fist and begins to strike back side second hand. After two or three movements, the first hand moves slightly to the side, and the strikes are repeated. This way the entire anterior surface of the sternum is worked out, and then the back. On the anterior surface, manipulations are carried out in the area under the collarbone and at the lower ribs, on the posterior surface - above the shoulder blades, between the shoulder blades and under them.
  2. After the main techniques, the skin must be rubbed.
  3. A series of chest compressions. The master's hands are placed on the diaphragm area on the sides of the patient. During inhalation, the palms move towards the spinal column, and during exhalation, towards chest wall. At the moment of maximum inhalation, the sternum contracts. Manipulations are repeated at the level of the armpits. These techniques irritate the nerve endings of the alveoli, receptors of the lung and pleura, and also create favorable conditions for active, deep breathing.
  4. Oblique breast massage. Right hand The masseur places in armpit, left - on the lower side near the diaphragm. At the peak of inhalation, the sternum contracts. Hands change, the technique is repeated again.

Percussion massage for arthrosis

For arthrosis, percussion massage is often used as a effective method treatment of diseased joints. If you follow a diet and regularly perform a series of special exercises (rosary beads, fingering toys), you can achieve improvement even with.
Noticeable progress is replaced by a slow improvement in the functioning of the joint.

Arthrosis is characterized painful sensations and, therefore, movements during the first sessions are light and neat. Over time, the intensity increases. The procedure helps to destroy calcium needles, due to which the joint cannot function normally.

Techniques and rules of massage for arthrosis of the hands:

  1. The patient's hand is on the master's lap, he presses it with his palm and applies a series of blows with his other hand. Reliable fixation of the patient’s palm – required condition massage. If you do not follow it, you can injure the joint even more.
  2. Pain should be avoided. If the patient feels pain, the inflammatory process in the joint may intensify. Some joint pain is possible after the procedure, this is normal.
  3. For mild arthrosis, it is enough to carry out two sessions of percussion massage per week. If the disease progresses to severe stage, the interval between procedures is increased to one week. In some cases, doctors strongly recommend massage only twice a month.


Health cannot be bought, but a person can prevent some changes and significantly improve his well-being. Percussion massage will help reduce joint pain, alleviate bronchitis and pneumonia, and activate deep breaths.

In pediatric practice it is often prescribed different types massage for coughs in children for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, as well as serious diseases: bronchitis and pneumonia. Their treatment is complicated by the fact that excess and stagnation of sputum occurs in the respiratory tract, which is difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out massage to remove phlegm in children suffering from chronic diseases– cystic fibrosis and bronchial asthma.

To understand when a child needs a massage when coughing, it is important to understand the manifestations of the disease:

  1. In the initial phase, while the inflammatory process is developing, the mucous membrane covering the bronchi is irritated and dry. A dry cough occurs, which is called non-productive. At this time, it is too early to do massage practices; there will be no benefit from them.
  2. On days 3-5, the cough becomes wet and productive: liquid discharge appears in the form of sputum. It's time to start a course of procedures.
  3. After the completion of the active phase of the disease and the cessation of coughing, it is recommended to continue the course of procedures for several more days.

It is necessary to understand that cough massage in children is always prescribed as additional therapy. This does not replace drug and physiotherapeutic treatment prescribed by a doctor.

  • complications after acute respiratory infections, flu;
  • bronchitis, including COPD;
  • some cases of pneumonia;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • remission during bronchial asthma.

Benefit: therapeutic effect of the procedure

The correct cough massage technique for children can significantly alleviate the condition during illness.

What happens as a result of well-performed manipulations:

  • Bronchial mucus thins out and becomes more transportable.
  • The movement and evacuation of sputum from the bronchi accelerates.
  • Excreted from the body along with mucus pathogenic microflora: bacteria, viruses, microorganisms.
  • The mobility of the ribs increases, breathing and blood circulation in the chest are normalized.
  • The effect of medications increases.

How does massage help remove mucus? With poor development of the respiratory muscles, coughing up sputum in children is difficult. From persistent cough The throat becomes irritated and coughing up phlegm becomes very painful.

As a result of massage manipulations, special cilia on the surface of the bronchial mucosa, designed to push mucus out, increase their activity. Stimulating blood circulation increases the production of bronchial secretions, which further thins the mucus.

Basic techniques

Classic techniques are designed for separate application or combinations depending on the indications. General terms that must be observed:

  1. At least two hours should pass after eating.
  2. 30 minutes before the session, the child needs to take medications to thin the sputum.
  3. There should be no drafts in the room during the procedure; the air temperature should preferably be within 22-24 °C.
  4. After the session you cannot eat for about 1 hour.

Back massage

When coughing, the greatest effect is produced by manipulations in the upper and middle back. General principles:

  • The patient's body is positioned so that the head is lower than the torso. This way, mucus can move freely through the respiratory tract.
  • All movements of the massage therapist’s hands are directed from the lower back to the neck, that is, they create a “wave” of mucus movement towards the exit.
  • At the end of the session you need to induce a cough.
  • After the manipulations, it is advisable to cover the patient warmly.

Chest massage

The chest is massaged using circular, light movements. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a warm compress, for example, a honey cake.

Additionally, the child's chest is massaged in the front part. The patient is placed on his back. Treated with circular rubbing top part the baby's torso, avoiding the area of ​​the nipples, armpits and neck. The movements are directed upward, towards the neck. After massage practice, it is advisable to apply a warm compress to the chest area.

How to do exercises for babies

Carry out the procedures 40 minutes before feeding the baby or 1.5 hours after it. The specialist's hands must be warm. It is advisable to create a pleasant atmosphere so that the child does not cry, otherwise the procedure will have to be interrupted. Sequencing:

  • The child is placed with his tummy on a soft pillow.
  • Using gentle finger movements, they stroke and lightly rub your back.
  • When the skin turns pink, the baby is warmly wrapped and laid down.

By studying available and popular methods using videos and familiarizing yourself with different techniques, you can choose the optimal massage method for removing sputum in children. Once you learn how to do it yourself, you can successfully use these techniques when treating your children.

The body's goal is to get rid of phlegm, and the goal of treatment is to help it do this. I always I recommend that mothers give drainage and honey massage to children over 3 years old when treating wet cough.

Once you learn how to do it, you can successfully use this skill for many years. Massage techniques not only help to cope with the disease faster, but also promotes proper development skeleton and muscles of the child (to the question of), improve posture, increase chest mobility, increase immunity. The benefits of such procedures can hardly be overestimated.

Types of massage

Child's age

Types and features of manipulations

Duration of procedures

Up to 3 months Babies at this age are not prescribed massage
3 months-1 year Fulfill healing procedures Only a professional massage therapist can. The session consists of light stroking, rubbing and finger tapping. Be sure to use neutral oil for your baby's skin. Up to 5 minutes, 1 time per day
1-3 years You can perform light vibration massage with caution, as well as honey massage - if there is no allergic reaction 5 to 10 minutes, up to 2 times a day
3-7 years It is allowed to use percussion, drainage and honey techniques (without oil), and cupping techniques - with the use of neutral oils 15-20 minutes, up to 3 times a day
Over 7 years old All types of massage manipulations are allowed 25 minutes, up to 4 times a day


Performing drainage massage for children when coughing, carefully ensure that the middle part of the patient’s torso is higher than the head. The patient lies face down with a pillow placed under the stomach. Main stages of action:

  1. Warming up the chest. It is performed by stroking and rubbing movements.
  2. Warm up the intercostal muscles. Light longitudinal movements are used to treat the back and sides from bottom to top. The spine area is not affected.
  3. Using pinching movements, the entire surface of the back is worked in the direction from the lower back to the head.
  4. The edge of the palm is used to tap the entire back from bottom to top.
  5. Using both hands, lightly compress the body from the sides in the diaphragm area.

The video below additionally explains in what cases drainage massage is prescribed and the correct technique for performing it:

Vibrating (percussive)

An example of performing vibration chest massage for children is presented in the video. This simple method consists of repeatedly tapping the back with the edge of the palm in the direction from the middle of the back to the neck.

The implementation option that Dr. Komarovsky shows is tapping the fingers of a weakly clenched fist. The spine area is not treated. After the session, you need to invite the patient to cough well, transferring him to vertical position.

Percussion massage for children is the easiest and most quick method to get rid of excess mucus accumulation in the respiratory tract.


Having found out whether the child is allergic to bee products, you can conduct a session of therapeutic manipulations with honey. It warms up well chest and increases blood circulation. Sequencing:

  1. Body position – lying on your stomach.
  2. The back is warmed up with light rubbing and stroking movements.
  3. Apply a sufficient amount of liquid honey and distribute it evenly.
  4. The stroking movements end with a sharp lifting of the hands from the skin, while the sticky honey creates difficulty.
  5. The procedure is completed by wiping off the remaining honey and wrapping it warmly.


This popular method, developed in China, requires special knowledge and skills. Acupressure for coughs in children can only be effectively performed by a qualified specialist.. The technique uses biologically active points located on the energy meridians of the body organs. It matters not only right choice places, but also the strength and duration of impact on the meridians.


This method increases subcutaneous blood circulation in the chest and strengthens the overall immunity of the body. Medical jars made of glass or rubber are used for it. Stages of the treatment session:

  1. Abundantly lubricate the skin with oil or cream.
  2. Installation of cans.
  3. Sliding movements with cups, capturing part of the skin inside the jar.
  4. The entire surface of the back is worked, excluding the areas of the spine and armpits.
  5. The session ends with a warm wrap.

How to prepare for the cupping massage procedure and the technique for performing it, watch the video:

Contraindications: in what cases the procedure cannot be performed

There are a number of restrictions for performing procedures in children. In addition to the acute phase of respiratory or infectious disease, which is always a contraindication, there are the following risk factors:

  • Heart diseases, including congenital defects.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver in the acute phase.
  • Allergic manifestations on the skin (see about the types of rashes in a child).
  • Asthma during an attack.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Disorders nervous system.
  • Body weight deficiency.
  • Hernias.

About TOP-12 antiviral drugs for children from 1 year old is written in, and about the treatment of barking cough in the article.

From parents' reviews

Yulia, 33 years old, Podolsk, son 5 years old

During my son’s treatment from the local doctor, I learned about the opportunity to undergo a course of special drainage massage at the clinic. After 10 sessions, the son began to sleep better, and the night coughing attacks gradually disappeared.

Of course, this was done at the very end of treatment, after a course of antibiotics and inhalations. But my baby liked the procedure, and now we often do it at home. The son himself comes up and asks to massage him!

Massage for coughs in children is often recommended in addition to the main treatment. When coughing, massage helps remove phlegm, improves blood and lymph flow, increases the mobility of the ribs, strengthens the respiratory muscles, enhances the effect medicines.

There are many methods of massage for diseases accompanied by cough - drainage, percussion, cupping, acupressure, honey, etc. Some types of massage for coughs in children can be done independently at home. Get acquainted with the technology therapeutic massage you can by looking at the corresponding photos and videos, but it is preferable that the instructions be given by a specialist.

You should consult with your doctor about whether massage can be performed in a particular case and which massage technique should be chosen.

Contraindications for massage in children:

  • increased body temperature;
  • skin diseases;
  • low body weight.

Also, the procedure is not performed immediately after eating or if the child experiences discomfort in the stomach position.

Stone massage is used for dry coughs; it promotes deep warming and a speedy resolution of inflammation.

How to give drainage massage to children when they cough

Drainage massage is one of the most popular and accessible massage techniques; it is performed to strengthen the respiratory muscles in addition to drug therapy. According to doctors, drainage massage for a child to remove phlegm when coughing demonstrates good efficiency. In some cases, it may be a good alternative to expectorants (especially in patients aged 1-3 years). As a rule, it is prescribed to patients with a severe and/or persistent cough. This type of massage is indicated for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma. IN acute period diseases, drainage massage is not performed.

To carry out a drainage massage, the child is placed in such a way that the chest is higher than the head; for it, a bolster or pillow is placed under the patient’s stomach. After this, stroking and rubbing are carried out in the direction from bottom to top until slight redness occurs. skin. For this type of massage (as opposed to percussion), the main movements are rubbing and stroking; vibration movements occupy approximately 1/4 of the total massage time.

The procedure ends with light patting of the palms on the back, after which the child needs to clear his throat. Patients under one year of age should cleanse oral cavity from mucus and press on the root of the tongue to trigger a gag reflex.

Usually 8 sessions of drainage massage of 8 minutes are prescribed.

Massage for coughs in children is often recommended in addition to the main treatment.

How to properly perform percussion massage for children with coughs

Percussion massage, also called vibration massage, is also often prescribed for respiratory diseases. To increase effectiveness, percussion massage is usually used in conjunction with the use of expectorants. The procedure should be painless if any painful sensations, the massage must be stopped.

The child is placed on his stomach, placing a bolster or pillow under the pelvis so that the lower part of the body is higher than the head. After this, light stroking is performed in the lung area, then a vibration technique is used - light and quick tapping with the pads of the fingers or the edge of the palm. When performing percussion massage, you should avoid exposure to the kidney area, as this can lead to the development of disorders of the urinary system.

After completing the massage, the patient should clear his throat.

Percussion massage takes 10 minutes for infants and up to 15 minutes for older patients.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that during treatment with this method the child should be provided with plenty of drinking regime, and it is also necessary to humidify the air in the room where the patient is located.

You should consult with your doctor about whether massage can be performed in a particular case and which massage technique should be chosen.

Cupping massage

Cupping massage for cough treatment is carried out using medical cups, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. This type of massage is indicated for tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy after the acute phase of the disease has subsided. Cupping massage helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract and get rid of a lingering cough. It should only be carried out by a specialist.

To perform cupping massage, the back should be lubricated with Vaseline or oil to improve the sliding of medical cups. The jars are lubricated with alcohol from the inside, brought to the skin, set on fire inside, making sure that the edges of the jars do not heat up, and with a sharp movement they are placed on the back. Do not allow alcohol from the jar to drip onto your skin. Two cans are installed at the level of the 2nd thoracic vertebra, after which the cans are moved down and up along the spine 6-8 times on each side. After this, a spiral movement is performed along the spine, also 6-8 times. Finally, the intercostal lines are massaged, 2 times up and down along each line. After this, light stroking is carried out in the area where the procedure is performed; after the massage, the child should be covered with a blanket for 20-30 minutes.

Cupping massage is not performed on children early age.

Massage is not done immediately after eating or if the child experiences discomfort in the tummy position.

Other types of massage for coughs


Acupressure massage for coughs is performed in accordance with the location of acupuncture points on the human body. To combat cough, the effect is carried out on the points of the paired lung meridian, which contains 11 points. The massage starts from the chest, rises to the collarbone, shoulder, reaches thumb upper limb.

Acupressure for disposal is performed using kneading, acupuncture, biological cauterization active points. It is not recommended to carry it out on your own.

This type of massage is used for suffocation, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, swelling of the laryngeal mucosa, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and a number of other conditions accompanied by cough and/or sore throat.

Honey massage

The technique of honey massage is quite simple. The procedure begins with stroking and rubbing the chest, after which honey is applied to the skin (linden honey is recommended), which is spread over the skin with massaging movements. After this, sticking and sticking movements are carried out with the palms. They can be painful, this should not be allowed - if the child is in pain, such movements are stopped.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, after it is carried out, it is recommended to put a honey compress on the child for 10-15 minutes. After this, the honey is wiped off with a damp towel or washed off in the shower. Honey massage is not performed if the patient is allergic to bee products.

Drainage massage is one of the most popular and accessible massage techniques; it is performed to strengthen the respiratory muscles in addition to drug therapy.

Stone massage

When coughing in children, stone therapy can be used, which consists of massaging the active areas of the back with stones heated to a temperature of 40-45 °C. The method is used for dry coughs; it promotes deep warming and rapid resolution of inflammation. For the procedure, absolutely smooth stones from river or seashore, previously thoroughly washed and boiled.

The procedure begins with preparing the skin (rubbing, stroking) using essential oil. The stones are heated and placed on the chest in the lung area, covered with a towel and held for 10-15 minutes. After this, the stones are moved and left for the same time, which promotes uniform heating of the chest. After the stones are removed, the chest is covered with a towel or blanket.

We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

All children experience such a symptom of respiratory system diseases as cough. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, parents are ready to use different methods. One of them is a special massage that harmlessly helps get rid of cough.


  • Cold.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Emphysema.
  • Pneumosclerosis.

Why does massage help remove mucus?

During the massage, the bronchial tree warms up, and the mucus accumulated in it becomes more liquid. As a result, mucus is coughed up better and removed from the small bronchi into larger ones, and then into the trachea, which helps the body get rid of excess mucus and germs or viruses.


Cough massage is a good alternative to using medicines. This procedure can be carried out from birth, and parents can learn how to carry it out without involving specialists.

In addition to stimulating mucus discharge, the following massage:

  • Stimulates blood and lymph flow.
  • Strengthens muscle fibers involved in breathing.
  • Increases rib mobility.
  • Stabilizes respiratory function.
  • Enhances the effect of using medications.


  • The child's body temperature is elevated.
  • The baby has just eaten.
  • A cold or other respiratory tract disease has just begun (massage is indicated only from the 4-5th day of the disease, when acute stage passed).
  • The baby feels discomfort in the tummy position.
  • Complications of the underlying disease appeared.
  • The baby has skin diseases.
  • The baby's body weight is too low.

Types of massages

Cough massage can be performed using different methods, so it happens:

  • Drainage. The main feature of this massage, which promotes better removal of mucus, is the position of the body - the child’s head should be lower than the body.
  • Pointed. This is very effective massage, but it should only be carried out by a specialist who knows well which areas need to be affected.
  • Canned. This massage has a good effect and a positive effect on the immune system, but its implementation is not always possible due to the need to use improvised means.
  • Vibrating. For this massage, gentle tapping is performed on the child’s back. It is also called percussion.
  • Medov. This type of massage is highly effective for coughs caused by chronic or protracted illness. The limitation to its use is high risk allergies.

See the next video for more details.

For more information about vibration massage for coughs, see the next program.

Massage technique

Since the most accessible and frequently used massage option for coughs is drainage, let us consider in more detail the technique of performing it. First, the child is massaged on the back and then on the chest, avoiding the area of ​​the nipples and kidneys. The room should be ventilated before the procedure.

Back massage

Start by rubbing your back with the entire surface of your palms from your shoulders to your lower back and back. Next you need to do:

  • Quick pinching movements with fingers. Perform the first pinching close to the spine, and then repeat, stepping back a few centimeters to the sides until you reach the sides of the chest.
  • Patting with fingertips collected in a handful.
  • Tapping with the ribs of the palms. It is better to perform them diagonally, moving from the area above the lower back to the shoulders.
  • Pounding the ribs with fists. They are also carried out diagonally.

All movements should not be rough, but quite active to cause slight redness of the skin.

Chest massage

With the baby lying on his back, rub the chest with your palms (the entire surface), moving from the center of the chest to the collarbones. The pressure should be small, but sufficient to cause slight redness to appear. Finally, sit the child down and rub the jugular cavity, which is located between the collarbones. Press it gently so as not to compress the larynx. Next, ask your baby to cough.

After the procedure, the child is wrapped in a blanket and left to lie for a while in a calm environment. The duration of the massage is approximately 10 minutes, it is recommended to perform it twice a day for 5 days. To make your hands glide easier, you can use oil or cream.

Technique for performing drainage massage after past pneumonia or bronchitis, see the next video.

Percussion massage - Komarovsky’s opinion

A well-known pediatrician considers this type of massage to be effective for coughs and explains its name by its connection with the word percussion (as tapping is called in Latin). During such a massage, the child’s bronchi begin to vibrate, and sputum is separated from their surface. And if it was difficult for the baby to cough up the “adherent” mucus, then after the mucus enters the lumen of the bronchi, the cough becomes more productive.

Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that percussion massage, while effective, cannot be called an independent method of therapy. The famous doctor emphasizes that such a procedure must be combined with taking medications and, more importantly, with sufficient drinking and air humidification. Komarovsky also notes that such a massage cannot be performed at elevated body temperatures.

According to a popular pediatrician, a percussion massage that parents can perform at home should look like this:

  1. Place the baby on his stomach and place a pillow under the pelvis so that he is higher than his head.
  2. Sit next to the baby and use your fingertips to perform intense and frequent taps that should not cause pain to the baby. It is advisable that the fingers touch the skin at an angle directed towards the head. While tapping, change the position of your baby's head every 30 seconds.
  3. After 1 minute, the child should be raised and then asked to cough.
  4. Repeat this series of tapping and coughing 4-5 times.

This procedure can be performed up to 6 times a day.

For more information on how to do massage for bronchitis, see the program by Dr. Komarovsky.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky shows how to massage a cough.

Massage for bronchitis

With bronchitis, massage helps to improve blood circulation in the chest, discharge sputum, and alleviate cough in children and adults.

This physiotherapeutic procedure allows you to do without the use of drugs, relax the respiratory muscles, and cleanse the lungs.


Any warming procedures have a strong effect on the body. If contraindications are not taken into account, the condition of bronchitis can worsen.

A massage session cannot be performed if:

  • temperature;
  • dry cough;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • heart defects;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rickets;
  • acute diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • skin diseases.

Features of massage for bronchitis

Inhalation is ensured by the work of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, as well as skeletal muscles associated with the movement of the scapula. Exhalation occurs spontaneously when the respiratory muscles relax.

The respiratory muscles of a patient with bronchitis are constantly under strain due to painful bouts of coughing and rapid breathing with shortness of breath.

This leads to the fact that complete exhalation does not occur.

Massaging and rubbing allows you to relax the muscles, thereby improving lung ventilation. Before performing the procedure, the chest muscles are warmed up, the costovertebral joints, clavicle joints, and sternum are worked out.

Massage for children

For children, the procedure is extremely useful, but there are some limitations:

Before the procedure, the child needs to cough up sputum; for this, he is given an expectorant medicine and a warm drink. The procedure is carried out 30 minutes after taking the expectorant.

The duration of the session for a child is 20 minutes, it is better to do this before bedtime.

While massaging, you must not touch the spine or apply force that causes discomfort to the child. The child benefits from vibration and drainage massage, and if there is no allergy to honey, honey massage.

Massage for adults

For adults with bronchitis, vibration and drainage massage helps cope with phlegm. The procedure is supposed to be carried out in a specialized room.

If you don’t have the opportunity, you can master the basic techniques and do it yourself. To properly perform massage for bronchitis at home in adults, you need to study the video well.

Adults are prescribed sessions in courses. At chronic bronchitis they are carried out during periods of subsidence of symptoms to prevent exacerbations. The procedure improves the flow of lymph and blood, opens the bronchi, which helps remove sputum and pus.

In acute bronchitis that occurs without high temperature, vibration massage helps. The procedure is performed several times a day, the duration each time should not exceed 5 minutes.

The acute period of bronchitis is characterized by copious discharge of sputum.

The vibration created by the movements of the massage therapist prevents the accumulation of mucus and prevents it from sticking to the walls of the bronchi.

To improve mucus removal, acute form inflammation, drainage massage is used. For chronic bronchitis, cupping and honey massage sessions are also performed.

Drainage massage

A drainage massage session removes mucus and is allowed for adults and children. The patient is positioned so that the head is slightly lower than the pelvis. To do this, you can put a pillow under your stomach.

After the back muscles and intercostal muscles are stretched and warmed up, the procedure begins.

With bronchitis, all movements are directed to the periphery, from the lower back to the shoulders, which helps remove mucus from the bronchi. At the end of the procedure, the massage therapist gently helps to push out the air while exhaling, squeezing the chest.

The use of drainage massage is especially effective when obstructive bronchitis in children, in this case it is necessary to additionally massage the legs, as shown in the video.

Vibration massage

Vibration massage is performed with vibrating movements that the massage therapist creates with his hand. This massage can be performed on young children with bronchitis, even on infants after 6 months.

This procedure improves the condition in adults with bronchitis, asthma, and after pneumonia.

How to do it

The patient lies on his stomach, head below the pelvis. Massage starting from the lower back, gradually moving to the shoulders. The area of ​​the spine and the area around it three fingers wide are not treated.

The massage therapist places his palms crosswise on the patient’s back, then, when the patient exhales, he presses the upper palm onto the lower one with vibrating movements of small amplitude.

To enhance the vibration, the lower palm is folded into a boat. With each movement along the back, they pause and vibrate at a frequency of 60 movements per minute.

The duration of massaging in one place is 1 minute, after which they take a break and repeat 3 to 5 times. The duration of vibration massage for bronchitis is from 15 to 25 minutes.


At acupressure Relaxation of the respiratory muscles is achieved by acting on reflexogenic points by stroking and pressing.

For bronchitis, the following points are treated:

  • in the recess of the jugular fossa;
  • above the 7th cervical vertebra;
  • under the shoulder blades (in the middle) on both sides of the spine;
  • under the collarbones.

This massage requires knowledge of anatomy; it is advisable to carry it out from specialists.


Percussion massage is performed by tapping (lat. percussion). At first respiratory muscles warm up, only then proceed to the procedure.

To perform it, one palm is placed on the patient’s back in the area above the lower back, and light tapping is performed on the palm with the other hand.

The working hand should be relaxed, no force should be exerted.

For adults, such tapping can be done through the fingers of the palm lying on the back. Children are given tappings through the palm. For the smallest ones, tap the back with your fingertips through the palm.

These movements should not be strong, they are necessary only to help the mucus glued to the walls of the bronchi to separate and enter the lumen of the respiratory tract.

To make it easier for mucus to be removed from the bronchi, the patient should be positioned so that the head is slightly lower than the body. This chest massage removes mucus during bronchitis; if it is performed on a child, the baby can be positioned as shown in the video.

Cupping massage

Massage using plastic medical cups is performed on adults and children. The back and chest are alternately generously lubricated with special oil. This is necessary to improve the glide of the can over the skin.

First, the back is treated, then the front part of the body in men, and the subclavian region in women. There is no need to use glass jars for cupping; it is much safer to massage with plastic jars.

On the back, the cans are suctioned to the skin without affecting the lumbar region or kidneys.

In order for a plastic jar to stick to the skin, it needs to:

Then the jar is carried along the back to the shoulders without touching;

  • spine;
  • intercostal muscles on the sides;
  • shoulder blades

On the front part of the body in women, only the subclavian area is treated; in men, another area is added pectoral muscles, the area of ​​the heart, liver, and lateral muscles is not affected.

Honey massage

TO the best ways warming up and relaxing the respiratory muscles include honey massage.

When performing this procedure, various types of massage techniques are combined; elements of vibration, percussion, and drainage massage can be found in it.

This type of physiotherapy has contraindications common to all types of massage, to which are added:

  • allergy to honey;
  • increased hair growth on the back;
  • high sensitivity of the skin due to severe swelling.

Honey should be of a thick consistency and applied only to the areas that will be treated. Honey massage should not cause pain.

To reduce pain, you can reduce the area of ​​contact between the massage therapist’s palm and the patient’s skin. You can roll not with your entire palm, but only with your fingers, even with their tips.

If the body is susceptible to bronchitis, preventive measures should not be neglected. Read more in the article Prevention of bronchitis due to colds, allergies, smoking.

Massage for coughs and bronchitis in children to remove phlegm: drainage and vibration

Children are susceptible to respiratory diseases - this is explained by the characteristics of their respiratory system, which continues to develop until about 12 years of age. The cough that accompanies many acute respiratory infections is necessary to clear the bronchi of accumulated mucus, but due to the weakness of the muscular system, it is difficult for the child to cough up mucus. Expectorants and special massage help solve the problem.

Benefits and types of massage

A doctor may prescribe a chest massage for a small child when:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma during exacerbation;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • cystic fibrosis.

Beneficial properties of massage for respiratory pathologies:

  1. normalization of breathing;
  2. increased blood flow in the lungs;
  3. improved lymphatic drainage;
  4. facilitating the release of sputum;
  5. prevention of complications.

Types of massage used for diseases of the lower respiratory tract:

  • Chest massage. Helps normalize the breathing process.
  • Honey. It is carried out using natural warm honey. It is applied to the child’s back, after which it is “driven” into the skin with patting movements.

Honey massage perfectly warms tissues and promotes healing. This is connected not only with chemical composition product, but also with its viscosity, which provides an intense effect on the diseased area

  • Drainage. A special feature of the technique is the position of the patient’s body – his head is located below the level of the chest. The back is massaged.
  • Vibrating. The technique is based on tapping on the back, performed in a certain rhythm.
  • Spot. Individual areas of the back and chest are affected. This enhances the effectiveness of other types of massage.
  • Canned. Performed using medical cups. They are placed on certain areas of the back, after which they move along massage lines. Banks are indicated not only for pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, they help with radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

General rules and preparation

In one session you can combine several types of massage - for example, drainage and vibration or acupressure. All influences must be carried out with slight pressure. To give the child a certain body position, place a bolster or pillow under him. The chest is treated first, then the back.

The general massage scheme is shown in the photo:

Massage for bronchitis in children can be done only during the period of improvement, approximately on the 4-5th day of illness. If the child is less than 12 months old, the procedure must be agreed with the doctor. In addition, it is important to take into account all contraindications. Neglecting them can lead to a worsening situation. Massage should not be done if:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • any complications of the disease;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the trachea and larynx, accompanied by spasm - mucus will not be able to freely exit through the narrowed upper respiratory tract.

Preparation includes bathing the child in hot water, warming up his muscles and skin by rubbing for several minutes. Then you should intensify the breathing process. Starting from the lower parts of the chest and moving upward, you need to tap the intercostal spaces with your fingertips.

Drainage massage technique

Drainage massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relieve cough with bronchitis in childhood. Before the session begins, the child must be laid in a special way so that his head is lower than his body. Due to this, pathological mucus moves from the bronchi to the larynx, from where it is easily released.

In addition to patting, drainage massage includes rubbing the back, which helps to dilate blood vessels in the lower respiratory tract and activate blood flow. Natural warming of the bronchi occurs. Copious liquid sputum begins to be released, which is easily coughed up. If carried out correctly, 1-2 sessions are enough for a child to recover from cough and bronchitis.

  1. Place the small patient on his stomach, placing a pillow (bowel, folded blanket) under him.
  2. Rub your back vigorously until it turns red.
  3. Using circular movements, massage your sides and trapezius muscles.
  4. Stroke the middle of the back from bottom to top. Work on the cervical region.

Massage techniques for bronchitis

The massage technique for coughing in children includes many techniques. Some of them:

  1. Rub the back of the child lying on his stomach. Turn it over and massage your chest with your palms. It is necessary to move from the side surfaces to the center as you inhale, and in the opposite direction as you exhale. Thanks to this massage, breathing becomes easier and expectoration increases.
  2. Place your baby on his stomach. Place your hands on bottom part backs. Gradually work your way up and make circular rubbing movements. Then, with noticeable pressure, press your hands to the skin and massage your back from the line of the spine to the shoulders.
  3. Place the child in the following position: lay him on his back, place a pillow or bolster under his pelvis so that his head is lower than his body. Tap between the ribs. Turn the baby onto his stomach, rub and stroke his back. If you carry out this massage for 25 minutes, the baby's bronchi will be cleared of mucus, and his breathing will normalize.
  4. Use two fingers to grasp the fold of skin on the lower back of the child lying on his stomach. Making quick movements, release and grab the covers, as if fingering them. Move from the lower back to the neck. This massage technique is called “wave” - it helps improve blood flow and remove phlegm during bronchitis and pneumonia. It is important to grasp the skin carefully, without injuring it or causing pain to the child.
  5. Place your baby on your lap with their back facing up. Tilt his body so that his head is slightly below the body line. Make stroking and patting movements, moving towards the upper back. Using this method, it is convenient to massage small children when they cough.

Obstructive bronchitis and massage

The inflammatory process that affects the bronchi and is characterized by the accumulation of a large volume of sputum in their lumen is called obstructive bronchitis. It is dangerous because the mucus that does not come out interferes with normal ventilation of the lungs. Signs of obstruction are whistling during breathing and difficulty breathing.

Massage, which improves sputum discharge, will help alleviate the child's condition. You can use any of the described techniques, including drainage. In addition, the baby’s feet have a positive effect - they need to be rubbed until the skin turns red, and then put on warm socks. With obstructive bronchitis, it is important to ensure high humidity in the children's room.


Massage for bronchitis in children is one of the most common methods of physiotherapeutic treatment.

Treatment using massage should be carried out in the subacute stage of the disease, when the child is practically not bothered by the symptoms of intoxication (body temperature, fever, sweating, headache, lack of appetite) and an unproductive or wet cough appeared.

In children, especially younger and middle-aged children, the presence of a small lumen in the trachea and bronchi of large and medium caliber is anatomically determined, in contrast to the diameter of the lumen in an adult. Due to this feature, bronchitis with an obstructive component occurs - complete or incomplete closure of the lumen bronchial tree due to spasm, swelling or excessive mucus in the bronchi. This complication leads to shortness of breath, impaired consciousness or fainting due to oxygen starvation child's brain.

Massage for bronchitis in children should be carried out observing certain criteria, the most important of which are microclimatic conditions and daily routine.

  1. The massage is carried out after the room has been ventilated, in which the air temperature should not go beyond 20 - 250C, and the humidity should not be lower than 65%.
  2. The best time for a massage is in the morning before breakfast or in the evening, an hour before bed. This time is calculated based on the fact that after the procedure, sputum begins to come out abundantly and, in order not to interfere with the child’s sleep or eating, such a time frame is recommended.
  3. The massage is performed on an empty stomach, an hour before meals or 1.5 - 2 hours after, so as not to cause nausea, vomiting or bloating.

Main types and methods of performing the procedure

To stimulate better mucus discharge followed by expectoration of mucus from the bronchi, a drainage massage is performed.

Drainage massage is carried out while lying on the stomach with the child’s pelvis raised (it is enough to place a couple of pillows). The head should be below waist level. First, simply stroking movements are performed in the direction from the lower back to the shoulders, then small tapping, and only then rubbing using the ribs of the palms and pinching, grasping the subcutaneous fat. After such increasing exposure, the child is given a sitting position and allowed to cough well.

Next, after complete discharge of sputum, the drainage massage is repeated one more time. Then the child is well wrapped in a blanket and placed in a semi-sitting position; a wet cough may be observed for another 30 to 40 minutes.

Drainage massage is performed daily for 5 – 7 days.

To improve the process of expectoration of phlegm, as well as to stimulate blood circulation in the bronchopulmonary system, a vibration massage is used, which consists of tapping the back with the edge of the palm in the direction from bottom to top after intense stroking.

Cupping massage can also be used to improve blood circulation and stimulate the body's protective properties.

Massage oil is applied to the skin of the back for better glide and medical cups are installed, which then begin to move along the back in the upward and sideways direction.

Any type of massage can be supplemented with pine aromatic oils or animal fat for a better warming effect. Goose or badger fat is good for such purposes.

Massage for bronchitis in children should be performed strictly adhering to a number of indications and contraindications, since failure to comply with these standards can only harm the child’s health and increase the intensity inflammatory process in organism.

Indications for use

  • the presence of an unproductive or already productive cough;
  • absence of symptoms of body intoxication;
  • confirmation of the diagnosis of bronchitis by a local pediatrician, since cough is not only a symptom of bronchitis, but also of others serious illnesses bronchopulmonary system.

For example, with tuberculosis, lung abscess or pneumonia, which can occur without elevated temperature, massage is strictly prohibited because it leads to the spread of the process to healthy tissue lungs and only aggravates the course of the disease.

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