Home Smell from the mouth Can Nasonex and Polydex be used together? Polydexa or Nasonex: combined and separate use

Can Nasonex and Polydex be used together? Polydexa or Nasonex: combined and separate use

Volyk Larisa Vladimirovna

Reading time: 6 minutes


Nasonex belongs to the category of hormonal drugs that are most often used to treat allergic rhinitis. In addition, it is often prescribed for the development of sinusitis or complications of a runny nose. This drug is highly effective and well tolerated by patients. However, sometimes you need to find a cheaper analog than Nasonex. This is due to the fairly high price of the medicine.

Characteristics of the drug

Each dose contains 50 mcg of the hormonal substance mometasone furoate. The preparation also contains auxiliary elements. Thanks to its unique composition, the product has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and has an antiallergic effect.

Indications for use of the substance include the following:

  • allergic rhinitis of a seasonal or year-round nature;
  • acute sinusitis;
  • relapses of chronic sinusitis;
  • prevention of allergic rhinitis;
  • acute form of rhinosinusitis, which is accompanied by mild or moderate symptoms;
  • nasal polyposis, which is accompanied by impaired breathing and sense of smell.

To cope with the problem, you need to strictly follow the instructions. For the allergic form of the disease, adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 2 injections once a day. In difficult situations, the dosage is increased to 4 injections. As the manifestations of the disease decrease, the volume of the drug can be reduced to 1 injection. Children 2-11 years old are usually prescribed 1 dose once a day. Improvement can be achieved during the first day of using the product.

For relapses of chronic sinusitis, Nasonex should be combined with antibacterial drugs. In this case, a single dose for adult patients is 2-4 administrations 2 times a day. The specific amount is selected by the doctor - it all depends on the characteristics of the disease. After reducing the manifestations of the pathology, the daily dosage of the medication can be reduced.

Before using the spray, the container with the drug should be shaken well. After which it is recommended to make 5-7 calibration clicks, which help to dose the product correctly. If the spray has not been used for more than 2 weeks, these manipulations are repeated.

Review of effective and cheap analogues

Since the medicine is quite expensive, there is often a need to find analogues and replacements that are cheaper than Nasonex. In this case, the effect of the medicine should be the same as that of expensive hormonal drugs.

To choose an adequate replacement product, you need to know the cost of Nasonex. So, 60 doses of the medicine will cost about 500 rubles, 120 doses will cost about 850 rubles.

There are analogues and replacements for Nasonex, which cost a little less. They have a similar effect, but differ in active components. Thanks to the use of such drugs, it is possible to obtain a complex effect, cope with allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, suffocation and swelling.

So, analogues of Nazonex spray include the following:

  1. Rinoclenil - its active component is beclamethasone. 200 doses of the drug will cost approximately 350 rubles.
  2. Flixonase – the active ingredient of this drug is fluticasone propionate. A bottle containing 120 doses of the substance costs about 750 rubles.
  3. Nazarel - its active component is fluticasone propionate. At the same time, 120 doses of the medicine cost only 320 rubles.
  4. Avamis - the active ingredient of the drug is fluticasone furoate. Moreover, 120 doses of the substance cost 650 rubles.
  5. Nasobek – the active ingredient is beclamethasone. Moreover, 200 doses of the substance cost only 170 rubles.
  6. Sinoflurin – the active ingredient of the drug is fluticasone propionate. 120 doses of the substance cost 430 rubles.

It is strictly forbidden to choose the cheapest product from the list of analogues. Before starting therapy, you should definitely consult your doctor. The specialist must select an effective medicine based on the history of the disease and its severity. Self-medication can cause dangerous side effects and seriously worsen a person’s condition.

Detailed review of the use of Nasonex

Nasonex or flixonase - which is better?

When choosing flixonase or nasonex, it is worth considering that the first remedy is not much cheaper. Therefore, it can hardly be called an inexpensive analogue. Flixonase is usually used if for some reason it is not possible to buy Nasonex. These sprays have similar active ingredients. They also have the same list of indications and contraindications. These medications also have the same side effects.

The only drawback is the age restrictions. Thus, Flixonase can only be used from 4 years of age, while Nasonex can be used from 2 years of age.

The advantage of this remedy is the ability to eliminate unpleasant eye manifestations that often accompany allergic reactions. These include lacrimation, swelling, redness, and itching of the eyelids. In general, these substances can be called interchangeable.

Nasonex or Avamis - what to choose

Avamis or Nazonex – which is better? This question is relevant for many people. Avamis has a similar composition and can be used from 2 years of age. When choosing Nasonex or Avamis, it is worth considering that all the indications, side effects and contraindications of these drugs are completely the same.

At the same time, Avamis is somewhat cheaper. Therefore, when prescribing Avamis or Nasonex for adenoids, pediatricians most often choose an inexpensive analogue. Clinical studies of adenoiditis confirm the correctness of this prescription.

Thanks to the use of Avamis, it is possible to stabilize breathing in children and cope with swelling. At the same time, the size of the adenoids does not increase. Many patients note a milder effect of the substance. At the same time, Nasonex can provoke increased dryness of the mucous membranes and even cause bleeding.

The difference between the sprays is also the packaging. Nasonex is placed in a plastic bottle, while Avamis is released in a special plastic glass. The only drawback of Avamis is that it cannot be used for prophylactic purposes, unlike Nasonex.

Nasonex or Nazarel - which is better?

Nazarel has a lower cost compared to Nasonex. It is often used to treat children. Moreover, the principle of action of these drugs is the same. Many patients note that Nazarel is no less effective than Nasonex. Moreover, it allows you to get the same therapeutic effect.

The only drawback of Nazarel is the age limit. The product can only be used from 4 years of age, while Nasonex is also prescribed for 2-year-old children. In addition, Nazarel is produced in only one dosage, namely 50 mcg in each dose.

Nasonex or Nasobek

When choosing Nasonex or Nasobek, it is worth analyzing the composition of these medications. Nasobek has another active component - beclomethasone. In addition, this drug also has an immunosuppressive effect, which ensures the restoration of local immunity. This substance also helps reduce mucus production in the nasal passages.

The undoubted advantage of the drug nasobek is its low cost. It is excellently tolerated by patients even with long-term therapy. It can be used to treat vasomotor rhinitis.

At the same time, the spray also has certain disadvantages, one of which is the age limit. This substance can only be used from 6 years of age. It is also prohibited to use nasobek to prevent any form of allergic rhinitis.

Nasonex or desrinitis

Desrinit or Nasonex – which is better? These substances have certain differences. Thus, the Israeli medicine desrinit is a spray that is intended for intranasal and inhalation use. This remedy is used for symptoms of allergic rhinitis. It also successfully copes with inflammatory lesions of the nasopharynx.

When choosing Nasonex or Desrinit, it is worth considering that they have similar indications. In addition, desrinit can be used for inhalation, which is used to treat bronchial asthma and chronic pulmonary obstruction. The cost of this product is generally comparable to the price of Nasonex.

Nasonex or Tafen nasal

When choosing tafen or nasonex, it is worth considering that both drugs belong to the category of glucocorticosteroid hormones. Tafen contains another active component – ​​budesonide. With its help, it is possible to cope with inflammatory processes, eliminate allergies, cleanse the body of harmful elements and prevent the production of histamine.

Tafen begins to act literally within 2-3 days of use. It can be used for prophylactic purposes for a long time. The only downside is the age limit. This medicine can only be used from 6 years of age.

When used correctly, the risk of unwanted health effects is minimal. However, during pregnancy the medicine can be prescribed only in exceptional cases.

Nasonex or Derinat - what to choose

To choose an effective remedy, you need to evaluate the effect of these drugs on the body. Thus, derinat is an immunomodulator, which contains water. Thanks to this, the drug quickly penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the body. This medicine is used for inflammation that has been present for a long time. Its action begins after a few days.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of the product. The only limitation is considered intolerance to the ingredients of the substance.

Most often, Nasonex and Derinat are prescribed simultaneously. The first remedy begins to act on the first day of use. At the same time, derinat helps strengthen the body, increase its resistance to infections and stimulates the recovery process.

Nasonex or Polydex - which is better?

Sometimes patients are faced with the question of choosing – Polydex or Nasonex. It must be taken into account that these substances have different effects on the body. This is due to differences in the composition of the drugs.

Polydexa is a combination drug. It includes dexamethasone, which reduces allergy symptoms. It also contains phenylephrine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect, which makes breathing easier for the patient. In addition, the drug includes antibacterial components - polymyxan and neomycin. Due to this, the drug allows you to cope with bacterial microorganisms.

The instructions for nasonex analogues indicate that all of these drugs have an excellent effect and help cope with the symptoms of various pathologies. It is very important to use these substances under the supervision of a physician.. The specialist will be able to select the optimal remedy depending on the clinical picture and severity of the disease.

N azonex is a topical hormonal drug used in the treatment of rhinitis of allergic etiology. It is also often prescribed for complicated or complicated runny nose.

This drug is highly effective and well tolerated. But if the patient is intolerant of the active substance, it is necessary to select an analogue of Nasonex or a cheaper replacement, since the cost of the original drug is quite high.

The main active ingredient of Nasonex is mometasone furoate, a glucocorticoid. Each dose contains 50 mcg of a hormonal substance. Thanks to this, the drug exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, and therefore the main indications for use are:

  • seasonal and chronic allergic rhinitis;
  • acute course of sinusitis as part of complex therapy;
  • exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • prevention of allergic rhinitis with moderate or severe course;
  • acute form of rhinosinusitis with mild or moderate course;
  • nasal polyps, which is accompanied by difficulty breathing and decreased sense of smell.
The medicine has a prolonged effect. According to reviews, the patient will notice noticeable relief after the first use.

Dosage and rules of use

The first use of Nasonex begins with an initial preparatory “calibration”, which consists of 6-7 single presses of the dosing device.

This will establish a typical delivery of the main component, in which each press releases about 100 mg of mometasone furoate, that is, 50 mcg of pure glucocorticoid. “Calibration” must be repeated if the drug has not been used for 2 weeks.

Before each spraying, the bottle is shaken, since the drug is a suspension in which mometasone particles are evenly distributed.

If the nozzle becomes clogged, it must be carefully removed, rinsed under cold running water, and dried.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the drug should be used correctly:

  • clean the nasal cavity of mucus and crusts using saline;
  • close one nasal passage and insert the dispenser into the other;
  • Raise your head slightly, then inhale deeply through your nose and press the spray nozzle;
  • exhale through your mouth.

For children from 2 to 11 years of age, the therapeutic dose is one injection (50 mcg), for adolescents from 11 years of age and adults - 2 injections, that is, 100 mcg. Instructions for use suggest several treatment regimens with Nasonex:

  • treatment of seasonal and chronic: for adult patients and children over 2 years of age, 1 therapeutic dose per nostril once a day. Maintenance therapy - 1 press, that is, 50 mcg of mometasone. In severe cases, a one-time dose increase to 4 presses is permissible, that is, 400 mg.
  • As part of the auxiliary treatment of acute sinusitis: adult patients and adolescents over 12 years of age, one dose twice a day. In the absence of positive dynamics, the dose may be increased to 4 injections 2 times a day.
  • Nasal polyps: Adults and adolescents over 18 years of age, therapeutic dose twice daily. After the symptoms have reduced, the drug is used once a day in the same dose.
    As a preventative measure, Nasonex should be used 20 days before the flowering of a plant whose pollen is a potential allergen, at the above dose once a day.
The dose of the drug is selected individually for each patient by the treating allergist or otolaryngologist.

Contraindications and side effects

Nasonex is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, tuberculosis intoxication of the body, violations of the integrity of the nasal mucosa (the drug reduces the rate of tissue epithelization), viral, fungal, and bacterial infections of the nasal cavity.

Since appropriate clinical studies have not been conducted on the use of the drug in the treatment of nasal polyps in children under 18 years of age, Nasonex is used in this category of patients only as prescribed by a doctor.

For pregnant women and during lactation, the drug is prescribed only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk of possible complications in the development of the child.

When using Nasonex, side effects may occur such as migraine attacks and severe headaches, nasal bleeding, burning sensation in the nose, irritation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of erosions, very rarely - perforation of the nasal septum, disruption of the adrenal glands, increased intraocular pressure, deterioration of vision and taste .

It is extremely rare for immediate allergic reactions to develop, including angioedema and anaphylaxis.

Nasonex's analogues are cheaper

Sometimes it becomes necessary to choose cheaper Nasonex analogues, the effectiveness of which will not be lower than the original product. The price of a drug with a volume of 60 doses varies from 420 to 500 rubles, 120 doses - from 700 to 870 rubles.

Analogs exhibit similar effects, but may differ in composition. At the same time, they also effectively cope with manifestations of allergies, inflammation, and asthma attacks.

The only generic (with the same composition as Nasonex) is the Czech “Desirint” costing 350 rubles for 140 doses. Both medications are identical, but the list of side effects of the substitute is longer and may occur during administration: anxiety, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, glaucoma, cataracts.

The list of drugs with similar effects and lower costs is as follows:

  • "Rinoclenil" (beclamethasone) - 200 doses 370 rubles;
  • “Flixonase” (fluticasone propionate) - 120 doses 780 rubles;
  • “Nazarel” (fluticasone propionate) - 120 doses 400 rubles;
  • "Avamys" (fluticasone furoate) - 120 doses 725 rubles;
  • “Nasobek” (beclamethasone) - 200 doses 180 rubles;
  • "Tafen nasal" (budesonide) - 200 doses 420 rubles;
  • “Polydexa” (dexamethasone, phenylephrine, polymyxin, neomycin) - 295 rubles;
  • "Sinoflurin" (fluticasone propionate) - 120 doses 390 rub.

Only a doctor can select a similar substitute for Nasonex based on the previously collected anamnesis and the severity of symptoms. Self-medication in this case is dangerous due to side effects and can worsen the patient’s condition.

Analogs of Nasonex for children

Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe a hormonal drug or its replacement to a child. As a rule, Nasonex is used for severe allergies when other antihistamines are ineffective.

Children are most often prescribed the following list of analogues:

  • “Flixonase”, approved for use from 4 years of age;
  • "Avamys" can be used in the treatment of children over 2 years of age;
  • "Nazarel" is suitable for children from 4 years old.

Nasonex or Avamis - which is better?

Avamis is a substitute for Nazonex, which is closest to it in terms of its mechanism of action. It is also allowed to be used in the treatment of children over 2 years of age, and the list of indications, contraindications and possible side effects is the same.

Avamis is better for children due to the following advantages: low cost and effectiveness in the treatment of adenoiditis in children, which is manifested by stabilization of breathing, adenoids do not enlarge, the nasal mucosa does not dry out, so there is no nasal bleeding, which is often observed in childhood when using Nasonex.

However, Avamis cannot be used as a prophylactic agent, unlike Nasonex.

Nasonex or Flixonase

Flixonase is not the cheapest analogue of Nasonex. However, these drugs contain similar active ingredients, so the indications and contraindications for use are the same.

However, the original is approved for use from 2 years of age, and flixonase - only from 4 years of age.

Flixonase, unlike Nasonex, helps eliminate lacrimation, swelling, redness and itching of the eyelids. Thanks to this, the drug can be used without antihistamines, as monotherapy.

Nazarel or Nasonex - which is better?

Nazarel has a lower cost compared to Nasonex. It has a similar principle of action, exhibits a decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine effect, which appears 3 hours after the first injection.

Nazarel also helps reduce itching in the nose, eliminates sneezing, rhinitis, nasal congestion, discomfort in the maxillary sinuses, and alleviates eye allergy symptoms.

The therapeutic effect lasts for 24 hours after a single use of the spray. In addition, fluticasone has virtually no systemic effects, without affecting the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems.

However, like Flixonase, according to the instructions, Nazarel is used to treat children over 4 years of age. Therefore, only Nasonex is suitable for patients under this age.

Nasonex or Nasobek

Nasobek is a cheaper replacement than Nasonex; the drug contains beclomethasone. Because of this, it exhibits an immunosuppressive effect, helping to restore local immunity.

Another advantage of nasobek is the reduction of mucus production, good tolerance by patients and the possibility of using it in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis.

The disadvantages of the drug include the age restriction, according to which Nasobek can be used by children over 6 years of age. It is also not used as a prophylactic.

Nasobek is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Desrinit or Nasonex

Desrinit is the only drug synonymous with Nasonex based on the active substance, it can be used intranasally and for inhalation, which is an undeniable advantage.

The active substance does not exhibit systemic effects because it has low bioavailability. Also, during treatment there is no effect of the drug on the state of the immune system.

The medicine is prescribed to relieve allergic rhinitis, diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory lesions of the nasopharynx, and reduces the risk of developing complications after infectious diseases.

According to the instructions, the indications for use of Nasonex and Desrinit are similar.

Which is better - Nasonex or Tafen Nasal

Tafen Nasal contains budesonide. This substance is also a glucocorticosteroid hormone, so it effectively inhibits the development of the inflammatory process, allergies, and prevents the production of histamine (one of the mediators of sensitization).

Just like Nasonex, the analogue is contraindicated in the treatment of fungal, viral, bacterial infections of the nasal cavity, in pregnant women and during lactation, and in patients with liver failure.

The effect of the drug begins only on the 2-3rd day, while improvement after using Nasonex begins 12 hours after the first injection.

Tafen Nasal can also be used to prevent allergic rhinitis for several months and treat runny nose of non-allergic nature. However, it is allowed for children only after reaching 6 years of age.

Nasonex or Polydexa

Polydexa is a combination drug containing dexamethasone, phenylephrine, polymyxin and neomycin. Thanks to this composition, the drug exhibits decongestant, vasoconstrictor effects, and is also active against pathogens of bacterial infections.

In view of this, Polydexa has a wider list of indications, as well as contraindications. The drug is not prescribed to children under 15 years of age, with intolerance to the components, a history of ischemic stroke and convulsions, severe arterial hypertension, coronary insufficiency, glaucoma, herpetic infection.

When using Nasonex and its analogues, you should remember:

  • These drugs cannot be combined with others containing glucocortisteroids, as the risk of overdose increases;
  • drug withdrawal is carried out gradually to avoid the development of “withdrawal syndrome”;
  • the sprayer should be washed under running water at least once a week;
  • with long-term use, the functioning of the adrenal glands should be monitored;
  • Such drugs are used strictly according to the scheme and regularly.

Nasonex analogues have a similar spectrum of action and an identical list of side effects. However, only the attending physician can choose the most effective one in each specific case. After all, self-medication can lead to hormonal imbalance.

In contact with

It happens that a cold or allergic runny nose is complicated by a bacterial infection, develops into sinusitis or sinusitis, and curing it is not so easy. Some of the drugs that can help cope with such ENT diseases are Nasonex and Polydexa.

In severe forms of respiratory tract diseases, especially those complicated by an associated bacterial infection, antibiotics and drugs that relieve inflammation cannot be avoided. Therefore, ENT doctors quite often resort to local nasal sprays. The advantages of such medicines are:

  1. A quick effect that develops almost immediately as the drug enters the nasal mucosa.
  2. Almost complete absence of a general effect on the body, and therefore most of the side effects that drugs for oral administration, especially antibiotics, have.
  3. Pronounced and rapid local action, which allows the use of such drugs even in the youngest patients, starting from two to three years of age.

Despite the similarity of treatment effects and indications for use, Polydex and Nasonex differ in composition and mechanism of action.


It is a combination drug that contains several medicinal substances:

  • Neomycin is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, has a bactericidal effect, that is, it causes cell death, disrupting important synthesis processes in it, in particular protein synthesis.
  • Phenylephrine is a substance that causes constriction of blood vessels, including small ones, facilitating breathing and relieving swelling.
  • Polymyxin is another antibiotic, only from the group of polypeptides. It differs in that, by attaching to the membranes of bacterial cells, it causes their destruction, that is, it also belongs to bactericidal agents.
  • Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, that is, a substance similar in its structure and effect on hormones that are normally produced in the human body, in particular by the adrenal cortex. Relieves itching, irritation and inflammation.

Thanks to this composition, Polydex for the nose has the ability to relieve inflammation, facilitate breathing and kill bacteria that cause an infectious disease.

Polydexa comes in two dosage forms: nasal spray and ear drops. Unlike the first drug, the drops do not contain phenylephrine and have a lower concentration of dexamethasone. You cannot replace one medicine with another.


Nasonex contains only one substance - mometasone fuorate. Like dexamethasone in Polydex, it is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects and, when applied topically, has virtually no general effect.

The main mechanism for the development of the therapeutic effect is the inhibition of various inflammatory mediators - substances that are produced in the body in response to the penetration of bacteria, viruses or allergens and cause the development of the disease.

In addition, Nasonex helps special cells of the immune system - neutrophils - accumulate at the site of infection and thereby also blocks its spread.

Despite the fact that Nasonex is considered one of the safest glucocorticoid drugs, it is available by prescription and should only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Concomitant use

Can Polydexa and Nasonex be used simultaneously? Yes, for some diseases these medications are indeed prescribed together. However, they are used only in difficult situations when other means have not had the desired effect. So, your doctor may prescribe the following combination for you or your child:

  1. For severe seasonal or year-round rhinitis, especially with associated bacterial infection.
  2. For sinusitis, nasopharyngitis or sinusitis, both acute and chronic, but only in the presence of a bacterial infection.
  3. In some cases with adenoids.

You should not use these remedies for a common cold, since it is often caused by viruses, which neither Polydexa nor Nasonex have an effect on. Usually the drugs are prescribed in short courses and do not cause addiction or unpleasant side effects.

Treatment was prescribed: Sinupret for 14 days, Polydex with phenylephrine for 10 days. There was no temperature, no antibiotics were prescribed. Cured. Now 09/15/10 there is again purulent discharge from the nose, loss of smell and taste, Polydex was dropped again. I rinse my nose with furatsilin. I don’t know what to do anymore, it’s just a cry from the heart. I've heard about Nasonex spray, is it possible to use it simultaneously with Polydex? How often can you use Polydex? What can you recommend about Nasonex?

Thank you very much in advance.

Mark the answer and click on the “Thanks” button next to the photo.

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FSBI NMHC named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya 65,

Polydexa or Nasonex: combined and separate use

It happens that a cold or allergic runny nose is complicated by a bacterial infection, develops into sinusitis or sinusitis, and curing it is not so easy. Some of the drugs that can help cope with such ENT diseases are Nasonex and Polydexa.

How do they work?

In severe forms of respiratory tract diseases, especially those complicated by an associated bacterial infection, antibiotics and drugs that relieve inflammation cannot be avoided. Therefore, ENT doctors quite often resort to local nasal sprays. The advantages of such medicines are:

  1. A quick effect that develops almost immediately as the drug enters the nasal mucosa.
  2. Almost complete absence of a general effect on the body, and therefore most of the side effects that drugs for oral administration, especially antibiotics, have.
  3. Pronounced and rapid local action, which allows the use of such drugs even in the youngest patients, starting from two to three years of age.

Despite the similarity of treatment effects and indications for use, Polydex and Nasonex differ in composition and mechanism of action.


It is a combination drug that contains several medicinal substances:

  • Neomycin is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, has a bactericidal effect, that is, it causes cell death, disrupting important synthesis processes in it, in particular protein synthesis.
  • Phenylephrine is a substance that causes constriction of blood vessels, including small ones, facilitating breathing and relieving swelling.
  • Polymyxin is another antibiotic, only from the group of polypeptides. It differs in that, by attaching to the membranes of bacterial cells, it causes their destruction, that is, it also belongs to bactericidal agents.
  • Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, that is, a substance similar in its structure and effect on hormones that are normally produced in the human body, in particular by the adrenal cortex. Relieves itching, irritation and inflammation.

Thanks to this composition, Polydex for the nose has the ability to relieve inflammation, facilitate breathing and kill bacteria that cause an infectious disease.

Polydexa comes in two dosage forms: nasal spray and ear drops. Unlike the first drug, the drops do not contain phenylephrine and have a lower concentration of dexamethasone. You cannot replace one medicine with another.


Nasonex contains only one substance - mometasone fuorate. Like dexamethasone in Polydex, it is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects and, when applied topically, has virtually no general effect.

The main mechanism for the development of the therapeutic effect is the inhibition of various inflammatory mediators - substances that are produced in the body in response to the penetration of bacteria, viruses or allergens and cause the development of the disease.

In addition, Nasonex helps special cells of the immune system - neutrophils - accumulate at the site of infection and thereby also blocks its spread.

Despite the fact that Nasonex is considered one of the safest glucocorticoid drugs, it is available by prescription and should only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Concomitant use

Can Polydexa and Nasonex be used simultaneously? Yes, for some diseases these medications are indeed prescribed together. However, they are used only in difficult situations when other means have not had the desired effect. So, your doctor may prescribe the following combination for you or your child:

  1. For severe seasonal or year-round rhinitis, especially with associated bacterial infection.
  2. For sinusitis, nasopharyngitis or sinusitis, both acute and chronic, but only in the presence of a bacterial infection.
  3. In some cases with adenoids.

You should not use these remedies for a common cold, since it is often caused by viruses, which neither Polydexa nor Nasonex have an effect on. Usually the drugs are prescribed in short courses and do not cause addiction or unpleasant side effects.

Polydex or Nasonex?

My son has severe swelling in his nose, both drugs were prescribed by the doctor... which is better to instill first so that the nose can breathe at least a little?

Nasonex does not relieve swelling, I know from myself

what kind of procedure is this?

The ENT told me about Polydex like this... I didn’t come up with it myself) And it didn’t really help me (

I don’t know about children, but I only treat myself and my husband with Polydex. super remedy

Polydex. We were prescribed it, the effect is miraculous)

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Nasonex and Polydexa together

My daughter is 6. She has grade 1-2 adenoids. I've had a runny nose for a week now. Yesterday I blew off my snot in the morning - it was green. Let's go to the ENT specialist. ENT said that everything is swollen, she doesn’t see green snot, etc. We have been using a vasoconstrictor (SNUP) for a week now, she stopped it and replaced it with Nasonex 2 times a day. Plus isofru. Plus sinupret.

Yesterday I took this Nasonex 2 times a day - no effect. Just as the nose did not breathe, it still does not breathe. In the evening, so that the child would fall asleep normally, I sprayed Snoop. This morning I had to do the same, because my nose couldn’t breathe at all. There was practically no snot all day and my nose was breathing well, but in the evening it was stuffy again. I do not know what to do. Nasonex does not help, if you take SNUP, then today is already the 7th day of its use. That's horrible? And is it possible to combine SNUP and Nasonex? Is it possible that it does not work immediately, but only after a few days and you just need to spray it and wait for the effect?

1. replace snoop with tizin and at a dosage of 2 times a day, you can continue to drip for another week

2. half a tablet of suprastin at night.

3. everything else - you need to see the blood, but I would definitely spray Isofra for 3-4 days. But when the sniffles began to subside: I would connect Polydex.

Nasonex is not for you.

Yesterday I gave Zyrtec instead of Suprastin.

Is this Polydexa instead of Isofra?

And today the child is generally better, I don’t know whether Nasonex helped, Isofra, or the runny nose itself is coming to an end.

Relieves swelling well. Isofra is just what you need for green snot! Sinupret is also a good drug. 5 days according to this scheme and everything is normal.

Which is better: Nasonex or Polydex?

Confrontation between Nasonex and Polydex! Online voting will help identify the best drug from a given product segment. You can also express your point of view by taking part in the survey. The outcome may depend on your vote. Find it difficult to answer? Then quickly read the reviews of other people who have tested the functions of the drugs on themselves.

When starting to vote, be sure to compare your personal experiences using Polydexa and Nasonex. The overall assessment should consist of the quality of the product, the presence or absence of side effects, and the overall impression after use. We advise you not to take into account the price of drugs, pay attention exclusively to the effectiveness.

Will Polydexa help with adenoids in children?

Polydexa for adenoids in children is used quite often. Many otolaryngologists believe that this remedy can replace surgery. And yet, the issue of treatment is decided individually with each patient. For one, conservative treatment with the use of glucocorticoid hormones is suitable, while for another only surgery will help.

What are adenoids?

This is a tumor-like growth of the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil, located in the nasopharynx. The pharyngeal, lingual, 2 palatine and 2 tubal tonsils form a pharyngeal ring that protects the body from infection. Pharyngeal tonsils are developed only in children. They begin to grow after a year and stop growing at 10–12 years. Rarely, this pathology occurs in adults. Lymphoid tissue is connective tissue riddled with immune cells. The more often a child gets sick, the more growth there is. There are three degrees of growth:

  1. first - lymphoid tissue slightly covers the vomer - the bony part of the nasal septum;
  2. second - the pharyngeal tonsil covers 2/3 of the vomer;
  3. third - the pharyngeal tonsil covers the vomer completely.

What is the danger:

  • if the baby is often sick, pathogenic bacteria and viruses accumulate in the pharyngeal tonsil, the tissue becomes inflamed, and adenoiditis develops;
  • large growths disrupt nasal breathing, which further increases the risk of developing colds;
  • constant nasal congestion prevents sufficient oxygen supply to the brain, so the baby may lag behind in neuropsychic development;
  • The pharyngeal tonsil is located in close proximity to the auditory tube and is often the cause of otitis media and hearing impairment.

Large growths are removed surgically. In some cases, the problem can be corrected with conservative therapy.

Polydexa for adenoids in children

An alternative to surgery is Polydex with phenylephrine. Spray contains:

  • antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B; they suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone – eliminates inflammation, swelling and allergic reactions; prevents the proliferation of connective tissue of the pharyngeal tonsils;
  • mild vasoconstrictor phenylephrine - helps to quickly eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore breathing.

The product has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect and suppresses tumor growths. Therefore, otolaryngologists often prescribe it not only to treat exacerbations of the inflammatory process, but also to prevent the growth of formations. Under the influence of this medicine, they may even decrease in size.

Features of use for children

The spray is approved for use by children from 2.5 years old.

How to drip Polydex into the nose of children:

  • before use, the nose must be cleared of mucus: drop drops based on sea water or a 2% soda solution and blow your nose thoroughly;
  • in accordance with the instructions, up to 15 years of age, the spray is used one injection 3 times a day;
  • course of treatment – ​​up to 10 days.

How often can the spray be used? It is prescribed only by a doctor - an otolaryngologist or pediatrician - in courses and strictly according to indications. The spray is not used for the throat.


The drug is well tolerated. The only known side effects are allergic reactions, which are rare. The medicine acts locally and almost does not enter the bloodstream, so there is no overdose. Contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • severe kidney disease with impaired kidney function;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 2.5 years (spray medications are not prescribed at this age);
  • You cannot combine the use of the spray with certain medications for depression and Parkinson's disease (MAO inhibitors).

Polydex or Nasonex for adenoiditis

Nasonex is also a spray for topical use in ENT practice. Its active ingredient is the glucocorticoid hormone mometasone with anti-inflammatory properties. It eliminates swelling and allergies well, suppresses the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil.

During an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, Nasonex can only play a supporting role, since it does not have an antibacterial effect. It can be prescribed to a child in combination, for example, with Isofra, an antibacterial agent for topical use, if inflammation is accompanied by severe swelling and impaired nasal breathing. Isofra and Nasonex simultaneously effectively suppress infection, inflammation and proliferation of lymphoid tissue.

Nasonex is prescribed on its own for adenoids during remission in order to reduce their growth, as well as for nasal congestion. The medicine can compete with surgical treatment, as it suppresses the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil without having a general effect on the body.

Polydexa or Isofra for adenoids

Both drugs are prescribed for exacerbations of the infectious-inflammatory process. Polydex is prescribed for severe inflammation, accompanied by tissue swelling and nasal congestion. But if the purulent process predominates, preference should be given to Isofra, since the dexamethasone contained in Polydex helps to reduce local immunity.

Opinion of otolaryngologists about the drug

Most otolaryngologists speak positively about this remedy. Its use for adenoiditis can reduce treatment time and prevent the proliferation of lymphoid tissue.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that topical sprays do not have a significant therapeutic effect for infectious and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. He speaks negatively about doctors who prescribe such drugs, which goes against the objective data that are the result of research.

Thus, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Russian State Medical University conducted clinical trials of Polydex sprays with phenylephrine and Isofra in the treatment of children 3 to 14 years old with adenoiditis and sinusitis. The conducted studies have proven the high effectiveness of the drugs.

Consumer Reviews

Polydexa for adenoids in children reviews from parents:

  • Lena, 25 years old: “My son is 4 years old, his nose is constantly stuffy. ENT revealed grade 2 adenoids. At first they wanted to remove them, but then they were treated twice with Polydex and they became smaller. Nice spray."
  • Yuri, 36 years old: “My son is 13 years old, his adenoids are tormented, they used to say that he would outgrow them, but they only got bigger. Polydex spray helped - one course and the adenoids stopped growing. Now the ENT specialist has prescribed us Nasonex and believes that we can do without surgery.”

Polydexa is increasingly the drug of choice for adenoids, as it not only eliminates the infectious-inflammatory process, but also suppresses the proliferation of tumor tissue. Many people compare the use of this remedy to surgical treatment. At the same time, the medicine is not a panacea and sometimes it is still better to remove the adenoids.

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Reviews from patients and doctors about the drug Polydexa for adenoids in children

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will talk about the drug Polydexa for adenoids in children. Are you familiar with this drug? Judging by the reviews, it helps.

I think you and I should figure this out: how good it is and whether it is really effective. And to this we will involve not only the opinions of parents, but also experts.

I ask you to read this information carefully and take it seriously, since adenoids in children are one of the most common pathologies. And not all drugs are effective in treating it.

Description of the drug

Before getting to the point, i.e., reviews, I would like to provide you with some information about the drug Polydex, its properties and composition.

This medicine is prescribed for chronic runny nose with profuse purulent discharge from the nasal passages.

The composition of the drug includes:

Polydex spray has a vasoconstrictor, bactericidal and antimicrobial effect.

Thanks to this unique composition, this medicine eliminates inflammatory processes, destroys pathogenic microflora and facilitates nasal breathing.

Consumer Reviews

Now, let's find out what reviews parents leave about Polydex in the treatment of adenoids in children:

We were often sick, and because of this our adenoids became inflamed. The doctor diagnosed her with acute adenoiditis, stage 2. I started to panic, what if I had to delete it. I have heard a lot that with such a diagnosis, only surgery is needed.

But the doctor reassured me and said that we could cope with this pathology in a loyal way. He prescribed us the following treatment regimen: Polydex spray - two sprays in each nostril, then half an hour later - irrigation of the nasal passages with Miramistin and finally with Nasonex drops.

All this needs to be done twice a day. We were treated for 6 days and strictly followed the doctor’s instructions. Believe it or not, I myself couldn’t believe my ears when the doctor said that the adenoid tissue began to decrease in size after such therapy.

After such positive dynamics, the swelling and inflammation went away. As a fixative therapy, the doctor prescribed us to also drip aminocaproic acid into the nose. Now we are healthy and the adenoids no longer bother us.

I want to say that Polydex helped my child with adenoids, although as part of a complex treatment. Highly recommend!

Did you know that Polydexa contains hormones and antibiotics. The doctor also prescribed this remedy for stage 2 adenoids. I do not welcome hormonal medications, even if they are local, so I decided not to risk it and took the child to another doctor.

I asked him how Polydexa affects the child’s body. The ENT specialist replied that this remedy is absolutely safe and truly effective, but only in combination with other drugs. The doctor prescribed us a comprehensive treatment, which included this nasal spray.

After just a week of treatment, my doubts were dispelled. My child began to breathe through his nose, his runny nose and purulent discharge went away. The baby became cheerful, cheerful and active.

After treatment, we visited our doctor again and he said that we were getting better. The adenoids became smaller, the inflammation went away. So the drug is good, I recommend it!

We have acute grade 3 adenoiditis, and as the doctor explained, the pathology is very dangerous. We were already prepared for the operation, but the doctor asked us not to rush and try to solve this problem in a conservative way.

The doctor prescribed us the drug Polydex, a solution based on sea salt, Nasonex and a complex of vitamins and minerals. He wrote out a detailed treatment plan. We have already completed a ten-day course of therapy, and there are results!

And it is positive: the child began to breathe through his nose, sleep peacefully at night, no snoring or wheezing. We are still undergoing treatment and periodically visit our otolaryngologist. Everything is going as it should, the adenoids are decreasing in size and the most important thing is that we can do without surgery.

Therefore, girls, the drug is good, I highly recommend it! And special thanks to our attending physician for the competent treatment!

The adenoids were treated with Polydexa, Sinupret and saline solution according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. It helped us! We were cured in two weeks. We hope that the adenoids will no longer make themselves felt!

It’s not for nothing that our pediatric ENT specialist said that Polydexa will definitely help you with adenoids. I’m convinced of this and I advise you to try it!

As practice shows, Polydex spray really helped many children cope with adenoids. But before drawing conclusions, I propose to find out the opinion of doctors about this remedy.

Opinion of otolaryngologists

The debate about the safety and effectiveness of using Polydexa for adenoids still does not subside. Is this drug really that effective? Used by many specialists in practice, Polydexa spray shows effective and satisfying rapid results of therapy.

Clinical studies have shown the presence of positive dynamics in the use of the drug already on the third day. This effect is due to the unique composition of the drug. Reviews from experts about the drug Polydexa for adenoids are positive.

But almost all otolaryngology doctors are inclined to the same opinion - it is simply impossible to cure adenoids with this remedy alone, especially if the pathology has reached an advanced form.

In this case, only complex treatment is required, which includes several medications that eliminate swelling, inflammation, pathogenic microflora, as well as pain during adenoiditis.

Doctor Komarovsky about Polydex

Ukrainian pediatrician is skeptical about the use of local antibiotics due to the lack of evidence of their effectiveness.

Despite numerous positive reviews about the drug Polydexa for adenoids in children, the doctor is convinced that such therapy is not always effective, and in some cases it can worsen the situation.

Komarovsky explains this by saying that a low concentration of the drug at the site of inflammation can provoke the development of new pathogenic microflora that is resistant to this antibiotic. Thus, the process of adaptation of harmful bacteria occurs and such treatment simply becomes useless.

At the same time, Oleg Evgenievich does not consider his opinion to be unambiguous and a reason for discussing the prescription of the above-mentioned drug. After all, there are no violations in the field of pharmacology and the principles of modern medicine for such purposes.


Taking into account consumer reviews and the opinions of doctors, we can say that Polydexa is really effective and is successfully used in the complex therapy of adenoiditis.

Thanks to the action of two antibiotics, a corticosteroid hormone and a vasoconstrictor, this remedy eliminates runny nose, inflammation, swelling and restores nasal breathing, which allows you to achieve quick results in the treatment of adenoids in children.

I hope you found this article very interesting and useful. See you!

Polydexa - instructions for use + reviews and analogues

There are a lot of sprays for the treatment of runny nose, but the French drug Polydex with phenylephrine is in greatest demand. The popularity of the drug is explained by its safety and high degree of effectiveness: symptoms subside on the second day of use, and after a few days complete recovery occurs. It is often prescribed by pediatricians, but only when the child has already reached the age of 2 and a half years, since there are certain contraindications.

Polydexa - instructions for use

Most remedies for the common cold act through vasoconstrictor components, relieving congestion and making breathing easier. There is also an option with simple rinsing (saline solutions), which removes excess mucus and pathogenic microorganisms. There are also antimicrobial drugs used topically.

Is Polydexa an antibiotic or not?

Yes, this is a combined antibiotic that not only alleviates the symptoms, but also eliminates the cause of the disease. The combination of the antibiotic polypeptide polymyxin B and the aminoglycoside neomycin has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. However, a positive result is guaranteed only if rhinitis or sinusitis is caused by bacteria, and viral infections are treated with other drugs. Therefore, you cannot prescribe Polydex nasal drops yourself - only a specialist can make a reliable diagnosis.

Pharmacological group

The drug contains four active components, therefore it belongs to several groups. Alpha adrenomimetic, glucocorticosteroid (external), polypeptide and aminoglycoside antibiotics.

Composition of Polydex

The nasal spray has a bactericidal, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect due to a combination of several active ingredients:

  • Neomycin is a first generation aminoglycoside antibiotic produced by Streptomyces fradiae (a soil actinomycete). The spectrum of its antimicrobial activity includes gram-positive pneumococci, staphylococci, as well as many gram-negative microorganisms that cause respiratory infections.
  • Polymyxin B is one of the polypeptide cyclic antibiotics, a waste product of Bacillus polymyxa. It has a bactericidal effect mainly on gram-negative microflora, destroying the cell wall of the pathogen. Like neomycin, it practically does not cause the development of resistance.
  • Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid, hormonal agent. Like other drugs in this group, it has an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect.
  • Phenylephrine is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that is often used in otolaryngology as a vasoconstrictor.

This combination of components allows you to treat sinusitis and rhinitis comprehensively, providing not only symptomatic, but also antibacterial therapy.

Release form

The owner of the certificate and the manufacturer of the drug is the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati. The drug is produced in the form of a nasal spray in 15 ml plastic bottles, packed in a cardboard pack and supplied with instructions. Administration into the nasal passages is carried out by spraying through a special dispenser. The content of active ingredients is as follows: neomycin and polymyxin - and ED, respectively, dexamethasone 0.025 g, phenylephrine - 0.25 grams.

Photo of the packaging of Polydex in the form of a nasal spray

The same company also produces Polydex ear drops, which are almost identical in composition. They differ only in the absence of the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine, since this component is not required for the treatment of otitis. Antibiotics are contained in the same quantities as in the remedy for the common cold, dexamethasone - 0.1 g. It is bottled in glass bottles with a volume of 10.5 grams, equipped with a dosing pipette.

Photo of packaging of Polydex ear drops

Recipe in Latin

New rules for the sale of antibiotics, approved at the beginning of this year, significantly limited the list of over-the-counter drugs and increased penalties for violations. Therefore, the answer to the frequent question about how Polydexa is dispensed - with a prescription or not - is unequivocal: without a medical prescription issued on a special form, a pharmacist has no right to sell this drug.

The prescription itself must contain brief information about the person to whom the medicine was prescribed (full name, age), as well as an entry in Latin of the following form:

Rp.: Spray “Polydexa with phenylephrine” 15 ml

The document must be certified by the signature of the doctor who prescribed the spray and his personal seal. Without them, the recipe is considered invalid.

Indications for use of Polydex

Ear drops are intended for antibiotic therapy of external otitis, while damage to the eardrum is a contraindication. The drug is also prescribed in case of diagnosis of infected eczema, which affects the ear canal.

Polydex nasal spray with phenylephrine is used for the treatment of rhinitis and nasopharyngitis (combined inflammation of the pharynx and nasal passages) in both acute and chronic forms, as well as inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses in children and adults.

Polydexa - contraindications

Taking into account the multicomponent composition, where each active ingredient has restrictions on its use, the spray for the common cold has quite a few contraindications. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • intolerance to one or more ingredients;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • early childhood (first 2 and a half years of life);
  • existing or suspected angle-closure glaucoma;
  • viral infections;
  • use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • renal failure, albuminuria.

Ear drops are similarly contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in persons with hypersensitivity. In addition, you should not instill the drug into the ear if there are mechanical damage or infections of a viral or fungal nature.

Dosage, method of use of Polydex

The duration of treatment for otitis media or infected eczema with ear drops should not exceed 10 days (on average, recovery requires no more than a week). Adults are usually recommended to drip the medicine twice a day, in an amount of 1 to 5 drops in each ear canal. Children need to administer the medicine according to the same schedule, but no more than two drops for each ear per appointment.

For runny nose and sinusitis, Polydexa with phenylephrine is used - a spray that is used for 5-10 days. An adult needs to take 3, 4 or 5 injections per day (one for each nasal passage per appointment). The child only needs three times a day, also one spray per nostril. If the remedy does not help for the longest possible course, it needs to be changed.

How to properly use Polydexa nasal drops and spray

The manufacturer has quite succinctly described the method of using its products, so patients (especially parents of babies) may have clarifying questions. Using both dosage forms is very simple, as the ear drops are easy to inject. A dosing pipette attachment will help you drop the medicine into the ear, and the spray bottle is equipped with a sprayer. Before using the drug for a runny nose, it is advisable to first clean the nasal passages - blow your nose and rinse them with saline solution sold at the pharmacy. This helps to increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

Sometimes they ask whether Polydex for the nose can be dripped into the ear. It is not advisable to do this; for the treatment of otitis, there is a special dosage form without phenylephrine and more convenient to use. However, if there is no alternative, you should discuss the problem with your doctor, who will suggest the correct answer.

The instructions for use state that an overdose of Polydexa is unlikely and such cases have not been reported. When following the recommended dosage regimen, it is impossible to exceed the therapeutic concentrations of the active substances. In addition, the components of the drug act locally, practically without being absorbed into the bloodstream, which prevents its toxic effect even if the dose is exceeded.

Side effects of Polydex

As a rule, if you follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor, there are no negative consequences of therapy. Antibiotics act locally, without entering the bloodstream, so phenomena characteristic of systemic treatment with antimicrobial medications do not occur. Only in the presence of hypersensitivity can allergic reactions of a local nature occur. If there is an uncharacteristic deterioration in the condition, you must inform the specialist who prescribed the medicine.

Polydexa during pregnancy

However, such a ban is not associated with the actual toxicity of the drug, but with the insufficient study of its effect on the body of the expectant mother and the fetus itself. So can Polydexa be used during pregnancy?

In the first trimester - definitely not. The formation of organs and their systems is underway, the placenta is being formed, so at this stage you need to take maximum care of your health so that you don’t have to take any medications. The next three months are a less dangerous period, and many expectant mothers report that during this period, on the advice of a doctor, they used this spray, often in the form of inhalations through a nebulizer.

The last trimester is considered the safest in terms of treatment, however, even here, you need to take any antibiotics, even approved ones, very carefully. If there is no alternative, and the disease cannot be treated with other drugs, the otolaryngologist may recommend a French medication. Under no circumstances should pregnant women treat themselves with it, since in addition to the risk to the fetus, there is a possibility of developing an allergy.

Polydexa and alcohol - compatibility

Medicines that are applied topically can, in principle, be combined with alcohol intake if they do not enter the bloodstream. The main danger of the combination of ethanol with antimicrobial drugs is for the liver, whose cells may not be able to withstand the increased load of neutralizing harmful compounds.

However, Polydexa is incompatible with alcohol, since the latter dilates blood vessels, negating the effectiveness of phenylephrine. In addition, bacterial infections weaken the body's defenses, so alcoholic drinks can cause various side effects that are not typical for antibiotic therapy with this spray.

Polydex nasal drops - the best analogues

Sometimes it becomes necessary (if the drug is poorly tolerated or cannot be purchased) to replace the prescribed medication. The doctor must select an alternative, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient and his diagnosis. The French medicine does not have complete structural analogues, but the same company produces Isofra spray, which also contains an antibiotic. In this case, it is framycetin, which is close to neomycin, so for sinusitis, Polydex or Isofra have almost the same effect.

In addition, you can use medicines from other groups that help with runny nose and sinusitis:

The listed nasal drops and sprays have a therapeutic effect due to the content of antiseptics, antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids, and the price may vary both up and down. The most popular ones should be considered in more detail.

Which is better, Rinofluimucil or Polydexa

The French drug (costs an average of 320 rubles) contains antimicrobial, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory components, and Rinofluimucil (about 270 rubles) consists of the mucolytic acetylcysteine ​​and the vasoconstrictor tuaminoheptane. This combination ensures the discharge of mucopurulent contents of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses due to its dilution and reduction of edema, therefore the indications for use for both medications are identical.

Despite the fact that there are no antibiotics in the medicine, the list of contraindications is quite large, and children under three years of age should be prescribed with caution. However, the product is effective and may well replace Polydex if the doctor allows it.

Which is better - Polydexa or Nasonex

This popular analogue “works” due to the presence of the glucocorticosteroid mometasone, which is indicated for rhinitis of allergic origin.

It can also be used for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, but only in combination with suitable antibiotics. That is, the indications for these drugs are different, and the question of which is better should be decided by the doctor, focusing on the cause and course of the disease. You can prescribe a spray with mometasone from the age of 2, the minimum selling price is 440 rubles for a 10-gram bottle.

Doctor's review of Polydex spray

Pharmacists, otolaryngologists and therapists characterize this drug as very effective. The spectrum of its antimicrobial action is much wider than that of its analogues, due to the content of two types of antibiotics. A vasoconstrictor and glucocorticosteroid significantly accelerate the healing process by relieving edema. When used properly (on the advice of a specialist and following his recommendations), it does not cause any side effects and is completely safe.

A pediatrician with 28 years of experience from Volgodonsk, Shor O.L. about Polydex: “I can’t say anything bad about this drug, it’s really very effective. I prescribe for such diagnoses as rhinosinusitis, adenoiditis and rhinitis of a protracted nature, when other remedies do not help. The medicine is well tolerated by children, I have not yet received a single report of “side effects”, and, as a rule, a minimum five-day course is enough for a complete recovery. I think the only drawback is the age limit.”

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When sinusitis occurs, the question arises, which is better - Polydex or Nasonex, since both medications have an anti-inflammatory effect. The drugs are used for sinusitis and persistent rhinitis.

When sinusitis occurs, the question arises, which is better - Polydex or Nasonex, since both medications have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Effect of the drug Polydexa

The drug helps eliminate the inflammatory process in the sinuses, constricts blood vessels, making breathing easier. The antibiotics included in the composition affect pathogenic microflora and prevent their reproduction.

Action of the drug Nasonex

The medicine relieves the symptoms of an allergic reaction: nasal congestion, itching, swelling, etc. The medicine also eliminates the inflammatory process. The drug relieves pain and burning in the nose area.

The combined effect of the drugs Polydex and Nasonex

The medications enhance the effect of each other, due to which inflammation, nasal congestion, pain, swelling and purulent exudate are quickly eliminated.

The combined effect of drugs on the mucous membrane helps speed up recovery from sinusitis and sinusitis.

During treatment with medications, the feeling of pressure in the sinuses, which occurs due to the accumulation of purulent discharge, is eliminated.

Indications for simultaneous use

Drugs are prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • runny nose in acute and chronic form;
  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and larynx;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • polyposis

Medicines can be used to prevent exacerbations.


Medicines should not be used to treat glaucoma or suspected glaucoma. Medicines should not be used while taking MAO inhibitors. Contraindications to therapy are kidney pathologies. During pregnancy and lactation such drugs are contraindicated.

Treatment should be avoided during the postoperative period, as well as in the presence of nasal injuries. Drugs should be included with caution in the therapeutic regimen for viral, bacterial and fungal infections. This is especially true for the exacerbation stage.

It is not recommended to use the products for tuberculosis infection.

In cases of severe immunosuppression, drug treatment should be approached with caution. The same remark applies to people with hypersensitivity to glucocorticosteroids. If the nasal mucosa is damaged and bleeding, then such medications should be used for therapy only after consulting a doctor.

How to use

Polydex is used 3 to 5 times a day. The spray must be sprayed by pressing the dispenser once. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Nasonex is not recommended for use more than once a day. The bottle should be shaken before each use. The therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. It is important to remember to clean the nozzle after each use. To do this, it is recommended to rinse it under running water.

Side effects of Polydex and Nasonex drugs

Medicines can provoke increased allergic reactions if you are hypersensitive to the components. During therapy, respiratory tract infections may worsen. Anaphylactic shock and bronchospasm occur less frequently. Headache may occur during drug therapy. With long-term treatment, glaucoma is possible.

The use of sprays often increases intraocular pressure.

The use of medications may be accompanied by nosebleeds and a burning sensation in the nasal mucosa. In rare cases, irritation of the larynx and impaired taste perception may occur. Children often experience sneezing during therapy.

Before starting therapy with these medications, it is important to examine the nasal cavity for possible damage. Long-term treatment is fraught with perforation of the septum.

Doctors' opinion

Oleg, 54 years old, therapist, Izhevsk

Both medications are effective in combating inflammatory pathologies of the nasal sinuses. Polydexa is considered a safer medication because it is better tolerated. I also use Nasonex in my practice, but less often. I try not to prescribe this drug to children due to the increased risk of negative reactions. I do not recommend combining these drugs.

Victoria, 38 years old, therapist, Perm

These products do an excellent job with various types of rhinitis. Polydex is best used for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and bacterial complications, since the medicine contains antibiotics. Nasonex is more effective in combating allergic reactions. Due to the fact that both drugs contain glucocorticosteroids, they should be used simultaneously only in cases of advanced pathological processes.

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