Home Dental treatment Food allergies in a child. Allergies in children Allergies in young children

Food allergies in a child. Allergies in children Allergies in young children

Allergies in children are one of the most common reasons for visiting a pediatric doctor. Parents who encounter such disorders quite often are interested in how to recognize the symptoms of allergies in their baby, what to do in this case, and how to prevent an unpleasant illness.

General overview

An allergy is a child’s body’s response to certain external irritants. The result is a defensive reaction, which is manifested by cough, runny nose, and skin rashes.

Experts have concluded that this disease can be inherited. If one of the parents is allergic, there is a high risk that the baby’s immune system will have to fight the same irritant.

Allergies can be immediate (as soon as the irritating factor is eliminated, the reaction goes away) and long-term. In this case, to get rid of the pathology, special therapy, diet and creation are required. necessary conditions accommodation.


The causes of allergies can be very different. Some of them are able to accompany a person throughout his life.

In areas that are environmentally unfavorable, with intestinal dysbiosis, in premature babies, as well as in those who face constant somatic diseases, the risk of developing allergies increases significantly.

The immune system reaction can be triggered by the following irritants:

  • food;
  • plant pollen;
  • household dust;
  • medications;
  • substances included in cosmetics for children;
  • proteins contained in animal saliva;
  • chemical compounds.

The causes of allergies in children can be very diverse. It is very important to promptly identify the source of such a reaction and eliminate it.


To the question: “What does an allergy look like?” It is very difficult to give a definite answer, because everything depends on the allergen. An allergic reaction can affect only one part of the body, or it can affect the entire body. It is very difficult to give an exact list of symptoms, but it is quite possible to try to generalize them.

Skin allergies in children can appear in places or spread over the entire body. You can recognize it by the appearance of a rash, redness of certain areas of the skin, itching, and the formation of blisters and blisters.

What should parents pay attention to?

  • Runny nose that does not go away for a long time.
  • Itching in the nose, frequent sneezing.
  • Redness of the eyes, increased lacrimation.
  • Difficulty breathing due to swelling.
  • Some allergens can cause an increase in body temperature.

Especially dangerous form An allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock, which can develop in full force in a matter of minutes.

Symptoms of this manifestation are as follows:

  • The child may lose consciousness.
  • The baby turns red or pale.
  • Possible development of dehydration or, conversely, profuse sweating.
  • Labored breathing.

In case of development anaphylactic shock need to call immediately ambulance. Allergists have a wide range of methods at their disposal that can help identify the true cause of reactions in children.

Main types

Allergic manifestations depend on the type of irritant and the duration of exposure.

The main types of allergies in children:

  1. Food allergies are considered the most common and most difficult to recognize. Any food product or additive to it can act as an irritant. Reactions to cow's milk and other protein foods (fish, eggs, nuts) are the most common.
  2. Dust allergy occurs as a result of the body's reaction to dust mites and their waste products. Much less often, the reaction is associated with components found in dust - mold spores, hair particles, etc.
  3. Drug allergy– a reaction caused by taking pills, inhalations, injections.
  4. Respiratory allergies are triggered by odors, pollen, microorganisms, and animals.
  5. Cold allergy is the body's defense against extreme cold.
  6. Hay fever is a reaction that occurs when certain plants bloom.
  7. Hives are a skin reaction to any irritant.
  8. Sun allergy is a manifestation that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the unprotected skin of children.
  9. Quincke's edema is a response to a strong food or drug irritant, insect bites.

Allergies occur frequently in young children. In babies under one year of age, the most common allergies are associated with food products, the components of which enter the child's body with mother's milk. If a reaction to any product occurs at such an early age, it is necessary to exclude the irritant from the diet.

Infants may experience allergic reactions during the transition to breast milk substitutes. The sooner you wean your child off the breast, the higher the risk of developing an allergy.

Food allergies

Food allergies are common in children. The wide distribution of this type of allergy is explained by the fact that the range of allergens in these cases is very wide, and due to the variety of manifestations, it can be difficult to identify them. You can be allergic to any product.

Signs of allergies in children associated with products usually appear in the form of rashes, blisters, redness on the skin, profuse heat rash, all accompanied by itching. In everyday life, parents call such a reaction diathesis.

Damage to the digestive system is possible, which can manifest itself in the form of vomiting, colic, constipation or loose stools. The manifestation of food allergies can be expressed by respiratory disorders - runny nose, bronchospasms.

Skin reactions

Even completely healthy children can experience allergic reactions. If the reaction of the immune system manifests itself on the skin, it is usually expressed in the form of eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Diathesis is a skin allergy caused by certain foods. You can recognize it by the rash, redness and itching on the baby’s cheeks and buttocks. Signs like these warn that allergic reaction still at the first stage.

The next stage is characterized by childhood eczema, in which blisters and excessive redness form on the skin. Instead of bubbles, crusts appear, which are very itchy and cause a lot of discomfort to the baby.

Atopic dermatitis is the final stage, in which itching intensifies, especially in the evening and at night.

Dermatitis often affects the elbows and knees. In adolescents, signs of such a pathology may appear on the face and neck.

Atopic dermatitis that occurs in infants can accompany the child until puberty, and it is possible that they can remain for life.

Skin allergies in a child can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Lack of balanced nutrition.
  • Due to violations of the regime moments.
  • Improper lifestyle during pregnancy.
  • Hereditary factors.

In such cases, complex therapy is prescribed. But remember, only a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Substances that cause skin irritation should be completely excluded from the child’s diet.

Allergy to animals

Allergic reactions to various animals often occur in children. Cats are especially different in this regard. A question that many parents often ask is: “Can this pathology occur if you get a Sphynx that has no hair?”

Alas, there is no clear answer. The fact is that an allergy can occur not to animal fur, but to proteins contained in the saliva, urine and epidermis of a pet.

Among the symptoms of this type of allergy, it is worth noting an allergic runny nose, difficulty breathing, the appearance of wheezing and shortness of breath after contact with an animal. A rash, redness, and itching appears on the skin. If the cat scratches, then this mark begins to turn red and swell.

Symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways: for some, the reaction occurs a few minutes after contact with the animal, and for others, after a few hours. Repeated contact with a pet leads to an exacerbation of symptoms.

Allergy to dust

Allergy to dust is a very common phenomenon. You can recognize it by sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, runny nose, and pain in the eyes. The occurrence of eczema and conjunctivitis is possible. If the baby is taken away from the apartment for a while, it can be noted that his health will noticeably improve.

It is very important to know what to do in such cases, because ignoring this phenomenon can lead to the development of asthma.

Since the described symptoms are inherent in a number of other diseases, confirmation of the diagnosis is necessary, which can only be done by a doctor. He must prescribe appropriate treatment.


If you suspect that your baby has an allergy, you should consult a pediatrician. After an examination and conversation with the parents, the doctor prescribes a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis.

  1. First of all, you should take a blood test to determine the level of eosinophils. Their increased number indicates that there is an allergy. However, this component can also appear in the case helminthic infestations, so you will have to simultaneously take a stool test for helminth eggs.
  2. To determine the type of allergy, you will need to conduct a series of skin tests. They should be carried out during the period of remission. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to identify food, biological and plant allergens.
  3. It is allowed to conduct a provocative test, which involves introducing the allergen in its pure form into the body in a hospital setting. In this case, the body may immediately react in the form of shock.

After confirming the diagnosis and establishing what caused the disease, treatment can begin.


If an allergic reaction is detected, a number of measures must be taken to get rid of the problem.

  1. In order to eliminate allergy symptoms in children, it is necessary to eliminate exposure to the provoking allergen. A special hypoallergenic diet is prescribed. It is advisable to keep a special food diary and record the introduction of each new product into the child’s diet, and then describe the child’s body’s reaction to it.
  2. It is necessary to completely exclude nuts, sweets, milk, fish, honey, citrus fruits from the menu - all these products are strong allergens.
  3. A severe allergy in a child in the acute phase is treated inpatiently. The goal of therapy is to promptly remove toxins from the body, relieve swelling and irritation of the skin, and prevent the development of anaphylactic shock. If we are talking about severe cases, the child may be prescribed a drip to cleanse the blood.

Having an idea of ​​how allergies manifest themselves in children, parents will be able to respond in a timely manner, determine what to do, and how to help their baby. Timely treatment reduces the risk of lifelong allergic reactions.

Science and medicine have not yet made clear conclusions about why allergies can develop in children. However, there are certain factors that contribute to the development of allergic reactions in a baby. So, for example, if during pregnancy a mother abused foods known to be allergens - for example, nuts, citrus fruits, honey, smoked meats, then it is quite possible that the newborn will have signs of allergies. If the mother refused to breastfeed or its duration was extremely short, the allergy may manifest itself in all its glory. After all, an allergy is an immune response of the body, and if the child does not receive the necessary antibodies from the mother, then the risk of developing the disease increases. It can also be triggered by a wide variety of eating habits child - sweets, chocolate, fruits, especially tangerines and oranges. The allergens contained in these products can cause sensitization in a child - the development of hypersensitivity to such substances. As a result of the immune response, the body reacts violently to the allergen, and when it is subsequently consumed, an allergic reaction develops. Among the numerous other reasons that can trigger the development of allergies are frequent infectious diseases, constant contact with allergens - dust, animal skin, household chemicals, including baby skin care products. 1,2,4

But the common belief that allergies are inherited is not so often confirmed in practice. Even if both parents suffer from allergic diseases, the risk of developing the disease in the offspring is approximately 60%. 4


Symptoms and signs

Diagnosing and prescribing treatment for childhood allergies is often a real quest for specialists, because the manifestations of allergic diseases in children are diverse, and they often “hide” under other diseases or occur simultaneously with them. For example, diagnosing allergic enteropathy is difficult, since it is easily disguised as the manifestation of other diseases, for example, colic or dyspepsia. However, there are the most common manifestations of the disease, which make it possible to more accurately determine their cause.

For example, symptoms of rhinitis (nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose) indicate a respiratory (respiratory) allergy in response to the entry of an allergen into the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. In more severe cases, respiratory allergies are accompanied by a dry, obsessive cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. And bronchial asthma becomes a kind of “peak”. 1,3,4

Skin rashes on the cheeks, elbows and knees, behind the ears, around the eyes and wings of the nose, on the buttocks signal allergic dermatitis, which in children is often provoked by food, cold and drug allergies. 1.4

If the child's eyelids are red, tears are flowing profusely (while he is in his usual mood), there is mucus in the corners of the eyes, and the eyes are itching - all this may be a consequence of allergic conjunctivitis.

But the most dangerous symptoms are anaphylactic shock, an immediate allergic reaction that requires urgent medical attention. These include pallor, clammy cold sweat, shortness of breath, convulsions or twitching of certain parts of the body, involuntary urination and defecation, loss of consciousness, rare breathing, and a decrease in heart rate. 1.4

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect an allergy, you should contact your pediatrician, who, after conducting an initial examination, will refer the child to an allergist. And already there the doctor will prescribe all the necessary procedures that will help to understand exactly what kind of allergic reaction the child has and what it is. These include skin tests and blood tests for general and specific IgE. As well as provocative tests with the application of a drug with an allergen to the mucous membrane of the eye, nose, Airways, inside. Naturally, this study is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. 1.4

Diagnosis established

As in the case of allergies in adults, the first thing to start with is to eliminate contact with the allergen. For example, install filters and air washers, change the child’s diet, start keeping a special diary in which to write down the menu of each day and carefully monitor it. in cases of allergies in infants, changes in diet will also affect the nursing mother. If these measures do not help keep the disease under control, then after the examination the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, including taking antihistamines and corticosteroids (for allergies that are difficult to control and treat with conventional methods), substances that relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa (for rhinitis, hay fever), and also a method of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), in which the child is administered an allergen drug, starting with microscopic doses, gradually increasing them. This technique trains the body, teaching it to calmly react to the allergen, and then completely get rid of increased sensitivity. 1,3,4


If the baby has a predisposition to allergies or the disease has already been diagnosed, then a number of measures must be taken to reduce the risk of repeated attacks. For example, maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible while adhering to independent hypoallergenic diet. Be careful when introducing new foods into your diet. Avoid household items that may accumulate allergens: carpets, curtains, old bed dress, books. Carry out wet cleaning daily using special hypoallergenic household chemicals. Use air washers and humidifiers. And also dress the baby in things made from hypoallergenic fabrics. 2.3

Allergy is an unusual reaction of the body's immune system to something that normally does not cause any reaction. The substance that provokes an allergic reaction is called an allergen. An allergic reaction occurs if a person comes into contact with an allergen to which he has already developed hypersensitivity. Typical allergens are household dust, mold, pollen, grass, food products, animal fur, insect poison. The likelihood of acquiring an allergy increases if there are known cases of allergic reactions in family members, because sensitivity is genetically determined. Although the tendency to allergies is inherited, everyone can have their own allergen. For example, a mother and father may have a pollen allergy that causes them symptoms of hay fever, and their child may have a pet allergy that causes hives (rash).

Allergies can occur at any time. It is possible to suddenly develop allergies to substances that have never caused such a reaction before.

Many children outgrow childhood allergies, and for some, allergy symptoms change over time. For example, a child who suffered from allergic asthma may disappear, but instead develop symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Allergy symptoms.

Itching, urticaria (rash), eczema, rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), increased lacrimation, tumors of individual tissues, as well as allergic asthma. Sometimes gastrointestinal reactions occur: vomiting, abdominal cramps, acute diarrhea(diarrhea).

Allergies in a child under one year of age manifest themselves in the form of so-called “diathesis”, and this is the initial stage of a very difficult to treat disease - atopic dermatitis, and parents needlessly underestimate the consequences of such an allergy.

Traditional methods of treating allergies.

If tests have accurately identified the allergen causing the painful reaction, then best treatment there will be an exception of contacts with this allergen. Medicines only help alleviate allergy symptoms.

A modern method of treating allergies is ASIT therapy. In a hospital setting, small amounts of the allergen are introduced into the blood, thus developing tolerance to it. Such treatment will be more effective if it is started as early as possible, but not earlier than the child turns 3 years old.

To prevent exacerbations of allergies, a hypoallergenic diet and special precautions are necessary. So, if there is an increased reaction to pollen (late July - early August), it is recommended that when you come home from the street, you should gargle thoroughly plain water or with added sedatives herbal infusions motherwort, valerian in any concentration. It's also good to take cold and hot shower at least 3 times a day.

Hypoallergenic diet.

At first, you should exclude tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar and products made from them, refined grains, meat, fish, milk, cheese, butter, smoked meats, and spices from your diet. In the future, use them very sparingly.

Folk remedies for treating allergies in children

The best remedy for allergies at home is considered to be to avoid contact with the allergen, but if this is impossible, use traditional recipes. Keep in mind that allergy treatment will only be successful if you get enough calcium and vitamin D.

You need to start treating allergies with folk remedies only in small doses in order to eliminate them in time. possible allergies and to it (which often happens, especially in children with allergies). In addition, many folk remedies are contraindicated for a child, for example, alcohol tinctures or medicinal herbs that are at least slightly toxic.

For a child under one year old, any allergy medications for oral administration are contraindicated! Just rubdowns.

Home remedies for allergies


To soothe itching and relieve inflammation caused by allergies, wipe the skin with infusion of the string (caution - it dries the skin very much, do not use for the treatment of allergies in newborns), infusion bay leaf or a solution of baking soda (1.5 teaspoon per glass of water).



Houseplants and allergies

(geranium, primrose, calendula) can cause allergic reactions, manifested by acute runny nose (rhinitis), photophobia, deterioration of health, headache, skin rashes, and in more severe cases - attacks of asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Such plants must be removed from the apartment.

Touching oleander sometimes causes painful skin burns. Try not to touch its leaves and flowers, and if you had to do this, you should immediately wash your hands with soap (oleander juice is poisonous).


One of the most powerful treatments for allergies is mumiyo.

Dilute 1 g of mumiyo in 1 liter of warm boiled water and drink 100 ml once a day (children 10-12 years old - 70 ml, 3-5 years old - 35 ml, 1-2 years old - 20 ml) for allergies (rash on skin, vasomotor rhinitis, edema, asthmatic bronchitis, eczema, etc.). In case of severe allergies, take the mummy solution in the same doses twice a day. The course of treatment is 20 days.

Dilute mumiyo in a concentration of 1 g per 1 liter of warm water (good mumiyo dissolves instantly, without sediment). To treat allergies, take mumiyo solution once a day, in the morning.

Dosage for children: aged 1-3 years - 50 ml, 4-7 years - 70 ml, 8 years and older - 100 ml. If the allergy is severe, then you need to repeat the course of treatment, but reduce the dose by half. Mumiyo has a diuretic and laxative effect. Eczema on the skin should be lubricated with a more concentrated solution of mumiyo at the rate of 1 g per 100 ml of water. The course of treatment for allergies is at least 20 days. If you take 100 ml of a solution per day with a concentration of 1 g per 1 liter of water, then 1 g of mumiyo will last for 10 days. It is necessary to carry out such courses of treatment for allergies for 20 days in spring and autumn.

Skin rashes should be lubricated with a stronger solution of mumiyo - 1 g per 100 ml of water.


Pour 300 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of dill fruits and leave for an hour. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for allergic dermatitis. You can use fruit powder 1 g 3 times a day with water.

Dilute dill juice with water in a ratio of 1:2. Use to treat allergies as a compress for itching.

Place 5 drops of dill, bay or fennel oil on a piece of sugar and eat 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals to treat allergies.


  • Make a mixture of juices from 3-5 carrot roots, 2 apples, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 small cauliflower florets. Drink for allergies 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Finely chop 4 medium-sized onions, add 1 liter of cold water and leave overnight. Drink throughout the day to treat allergies.
  • Eating potatoes baked in ash for allergies.

Herbs and mixtures for the treatment of allergies

    Pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water and steam for 20-30 minutes. Take a tablespoon 2-4 times a day.

    Pour 3–4 g of dry buds or 6–8 g of dry young leaves of white birch into 1/2 liter of boiling water, boil for 15–20 minutes and leave for 1–2 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

    Pour 3–5 g of dry leaves (or 10–15 g of fresh) black currants with a glass of boiling water and steam for 15–30 minutes. Drink as tea 2-3 times a day.

    Crush the peel of the peony tuber root into powder and take 20–30 minutes before meals. The daily norm is 3–4 tablespoons. Use when severe allergic rhinitis. For children, the norm is reduced to 2 tablespoons per day. A debilitating runny nose goes away with regular use for 2-3 days. If the child cannot take the powder, you need to add jam to it, make cakes and give it to the patient in this form.

    For urticaria and allergic diseases, calamus rhizome is indicated in the form of powder mixed with honey (if there is no allergy to honey) in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to take 6 g of powder with honey at night.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of viburnum bark with 1 cup of boiling water, heat over low heat for 20 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Add boiled water to the original volume and drink 0.5 cups 2 times a day after meals to treat allergies.

    Pour 10 g of peppermint herb into 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to treat allergies.

    Pour 10 g of calendula officinalis flowers into 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day to treat allergies.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes. Take to treat allergies, 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

    Use for water procedures for allergic skin diseases 1 liter of pansy infusion (or infusion (decoction) of wild rosemary) per bath of water.

    Take rose hips and dandelion root in equal proportions and grind. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water and take 0.3 cups 3 times a day before meals for 2-3 months to treat allergies.

Vanga's recipes for allergies in children

    Crush the peel of the tuber root of cultivated peony into powder and take half an hour before meals. Take 3-4 tablespoons for severe allergic rhinitis.

    In case of an increased allergic reaction to plant pollen, it is recommended to gargle with water with the addition of soothing herbal infusions - motherwort, valerian (in low concentration).

    Celery juice: juice from fresh celery root, take 1-2 teaspoons three times a day half an hour before meals for allergic urticaria.

    Infusion of calendula officinalis flowers: pour 10 grams of calendula officinalis flowers into two glasses of boiling water, brew, leave for 1 - 2 hours. Take one tablespoon 2 – 3 times a day.

    Infusion of dead nettle flowers: pour one tablespoon of dead nettle flowers (dry or fresh) with one glass of boiling water. Infuse, wrap for half an hour, strain. Drink half a glass 4-5 times a day or one glass three times a day warm. Use for allergic rashes, urticaria, eczema.

    Infusion of stinging nettle leaves: pour two tablespoons of stinging nettle leaves into two glasses of boiling water, leave for two hours. Drink half a glass four times a day before meals.

    Infusion of peppermint herb: pour 10 grams of peppermint herb with half a glass of boiling water, steam for 20 - 30 minutes. Take one tablespoon three times a day.

    Infusion of dandelion root and burdock: mix and thoroughly grind dandelion root and burdock root taken in equal quantities. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into three glasses of water and leave overnight. In the morning, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass five times a day before meals and at night.

    Infusion of chamomile flowers: pour one tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, steam for 20 - 30 minutes. Take a tablespoon 2 – 4 times a day.

    Infusion of fragrant celery: leave two tablespoons of chopped celery roots in a glass of cold water for two hours, strain. Take one third of a glass three times a day before meals for allergic urticaria.

Recipes from my friend herbalist for allergies in a child

In March 1990, a sensational phenolic-dioxin poisoning occurred. tap water a significant part of the million-strong population of Ufa. And in July my granddaughter was born. Fortunately, without congenital deformities and obvious anomalies, which became more frequent in that ill-fated year. A completely normal girl. But from the very first months of her life, problems with her intestines began and a wild, uncontrollable allergic diathesis emerged. The child gave an immediate reaction to any drink and food, even to mother's milk. They carefully selected nutritional mixtures, forced to constantly change them, since the baby’s body was constantly covered with itchy rashes. There were other obvious dysfunctions of the body, including the nervous system.

The pediatrician from the local children's clinic was horrified to learn that at less than three months I began to give the child an infusion of the string: they say, at such an early age the string can only be used externally, they say, bathe in it, as recommended by herbal medicine, and smear it with brilliant green, that's all. will pass. No, it didn't. They bathed in string, in other herbs and smeared them with greenery - it was useless (by the way, not only in our case, but also in many other illustrative examples with other similar children). The child began to react not only to drink and food, but even to color, mostly red. God forbid, if the apple is ruddy, only green, without a single red spot, was suitable.

The infusion of the series was given from a bottle with a nipple as a drink, instead of water. We brewed only a third of a teaspoon of herb per glass, brought it to a boil, but did not cook, immediately turned off the heat. And they quickly filtered it. The color of the infusion should be slightly colored, slightly yellowish, transparent. If it turns out thicker, with a greenish tint, then immediately pour it out without regret and prepare a new one. Under no circumstances should it be left the next day; a fresh infusion must be brewed every time.

I made an ointment from a concentrated alcohol tincture of the series: 2 teaspoons per 25 g of anhydrous lanolin and petroleum jelly, taken in equal proportions, subjected to ten-minute pasteurization in a boiling water bath. The tincture of the string is first thoroughly mixed in lanolin heated in a water bath until a homogeneous mixture is formed without droplets of tincture residue, only then hot Vaseline is added and thoroughly mixed again. A little later, three to four weeks later, I began adding half a teaspoon of Eleutherococcus tincture and a dozen drops of Sophora japonica tincture to the ointment. The tinctures used were not pharmaceutical ones, but those made with one’s own hands.

This ointment is harmless and does not pose any danger, even if a child accidentally licks it from the body.

The sensitive rashes were smeared several times a day. After two or three weeks, the baby’s body was completely cleared, and when relapses sometimes occurred, the ointment dealt with them in one or two days. Three months later, the need for it completely disappeared. And the child drank the infusion of the series for six months in a row, from 30 to 100 ml per day. Towards the end of the treatment, they began to notice that even such strong allergens as honey and citruses stopped affecting the baby. At the age of one, a girl could eat a handful of fragrant wild strawberries with impunity. The next three years of observations showed that her body had completely stabilized.

Perhaps if it were special case, and it would not be worth starting a conversation. But during the same time, at least two dozen children, even with more severe forms of allergic dermatitis and exudative diathesis, received similar treatment. And all the results were positive.

Here I would like to note one important detail: not every pharmacy chain, especially briquetted ones, is suitable for treatment. It is of little use, except perhaps for baths.


Allergy on the face of a child

An allergic reaction in children very often manifests itself on the face in the form of redness, rash, and roughness. Most often, these symptoms are not dangerous, but you should always pay attention to the possibility of inflammation of the larynx and respiratory tract, which can impair the baby’s respiratory function. The cause of such an allergic reaction in children can be: various products food, mainly fruits and vegetables containing chemical additives, dyes and flavors, and contact with animals and plants that produce pollen.

Symptoms often appear within 15-30 minutes after eating a particular product or coming into contact with an allergen. Signs of an allergic reaction may appear on the baby’s face, but the child’s well-being may remain the same and not worsen. Also, in addition to manifestations of allergies on the face, a cough, runny nose, and worsening breathing may occur.

In the fight against allergies, modern pharmaceuticals have created many medications, including a variety of ointments and creams designed to soften the skin and relieve the child of rashes and skin roughness. In fact, allergy treatment should not be limited to getting rid of its symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to protect the child from the cause of the allergic reaction of the immune system and only then get rid of the consequences. For elimination painful symptoms In case of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to use various emollient and moisturizing creams. We also must not forget about observing the rules of personal hygiene - daily washing the face several times during the day can relieve the discomfort from the child’s inflamed skin.

Allergy treatment usually begins with identifying the pathogen and allergen. After identifying the cause of an allergic reaction on the child’s face, he is prescribed a special antigen, the dosage of which is gradually increased.

If a food allergy occurs in children, which often manifests itself in the form of redness and a rash on the face, reminiscent of the symptoms of diathesis, its treatment consists of eliminating the causative allergen from the baby’s diet as much as possible. It should be borne in mind that allergies can manifest themselves not only to a specific food product, but also to combinations of products.

Food allergies in children

Food allergies in children are widespread, since the range of allergens is very wide and, due to the variety of clinical manifestations, it is often quite difficult to identify them. Almost any product can cause an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of food allergies in newborns are quite common. Food allergens enter the body through mother's milk from her diet. For this reason, with the birth of a child, young mothers are usually prescribed a strict diet with the gradual introduction of certain foods.

Food allergies are very common in children in the first years of life, when they are transferred to breast milk substitutes. The earlier the baby is weaned from the breast and transferred to artificial feeding, the higher the chances of an allergic reaction. In this case, cow's milk protein intolerance often occurs, which is observed in approximately 90% of children in the first year of life.

Food allergies are especially often caused by foods such as eggs, nuts, mushrooms, honey, citrus fruits, and fish. Allergic reactions to various berries, apricots, legumes, pomegranates, tomatoes, carrots, beets, peaches, and all kinds of seasonings are also quite common. More rarely, but still there are allergies to cheeses, potatoes, pumpkin, buckwheat, plums, and zucchini.

Symptoms of a food allergic reaction are the appearance of a rash, blisters and redness on the skin, profuse heat rash, and itching. In everyday life, such manifestations are called diathesis and if they are significant, they can disturb the child at night, preventing him from sleeping. Quincke's edema may also occur, which manifests itself in swelling of the skin, mucous membranes and subcutaneous tissue. If the gastrointestinal tract is affected, the allergy may be accompanied by vomiting, colic, constipation or loose stools with green impurities, and abdominal pain. Sometimes respiratory disorders may also occur: runny nose, bronchospasms.

The most reliable way to save a child from negative symptoms– it is completely excluded from the diet allergenic products. It is often quite difficult to identify the cause of an allergy, since there can be a lot of options, so first of all, the most likely allergens, of which, by the way, there may be several, are excluded from the diet. Therefore, in the future you should carefully include foods in your diet, observing the body’s reaction. Children of the first year of life are transferred from a regular formula to a special hypoallergenic one.

Skin allergies in children

Many even healthy children can have allergic reactions to certain substances and foods. Skin allergies in children most often manifest themselves in the form of diathesis, childhood eczema and atopic dermatitis, which have their own symptoms and methods of treatment.

Diathesis is a reaction to certain foods, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, redness and itching on the baby’s cheeks and buttocks. These symptoms indicate the initial stage of an allergic reaction.

The second stage of allergy development is childhood eczema. At this stage, blisters begin to form on the skin and severe redness. The blisters leave crusts behind, causing an unpleasant itch that can be uncomfortable for the child.

The last stage of allergy is atopic dermatitis, in which the itching becomes more intense, especially in the evening and at night, as a result of which the child’s sleep may even be disrupted. Dermatitis especially often affects the knees and elbows; adolescent children may also experience symptoms of the disease on the face and neck. It may also be accompanied by allergic diseases of the respiratory tract.

Atopic dermatitis, starting in infancy, usually continues until the child reaches puberty, but sometimes can remain for life.

There are a huge number of reasons why allergic reactions on the skin can occur in children: due to an incompletely formed digestive system, unbalanced diet or poor daily routine, poor lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy, and even inherited. Therefore, before making a final diagnosis, the doctor must carefully study the conditions in which the child lives, the characteristics of his intrauterine development, and find out everything about the diet.

Treatment is prescribed both externally and internally: the first alleviates the baby’s unpleasant symptoms, and the second reduces the allergic reaction. It is also necessary to completely eliminate from the child’s diet those substances that caused skin irritation. To prevent allergies future mom should eat right during pregnancy, and then maintain a strict diet during breastfeeding in the first year of the baby's life. Also, to avoid allergies, introduce new foods into a small child’s diet gradually and observe the body’s reaction.

Allergy to cold in children

After being exposed to the cold for a long time, the skin of some children may become red, swollen, and itchy. Most likely it is an allergy to cold. This reaction occurs when the heat exchange between the child’s body and the external environment is disrupted.

Allergy to cold in children should not be ignored, since in severe frost, tachycardia and hypertension can occur along with minor symptoms. Most often, such allergic reactions occur in children who have diseases of the endocrine or cardiovascular system. These babies can experience a constantly low body temperature, in addition, their hands and feet may freeze even in warm weather.

Allergy to cold is not a seasonal phenomenon - people suffer from it all year round. The onset of allergic reactions can be triggered not only by low temperature, but also by other factors, such as cold strong wind, dampness, drafts, consumption of chilled drinks, ice cream and other things.

Symptoms that can help identify an allergy to cold:

  • the appearance of itchy blisters on the skin, so-called cold urticaria;
  • pseudo-allergic runny nose, which manifests itself only as long as the child is in the cold;
  • pseudoallergic conjunctivitis, manifested in the form of profuse lacrimation and discomfort in the eyes, which, like a runny nose, disappears when the child becomes warm;
  • cold dermatitis - redness and peeling of the skin, even swelling.

Skin allergic reactions to cold usually appear around the lips and eyes.

If a child is allergic to cold, it is necessary to reduce exposure as much as possible. irritating factors on the body. When going outside, you should try to dress the child so that as many open areas as possible remain on his body: cover his head and part of his face with a hood as much as possible, and you can also cover your face with a scarf. It is advisable that the child's clothes be waterproof. Exposed skin should be lubricated with a small layer of baby cream.

At the first sign of an allergic reaction to cold, you need to give your baby antihistamines. It is also worth making sure that he does not eat cold foods and drinks, which can also cause negative reactions in the body.

Allergy to cats in children

Allergies to various animals are quite common in children. Allergy to cats is especially common, due to the presence of special proteins in the saliva and urine of these animals that are absent, for example, in dogs. Sensitive children the immune system recognizes these substances, and the body begins to fight the allergens, resulting in allergic reactions.

There is a misconception that children are allergic to cats because of cat hair, and if you buy a Sphynx cat that has no hair at all and does not shed, then the negative reactions of the child’s body will disappear.

Symptoms of this type of allergy may be the following: after contact with a cat, the child develops a runny nose, stuffy nose, breathing may become impaired, wheezing and sneezing appear. Redness, rash, and itching begins to appear on the skin. If a cat leaves a scratch, the skin around it becomes very red and swollen.

All these symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways: either a few minutes after interacting with the cat or several hours later. With repeated contact with animals, they usually worsen.

Only a doctor should finally make a diagnosis of cat allergy after conducting a series of tests, since similar symptoms can occur for other reasons.

To get rid of the negative manifestations of allergies, you must first get rid of the source of the allergenic substances. But this is not always possible, since a child may be allergic to cats even when this animal does not live in the apartment, and the allergens are simply brought from the street through the air, on clothes and shoes. To treat allergies in this case, a standard range of medications is used, which are used in the presence of allergic reactions to many other allergens. These include antihistamines, decongestants, and sprays that suppress allergy symptoms. For children over five years of age, allergy injections can be used, but this type of treatment is not always very effective and may therefore continue for several years in a row. It should be remembered that allergies are often inherited and if parents or close relatives have had negative reactions to animals, then it is advisable to refrain from buying them, at least while the child is still quite small.

Allergies in newborns

Allergies in newborns are quite common. The main reason is the high permeability of the intestines, which allows any allergy-causing antigens to quickly penetrate into the blood. Therefore, they try to protect infants from any sources of allergies, primarily from many foods.

Among the most probable causes The occurrence of allergies in newborns, doctors identify a hereditary factor, especially if both parents suffered from allergies, as well as the mother’s non-compliance with a hypoallergenic diet, both during the entire period of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Various infectious diseases that the expectant mother suffered during pregnancy can also cause allergies in infants.

Allergies in newborns most often manifest themselves in the form of redness, inflammation of the skin, peeling and itching of the skin both on the face and other parts of the body. Runny nose, cough, inflammation of the mucous membranes are less common. At the same time, it is important not to confuse inflammatory processes in the skin of a newborn, resulting from exposure to antigens, with dermatitis and diaper rash, which may have a similar appearance. If severe inflammation of the mucous membranes, including the larynx, occurs, the baby needs urgent hospitalization, as there is a risk of breathing problems and suffocation.

Treatment of food allergies in newborns consists of completely eliminating the most dangerous foods: vegetables, many fruits, citrus fruits, juices, as well as switching exclusively to breastfeeding or bottle feeding without supplementary feeding. To improve bowel function and prevent infectious diseases Various sorbents and eubiotics are actively used. In the most severe cases of allergies in newborns, antihistamines may also be prescribed.

To prevent allergic reactions in babies, it is recommended that the mother follow a hypoallergenic diet during pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding. All potentially dangerous ingredients must be excluded from her diet, including preservatives, chemical and food additives, and dyes. In addition, routine vaccination, according to many doctors, allows from the first days of a baby’s life to form an allergic constitution in the body, thereby protecting it from a wide variety of allergens.

Milk allergy in children

Among the various food allergies, the most common in infants under two years of age is milk allergy. The fact is that it is proteins, which are found in large quantities in milk, that are considered the most allergenic among all other substances.

Heredity has a very large influence on the occurrence of allergic reactions, so if at least one of the parents is allergic, then there is a fairly high probability that the baby may also experience negative body reactions to milk.

High sensitivity to milk is usually detected in those children who are bottle-fed. Moreover, it is well known that the earlier the child is weaned, the higher the risk of such allergies.

But children can be allergic not only to cow's milk, but also to mother's milk. The reason for this is most likely the milk that the child's mother consumed during pregnancy. Also, allergic reactions to breast milk can occur in cases where a woman does not adhere to a special hypoallergenic diet.

The most common symptoms of a milk allergy are nausea, colic and bloating, vomiting, and sometimes inflammation of the skin. May also manifest loose stool with green or bloody impurities. All these symptoms can also be indicators of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, before drawing conclusions about allergies, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a series of tests.

Most often, a milk allergy in children goes away by the age of two or three years, but in rare cases it can persist for life. If a baby who has signs of an allergic reaction to milk is on breastfeeding, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the mother’s diet, removing from it all foods that can cause negative reactions in the child’s body. If after this there is no improvement, then you need to consult a doctor about the need to switch to artificial feeding. If the cause of the allergy is a formula that replaces breast milk, then it should be replaced with a hypoallergenic one. At an older age, your child should avoid eating foods that contain cow's milk.

Allergy to dust in children

Allergy to dust in children today is a fairly common phenomenon, which in no case should be ignored, as it can lead to various complications, one of which is asthma.

The symptoms of a dust allergy are quite numerous: coughing, shortness of breath, sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, pain in the eyes and even asthma attacks. It is also possible to experience signs of urticaria or eczema, conjunctivitis. If you take the child out of the apartment for at least a few days, you can notice a significant improvement in his condition. It should be remembered that similar symptoms can also appear in some other diseases, therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis, a medical examination and a series of tests are necessary.

Allergic reactions to dust are caused not by the dust itself, but by the waste products of microscopic mites that live in it. These creatures are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they are everywhere: in soft toys, carpets, feather beds, pillows, and upholstered furniture. Therefore, if a child has symptoms of a dust allergy, first of all it is necessary to clean all soft things and objects, and, if possible, remove them from the apartment. If a child sleeps on a natural feather pillow, then it must be replaced with a pillow made of artificial fibers.

The apartment where a child suffering from this type of allergy lives should be wet cleaned daily. It is also desirable that the rooms be cool, but not high humidity and dampness.

If your baby is allergic to dust, then just cleaning and cleaning the furniture in the house is not enough - he must undergo a special drug treatment. This includes the use of antihistamines, antiallergic sprays, and in the case of asthma, inhalers.

It is also possible to carry out special therapy with therapeutic allergens, thanks to which protective antibodies are produced in the child’s body, and his sensitivity to house dust is reduced. But such treatment is not always as effective as expected and must be continued over several years.

It should be remembered that allergies are often hereditary, so if at least one of the parents or close relatives has it, there is a high probability that the same reactions will occur in the child.


Signs of allergies

How do allergy symptoms appear on the skin in children?

  • Rashes. Can be of different nature: redness, small rash, urticaria. The skin becomes dry and rough. With a long process, thickening and keratinization of some areas of the skin may occur. Also, after scratching, weeping wounds, cracks, ulcers, and eczema on the skin may appear. This is what chronic allergies look like in children, with signs of an inflammatory process that requires drug treatment.
  • Swelling. Occurs during an acute, immediate allergic reaction, for example, after an insect bite, taking medication, or, less often, after some food. Severe swelling due to allergies is called Quincke's edema. First of all, the lips, eyelids, cheeks, mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals swell. With such signs, emergency help is required.
  • Itching, burning. This is one of the most unpleasant symptoms. The itching can be severe, the child scratches the skin, and this can lead to bacterial infection and a long healing process.

How do allergies to mucous membranes manifest in children?

  • Rhinitis. With allergic rhinitis, difficulty breathing through the nose, nasal congestion, swelling, and dry mucous membranes are observed. There may also be abundant transparent discharge from the nose.
  • Conjunctivitis. Signs of allergic conjunctivitis: redness, lacrimation, pain in the eyes.
  • Cough. The child may complain of a sore throat, which causes a cough. A dangerous symptom of allergies is hoarseness and difficulty breathing, which may be associated with swelling of the laryngeal mucosa.

Respiratory symptoms are most often provoked by plant, animal, food, medicinal, and chemical allergens.

Signs of allergies in a child from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT):

  • bloating, colic, rumbling in the intestines;
  • abdominal pain, nausea;
  • belching, vomiting, heartburn;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • signs of dysbiosis.

When does a child have a fever due to allergies?

  • Insect bites.
  • Reaction to food.
  • Drug intolerance.
  • Pollen intolerance.

In most cases, with allergies, there is no temperature or a low-grade fever is noted - it does not rise above 37.5 °C. But with some types of food and drug allergies, severe intoxication with high fever can occur.

Localization of rashes

Skin allergies in a child can be localized in different places. In what areas does rash, redness, peeling, and swelling of the skin most often occur?

  • Allergy on the face. The skin on the face is the most problematic and sensitive to external irritants, often chapped and dried out in the sun. Most often, when consuming highly allergenic foods, allergies occur on the cheeks. The cause may also be a contact allergen: water when washing, treating the skin with hygiene products, climatic conditions. Read more about cold allergies in children in our other article. As a rule, allergies begin on the face and then spread to other areas of the body.
  • Allergy on the neck. May be associated with local exposure to an allergen, for example: woolen, synthetic clothing, dyes, jewelry made from metal and other materials. But also an allergy on the neck is a sign of a systemic manifestation of food, drug, respiratory, and sun allergies. In infants, rashes on the neck are often associated with overheating and are called prickly heat.
  • Allergies on legs and arms. Most often, rashes occur on the folds - in the elbows and knee joints, on the elbows and knees, inside thighs, forearms. Rashes appear where the skin sweats or gets dry the most. A rash on the arms and legs can be a reaction to an external irritant: synthetics, wool, dyes, cosmetics. Also often the cause is food or drug allergies.
  • Allergy to the butt. Rashes on the buttocks do not always indicate an allergic nature. In infants, changes in the skin may be associated with violation of the rules of hygienic care, overheating, and diaper dermatitis. If the rash appears simultaneously on the face (another part of the body) and buttocks, this may be an allergic reaction to some product or household allergen.

Also, rashes can spread throughout the body, appearing on the stomach and back. If a rash appears, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, often a profuse rash all over the body can be a sign of viral and bacterial infections - measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox, sudden exanthema. Only a doctor can differentiate the rashes.

Provoking factors

What can a child be allergic to? This main question, which is given by doctors and parents. What categories can allergens be divided into and where to look for them?

  • Food allergens. This is a large group of allergens. Sometimes it is difficult to determine which specific product a child is allergic to, so the doctor prescribes a strict hypoallergenic diet. The most highly allergenic foods: whole milk, soy, nuts (especially peanuts), eggs (especially whites), fatty meats, chicken, seafood and fish, red, orange fruits, berries, vegetables, bee products, cocoa, all citrus fruits. Sweet, spicy, salty, fermented and smoked foods, carbonated drinks, dyes, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers - all this can provoke acute food allergies.
  • Lactose intolerance. This type of food allergy is most often diagnosed in the first year of life and usually goes away by the age of three. Lactose is milk sugar that enters the child’s body with breast milk, formula, and during complementary feeding. If there is a lack of the lactase enzyme, milk sugar is not broken down, enters the intestines and causes fermentation, disrupts digestion, intestinal microflora, and causes an allergic reaction. Read more about lactase deficiency and its treatment in our other article.
  • Gluten or gluten intolerance. Another common type of food allergy in children under three years of age. Although gluten allergies can be found in more late age, even in teenagers. There is congenital genetic intolerance to gluten, which remains for life and requires adherence to a strict gluten-free diet. But most often there is a temporary allergy to gluten, which is explained by the immaturity of the enzyme system. Gluten is a protein of some cereals, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats. If you are allergic to gluten, white and brown bread, butter, and confectionery products made from wheat, rye, and oatmeal are prohibited; you should also not give your child semolina, wheat, barley, or oatmeal.
  • Indoor air. In residential premises great amount household allergens of various nature: bacterial, fungal, chemical. The most harmful and dangerous to health are dust mites, mold in high humidity indoors, varnish coatings and paint on furniture and walls. Also, dry and hot air in the room, overheating and a constant lack of fluid in the child’s body can aggravate allergic manifestations.
  • Water. Untreated tap water mixed with chlorine is often the cause of contact allergies in children. This provoking factor must be eliminated first. The most effective solution problems - installing a filter.
  • Household chemicals, clothing and body care products. If there is a child with allergies in the house, it is recommended to avoid household chemicals as much as possible. Washing powder should be hypoallergenic, and you should also avoid softeners. Body care products (shampoos, gels, soaps, creams) must be hypoallergenic and certified.
  • Plant pollen. Pollen may be the cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and bronchitis. flowering trees and herbs. There are about one hundred types of plant allergens. Most often, allergies are caused by: ragweed, quinoa, wheatgrass, wormwood, dandelion, nettle, corn, poplar, birch, linden, pine, oak, alder, chestnut, most garden flowers, flowering fruit trees. Depending on the time of flowering of plants, several peaks of exacerbations are distinguished: spring, summer, autumn.
  • Medications. Drug allergies in children are a common and unsafe phenomenon. Taking some drugs can lead to sudden anaphylactic shock, angioedema, when emergency help is required. What medications are most likely to trigger an allergic reaction? Antibiotics, vaccines, insulin, sulfa drugs, anticonvulsants, anesthetics. Allergic reactions are often caused by dyes and additives in children's syrups and medicinal herbs.
  • Pets. Fur, epidermis, feathers, and down of pets can cause a sudden allergic reaction. After contact with a cat, dog, guinea pig or budgie, a child may develop nasal congestion, hives, and itching within 15-20 minutes. The most pronounced reaction occurs with direct contact with an animal, but passive allergy to animal fur and bird feathers is also possible. The most powerful “provocateur” is considered to be the allergen of cat hair and epidermis.

Treatment methods

Treatment of allergies in children is carried out comprehensively. The speed of recovery depends on eliminating the cause of allergies in children. To do this, you need to carefully examine the child’s living conditions: food, hygiene, air, water, animals, climate.

Medication methods

  • Antihistamines. Appointed as symptomatic treatment for acute allergic reactions in children, as well as for preventive purposes. Children allowed antihistamines, which do not give a sedative effect - do not cause lethargy, lethargy and drowsiness. These drugs include second and third generation antihistamines. Antihistamine drops and syrups are recommended for children under 3 years of age; older children can be given tablets.
  • Means for normalizing digestion. Often, against the background of allergies, a child experiences disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, increased flatulence, belching, nausea, dysbacteriosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes sorbents, enzymes, choleretic drugs, drugs with lactulose for chronic constipation, and probiotics.
  • Hormonal local drugs. Exactly this effective remedy for severe, chronic skin lesions. Hormones quickly eliminate the rash and itching; improvement may occur after two or three applications. But it is important to know that these medications can have dangerous side effects, they can be addictive, and you can be allergic to them. Use strictly as prescribed by a doctor. The most famous hormonal ointments used in pediatrics: Advantan, Avecort, Gistan N, Elokom, Skin-Cap, Skinlight, Silcaren, Uniderm.
  • Non-hormonal drugs. These are safe antiseptic, moisturizing, regenerating ointments and creams. The most commonly prescribed are: “Desitin”, “Gistan”, “Bepanten”, “Losterin”, “Pantoderm”, “Protopic”, “Solcoseryl” and others.
  • Local antifungal and antibacterial agents. They are prescribed only for secondary infections that develop against the background of a chronic inflammatory process on the skin. They must be used strictly according to the indications and prescription of the doctor.

Read about antiallergic drugs for children in our other article.

Climatotherapy and other additional methods

Allergic diseases in children are well treated sea ​​water And mountain air. If a child is not allergic to seasonal flowering plants, he can safely be sent to the village, away from house dust and urban living conditions. Children with allergies often experience improvements; their skin becomes much clearer in the summer, when they go to fresh air and the sun. Additional methods of therapy include: physiotherapy, mud therapy, carbon and mineral baths, ultraviolet radiation, herbal medicine. It is also known that childhood allergies can be successfully treated with homeopathy.

Diet therapy

Dietary nutrition is the only effective method of treating food allergies. Hypoallergenic nutrition is also prescribed for diagnosing the disease. Well dietary nutrition must be prescribed by an allergist. Age-specific energy needs must be taken into account. A menu is also thought out so that the child receives the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements, and vitamins. Read more about food allergies in children, its diagnosis, prevention and treatment in our other article.

Traditional methods

To treat skin with allergic dermatitis, decoctions of string, sage, celandine, yarrow, chamomile, calendula, and nettle are often used. Will be safe and useful medicinal baths with sea salt. For inflammation of the skin, you can make antiseptic lotions from oil tea tree. Itching and swelling are well relieved by potato juice. Before using any folk remedies you need to make sure that the treatment will not cause a new allergic reaction.

It is also important to pay attention to psychological condition child. After all, allergies are classified as psychosomatic diseases and more often occur in vulnerable, impressionable, withdrawn children.

What to do if your child has allergies? You can't start a disease. If you have frequent skin rashes, your child complains of itching, prolonged rhinitis, or a cough not associated with ARVI, you should consult an allergist. Allergy treatment begins with eliminating the triggering factor. Medicines are used as adjuvant therapy.

Allergies in children are pathological condition, in which the immune system gives a pronounced reaction to a substance that enters the body and carries with it a potential danger. As a result, protective processes are launched, which manifest themselves in the form of a runny nose, cough or skin rashes. The results of numerous studies have shown that allergic disease has a hereditary factor, since most of the children examined in the family had one parent or both mom and dad had this problem.

Causes and symptoms of allergies in children

As the reasons for the formation of pathological manifestations in babies modern medicine considers the following factors:

  1. House and street dust.
  2. Plant pollen.
  3. Animal fur, saliva and urine.
  4. Insect poison.
  5. Food.
  6. Sun rays.
  7. Medicines.
  8. Cold.
  9. Chemicals, etc.

In babies, the pathological manifestation is quite often localized in the facial area:

  1. Redness appears on the skin.
  2. The epithelium becomes rough.
  3. Rashes appear.
  4. A runny nose begins.
  5. Tearing increases.
  6. A cough appears.

In most cases, such symptoms do not pose a threat to the lives of young patients, but parents need to respond in a timely manner to the occurrence of the first signs of an allergic disease.

This is due to the fact that complications may develop against the background of the body’s reaction to external or internal stimuli:

  • inflammation of the larynx;
  • swelling of the respiratory tract, etc.

The following factors can provoke the occurrence of an allergic disease in the facial area of ​​a baby:

After contact with an allergen, a pathological manifestation in babies develops within 10-30 minutes. Despite external manifestations allergic disease in the facial area, the health of the crumbs may remain at the same level. Young mothers should show their children to specialists, who should first of all identify the cause that provoked this condition. Next, the toddlers are injected with a special antigen, which stops the symptoms that appear. The dosage of this medication increases gradually.

The task of mothers is to protect their babies from contact with provoking factors. Next, they need to provide proper care for their skin. For these purposes, you should use special means, which will soften and nourish the epidermis in the facial area. Babies must take hygienic measures: they need to wash themselves several times a day, which will help alleviate the discomfort caused by inflamed skin.

Manifestation of dust allergies in children

Currently, cases of allergic disease to dust in little babies have become more frequent. Their mothers should not leave the symptoms that appear without control, since the pathological condition can cause the formation of various complications. Statistics kept by many medical institutions from around the world show that the majority of young asthmatics developed the disease due to a reaction to dust.

Young mothers should not leave the following manifestations of dust allergic disease unchecked:

  • cough appears;
  • pain appears in the eyes;
  • a runny nose begins;
  • wheezing;
  • the baby constantly sneezes;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • Symptoms that are characteristic of an asthma attack may occur;
  • signs of eczema, urticaria or conjunctivitis appear.

If young mothers take their children out of the home for a while, in which there is a provoking factor, then their well-being significantly improves and some symptoms may disappear. The baby must be shown to specialists so that they can diagnose and differentiate the pathological condition from other diseases that have identical symptoms. The toddlers will be prescribed a series of tests that will accurately determine the presence of an allergic disease. After this, specialists will appoint drug therapy, including:

  • a group of antihistamines;
  • antiallergic medications;
  • inhalers (if symptoms characteristic of asthma are observed);
  • Special therapy is possible, thanks to which the toddler will develop antibodies and his sensitivity to dust will decrease (such therapy does not always bring immediate positive results, which is why it has to be repeated for several years).

The pathological manifestation in small crumbs does not arise from the dust itself, but from the waste products of the pathogenic microflora living in it. Microscopic dust mites cannot be seen without special tools, but they live everywhere:

  • in floor and wall coverings;
  • in furniture;
  • in pads;
  • in blankets;
  • in toys, etc.

Mothers who notice the first signs of a pathological condition in their children should take the following measures:

How do food allergies manifest in children?

If babies develop an allergic disease, then the following will appear on their epidermis:

  1. Bubbles filled with liquid.
  2. Redness appears.
  3. Rashes may appear.
  4. Severe itching.
  5. Quincke's edema.
  6. Prickly heat.

In terms of external signs, such symptoms are identical to the manifestations of diathesis, so young mothers often do not attach due importance to it and begin to independently use various means. In order not to provoke the formation of serious complications, you should show the babies to pediatricians or allergists, who will give their recommendations.

To stop a pathological reaction, you first need to identify the dish that provoked it and exclude it from the menu. It should be borne in mind that either a single product or a dish that includes several ingredients can act as an allergen. The following should be considered as provoking factors:

  1. Breast milk. For example, mom decided to break her diet and treat herself to something tasty. Everything she eats is then passed on to the baby with milk. As a result fragile organism may give a reaction to a product that is new to him.
  2. Artificial mixtures. Very often, young mothers encounter such problems when transferring their children to artificial nutrition. Toddlers can develop allergic pathology not only to infant formula, but also to whole cow's milk.

In small babies, an allergic disease can develop to the following foods:

If a negative reaction to food affects the gastrointestinal tract, then the babies may experience the following symptoms:

  1. The gag reflex develops.
  2. The processes of defecation are disrupted.
  3. Severe colic appears.
  4. Severe pain occurs in the abdominal area.
  5. Other disorders may also occur: bronchospasms, runny nose.

Many young patients develop an allergic disease to breast and cow's milk. If their body has given a pathological reaction, then they may quickly develop the following symptoms:

  1. The stomach is bloated.
  2. Colic appears.
  3. Inflammation begins on the skin.
  4. The gag reflex is provoked.
  5. Diarrhea begins (liquid stools often contain blood and green fragments).

Experts identify several stages in the formation of a pathological condition in babies:

1st stage

Manifestations of a pathological reaction on the skin, signs of diathesis

2nd stage

Childhood eczema develops. Bubbles with clear liquid appear on the skin of babies, and redness appears. After a short period of time, crusts form in place of the blisters, which are very itchy and cause discomfort in the babies

3rd stage

Dermatitis develops. The itching intensifies, sleep is disturbed, various parts of the epidermis are affected, especially in the folds. If the pathological manifestation has progressed to this stage, then dermatitis can occur in chronic form up to puberty

Symptoms of an allergy to cold in a child

In small babies, a pathological reaction can quickly arise even to cold. If the baby long time will be outside in the cold, then the following symptoms will appear on his skin (usually around the mouth and eye sockets):

  1. Swelling develops.
  2. Redness appears.
  3. Begins severe itching.
  4. Urticaria develops.
  5. Severely itchy blisters appear.
  6. A runny nose and conjunctivitis begins with profuse lacrimation (these symptoms disappear when the baby goes into a warm place).
  7. Peeling of the skin (a sign of cold dermatitis).

External manifestations of this pathological reaction should not be left uncontrolled by parents. This condition most often occurs in babies who have the following pathologies:

  1. Vessels
  2. Hearts.
  3. Endocrine system.

Not only sub-zero temperatures can provoke the formation of a pathological reaction, but also:

  1. Cold winds.
  2. Drafts.
  3. Drinking chilled drinks and ice cream.
  4. Dampness.

Mothers who notice a negative reaction in their babies to the cold should take the following measures:

  1. Babies need to be dressed in such a way that they have as few open areas of the epidermis as possible that will be affected by the cold.
  2. When walking, you should put a hood on your baby's head and cover his face with a scarf.
  3. Outdoor clothing should be made from materials that repel moisture.
  4. Before leaving the home, exposed areas of the child’s epidermis should be lubricated with a thin layer of a special product.
  5. It is necessary to control the temperature of the food and drinks that the baby consumes.
  6. At the first signs of a pathological reaction, you can give an antihistamine prescribed by a therapist or pediatric allergist.

Reaction to cats in a child

Young patients very often develop an allergic disease when in contact with domestic or stray animals. Most often, the pathological manifestation is observed during contact with cats. In this case, their fur, urine and saliva act as an allergen. Babies may experience the following symptoms:

  1. A runny nose appears.
  2. Respiratory functions are impaired.
  3. Stuffy nose.
  4. Sneezing begins.
  5. Wheezing appears.
  6. Red spots and itchy rashes appear on the skin.
  7. Swelling and redness appear at the site of scratches, which often remain after playing with cats.

Unpleasant symptoms can quickly appear during contact with the animal, or after a few hours. Repeated contact with a cat can lead to an exacerbation of already manifested signs of a pathological reaction. Mothers should immediately show their children to specialists who will conduct a series of diagnostic measures, differentiate the emerging pathological condition from other diseases and prescribe a medicinal course of treatment:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Decongestant medications.
  3. Antiallergic sprays.
  4. Special allergic injections.

Parents need to prevent further contact between the babies and cats, so it is better to give them to your friends. Homes should be regularly cleaned, since the provoking factor can be brought from the street on shoes or clothes. It should be remembered that allergic disease is in most cases a hereditary pathology, so if moms and dads have this disease, then they should not have pets for their children.

How to recognize allergies in a newborn baby?

Newly born babies very often develop a pathological reaction to food or external stimuli. This is due to the fact that they have the highest intestinal permeability. As a result, substances that can provoke negative manifestations. That is why young mothers try to protect their toddlers as much as possible from any provoking factors, and especially from certain foods.

Many experts are of the same opinion regarding the formation of allergic disease in newly born babies. They consider a hereditary factor to be the main cause, especially if there is a family history of this problem. The following can also provoke the formation of a negative reaction in a newly born baby:

  1. Failure of the expectant mother to follow a hypoallergenic diet, which she must adhere to while breastfeeding.
  2. Diseases suffered during gestation that have an infectious etiology.

In newly born babies, pathological reactions are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Redness appears.
  2. Certain areas of the skin become inflamed.
  3. Peeling and severe itching appears (not only on the body, but also in the face).
  4. A runny nose begins.
  5. A cough appears.
  6. The mucous membranes may become inflamed.

If the baby begins to develop severe inflammatory processes, he will be subject to hospitalization for treatment in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. This is due to the fact that with such symptoms the risk of violation increases respiratory functions and suffocation. Doctors first identify the factor that provoked the pathological reaction, after which they prescribe antihistamines that are safe for newborns. To normalize intestinal function, eubiotics and sorbents are prescribed.

Infants who are on artificial feeding, are put on a special diet. If they are breastfed, then their young mothers must adhere to a special diet. Experts recommend routine vaccination for toddlers, thanks to which an allergic constitution will be formed in their body, which can provide protection against various allergens.

In the last decade, the number of children suffering from allergies has increased significantly. Babies react to food, environment and other factors. Pathology most often manifests itself on the skin. As the baby grows, symptoms also change. Gradually, the respiratory tract is exposed to the brunt of the attack, which can negatively affect overall health.

What types of allergies do children have, and why does pathology occur? How dangerous is the problem for the baby, and what consequences can it lead to? How to treat an allergic reaction in at different ages? What prevention will be the most effective? Let's figure it out together.

It is impossible to raise a child without encountering any type of rash.

Causes of the disease

The immune response to an irritant occurs for many reasons. It is impossible to 100% determine the factors that caused the allergy, but there is a list of the most possible causes.

Symptoms and signs may be vague and unclear. Without a full examination, it is not always possible to immediately diagnose the disease.

The response appears not only on the skin, the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and mucous membranes are involved. Along with the rash, coughing, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the tongue or other symptoms may occur.

Characteristic signs on the skin:

  • burning, itching, pain;
  • redness of the skin;
  • dryness, flaking;
  • tissue swelling;
  • rash (bubbles, blisters, nodular seals, vesicles, etc.).

All parts of the body are susceptible to rash, especially the face, scalp, neck, limbs, buttocks, and abdomen. Visible symptoms appear some time after contact with the irritant.

Types of allergic reactions in children by type of origin

An allergy is a response of the immune system to an external or internal irritant to which the immune system is hypersensitive. Pathology has many types and forms.

Food allergies often occur to red berries

Classification by type of origin:

  1. Food. It often affects children in the first year of life. Often it gradually goes away on its own. However, some people are allergic to certain foods forever. Allergens can be: red berries, fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes, nuts, milk, seafood.
  2. Aeroallergy. It occurs due to inhalation of an irritant that enters the lungs and settles on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  3. For pets. The opinion that wool is the main allergen is erroneous. Children react negatively to animal proteins contained in saliva and toxic substances excreted in the urine. In addition, dogs bring dirt from the street, and along with it bacteria and fungi.
  4. For medications. It appears at a younger age, less often in adolescence. Antibiotics (especially penicillin), anesthetics, and some vitamins have a negative effect.
  5. For house dust. Dust mites are microscopic, easily inhaled and often cause a negative immune response.
  6. On chemical substances. This includes cleaning products, harsh chemicals, air fresheners or artificial synthetic fibers (low-quality clothing, soft toys).
  7. On natural factors. These could be bee, wasp, mosquito or bumblebee stings. Touching some plants results in burns. In some cases, allergies to cold or sun occur (we recommend reading:).
  8. Hay fever. A seasonal phenomenon when there is a high concentration of pollen from flowering plants in the air. Both adults and children are susceptible to the problem.

Seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

Types of allergies according to the nature of the rash

Externally, allergies manifest themselves in different ways, as can be seen by looking at the photos of patients with descriptions. The same type of problem may differ in different children, for example, food allergies cause both urticaria and angioedema (depending on the level of immune sensitivity).

The most common types of disease according to the nature of the skin rash:

  1. contact dermatitis;
  2. atopic dermatitis;
  3. eczema;
  4. urticaria (we recommend reading:);
  5. neurodermatitis;
  6. Quincke's edema;
  7. Lyell's syndrome.

Contract dermatitis

Contact dermatitis– a disease affecting the upper layers of the skin (epidermis). It appears as a result of exposure to an irritating allergen on the immune system and the body as a whole. Infants are susceptible to pathologies, one year old babies and older children.

Contractual dermatitis most often affects the arms, legs, back and neck (appears extremely rarely on the face)

Contact dermatitis for a young child is a common occurrence, since the immune system is not fully formed. It can appear for any reason, even a minor one. Plays an important role environment. Dirt in the house and irregular personal hygiene greatly increase the chances of illness.

External manifestations:

  • skin redness, swelling;
  • the appearance of keratinized areas prone to severe peeling;
  • painful vesicles filled with clear fluid or pus;
  • burning, itching (sometimes the pain is almost unbearable).

An unpleasant rash usually affects places where clothing always adheres (legs, arms, back, neck). Less often it appears on the face.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an acute skin reaction to an irritant or toxin, which is characterized by an inflammatory process. The disease is difficult to treat, prone to relapses and becoming chronic.

Depending on the age group of the patient, the pathology is characterized by different localization of foci of inflammation: in children under 1 year of age - this is the face, bends of the arms and legs; starting from 3 years of age, rashes often appear in the folds of the skin, on the feet or palms.

Atopic dermatitis on the face of a child

The seborrheic type (not to be confused with seborrhea) affects the scalp. Atopy may appear on the genitals or mucous membranes (gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx).

Symptoms of the disease:

  • significant swelling;
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • nodular rash filled with exudate;
  • burning, itching and pain;
  • dry and cracked skin;
  • formation of crusts that leave deep scars.

Food allergies are one of the most common causes of the disease. However, pets, dust or unsuitable hygiene products also often trigger dermatitis.

Pediatricians note that pathology rarely occurs on its own. In combination, the child has gastrointestinal diseases or other systemic disorders.


Eczema is inflammatory process upper layers skin. It is chronic in nature with periodic remissions and relapses, and often develops in parallel with atopic dermatitis.

The main source of the problem is an allergic reaction, especially if the baby has genetic predisposition. Eczema appears under the influence of several factors - allergies and disorders of the body (immune system, gastrointestinal tract).

Characteristic features:

  • redness;
  • severe itching and burning;
  • many small blisters that gradually merge into one continuous focus of inflammation;
  • after their opening, an ulcerative lesion appears and exudate is released;
  • As the wounds heal, they become covered with crusts.


Urticaria is a dermatological disease of allergic origin. At an early age it is characterized by acute short-term attacks, over time it becomes chronic.

Hives all over the body in a child

The disease looks like many blisters, differing in shape and size. Their color varies from transparent to bright red. Each blister is surrounded by a swollen border. The rash is very itchy, causing the blisters to burst or merge into continuous erosion.

Skin pathology that is neuro-allergic in nature. The disease appears after 2 years. Frequent diathesis may be a prerequisite. It is distinguished by a long course, when acute relapses are replaced by periods of relative rest.

Neurodermatitis looks like a cluster of small light pink nodules. When combing, they can come together. The skin becomes red without defined boundaries. Scales, compactions, and hyperpigmentation appear.

Quincke's edema

Quincke's edema is a sudden acute reaction of the body to natural or chemical factors, most often caused by allergies. This is a serious pathology that requires urgent first aid and full medical examination.

Quincke's edema

Quincke's edema is characterized by a significant increase in the soft tissues of the face (lips, cheeks, eyelids), neck, hands and feet or mucous membranes (swelling of the pharynx is very dangerous). The swelling can last from several minutes to several days. Swelling in the mouth makes it difficult to speak and prevents you from eating normally. There is no burning or itching. Touching the swelling does not cause pain.

Lyell's syndrome

Lyell's syndrome is a very serious and serious disease, which is characterized by allergic origin. He is accompanied by severe deterioration general condition patient, damage to the entire skin and mucous membranes. Externally, the disease resembles second-degree burns. The body becomes blistered, swollen and inflamed.

Typically, such a reaction occurs after taking allergen medications. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor, which will increase the chances of recovery. Prognosis for cure is disappointing (death occurs in 30% of cases). Fortunately, Lyell's syndrome accounts for only 0.3% of all allergic reactions to medications. After anaphylactic shock, it ranks second in terms of danger to the patient’s life.

Diagnosis of allergies

After the examination, a qualified specialist will prescribe a series of tests that will help accurately identify allergens. On initial appointment parents must report:

  • how the baby eats (what he ate recently before the rash appeared);
  • mothers of infants - about their diet and introduced complementary foods;
  • Are there any allergies in the family?
  • Do pets live?
  • what plants predominate near the house, etc.

Necessary tests:

  1. blood test for immunoglobulin;
  2. allergy tests (cutaneous, application, provocative);
  3. general detailed blood test.

To determine the etiology of an allergic rash, you will need general analysis blood

Treatment with medications

Proper treatment of allergies is mandatory; it will relieve complications and further health problems. It is important to protect the child from allergens and irritants and provide drug therapy. The course of treatment differs for patients of different age categories. It is common to take antihistamines and local treatment skin. Medicines are prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

In case of food allergies, doctors always prescribe the enterosorbent Enterosgel in a course to remove allergens. The drug is a gel soaked in water. It gently envelops the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, collects allergens from them and removes them from the body. Important advantage Enterosgel is that allergens are firmly bound to the gel and are not released in the lower intestines. Enterosgel, like a porous sponge, absorbs predominantly harmful substances without interacting with beneficial microflora and microelements, so it can be taken for more than 2 weeks.

Therapy for newborns

Some doctors deny congenital allergies as an independent pathology. It occurs due to the fault of the mother, often unintentionally. This is caused by the consumption of allergens in food, bad habits, past illnesses. In addition, allergies can appear in the first days or months of life.

First of all, a nursing mother should review her diet, eliminating all possible allergens. For bottle-fed infants, a hypoallergenic or lactose-free formula is selected.

In acute cases of the disease, antihistamines are indicated for children under 1 year of age:

  • Fenistil drops (contraindicated for up to 1 month);
  • Cetrin drops (from six months);
  • Zyrtec drops (from six months) (we recommend reading:).

For a rash, local treatment is prescribed (smear 2 times a day):

  • Fenistil gel (relieves itching, soothes the skin);
  • Bepanten (moisturizes, improves tissue regeneration);
  • Weleda (German cream containing natural ingredients);
  • Elidel (an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed after 3 months).

Treatment of babies over 1 year old

After the age of 1 year, the list of approved medications increases slightly. However, up to 3 years of age, therapy should be predominantly preventive in nature (the baby should be protected from the irritant).


  • Erius (suspension);
  • Zodak (drops)
  • Parlazin (drops);
  • Cetirizine Hexal (drops);
  • Fenistil (drops);
  • Tavegil (syrup), etc.

At skin rash The same ointments are used as for newborns, or as individually prescribed by a doctor. To cleanse the body of toxins, absorbents are taken: Polysorb, Phosphalugel, Enterosgel, Smecta. It is recommended to take vitamins.

In case of prolonged or severe course of the disease, doctors resort to taking hormone-containing drugs (Prednisolone). Immunomodulatory therapy at this age is undesirable. As a last resort, a gentle medicine is selected (for example, Derinat drops).

Elimination of symptoms in children over 3 years of age

Starting from the age of 3, it becomes possible to begin to eliminate the problem itself. Medicines only relieve symptoms, but they cannot cure allergies.

An effective method is specific immunotherapy(SIT). It can be used from the age of 5. The allergen is gradually introduced to the patient in precise doses. As a result, he develops an immune defense and loses sensitivity to the irritant. In parallel with SIT, measures can be taken to increase immune defense, improve blood composition, etc.

To eliminate symptoms, you can add to the above medications:

  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Claritin;
  • Clemastine.

How long does it take for an allergic reaction to last?

How long can an allergic reaction last? This depends on individual hypersensitivity, health status and duration of contact with the irritant.

On average, it can last from several minutes to several days (4-6 days). Seasonal hay fever takes up the entire flowering period and can last up to a couple of months. It is necessary to protect the baby from exposure to the irritant and carry out symptomatic treatment.

How dangerous is a baby's allergies?

Skin allergies in children are potentially dangerous, especially if there is no correct treatment. You cannot ignore diathesis or dermatitis under the pretext that all children have it.

Risk factors:

  • transition of an acute reaction to a chronic form;
  • the appearance of prolonged atopic dermatitis or neurodermatitis;
  • risk of anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Allergy prevention

It is impossible to completely protect the baby, but you can follow simple rules which will have a positive impact on his health. Correct prevention will reduce the risks of allergies.

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