Home Smell from the mouth Quick relief from toothache. How to treat toothache at home

Quick relief from toothache. How to treat toothache at home

Like most troubles, toothache always comes unexpectedly. It usually shows that a person has problems with teeth and gums that need to be addressed urgently. Best advice in this situation: go to the dentist to understand the causes of toothache. But how to reduce toothache when it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist? Is it possible to do this at home? Moreover, with pain that occurs in teeth affected by caries, a person may experience other unpleasant symptoms: headache, fever, and swelling of the cheeks and gums.

How to relieve tooth pain
In order for the pain to subside or at least decrease, you need to get help traditional medicine or folk remedies.
  1. Take any painkiller pill. In everyone's medicine cabinet there is the simplest analgin, baralgin, ketanov. If there are no such medications, moisten a cotton swab with Valocordin and apply it to the painful tooth. These drugs will help relieve inflammation in the oral cavity and relieve painful sensations. But even when the pain has subsided, do not forget about it. As soon as possible, consult a doctor!
  2. Food debris stuck in carious teeth can also cause pain. So be sure to remove them by rinsing oral cavity soda or saline solution.
  3. Propolis can also reduce toothache at home. This universal medicine should always be in the first aid kit. Place a couple of drops on a cotton swab and apply to the painful area for 15 minutes. The pain will go away immediately. But alcohol solution can damage the mucous membranes of the mouth, so propolis must be used carefully. Clove oil has the same effect.
Traditional medicine helps relieve pain
When you can’t take medicine, they will always help out folk recipes. How to reduce toothache with folk remedies? There are a great many recipes.
  1. The most inexplicable: you need to put plantain root in the ear on the side where the painful tooth is located. After half an hour the pain will subside.
  2. The oral cavity is rinsed with sage decoction. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of sage, pour a glass of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes, and leave. Rinse your mouth five times for half an hour. The decoction can also be kept on the side of the diseased tooth.
  3. A paste of salt, onion and garlic will help. Mix chopped onion and garlic in equal proportions, then add a pinch of salt. This porridge should be placed on a sore tooth. Onions and garlic will destroy bacteria, and salt will relieve swelling. You can also rub your hand with a clove of garlic in the place where the pulse is felt.
  4. Place a piece of lard (preferably fresh) between the tooth and gum. In about twenty minutes the pain will disappear.
  5. Massage auricle and earlobes perfectly relieves toothache without any medications.
  6. Doctors recommend using a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and furatsilin to rinse the mouth for pregnant women who have suffered from toothache.
It doesn’t matter what caused the sudden pain in the tooth. The main thing is that you do not put off visiting the dentist for too long, so as not to prolong the disease. Even banal caries, if not treated by relieving tooth pain with folk remedies, can lead to complete tooth destruction.

From this article you will learn about a variety of recipes for eliminating toothache! Often toothache comes unexpectedly and takes you by surprise. At night, on weekends or during an urgent business trip, it is not possible to promptly consult a doctor. In such a situation, improvised means come to the rescue: medicines or grandma’s recipes. So, how to get rid of toothache at home if there is no on-call dentist nearby?

Painful sensations not only spoil your mood and prevent you from falling asleep, but also threaten to result in an increase in body temperature or the onset of gum inflammation. There can be many reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon: from increased sensitivity of the enamel to the manifestation of serious diseases (periodontal disease, pulpitis, gumboil, caries).

Important to remember! As soon as possible, immediately contact your dentist to find out the causes of pain and eliminate the consequences.

Regardless of the cause of the pain, you need to perform a series of general recommendations to alleviate the condition. The first thing to do is brush your teeth, as leftover food particles can cause discomfort. If standard cleaning causes pain, then you can replace it with soda rinses or using dental floss.

  1. Exception to bed rest - when in horizontal position the load on the periodontal tissues increases;
  2. Do not chew on the injured side;
  3. Take your mind off discomfort;
  4. Do not put off visiting the dentist until the last minute.

Relieving pain with medications: advantages and disadvantages of the method

Relieving pain with medications is a simple and effective option. If the pain comes while eating, you should stop eating immediately and rinse your mouth. Then take a painkiller containing analgin or ibuprofen (Ketanov helps a lot).

For short-term sedation, nosh-pu is used - the tablet should be placed on the sore tooth, closed the jaw and held for a while. The effect will be similar to when a dentist gives an anesthetic injection. You can also take aspirin (this medicine can only be taken orally, since applying it to the gums can cause a burn to the mucous membrane).

A cotton swab moistened with Valocordin has a proven effect (you need to cover the sore tooth with it). A solution with the addition of salt and a couple of drops of iodine also reduces pain.

For reference! U medicinal method there is an important drawback - necessary medications There may not be one at hand, and a 24-hour pharmacy may not be close.

Before taking the medicine, read the instructions. Painkillers can only be taken for a short period of time. With prolonged use, the drug will no longer have an effect and you will have to increase its dosage daily. Such abuse will negatively affect the body.

How to rinse your mouth?

The traditional soda solution, known to everyone since childhood, is prepared quickly and helps effectively. Soda disinfects the oral cavity and destroys harmful bacteria, alleviating the patient's condition.

To prepare the solution you will need 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of hot boiled water. Dissolve the soda in water and carry out the rinsing procedure only after cooling to room temperature.

To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add other ingredients to the solution.

  1. Salt in a 1:1 ratio (ordinary rock or sea salt will do). Up to 10 procedures are allowed per day.
  2. Iodine - effective way For quick disposal for toothache. For a glass of water you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt, soda and add 3 drops of iodine. Don’t forget: you can only rinse your mouth with warm, cooled water.

Oak bark is a natural helper

A decoction of oak bark has a strong antiseptic effect, prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, restores damaged tissue. Rinsing with this product will have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare a decoction, 2 teaspoons of oak bark is enough. It needs to be filled with 2 glasses of water, put on fire and boiled. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let the broth brew for another 10-15 minutes. Then you can strain the cooled liquid and rinse your mouth. The toothache should subside immediately. The oral cavity should be rinsed further throughout the day if necessary (3-5 times). The decoction is especially effective for gum inflammation or gumboil development.

Recipes to choose from

If in home medicine cabinet Herbs were found, a solution can be prepared from them. Oregano, calendula, sage, and St. John's wort are suitable. Chamomile is often recommended, but it is mainly used to relieve inflammation in the gums. You need to brew the herbs and rinse your mouth with them.

Sage – unique natural antiseptic. The plant has general strengthening and tonic properties. To prepare the infusion, add 1 teaspoon of sage to a glass of boiling water. Let the liquid sit for 20 minutes. Strain and use for rinsing.

Pour a small amount of onion peel into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep until the water darkens. Place in your mouth and hold for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times.

Mint tincture - take 1 tablespoon of mint per glass of boiling water. Place in a warm place and leave for 15-20 minutes. A medicinal plant such as Kalanchoe will help relieve symptoms. The plant leaf should be crushed, wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore gum. This will help dull the pain and relieve inflammation.

If the pain is still mild, chew a piece of raw potato. This will help relieve pain at the beginning of its spread and relieve inflammation from the affected area. And the potato juice that you swallow will eliminate stomach problems.

We are looking for help in available products

Every refrigerator contains one of the list of products that can be used to relieve pain.

  1. The garlic needs to be peeled, chopped and mixed with salt. Place the resulting mixture on the aching tooth.
  2. Onion. You just need to chew a slice of vegetable or put it on your tooth and press down.
  3. Salo. By analogy with previous products, chew a slice or place it on the sore gum.
  4. Apple vinegar. Moisten a piece of cotton wool and apply to the disturbed tooth.
  5. Salt and pepper. Spices are mixed in equal proportions with the addition of a drop of water, then the mixture is placed on the site of pain.
  6. Ice. When using ice, the main thing is not to overdo it. Severe freezing will only do harm.

Available folk options most tangible effect possesses cloves. It is used in different ways: a couple of cloves are crushed, mixed with vegetable oil, the prepared mixture is placed on the tooth. You can also rub clove oil into the gum next to the aching tooth.

The oil will remove the symptoms of inflammation

If you have dental problems, essential oil will help ease the situation:

  1. Fir trees;
  2. Coriander;
  3. Tea tree;
  4. Mint.

These oils have a powerful antibacterial effect. To relieve acute toothache, you need to take 3 drops of any essential oil and apply to a piece of previously prepared clean cotton wool. Apply the cotton wool to the painful tooth or place it directly into the hole.

It is important to know! Many oils have ways of causing burns. Do not keep the cotton wool in your mouth for more than 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for the pain to subside.

Alternative methods

To relieve pain, massage the hand on the side of which the painful tooth is located. You need to massage a certain point - the place where the bases of the large and index finger. The massage can be done with an ice cube. The second point for massaging is the earlobe or the base of the auricle. The area should be rubbed continuously for several minutes. But the ear that is on the opposite side is selected.

Another method is unusual, but all means are good in the fight against discomfort. You need to apply a magnet to your cheek and after 35-40 minutes you won’t even remember the pain.

In moments of exacerbation it is better to take vertical position. If you are lying down, the pain may become more intense, as blood circulation in the tissues around the tooth increases.

  1. Chewing food with a sore tooth;
  2. Heating an aching tooth will increase the pain;
  3. Rinse your mouth with ice water.

If the pain has dulled with the help of these remedies, you need to try to do what you love - watch a movie, read (take a break from painful sensations). Remember that subsided pain is no reason to postpone a visit to the dentist.

For reference! Preventive measures minimize the risk of acute pain. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss and by special means for rinsing. Change toothbrush every 3 months, visit the dentist at least 2 times a year.

All the methods presented only help relieve pain, but they cannot solve the problem. Therefore, you should not refuse to visit a specialist after the pain has passed. Treat your oral health responsibly; do not expect the disease to go away on its own.

Recipes for toothache – video

Many of us various reasons People put off visiting the dentist, but the reality is that when a toothache occurs, it is not always possible to see a doctor right away. What to do in this situation, how to remove sharp pain in an adult? Is there a way to quickly deal with the problem at home? We have collected the safest and most effective solutions on how to quickly soothe a severe toothache at home.

The main culprits of toothache

There can be several causes of toothache; experts call the most common:

  • tooth abscess;
  • caries;
  • eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • earache;
  • infection in maxillary sinuses;
  • food caught between teeth;
  • gum disease;
  • jaw joint dysfunction;
  • cracks in the enamel;
  • unsuccessful filling.

The pain can be throbbing, shooting, aching, radiating to the head, ear, temples, eyes, and reacting to irritants. Therefore, pay attention to the type of pain you are experiencing: if, for example, you are sensitive to cold and hot foods, then a simple remedy will help - fluoridated toothpaste. However, if you experience severe toothache when biting, you feel unpleasant feeling If there is pressure on the surface of the molar, you may need root canal treatment to save the tooth.

Important! With unbearable acute pain You should not delay contacting a specialist, since delayed treatment can lead to osteomyelitis, purulent abscess, and other serious and very dangerous complications!

How to stop toothache with folk remedies

Helps reduce pain in the mouth hygienic cleaning teeth, because discomfort is sometimes caused by any food caught between the teeth. For these purposes, special dental floss is also used.

What else brings relief and effectively relieves painful toothache:

  1. Garlic

Raw garlic contains antimicrobial components that can destroy bacteria such as staphylococci, protozoa, mycobacteria, and salmonella. Chop a clove of garlic and mix with salt. Apply the paste to the affected tooth to better target the affected area. Leave the mixture for a few minutes, then you can rinse your mouth. According to reviews, it is recommended to do this for several days. However, if you are allergic to garlic, it is better to refrain from treatment in this way.

Try chewing a piece of raw onion or placing it on sore spot to soothe toothache. An infusion of onion peels is used as a natural medicine, which is used to rinse the mouth several times a day.

  1. Carnation

Cloves contain a substance - eugenol, which is part of painkillers, sedatives, and antiseptics. Grind 2 cloves and mix with any vegetable oil, and then apply the healing mixture to your damaged tooth.

  1. Ice cubes

Ice has a calming effect and is used to dull pain by numbing the area of ​​the pulsation. It is applied to the cheek next to the sore tooth for a couple of minutes, but first the ice is wrapped in a thin cotton cloth. You can also use an acupressure method in which an ice cube is placed between the index finger and thumb for a few minutes.

  1. Salt solution

Salt helps reduce toothache and relieve swelling. Simply add 1 tablespoon of salt to a glass of warm water, making sure it is completely dissolved, and then rinse your mouth as needed. Salt rinse Can be alternated with soda.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide diluted in water (1:3) is also used as a rinse.

  1. Peppermint

Mint leaves contain anti-inflammatory substances that relieve pain and swelling in the affected area. You can simply chew fresh mint for a minute or two, or make an infusion and drink it like tea (only when chilled), holding it in your mouth.

  1. Tea tree oil

The drug has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, improves the condition of gums and teeth. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and then apply it to the sore tooth, or dilute a few drops of the product in warm water and use it as a rinse.

  1. Parsley

Chewing parsley several times a day can help relieve toothache naturally.

  1. Lemon

Citric acid reduces inflammation and improves immunity thanks to vitamin C. Just 1 slice of lemon, which is placed on the sore tooth, is enough.

We hope that our article will help you find the best solution to relieve toothache. However, it is intended more for informational purposes and does not replace professional dental examination in the doctor's office.

Dental problems cause panic and reluctance to see a doctor for many. However, for now we are coming up with another reason why we cannot visit dental clinic, toothache can become unbearable. What should be done in this case, what medications to take and how to prevent the most serious consequences of toothache?

Causes of toothache

Pain occurs as a result of transmission along nerve fibers of an impulse generated by irritation of the receptor to certain parts of the brain. Receptors of the pulp, periodontium and sometimes dentinal tubules are responsible for toothache. The reasons for their irritation may be the following:

  • Caries. On initial stage it develops asymptomatically, destroying tooth tissue until sensitivity to mechanical, temperature or chemical influences. For example, pain can be felt if you drink a glass of cold sour juice. Untreated caries can lead to pulpitis, which means even more severe pain.
  • Pulpitis. Inflammation of the dental pulp is characterized by spontaneously occurring severe pain.
  • Periodontitis. This is an inflammation of the tissue around the root of the tooth. Severe pain occurs when pressure is applied to the tooth - for example, when chewing.
  • Mechanical damage. With cracks, chips of enamel and other damage, sensitive dentin is often exposed, which leads to pain with any impact.
  • Wisdom tooth eruption. The surrounding gums become inflamed and swollen.

Toothache always catches us unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. In this situation, the main thing is to remain calm and not make mistakes.

What to do if your tooth hurts

First, inspect your mouth and brush your teeth very gently but thoroughly. Removing stuck food debris and bacteria will help relieve your condition. Until you see the dentist, refrain from eating solid, sweet, salty, cold, or hot foods, so as not to provoke increased pain. Take your temperature and take painkillers. If the pain is unbearable, use the services of a dentist at home or go to an emergency care facility. dental care. 24-hour clinics Dentists usually work by appointment, and they won’t solve your problems in the middle of the night. If you regularly visit a particular dentist, make an appointment with him for the next date.

How to relieve toothache

You can relieve toothache at home, but you should definitely visit the dentist afterwards. There are two exceptions - when a wisdom tooth erupts or the site of tooth extraction hurts.

Traditional medicine recipes

Humanity has had to solve the problem of toothache throughout the history of its existence, and recipes traditional medicine came to us from time immemorial. They took into account the disinfecting, antihistamine and analgesic qualities of improvised means even before such terms appeared.

  • Phytoncides. Infusion of the peel of one onion in a glass of boiling water. The liquid should be taken into the mouth and held for 15–20 minutes. This time is enough to disinfect the oral cavity. After three such procedures, the pain should subside.
  • Essential oils. Apply a cotton swab soaked in mint drops or clove oil to the sore tooth. This will help relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • Antihistamines. Ground turmeric, fried in a frying pan and carefully applied to a sore tooth when cooled, will help relieve swelling and pain by blocking histamine receptors.
  • Tannins. Soak a bag of regular black tea in warm water, squeeze out and place on the sore tooth. After 15 minutes the pain should go away.
  • Cold. An ice cube is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore tooth or gum. The numb sensation will relieve the pain.

It should be recognized that these remedies are not suitable for everyone, and the reaction to them is individual. They may not work at all or solve the problem only slightly. short term- half an hour, an hour. Their undoubted advantage is almost complete absence contraindications. However, people prone to allergies should avoid some of these recipes.


An effective and simple method of relieving pain is rinsing the mouth with lukewarm decoctions or infusions. It is characterized by the speed of treatment of the entire oral cavity, the anesthetic effect usually lasts for several hours. The method is suitable even for pregnant and nursing mothers.

  • Rinse your mouth generously with a solution of salt or soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water. This will disinfect the oral cavity, relieve swelling and help pacify pain.
  • Decoctions of sage, plantain, calendula, and chamomile have a disinfectant and soothing effect.

Be sure to check the shelf life of herbs if you plan to use them to make infusions.

A typical mistake is to warm up the sore spot. Warming compresses and heating pads will only increase the pain, causing an active flow of blood to the affected tooth. Blood circulation in the periodontal tissues also increases when the body is in a horizontal position, so you should not lie down if you have a toothache.

Medicines for toothache

Official pharmaceuticals offer the most effective and convenient ways to combat toothache. However, they all have contraindications, so use medicines You should be careful without a doctor’s prescription, especially if your child has a toothache. In any case, carefully read the instructions for the drug.

  • Analgin, "Spazmalgon". Inexpensive painkillers that have been used for more than one generation. They help with mild pain, are quickly absorbed by the body, and can be given to children from the age of six.
  • "Nurofen". An effective anti-inflammatory agent that relieves pain and swelling. Available for adults and children. Not used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "Baralgin". Quickly relieves aching toothache, can be given to children.
  • "Ketanov". A powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It will help if your tooth hurts very badly. A one-time use would be optimal, but in extreme cases, you can take another tablet. Contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, children, as well as acute diseases internal organs.
  • Pregnant and lactating women may be allowed drotaverine(no-shpa).

Toothache appears at the most inopportune moment. Many people are not always able to visit a dentist right away. To relieve toothache, it is allowed to use various kinds of folk remedies. These may include dental treatment such as medicines, and homemade recipes. Please note that most of them are aimed at temporarily removing pain while there is no way to get to the dentist.

What can you do at home if your tooth hurts?

How to get rid of toothache at home? When suddenly severe pain appears, it is quite possible to remove it at home. Every first aid kit contains Analgin - although the product is recognized as quite harmful to health, if you take Analgin once, then nothing bad will happen.

It is quite possible to soothe a toothache at home, in addition to Analgin, using other painkillers. Rinsing with a solution as usual will also be useful. baking soda- with the use of such therapy it will be possible to relieve pain well and reduce inflammation. Often, to cure a tooth that is aching, cloves, asterisks and other remedies are used, which we will talk about in our review (we recommend reading: aching teeth: what to do to quickly eliminate pain?).

It is not recommended to relieve pain without visiting a doctor for a long time - it can only cause harm. The fact is that the manifestation of sudden pain in a tooth may indicate different dental problems. If to aching pain If gum swelling, bleeding and other symptoms occur, this most likely indicates the presence of diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • caries (we recommend reading: how can you quickly remove caries from teeth at home?);
  • pulpitis;
  • tartar.

That is why it is extremely important to consult a dentist in time to remove the root cause of toothache. Otherwise, it is easy to get a complication in the form of gum disease or even lose a tooth.

Tablets against toothache

To relieve pain at home, an adult is allowed to take painkillers that are in his medicine cabinet. When taking a medicine, read the instructions for its use and take into account all possible contraindications. It is not permissible to exceed the permissible daily allowance and single dose, and also drink alcohol the day before.

To calm a tooth that hurts, it is most convenient to use effective tablets. The drug Ketanov, produced in tablet form, has a very strong and rapid analgesic effect. He is able to facilitate the most severe pain, due to which it is often used to eliminate it in oncology, after operations, etc. A significant disadvantage of Ketanov is that in pharmacies this medicine It is unlikely that you can buy it without a prescription.

Nurofen tablets will also help relieve toothache. This drug has maximum performance pain relief and minimal contraindications - it is used even during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, Nurofen is also available in the form of a suspension and syrup for children of different ages.

The famous Paracetamol tablets can provide an excellent pain-relieving effect. Like Nurofen, this drug is approved during pregnancy and lactation. Medicines based on Paracetamol in the form of suppositories and syrup are available for children of different age categories.

So, the medications that you can take for toothache at home (with short list contraindications):

  • Analgin, contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Nurofen and Paracetamol, which should not be taken by patients with stomach ulcers;
  • Ketanov, available by prescription;
  • Nimesil in the form of water-soluble powder for rinsing;
  • anesthetic gels for topical use;
  • star.

Massage to relieve toothache

Ear massage has an unsurpassed effect for toothache, which helped get rid of this trouble even in the most ancient times. You can easily do it at home yourself.

On the surface of the ear there is a mass biologically active points, correct pressure on which can stop pain in a specific area of ​​the body (we recommend reading: what points should be massaged for toothache?). To massage the auricle against tooth pain, the following actions are recommended:

  • take up top part ear with index finger and thumb;
  • go down to the earlobe with the most careful and careful movements;
  • do the procedure until the pain subsides.

Folk remedies

Despite the fact that today you can buy almost any painkiller to relieve toothache in pharmacies, various kinds of folk recipes remain popular. For these purposes, herbal decoctions, plant lotions, compresses, alcohol tinctures and available food products are used. Folk remedies for toothache can be used either individually or in combination.

How quickly this or that remedy will help depends, first of all, on the frequency of its use. Note that folk recipes, despite their effectiveness in combating this kind of pain, can only be used temporarily.

Rinsing with soda

Mouth rinses have been used for a long time to treat toothache. One of the most popular rinses is the famous soda solution. To make it, take a glass of water and add 1 small heaped teaspoon of soda. After thoroughly mixing the solution, you can begin rinsing with it, which can be done every hour. Note that using soda solution You can even cure pain in a tooth with a hole.

Garlic and onion

Good results in dental treatment folk ways shows the use of garlic for this purpose. As a rule, it is used in the form of lotions. For better and faster pain relief, onions are often used along with garlic.

To treat a tooth with this mixture you need:

In order to remove pain syndrome tooth using garlic, it can also be smeared on the wrist. The fact is that there are points on the wrist - by massaging them with garlic, you can numb the tooth.


If you have clove oil in the house, you can also use it to soothe a sore tooth. To do this, drop a few drops of clove oil onto a cotton swab and then apply it to the inflamed area. After some time, the pain will begin to subside. If this does not happen, then you can drop this oil on the tooth. This method of removing pain with clove oil is in great demand in home treatment.

Plantain root

Plantain root is effective in curing acute or aching pain in a tooth. Its use is amazingly simple: plantain root is placed in right ear, if the pain overtook the left and vice versa. Despite all the strangeness this method, many claim that it is effective. Note that with the help of plantain root you can get rid of pain in cases where it suddenly appeared while relaxing in nature.

What other effective home remedies are there?

In fact, there are a whole lot of folk remedies for treating toothache yourself.

  • You are allowed to use a solution of salt and iodine to rinse your mouth. To do this, take a glass of heated water, stir 1 teaspoon of salt in it and add 6 drops of iodine. Using the resulting solution, you need to rinse your mouth before going to bed, especially if the pain often returns at night (see also: how to rinse your mouth if you have a bad tooth?).
  • Many people were treated for colds with potato inhalations. Few people know that quite intense toothache can be treated in the same way.
  • All kinds of rinsing using different herbal decoctions will help eliminate pain. The following are used to prepare decoctions: medicinal plants, like chamomile, sage, mint and St. John's wort.

For many years, pain has been removed using the famous asterisk, for which a small amount of balm is applied with massaging movements to the cheek of the unhealthy tooth.

What to do if you have a toothache at night?

Tooth pain at night is a common occurrence that many people have to deal with. Night pain in teeth in predominant cases appears as a result of pulpitis. As a rule, it is sharp and pulsating in nature. It must be said that this pain is usually quite severe, since at night other irritants are completely absent. Pain that appears at night must be eliminated urgently, since it most likely will not allow the patient to sleep for a minute. In order for the tooth to go away and not hurt, you can take a strong painkiller tablet (Ketanov or Analgin) and go to the dentist in the morning.

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