Home Tooth pain Why does the left temple hurt: diseases that provoke pain and features of therapy. Headache in the temples: what to do Severe pain in the temples what to do

Why does the left temple hurt: diseases that provoke pain and features of therapy. Headache in the temples: what to do Severe pain in the temples what to do

Temporal headache is familiar to every second resident of our country. She tortures people different ages. Someone is experiencing headache in the right temple or left, and someone suffers from pain in both temples. It is worth admitting that the painful syndrome is very difficult to tolerate. A person is ready to agree to take any medicine, just to quickly stop feeling throbbing pain. There are various medication solutions to get rid of headaches.

Temporal pain is driving me crazy. Of course, such a manifestation has an impact on well-being. It is difficult for a person to relax, he cannot concentrate on anything, and his performance is significantly reduced. The only thing that interests a person in such a situation is how to quickly get rid of headache pain in the throbbing temples. There can be no question of any rest in such a situation.

Main causes of temporal pain

Headache may be caused for various reasons. The pain may be throbbing and pressing. Less often it is cutting. Headache, aching temporal pain, as a rule, occurs in the morning, which forces you to wake up before the alarm clock. In general, attacks of pain are not “warned” when they occur. Everything happens quickly and unexpectedly. Under no circumstances should you delay visiting a doctor if headaches in your temples intensify and occur with some certain frequency. At a minimum, you should contact a therapist, and he will refer you to a specialist. What is the nature of headaches in the temples? In fact, the causes of a painful syndrome that occurs in the head can be very different. This requires a wide range of studies.

Most common cause headache in both temples is considered to be a pressure difference. Plus, attacks can occur due to some kind of disease. There are more than fifty main causes that can cause headaches in the temples. Here are the most popular causes of headaches in the temples:

  1. Disruption of the circulatory system (namely the brain). Doctors note that pain occurs when sharp increase indicators. Often pain occurs due to wear and tear of the blood vessels and loss of their elasticity. In this case, long-term treatment is required.
  2. Viruses, bacteria. As soon as you get sick with sinusitis, flu, colds, meningitis, a headache appears in your temples. How to get rid of it? You need to undergo treatment for a viral or bacterial disease and the problem will be solved.
  3. Changes in the body associated with age. Over the years, the blood vessels of the brain become significantly depleted, and blood passes through them with difficulty. This can cause severe headache pain in the temples.
  4. Intoxication. By eating low-quality foods, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and abusing spices, you can poison your own body. Intoxication, in fact, is one of the most popular reasons that cause headaches in the temples.
  5. Pinching trigeminal nerve. This occurs due to spinal injury, as well as after the development of neck disease. Often in this case, temporal headache is accompanied by noise effects.
  6. Hormonal imbalance. During puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause Disturbances in the hormonal system may occur. They cause headaches in the temples. In this case, you also need to consult a good specialist.
  7. Toothache. It is worth noting that absolutely any pain that is felt in the facial area can provoke the appearance of temporal pain. Headache, or rather its true cause, is more difficult to diagnose.
  8. Overstrain of the body. The crazy rhythm makes me modern people run about your business, not paying attention to your own overwork. But it is precisely this that can cause severe attacks of headaches in your temples.

As everyone understands, the causes of temporal headaches are very individual. And this means that in no case should you resort to the recommendations of acquaintances and friends who also once had an attack of temporal headache. It is extremely important to determine the real cause of the pain. And only then, after consulting with a knowledgeable doctor, you can start taking certain medications. Please note for different people with the same reasons can be appointed various courses treatment.

Temporal headache: symptoms

Any headache in the temples is characterized by suddenness and sharpness. In the event that the painful syndrome arose against the background of overwork, experienced strong emotional turmoil, the duration of the temporal headache can be 30 minutes, or can last the whole day.

If a headache appears in the pulsating temples in the morning, most likely it is caused by a malfunction of the blood vessels. This pain is accompanied by general weakness, tinnitus, and nausea. Of course, we should not exclude the possibility that pain may arise due to poor circulation due to sleeping in an uncomfortable position. That is, if a painful attack goes away on its own after some time, you should know that there is no reason for serious concern, but you should think about changing your pillow or mattress. These manipulations will not help in the fight against chronic morning pain in the head. You'll have to see a doctor.

When pain occurs against the background of a previous injury, the symptoms can be very different: pulsation in the temples, movement of the source of pain from the temporal lobe to the occipital lobe. In any case, the pain is very severe, and if appropriate measures are not taken, such pain can become chronic. When unpleasant sensations are present both in the temples and in the neck, and even echo in the ear, most likely, you have an inflamed nerve ending in the occipital region.

As you can see for yourself by examining the symptoms in detail, it is not difficult to guess the true cause of temporal headache, but this is not a reason to self-medicate. IN mandatory You need to undergo an examination, after which the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. If you want to help your doctor make a diagnosis, we recommend keeping a diary in which you will note the number and nature of headaches. This is important for those who suffer from the disease not occasionally, but constantly. Thanks to your notes, it will be easier for a specialist to get a picture of the course of the disease. Have no doubt, a diary can really help in making the correct diagnosis. After consulting with your doctor, you can start taking medications. It could be sedatives, effectively relieving painful syndromes. When prescribing medications, a doctor is guided by only one idea: to offer a remedy that has less side effects. There are simply no completely harmless drugs. Anyone who is overly addicted to pills should remember this. TO medical supplies, drugs should be used only in cases of extreme necessity.

Those who especially need to limit the intake of medications are children and pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. In any case, everyone must strictly adhere to the indicated dosage.

Get rid of headaches in the temples at home

You can try to alleviate headaches in the temples at home, without resorting to medications. Don’t think that any method will immediately help you recover. Treatment at home is a comprehensive approach:

  • Self-massage of the head. It is done simply, without outside help, it is only important to discover where the points responsible for the headache are located. Many people gain knowledge through the process of massage. It is worth admitting that self-massage is really effective. Don't neglect it. As soon as you feel a twinge of pain, immediately take a comfortable position and start massaging your head with your fingertips. It's better to start with the area that hurts the most. Then you need to go over the entire head, including the temporal, occipital, and frontal zones. When you finish the massage, remain relaxed for a few more minutes. Rest in this is the best - the best of medicines.
  • Warm bath, contrast shower. What to choose? It depends on what caused your pain. Thanks to the contrast shower, you will significantly improve blood circulation, which in turn will help you get rid of headaches. A bath will relax you, which will also help relieve pain.
  • Meditation. As noted above, pain can occur due to stress, overwork, and fatigue. Meditation - best vacation For nervous system. Many people mistakenly think that meditation is difficult. In fact, anyone can learn the basics of meditation.
  • Walks in the open air. It would seem that everyone knows that it is important to walk outside, but many neglect this advice. However, everyone can be convinced that pain is temporal region goes away after 30 minutes spent in the fresh air. Walks in public gardens, parks - best prevention migraines. And besides, do not forget to constantly ventilate the room.

Regarding use folk recipes, medicinal herbs, you need to understand that it is impossible to carry out such self-medication procedures without the consent of a doctor. After all, without knowing the true nature of the origin of temporal pain, you can significantly harm your health.

If you suddenly have a sudden pain in your head, just put everything aside and try to relax, you can lie down and sleep. Quality sleep will definitely benefit you. And, most likely, you will not have to resort to the use of medications.

Frequent headaches are an obvious sign that you definitely need to seek help from a specialist. A therapist or neurologist will prescribe a comprehensive medical examination of the cardiovascular and nervous system and, based on its results, make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate gentle treatment. As a rule, the underlying disease (cause) is treated and prescribed for the period of treatment medications aimed at relieving temporal pain.

Any doctor will tell you that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Here short list preventive measures:

  • conducting healthy image life;
  • refusal of alcohol, drugs, nicotine;
  • use healthy food;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • physical education, sports.

Preventative measures always give positive result, if they are taken in a timely manner. But in this matter, you should follow the recommendations of specialists, especially if we are talking about complex methods. For example, acupuncture can only be done in specialized clinics. Unprofessional exposure can cause harm to health.

So, you can get rid of headaches. The main thing in this matter is to individually choose a method that suits you. And you shouldn’t self-medicate. Otherwise, in addition to the head, you will also have to treat many organs and systems of the body. Any action and decision must be agreed with a doctor. And remember, your success in getting rid of temple pain depends on the components of a healthy lifestyle: good sleep, healthy food, rest and sleep. And about bad habits will have to forget.

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Everyone has experienced an unpleasant feeling when there is pressure in the temples at least once in their life. People don't give of great importance headache, preferring to eliminate the symptom that has arisen by taking an analgesic. If attacks occur rarely, then this is quite enough, but frequent ones pressing sensations in the temples it is dangerous to ignore. They are often the first sign of a serious illness.

Both external and internal causes can cause painful discomfort.

External ones include:

  • long stay in a stuffy room;
  • severe food restriction (following strict diets for weight loss);
  • overwork;
  • poor nutrition (excess of spicy or canned food in the diet);
  • stress (in this situation, taking a pill does not always eliminate the feeling of constriction);
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • hangover syndrome(occurs the next morning after drinking alcohol);
  • chronic nicotine poisoning;
  • incorrectly selected glasses or refusal of vision correction products;
  • eye strain when working at a computer (improperly arranged place or lack of short breaks);
  • changes in atmospheric pressure.

After elimination external factors a person's well-being improves.

But often pressing pain in the temples is a sign of a serious illness:

  • Infection. In addition to compression of the temporal region, a person experiences fever and aching bones.
  • Migraine. Pain and throbbing occur on one side and persist for a long time.
  • ENT problems (sinusitis, otitis). With these pathologies, the pain will not only be in the temples; the discomfort will spread to the forehead or bridge of the nose.
  • Hypertensive crisis. When blood pressure rises, patients complain that their temples hurt and there is pressure on their eyes.
  • High intracranial pressure. It can be provoked by meningitis, hydrocephalus or prolonged intoxication.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • PMS and menopause in women.
  • Atherosclerosis. With atherosclerotic deposits in the vessels of the head, the brain tissue suffers and, in addition to painful pressure on the temporal region, the person will complain that he is dizzy and his memory is deteriorating.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. Displaced vertebrae can compress the nerve processes responsible for innervation of the head.
  • Temporal arteritis. Soreness occurs on one side and its boundaries are clearly defined.
  • Intracranial hematomas (after trauma or hemorrhagic stroke).

Distinguish the first manifestations of the disease from exposure internal factors not difficult. In pathology, compression of the temples develops without apparent reason and attacks of headaches are repeated frequently. At the same time, the localization of pain remains unchanged.

Ways to reduce pain

To reduce pressure in the temples, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the provoking factor. In case of a crisis, this will be a decrease in blood pressure, and in case of a cold, taking medications for fever. Therapy is selected by the doctor after examining the patient and additional examination.

For treatment the following may be prescribed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • taking medications;
  • traditional medicine recipes.


The following procedures are used to treat headaches:

  • Massage. Use your head and collar area, stimulating blood flow in the vessels of the neck and brain.
  • Magnetotherapy. Physiotherapy will be effective if there is pressure on the temples due to pinched nerve roots due to osteochondrosis.
  • Acupuncture. Stimulation of sensitive points helps normalize cerebral circulation and restore vascular tone.

In addition to physiotherapeutic treatment methods, patients are recommended to increase motor activity and spend more time in the fresh air.

Medicines for cephalgia

Medicines are prescribed depending on the disease that provoked pressing pain in the temples:

  • Osteochondrosis. NSAID medications (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin) are used.
  • Infections. Suppressants are prescribed inflammatory process, reducing hyperthermia. Drugs are selected taking into account the nature of the pathogen.
  • Vascular spasm. Aminophylline is used to dilate spasmodic vessels.
  • Stress. Pulsation and heaviness in the temporal region caused by stressful situation, will not disappear when taking analgesics, are necessary sedatives: Motherwort, Glycine, and in severe cases, Phenazepam or other psychotropic medications are indicated.
  • Hypertension. Effective antihypertensive drugs, capable of quickly lowering blood pressure: “Captopril”, “Physiotens”.
  • Migraine. The pulsation in the temples will take a long time and more will be required to eliminate the unpleasant symptom. strong remedies: “Trigan”, “Imigran”.

If painful sensations in the temples have arisen for the first time, then you should not endure the headache. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take Spazgan or Analgin and try to consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

It is important to remember that uncontrolled use of painkillers causes serious harm to health.

Help with traditional methods

If there is pressure on your temples, you should not immediately take a painkiller. Often, unpleasant sensations can be eliminated using folk methods that are harmless to the body:

  • A hot foot bath helps with migraines and hypertension.
  • Warm shower. You should stand with your head under the stream and massage while water procedures hairy part.
  • Cold compress on forehead.
  • Aloe leaf. If you apply a cut leaf of a plant to the temporal region, then painful manifestations quickly subside.

Often, a walk in the fresh air is enough to eliminate the symptoms of cephalgia. When non-drug methods do not provide relief, you can take medication.

Prevention of temporal pain

If the feeling of pressure in your temples is not caused by a medical condition, headaches can be prevented by following the recommendations below:

  • Ventilate the premises. It is advisable to do this in the morning and evening.
  • Promote physical activity. If you don't have time to exercise, you should at least take a short walk before bed.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Balance your diet. Headaches are triggered by cheese, nuts, spices, smoked foods and strong drinks with caffeine - it is better to completely exclude these products from the menu. It is also not recommended to eat at quick snack spots.
  • Normalize your daily routine. Sleep at least 8 hours, and take short breaks during work.

If you eat fresh homemade food, avoid stress and get proper rest, your headaches will disappear. If, despite a healthy lifestyle, you continue to experience periodic pressure in your temples, then ignoring this symptom is dangerous: most likely, a serious illness is developing.

Pain in the temples is a reason to consult a neurologist. This pain is experienced by up to 80% of people, these are only those people who go to the doctor, and the rest do not seek treatment for pain in their temples and do not rush to see a specialist. Most people engage in self-care for pain because they are afraid to visit a doctor or are simply too lazy to go to the hospital. By taking analgesics, they temporarily relieve it. People also choose the type of drug and dosage themselves.

After this type of treatment, many people begin to have problems, after which they definitely go to the doctor. Because in addition to the pain in the temples, it hurts in gastrointestinal tract, and are observed pathological processes in the kidneys. That’s why it’s so important not just to dull the pain with painkillers, but to establish the true cause of its occurrence. Pain in the temples can be caused by a very serious reason and serious illness.

Why do my temples hurt?

1. Problems with the spine, of different nature, first the pain appears in the neck, then in the back of the head and moves to the frontal part and temples.

2. Pain in the temples is associated with intracranial headache, migraine, and autonomic disorders. These diseases are easy to distinguish from others; here, in addition to pain in the temples, various changes in taste and olfactory perception also occur, and a dark veil appears before the eyes. You begin to feel very sick, vomiting appears, in this case you should not delay going to the doctor.

3. Pain in the temples can be caused by atherosclerotic changes in the human brain. Pathology first appears in cervical spine vertebra. If arteritis develops, it is very dangerous because the arterial walls begin to become inflamed.

4. Various diseases infectious nature(flu, meningitis) can trigger the development of pain in the temples. This sharp pain which is accompanied by fever.

5. Pain in the temples is caused by intoxication of the body. This happens when a person is poisoned, most often from an alcoholic drink. This type pain has another name - hangover syndrome. The pain in the temples is very severe.

6. Mental problems – nervous disorders, stress, phobias, etc. Aching pain in temples. The person is irritable, constantly tired, prone to hysteria and...

7. Pain in the temples can occur due to an imbalance in hormones. Unpleasant sensations are most common for women; they occur during menopause, during menstruation, and during pregnancy. Here you need to contact an endocrinologist, most likely the reason is hormonal imbalance.

8. Pain due to... Scientists have long proven that every person should have adequate sleep; if a person does not sleep, he or she develops health problems, most often headaches that are accompanied by temporal headaches.

9. Pain in the temples due to pheochromocytoma is a paroxysmal headache that can last from 10 minutes to 2.5 hours. It appears due to the fact that the adrenal glands produce more adrenaline, which increases arterial pressure, then the skin becomes pale and the person sweats a lot. If such frequent pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

10. Pain due to low pressure(), while hearing deteriorates, noise, buzzing, hissing appears in the ears. Hypotension can become severe.

11. Pain in both temples is caused by intracranial hypertension. Blood pressure rises even higher if a person lies down, which is why it is so important to take correct position at high blood pressure– reclining, the angle must be 45 degrees. A whistling sound appears in the ears and spreads throughout the head. Who is susceptible to this disease? People who are overweight, that’s why it’s so important to monitor their diet.

External factors that can cause pain in the temples?

1. Because of it, it gives off to two parts of the head. This is life-threatening, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

2. Fasting for more than a day. It causes throbbing and very severe pain in the temples.

3. When a person rises to a height. This is easy to explain; a person’s blood pressure begins to rise. This pain is typical for people who often fly by plane or climb to mountain heights.

Usually the headache is easy character, but there are very serious reasons for its occurrence, which can lead to complications of various kinds. Also, this pain can appear at any time, early in the morning, at night.

Temple pain can be sharp and throbbing and occur in one or both temples because that is where the temporal arteries are located. Intense headaches occur depending on age and disease.

How does pain in the temples appear? They are most often caused by nerve endings that are located at the top of the neck, jaw and back, but they are also found in the temples and forehead. When pressure begins on this nerve, very severe pain appears in the temples.

Treatment of pain in the temples.

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor who will help you understand the cause and prescribe a course of treatment. But at home you can relieve the syndrome with massage, contrast shower, compresses applied to the temples. Prevention of pain is an active lifestyle, playing sports - it’s best to do yoga, try to take care of your spine, healthy eating and proper rest. Coffee, chamomile tea, orange and cherry juice will help cope with tension in the temple area. And, of course, go to a neurologist or osteopathic doctor to know the cause of the pain and get rid of it once and for all.

When a person has a headache and pressure on his temples, it brings him suffering. With such pressure, it is difficult to concentrate on even the simplest tasks.

If pain in the temples occurs every day, this is alarming symptom. Why do they appear?

This article will describe the most common reasons why a person often has pain in his temples, and will also talk about what needs to be done to relieve very severe discomfort that occurs in this area.

Features of the pain syndrome

If a person constantly has headaches in his temples, and discomfort in the head area presses, this is a reason to think about his health.

Discomfort, in in this case, can have a sharp character that permeates the entire body.

Severe headaches occur in the back of the head and then localize to the temples. One temple may pulsate.

Why does pulsation occur? The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the location of the temporal artery in the temple area.

Pain that exerts strong pressure in the head area can last from several minutes to three to four hours. Intensity pain syndrome depends on individual characteristics person.

When discomfort is very pressing in the area of ​​the head and temples, there is a need to use therapeutic measures. Nobody likes a condition in which their temples hurt, what to do in this case?

Before we answer this question, we should highlight the main reasons why a person often has headaches and pressure.


So, why do I get headaches in my temples every day? The reasons for this phenomenon are quite varied.

Pressure and discomfort in the temples and head can be associated both with a person’s excessive fatigue and with the presence of a dangerous disease.

Often headaches that occur in the temples are the result of innervation of the cervical and jaw nerve endings.

Why? The causes of pain in the temples, in this case, are associated with overstrain of the spinal or cervical nerve endings.

If pressure on the temples is felt every day, then the reason may be related to the disease.

In any case, if pain in the temples occurs frequently, and the person suffers greatly, this is a reason to undergo medical examination.

Perhaps the discomfort that often presses on the temples indicates a complication or pathological course of the disease. In this case, a person needs to diagnose his pathology, and then take therapeutic measures.

So, if pain in the temples bothers a person every day, this may indicate the following diseases and ailments:

  1. Flu, a viral disease. A person with the flu may feel very strong pressure on the temples. His head hurts every day, and the faster it develops viral disease, the stronger the pain. About which viral diseases are we talking? First of all, you need to note a sore throat. This symptomatology also manifests itself in brucellosis, Lyme disease, Dengue fever and other viral diseases.
  2. Migraine. With a migraine, a person feels very severe pain in the temples. Pulsation may be felt in this area. With this disease, the headache occurs mainly in the morning. Has discomfort sharp character. As a complication of migraine, visual and hearing impairment may occur. The patient has difficulty reacting to external stimuli such as bright lights or loud music. Pain in the temples worsens when walking. IN evening time discomfort in the head area does not press. Many people who experience such symptoms attribute this to simple overwork. In fact, the manifestation of migraine symptoms must be promptly stopped. How to do it? First of all, the patient should seek medical care in hospital. The doctor will prescribe treatment for him and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate medications.
  3. Menstrual cycle. One of the signs of PMS may be frequent pain in the temples. The discomfort girls feel in their heads may arise as a result of their poor health. What to do to relieve premenstrual discomfort? If you take a painkiller pill, the discomfort will quickly go away. However, if a woman feels a pulsation in her temples, then it will be more difficult for her to get rid of the pain in her head.
  4. Changes in hormonal levels. Women often experience headaches in the temple area during menopause. Why? This is due to hormonal changes in female body. In this case, if a woman over 50 years old has a headache for a long time, this is the first sign of menopause.
  5. Decline. When a person has pain in his temples, and the discomfort is aching and dull in nature, there is high risk lowering his intracranial pressure. This disease is accompanied by visual and hearing impairment. For many patients, decreased intracranial pressure is fraught with a number of complications. That is why it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.
  6. Adrenal pheochromocytoma. With such an illness, the patient not only feels pressing pain in the temples. A painful pulsation is felt in this area. Why do my temples hurt? It's all about excess adrenaline production.

As a result of this, blood pressure rises sharply in the human body.

Other symptoms of adrenal pheochromocytoma can also be identified: pallor skin, nausea, increased sweating. A patient suffering from this disease has severe pain in his temples and head.

How long does a pain attack last? With this disease, a person may feel discomfort from 5 minutes to several hours.

Frequent occurrence of such symptoms is a reason to undergo a medical examination.

Increased intracranial pressure

The medical name for this disease is intracranial hypertension. With this disease, the patient feels severe pain in the temples and head.

His situation is aggravated by the presence of whistling noise in the ears. The pain syndrome is dulled if the person takes a supine position.

Intracranial hypertension often occurs in people who are prone to obesity. To relieve pain in the temples, they need to follow a strict diet.

Intoxication of the body

In most cases, intoxication of the body is provoked by food poisoning. With this illness, a person feels pain in the temples, sometimes throbbing.

Food poisoning is also accompanied by other symptoms, namely: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and increased body temperature.

As for gagging, they are not always present.

Why does intoxication occur in the body? Along with spoiled or low-quality food, a pathogenic toxin enters the human stomach, causing bad feeling.

To remove the toxin from the stomach, it is necessary to induce vomiting.

Pain in the temples can occur due to lack of sleep. People suffering from insomnia regularly face this problem.

To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, they should rest well and get enough sleep. If good sleep is not possible due to insomnia, it is recommended to take sleeping pills.

Medical treatment

When a person has pain in his temples for a long time, there is a need to relieve discomfort.

The first thing a patient should do is go to the hospital for a medical examination. However, if he does not have headaches often, there is a high probability that the illness arose situationally.

Perhaps the factor that provoked it was simple overwork or lack of sleep.

In this case, the person should take a day off from work and get some sleep. After good night he will feel a surge of strength, and the discomfort in his temples will disappear.

If your head hurts regularly, you need to visit a therapist. He will prescribe the appropriate tests for the patient.

Depending on the test results, the therapist will write out an appointment for the patient to see another doctor, for example, a gastroenterologist.

  • If the patient is diagnosed - arterial hypertension, then to relieve pain in the temples, he will be prescribed a medication that lowers blood pressure. It could be Captopril or Anaprilin.
  • If the patient has a migraine, he will be prescribed analgesic medications. Discomfort in the temples can be relieved only with the help of potent drugs, which may contain narcotic active substances.
  • If a person has a severe headache due to prolonged psycho-emotional shocks, he should take medical supplies group of analgesics. What medications can you take?

In this case, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, such as, for example, Paracetamol, Analgin or Ibuprofen.

However, if the pain that occurs as a result of stress is very severe, it will be difficult to relieve it with antipyretics.

Therefore, the patient is prescribed more strong drugs, such as, for example, Nurofen or Spazmalgon.

Treatment at home

Almost all doctors advise patients suffering from temporal pain to undergo manual therapy. One of its components is massage.

Of course, not every person has the opportunity to take the course. manual therapy from a professional massage therapist, so it is important to master self-massage.

In order for it to be effective, you need to target the painful area of ​​the head, that is, the temples.

So, your index fingers should be placed in the center of your temples. After this, pressure should be applied to this area 10-20 times.

If the discomfort is very strong, you need to apply less pressure with your fingers on the temporal area, since intensive self-massage can intensify the pain attack.

It is important that there is fresh air in the room in which the patient is located. If a person suffering from temporal pain has the opportunity to go out into the fresh air, he should take advantage of it.

But if he suffers from severe headache discomfort, the walk will have to be postponed.

There should be no bright light turned on in the room in which the patient is located. If it is illuminated by the sun, you should close the curtains.


It is important for a person who experiences regular headache discomfort to eat right.

First of all, he should exclude from his diet foods that contain monosodium glutamate.

What is this substance? Monosodium glutamate is a specific food additive that is present in processed foods.

In most cases, this additive is found in processed meats and sausages. Why is monosodium glutamate dangerous?

The fact is that this supplement increases the pain syndrome.

That is why patients suffering from painful ailments are not recommended to eat foods containing this additive.

If a person has eaten a product that contains monosodium glutamate, then after 15-20 minutes he will feel headache discomfort.

A strong pulsation may be felt in the temporal zone, and a dull aching pain in the forehead area.

In addition to monosodium glutamate, a person suffering from frequent headaches should avoid nitrites.

Nitrites are salts of nitrous acid, which, like nutritional supplements, provoke the occurrence of pain. What foods contain nitrites?

  • Bolognese sausages.
  • Canned ham.
  • Fast food (eg hot dog).
  • Smoked fish.
  • Salami.
  • Chocolate.

Patients suffering from migraines are contraindicated to eat chocolate. Why? The fact is that this product is one of the most powerful migraine triggers, as it contains caffeine.

Useful video

When there is a headache in the temples, it does not bring very strong discomfort, unlike other types of headaches. At the same time, this problem can have very serious consequences or be a sign serious illnesses. In this regard, you need to consult with a specialist and find out why your temples hurt and what needs to be done about this problem. Interesting fact is that pain in the temples can appear at the most inopportune moment. Very often it occurs in the early morning directly during sleep, which leads to the person waking up.

Pain in the temples can be quite severe, but this rarely happens. In most cases, the painful sensations are pulsating, they are slightly dull and can occur in turn in each temple, and then in both at the same time. This is due to the fact that in the temple area there is temporal artery. How intense and frequent the headache is depends on the individual characteristics of each person. Moreover, the duration also varies: from several minutes to several hours.

Very often, headaches occur in the temple area due to problems with the nerve endings that are located in the neck, upper back and jaw. These nerve endings have a direct connection with the nerves that are located in a person’s forehead and temples. Due to the fact that even a slight pressure occurs on one or more of these nerves, a person experiences pain in the temples, which puts pressure on the eyes.

At the same time, experts have studied this issue quite well and come to the conclusion that if temples hurt, there may be other reasons - multiple diseases that provoke the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Most of infectious diseases accompanied by painful sensations in the temple area. These include fever, sore throat, flu and many others.


Migraines often cause intense pain that radiates to a person's eyes, and can occur in one part of the head or in both. In severe cases, it is also combined with nausea and even vomiting. During a migraine, the eyes hurt greatly, which affects the quality of vision, the person is irritated by everything, has problems with walking, reacts painfully to bright light, intensifies taste sensations, smells are better felt. A migraine attack can last for half an hour or several hours. Most people suffer from migraines, but they do not suspect it, and therefore cannot cure the disease. If you notice suspicious symptoms, it is advisable to contact specialists, because only with the help of doctors can you diagnose accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of pain.

Poisoning or intoxication of the body is very often accompanied not only by severe stomach upsets, but also by increased blood pressure and a headache. In addition, there is severe nausea, up to vomiting. Most often a person faces alcohol intoxication. It is for this reason that in the morning there is a very severe headache in the temple area or in all its parts.

Headaches also occur in situations where a person does not get enough rest or sleep. As numerous studies show, this reason headaches are the most common, and it is especially relevant for those people who suffer from insomnia.

Quite often, women experience headaches in their temples immediately before the start of their monthly period. As practice shows, during pregnancy attacks of such pain become more frequent, and after childbirth in most women they completely disappear.

Can provoke a problem hormonal disorders in organism. The pressure changes and the head begins to hurt when, for example, menopause occurs.

If a person has pheochromocytoma, this means that headaches in the temples will be very common. This pain has a strong pulsating character, the attack has a different length - from five minutes to several hours. If a person suffers from this disease, the adrenal glands begin to produce too much adrenaline. As a result of this, the pressure rises very sharply, the person becomes pale, and sweating bothers him. And, of course, a headache in the temple area. If you do not have any problems with blood pressure, then there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, it is advisable to contact a specialist for examination and consultation.

Causes include low or low blood pressure. During this problem, not only does your head hurt in the temple area, but your hearing also becomes worse; you can hear a buzzing or hissing in your ears. Every year the number of people who suffer from this problem is increasing more and more and some of them have a severe form of intracranial hypotension (low blood pressure).

IN Lately began to talk about such a phenomenon as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, which is a benign disease. In this case, painful sensations can occur both in the temples and on both sides of the head. High pressure will cause poor health when a person is lying down, and therefore it is advisable that he be in a semi-lying state - at an angle of 45º. The most important symptom of this problem is a whistling noise that is heard in the head. Most often, intracranial hypertension occurs in those people who have problems with excess weight, so it is important to monitor your kilograms.

Sometimes the temple may hurt due to exposure to certain external factors. Quite often the reasons are the following:

  1. A person can get poisoned carbon monoxide. In this case, there is pressure on the temples, and pain occurs in both parts of the head. This phenomenon is incredibly life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.
  2. Sometimes pain in the temples has a pulsating nature due to the fact that a person has not eaten food for more than 24 hours. At the same time, his health deteriorates and he becomes irritable.
  3. Pressing pain in the temples occurs when a person is at an altitude of over 4 kilometers. In this case, intracranial pressure becomes quite high. Some experts believe that at such a height a person does not have enough oxygen. About 30% of people in such situations experience feelings of depression and anxiety.
  4. About 4% of people experience pain in their temples during an airplane flight and for some time afterwards. If we talk about people who are associated with flights and spend a lot of time at altitude, then approximately 20% experience constant pain in the temples, it puts pressure on the eyes and brings discomfort.

To date, experts have conducted quite a lot of large studies in which people descended to quite great depths and rose to great heights. As a result of such experiments, it was found that pain in the temples more often occurs when climbing to high altitudes. Most likely, this phenomenon is due to the thin air at altitude and the lack of oxygen that a person experiences.

If you have a headache, for some people it is enough to massage your temples with index fingers. This helps make the pain less intense or eliminate it altogether. The process of such self-medication must necessarily consist of approximately 6-12 not very strong pressures on those points where pain is felt, which in most cases also puts pressure on the eyes. If this is necessary, then medical procedure must be repeated several times throughout the day. Acupressure then, when there is a headache in the temples, it is advisable to perform it with dim light in a calm and quiet environment. This will slightly increase the effect of treating the problem.

Massage is not the only way to self-medicate and get rid of severe pain in the temples. You can also apply a compress, hot or cold, directly to the temple area. With this manipulation, you can quickly help your muscles relax, which will ease tension and make headaches less intense. It takes about 10-15 minutes to apply cold or heat to the temporal area. This will be quite enough for pain of various types to cease to be felt in the temples, and for the eyes to get rid of pressure.

Throughout the day, do not forget that your eyes should rest from time to time - this will avoid pain in the temple area.


Few people think about the fact that their eyes can get tired if they read for a long time, stay at the computer or drive a car. As a result, your head starts to hurt. If this happens regularly, then the questions about why your head hurts will be quite logical. Try to blink often enough and let your eyes rest for at least a few minutes.

In addition, very important role The amount of sleep plays a role, because it directly affects a person’s well-being. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, a person will constantly feel very tired. At the same time, severe pain appears, especially in the temple area; it has a pulsating character. Some people report that they can sleep a little and still feel great, but this usually ends very badly and leads to serious health problems. Every person should have the most comfortable and cozy sleeping conditions and sleep preferably 8 hours every night in order to remain healthy and active.

What to do if you have a headache in your temples? In order to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptom, you can drink some coffee. This will help eliminate tension. Don’t get too carried away with these drinks, don’t use a lot of sugar substitutes, because this can cause pain in your temples. In order to relieve stress and fatigue, it is better to drink some green tea.

Chamomile tea helps very well in this unpleasant situation. Some people prefer to get rid of headaches in their temples with vitamin M, orange or cherry juice. In a great way A walk in the fresh air or a visit to yoga will help you relax and calm down.

In addition, you need to ventilate the room in which you spend a lot of time quite often, because it is the lack of oxygen that causes fresh air may cause severe headaches. An interesting thing is that with a lack of oxygen, the body’s cells cannot fully function and produce energy, which provokes the appearance of aching pain.

It is better to take special painkillers only when there is no longer a choice, and no treatment methods help.


Which doctor should I contact?

In most cases, people do not want to go to a hospital for consultation and examination, because they are afraid that they may find serious problems with health or consider headaches to be nonsense. But you shouldn’t treat your health this way, especially your head. If headaches in the temple area bother you too often, and at the same time they are very intense, then contacting an osteopathic doctor is mandatory. Otherwise, everything may end in development last stages serious illnesses.

Pay attention to headaches, because this may be the first sign of some deviation from the norm. Thanks to this, it is possible to diagnose health problems in time and begin their treatment, which will depend on what exactly caused the headaches in the temporal region. You should not self-medicate, because this can lead to serious complications that will be very difficult to correct.

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