Home Pulpitis Massage of the collar area for a child who stutters. Effective massages for stuttering in children

Massage of the collar area for a child who stutters. Effective massages for stuttering in children

Today, logoneurosis is successfully treated by specialists in both children and adult patients. Massage for stuttering is carried out by a specialist using a specific technique. He is appointed as part of complex therapy to eliminate speech defects, consisting of individual lessons, physiotherapy, respiratory and facial gymnastics and taking medications, and is called speech therapy.

Efficiency of the procedure

Stuttering most often occurs in children aged 3 to 5 years and is caused by neurotic disorders, although there are individual cases. Sometimes the reason is physiological problems with the speech apparatus. The brain and articulatory organs are not affected. The sooner you treat the problem, the better your chances of curing it. In adults, the course of massage takes longer to achieve results.

The mechanism of influence of the procedure on the speech apparatus looks like this: with tactile influence on the parts of the back, head, neck, shoulders, chest and collar area, there is a positive effect on speech activity, tension is relieved from the muscles, and the overall tone of the body increases. A person who stutters has excessive tension in the neck and muscles shoulder girdle. With tactile influence on the zones, the specialist manages to achieve relaxation of the root of the patient’s tongue, which promotes healing.

Cases when speech therapy massage would be contraindicated, practically does not exist.

It is effective at any age, improvements are noticeable immediately after the first session.

The most effective types Treatments for stuttering include segmental and acupressure massages. A combination of techniques is also practiced in medical therapy.

Point technique

The advantage of this massage technique is its high efficiency with relative ease of execution. Even a non-professional can carry it out at home: a visual consultation with a specialist or watching a training video is enough. The main thing is to master the technique of execution, the order of implementation and identify specific points of influence. Depending on the degree and nature of the speech disorder, some acupressure techniques will vary, and the effect may also be different. General provisions acupressure treatments for stuttering are:

  • tool - fingertips, which are used to apply circular pressure on the main points;
  • number of points - 17, they are located on the back and neck;
  • the course consists of 15–16 sessions;
  • frequency of procedures - daily for the first 5–6 times, then every other day;
  • the course is repeated after 3 months, there should be 3-4 in total (depending on the severity of the problem and the dynamics of therapy).

It is strongly recommended to undergo a full course of acupressure treatment for stuttering, even if it seems that the result has already been achieved. It is necessary to consolidate the effect. If between courses there is an aggravation and stuttering intensifies, you should not pause - immediately proceed to the next stage.

Biologically active points on the body

The room for the procedure should be warm, but ventilated and clean. It is important that the patient feels comfortable in it and can relax. This is especially true for young patients: the child must not be afraid of the speech therapist. You cannot force him to massage. Before the session, the specialist washes his hands and puts on comfortable clothes.

Execution technique

Acupuncture massage will save you from stuttering due to its calming properties. The pressure is applied slowly and smoothly using two fingers: the thumb and the middle/index finger. Next, within half a minute they are done circular movements clockwise with increasing pressure on the point so that a hole is formed. As soon as the place where you pressed is completely restored, you can press again. In just 5 minutes, 4-5 clicks occur. Sudden movements and jolts are not allowed. If 2 points are massaged at once, this should be done synchronously.

To find the right point, you should alternately apply point-to-point pressure on different areas, feeling the skin with your fingertips. If the patient feels pain or aches, the performer is on the right track. You need to act carefully and gently. If dizziness occurs, the procedure is stopped.

During the massage of the mouth area, the patient must open it slightly; when rubbing the larynx, the patient pronounces any vowel sound in a drawn-out manner. The main thing is to achieve maximum relaxation in the process.

It is not advisable to conduct a session on an empty or full stomach, after drinking coffee, strong tea, especially alcohol.

Segmental massage

The purpose of this type of massage is to influence the muscle responsible for the process of speech in humans. The course of treatment lasts 2–3 weeks (depending on the specific case), sessions are held daily, starting from 5 minutes. classes, the duration is gradually increased to 20 minutes. Segmental massage is also considered quite effective method treatment of speech therapy problems. At chronic form of the disease, treatment courses are repeated during exacerbations.


The specialist must help the patient relax - this is very important for the success of the case. The position he takes should be comfortable, conducive to maximum relaxation. The following positions are recommended: lying on your back, legs straightened and arms extended along the body, half-sitting, in a chair with a high back. The performer is positioned behind the patient's head.

Segmental massage techniques are an important component of the effectiveness of the procedure.

  • stroking before the start of the process, during it and at the end to relax the area;
  • rubbing activates blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes;
  • kneading enhances muscle processes;
  • pressing improves metabolism;
  • vibrations/tingling regulate muscle tone.


With the help of speech therapy massage for stuttering, neuralgic processes in the body can be adjusted. This will be an important part of therapy towards eliminating the problem.

Massage techniques are known to be effectively used in the treatment of stuttering. When used correctly, this type of therapy is effective and safe. Massage for stuttering helps to relax muscles, normalize their tone and relieve spasms of the speech apparatus.

Concept and causes of stuttering

To consider the problem of the effectiveness of massage as a means of treating stuttering, you need to determine what it is and what causes it. This is the only way to understand the effectiveness of the mechanism.

Stuttering is a speech disorder, from the point of view of its tempo-rhythmic organization, caused by convulsive state muscles of the speech apparatus. In the literature you can find synonyms for this disease - logoneurosis, laloneurosis, logoclonia, etc.

In psychological practice, two forms of the condition are distinguished:

  1. Neurosis-like - caused by impaired motor skills, the presence of pathological or borderline disorders of brain activity.
  2. Neurotic - does not affect the physiological mechanisms of motor and speech development. The disorder is caused by neuroses, stressful situations. The disease is not a consequence of violations brain activity. Stuttering is caused by functional state in a specific case: under severe stress a person stutters, in normal conditions speech is complete, without hesitations or repetitions of sounds.

Stuttering is caused by spasms of the organs of the speech apparatus: lips, tongue, palate, and muscles of the larynx. Spasms occur as a result of the transmission of excitation signals from the speech centers of the brain to neighboring areas responsible for motor functions and emotions.

Massage as a treatment

Massage is a combination of mechanical and reflex effects on various parts of the body and internal organs. Manipulations allow you to effectively influence the desired areas of the body.

Massage relaxes, mobilizes, stimulates various systems body, including the central nervous system.

In case of neurotic stuttering, competent influence on certain areas of the muscles leads to their relaxation and normalization of the condition of the whole organism. The beneficial effects of manipulation eliminate spasms of the speech apparatus, which contributes to the complete or partial cessation of stuttering. Massage has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, which reduces the influence of neuroses and stress.

General rules for massage:

  • slow, measured pace of manipulation;
  • the patient is positioned in a relaxed position: lying horizontally, on the back or chest, arms along the body, legs free with toes spread;
  • the patient's head is placed on a small pillow;
  • calm, comfortable atmosphere;
  • the room should be warm;
  • calm music complements the effect;
  • procedures are not performed after meals;
  • It is not recommended to drink tea or coffee before manipulation.

Massage for stuttering is performed for both adults and children. When performing procedures for children, manipulations are carried out in an easier, more gentle manner. The duration of the measures depends on the characteristics of the body, the degree of development of the disorder, and the age of the patient.

Massage has no contraindications, except in cases of serious damage or disease in the affected areas (this includes fractures, inflammation, etc.). Despite the harmless nature of the treatment method, massage in the treatment of stuttering is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

The manipulations are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle, which helps normalize the tone of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Speech therapy massage

Special types of massage - speech therapy - are aimed at eliminating speech disorders. Speech therapy massage for stuttering is divided into two types:

  1. Spot.
  2. Segmental.

They are used individually or in combination. A massage that will save you from stuttering is performed in the following areas:

  1. Upper back.
  2. Head.
  3. Neck, collar area.
  4. Upper shoulder girdle.
  5. Top part chest.
  6. Facial muscles.

When carrying out manipulations it is important:

  • have information on the features of the mechanisms that caused the development of the disorder;
  • represent the structure of facial and other muscles;
  • know the locations of the main nerves.


The main advantages of this method are the ease of implementation and the effectiveness of the results after the first courses of application. This type of manipulation can be performed at home. Parents will be able to use acupressure for stuttering on their own without any problems.


  1. Pressure is performed with the pads of the thumb, middle and index fingers. The pressure is smooth and light, with gradual intensification.
  2. Perform circular movements clockwise.
  3. The impact is applied to points on the back and face. These points are called acupuncture points.
  4. The procedure takes no more than an hour.
  5. Treatment is carried out in four courses. The course involves fifteen lessons. Breaks between courses: first and second - two weeks, subsequent ones - 2-6 months.


  1. Using three fingers, apply pressure with slow rotational movement.
  2. The pressure force slowly increases. The transition should not be abrupt.
  3. After 3-5 minutes, the pressure is slightly weakened.
  4. At each point, 3-4 consecutive manipulations are performed.
  5. The search for a point is carried out by preliminary pressure. The patient should feel specific lungs in the acupuncture area painful sensations or aches. During subsequent manipulations, no unpleasant sensations should be felt. If there are unpleasant sensations, the force of pressing is weakened. When saving discomfort the procedure is terminated.

Location of acupuncture zones:

  • between the thumb and index finger, the area on the left under the knee (the massage begins from these points);
  • between lower parts shoulder blades on both sides of the spine;
  • on the neck, below the hairline (below the ears, between the spine);
  • along the areas of the “dorsal side” of the shoulders;
  • area of ​​the parietal region of the head;
  • on the bridge of the nose;
  • under the nose;
  • under the lower lip;
  • in the corners of the lips;
  • at the junction lower jaw and skulls.

Segmental massage

This type of manipulation allows you to isolate the muscles responsible for speech.

Execution technique:

  1. Carry out every day or every other day.
  2. 10-20 procedures are performed.
  3. The event is carried out by alternating stroking (superficial and enveloping), rubbing, vibrating and tapping, pressing.

The massage begins and ends with stroking the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck and face. Then the procedures of rubbing, vibration, tapping and pressing in these areas are performed sequentially. Segmental massage is performed in combination with acupressure, during which individual sensitive points are “treated”.


A. I NAZIEV, reflexologist,
L. N. MESHCHERSKAYA, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Do acupressure for no more than 30-40 minutes.

IN Lately Experts are increasingly using reflexology to treat stuttering. By influencing certain acupuncture points, it is possible to relieve the increased excitability of speech centers and restore impaired nervous regulation speech.

We offer parents whose children stutter to master the skills of acupressure, which, unlike acupuncture, can be done by themselves at home.

Tune in long-term treatment, designed for several courses. They are carried out in the following sequence: between the first and second courses - an interval of 2 weeks; between the second and third - from 3 to 6 months. Subsequently, the courses are repeated every six months for 2-3 years.

The course includes 15 procedures, with the first 3-4 procedures performed daily, and the subsequent ones every other day.

Depending on the degree of speech impairment and the form of stuttering, the effect of acupressure may be different. It happens that after the first course there is some improvement, and sometimes after the second or third.

But this does not mean that treatment should be stopped: repetition of procedures is necessary to consolidate the achieved result. If after the second or third course of acupressure you do not notice any improvement, do not despair, be patient.

Keep in mind that during the break between courses it may even worsen - stuttering intensifies. In this case, start a second course of massage without waiting for the six months to expire.

Acupressure for stuttering has no age restrictions: the earlier you start doing it to your child, the greater the effect. Let us note in parentheses that an adult who suffers from stuttering can also cope with this illness by using such self-massage.

When stuttering, the so-called calming method is used. You apply pressure to the acupuncture point with a large, medium or index finger smoothly and slowly, with a clockwise rotational motion, increasing the pressure for about half a minute. But you do it in such a way that there is no noticeable hole left on the body.

Then slightly release the pressure without removing your finger, then press harder again, and so on 3-4 times for 3-5 minutes. The pressure should not be sharp.

For the first time, in order to find the right point, first feel it with your fingertip and press: the child should have a feeling of specific pain or aching.

This feeling is called intended or intentional. It signals that the acupuncture point has been found. During the massage, the child should not experience any pain or aches.

If the baby complains of pain when applying pressure to one point or another, you need to massage it more gently; carefully, if dizziness occurs, stop the massage.

The child must be calm and relaxed during acupressure. If he is tired or agitated, skip the procedure.

It should not be done on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. There is no need to give your child strong tea or coffee. This excites the nervous system and reduces the effect of the massage.

Start the course and each procedure with a massage of points 1 and 2. By influencing them you increase the body's defenses. The figure shows that point 1 is located on back side hands, and point 2 on the shin, at a distance of two centimeters from the front edge tibia. Massage point 1 alternately on the left and right hand, and point 2 - on both legs at the same time, the child sits with his legs slightly extended.

In the first two days, act only on these points. Then, doing the third and fourth procedures, simultaneously massage symmetrical points 3 and 4 of the cervical-collar region on the left and right.

When performing the fifth and sixth procedures, massage points 5 and 6, also on both sides.

From the seventh procedure, start massaging points on your face and head - two per day. Act on points 7 and then 8 simultaneously.

Points 9 are located at a distance of one centimeter from the corner of the mouth; While massaging these points, the child should open his mouth slightly.

Consistently begin to massage other points.

If the child has impaired not only articulation, but also the breathing rhythm, we advise you to work on points 14, 15, and during the next session add 16 and 17. Symmetrical points Massage 16 and 17 at the same time.

When influencing points 3, 4, 5, 7 8 13, 16 17, the child should sit, while massaging point 6 - lie on his stomach, and points 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 - sit or lie on his back.

Good afternoon, dear readers our site! Continuing the topic of massage, today we will touch on the topic of childhood stuttering. Many of us have a child who suffers from a similar speech disorder, and some of us remember how embarrassed we were to speak in public because of this problem.

It would seem, what is the connection between our speech and physiotherapy, and how massage for stuttering in children will help restore normal function speeches? In fact, there is a connection, and quite strong. First, let's figure out what stuttering is and why it occurs in children.

As you know, we can speak thanks to the work of the speech center of the brain, which is also called Broca’s center. Associated with the speech center are the articulatory apparatus (tongue, lips, palate, vocal cords) and the facial muscles that we use when we speak.

Stuttering is not associated with organic damage to the speech center or articulatory apparatus. The mechanism of stuttering lies in neurological disorders in which there is excessive excitability of the nerves of the speech apparatus and impaired activation of the speech center of the brain.

The causes of stuttering can be different:

  • nervous overload in a child (for example, if parents have put too much on him - school, clubs, sports section);
  • psychological tension and stress (family quarrels, parental divorce);
  • innate characteristics of work nervous system– excessive excitability, increased anxiety, sensitivity to external stimuli;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Boys are three times more likely to stutter. Why this happens, scientists do not answer. But if your child has this speech disorder, it is your duty to help him cope with it.

If delayed, this will result in the child having self-doubt, complexes, unsociability and other psychological problems in adolescence and adolescence. Start acting right now: contact a speech therapist or sign up for a special massage course.

Is massage really beneficial for stuttering?

Massage for stuttering is a speech therapy massage that is designed to eliminate neurological disorder. As you know, there is a strong connection between the nerve endings on the skin and various centers of the brain. By influencing the skin and muscles, we indirectly influence our “flight control center”, i.e. on the brain.

And if with the help of massage you can normalize arterial pressure and relieve stress, then why can’t various physical therapy techniques improve the functioning of our speech apparatus?

Speech therapists successfully use various techniques treatment of stuttering in children from 2 to 6 years old. Two main techniques of speech therapy massage are used:

  • segmental;
  • spot.

Used in parallel with massage different kinds conservative treatment: physiotherapy (gymnastics, exercises), special articulation exercises. To reduce the excitability of the nervous system in a child, safe drugs are prescribed. sedatives which reduce tension and help you relax.

After all, it is known that children who stutter have various psychological problems– shyness, wild imagination, complexes and other similar conditions. A comfortable emotional atmosphere in the house is important for him; the baby should not witness quarrels between parents.

Who should give speech therapy massage to a child?

All types of massage should ideally be performed by a specialist - a certified speech therapist with medical education. The procedure is performed manually in a specialized massage room. Psychological comfort during a massage is very important, because... The ultimate goal of all procedures is to relieve neuromuscular tension in the child.

The child must like the doctor who performs the procedures. The procedure is carried out in a warm and clean room; it must be ventilated before visiting a speech therapist. The massage therapist's hands should be clean, nails should be short, and there should be no jewelry on the hands that could injure the child's skin.

How is speech therapy massage done for stuttering?

Impact area – head, face, neck, shoulder muscles, top part chest and back. Segmental massage consists of alternating effects on certain muscles that are responsible for speech. The acupressure technique consists of influencing special points on the face that promote muscle relaxation. These points are located not only on the face, but also on the arms, legs, head and back.

The execution scheme is as follows:

  1. The child lies on his back, arms and legs lie free and relaxed.
  2. The specialist alternately acts on the muscles or acupuncture points responsible for the articulatory apparatus (in the face and neck).

Segmental massage

The technique of influence is quite simple. The specialist influences the muscles of the face, head, neck, shoulders and back in the following ways:

  • stroking – used at the very beginning of the procedure;
  • rubbing – they activate blood circulation and normalize nerve conduction;
  • kneading – activate metabolic processes in muscles;
  • vibration – relieves tension or increases muscle tone;
  • pressing – improves muscle metabolism.

To get the effect you need to do it every day for 2-3 weeks. The first sessions last no more than 5 minutes, but gradually their duration increases to 20 minutes.


This technique involves gently pressing with your fingertips on points on the face, as well as other parts of the body. Specialists in massage rooms uses the shiatsu technique, according to which the active points are located in the following zones:

  1. Between the eyebrows.
  2. In the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  3. Near the wings of the nose.
  4. On the chin.
  5. On the earlobes.
  6. Below the kneecap.
  7. Above the ankles.
  8. In the scalp.

In parallel with the procedure, it is recommended to turn on calm, relaxing music. The speech therapist should talk calmly with the baby so that he feels comfortable. You need to massage daily for 2-3 weeks, after which you need a break. In total, courses need to be repeated for 2-3 years to see positive dynamics.

Ideally, shiatsu should be performed by a specialist. But this is a fairly simple type of physiotherapy, and parents, if desired, can learn the basic techniques and rules of influence.

Classes with a speech therapist: stuttering. Video

Stuttering is a speech disorder that occurs as a result of mental trauma. The use of acupressure for this type of disease does not lead to complete cure, but influencing the following points can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition (Fig. 1).

Point 1. Symmetrical, located on inside hands on the wrist between the tendons. The patient sits with his hand on the table, palm up. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left.

Point 2. Symmetrical, located on the inside of the forearm 2 cun above the middle fold of the wrist. Massaged like point 1.

Point 3. Symmetrical, located on the outer side of the shoulder 1 cun above the elbow fold of the unbent arm. The patient sits with his arm down. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun below the kneecap and 1 cun back from the anterior edge of the tibia. The patient sits with his legs stretched out. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the back one and a half cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. The patient sits, leaning slightly forward. The point is massaged simultaneously on the right and left.

Point 6. Symmetrical, located on the face in the depression above the zygomatic arch at the base of the ear. The patient sits with his elbows on the table. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 7. Symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. The patient is sitting. The point is massaged on both sides simultaneously.

Point 8. Symmetrical, located on the forearm one and a half cun above the middle fold of the wrist, in a depression. The patient sits with his hand on the table. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left.

Point 9. Asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline on the lower border of the scalp. The patient sits with his head slightly tilted.

Point 10. Symmetrical, located on the hand on the border of the inner and outer sides of the palm at the little finger. The patient sits with his hand slightly bent on the table, palm down. The point is massaged alternately on the right and left.


* Massage (except point 10) is performed using a soothing method using light pressure. The duration of exposure to each point is 3 minutes or more.

* Point 10 is massaged using a tonic method using deep pressure. The duration of exposure to the point is 0.5-1 min.

* The massage course consists of 12 sessions held every day. If necessary, you can conduct another 2-3 courses with an interval of one week.

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