Home Prosthetics and implantation Cough massage for infants. Massage for coughs: benefits and techniques for performing various types of massage

Cough massage for infants. Massage for coughs: benefits and techniques for performing various types of massage

Cough massage helps get rid of annoying attacks and enhances the effect of the mucolytic drugs used. There are various techniques that you can learn on your own if you wish. This is especially true for parents whose children often suffer from coughing.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that massage is never used as the main treatment. It should be part of the therapy prescribed to the patient.

Among the main functions of massage are:

  • The removal of sputum from the walls and its removal from the body;
  • Strengthening internal muscles respiratory tract;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation in the back, chest and, as a result, improved nutrition of blood vessels;
  • Improving the metabolic process.

Cough massage is used even for the youngest children, which confirms its effectiveness for any age. But very good effect One can only expect from a massage if its technique is followed correctly.


Massage for coughs is carried out both when it is wet and when it is dry. In the first case, patients experience difficulty in expectorating the mucus that appears and massage can influence its discharge. With a dry cough, the purpose of the massage is to produce sputum and then remove it.

Typically, the need for cough massage occurs in the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Enphysema;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Pneumosclerosis.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that diseases may have characteristics in which massage is contraindicated. For example, bronchial asthma. In her case, massage can only be used when she is not in the acute stage.

In general, it is better to start doing massage 4-5 days after the onset of the illness.

How to massage a cough

Each type of massage involves its own individual technique. Moreover, if the drainage type is not difficult to master, then the point type requires more serious preparation.


Drainage massage when coughing is the most popular method. This is due to the combination of simplicity of its implementation and high effectiveness. His technique is aimed at separating mucus from the walls of the respiratory tract and, accordingly, removing it from the body.

Before the procedure, the patient should take a warm bath or do inhalation. The massage is carried out as follows:

  • The patient lies on a horizontal surface with his stomach down. A cushion is placed under the stomach, which can be made, for example, from a rolled up towel. As a result, the pelvis should be raised and at a level above the head;
  • First of all, thoroughly rub your back to ensure blood flow. You can proceed to the next stage when the skin of your back acquires a pink-red tint;
  • The main movements should be of a patting nature. This can be done using the fingertips, the edges of the palms or the surface of the palms. The point is that a certain vibration is created that promotes the separation of stagnant sputum from the walls;
  • The patient takes horizontal position and tries to clear his throat.

Talk about correct technique massage and its effectiveness may result in a productive cough that occurs after the procedure, during which a large amount of sputum is released. It is important for the person performing the massage to pay attention to the following features of the technique:

  • All movements are made strictly from top to bottom. Otherwise, you can provoke the descent of sputum into the lungs;
  • At least half of the time of the entire session should be allocated for rubbing the back;
  • The procedure is not recommended in acute period diseases.

The recommended duration of one session is up to 15-20 minutes. Drainage massage for children with cough is also very effective. It is approved for use even in the smallest infants. The procedure time for children should be reduced to 8-10 minutes.


Acupressure for coughing is carried out by influencing certain areas on the body. A professional massage therapist knows the number of points and their exact location. They are located not only on the back, but also on other parts of the body. You can’t do acupressure when coughing on your own, because you may not only not help the patient, but also make it worse for him. If you still need to carry out the procedure yourself, you can take training courses.

Acupressure is effective not only for coughs. It is also relevant for:

  • Shortness of breath;
  • Asthma;
  • Disorders of the central nervous system;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.


Cupping massage has not lost its popularity for many years. His technique is quite simple, but requires some skill. You can use both plastic and glass jars.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The patient lies horizontally with his stomach down;
  • A small amount of oil or cream is applied to the back. Vaseline will also work;
  • It is enough to use two jars. Each of them is wiped with cotton wool soaked in alcohol. Next, you should set the alcohol on fire with a lighter and with a sharp movement place the can on your back. Due to the vacuum effect, the jar fits tightly to the skin. If this does not happen, the procedure must be repeated;
  • The cups should be installed on both sides of the spine. They begin to carry out movements without lifting them from the skin. Directions can be different: up-down, circular, diagonal;
  • At the end of the procedure, the patient is covered with a warm blanket and allowed to rest for a while.

The effect of this type of massage occurs due to stimulation of blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the respiratory system. The recommended duration of one session is 18-20 minutes. If you have no experience in performing cupping massage, then it is better to contact a specialist.


Honey is real natural healing agent. Its effectiveness is high not only for the common cold, but also for bronchitis, laryngitis, and tracheitis.

In order to perform a honey massage for cough, you should follow these steps:

  • The patient is placed on a horizontal surface with his back down. It is best to place a towel or cellophane under it, as honey may accidentally drip;
  • Next they begin to massage the chest lung cell rubbing movements;
  • When the breasts are sufficiently warmed up, a small amount of honey is applied to them. You can use any type, but linden is recommended;
  • The chest is massaged, while honey is spread over it;
  • Next, you should place your palms completely on your chest and peel them off, lifting them up;
  • At the end of the procedure, the patient needs to wash off the remaining honey, dress warmly and lie down to rest.

On average, one session lasts 10-12 minutes. Honey not only promotes the removal of phlegm, but also nourishes the body nutrients, which are able to remove toxins from the body.


Massage can really show good results and quickly relieve the patient from annoying cough. But it is important to consider that not everyone can use this method. The list of contraindications includes:

  • Broken integrity skin in the area of ​​impact;
  • Diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Oncology;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • Body temperature over 37 degrees;
  • Body weight deficiency.

Cupping massage is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy.

Massage should not be performed on a patient who is feeling very unwell. If so, it happens that the patient is experiencing severe discomfort, then this session should be skipped and the course should be resumed when his condition improves. If you have any doubts about performing a cough massage, it is better to consult your doctor.

Features of massage for coughs in children

In general, massage for a child’s cough is carried out in the same way as for an adult. But it is important to consider that the procedure time should be shorter. Typically, one session for children lasts no more than 10-20 minutes, depending on the type, as well as the age of the child.

Since children are not always assiduous, it is important to pay attention to whether they adhere to correct position body, since otherwise the phlegm will only go down, which can worsen the existing condition.

When choosing the type of massage, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. So, for example, when a very small baby coughs, only drainage or honey massage can be done, but not cupping or acupressure.

In order for the massage to have a good effect and the cough to calm down as soon as possible, you should follow some simple recommendations:

  • Massage should not be done immediately after eating, when the stomach is full. The state of hunger is also not the best option. It is best if the procedure is carried out approximately an hour after eating;
  • The room must have a supply of fresh air. Ideally, the temperature in it will remain 23-24 degrees;
  • The couch, bed or other piece of furniture on which the patient will be located must have sufficient rigidity and not fall under him;
  • Before starting active actions, the back or chest must be warmed up. Rubbing and stroking are suitable for this;
  • The hands of the person who will perform the massage should also be preheated. This point is especially important if the patient is a child;
  • It is important to maintain hygiene: wash your hands before the procedure, use a clean sheet.

And, of course, the most important thing is that massage should not cause severe symptoms in the patient. painful sensations. If it is difficult for him to tolerate such an impact or his condition worsens during the procedure, it is necessary to immediately stop the massage. If we are talking about a baby, then it is also important to monitor his reaction. If he cries a lot, then it is advisable to calm him down and only then continue the procedure.

Cough is a companion to many childhood illnesses. To treat it, mothers use many various means, but the baby doesn’t like all of them. Massage for a child with a cough is one of the few procedures that does not cause discomfort in the child and is highly effective.

The product is used as additional treatment. Due to not yet developed muscular system, it is difficult for a child to cough up stagnant mucus, especially for infants. Carrying out a massage stimulates blood circulation in the lungs, thus facilitating easier expectoration of mucus.

Indications for the procedure

Video “How to massage a child when he/she coughs?”:

Drainage massage

Drainage massage is suitable for treating coughs in children of any age. Its main feature is that it is aimed not only at treating a child’s cough, but also has other beneficial effects:

  • stimulates the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • increases rib mobility;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • improves the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • cleanses the body of bacteria, strengthens the immune system well.

With all the positive properties of drainage massage there is also contraindications to carry it out:

  • skin diseases;
  • poor health of the baby;
  • heat;
  • body weight deficiency;
  • recently eaten food.

The course of drainage massage for cough treatment is 10 times: 2 times for 5 days in a row.

Technique of the procedure

The position of the child should be the same as in the previous instructions.

  • warm up the bronchi with stroking and light rubbing;
  • moving from bottom to top, perform pinching movements, placing your fingers symmetrically on both sides of the spine;
  • repeat the previous step, stepping back slightly from the spine;
  • continue pinching from bottom to top, each time moving a little to the sides, so as to eventually massage your entire back;
  • Perform tapping with the edges of your palms, also moving from bottom to top, forming a Christmas tree with your hands;
  • execute similar action in the same directions, but with your fingers clenched into fists;
  • ask the baby to cough if he is old enough and put him on his back;
  • rub it chest, moving in a circular motion clockwise, from the middle to the side areas;

This completes the procedure. After it, the child should lie down for a while and relax under a warm blanket.

For massage, you can use or, which are sold at the pharmacy.

Video “Drainage massage for coughs for children”:

Chest massage for cough

In order to give a cough massage to a child, you need to do the following:

  • chest massage should begin with massaging the chest, moving from the middle to the collarbones;
  • then sit the baby down and rub the jugular cavity (the notch between the collarbones);
  • then let the child cough, wrap him in a warm blanket so that he can rest.

The course is 5 days, 2 times (morning and evening). Only 10 times.
Video “Chest massage”:

Acupressure for coughs

Acupressure is a type of finger pressure applied to certain biological points of the body. It can only be carried out by a specialist with appropriate education and experience. It is better to go to trusted massage therapists. This is the most effective type, both for coughs and for other diseases. The technique is based on the connection of these points with certain functioning systems; by massaging these points, you can seriously improve the functioning of any of them.

When coughing, it is enough to carry out only 5 sessions of acupressure.

Cupping massage is a proven remedy

This type of massage is effective and easy to perform. It perfectly helps a child cope with a cough and also improves immunity. The only difficulty that may arise if you want to carry out such a procedure is the availability. However, for the sake of the effect that massage can bring, you can purchase such jars, especially since their price is quite affordable, and you will most likely need them more than once.

Massage should not be performed if you have any skin diseases.

Video “Cupping massage for a child’s cough”:

Percussion massage

Percussion - translated from Latin means tapping. During the procedure, the bronchi are heated, and mucus is separated from their surface, which allows the baby to cough up mucus more productively after the first massage session.

Despite the effectiveness of this type of massage, it must be supplemented with the use of medications, as well as plenty of fluid intake and regular ventilation of the patient’s room.

To improve the effectiveness of cough massage and make the procedure easier, use the following tips and recommendations:

  • To better glide your hands over your body, take a special massage oil or cream.
  • Warm up your hands before performing any type of massage. It is more pleasant for a child of any age to feel warm touches, and in the case of younger children, this is necessary so that the baby does not get scared.
  • Before starting direct action on phlegm, be sure to warm up and lightly knead the part of the body where the procedure will be performed.
  • You can’t do a massage on an empty stomach or after a meal; the optimal time is 40-60 minutes after eating.
  • Before carrying out the procedure, ventilate the room, while making sure that the temperature does not drop below 22 °C.
  • Be sure to trim your nails before the massage to avoid scratching your baby.
  • The surface on which the massage will be performed should not be too soft; the body should lie strictly horizontally on it, without sagging.
  • If you are giving a massage to a baby, and he gets scared and starts crying, then you need to calm him down and distract him. Then, unobtrusively and playfully, try to approach this process from the other side.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • Coughing caused by various diseases, cause discomfort during the day and do not allow you to fully rest at night. Official and ethnoscience They offer a lot of cough relievers. One of these manipulations is cough massage. It should be done when there is sputum production; a dry cough cannot be stopped by massage.

    Children most often suffer from cough. Due to the fact that children cope worse with the coughing process, take medications poorly and cannot tolerate the application of mustard plasters, experts advise easing their suffering and relieving coughing with the help of massage.

    Adults also need it, because it helps. Cough massage can be used in any type, but it is done for general purposes:

    For treatment to be effective, massage should be performed at least 3 times a day. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to study contraindications and consult a doctor.

    Types of massage

    There are several types of massage, each of which provides specific benefits. Therefore, the choice should be guided by the impact of the procedure on the patient’s health.


    Drainage is the most popular of all types. It stimulates expectoration in both children and adults, and is even indicated for infants. The procedure must be performed half an hour after taking the expectorant.

    Before you start massaging your back, you should lubricate it with cream, place the patient on the surface so that the head is slightly lower than the body, and place a pillow under the neck.

    The massage technique consists of the following manipulations:

    The duration of drainage massage for adults is 30 minutes, and 15 minutes is enough for children. A massage course is recommended for at least 10 sessions. After the session, the patient needs to be warmed up by wrapping him in a blanket, thereby giving him a warming compress.


    Acupressure for coughs is considered the most difficult to perform, because you need to know all the points necessary for this. It is suitable for both adults and children.

    To perform it, it is better to contact a specialist - only he knows the location biologically active points on the human body.

    A massage session includes stroking and vibrating the point for 1-2 minutes. These zones are located in the following locations:

    The process itself does not cause discomfort even to small children.


    Cupping massage is useful for both adults and children with coughs.

    In addition to improving coughing, this procedure is effective in stimulating processes such as:

    • improves blood and lymph circulation;
    • eliminates swelling in muscle tissue;
    • Excess fluid is removed from the body.

    The procedure requires glass or rubber medical jars. Before this, the back is thoroughly smeared with cream or cosmetic oil so that the jar can easily slide over the skin of the back without coming off it.

    Next, set fire to a piece of cotton wool, previously moistened with alcohol (the piece should be held with tongs), and hold the fire under a jar turned upside down. Then quickly attach it to the skin. Perform the following manipulations at least 10 times for each jar:

    Do all the movements, then wrap the patient in a blanket and let him sleep.


    Vibration massage especially effective for coughs childhood, it can be done even for infants. After all, newborns have not yet formed the respiratory system, and they are not able to cope with severe cough on one's own.

    To expel mucus, assistance in the form of a vibration massage is required. It should be noted that it is also useful for adults, only in the presented version it must be carried out more intensively with the use of effort during manual exposure.

    A vibration massage should be done in this way: place the patient on his stomach and tap on the back with the edge of his palm for 10 minutes. You need to resort to sessions twice a day - morning and evening.

    For small children, it should be carried out in a gentle way: place your palm on your back, without touching the spine, with the fist of your second hand you should tap the hand of the first, moving from the fingers to the wrist. For children infancy A couple of minutes of such exposure is enough.

    Vibration massage for coughs is very effective for respiratory diseases, as it performs the following functions:

    An important feature of this massage is that before the session you should drink an expectorant and only after 30 minutes begin manipulation.

    You should not do a massage if you have a dry cough. Massage is effective only for wet coughs; it is not therapeutic, but only helps eliminate phlegm.

    During the session, you should not touch the spine - this can damage it, especially if you carry out manipulations small child, massage is prohibited if you have a disease such as false croup and a patient with a high fever.

    Massage is useless for acute infectious disease, therefore, if when a child coughs there is also skin rashes, then manipulations are not recommended. You cannot massage a child if he has a severe form of malnutrition and very low body weight.

    The session should be carried out in a ventilated room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees and humidity not higher than 65%. If during a session of any type of massage you feel discomfort and pain, you should stop it and consult a specialist.

    Along with the massage, you should drink herbal expectorant infusions and decoctions. Immune support medications will help the body cope with this unpleasant problem. Cough should be treated under the supervision of a physician.

    Child M, 1.5 years old, cough has been observed for two weeks. Taking expectorants did not lead to positive results, no secondary signs of the disease are observed.

    Was held comprehensive examination to exclude a more serious pathology - nothing was found, only sputum in the bronchi. A vibration massage was prescribed - after 4 sessions the amount of sputum was halved.

    Massage is distinguished by its effectiveness, which can relieve the patient from bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, headache and other serious pathologies.

    Cough is one of the most common symptoms of illness in children. It can be a manifestation of a variety of diseases associated with the respiratory system, so it cannot be treated “in isolation” from the main diagnosis. In some cases, pediatricians, along with drug treatment Prescribe various types of massage to the child.


    Most often, massage is prescribed for bronchitis, since in this case there is a strong moist cough is not just a consequence of itching or irritation in the throat, but the result of the accumulation of phlegm and mucus in the bronchi. Get rid of the blocker yourself respiratory system mucus is difficult for the baby, because respiratory muscles are not yet developed enough to effectively cough up mucus. Therapeutic massage facilitates expectoration, increases blood circulation in the lungs and bronchi, promotes more active expectoration and, as a result, recovery. In addition, it has a general strengthening effect on the body. Due to the fact that massage is aimed at getting rid of phlegm, it is usually not prescribed for “dry” cough.

    However, do not forget that massage is a help, but not a replacement for drug treatment.

    Remember that only a doctor can prescribe it: do not try to diagnose and prescribe treatment for your baby yourself. The pediatrician will determine whether massage is worthwhile in your case. And if it is necessary, he will explain to you the conditions and technique of its implementation.

    Types of massage techniques

    Type of massage Performance technique What is its use Additional materials Can I do it at home?

    The child must be placed with his stomach on a pillow or a special cushion so that his head is necessarily below the level of the pelvis. Warm up the back by rubbing. Using light movements of your fingers, collecting the skin of your back in a “wave,” massage the intercostal space from bottom to top, then gently pat the same areas with the edge of your palm for a couple of minutes in the same direction. Regularly stroke with your fingertips and palms so that the baby does not tense up. Then you need to gently squeeze the diaphragm from the sides at the base. Sit the child down and let him cough. Repeat the massage 3-4 times in 1 session.

    Accelerates sputum discharge and coughing.

    A small dense pad or a special roller.

    It is possible to do it at home yourself, but it is advisable to first undergo training with a massage therapist in a children's clinic.


    Lay the baby on his tummy and gently rhythmically tap the fingers of your cupped palm on his back and sides, without touching the spine or pressing on the ribs. For the little ones, to make the massage as gentle as possible, you can simply tap on the back with your fingertips or put your palm on the baby’s back and tap your fingers through it.

    Vibration separates mucus from the inner surface of the bronchi, making it easier to cough up and expel.

    Not required.

    You can do it at home yourself, except in cases where the child is less than a year old: in this case, it is better to invite a professional massage therapist.


    Place the baby on his stomach. First, perform a warming back massage without using oil, then apply a small amount of honey to it in the bronchi area and massage with honey. Stroke, pinch, pat with your palm until the surface of the back is dry.

    It has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body. It is very useful for chronic or protracted illness.

    Natural, non-candied honey, a sheet or towel, so as not to “candied” the bed or table during a massage.

    Can be done at home yourself


    Place the baby on his stomach, lubricate his back with baby cream or olive oil where you are going to get a massage.

    Special medical jars (two are enough for a child) are held over an open fire for several seconds to thin the air, then they are placed on the child’s back. The jars “stick” to the skin, then they need to be moved in turn for several minutes in different directions.

    A vacuum is formed in the places where the cans are placed. Exposure to vacuum improves blood circulation. It improves respiratory functions body, increases general level immunity.

    Two medical jars, a portable fire source (matches or lighter), baby cream or oil.

    You can do it at home, but it is better if the procedure is performed by a doctor who knows how long to heat the jars and how to process them so as not to harm the child.


    You need to massage strictly defined points behind the ears, on the back of the head, neck, hands, shoulder blades, and shins. Sometimes used as an auxiliary type of massage when using drainage techniques.

    Improves blood circulation, accelerates recovery, and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

    Not required.

    This must be done by a specialist, since he knows well the location of the necessary points on the body and understands with what force it is necessary to influence them and which points should be involved in each specific case.

    Chest massage

    Lay the child on his back and ask him to bend his knees. Warm up the chest by stroking, then apply gentle pressure while exhaling and rubbing.

    Improves blood circulation, accelerates sputum discharge.

    Not required.

    You can do it at home yourself.

    Professional massage therapists often combine different techniques in one massage session to enhance the effect.

    Video: percussion technique from Dr. Komarovsky

    Carrying out the procedure at different ages

    Child's age

    Features of massage

    Duration and frequency of sessions


    Up to 1 year

    It is advisable to use baby oil for massage to make it as gentle as possible.

    Mostly stroking, light rubbing of the back and tapping with fingertips are used. back side palm lying on the child's back. The spine area should not be touched. It is better to entrust baby massage to a professional massage therapist.

    3–5 minutes,
    no more than 1 session per day.

    Therapeutic massage is usually not prescribed for children under 3 months of age. Honey, acupressure and cupping massages are also not prescribed until one year of age: children are very vulnerable at such an early age.

    From 1 to 3 years

    During this period, you can already massage yourself. During a vibration massage, you can tap your fingers directly on the baby’s back, and not on your hand. The massage also includes stroking, rubbing and kneading. You can gently massage your baby's chest, without effort or pressure.

    5–8 minutes,
    2 sessions per day.

    You can add a honey massage to the vibration massage if the child is not allergic. The use of oil is optional.

    From 3 to 7 years

    You can start combining or alternating vibration massage with drainage massage. WITH three years It is possible to use cupping massage.

    10–20 minutes,
    2–3 sessions per day.

    Before using cupping massage, the surface of the back must be lubricated with warm oil. For other types of massage, you can do without it.

    After 7 years

    Any type is applicable medical massage, prescribed for cough.

    20–30 minutes,
    2–3 sessions per day.

    When performing the procedure, normal massage intensity is applicable, although with more caution than for adults.

    Execution conditions

    In order for the massage session to go smoothly and give the desired result, parents, in addition to mastering massage techniques, should also follow several rules:

    • Give a massage at least a couple of hours before bedtime so that your child does not have problems falling asleep.
    • You cannot conduct a session immediately before or shortly after a meal. The interval before and after meals should be at least an hour so as not to provoke vomiting..
    • Before starting the procedure, give your child the medicine prescribed by your pediatrician 20 minutes before expectorant and drinking.
    • The temperature in the room should be comfortable - about 22-25 degrees, check that there are no drafts.
    • Warm your hands before starting the massage so that the child does not tense up and is not afraid of the cold. To do this, just rub them with your palms against each other for half a minute.
    • If you use massage oil or cream, then make sure that they are hypoallergenic, for example, take baby cream or baby care oil.
    • Be sure to start the procedure by warming up the child’s back or chest: stroke, rub the skin, gradually increasing the pressure for several minutes.
    • Be very careful and careful, remember that the child’s skeleton is not yet strong.

    Talk to your child and distract him during the massage, sing a song, tell him a story. This will create the right mood and help the baby relax.

    Most effective types Pediatricians consider drainage and vibration massage for coughs in children, since they are directly aimed at simplifying the removal of mucus from the walls of the bronchi and making it easier to get rid of it. Vibration massage is good because it can be done even for infants, because it is possible in the most gentle options. Drainage - suitable for older children. Other types of massage are also often used in combination with them, this helps strengthen the child’s immunity and the overall health of his body.


    You should not massage a child if he experiences the following phenomena:

    • high or elevated temperature body (above 37 degrees);
    • allergic skin diseases in the acute stage or damage to the skin in the intended massage area;
    • acute infectious disease;
    • cancer of the lungs or bronchi;
    • acute form of nephritis or hepatitis;
    • pulmonary or heart failure;
    • body weight is very low, there are severe nutritional disorders;
    • hernias with a tendency to strangulation;
    • acute diseases of muscles, joints, lymph nodes, bone tissue;
    • nervous breakdown.

    Important! The list of contraindications is not limited the listed points and is purely individual for each child, so consultation with a doctor before using massage is required.

    It's not boring!

    Performing one type of massage or another is a great opportunity to communicate and play with your baby. People have come up with many jokes and funny rhymes for children. They will help you distract your child during a massage if he starts to worry and cry, and just laugh with him, saying these lines and at the same time massaging and shaking him.

    For example, a well-known saying:

    Rails, rails (we draw two lines one after another along the baby’s back),
    Sleepers, sleepers (draw transverse lines),
    The train was traveling late (“we are traveling” with the edge of our palm on the back),
    From the last window
    Suddenly peas began to fall (we hit the back with the fingertips of both hands).
    The chickens came, pecked, pecked (knock all over the back index fingers),
    The geese came, plucked, plucked (we pinch the back, but carefully),
    The little fox-sister came,
    She waved her tail (we stroke the back several times with our palm).
    An elephant passed (“we stomp” all over its back slowly with the backs of our fists),
    The elephant passed by (“we stomp” with our fists, but with less effort and faster),
    A little scarlet elephant passed by (“we stomp” with three fingers folded into a pinch, quickly).
    An important store director came (we slowly “walk” along the back with two fingers),
    I smoothed everything out, cleaned everything (we stroke my back with my palms up and down several times).
    He set the table (we represent the table with a gentle push of the fist),
    Chair (chair - in a pinch),
    A typewriter (we depict it by poking it with a finger once),
    He began to type (“we type” on the back with fingertips):
    “I bought my wife and daughter
    Foreign stockings.
    Ding - dot, ding - dot" (with these words we tickle first one, then the other side).
    I read it (we move our finger as if we were reading),
    Wrinkled, smoothed, (pinching and then stroking the back),
    I read it
    Wrinkled it, smoothed it out,
    I didn’t like it, I threw it away (we make “erasing” movements with our palms on the back).
    I started again... (repeat the lines after the words “started typing” until the second “crumpled, smoothed”),
    Folded. Sent (“put the letter” by the collar, tickling).

    Or you can do this:

    We chop and chop the cabbage (we tap on the back with the ribs of our palms),
    We rub the carrots, rub them (rub the skin with our knuckles),
    We salt the cabbage, salt it (touching fingertips all over the back),
    We press the cabbage, press it (pressing the back muscles with our fingers),
    We drink cabbage juice, we drink (wide stroking movements with palms).

    Or another old nursery rhyme:

    They beat flax, beat him (we tap on the back with our fists),
    Stoked, stoked (we rub the back with our palms),
    They beat, they beat (we clap our palms),
    Kneaded, kneaded (we kneaded the skin with our fingers),
    They tore, tore (we pinched the back with both hands),
    We wove white tablecloths (we draw many parallel lines with the edges of our palms),
    The tables were set (we stroke them with our palms).

    If you wish, you can find or come up with many similar jokes, and then every massage session will be a fun game for your child.

    After the massage session, you need to wrap the baby's chest with a towel or cover him with a soft blanket and let him lie down or even sleep for several hours. During this time, you can play him cartoons or read a book out loud.

    Massage gives you the opportunity to feel closer to your child and be close to him so that he feels your closeness and warmth.

    Video: professional massage for coughs in children

    You can check out the most effective techniques therapeutic massage after watching this video. Experienced doctor will show you some massage techniques that you can use if your child needs massage therapy.

    In addition to medical and restorative properties, a therapeutic cough massage session also has “educational” features. Mastering the technique of performing the procedures will not be difficult, and the benefits that the baby will receive will be tangible.

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