Home Smell from the mouth What to do to lower the temperature. Fever without symptoms in adults

What to do to lower the temperature. Fever without symptoms in adults

A temperature that rises to 37–38°C is called low-grade fever. This state of the body should not cause panic. Low-grade fever most often indicates physical or mental fatigue, emotional overstrain, nervous breakdown after stressful situations.

But it happens that elevated body temperature does not want to subside after a week. Is this normal or a sign of serious pathology? What to do in this situation?

What does low-grade fever mean?

In humans, like all warm-blooded animals, the body does not heat above a certain value, and also does not cool below a certain level throughout life. The temperature of a healthy person, measured in the armpit, is 36.6°C.

But daily fluctuations in temperature within one degree are quite acceptable; they are usually observed after a night's sleep, a hearty lunch, stressful situations, hard and tiring work. Also, minor changes in temperature may indicate the development of mental pathologies, and in women, certain phases of the menstrual cycle.

Interestingly, not all healthy people have a temperature of 36.6°C.

  1. For some individuals, their body does not heat up above 36.2°C throughout their entire lives, and a certain number of people have to live with a temperature of 37.0 - 37.2°C.
  2. But still, for the vast majority of the world's population, elevated temperature is a sure sign of a slowly developing inflammatory reaction. Therefore, low-grade fever should not be taken lightly: if the temperature remains above 37°C for a week, then you should definitely go to the doctor.

In an adult, low-grade fever helps to activate metabolism and suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. But in a child under one year of age, a temperature of 37°C may be normal, since the thermoregulation function has not yet been established in the infant’s body. It should also be taken into account that errors are possible when measuring body temperature with a thermometer.

The thermometer shows incorrect values ​​if a person sweats in hot and heavy clothes, sunbathes on the beach, or plays sports. The body also warms up slightly in people suffering from thyrotoxicosis.

Why does the temperature rise to 37 degrees and last for weeks?

In an adult, body temperature can jump a degree or two under the influence of various factors. Common reasons low-grade fever are the following pathologies:

  • allergic reactions;
  • viral diseases;
  • bacterial infections;
  • inflammatory processes in muscle or joint tissue;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • heart attack;
  • hemorrhages in internal organs.

It should be understood that a temperature of 37 – 38°C is not an independent disease. It only warns about the development of an inflammatory reaction in the body. Low-grade fever that does not subside within a week can be considered normal only in the following cases:

  • with constant and intense sports loads;
  • in the second half of the menstrual cycle;
  • upon joining female body during menopause;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

In women who are breastfeeding, the temperature can remain at 37°C for a week, or even 2 weeks. The heat becomes especially noticeable in the first few days of milk formation. mammary glands. But young mothers should know that low-grade fever during lactation, accompanied by pain in the chest, is often a sign of purulent mastitis.

If a low-grade fever is followed by a cough, then we can confidently speak about the development of an acute respiratory disease in the body. Body temperature always increases with the following pathologies of the respiratory system:

  • cold;
  • flu;
  • rhinitis;
  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis.

A temperature that lasts a week or longer at 37.0 - 37.5°C may be a symptom of severe pathological processes, slowly occurring in the body. Low-grade fever is recorded in people suffering from the following serious diseases:

  • infections in the intestinal tract;
  • tuberculosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

The temperature can remain at 37°C for more than a week in case of heart disease and circulatory system, nervous disorders, chronic lung dysfunction, after surgical interventions. Also, the thermometer often shows a high temperature in case of immunity deficiency and the appearance of malignant tumors.

Sometimes doctors record a slight fever in patients with hypertension, autonomic dysfunction, chronic adrenocortical insufficiency. Moreover, with these diseases, low-grade fever is accompanied by migraine, loss of appetite, lethargy and impotence.

  1. If, when the temperature rises to 37.0 - 37.5°C, painful sensations V abdominal cavity, then you can suspect problems with the gastrointestinal tract or urinary system.
  2. Low-grade fever accompanied infectious inflammation ureters and Bladder, kidney pathologies, cystitis. In women, prolonged low-grade fever and pain in the lower abdomen are symptoms of gynecological diseases of an infectious nature.
  3. A slight fever can also warn of the proliferation of worms in the intestines.

Many people begin to worry if, due to simple respiratory illnesses, their temperature does not go away from 37°C long time, remains elevated even in the 3rd week. With a mild cold that occurs without symptoms, there is nothing to worry about: the low-grade fever will disappear as soon as the immune system completely eliminate the infection.

But if respiratory pathology, in addition to fever, is accompanied by pain in muscle tissue, a profuse runny nose, and swollen lymph nodes, then you need to urgently go to the doctor.

How does low-grade fever help the body?

Low-grade fever is a protective factor of the body. It helps the immune system destroy infection. Pathogenic microorganisms die after almost two days of continuous exposure to high temperature. Therefore, prolonged low-grade fever brings benefits to the body during infectious diseases; medical experts do not recommend bringing it down.

Also, during low-grade fever, the body actively synthesizes interferon, a protein important for maintaining immunity, making cells immune to the effects of viruses. But it should be borne in mind that at a body temperature of 37 - 38°C, not all types of pathogenic microorganisms die; some microbes are not sensitive to slight heat.

At what temperature should you call an ambulance?

If at a low-grade fever a person can live normally for a week or longer, then when the body heats up to 40°C in just one day, serious disruptions to the body’s functioning occur. In case of extreme heat, you should definitely call for medical help.

  1. A temperature of 41°C is called critical, at which a person experiences convulsions.
  2. A temperature of 42°C is considered fatal; at it, irreversible negative changes begin in the brain.

In this situation, it is impossible to delay medical intervention, otherwise the person will die. Fortunately, if you believe medical statistics, critical temperature is diagnosed extremely rarely; in ordinary infectious diseases it is almost not observed.

How to treat temperature 37-38

There is no need to bring down a low-grade fever that is not accompanied by other symptoms, even if it lasts for a week. When the temperature is artificially lowered, the immune system’s fight against infection is delayed and recovery is delayed. Antipyretics for mild fever are indicated for use only in the following cases:

  • in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • for nervous disorders;
  • for severe pathologies of the cardiac and pulmonary systems.

You should immediately go to the doctor if your low-grade fever suddenly rises to a high level. Also, you should not ignore a visit to the doctor and a medical examination if, in addition to fever, the following symptoms occur:

  • intense cough;
  • pain in the chest;
  • urge to vomit;
  • urinary problems;
  • difficulty breathing.

Heat most often a symptom of inflammatory respiratory diseases. It is impossible to quickly cure a cold or flu, but it is quite possible to bring down a strong fever to alleviate the condition of a sick person.

When the temperature rises significantly, doctors prescribe antibiotics to patients, but in most cases, taking an antipyretic drug is enough to reduce the fever. You should not immediately grab medications; it is advisable to first try to bring down the fever not with medications, but with other methods described below.

  1. Fluid intake. In extreme heat, the human body becomes dehydrated within 24 hours. Therefore, at high temperatures, it is imperative to drink enough water. Drinking plenty of drinks allows you to cool your body a little. Teas with lemon, raspberry or currant branches, honey, and natural berry juices are suitable for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases.
  2. Vodka rubdowns. To reduce fever, it is useful to wipe the sick person with a towel soaked in vodka. When evaporating ethyl alcohol cooling of the body is observed from the skin. After the procedure, the patient will be cold and may even experience chills. But there is no need to worry: this is a normal reaction of the body. Instead of vodka, you can use food vinegar for wiping.
  3. Enema. An enema based on aqueous solution antipyretic medicine. This method of treatment should be used only as a last resort, when the fever does not want to go away for a long time.

Antipyretic medications should be handled with caution. Taking them is indicated if the high temperature persists throughout the day or gradually increases to a critical level. Sold in pharmacies great amount antipyretic drugs, the following drugs are considered the most reliable, effective and popular:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Aspirin.

It should be remembered that both antibiotic and antipyretic medications have side effects, so you should not get carried away with taking them. With excessive use of antibiotics and anti-fever drugs, a sick person may experience a blood clotting disorder and irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Body temperature is an indicator of thermal state human body. Normal temperature is considered to be from 36.5 to 37.2 degrees.

If there is a slight deviation from these figures, and the person feels good, this is his normal temperature bodies.

An exception to the rule should be a deviation of 1-1.5 degrees, as this indicates a malfunction in the body.

Fever- This is not a disease, but a symptom. Its growth indicates that the body is actively fighting the disease. By and large, elevated temperature is a protective reaction of the immune system that eliminates the source of infection.

It has been scientifically proven that when the thermometer shows 38 degrees, the vast majority of viruses and bacteria die or at least their activity is threatened.

Typically, an increase in temperature is accompanied by:

  1. general malaise;
  2. aching limbs;
  3. pain in the eyes;
  4. chills;
  5. excessive fluid loss;
  6. dizziness;
  7. respiratory and heart failure.

If the temperature stays above 38 for too long, the activity of the central nervous system is inhibited. nervous system. Fever provokes dehydration of the body, poor circulation in vital internal organs: kidneys, liver, lungs. In addition, there is a rapid decline in the level blood pressure.

It happens that the thermometer shows 38 degrees, but no other symptoms are observed. In this case, you need to go full diagnostics body.

What to do: general activities

When body temperature is elevated, it is important to maintain bed rest. In this case, the patient should be dressed in light cotton clothing, which should be changed constantly.

The room where the patient is located will need to be ventilated as often as possible and monitor the air temperature in it.

If your body temperature is 38 degrees, you need to ensure that you drink plenty of warm fluids to prevent dehydration. An excellent solution would be linden tea.

A raspberry drink will be no less useful. But you should remember that after drinking you need to wrap yourself in a blanket, sweat and change into dry underwear.

Peppermint infusion will help relieve fever:

  1. a teaspoon of mint is poured with boiling water;
  2. boil for 3 minutes;
  3. cool.

The same recipe will be a good basis for rubbing the skin. Wipes are moistened with the solution and applied to the places where the largest arteries are located.

It is allowed to drink infusions of hawthorn, motherwort and chamomile during the day. It is prepared from equal parts of plants, doused with boiling water.

It is impossible not to mention the volume of liquid that you need to drink per day. The standard recommendation is to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. When it is hot, for every degree of increased temperature, drink an additional 500 ml to 1 liter of water or tea. This is especially important for elderly patients, because dehydration occurs much faster in them. The initial symptoms of dehydration will be nausea, low blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat.

Cool or wet lotions and compresses are great for fever:

  • wrists;
  • armpit area.

You can also apply a cold compress to your shins.

If the doctor allows, take a cool bath at a body temperature of 38 degrees. This will normalize the temperature and wash away toxins from the skin. Alternatively, you can do foot baths with cold water, wipe with warm water.

Sometimes crushed ice is used. It is wrapped in a bag and applied to the forehead, in the groin area, keeping the compress for 15 minutes. The procedure for “white” fever is strictly prohibited; its symptoms will be discussed below.

Not the last role is given to nutrition. Food during illness must be light: vegetable soups, baked apples, fruit purees.

Quite effective. For treatment you will need to mix 5 tablespoons of water with a spoon of 9% product. This mixture is used to wipe the back, legs and stomach. To obtain a lasting result, the procedure is repeated every 3 hours.

There is another excellent method of reducing fever - this is an enema filled with medicinal solution. It is prepared from half a glass of warm water and a packet of powdered antipyretic.

Despite the fact that the procedure is quite unpleasant, it is effective and will help relieve fever even in cases where it lasts too long.

Medicines for fever

Regarding antipyretics medicines, they are used only in cases of extreme necessity. The choice of medications is extensive, but the most popular and effective for many years are:

  1. Paracetamol;
  2. Ibuprofen.

But these pills misuse may cause bleeding. Aspirin should not be used for diseases of the digestive tract, as it irritates the mucous membrane and causes an exacerbation of the disease.

Medicines at a temperature of 38 degrees are used when general recommendations No results were achieved in reducing the fever.

  • Paracetamol and other drugs based on it;
  • Ibuprofen (MIG, Nurofen, Naproxen);
  • Diclofenac (Diklak, Voltaren);
  • Nimesulide (Nise);

Other means that will help relieve a temperature of 38 are: Butadione, Celebrex, Movimed, Movalis.

As for antibiotics, they cannot reduce the temperature. Such drugs are prescribed only for bacterial infections.

Before using any medicine, it is important not only to read the instructions, but also to consult with your doctor.

Red and white fever

If the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees, you can’t bring down the temperature by any means. This is explained by the fact that there is a so-called red and white fever. With red fever, the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are hot and dry. The patient breathes quickly and complains of feeling hot. Typically, such a patient remains active and feels relatively normal.

In such a situation, cool compresses and wiping with cold water are allowed. If the body temperature does not drop in the next 30 minutes, it is necessary to start taking an antipyretic drug.

The situation is different with white fever:

  • the patient's hands and feet will be cold;
  • mucous membranes are moist.

The first thing to do is to warm the patient. A heating pad and hot drink are suitable for these purposes. Sometimes, instead of warming procedures, it is recommended to take a No-Shpa tablet, and only then bring down the temperature. If all else fails, you need to call an ambulance.

What not to do

If the body temperature is above 38 degrees, it is prohibited to use means that increase fever. These usually include:

  1. alcohol;
  2. mustard plasters;
  3. warming compresses;
  4. steam inhalations;
  5. hot drinks, baths.

It is also important to understand that if the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, there is no need to bring it down, since in this case the body produces a special substance interferon. It actively destroys pathogenic microorganisms naturally.

With an artificial decrease in body temperature, there is immediately a threat of complications and the prospect of treatment with antibiotics. In this case, the recovery of the body will be long.

When to call an ambulance?

As a rule, at a temperature of 38 degrees the patient feels normal. However, there are situations when urgent medical care is indispensable:

  1. the temperature does not drop;
  2. the patient cannot drink;
  3. there is a disturbance of consciousness (delusions, hallucinations, overexcitation);
  4. severe headache;
  5. breathing problems;
  6. convulsive seizures.

If a fever persists for more than 72 hours, it is also important to seek medical help. If infectious diseases are treated incorrectly or not, blood poisoning can occur, threatening the health and life of the patient. Interesting video This article concludes the discussion on temperature problems.

A fever is not only a sign that you are sick, but also that your body is fighting an infection. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to be able to behave correctly.

Actions at high temperatures

What to do in case of high temperature? The most important thing is to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids, drink constantly, at least a little.

In addition, the room in which you are lying must be ventilated (ventilation is carried out only in the absence of the patient in the room!). Never take a bath or shower. You can wipe your body with a damp, warm cloth, but so that it is not wet.

Healthy drinks

  • Berry fruit drinks, tea with lemon, and fruit teas are great help.
  • Brew yourself this drink: dilute 2 teaspoons of honey in one hundred grams of hot boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of raspberry jam and lemon. Cover with a saucer and drink after 10 minutes.
  • Here is another recipe that will help relieve fever: pour boiling water over blackcurrant leaves, leave for 10 minutes, then add lemon juice, drink every half hour.
  • Even at high temperatures, chicken broth is very useful.

Other actions and drugs

  • You should not take antipyretic pills if your body temperature is not higher than 38.9. It is enough to wear thin cotton clothes and cover yourself with a light thin sheet so that you do not feel hot. Try to sleep.
  • If the temperature has risen one degree higher, you can drink a proven antipyretic strictly according to the instructions. Aspirin (one tablet is enough) reduces fever and temperature well, just don’t give it to children. The tablet will take effect in 30 minutes, later temperature will rise again, but do not take the next tablet before 4 hours.
  • If the temperature is above forty, be sure to take the tablets; you can put a damp, cool cloth on your head. There should be no draft in the room. Be sure to keep your feet warm. Temperature should be measured every thirty minutes. If the temperature continues to rise, call an ambulance.

You can't do without an ambulance

There are situations when, at high temperatures, you can no longer act independently:

  • The baby is less than three months old, his temperature is above 38 C;
  • The temperature rose above 40 C;
  • Temperature of 38 C or higher does not subside for more than three days;
  • If the temperature has risen in a person with any chronic diseases.

Child's temperature

A child's temperature has risen sharply - a reason for concern. What to do if a child has a high temperature?

  • You should not select medications on your own and consult on forums for mommies in order to. Call the doctor on duty or an ambulance immediately!
  • It is better to buy medicines prescribed by your doctor in syrups; they are easier to give to the child and are better absorbed in the body. You can take the medicine with juice or water.
  • While he's driving" Ambulance", make sure that the child is not hot, open it; when the body cools down a little, cover it again. Watch your feet, at high temperatures they can freeze, in this case, warm them with your hands and put on warm socks.

Our body knows how to adapt to the influence of various unfavorable factors, including compensatory mechanisms, one of which is a rise in body temperature to febrile (from 38 to 39℃) and hectic (above 39℃) values. This process is controlled by the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus, a small part of the diencephalon.

Most people, and not without reason, believe that a high temperature dangerous symptom. And the reaction to this symptom is clear - shoot down. However, before finding out why high temperature is dangerous in an adult, you need to generally find out which values ​​are considered high, because everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

Hectic body temperature is considered safe for a healthy adult and has a positive effect as long as it does not exceed 40℃. Temperatures in the range from 39℃ to 41℃ are also called pyretic. At such values, the fight against infectious agents is as intense as possible, however, it is not easy for the body to withstand such pressure for a long time. The benefit of high temperature is that when it rises, the rate of metabolism, blood circulation and the production of endogenous interferon increases. Under such conditions, the body intensively suppresses foreign microorganisms and repairs damage. However, a significant increase in body temperature should not be long-term.

For adults, constant or increasing temperature readings of more than 39℃ without an occasional decrease, recorded over 72 hours or more, are considered dangerous. If the thermometer shows a value from 40 to 41℃, then this situation is dangerous regardless of its duration.

The danger of hyperthermia is also associated with an acceleration of metabolism and an increase in the need for oxygen in all organs, as they work in overload mode and their energy reserves are quickly depleted. First of all, the heart muscle undergoes overload from hyperthermia; it pumps much larger volumes of blood to provide the organs with the oxygen they need. This is expressed in increased heart rate and respiratory cycles (inhalation-exhalation). However, the heart's need for oxygen is very high and even intense breathing cannot satisfy it. The brain and, accordingly, the central nervous system also suffer, which is expressed by convulsions and loss of consciousness. The water-salt balance is disrupted, which is also fraught with complications. Temperatures above 41℃ are called hyperpyretic; rising to such values ​​is very dangerous, so it is not advisable to allow it at all, even for a short time.

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Causes of high temperature in adults

Body temperature rises to febrile and higher values ​​due to many reasons. This is a common symptom, probably found in most diseases. High body temperature (we will consider in this context values ​​​​above 38℃), unlike low-grade fever, is never a variant of the norm, and its increase indicates that the body is forced to turn on defense mechanisms against something - be it an infection or heat stroke . Moreover, two different people the same reason can cause an increase in temperature in varying degrees, like the same person in different periods his life.

The most common cause of high fever in an adult is infection of the respiratory system with pathogens transmitted by airborne droplets and causing them acute diseases. Temperatures exceeding 38℃ manifest, in most cases, viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory organs: influenza, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, infectious mononucleosis, combined lesions.

Infections transmitted by the oral-fecal route through contaminated water and food - viral hepatitis A, yersiniosis, brucellosis, polio, leptospirosis and many others also often begin with a sudden rise in temperature to pyretic values. High mercury thermometer readings are observed with inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis) of various origins, Charcot's disease, malaria, typhoid, and sometimes with tuberculosis.

Acute nephritis, diseases of the genitourinary organs, pancreatitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis are often accompanied by high fever.

Post-traumatic and postoperative purulent complications (abscess, phlegmon, sepsis); alcohol and drug intoxication; acute allergic or post-vaccination reaction; damage to the endocardium, myocardium, and pericardium as a complication of infectious diseases can occur with an increase in temperature to febrile values.

Risk factors sudden increase temperature - collagenosis (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyrotoxicosis and others); vegetative-vascular dystonia; hypothalamic syndrome; malignant diseases of the hematopoietic organs; mental disorders; chronic infections; myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke. The terminal stage of cancer of any localization is almost always accompanied by high fever, and prolonged low-grade fever may be one of the signs, sometimes the only sign, of a developing tumor.

A sudden jump in temperature, even to febrile levels, can occur as a result of overheating (heatstroke), excessive physical activity, or a combination of these; frostbite; severe stress.


The mechanism for raising body temperature is triggered when the balance between the production of thermal energy and its release is disturbed, when the rate of heat production exceeds the rate of heat transfer to the environment.

Hyperthermia also develops in completely healthy people when the air temperature is more than 37°C and its humidity approaches absolute (100%). In such conditions, heat transfer in the form of sweating and its evaporation becomes impossible, and with a long stay in such conditions, plus also manifesting physical activity, the body is subjected to so-called “heat stroke”.

Hyperthermia as a protective reaction to entry into the body pathogenic microbes or cellular changes developed in mammals during the process of evolution. Exogenous pyrogens, whose role is played by pathogenic microorganisms, stimulate the thermoregulation center to increase body temperature. In response to the appearance of “foreigners,” the body produces pro-inflammatory mediators: interleukins 1 and 6, tumor necrosis factor, α-interferon and others, which act as endogenous pyrogens and, acting on the cells of the anterior part of the hypothalamus, set the “set point” of thermoregulation above normal. The balance is disrupted and the thermoregulatory center begins to “work” to achieve a new balance at a higher reference “set point” temperature.

Mechanisms that regulate body heat exchange constantly interact with effectors that regulate other homeostatic functions. This interaction occurs primarily in the anterior portion of the hypothalamus, the cells of which react not only to heat exchange, but are sensitive to changes in pressure in physiological fluids and the arterial bed, the concentration of hydrogen, sodium, calcium ions, carbon dioxide and glucose content. Neurons of the preoptic region of the hypothalamus react by changing bioelectrical activity and are in constant interaction with other centers for coordinating physiological processes.

Symptoms of diseases accompanied by high fever

So-called “heatstroke” is not a disease in the generally accepted sense of the word. However, in this case, the dynamic balance of physiological processes in the body is disrupted and the person’s condition worsens to the point of collapse. Body temperature rises to febrile levels. Skin turns red due to expansion peripheral vessels, sweating stops, symptoms of dysfunction of the central nervous system appear (dizziness, nausea, loss of coordination, delirium, convulsions, headache, loss of consciousness). Heat stroke in mild form proceeds as thermal syncope - consciousness is switched off as a result of sudden hypotension, which occurs due to the expansion of the lumen of the peripheral vessels of the skin.

Symptoms of high fever in adults are always quite pronounced. If low-grade fever can be detected by chance, then an increase in temperature to febrile values ​​is itself accompanied characteristic symptoms. The first signs of illness are chills, weakness, dizziness, sometimes headache, muscle or joint pain, and rapid heartbeat. In most cases, so-called “red” hyperthermia develops. The patient's blood vessels dilate and the skin turns red.

More dangerous condition“white” hyperthermia is considered, indicating that the vessels have not dilated, but have narrowed. Symptoms of this condition are as follows: skin is pale or marble-blue; cold hands and feet; palpitations; dyspnea; the patient is excited, may become delirious, and convulsions may begin.

But there may not be other symptoms indicating which disease, developing, caused the increase in temperature, at least at first. Sometimes they appear on the second or third day, for example, flu or sore throat begins with hyperthermia, and signs of damage to the respiratory organs appear later.

In addition to these, a fairly long series of diseases can cause hyperthermia without additional symptoms, suggesting the reason for this condition. A high temperature without symptoms in an adult is an incorrect definition. Asymptomatic presupposes the absence of any signs of illness and a normal state of health. This does not happen at high temperatures; adults usually feel even subfebrile levels. After all, something forces us to set up a thermometer and measure the temperature.

Many infectious diseases can begin with a rise in temperature: meningitis, encephalitis, leptospirosis, infectious mononucleosis, typhus, septic endocarditis, osteomyelitis, atypical pneumonia, measles, mumps. Even chickenpox or rubella, which in childhood are often tolerated very easily and without fever, often cause hyperthermia in adults, and specific symptoms appear later and atypically. Temperature fluctuations during the day are characteristic of tuberculosis or abscess internal organs. From tours to hot countries you can bring malaria, which also manifests itself with high temperature. Specific symptoms listed diseases appear later, after a day or two.

Inflammation meninges(meningitis) is caused by various infectious agents and begins with a sharp rise in temperature, accompanied by corresponding symptoms. In addition to a severe headache, which can be attributed to the high temperature, the patient is very weak, constantly sleeps, and sometimes loses consciousness. Characterized by intolerance to bright light, loud sounds, enslavement occipital muscles(cannot touch his chest with his chin, turning his head is accompanied by pain). The patient has no appetite, which is natural at high temperatures; there may be nausea and vomiting, and convulsions. In addition, the patient can find rashes, in principle, of any localization (typical - feet, palms, buttocks) and resembling small subcutaneous hemorrhages. Meningitis is not very common. For its development, the presence of immune deficiency and/or defects of the nervous system is necessary. However, this disease is very dangerous and does not go away on its own, so a high temperature accompanied by an unbearable headache (the main diagnostic markers) should be a reason to seek emergency help.

Encephalitis is a group of etiologically diverse inflammations of the brain. It may begin with a high temperature and corresponding symptoms, and depending on which part of the brain is affected, more specific symptoms from the nervous system appear. Sometimes the meningeal membranes are involved in the inflammatory process (meningoencephalitis) and symptoms of meningitis are additionally added.

Leptospirosis (infectious jaundice, water fever) – sudden onset acute fever, the temperature rises to 39-40℃, with a headache that interferes with sleep. The diagnostic marker is severe pain in the lower leg muscles, sometimes the thigh muscles and skin are involved. In severe cases, the patient cannot stand on his feet. They become infected more often in the summer when swimming in stagnant water contaminated with the excrement of sick animals, or in the presence of any wounds on the skin (abrasions, scratches, cuts). Through holistic skin covering the pathogen does not penetrate. Incubation period ranging from four days to two weeks. The disease may go away on its own, but severe forms accompanied by jaundice can be fatal.

Endocarditis (infectious, septic) is common and develops as a complication of acute (tonsillitis, flu) and chronic (tonsillitis, stomatitis) diseases. Its causative agents can be more than a hundred microorganisms. It manifests with a high (over 39℃) temperature, later accompanied by shortness of breath, cardiac cough, chest pain and other symptoms.

In addition to various infectious diseases, a febrile state may be accompanied by exacerbations of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, thyrotoxicosis and other connective tissue diseases.

Adults do not have a high temperature without a reason, it’s just that this reason is not always on the surface. Sometimes the temperature lasts a long time and the reasons for this condition are not determined. It is believed that idiopathic hyperthermia may be caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamus. This condition is called hypothalamic syndrome and is diagnosed by excluding other causes.

In addition, high and elevated temperature, which cannot be brought down, may be the only symptom of cancer. Often these are lesions of the blood and lymphatic tissue (acute leukemia, lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis), but there may be tumors in other locations. Low-grade fever, sometimes jumping, is characteristic of the onset of the development of neoplasms, and high levels of mercury more often indicate the disintegration of the tumor, metastatic lesions of many organs and terminal stage diseases.

It is the presence of diarrhea that suggests an intestinal infection. There are about thirty common intestinal infections, many of them manifest themselves with severe symptoms with signs of general intoxication - loss of strength, headache, fever with high temperature (39-40℃), as well as abdominal pain and diarrhea in combination with nausea and vomiting.

The presence of the above symptoms cannot be excluded in acute appendicitis, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, inflammation of other digestive organs and genitourinary system. Although diarrhea in this case is not a typical symptom. For inflammatory diseases High fever, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain are more common. Moreover, the leading symptom is pain, and nausea and vomiting, especially at initial stages development of the disease, appear due to severe pain.

A cough and high temperature in an adult can be symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection, and the flu usually begins with sudden hyperthermia, and the patient begins to cough and sneeze a little later. Infection with other viruses first manifests itself as respiratory symptoms with a gradual increase in temperature.

Acute inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract– tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia are usually manifested by an intense cough and a rise in temperature, often to febrile levels.

High fever and cough can occur with infectious diseases such as measles and whooping cough. With measles, specific rashes and photophobia are observed; whooping cough is characterized by attacks of choking cough, inhalation with a whistle and discharge of mucus after an attack (sometimes even vomiting).

High fever and vomiting in an adult are observed as a result of food poisoning, intestinal infection, and during exacerbation of gastritis or cholecystitis. A significant increase in body temperature, vomiting, sweating and trembling of the limbs may be manifestations of extreme weakness as a result of intoxication or severe pain, for example, when the ovary or fallopian tube ruptures ectopic pregnancy. The same manifestations can be hysterical in nature, appear as consequences of severe stress or overwork.

The sudden appearance of such symptoms may be a sign of acute pancreatitis, obstruction small intestine, acute appendicitis and hepatitis, damage to the central nervous system. With peritonitis, hyperthermia and vomiting of bile are also observed.

A rash and high fever in an adult can be symptoms of childhood infections - measles, rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever, adult infection– syphilis. Meningitis occurs with hyperthermia and rashes. If a patient with infectious mononucleosis has taken a drug belonging to the semi-synthetic penicillins (ampicillin, ampiox, amoxil), he will develop red spots all over his body. A rash in combination with hyperthermia is observed with typhus, herpes, systemic lupus erythematosus, allergic reactions and toxic infections. Exists large group diseases, the symptom complex of which includes a rash and hyperthermia, therefore, with such manifestations, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

A high temperature and sore throat, a runny nose in an adult, first of all, suggests infection with a virus, a banal ARVI. Viruses ready to infect our respiratory system, a great many. They are mainly transmitted by airborne droplets - they sneezed and coughed in a store, on a minibus, an employee with a cold came to work... And the very next day or three or four days later, snot started flowing, the throat hurt, and in the evening the temperature rose.

Most often we encounter rhinoviruses; it is this lesion that is characterized by severe cold symptoms - runny nose, catarrhal symptoms in the throat, cough. High fever during rhinovirus infection is rare; usually the body quickly copes with the unstable pathogen and intoxication is not significant. However, hyperthermia cannot be completely ruled out; much depends on the state of the immune system and nervous system, and the presence of chronic diseases.

Adenoviruses are more resistant to external environment. Transmitted not only through the air when coughing and sneezing, but also through objects and food, causing approximately a tenth of all acute respiratory viral infections. They manifest as a runny nose and sore throat, hyperthermia, affect the mucous membrane of the eyes and cause inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is distinguished by adenovirus damage. Sometimes lymphoid tissue is involved in the process - tonsils enlarge and cervical lymph nodes. Adenoviral infection is fraught with complications - tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, myocarditis.

Paramyxoviruses (measles, mumps, rubella, respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza and others) - infection occurs through the respiratory system, the disease begins with respiratory symptoms and fever, some infections (childhood diseases) have additional specific signs. They are dangerous not so much in themselves as their ability to cause complications.

“Intestinal flu” or reovirus infection also begins with a runny nose and sore throat, cough, then symptoms of damage to the gastrointestinal tract appear - vomiting and diarrhea. High temperature is not typical, most often low-grade fever, but this cannot be excluded. Adults by age 25 are usually immune to reoviruses, but there are no rules without exceptions.

The onset of the disease is a headache, aching bones, chills and high fever in an adult; over time, a runny nose and sore throat develop, giving reason to suspect infection with the influenza virus. The acute period lasts approximately five days. The disease is contagious and, if bed rest is not observed, is fraught with complications.

However, many of the diseases described above, meningitis, infectious mononucleosis, leptospirosis, typhus and malaria begin with a sharp and strong jump in temperature (they can be brought from a tour to hot countries).

This is often how viral hepatitis A manifests itself, and specific symptoms that make it possible to recognize the disease appear later, after two or three days. Therefore, a high temperature in an adult signals the need to visit a doctor or call him at home (depending on the patient’s condition).

Hyperthermia during a cerebral catastrophe is especially dangerous. Hypothermia is considered a more favorable prognostic sign. Such patients usually do not have significant neurological deficits and recover and rehabilitate more quickly.

A high temperature during a stroke in an adult leads to a rapid spread of the area of ​​ischemic damage and indicates serious complications: the development of extensive cerebral edema, relapses of latent chronic infections, damage to the hypothalamus, the development of pneumonia or a reaction to drug treatment.

In any case, when an adult’s temperature rises to febrile levels and lasts for several days, it is necessary to consult a doctor and determine the cause of this condition.


High temperature is just one of the symptoms of the disease. To establish its cause, it is necessary to contact a specialist who, based on an examination and interview of the patient, as well as conducting the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Almost always patients are prescribed clinical tests blood and urine. These may be sufficient to diagnose many diseases. For example, with infectious mononucleosis, specific bodies– mononuclear cells, which a healthy person should not have.

If thyrotoxicosis is suspected, a blood test for hormones is done thyroid gland, to exclude syphilis in rashes in an adult - analysis for the Wasserman reaction.

For sore throat and scarlet fever it is done bacteriological examination smear from the tonsils, the only way to exclude (confirm) meningitis or encephalitis is a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid, which allows not only to establish a diagnosis, but also to identify the causative agent.

Leptospirosis at the onset of the disease (before the start of intensive antibiotic therapy) is determined using a microscopic examination of blood in a dark field; a week after the onset of the disease, urine microscopy is done.

Suspicion of lymphogranulomatosis is confirmed by a biopsy of the lymph node with microscopic examination of the lymphoid tissue.

The tests ordered depend on the symptoms of the disease indicating its origin.

Also, to establish the correct diagnosis, the necessary instrumental diagnostics depending on the suspected disease - radiography, ultrasound, computer or magnetic resonance imaging, fibrogastroduodenoscopy and others.

Based on the results of the examinations, it is done differential diagnosis, the type of pathogen in infectious diseases is determined and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

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Is it necessary to bring down a high temperature in an adult?

The actions of the patient and his loved ones depend on many factors. First of all, you need to be guided by the person’s condition with temperature and its values, as well as the duration of hyperthermia. The patient should be in a cool (≈20℃), but not cold, periodically ventilated room. It's good to turn on the humidifier. The patient should be dressed in light underwear made of natural fabric and cover it in such a way as to ensure heat transfer. The laundry must be dry if heavy sweating- change clothes and make the bed. If the patient is chilling, cover him warmly, warm him up and rub his limbs; when there is no chill, you can even cover him with a light sheet (the patient should be comfortable - not hot, but not cold either).

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to bring down a high temperature in an adult. If a person does not and has never had convulsions at a high temperature and the condition is satisfactory, then in the first day it can not be brought down even at levels from 39 to 40℃. It is imperative to monitor the patient’s condition, providing him with rest and plenty of warm drinks, the temperature of which is approximately equal to the patient’s body temperature. The next day, a doctor must be called to see the patient.

Consequences and complications

Prolonged hyperthermia without periodic decrease in temperature may have Negative consequences for the body, although an increase in temperature is in most cases a compensatory process. At temperatures above 38℃, most pathogenic microorganisms and even modified tissue cells die when tumor process. However, if the temperature does not drop for more than three days, our body tissues may suffer from hypohydration and lack of oxygen.

For example, when the temperature rises, a sharp expansion of blood vessels occurs. This is necessary to maintain systemic blood flow, but at the same time it is fraught with a drop in pressure and the onset of collapse. Of course, this does not happen in the first hours, however, the higher the temperature and the longer it does not fall, the greater the likelihood of negative consequences.

When fluid is lost in the process of increased sweating, the volume of blood circulating in the body decreases and its osmotic pressure increases, which leads to disruption of water exchange between blood and tissues. The body strives to normalize water exchange, reducing sweating and increasing body temperature. In the patient, this is expressed in a decrease in the amount of urine and unquenchable thirst.

Increased respiratory cycles and intense sweating also lead to increased release of carbon dioxide and demineralization of the body; shifts in the acid-base state may be observed. As the temperature rises, tissue respiration worsens and metabolic acidosis develops. Even rapid breathing is not able to satisfy the increased oxygen needs of the heart muscle. As a result, myocardial hypoxia develops, which can lead to vascular dystonia and extensive myocardial infarction. Prolonged high temperature in an adult leads to depression of the central nervous system, disruption of homeostasis, and hypoxia of internal organs.

It must be remembered that if febrile mercury levels are observed for more than three days, this temperature must be brought down. And the cause of this condition needs to be established even earlier.

It happens that a high temperature does not go down in an adult. In such cases, you should consult a doctor. If the thermometer readings do not exceed 39℃, you can contact your local physician, and if the temperature approaches 40℃ and antipyretics do not help, you must call an ambulance.

Convulsions at high temperatures in adults develop due to the fact that high temperatures disrupt regulatory processes in the structures of the brain. Reflex muscle contractions occur with different thermometer readings. For people with diseases of the central nervous system, sometimes raising the mercury column to a reading of 37.5℃ is sufficient, although, of course, for most people, seizures occur at temperatures above 40℃. Convulsions may be clonic when muscle spasms quickly give way to relaxation, and tonic, when the tone persists long enough. Spasms can affect a specific muscle group or the entire musculature of the body. Convulsive muscle contractions usually occur with a sharp rise in temperature or a decrease in blood pressure. A patient with seizures should not be left unattended and should seek emergency medical help, as this condition may develop respiratory failure, collapse against the background of a sharp drop in pressure in the arteries.

Even without the development of seizures, prolonged hyperthermia without periods of decreased temperature can lead to depletion of energy reserves, intravascular coagulation, cerebral edema - terminal conditions with a fatal outcome.

A rash after a high fever in an adult can most often be caused by drug intoxication with antipyretics. Basically, with all infections (measles, scarlet fever, typhus, meningitis and others), the rash appears when the temperature has not yet dropped. Although there can be many reasons for the rash, including secondary syphilis. In addition, childhood infections such as rubella and chickenpox in adults often occur atypically, so rashes after a high fever that appear in an adult must be shown to a doctor.


Preventing high fever means never getting sick. This is unrealistic, especially since an increase in temperature is a protective reaction, and healthy people with good immunity usually get sick with a high temperature. Typically, such diseases end faster than long-term low-grade fever with unexpressed symptoms.

To make it easier to tolerate high temperatures, you need to eat well, move a lot, walk outdoors. fresh air, dress for the weather and promptly sanitize foci of chronic infection.

If the temperature rises in a person suffering from diseases of the central nervous system or blood vessels and heart, it is necessary to prevent its uncontrolled rise and promptly seek medical help.

It is also advisable to avoid hyperthermia as a result of overheating, overload and significant nervous tension. In hot weather, try to drink more clean water, wear a hat and not stay in the open sun for long.


A busy work schedule and changeable weather conditions can unsettle us, causing us to feel unwell. In this case, the thermometer readings often also exceed the norm, which raises a number of questions. Why does an adult have a high temperature, what can be done to reduce it? What to drink for fever, should you immediately consult a doctor or allow the body to regulate its work on its own? Find out the answers from the article.

How to quickly reduce your temperature at home

Our life experience shows that high fever, along with other accompanying symptoms: body aches, headaches, is an unpleasant phenomenon. To quickly cope with it and return to your previous shape, you need to know what helps with temperature from medicines. Folk remedies for fighting fever are effective. Let's talk about this in more detail.


Traditional antipyretics for high fever in adults are ibuprofen, aspirin and paracetamol. They are taken if the temperature is more than 38 degrees and if symptoms of a common cold are observed along with the fever. Intramuscular injections reduce fever more effectively and faster than tablets. What injection is given for adults at high temperatures? An effective three-component composition is introduced: analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine in equal proportions, 1 ml each. The medicine helps within a quarter of an hour, but you should give injections yourself without a doctor’s prescription in exceptional cases.

Symptomatic drugs

Symptomatic medications are taken when other cold symptoms are observed at a fever. Doctors often recommend bed rest for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. If it is not possible to comply with it, you have to fight weakness, and efficient work and there can be no concentration of attention or speech. To avoid such a situation, you should pay attention to anti-cold medications, which are effective not only against symptoms, but also against general weakness. For example, modern cold medicine Influnet helps relieve symptoms, but also, due to the succinic acid it contains, helps to cope with lethargy and loss of strength.

Antiviral drugs for colds

No drugs

If you intend to overcome the fever yourself, to avoid side effects that medications can provide, take advantage folk remedies. Such medicinal drugs are highly effective and do not cause negative influence on body systems. The cause of increased body temperature in almost 80% of cases is viral infections, therefore the very first recommendation is to drink more water and warm (not hot!) drinks: tea with raspberries, black currants, linden, berry fruit drinks, compotes. This way, toxins will be eliminated faster along with sweat.

To remove intoxication products from the surface of the body, it is good to take a warm shower, this will alleviate the patient’s condition. For this purpose, wipe the forehead, chest, armpits and groins with a damp, cool towel. It is good to periodically lubricate your palms and feet with a solution of water and vinegar (3 to 1), or apply cool gauze compresses soaked in a vinegar solution to the indicated areas. If your hands and feet are cold, you must first warm them up so that blood begins to circulate well in the vessels, this will make it easier to bring down the temperature.

What temperature should be brought down in an adult?

It is necessary to understand why high temperature is dangerous. If the increase is no more than 38 degrees, this temperature indicates that the immune system is active and is fighting the causes of the disease. If the thermometer exceeds 38, and with periodic measurements the readings increase, measures must be taken to reduce the fever. If you do not act in such a situation, changes in organs and blood composition can occur, which is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, to the question of what to do at a temperature of 39 or more, there is only one answer: you must immediately seek medical help.

What to do if the temperature does not go down

If you have done all the traditional medicine procedures that you yourself knew and that were suggested by friends, drank antipyretic pills, powders and teas, but the temperature has remained at 38 degrees for 2-3 days, in mandatory you need to see a doctor. The doctor will take into account all the reasons that caused this state of the body, expertly diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What to do if an adult has a high temperature

Let's look at cases when a high temperature is observed in an adult, what to do when the fever lasts a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms. How general rule You should definitely remember that it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek help from doctors. The doctor will always understand more precisely what is happening in the body, and you short time you will get better.

No symptoms

A high temperature without symptoms in an adult is sometimes not a sign of illness and a cause for concern for health. This is how the body carries out thermoregulation, for example, when a person is overheated in the sun in the summer or after intense physical activity or training. Sometimes fever is a reaction to stress. If within 2 days the temperature does not return to normal, you should definitely see a specialist, because this is how many hidden diseases manifest themselves: abscess, infections, allergies, injuries, neoplasms, etc.

For diarrhea and high fever

There are signs infectious disease organs of the digestive system. Since diarrhea removes fluid from the body, the first aid will be to restore water and mineral balance. For this purpose, you need to increase your fluid intake, good option Rehydron will be used, which is sold at the pharmacy. To remove the causes of gastrointestinal upset, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe antibiotics.

High fever and vomiting

Such symptoms indicate acute poisoning body with low-quality food or chemicals(for example, in production, household chemicals). If an adult has a high fever or diarrhea, what to do? In this case, you need to drink a lot of water, which will help flush out toxins. It is recommended to do an enema to quickly remove toxic substances from the intestines. Remember that these are only emergency measures; in such cases, medical assistance cannot be avoided.

For sore throat

If you have a cold, your throat is red, it hurts to swallow, your body temperature is slightly elevated - these are all the signs of a cold, for which you just need to rest at home. But if the thermometer shows more than 38, this may indicate a sore throat, which is very dangerous due to its complications. Therefore, after gargling soda solution(1 tsp per glass of warm water) and wrap it well in a warm scarf, go to the ENT specialist for an accurate diagnosis.

High pressure and temperature

If there are signs of a cold: fever, general malaise, drowsiness, which are combined with increased performance blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg and above), hypertension should be suspected. In this case, treatment is prescribed by a specialist, but the patient himself needs to adjust his lifestyle and balance his diet. Self-medication and delay in seeing a doctor for such symptoms are strictly prohibited, because a heart attack may be missed, which directly threatens the patient with death.


This is often a symptom of acute respiratory viral infection, but this is also how meningitis, sinusitis, acute intoxication of the body due to poisoning, and even tumors in the brain manifest themselves. If the usual methods of treating a cold do not have the desired effect, and the headache continues for more than 2 days, and the fever does not decrease, then in order to prevent severe complications, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Lower back pain

Such a symptom in combination with fever can be caused by the influenza virus, or this is how injuries to the muscles in this area make themselves felt. Then you need to lubricate your lower back with special pain-relieving gels or ointments and tie it with a warm bandage. But be careful, lower back pain accompanied by a high temperature may indicate possible inflammatory processes kidney

Video: how to reduce temperature

It is important for absolutely everyone to know and understand simple, but such important information about the normal thermoregulation of the body and how to relieve a temperature that exceeds normal limits. From the video below you will learn the therapist's advice on when you should and when you should not take antipyretics, what a high temperature without symptoms indicates and when you should not be afraid of its increase.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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High temperature in an adult, what to do

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