Home Dental treatment Formula for clinical blood test decoding. Blood analysis

Formula for clinical blood test decoding. Blood analysis

Each of us has had to undergo testing at least once in our lives. Therefore, everyone knows how this process occurs. But there are times when we do not know everything about what can and cannot be done before conducting an analysis. A few words about this.

Important Rules

So, refrain from carrying out x-ray studies and physiological procedures before laboratory tests. The readings will be affected by excessive mental stress and taking medications the day before, especially intravenously or intramuscularly. If these simple rules are not followed, the results may be erroneous and lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

So, get a good night's sleep and come to the laboratory on an empty stomach. Don't forget to calm down before the fence.

Learning to interpret the results

The alphabet of blood is not that complicated. But for many, normal indicators are a mystery. How can you read them correctly on your own? What should you pay attention to first?

Here and now we will deal with forms, with columns where some elements are listed with numbers.

General analysis blood

So, you already have knowledge, but you certainly cannot prescribe treatment for yourself, adjusting your indicators to the norm.

It should be remembered that our body is a wise system. And in collaboration with an experienced doctor It will be easier to set up all its functions. A blood mirror will significantly help with this.

From the article, the reader will learn what a general blood test shows, in what cases it is prescribed, and what indicators the general blood test includes. How to prepare for the test procedure, and what factors may influence the results. Find out normal values ​​and how they change when various states and diseases of the body.

Blood testing is an important step in examination and diagnosis. The hematopoietic organs are susceptible to physiological and pathological influences. They change the blood picture.

As a result, the general analysis (GCA) is the most popular analysis method, which helps the doctor judge the general condition of the body. For a detailed examination, in addition to OAC, they prescribe biochemical analysis And general research urine (OAM). About what it shows general Analysis of urine, a separate article has already been written. If anyone is interested, you can read it.

What does a general blood test show, detailed, main indicators

Let's find out what a general blood test shows and why it is taken. General hematological blood test is an important diagnostic criterion that reflects the answer hematopoietic system on the effect of physiological and pathological factors.

UAC has of great importance in establishing a diagnosis, especially in diseases of the hematopoietic organs. The UAC covers the study of the following indicators:

  • hemoglobin (Hb) level
  • red blood cells
  • leukocytes
  • platelets
  • color index
  • leukoformula calculation
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate

If necessary, clotting time and bleeding duration are examined. In many laboratories, the analysis is carried out on hematology automatic analyzers. They immediately determine up to 36 parameters.

Hemoglobin, functions and clinical significance

Hb - blood pigment, is the core component of the erythrocyte. Its role is to transport O2 from the lungs to organs, tissues and remove carbon dioxide.

The hemoglobin level performs the main function in the diagnosis of anemia of various etiologies. At the same time, his performance decreases.

An increase in Hb concentration occurs with erythremia, symptomatic erythrocytosis, congenital heart defect, cardiopulmonary failure. An increase in Hb is combined with an increase in the number of red blood cells.
With acute blood loss, there is a significant decrease in Hb to 50 g/l. The minimum pigment content in the blood compatible with life is 10 g/l.

If you have problems with back pain, I suggest you find out what it is, it is also very useful, which is also covered in the article - follow the link.

Red blood cells, physiological role in the body

Red blood cells occupy the main share in the mass of blood cells and contain hemoglobin. The main function is the transfer of O 2 with the assistance of Hb. In addition, red blood cells participate in:

  • in the absorption of lipids, amino acids, toxins
  • in enzymatic processes
  • when regulating the acid-base balance of the body
  • in regulating plasma ion equilibrium

A decrease in the number of red blood cells is one of the signs of anemia. In addition to anemia, red blood cells decrease when the volume of blood in the bloodstream increases, for example during pregnancy.

An increase in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytosis) is characteristic of erythremia. CBC in newborns will show erythrocytosis during the first 3 days of life. In adults, erythrocytosis is observed during fasting, profuse sweating, climbs to heights.

Leukocytes: their physiological role in the body

The number of leukocytes (L) in the bloodstream is an important diagnostic criterion. They perform important functions - protective, trophic and others. An increase in the number of leukocytes more than 10 × 10 9 /l (G/l) is called leukocytosis.

Most often, leukocytosis occurs as a consequence of acute infections caused by cocci. Therefore, the CBC will definitely show inflammation, pneumonia, and blood cancer. Leukocytosis is typical for:

  1. leukemia of various courses, malignant tumors
  2. inflammatory, purulent, acute infectious processes
  3. uremia
  4. myocardial infarction
  5. toxic poisoning, severe blood loss, shock states, extensive burns

UAC at acute appendicitis will show an increase in the amount of L. Leukocytosis is characteristic of tubal pregnancy, splenic rupture, acute gout.

A decrease in the number of leukocytes below 3.5 g/l is called leukopenia. Leukopenia tendencies occur in healthy populations and are often hereditary, but may be influenced by exposure external factors environment (solar radiation).

Sometimes it occurs during fasting, when tone decreases, or during sleep. Leukopenia is typical for:

  1. infections caused by viruses and bacteria – typhoid fever, endocarditis, salmonellosis, measles, influenza, rubella
  2. lupus erythematosus
  3. hemoblastoses
  4. and children (read more by following the link)

The appearance of leukopenia is associated with inhibition of cell maturation and the release of L from the hematopoietic organs and their redistribution in the vascular bed.

The diagnostic value of calculating the leukoformula is enormous in many pathological conditions. It can be used to judge the severity of the situation and the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

Leukocytes include cells of the lymphocytic, monocyte, and granulocytic series. To find out their number use counting leukocyte formula% content different types leukocytes:

  • band and segmented neutrophils
  • eosinophils
  • monocytes
  • basophils
  • lymphocytes

Neutrophils carry out bactericidal and virucidal functions. They are capable of phagocytosis in capillaries and participate in all stages of inflammation. Therefore, an increase in the number of neutrophils will show inflammation in the body. Neutrophilia (above 8×10 9 /l) is present in any suppurative process, sepsis.

Eosinophils have a detoxifying effect. They are found in large quantities in tissue fluid, intestinal mucosa, skin.

Eosinophilia accompanies diseases connective tissue– polyarteritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tumors, especially with metastases and necrosis.

Eosinopenia (decrease) is typical for an infectious-toxic process in the postoperative period. And it indicates the severity of the condition.

Basophils have anticoagulant properties. Involved in inflammatory and allergic processes. Basophilia occurs when allergic reaction on food intake, medications, foreign protein. For oncology - chronic myeloid leukemia, myelofibrosis, erythremia, lymphogranulomatosis.

Characteristic for ulcerative colitis, estrogen treatment. Basophilia is likely during ovulation and pregnancy, with lung cancer, anemia of unknown origin, and iron deficiency.

Monocytes have the ability to phagocytose. They actively phagocytose (absorb) cell debris, small foreign bodies, malaria plasmodia, and mycobacterium tuberculosis.

With tuberculosis, monocytosis is observed in the blood - an increase in the number of monocytes. Monocytopenia is observed with hypoplasia of hematopoiesis.

Lymphocytes important for immunity. In addition, lymphocytes take part in the fight against infection and also perform a trophic function at sites of inflammation and wounds. Lymphocytosis is possible with infectious mononucleosis, tuberculosis, syphilis.

Platelets - physiological role, clinical significance

Formed element of blood, participates in hemostasis processes. Thrombocytosis(increase in tr number) can be observed under physiological conditions after physical exertion, due to arousal nervous system. Thrombocytosis occurs when:

  1. injuries with muscle damage
  2. burns, asphyxia, after blood loss and removal of the spleen
  3. leukemia – erythremia, myeloid leukemia

Thrombocytopenia(decrease in tr number) in physiological conditions occurs during menstrual blood loss in women, after histamine. In pathological conditions, thrombocytopenia occurs when:

Wherein great importance has an autoimmune factor - the formation of antibodies to its platelets.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

An increase in ESR can occur under physiological conditions - during pregnancy, during fasting, when eating dry food, after vaccination, when taking certain medications.

Changes in ESR in pathology have diagnostic and prognostic meaning. And it serves as an indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment. ESR increases with:

  • infections and inflammations
  • purulent processes
  • rheumatism
  • kidney diseases, liver diseases ( including with)
  • myocardial infarction, malignant tumors, anemia

Reduced ESR indicators occur in processes accompanied by blood thickening. Sometimes observed in neuroses, epilepsy, anaphylactic shock, with erythremia.

Total red blood cell volume (hematocrit)

Hematocrit (Ht) – the ratio of plasma to shaped elements. An increase in Ht occurs with heart defects and is accompanied by cyanosis and erythrocytosis.

A decrease in hematocrit is typical for various anemias in the second half of pregnancy.

Color index

Color or color index is the relative amount of Hb in a red blood cell. A decrease in this value occurs with iron deficiency.

An increase in the color index is observed with anemia, deficiency of Vit B 12 (cyanocobolamine), folic acid. Accompanies cirrhosis of the liver, disease thyroid gland, occurs during therapy with cytostatics, taking contraceptives, and using anticonvulsants.

Normal blood laboratory tests

An important stage in assessing the result of OAC is to establish the difference between pathology and the norm. To do this, it is necessary to define normal indicators - these are indicators found in healthy people. They may differ depending on gender.

Index Normal values
men women
Hemoglobin, Hb 125 - 170 g/l 105 – 155 g/l
Red blood cells, Er 3.8 – 5.5 T/L 3.5 – 4.9 T/l
Leukocytes, L 3.8 – 9.5 G/L
Hematocrit 40 – 50 % 38 – 47 %
ESR 1 – 10 mm/h 2 – 12 mm/h
Platelets, tr 150 – 380×10 9 /l

Segmented neutrophils

Band neutrophils





When assessing test results, it must be remembered that deviations outside the normal range do not necessarily indicate the presence of a disease.

When interpreting the results, it is necessary to find out whether there are any deviations physiological nature. We should not forget about the variability of the norm associated with personal characteristics.

When interpreting the results, it is necessary to take into account many factors: age, gender, accompanying illnesses, reception medicines, living conditions and much more. Therefore, a doctor should do this.

Where to take blood for testing: from a vein or from a finger

The results of laboratory tests are significantly influenced by the location and technique of collection. biological material. IN medical practice More often they consume blood from capillaries. It is usually taken from the pulp ring fingers hands, in difficult cases - from the earlobe.

The puncture is made on the side, where the capillary network is thicker. The blood should flow by gravity so that there is no admixture of tissue fluid, which will distort the result. For testing, capillary blood should be taken:

  1. for extensive burns of the body, especially the hands
  2. if the veins are small or inaccessible, if you are obese
  3. in patients prone to thrombosis
  4. in newborns

Currently, blood from the venous bed is revered the best material for general clinical analysis. This is due to the use of hematology analyzers. With their help, in our time, OAC is carried out. They are designed and standardized for the processing of venous blood.

When taking blood from a vein, you also need to follow some rules. Best place for drawing blood - the ulnar vein. Do not apply a tourniquet for more than 2 minutes, this will lead to an increase in cellular elements in the bloodstream.

When assessing test results, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that influence them. Let's name the most significant ones:

  • food intake and composition, nutritional routine
  • physical stress has a transient and long-term effect on results
  • nervous stress increases leukocytosis
  • medications
  • body position during the collection procedure
  • place and technique of blood collection
  • time and conditions for delivery of biomaterial to the laboratory

Among other factors that influence the results, the age of the patient, gender, and temperature are relevant. external environment. Harmful tendencies - smoking and alcohol - have a great influence. They lead to an increase in Hb concentration and the number of red blood cells. On the contrary, the number of leukocytes decreases.

Basic rules for preparing to take the UAC

  1. cancel in consultation with your doctor medicines one day before the test
  2. do not donate blood after physiotherapy or x-ray examination
  3. do not donate blood directly after mental and physical exertion
  4. 1 hour before the procedure, refrain from smoking
  5. Avoid fatty and spicy foods and alcohol 48 hours before the procedure
  6. go to bed at your usual time, get up no later than one hour before blood sampling

Repeated examinations should be carried out at the same hours, since the morphological composition of the blood is prone to daily fluctuations.
I suggest watching a video of how a general blood test is done:

Do not neglect the rules of preparation for the research procedure, and false results you are not afraid!

So, now the reader knows what a general blood test shows, the purpose of its appointment, what indicators the general analysis includes. How to prepare for the test procedure, and what factors influence the results. We learned about normal values ​​and how they change under various conditions and diseases of the body.

Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

The results of blood tests show an overall picture of the health status of a particular person. This type of analysis is required in all surveys. Of course, the doctor must decipher it, but it would also be nice for the patient to know what indicators of the biochemical blood test, and, of course, the general one, exist, what they can mean, how they are connected and correlated with each other, etc. In this article you will learn about all the indicators of general and biochemical blood tests, as well as what norm is provided for each of them.

A general blood test (which is just as familiar to many of us as a clinical test) is taken from the blood of a finger or vein. The study of such biological material is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, or during the day, but provided that the person did not eat or drink for 2 hours before blood sampling.

In different laboratories, the forms and tables of results may differ, but the normal indicators themselves are always the same. This article will present indicators Russian standard, which are found in most public and private medical institutions.

An adult can easily read the results of a general blood test, because each form has a column where it is customary to indicate the standard normal value, and a column for the individual results obtained. It is enough just to compare them. But! Most people, seeing that the result is different from the norm, begin to panic. This cannot be done, because there are many reasons for such phenomena, for example, increased hemoglobin occurs in people who do not drink enough water, or an elevated white blood cell count is common in those who participate in sports or fitness due to physical exertion. And for those who smoke or take oral contraceptives, hemoglobin may be reduced and the platelet count may be increased. Those. These are also variants of the norm. Therefore, it is so important to go to the hospital with the research results so that the decoding and evaluation of the indicators is carried out by a qualified specialist. People with medical education They know the designation of each analysis, and therefore know how to “read” them correctly, taking into account all the factors.

So, we bring to your attention: a table of CBC (complete blood count) indicators.

Indicators Description Norm
RBC (red blood cells), erythrocytes Red blood cells. Shows how well cells “breathe”. For women - 3.5-5 pieces per 1 liter.
For men, 4.5-5 pieces per 1 liter.

Above normal – blood is too thick, risk of blockage of blood vessels.
HGB (Hb), hemoglobin Hemoglobin transports oxygen to cells. For women 120-160 g/l. During pregnancy or menstruation, 110-120 is acceptable.
For men - 130-170 g/l.
Below normal - anemia, lack of oxygen.
Above normal - increased number of red blood cells.
NCT, hematocrit The ratio of red and white cells in the blood (percentage of red cells). For women - 0.36-0.46%.
For men - 0.41-0.53%.
Above normal - blood thickening.
Below normal - anemia.
PLT (platelets), platelets Platelets are responsible for blood clotting. For women and men the same - 180-360 x 109 per liter.
Above normal – varicose veins, thrombosis.
Below normal - problems in the hematopoietic system.
L, WBC (white blood cells), leukocytes. White blood cells provide immune protection. For women and men it is the same - 4-9 x 109 per liter.
Above normal - inflammation, viruses, bacteria, fungi, blood loss.
Below normal - some viral diseases.
ESR, ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate Indirect indicator of the inflammatory process. For women - 12-20 mm/h depending on age.
For men - 8-15 mm/h depending on age.
Above normal – possible inflammation.
Below the norm is a rare case.

Biochemical blood test indicators

A biochemical blood test is much more complex, and it is prescribed when any disease is suspected. Doctors also recommend taking it as a preventive test for comprehensive examination body. This type analysis shows how well organs work - liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart, etc. Blood is taken only from a vein 6-12 hours after eating, i.e. It is optimal to draw blood in the morning on an empty stomach. Here you also need to take into account individual characteristics. For example, increased urea levels can be found after playing sports.

Table of biochemical blood test indicators.

Indicators Description Norm
Blood sugar (glucose) level All carbohydrates are eventually converted into glucose and enter the bloodstream. By how quickly glucose leaves the blood, thanks to the hormone insulin, one can judge some pathologies. For women and men it is the same - 3.3-6.1 mm/l.
Below normal - hypoglycemia due to hunger, diet, physical activity.
Above normal – diabetes mellitus.
Urea During the digestion of protein, ammonia is formed, which is absorbed by urea and excreted through the kidneys. For women and men it is the same - 2.5-8.3 mm/l.
Below normal - pregnancy, lactation, protein deficiency.
Above normal – renal failure.
Creatinine A product of protein metabolism in complex with urea. Shows kidney function. For women - 53-97 µmol/l.
For men - 62-115 µmol/l.
Above normal – hyperthyroidism or renal failure.
Below normal - fasting, vegetarianism, taking corticosteroids.
TC - total cholesterol, LDL - low-density lipoprotein, HDL - high-density lipoprotein. Fat level. LDL shows the risk of developing atherosclerosis, HDL cleanses blood vessels. LDL:
For women - 1.92-4.51 mmol/l.
For men - 2.25-4.82 mmol/l.
For women - 0.86-2.28 mmol/l.
For men - 0.7-1.73 mmol/l.
Any deviations indicate problems with the cardiovascular system or liver.
TG, triglycerides Their levels may indicate the presence of atherosclerosis or indicate the risk of obesity. For women - 0.41-2.96 mmol/l.
For men - 0.5-3.7 mmol/l.
Above normal - thrombosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, cardiovascular diseases.
Below normal - hyperthyroidism, injuries, chronic lung diseases.
Total (TB), direct (PB) and indirect bilirubin (NB) Bilirubin is a breakdown product of hemoglobin, forms bile, and therefore must respond to and demonstrate the quality of liver function. OB - 3.4-17.1 µmol/l.
PB - 0-3.4 µmol/l.
Above normal – liver problems.
Below the norm - hypobilirubenemia.

In addition to the indicators presented in the table, the following may also appear:

How to recognize an infection using a blood test?

To determine accurate diagnosis if you suspect various kinds infections, inflammation, acidification of the body, oncology, you need to take a general blood test with a leukocyte formula. The results will include the following indicators:

A general blood test, the table of which shows a person’s condition, is an important study. Even if nothing bothers you, you should periodically donate blood for prevention. Many people are interested in the meaning of the indicators that are present in the analysis, as well as their interpretation. All the details about the general blood test are in the article.

General blood test: norm, table

A general blood test is a test that is usually performed if a person complains of feeling unwell. It allows you to identify health problems, identify chronic, malignant and other diseases, and select appropriate treatment.

Usually, capillary blood (from a finger) is taken for research: this is enough to assess the person’s condition. However, it is not necessary to go for analysis on an empty stomach. For a more extensive study, venous blood will be needed, and then eating before donation is prohibited.

To ensure that the blood test is accurate, refrain from physical activity and alcohol the day before, and do not smoke. It would be good if your gender, age and other indicators were also taken into account.

As a rule, to determine the presence of infections or viruses and the condition of blood vessels, a general examination is needed. A biochemical blood test indicates health internal organs, for example the liver.

Do you want to know the normal levels of blood components? Then see the table:

A general blood test, or CBC, the norm of which is described in the table, is reliable information, but it is still better to entrust the decoding to a doctor. It is he who will be able to evaluate all the indicators and tell details about the state of health.

Another study may be needed - blood biochemistry. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions, but wait for a consultation.

General blood test: decoding

When you receive a form with the results of a blood test, you will probably realize that you do not know many terms. Therefore, we will try to give full transcript research indicators and tell what they mean.

The list looks like this:

  • Hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is one of the important components of blood. This pigment is responsible for transporting oxygen and removing harmful carbon from the body.

Therefore, if hemoglobin is low, this may indicate iron deficiency or significant blood loss.

But if the level is higher than expected, most likely the person has thick blood and there is a risk of thrombosis or dehydration.

  • Red blood cells.

Red blood cells are important bodies because they contain hemoglobin.

Indicators below normal indicate anemia, blood loss or the presence of chronic inflammatory processes.

A higher than normal number of red blood cells indicates a heart defect, respiratory diseases, or problems with hormones.

  • Leukocytes.

These are white blood cells that perform important function- protect the body from exposure to bacteria or infection. Therefore, if the level of white blood cells is elevated, then the patient is suffering from a bacterial or viral attack. Indicators decrease with various diseases blood or reactions to drugs.

An increase in these indicators indicates the presence foreign bodies, with whom they fight. The decrease may be due to anemia, postoperative period, infections and other diseases.

  • Platelets.

These cells are responsible for blood clotting, which is very important during injury.

An excess of platelets indicates the presence of certain ailments, such as tuberculosis and cirrhosis of the liver. This is also possible after surgery or taking hormonal medications.

A decrease in level indicates anemia, poisoning of various kinds, alcoholism, and hormonal disorders.

  • ESR.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR, indicates the presence and intensity of the inflammatory process. The higher the indicators, the more serious illness and more inflammation.

Typically, indicators increase in the presence of infections, thyroid diseases, and in the period after operations. There is practically no decrease in ESR, although it is possible with poor blood circulation.

  • Hematocrit

This indicator indicates the number of red blood cells in the blood. The fact that it increases occurs when there is a lack of water, and a decrease in the level indicates anemia.

  • Reticulocytes.

These are immature red blood cells that are responsible for the functioning of the bone marrow. The test is often prescribed for anemia to assess the effectiveness of therapy.

An increase in these indicators often indicates bleeding and positive treatment anemia, and a decrease indicates a deterioration of the condition.

  • Color index.

Determines how many small and large red blood cells are in the blood and how they differ from each other. Indicators are calculated as percentages, and their large gap indicates anemia.

Usually in clinical trial contains indicators of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes, ESR and hemoglobin. But a more detailed blood test will tell you about other important components of plasma.

Blood testing is simple and at the same time effective procedure. Therefore, do not be lazy to carry out analysis at least several times a year: this can save you from many health troubles.

Complete blood count (clinical blood test) - laboratory test, which allows you to evaluate hemoglobin levels in the blood, the number of red blood cells, the number of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and other important indicators.

A complete clinical blood test is the most common test. Prescribed for preventive examinations, as well as for most diseases.

Using a general blood test, you can identify: viral and bacterial diseases, the presence of inflammatory or malignant processes, pathologies, various disorders in hematopoiesis, possible helminthiases and allergies, and also allows you to evaluate general state human health.

Preparing for a general blood test

The blood test must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. For 6-8 hours (preferably 12) before taking a general blood test, eating, as well as drinks such as juice, tea, coffee and alcohol, are not allowed. Need to reduce physical activity. Do not use medical supplies, otherwise, warn your doctor about the medications.

Only water, preferably boiled, is allowed.

Blood sampling for analysis is carried out:

  • from a finger (in most cases, a ring finger)
  • from a vein

General blood test - interpretation

HGB – hemoglobin. Blood pigment of erythrocytes. Transports oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues of the body, and then back carbon dioxide to the lungs.

Increased hemoglobin provokes: excessive physical activity, exposure to high altitude, blood thickening, smoking.

Reduced hemoglobin provokes: .

RBC - red blood cells(red blood cells). Elements of blood that contain hemoglobin. They are involved in the transport of oxygen and support biological oxidation processes in the body.

Acceptable slight increase number of red blood cells. A slight increase in red blood cells may be due to - blood thickening due to a burn, or taking diuretics.

Increased number of red blood cells: neoplasms, polycystic kidney disease, dropsy renal pelvis, Cushing's disease and syndrome, treatment with steroids.

Reduced quantity red blood cells: anemia, pregnancy, blood loss, decreased intensity of red blood cell formation in the bone marrow, accelerated destruction of red blood cells, overhydration.

Color index. Indicates the hemoglobin content in red blood cells.

Elevated color index: deficiency and, gastric polyposis.

Reduced color index: anemia, diseases with impaired hemoglobin synthesis.

RTC - reticulocytes. Young, immature forms of red blood cells that are normally found in the bone marrow.

Increased reticulocyte count: increased red blood cell production with.

Reduced reticulocyte count: aplastic anemia, kidney disease, impaired red blood cell maturation.

PLT - platelets. Elements formed from bone marrow cells involved in the process of blood clotting.

A natural increase in platelet levels is observed after physical activity, and a decrease during and during pregnancy.

Increased platelet levels: inflammatory process in the body, polycythemia, myeloid leukemia, after removal of the spleen and surgical operations.

Low platelet count: poor blood clotting, thrombocytopenic purpura, systemic autoimmune diseases, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, hemolytic disease, isoimmunization by blood groups and Rh factor.

ESR - ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate). Indicator pathological condition body.

Increased ESR: infectious and inflammatory diseases (inflammation, acute infection, poisoning), anemia, collagenosis, kidney damage, liver damage, endocrine disorders, pregnancy, postpartum period, menstruation, bone fractures, postoperative period.

Reduced ESR: hyperbilirubinemia, increased level bile acids, chronic failure blood circulation, erythremia, hypofibrinogenemia.

WBC - white blood cells(white blood cells). Formed in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Designed to recognize and neutralize foreign components, protect cellular immunity from viruses and bacteria, eliminating dying cells of your own body. Types of leukocytes: lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes.

Increased white blood cell count (leukocytosis): acute inflammatory processes, purulent processes, infectious diseases, tissue injuries, during pregnancy, after childbirth and during feeding, after physical activity.

Reduced number of leukocytes (leukopenia): bone marrow aplasia or hypoplasia, radiation sickness, typhoid fever, viral diseases; , Addison-Beermer disease, collagenosis, bone marrow aplasia and hypoplasia, bone marrow damage chemicals or medications, hypersplenism, acute leukemia, myelofibrosis, myelodysplastic syndromes, plasmacytoma, metastases of neoplasms in Bone marrow, pernicious anemia, typhus and paratyphoid.

A reduced amount may also occur while taking or after certain medications.

LYM – lymphocytes. These are the main cells immune system. They fight viral infections, destroy foreign cells and their own, if they have mutated, release antibodies into the blood - immunoglobulins.

Increased lymphocyte count: viral infections, lymphocytic leukemia.

Reduced number of lymphocytes: acute non-viral infections, aplastic anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, immunodeficiency conditions, loss of lymph.

Neutrophilsstab And segmented. This is a group of white blood cells. Their main task is to destroy pathogenic bacteria in the blood and tissues. When netrophils encounter a bacterium, they absorb it, break it down within themselves and die.

Increased number of neutrophils: sepsis, blood diseases, intoxication, gangrene, extensive burns, appendicitis, ENT infections, malignant tumor, cholera, .

An increase in neutrophils may also be caused by recent vaccination, past illness, pregnancy, physical activity and even a hearty lunch.

Reduced neutrophil count: leukemia, anemia, B12 and folic acid deficiency, side effect after certain medications, after chemotherapy, rubella, typhus, etc.

Reduced eosinophil count: childbirth, purulent infections, surgery, shock.

BAS - basophils. They are a subtype of granulocytic leukocytes. Responsible for the release of histamine.

Increased basophil content: hypersensitivity reactions, chronic sinusitis.

Reduced basophil levels: pregnancy, ovulation, stress, acute infections.

MON - monocytes. Very important cells of the immune system. Responsible for final destruction foreign cells and proteins, foci of inflammation and destroyed tissue. They are the first to encounter the antigen and present it to the lymphocytes for an immune response.

Increased number of monocytes: viral and fungal infections, sarcoidosis, leukemia, systemic diseases connective tissue.

Reduced monocyte count: aplastic anemia, hairy cell leukemia.

Information about the norm of general blood test indicators in this article is provided for informational purposes. You cannot decipher the analysis, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment yourself!!! For correct decoding and making a diagnosis requires more information and consultation with a doctor.

General blood test - normal

Normal blood counts can be found in the following table:

Where can I get a blood test?

- Expected...

Tags: general blood test, clinical blood test, normal blood test, blood test explanation, where to take a blood test, blood test results, table of interpretation of the general blood test, blood test Moscow, blood test St. Petersburg, blood test Samara

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