Home Orthopedics Herpetic stomatitis in adults treatment. Why does herpes stomatitis appear in adults and how to treat it correctly? Features of this type of disease

Herpetic stomatitis in adults treatment. Why does herpes stomatitis appear in adults and how to treat it correctly? Features of this type of disease

All people modern society live in society and are constantly in contact with each other. That is why there is such a high number of diseases transmitted in the world infectiously and through contacts.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the penetration of a viral infection into the body.

However, regular preventive measures, as well as timely symptoms noticed and timely health care are capable of significantly facilitate treatment and reduce the likelihood of disease recurrence in the future.

One of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of infections is occupied by diseases associated with inflammatory processes. human oral cavity. This category includes various shapes a disease such as stomatitis.

What is herpetic stomatitis?

Called inflammatory disease , which affects the oral mucosa. At different forms This disease may affect the lips, tongue, gums, or inner cheeks.

In the photo you see herpetic stomatitis in adults, predominantly located on the human palate.

Herpetic stomatitis is characterized by such symptoms as formation in the oral cavity purulent ulcers or watery rashes that cause painful sensations, burning. Often accompanied by increased body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes and general malaise.

Features of this type of disease

The cause of herpetic stomatitis is herpes virus. Most often, the virus itself enters the human body during childhood and remains there for the rest of his life.

Despite any treatment, herpes infection cannot be completely eliminated. Once it enters the human body, it remains there forever, going into a hidden state and periodically makes itself known with acute outbreaks of the disease.

Without treatment, acute herpetic stomatitis in adults can become chronic.

You can become infected with the herpes virus in direct contact with the patient person during the acute period of the disease. This could include kissing, sharing personal hygiene items such as a toothbrush, towel, etc.

You can become infected by drinking from the same bottle with a sick person or eating from the same spoon with him. Infection through airborne droplets or blood is also possible.

The following reasons can provoke an exacerbation of herpes infection:

  • General weakening of the body's immunity, which can be caused by both previous infectious diseases and seasonal vitamin deficiency. An exacerbation of any chronic disease can also awaken the dormant herpes virus and contribute to an outbreak of herpetic stomatitis.

  • Stressful situations, oppressive nervous system and thereby increasing the risk of infection or exacerbation of an infection already existing in the body.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Mechanical damage the lining of the mouth and the area around the lips, such as a bite or burn. Incorrectly selected or poorly installed devices can also cause an exacerbation of infection.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards oral cavity, in which numerous pathogenic bacteria develop on the mucous membrane.
  • The causes of stomatitis can be untreated dental diseases, such as periodontitis, etc.
  • Taking some medicines, which weaken the immune system can also have a negative impact on the body’s ability to resist worsening infections.

Unlike other forms of this disease, herpetic stomatitis can affect not only the oral mucosa, but also touch the lip area. In this case, a so-called “cold” appears on the lips, which looks like a cluster of small watery blisters.

Difficulty in treating herpetic stomatitis is that it is impossible to completely destroy the infectious agent. All treatment methods can only relieve the acute form of the disease, after which the virus will go into a latent, dormant state. Among all forms of stomatitis, it is herpetic stomatitis that has the highest percentage of relapses.

However, stomatitis needs to be treated Necessarily, since if this is not done, the disease can become severe, and in some cases chronic.

Under such circumstances, coping with the disease will become much more difficult. In addition, an aggravated infection, without meeting resistance, can affect other areas of the skin, spreading to the face, hands, etc.

Home treatment

When treating herpetic stomatitis, the main attention should be paid to antiviral medical drugs . It is also necessary to take means to enhance immunity and general strengthening body.

The best effect can be achieved by comprehensively using tablet drugs and local therapies in treatment, such as gels, ointments, sprays for the oral cavity. Good results are achieved by rinsing the mouth with solutions of special medications.

If the course of the disease is accompanied by fever, then antipyretics. However, if the body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, it is better not to use such medications, since they do not help the body develop its own immunity to infection.

Traditional methods can also be used in treatment, but it is still recommended to use them as auxiliary ones, in combination with traditional medicines.

Pharmacy products

Antiviral drugs most often used in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis:

  1. Famciclovir (Minaker, Famvir, Famacivir, Famciclovir-Teva, Familar). An antiviral agent that stops the development of the herpes virus in the body. You need to start taking the drug as early as possible, at the first signs of the disease. People who have impaired renal function should approach the dosage of the medicine with caution.
  2. Valacyclovir (Virdel, Valtrex, Valcicon). An antiviral drug, when taken, is quickly converted into the substance acyclovir, which, penetrating into cells affected by the herpes virus, disrupts the structure of the virus and suppresses it. Caution is also necessary when taking the drug to patients with renal impairment.
  3. Acyclovir (Zovirax). It is characterized by high selectivity when affecting virus-infected body cells. Accelerates the healing of herpetic ulcers and has an analgesic effect. Can be used as a prophylactic to prevent relapses of the herpes virus.

Since tablet antiviral drugs require careful dosage, it is recommended to take them after consultation with a dentist or a therapist. This will reduce the risk of unwanted side effects when taking medications.

Typically used for local therapy two kinds medicines: solutions for mouth rinsing and various gels, ointments and sprays of targeted action, which are applied pointwise to infected areas of the skin.

As a rule, they have anti-inflammatory effect and have a calming and analgesic effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In addition, they promote faster healing of ulcers and prevent further growth of bacteria in the mouth.

The following products are good for rinsing:

  • Furacilin. Has antibacterial properties. 2-3 tablets of the drug should be dissolved in a glass of warm water and rinse the mouth with the resulting solution several times a day. It is advisable not to use a solution that has been standing for several days; it is better to prepare a fresh one. Do not use cold liquid and store it in the refrigerator, let it be at room temperature, because... a cold solution can have a traumatic effect on irritated mucous membranes.
  • Chlorhexidine (Amident). Antiseptic, has antimicrobial and analgesic effects. You need to rinse your mouth with the drug solution several times a day. The dosage depends on the form of the medicine and is indicated on the packaging.
  • Rotokan. An alcohol solution containing extracts of chamomile, yarrow and calendula. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating effects. To use, you need to dissolve 5 drops of the drug in a glass of warm boiled water and then rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid three times a day.
  • Stomatophyte. A medicine based on plants, including oak bark, sage, arnica, etc. Helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Dosage according to the instructions on the purchased package of the drug.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This product is used in the form of a solution of 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per 100 ml of warm water.

Mouth rinses are best to use after every meal. This will prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity, which can prolong the period of infection with the herpes virus and complicate treatment.

In addition, rinsing, unlike brushing your teeth with a toothbrush, cannot accidentally injure inflamed by disease mucous membrane inside the mouth.

It is also an effective preventative to prevent future infections.

However, it must be borne in mind that it is impossible to cure a viral herpetic infection with rinsing solutions alone, and they should be used only as a additional means.

Medicines directed action are available in the form of gels, ointments and sprays. There are also medicines in powder form, but these are less common.

Their peculiarity is that such drugs are applied directly to affected areas of skin or mucous membrane. For applying gels and ointments, ordinary cotton buds, sprays are sprayed using a special dispenser.

  • Oxolinic ointment. Highly efficient antiviral agent, in which the main active substance is oxoline. Apply to affected areas 2-3 times a day.
  • Acyclovir ointment (Acigerpin, Zovirax, Herperax, Vivorax, Gervirax). Suppresses the development of the virus, reduces the risk of re-inflammation, and promotes rapid healing of herpetic ulcers. Also has an analgesic effect.
  • Miramistin. This remedy should be used to treat inflamed areas 3-4 times a day. The drug solution can also be used as a mouth rinse.
  • Viru-MerzSerol. Antimicrobial gel, reduces burning and pain. Apply topically 3 times a day. However, if there is no improvement within two days of using this medication, it is better to stop using it.

As immunostimulants for general strengthening protective functions body can be recommended Imudon, Amiksin and so on. Taking vitamins can be a good help in treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment

As traditional medicine in the treatment of stomatitis, they are mainly used. various infusions and decoctions of plants. They are used as mouth rinses, in the form of lotions and gruels.

But it is worth remembering that herpetic stomatitis is viral disease, and superficial treatment can only drive the disease deeper. Therefore, it is advisable to combine these methods with traditional drug treatment.

So, what can medications help in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis?

    • Oak bark. You can collect this substance yourself or buy it ready-made at a pharmacy. A decoction of oak bark is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 10, then used as a rinse.
    • Tinctures or decoctions calendula, St. John's wort, sage. To prepare alcohol tinctures, a collection of herbs is infused with alcohol or vodka, then a solution is made of 30-50 drops of tincture with warm boiled water and rinse your mouth. Herbal decoctions are also diluted with a small amount of water before use.
    • Kalanchoe or aloe juice. These plants have a good anti-inflammatory effect; they help heal inflamed ulcers and cleanse the oral mucosa of bacteria. To use, you need to moisten a cotton pad or swab with the juice of the plant and treat the affected areas.

  • Propolis. Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, this remedy can be very useful for the treatment of stomatitis. It is used in the form of an alcohol tincture solution for rinsing. You can also purchase ready-made propolis-based preparations at the pharmacy (for example, Propolis spray).
  • Soda. Used in the form aqueous solution for rinsing the mouth. Dilute in warm water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per 100 ml of water.
  • Oils from plants such as: eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, rose hips. These products contain various vitamins that promote better healing and have an antimicrobial effect. They can be used to lubricate inflamed areas of the skin several times a day after meals.

Treatment results

Like any other disease, herpetic stomatitis can occur in several forms of severity. Distinguish light, medium and severe form of this disease.

The mild form is characterized by general malaise, a possible slight increase in temperature, swelling of the oral cavity and single or few ulcers.

If symptoms are noticed in a timely manner and treatment is started in time, the acute form of the disease can be cured within 5-10 days.

Medium shape. With this form, the patient experiences an increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees. The disease may be accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes, headaches, pallor, and nausea. Ulcerative rashes on the mucous membrane are more pronounced and the affected area is larger.

Also, with moderate severity of the disease, the infection can affect the skin around the mouth.

The average form of herpetic stomatitis should be treated with antiviral medications, Using only auxiliary means will not lead to recovery.

If within three days home treatment did not bring a positive effect, in order to avoid complications you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Severe form the disease is rare. As a rule, such a disastrous result is caused by ignoring the infection that has arisen, coupled with a general weakening of the body and failure to maintain oral hygiene.

Herpetic stomatitis in severe form usually occurs with chronic recurrent form diseases.

The symptoms are very pronounced. Ulcerative lesions appear not only in the oral cavity, but also affect the lip area, and the eyes, ears and fingers often become inflamed.

The rashes include a large number of herpetic ulcers, the affected areas are not isolated.

The smell from the mouth becomes unpleasant and putrid. Tissue necrosis is also possible. All this is accompanied by high body temperature, severe pain and weakness.

Herpetic stomatitis in severe form in no case cannot be treated on your own. This can lead to very serious and dangerous consequences.

Therefore, if you feel a serious deterioration in your health due to a developing infection, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist based on the existing symptoms, test results and general clinical picture diseases can be prescribed correct treatment.

In especially severe cases, even hospitalization of the patient in the infectious diseases department cannot be ruled out.

It should be remembered that herpetic stomatitis is contagious viral disease. If you come into contact with an infected person, the disease can be spread to other people. Therefore, during an exacerbation of the disease, it is very important to minimize direct contact with others.

The patient needs to use separate cutlery, towels, hygiene products.

Perhaps one of the most unpleasant diseases oral cavity is herpetic stomatitis. IN mature age This disease can be very painful and quite difficult to treat. In order to understand how to get rid of it, It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the causes and treatment methods of this disease. And to be sure that you have herpes stomatitis and not another, you need to know its symptoms and undergo the correct diagnosis.

Herpes stomatitis in adults is a viral disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus (herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2). Visible symptoms, which in common people are called “colds”, in medicine they are called oral herpes, it infects both the face and the oral cavity. This form of infection is the most common manifestation of herpes.

The main reason for herpetic stomatitis is reduced immunity. There are a considerable number of reasons for becoming infected with this virus, not only due to a decrease in the overall immune system throughout the body, but also due to decreased immunity in the oral cavity.

Some of the reasons for infection:

  • change climatic conditions: both overheating and hypothermia;
  • trauma to the red labial border and oral mucosa;
  • failure to comply with the rules of facial and oral hygiene;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • exacerbation chronic infection tonsils;
  • exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • exacerbation of untreated periodontitis or gingivitis;
  • infected and untreated carious defects;
  • various types of allergies;
  • taking corticosteroids (drugs that eliminate inflammatory processes in the body);
  • lack of vitamins;
  • both hard tartar and soft plaque accumulated on the teeth;
  • penetration of viruses and bacteria through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity against the background of breathing through the mouth;
  • against the background of ARVI or AIDS.

Initial contact with the simplex virus primarily occurs in children in early toddlerhood, from six months to five years. The paradoxical situation is that what younger child, the disease is simpler and easier than in older children. Herpetic stomatitis in adults is usually very severe.

And also the reasons for the revival of the herpetic stomatitis virus may be:

  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • injured mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • dehydrated body;
  • incorrect dental prosthetics;
  • dry oral mucosa;
  • chemotherapy;
  • Not proper nutrition.

Forms of herpetic stomatitis

There are two phases of the disease with herpetic stomatitis - acute and chronic.

The acute form occurs in several stages:

  • tissue regeneration (disturbance) - occurs within three to four days;
  • the incubation (hidden) stage lasts up to three weeks;
  • the catarrhal stage (the first symptoms of the disease appear) lasts from two to twenty-four hours;
  • the highest point of virus activation lasts from two to four days;
  • the subsiding stage of the process lasts about four days.

Chronic form takes place in two stages:

  1. Easy stage chronic form Herpetic stomatitis occurs once every six months. The symptoms of the formation of the herpes virus can be characterized by a rash of sores on inside cheeks, palate and gums.
  2. The severe stage of the chronic form of herpetic stomatitis is very different from the mild stage of the disease. During this period, the oral mucosa swells greatly. There is an extremely profuse rash. The smell from the mouth becomes extremely unpleasant due to the strong secretion of saliva. Painful erosions form from a huge number of ulcers. With improper or poor treatment, secondary, recurrent herpes develops, which is a local reactivation of this virus. Occurs up to six times during the year.


In primary herpetic gingivostomatitis, the disease manifests itself in rapid development:

  • painful ulcers in the area of ​​the oral mucosa, on the gums, tongue, inside of the cheeks - in all parts of the oral cavity;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of very small, sometimes almost imperceptible, bubbles;
  • deterioration of the patient's general condition.

However, most often the disease is not recognized and is mistaken for other diseases. In recurrent herpes (secondary) there appears to be a local reactivation of this virus.

Although after about a week the patient feels better, there is no final recovery, because it is completely impossible to defeat herpes, because it always lives in human body. Accordingly, after some time, as a rule, the infection begins to develop a second time. If an adult gets sick for the first time, that is, he avoided herpetic stomatitis in childhood, the disease will proceed in a very severe form.

Two to three days before the rash appears, a person begins to tingle in those places where blisters begin to appear (the vesicle stage, they can be examined by a doctor), which later become weeping open sores, first, in the area of ​​the red border on the lips. Then they move on to the oral mucosa. Rashes appear on the palate, on the inside of the cheeks, and on the tongue. The inflamed blisters begin to burst, become covered with fibrin, they begin to dry out, and then they begin to quickly transform and form into extensive, painful erosive surfaces.

The more elements of the lesion (they are called auto) in the mouth, the much more difficult the process is and the higher the body temperature rises.

Below in the photo you can see what herpetic stomatitis looks like localized in different parts of the oral cavity.


Absolutely the right approach in diagnosing herpetic stomatitis, this is a survey and visual examination of the patient to assess the nature of the rash. The medical record is studied to review past illnesses, and an anamnesis is collected.

The symptoms of the simplex virus can be similar to the symptoms of other diseases. To exclude errors in diagnosis and correctly prescribe treatment for herpes stomatitis, additional examinations are carried out. The dentist gives directions for examinations additional examinations from an otolaryngologist (ENT), immunologist, therapist, endocrinologist.


Hyperbolization (global reduction) of pain is a very important part of the treatment of herpes stomatitis. With such intense pain, it is impossible to take food or liquid. As a result, dehydration occurs and general decline the patient's immune system. If such problems are present, it is extremely important to contact a professional specialist at the clinic for full examination, making the correct diagnosis and prescribing comprehensive treatment.

At the very beginning of the development of herpetic stomatitis in adults, antiviral drugs are prescribed for treatment to stop the inflammatory process in the body.

The choice of drugs used and treatment methods depend on factors such as:

  • the time interval from the first symptoms of the disease to going to the clinic to see a doctor;
  • the type of medications used by patients independently, without consulting a specialist;
  • the general condition of the patient’s immune system.

The treatment method, regardless of the stage of severity of the disease, consists of two directions - general therapy and local therapy. And also at the initial stage, the doctor may recommend using traditional methods in combination with drug treatment, since treating herpes stomatitis only with traditional medicine is often ineffective.

General therapy

  1. Anesthesia of the oral cavity with an anesthetic emulsion.
  2. Elimination of symptoms of intoxication - increased drinking regimen.
  3. Attention is focused on proper nutrition - the presence of essential vitamins and nutrients in the diet.
  4. Eating liquid and semi-liquid foods to relieve pain.
  5. Immunostimulating, antiviral drugs and vitamins are taken, such as famciclovir, interferon, imudon, ascorbic acid.
  6. An additional recommendation is to take antihistamines (for allergies) drugs, such as: suprastin, tavegil, diazolin.
  7. In severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the development of herpes stomatitis.

Local therapy

The core goal of local therapy is to reduce pain and allow erosions and ulcers to heal. Sanctions for further development of inflammation.

Treatment methods using local therapy:

  • rinsing the mouth with alkaline solutions;
  • use of both antiseptics and special gels;
  • regular treatment (every three to four hours) of the oral cavity with Miramistin;
  • Apply Gossypol Liniment (liquid ointment) to the affected areas in a thin layer;
  • Viferon (ointment) is applied to the lesions in a thin layer, the optimal duration of treatment is up to one week;
  • Lidocaine in an aerosol or Anestezin Kamistad in peach oil reduces sensitivity on the affected areas.

These drugs can only be used as prescribed by your doctor. Depending on the stage of the disease. With demanding, even strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations, recovery can be achieved in two weeks. And do not forget that the treatment of herpetic stomatitis in adults can be very different from the treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children.


When herpetic stomatitis appears, traditional medicine treatment can only help at the initial stage.

Gives a slight effect folk remedies when herpes stomatitis is treated by preparing decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs, such as:

  • yarrow,
  • sage,
  • calendula,
  • St. John's wort,
  • chamomile.

Method for preparing a decoction for rinsing from the above herbs: 1 tbsp. lie dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a terry towel or napkin for 10 minutes. Then strain. Rinse your mouth before and after eating.

And also to alleviate the condition of herpes stomatitis, the following methods are used in folk medicine:

  • Propolis tincture relieves inflammation and pain in the mouth.
  • It is recommended to wipe the areas of the palate and gums with lemon juice when the swelling is still at the initial stage.
  • During the healing stage of the resulting ulcers, it is necessary to use oils (linseed and sea buckthorn).

Nutrition for herpetic stomatitis

Herpetic stomatitis is treated with medications, so the human body becomes very weakened. To maintain the immune system, there are special diets that take into account vitamins and microelements. We list some substances that have a special effect on the immune system:

  1. Proteins are sources of amino acids, thanks to which cells damaged by bacteria and the herpes virus are restored. Protein is found in eggs, mushrooms, cereals, legumes, dairy products, fish, and meat.
  2. Selenium – has an antioxidant effect, takes part in the production of antibodies that fight infections. Selenium is in sea ​​fish, nuts, cereals, seeds, mushrooms.
  3. Vitamin A – for herpetic stomatitis, this vitamin protects the mucous membrane in the mouth from cracks and dryness. Does not allow harmful bacteria to enter. Is an antioxidant. Vitamin A is found in the following foods: pumpkin, sea buckthorn, melon, rose hips, apples, apricots, fish oil, liver, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, mint, parsley, nettle, green peas, green onions.

IN mandatory you need to drink plain clean water. Compotes and decoctions are also recommended medicinal herbs, herbal teas. During the period of illness with herpes stomatitis, heavy food is excluded, which is an irritant to the oral mucosa, this following products: fried, salty, sour, spicy, sweet, citrus.


To prevent herpetic stomatitis, there are several basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene:
    • wash your hands and face more often using antiseptics;
    • use toothpaste containing fluoride;
    • use sanitary napkins;
    • use antiviral ointments;
    • use disinfectant gels.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle:
    • eliminate smoking;
    • do not drink alcohol;
    • engage in hardening of the body.

So, to summarize, let's remember some of the features of herpetic stomatitis. Firstly, this disease in adults is more severe than in children, especially if the adult has not had it before. childhood. Secondly, treatment of herpetic stomatitis in adults may differ from treatment in childhood, so trust your doctor and do not self-medicate. And thirdly, do not forget that treatment must be comprehensive and preferably carried out with proper diet, with this approach it will be much easier to get rid of stomatitis in the mouth.

Symptoms and treatment of herpes zoster and causes of herpes zoster in adults

Inflammation of the oral mucosa is a common dental disease among adult patients. The appearance of blisters with liquid on the lips, under the tongue and on the inside of the cheeks is associated with infection of the body with the herpes virus. On acute stage the patient feels discomfort when talking and eating.

According to statistics, 80% of all diseases of the oral mucosa in adults are herpetic stomatitis.


The herpes virus is insidious. Entering the human body at a young age, it does not manifest itself in any way for many years. The most common cause of infection and the formation of unpleasant ulcers is weakened immunity (hypothermia, ARVI).

The course of the disease is conventionally divided into periods:

  1. Incubation - lasts from 2 days to 3 weeks;
  2. Catarrhal (appearance of the first symptoms) - from several hours to a day;
  3. The development of herpes lasts from 2 to 4 days;
  4. Extinction - from 3 to 4 days;
  5. Healing - from 3 to 9.

The peak development of the virus occurs in the first 24 hours.

Herpetic stomatitis is transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact, so you should be careful and avoid any contact with the patient.

Factors influencing the appearance of herpes:

  • Hormonal changes in the body;
  • Injuries to the oral mucosa (hard food, sharp edges of teeth, braces);
  • Poor quality dental prosthetics;
  • Diseases associated with dry mouth and general dehydration;
  • Improper or irregular hygiene;
  • A course of chemotherapy;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Poor nutrition.

In adult patients, the disease is worse than in children. This is due to changes occurring in the oral cavity - damage to caries, the formation of plaque and tartar, loosening of teeth and enlargement of gum canals, consumption of excessively spicy or salty foods, smoking and alcohol.

People with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus and HIV-infected people are at risk.

Herpetic stomatitis has three forms:

  1. Light;
  2. Average;
  3. Heavy.

If the disease is not treated at the initial stage, it becomes chronic. Further life in such a patient is associated with constantly recurring symptoms.

The severity of the disease, the nature of its course and the method of treatment can only be determined by a specialist.

The appearance of fluid-filled ulcers on the lips - characteristic herpetic stomatitis. Other symptoms appear depending on the form of the disease.

Light form characterized by the absence of intoxication of the body. Body temperature suddenly rises to 38 degrees. The oral mucosa swells, and swelling in the gum area is observed. Small ulcers form within 2-3 days. They are located pointwise or grouped in several pieces. Total aft - up to 5.

Medium form characterized by general weakness and drowsiness that occurs against the background of intoxication. The lymph nodes increase in size, the patient feels discomfort in this area. Against the general background of symptoms, a sore throat may occur.

After 1-2 days the temperature rises to 39 degrees. Dizziness, headache and nausea begin. The first rashes filled with liquid appear on the surface of the lips and the inside of the cheeks. A whitish coating forms on the mucous membranes, and the gums bleed. The ulcers itch, itching occurs, and discomfort is felt upon contact. With their appearance, body temperature decreases. After 1-3 days, the ulcers burst, leaving erosions (aphthae) in their place. Eating is difficult due to pain when swallowing, and salivation is increased.

The duration of the average form of viral stomatitis depends on the medications taken and the general resistance of the body. The total number of ulcers reaches 20-25 pieces.

Acute form.The percentage of people who develop acute herpetic stomatitis is very small. The patient's general condition worsens within 2-3 days. The temperature rises to 40 degrees, outer surface The lips become dry and covered with microcracks. The oral mucosa becomes inflamed and swollen.

After 1-2 days, the first ulcers appear, which form not only on the lips, but also on the earlobes, wings of the nose, and in the corners of the eyes. Increased salivation is accompanied by bad breath. The total number of ulcers can reach 100 pieces.

The period of illness from the appearance of the first symptoms to the formation of erosions and healing is 12-14 days. Sleep and appetite are restored, skin and the mucous membrane is cleansed. The acute form requires consultation and immediate treatment from a specialist.

At the stage of the appearance of bubbles with liquid, the patient is most contagious. It is worth minimizing household contacts during treatment.

According to statistics, 80% of people on the planet are carriers of the herpes virus. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition maintain normal protective functions in the body. The chronic form appears in patients with untreated herpetic stomatitis.

When the seasons change in the autumn-spring period, an aggravation is observed. Other factors can provoke herpes in the oral cavity - hypothermia, tonsillitis or sinusitis, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane.

Mild degree the chronic form is characterized by the formation of a small number of ulcers 1-2 times a year on the inside of the cheeks, gums and palate.

Severe form characterized by an abundance of rashes. During this period, the mucous membrane swells, saliva is released abundantly, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Due to the large number of ulcers, they merge into painful erosions. The number of relapses increases to 5-6 times a year.

Unlike acute form manifestation is not typical for chronic secondary symptoms- increased body temperature, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding gums. There is only general malaise.


The symptoms of herpetic stomatitis are similar to other diseases, so only a dentist can make an accurate diagnosis.

At the initial stage, the doctor asks the patient about past diseases and studies medical card. Using medical instruments, the doctor conducts a visual examination to assess the nature of the formation of ulcers and inflammation.

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed to submit a scraping from the surface of the vial with liquid to the laboratory. In the acute form of herpetic stomatitis, the skin is checked for the presence of the virus with special reagents.

The symptoms of herpes are similar to other diseases, so in order not to make a mistake in choosing treatment, additional tests are carried out.

If herpes returns periodically, the dentist gives a referral for examination by other specialists - an immunologist, endocrinologist, therapist and ENT doctor. Comprehensive examination allows you to determine the exact cause of recurring viral stomatitis and provide quality treatment.


Treatment of herpetic stomatitis is carried out in a complex. The methods used and the choice of drugs depend on several factors:

  • The patient's immune status;
  • Type of medications used by patients independently;
  • The time interval from the onset of the disease to contacting a specialist.

Regardless of the severity of the disease, the treatment method is built in 2 directions at once. For full recovery Local and general therapy are used.

In the first days of the development of herpes in the oral cavity, antiviral drugs are prescribed that stop the inflammatory process in the body.

Commonly used ointments and gels:

  • Zovirax or its analogue Acyclovir;
  • Metrogil Denta;
  • Tebrofenovaya (1-2%) and adimalovaya (0.5%).

The ointment is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the affected area. The products can be applied not only locally, but also to neighboring areas to provide a preventive effect.

Before using them, the oral cavity is irrigated with antiseptic solutions:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (1.5%) - cleanses the tongue, palate and cheeks of whitish plaque;
  • Miramistin or Chlorhexedine;
  • Furacilin (0.1%).

When using home therapy, you should not use products to cauterize or irritate the mucous membrane.

The use of medications of different effects against a background of weakened immunity in some cases causes an allergic reaction. Possible signs of allergies are relieved antihistamines- Tavegil, Diazolin, Zodak, Suprastin.

At the stage of healing of aphthae, restorative agents are used to remove necrotic tissue - Solcoseryl, Karatolin, vitamin A-based oil.

Moderate and severe degrees of herpetic stomatitis are accompanied by discomfort and pain when eating and drinking. To alleviate the patient's general condition, painkillers are prescribed - Vinilin, Hexoral spray, Lidocaine Asept.

General therapy is characterized by the use of suppositories (Viferon), which reduce the effect of the herpes virus on the body. Decrease elevated temperature The body is helped by antipyretic drugs - Nurofen, Ibuprofen.

Throughout treatment, it is necessary to take vitamins P and C to improve the body's protective functions and immunity.

Therapy for chronic herpetic stomatitis is no different from the acute form. A course of antiviral drugs and antibiotics is prescribed. Lysine is used as an immunomodulator.

During treatment, the patient must be protected from everyday contact with other family members. There are separate dishes for it, bed dress and personal hygiene products.


Traditional medicine recipes are effective only on initial stages light form herpetic stomatitis.

As anti-inflammatory agents, it is possible to use infusions of medicinal herbs - sage, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow.

For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of dry ingredient and container with hot water(250 ml). The herbs are steamed for 3-5 minutes and filtered. The oral cavity is irrigated with the prepared solution 2-3 times during the day before meals.

Propolis alcohol tincture contains components that relieve not only inflammation, but also pain.

As soon as swelling and redness begins on the gums and palate, it is recommended to wipe these areas with lemon juice or tablets (2-3 pcs.) ascorbic acid, mixed into a paste with water.

At the stage of wound healing, oils are used - sea buckthorn and linseed.

​Treatment with medications is accompanied by a special diet. The selection of foods, dishes and drinks takes into account the needs of a weakened body for microelements and vitamins. The diet must include fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

Until the oral cavity returns to normal, you should avoid foods with a hard shell and sharp edges.

For a while, it is necessary to exclude sour, salty, sweet, spicy foods and dishes so that they do not irritate the inflamed mucous membrane. These include: citrus fruits, sauces, fried meat and fast food. You are allowed to drink unsweetened compotes and plain water.

For breakfast and lunch, you can prepare a simple porridge with milk, a piece of chicken or steamed fish, or a lean vegetable stew. As a dessert, you can eat light cottage cheese, yogurt or pudding.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures to prevent herpetic stomatitis in adults are easy to implement. Healthy lifestyle, refusal bad habits help maintain immunity and the general condition of the body in good shape.

When the seasons change, you should avoid hypothermia; you should take courses of vitamin and mineral complexes twice a year. Include in daily diet as much healthy and nutritious food as possible.

If the disease has already developed into chronic stage Don’t despair, modern medicine can control the symptoms of herpetic stomatitis.

Herpetic stomatitis is difficult to cure without complications unless you consult a specialist. The causative agent of this type of disease remains in the body forever and is periodically activated, provoking new signs of exacerbation.

General information about the disease

The pathology occurs due to the introduction of the herpes simplex virus into the body. Infection most often occurs in childhood, when the child attends organized groups.

In children, the disease occurs with clear symptoms, but repeated relapses of stomatitis are not as dangerous for them as for adults. Acute herpetic stomatitis in children occurs against the background of an unformed immune system. Frequent relapses pathologies in adults - a signal of serious problems with health or poor functioning of the immune system. In an adult with normal immunity, the herpes virus manifests itself no more than 2-3 times a year.

Causes of infection and mechanism of its development

Doctors identify one main cause of herpes stomatitis in children and adults – the entry of a pathogenic viral particle into the body. The following factors can provoke infection:

  • burns or mechanical damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • drying of mucous structures due to mouth breathing;
  • wearing corrective orthodontic devices installed incorrectly;
  • improper dental hygiene;
  • recurrent dental problems(periodontitis, gingivitis);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • poor nutrition;
  • presence of chronic accompanying pathologies(colitis, gastritis);
  • immunodeficiency state.

The pathology is characterized by the highest degree of infection. It is easy to catch the infection in public places (transport, dining rooms, bathhouses). The virus is transmitted by contact, airborne droplets and sexual contact.

The herpes virus is more often activated in the winter-spring period. Elderly people, adolescents and children under 3 years of age are more susceptible to the disease. In adults, the pathogenic microorganism can be activated in the complete absence of clinical signs.

Symptoms of the acute stage

The incubation period of the virus upon first infection is several days. At the beginning, the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, but on the 3-4th day there is a sharp change in the condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth. There is swelling, hyperthermia and pain in the affected area. Ulcers can appear not only in the mouth, but also in the nose, ears and eyelids. A distinctive sign of the acute stage of herpes stomatitis in adults is bad smell from the mouth and increased salivation. The patient's lymph nodes are enlarged and there is severe pain at the location of the ulcers.

The photo shows Clinical signs aphthous form of stomatitis

How long does the disease last? Unpleasant signs of the disease disappear 6-7 days after their onset. The symptoms of herpetic stomatitis do not always manifest themselves clearly: it all depends on the severity of the disease. A mild form of the problem is characterized by a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes and a rise in temperature to 38 degrees. A moderately severe disease is accompanied by signs of intoxication of the body, a significant rise in temperature and often occurs against the background of a sore throat. In severe cases, the person’s condition becomes critical, and lesions affect the entire oral cavity and lips. The person cannot eat or talk due to severe pain.

Symptoms of the chronic form

Signs of chronic herpetic stomatitis appear with a frequency of up to 6 times a year. The problem usually worsens during the off-season, but can occur at any time of the year. Unlike the primary form of the problem, the secondary one is not accompanied by an increase in temperature and intoxication of the body. The disease can occur against a background of general increased fatigue.

In pathology, swelling of the affected areas is also noted, on which ulcers with a yellowish coating then form. Cure occurs in 9-10 days. There are no noticeable scars left on the skin. Before treating herpes stomatitis, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis with allergic, streptococcal and aphthous forms of pathology.

Diagnosis of pathology

To clarify the causative agent of the pathology, dermatologists prescribe cytological analysis to patients. The material for the procedure is obtained from the surface of the formed bubbles or erosions. Herpes viruses in biological material can be detected only in the first 2 days of the disease.

Other methods are used to detect herpetic stomatitis in adults:

  • serological reaction;
  • fluorescence;
  • skin tests with specific antigens.

Herpetiformis infection has similar symptoms to a number of other diseases. To make an accurate diagnosis, pathology is differentiated:

  • with herpetic sore throat;
  • With allergic rashes on the skin;
  • with erythrema multiforme;
  • with foot and mouth disease;
  • with vesicular stomatitis.

Herpetic sore throat is characterized by damage to the throat and pharynx, while with stomatitis the rashes are localized within the mucous membranes

Foot and mouth disease can be distinguished from the pathology in question only with the help laboratory techniques examinations - serological analysis or skin tests. Erythrema multiforme appears only during the off-season, and not at any time of the year, like herpes.

A visual examination is not enough to distinguish an allergic reaction from herpes. Differential diagnosis includes allergy testing.


Treatment of herpetic stomatitis in adults and children is different. In the first case, therapy is carried out using antiviral and antihistamines general action. Children are more often prescribed traditional medicine, since natural products smaller quantity adverse reactions. During the period of illness, patients of different ages are advised to follow a diet to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.

In adults

The dentist treats acute herpetic stomatitis in adults. The specialist examines the oral cavity, collects an anamnesis of the disease, and determines the type and form of stomatitis.

In case of severe disease in the first days, adults are prescribed the following medications with an antiviral effect:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Bonafton;
  • In cycles.

Antihistamines - Zodak, Zyrtec, Tavegil - can relieve swelling of the mucous membranes. Herpes and stomatitis are not classified as allergic diseases, but a weakened body can produce protective bodies against foreign agents.

To strengthen the immune system, the dentist prescribes vitamins C and P for adults. The greatest effect from therapy can be achieved by taking vitamin complexes

Antibacterial treatment is required only for complications of herpetic stomatitis. The appropriate drug is prescribed by the attending physician.

Along with symptomatic therapy, local treatment of damaged mucous membranes is carried out. In the initial stages of the problem good effect give antiviral ointments– tebrofenovaya, helepinovaya, viferonovaya. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas and adjacent tissues. The event will prevent the recurrence of herpes infection.

In the moderate and severe stages of the disease, a person may experience difficulty eating and talking, since any thermal and mechanical impact on the damaged areas causes pain. Before meals, patients are recommended to treat their mucous membranes with light painkillers - Lidocaine, Trimecaine, Pyromecaine.

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures - laser therapy, UV irradiation. Methods can reduce the intensity of symptoms of severe forms of pathology

Antiseptic treatment of wounds with furatsilin or Miramistin can speed up the course of the disease. Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are also used for this purpose. It is important to take care of the healing of erosions and ulcers. Applications with regenerating ointments - Solcoseryl, Livian, Spedian - are applied to the lesions.

In children

At the first signs of stomatitis, the child should be taken to the dentist. The specialist prescribes medications according to the patient’s age. Severe forms pathologies require hospitalization of the child.

For a time, the infected person is isolated from other children, since herpetic stomatitis is dangerous for others. Important role In the treatment of the disease, compliance with nutritional rules is important. Tough and sour foods may make the problem even worse. The patient's diet should be dominated by liquid foods - soups, cereals, vegetable purees. It is better to consume food warm and unsalted. Large amounts of fluid should be consumed by children whose symptoms of viral stomatitis are complemented by intoxication of the body.

The duration of treatment for herpes stomatitis in children is on average 10 days. The speed of recovery largely depends on the state of the child’s immune system. During exacerbations of the problem, it is necessary to carefully care for the oral cavity to avoid the spread of infection throughout the body.

It is allowed to treat herpes stomatitis in children in the early stages using traditional medicine:

  • Chamomile decoction: 1 tsp. dried flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the cooled broth. The product can also be used for lotions.
  • Potatoes: one root vegetable is crushed using a grater and applied to the affected areas for several minutes. Adults need to ensure that the baby does not swallow raw vegetables.
  • Linseed oil. A cotton swab is moistened in a product that is used to treat all ulcers and erosions.

Drugs for symptomatic therapy are selected by a pediatrician or dentist. It is permissible to give your child Paracetamol or Panadol on your own if the temperature rises above 38 degrees

Antiviral drugs for mild and moderate forms of pathology are prescribed to children in tablets. The medicine is taken 1 tablet 4 times a day. In severe cases of the disease, antiviral drugs are administered intravenously in a hospital setting.

To strengthen the body's defenses in children, immunomodulators are used:

  • Amiksin;
  • Immunal;
  • Imudon.

A safe remedy for treating herpetic wounds in children is Furacilin solution. For the fastest regeneration of wounds they use sea ​​buckthorn oil or Propolis.

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children, as well as in adults, is supplemented with physiotherapeutic measures. Their main goal is to reduce inflammation and pain. Laser therapy, which is prescribed for both children and adults, has the above effect.

The meaning of laser therapy is to apply brilliant green to the rashes and expose them to a laser beam. The duration of the procedure is up to 5 minutes. In 1 session, 3–5 bubbles are processed. If the lesion is total, then the patient is recommended laser therapy with scattered radiation. Not only the oral cavity is irradiated, but also the submandibular The lymph nodes. During one procedure, you can treat from 1 to 3 inflamed nodes.


There is no specific prevention of viral stomatitis. You can only reduce the risk of infection, but you cannot completely eliminate it. TO preventive measures include:

  • giving up bad habits (biting fingers and placing foreign objects in the mouth contributes to the penetration of the virus into the oral cavity).
  • washing hands after using the toilet or treating them with antiseptic wet wipes;
  • brushing the mouth twice a day;
  • limiting contact with adults and children;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • hardening.

In most cases, the symptoms of herpes stomatitis disappear after 1.5 weeks without a trace. Children and adults who have been ill viral infection, remain its carriers until the end of their lives. The problem may recur in an asymptomatic form or manifest itself clear signs if the immune system is weakened.

The methods and methods of treatment depend on whether a person has ordinary stomatitis or herpes on the oral mucosa.

Let's analyze both diseases in detail and talk about their differences.

Herpes (left) and stomatitis (right)

Stomatitis is an infection that affects the mucous membrane of the mouth and manifests itself as:

  • inflammation;
  • small pimples;
  • blisters;
  • ulcers and rashes that cause quite severe discomfort to the sick person.

Be sure to read our website to learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Most often, these signs appear on the tip of the tongue, its left and right parts, as well as under and above the tongue.

Herpes is a viral disease that also affects the skin.

Herpetic stomatitis

Another pathology is also known, herpetic stomatitis. It is an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, characterized by painful rashes, the formation of ulcers and small pustules. Contact with intraulcer fluid can spread the infection to other parts of the body.

Herpetic stomatitis

The disease in question is often caused (there are currently 8 known types). It is also worth noting that herpes in the mouth occurs most often in children of preschool and school age.

During infection, accompanying symptoms may occur, such as:

  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased saliva viscosity;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • gingivitis;
  • painful formations in the oral cavity, on the mucous membranes of the body in the form of pimples and ulcers.

There are two types of herpetic stomatitis:

  • acute (primary);
  • recurrent (chronic).

Acute herpetic stomatitis develops only in the case of primary infection in the body. As a rule, this type occurs in young children, and adults already have developed immunity to it. However, encountering the primary herpesvirus is also possible in adults. In this case acute illness divided into 3 degrees of severity:

  1. Mild - occurs in people with strong immunity. It is characterized by small rashes, possibly one or more local rashes - blisters filled with liquid. Typically, a person does not experience any discomfort. After the pimples burst, the mucous membrane recovers fairly quickly;
  2. Moderate - in this case there may be a feeling of slight malaise and weakness. At the same time, pimples can form in several places in the oral cavity; rashes can be especially often seen on:
  • sky;
  • tip of the tongue;
  • gums;
  • cheeks.
  • Low-grade fever can often be observed.
  1. Severe - with this degree of infection, a person develops profuse rashes accompanied by pain. When the bubbles rupture, the spreading fluid affects increasingly larger areas. The patient's temperature rises sharply to 39 degrees, in addition to general weakness, the following appear:
  • headache;
  • high fever;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • chills.

In this case, treatment should be provided immediately, and only under the close supervision of doctors, because the disease can give a number of complications, provoking the appearance of other, much more serious pathologies.

Herpes virus under a microscope

Herpes or stomatitis

Not everyone knows how to distinguish herpes from stomatitis. Usually people prefer to self-medicate without really finding out what they are sick with.

Despite the fact that at first glance both of these diseases are similar, they are somewhat different and how exactly - it is necessary to know in order to make a correct diagnosis.

For greater clarity, we presented the main differences between herpes and stomatitis in a summary table:

Thanks to the above parameters, we can conclude that herpes is quite easily distinguished from stomatitis. With a correct diagnosis, treatment can be faster and more effective. However, even if you are completely confident in any disease, it is better to consult a professional.

Stomatitis on the lip


The causes of herpes and stomatitis are slightly different, so let's talk about them separately.


The nature of the development of stomatitis has not yet been precisely clarified. It is assumed that this is the result of the body’s reaction to the penetration of any unknown microorganisms. As a result of this reaction, the process of accumulation of lymphocytes and the formation of ulcers begins around the source of infection. However, factors contributing to the development of this disease are now known. These include:

  • poor nutrition - especially lack of vitamin B12, folic acid;
  • the use of certain medications, or rather their overdose;
  • alcoholic drinks, drugs;
  • stressful situations;
  • viruses, bacteria, as well as other diseases that weaken the immune system (influenza, ARVI and other pathologies);
  • injury to the gums and the oral mucosa in general;
  • consumption of large quantities of confectionery products, as well as potatoes, citrus fruits and coffee;
  • contact with infected patients;
  • lack of sleep;
  • in young children, a particularly high risk of developing stomatitis occurs during the period of teething, due to injury to the gums;
  • genetic predisposition of the body to this disease.


The causes of herpes are the human herpes virus (HHV). Usually people develop immunity to it from 0.5 to 1 year. At this age, the immunity received from the mother is already weakening enough, and a new one, one’s own, has not yet had time to develop. Therefore, primary herpes most often occurs in children.

In general, the prerequisites for the development of herpetic infection and relapse may be:

  • frequent stressful conditions;
  • diseases that weaken the immune system (flu, ARVI);
  • chronic immune deficiency diseases (AIDS);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system;
  • hypothermia caused by critically low temperatures;
  • exposure to various types of radiation, for example solar;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

ARVI is one of the reasons for the development of herpes

After infection comes incubation period, lasting depending on the state of the immune system from 8 days to 3 weeks. After this, there are two possible developments:

  • The body defeats the disease, the virus enters the dormant stage, waiting for an opportunity to manifest itself again. This usually happens when forming external conditions that have a detrimental effect on the immune system.
  • The body cannot suppress the infection on its own. In this case it is necessary medical intervention, otherwise there is a high risk of complications of the disease.


Let's look at the symptoms of stomatitis and herpes separately.


As a rule, stomatitis is early stage the disease is practically invisible. There are no painful sensations in the tongue. There may be a slight decrease in appetite, slight fever and general lethargy. However, depending on the type of food eaten, as well as some other factors such as weather conditions, rest mode, minor pain may appear in the area of ​​the tongue and cheeks.

Also at this stage, dry mouth, itching, and burning are observed.

At the next stage of the disease, the formation of white coating, ulcers, painful sensations appear and intensify, general lethargy and apathy increase.

If treatment is neglected, the disease can become severe. In this case, the patient will need urgent medical intervention and hospitalization. Characteristic signs of this stage are:

  • heat;
  • swollen tongue, which in turn causes suffocation;
  • the formation of painful wounds and ulcers, their spread throughout the entire oral cavity;
  • speech defects;
  • general weakness, apathy, lethargy.

Since it is children who most often suffer from this disease in its severe manifestations, their symptoms are more pronounced than in adults. In addition, the child may complain of a sour taste in the mouth and an unpleasant odor.


Herpes manifests itself somewhat differently. People of absolutely all ages have similar symptoms:

  • the appearance of blisters, which in turn gradually develop into small ulcers;
  • painful sensations in the affected areas.

As a rule, within a few days, during the normal course of the disease, the ulcers disappear. Only in case of complications is observed:

  • general lethargy;
  • low-grade fever;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite.

Ulcers in the oral cavity almost never become covered with crusts, due to the fact that saliva washes away their contents, that is, in fact, constant disinfection of foci of infection occurs.
It is possible to predict in advance the places of formation and development of this disease. The following signs will indicate the occurrence of herpes:

  • itching - especially worse after eating specific foods, such as fruits, vegetables, acidic foods;
  • redness and swelling - like any other inflammation in the body;
  • numbness and slight tingling - occurs precisely in the areas of future formation of ulcers and blisters.

Thus, by studying the detailed symptoms, it is possible to detect the presence of these infections in a person and identify which one affected him. According to the latest statistics, more than 80% of the world's population suffers from herpesvirus, so this disease is more common.


Treatment of herpes infection should begin when the first symptoms of infection appear. In this case, it will be possible to stop the further spread of the virus and get rid of external manifestations fast enough. You must understand that the later treatment begins, the harder it will be to suppress the disease.
The fight against the disease should be carried out with special antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir and its derivatives (valaciclovir, famciclovir).

Since the mucous membrane in general is quite delicate, it may be necessary to take special painkillers, for example:

  • dyclonine hydrochloride (0.5%);
  • lidocaine (2%).

These solutions must be kept in the mouth for about 3 minutes and then spat out. They must not be swallowed. If the pain does not subside, you can take gels of more powerful painkillers, for example, Kalgel. These products are applied directly to problem areas 3 times a day.

In case of complications of the disease, fever, general malaise, drugs such as ibuprofen, nurofen and other painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Treatment for common stomatitis includes taking local anesthetics(It is worth noting that lozenges are not recommended because they can cause even more wounds and ulcers). Treatment of the underlying cause of the disease also includes taking medications to help improve fast healing wound.

Be sure to read the article about it on our portal. There you will learn about how to properly treat different types of this disease, such as candidiasis, ulcers and others.

It is worth noting separately that during the treatment of the described infections it is necessary to adhere to some dietary restrictions, namely:

  • do not drink fruit juices;
  • drink more clean water;
  • refuse rough food;
  • do not eat smoked or fried foods;
  • try to give up spices and seasonings.


In addition to treatment, some preventive measures can also be recommended, namely:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain a daily routine;
  • eat properly and nutritiously;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • try to reduce contact with infected people;
  • avoid stressful conditions;
  • avoid overheating or hypothermia;
  • do not injure the inner lining of the oral mucosa;
  • strengthen your immunity by everyone possible ways and methods.

By observing the above measures, the risk of primary infection and relapse of diseases is reduced. Moreover, a person who has not yet been infected can protect himself not only from herpes and stomatitis, but also from a number of other diseases.

Bottom line

Herpes and stomatitis have a fairly large number of similar symptoms, but there are also a number of differences that clearly indicate the development of a disease of one nature or another. That’s why you can diagnose them yourself.

However, for a more accurate diagnosis and determining which therapeutic measures must be carried out to get rid of the disease as soon as possible; a mandatory consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

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