Home Coated tongue Colostrum for children and adults, reviews from doctors. Colostrum in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and for collagen synthesis How long can you drink colostrum

Colostrum for children and adults, reviews from doctors. Colostrum in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and for collagen synthesis How long can you drink colostrum

The drug is usually produced in capsules.
The composition of this drug is very rich in various immunoactive compounds and other unique components. So, the composition of Colostrum:
- immunoglobulins are proteins that protect our body from very wide range foreign elements;
- transfer factors - carriers of immune information;
- lactoferrin - an element with antioxidant properties;
- cytokines - elements. which strengthen the immune system and activate the synthesis of immunoglobulins;
- interleukin - an element that protects the body from various inflammatory processes;
- endorphins - protect the body from various stressful situations;
- growth factors and other bioactive compounds...

Colostrum: properties and functions

As we already said, Colostrum has very strong immunomodulatory properties. It has an immunostimulating effect on the body in immunodeficiency conditions; in autoimmune conditions, Colostrum manifests itself as an immunoregulator, and also has a rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the body. If we talk in more detail about why Colostrum is useful for us, we can say that this drug:
- has a general healing effect on our entire immune system;
- restores the functioning of the intestines and stomach;
- promotes regeneration and renewal of brain cells;
- restores the nervous system;
- improves a person’s emotional tone;
- normalizes the body's metabolic processes;
- increases the body's performance;
- increases the body’s resistance to various types of infectious invasions;
- protects the body from diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach and intestines, diabetes, respiratory tract, allergies, etc.;
- promotes the restoration of liver cells;
- stimulates hair regeneration processes;
- accelerates the healing of burns and various types of wounds, stimulates the restoration of the epithelium;
- exhibits antioxidant properties and therefore slows down the aging process;
- Helps cleanse the body of various toxins and waste...

Indications and contraindications for Colostrum

The drugs in this line are recommended for use in complex therapy for the following pathologies:
- at infectious diseases any etiology;
- for inflammatory pathologies (rheumatism, prostatitis, polyarthritis...);
- for diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- for endocrine diseases;
- for various childhood pathologies;
- for autoimmune conditions of the body (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus...);
- for stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- for malignant and benign neoplasms;
- for pathologies of the biliary tract;
- for liver diseases;
- for diabetes of both types;
- for any immunodeficiency conditions;
- for skin problems (including eczema);
- for herpes virus infections;
- for candidiasis;
- for ARVI and influenza;
- for bronchopulmonary diseases;
- for chronic fatigue syndrome.

Among other things, Colostrum is effective during various weight loss programs. It helps regulate metabolic processes and supports functionality immune system, which is very important when getting rid of excess weight. Also, Colostrum preparations show very good results from their use during rehabilitation period after operations, they accelerate regeneration processes.

Contraindications for Colostrum NSP:
- hypersensitivity to the components of this drug;
- periods of pregnancy and lactation.

How to take Colostrum

Instructions for use come with each drug, but there are general rules, which it is desirable to know.
It is advisable to take capsules with this drug half an hour before meals. The dosage can be different - from 1 to 6 capsules (depending on the content of colostrum).
While taking these medications, we advise you to drink more water(up to 2 liters per day). This is necessary because during this period the immune system is activated and the number of neutralized foreign agents increases manifold and they must be removed - water the best remedy for this. Among other things, it actively “distributes” beneficial substances throughout the body.

It should also be noted that in order to preserve the beneficial substances contained in Colostrum, it is not necessary to store it in the freezer or dissolve it (if the drug is in powder form) in hot water.

How to buy Colostrum from us

The drug is quite popular and therefore you can always buy it in our store. We are official representatives of companies whose drugs are presented in our catalog, so with us you are guaranteed to be protected from purchasing fakes or counterfeit products. You can buy Colostrum in our online store in the following ways:
- pick up (come, pay and pick up);
- you can order the drug by phone to our manager (in this case, you will receive competent advice regarding the use of the drug);
- you can place an order for any drug through “your” shopping cart on the website.
Delivery is carried out quickly and without delays. The form of payment is agreed upon with you.

Colostrum and Transfer Factor

(very important note)

These two drugs are "relatives". These are two immunomodulators, which contain carriers of immune memory - peptide transfer factor molecules. But the effect of Colostrum is incomparably weaker than the healing effect provided by Transfer Factor (TF). Let's explain why. The fact is that in the production of TF, a unique nanotechnology of ultramembrane filtration is used, which makes it possible to “cut off” “heavy” immunoglobulins, which in high concentrations are dangerous to humans. These immunoglobulins are present in Colostrum and therefore this drug should be taken in limited quantities. In such small doses, transfer factor molecules give a very weak effect, and if you increase the dose, there is a danger of overdose with very unpleasant moments ( allergic reactions). The TF drug can be taken in any quantity, because “heavy” immunoglobulins, as we have already said, are “cut off” and therefore the effect of using this drug is incomparably higher than that of using Colostrum.

You can read about the use of TF in the corresponding section of the site.

That the ancient medicine of Ayurveda has used colostrum for thousands of years. What are the first secretions from the mammary glands of mammals (in in this case cows) in the first 24-48 hours after the birth of offspring. That colostrum differs significantly in its composition from ordinary milk. Colostrum is a high concentration of numerous growth factors and immune factors that protect against a variety of diseases.

And from this point I now want to go into more detail. This post may be a little more difficult to understand than my other posts, but read it carefully because it is very important. Colostrum is something that is relevant for every person, including children. It’s so relevant that at least add it to the . I will try to give as concisely and as simply as possible information about numerous scientific research.

Most often, colostrum is heard in the context of immunity. To strengthen the immune system there is , but there is one important "but". A very large number of people experience autoimmune reactions, when strengthening the immune system can be dangerous. This is when your own immunity confuses “self” and “foreign” and begins to attack its own cells and organs. And it's scary. And this is one of the most serious problems of modern medicine.

For the time being, without passing the appropriate tests, you may not know, for example, that your body is slowly attacking its own thyroid gland. Do your joints hurt and you are putting off visiting a doctor? It is possible that it is also an autoimmune disease, where the body destroys its own joints, due to the fact that foreign proteins of infectious agents are very similar to our own.

There are many such diseases. According to various estimates, 20-25% of all general therapeutic diseases are of an autoimmune nature. And it's very serious problem, which in severe cases has to be solved by suppressing one’s own immunity.

Here is a list of the most common ones autoimmune diseases:

autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis)
Graves' disease (diffuse toxic goiter)
diabetes mellitus type 1, etc.
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
thrombocytopenic purpura
autoimmune neutropenia
multiple (multiple) sclerosis
Guillain-Bart syndrome
myasthenia gravis
autoimmune hepatitis
primary biliary cirrhosis
primary sclerosing cholangitis
Crohn's disease
ulcerative colitis
celiac disease
autoimmune pancreatitis
discoid lupus erythematosus
isolated skin vasculitis
chronic urticaria (urticarial vasculitis)
some forms of alopecia
primary glomerulonephritis and glomerulopathy
Goodpasture's syndrome
systemic vasculitis with kidney damage, as well as other systemic autoimmune diseases with kidney damage
rheumatic fever
systemic vasculitis with cardiac involvement
myocarditis (some forms)
autoimmune diseases primarily affecting the joints
rheumatoid arthritis
spondyloarthropathy (group various diseases, united on the basis of a number of common characteristics)
idiopathic interstitial diseases lungs (fibrosing alveolitis)
pulmonary sarcoidosis
systemic vasculitis with pulmonary damage and other systemic autoimmune diseases with lung damage (derma- and polymyositis, scleroderma).

Returning to colostrum. Research shows that colostrum may benefit people who have autoimmune diseases. The three components of colostrum work in this direction:

1. Immune factors (lactoferrin, proline-rich polypeptides, etc.) regulate the body’s immune response.

2. Growth factors restore damaged cells.

3. Anti-inflammatory substances help relieve inflammation characteristic of autoimmune diseases.

Important point. How is the immune response regulated? Transforming growth factors alpha and beta have been found in colostrum. Growth factor beta suppresses the functions of cells involved in immune defense when the INFECTION IS ELIMINATED and in work immune cells no longer necessary. It is under the influence of this factor that collagen synthesis and production are enhanced. immunoglobulin IgA When wounds heal, memory cells are generated (we are talking about “immune” memory).

Composition of colostrum

The growth factors in bovine colostrum repair the damage caused by autoimmune diseases. Transforming growth factor can reverse protein breakdown, which promotes tissue repair. For example, epidermal growth factor may help reverse cell destruction associated with autoimmune diseases. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) helps stimulate the transport of glucose molecules in patients with diabetes mellitus first type.

Growth factors have an anti-inflammatory effect, and inflammation is a consequence of autoimmune diseases.

Research shows that Colostrum contains components that can positively influence the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), and TNF-a is being considered modern medicine as one of the most important areas in rheumatoid arthritis therapy .

Growth factors repair damaged cells gastrointestinal tract. They can also reduce the cellular distance of the gastric epithelium, which prevents the leakage of toxins from the intestines into the body (leaky gut syndrome, or leaky gut). This is especially true for patients with autism and psoriasis.

Research shows that Colostrum is effective in treating a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases , including for the treatment and prevention of damage to the gastrointestinal tract caused by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Colostrum is also used in the treatment of diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori and infectious diarrhea.

It should be noted that healing effect colostrum in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection manifests itself only on early stage diseases. Thus, colostrum can be considered as a means of prevention and adjuvant in the general treatment of gastritis and ulcers associated with Helicobacter pylori. The components of colostrum act by preventing Helicobacter pylori from adhering to the gastric epithelium.

Colostrum lactoferrin has anticancer activity. It protects against colon cancer bladder, tongue, esophagus, lungs.

Exacerbations of autoimmune disorders can be caused by certain viruses and bacteria, despite the fact that the diseases themselves are often genetic in nature. Immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, which are found in bovine colostrum in significant quantities, effective against viruses and bacteria . It's playing important role in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, as well as in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections.

Proline-rich polypeptides (PRP) of colostrum are known to many as transfer factors and are sold by one network company at very high prices.

Duration of the course - 1-2 months, 3 months break. If necessary, the duration of the course can be increased.

Colostrum can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

I chose colostrum for myself California Gold Nutrition Powder (white can). At very favorable price it has a maximum concentration of proline-rich polypeptides (PRP) - 120 mg per 1 gram of colostrum. And this indicator is the most important for assessing colostrum. For comparison, in the long-selling popular Colostrum Symbiotics 3 times less PRP in 1 gram. And the price of 1 gram in these products is almost the same. The taste of the powder is neutral. It is reminiscent of powdered milk, but since the portion is small, the taste is not noticeable in the drink at all. Capsules will be slightly more expensive.

The standard portion for an adult is indicated on the packaging. For sports training and recovery, and during times of environmental or physical stress, up to 6 additional daily servings may be taken per day.

Research shows that when supplemented with 20 grams of bovine colostrum per day, combined with exercise, exercisers experienced greater gains over 8 weeks. muscle mass than in the control group taking protein only.

Children's doses of colostrum (course - 1 month):

from 6 months up to 1 year - 500-700 mg per day
from 1 to 4 years - 1200-1400 mg per day
from 5 years - 1400-2000 mg per day

It is advisable to divide the portion into 2 doses.

These colostrum preparations are suitable for children, but there are also special versions for children. We find them in the posts.

  • Active ingredient: combination of Colostrum-Colostrum 950 mg and Folic acid 200mcg
  • Release form: capsules

Delivery Colostrum Falkenstein

Cost of courier delivery: 200 rubles (payment upon receipt)

Orders over 3,000 rubles are delivered free of charge.

Valid for cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Saratov, Irkutsk.

Postal delivery cost: 450 rubles (prepaid)

Valid for all other regions of the Russian Federation that are NOT included in the list of “courier delivery cities”

Composition and release form

Colostrum is usually available in capsules, which are packaged in jars of 125 capsules each. It has special composition, which includes various unique components and various immunoactive substances. These include:

  • proteins that protect the human body from various foreign elements (bacteria, molds, viruses, allergies) and are called immunoglobulins;
  • carriers of immune information, transfer factor molecules that teach the body to fight infections that enter it;
  • lactoferrin, an antiviral antibacterial element with antioxidant properties;
  • cytokines that can activate the synthesis of immunoglobulins and strengthen the immune system, as well as having anti-inflammatory and antitumor functions;
  • interleukin, an element responsible for protecting the body from all kinds of inflammatory processes;
  • endorphins, designed to protect the body from stress;
  • growth factors on which depends correct height and development of children, as well as tissue renewal and slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • amino acids are a kind of building material for protein structures and muscle fibers;
  • nucleotides involved in DNA synthesis, development and renewal of body cells.

Pharmacological properties

Colostrum (colostrum) is mother's milk that begins to be produced with last days pregnancy, and during the first week after birth in humans and all mammals. The composition of Colostrum is very different from the mother's milk that the baby is fed throughout breastfeeding.

Colostrum is a complex preparation with an immunomodulatory effect, created on the basis of cow colostrum. Colostrum (colostrum) helps restore immunity and develop resistance to colds, it is also a natural source of essential substances to restore, support and activate the immune system.

Colostrum has strong immunomodulatory properties and particularly affects the body in conditions of immunodeficiency and autoimmune conditions. The immunoregulatory properties that appear make it possible to provide rejuvenating and regenerative effects on the human body. Colostrum contains many biologically active substances, absent in milk and not found in any other product.

Indications for use

  • general healing effect for the immune system;
  • restoration of intestinal and stomach function;
  • the ability of the drug to restore and renew brain cells;
  • beneficial effect on nervous system;
  • improving emotional tone;
  • improving performance;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • ability to protect the body from various infections and cardiovascular diseases, digestive system, diabetes allergies;
  • ability to restore liver cells;
  • the ability to heal wounds and burns in a shorter time;
  • ability to cleanse the body and slow down the aging process.

These drugs have a very wide spectrum of action. Colostrum instructions for use recommends taking it when cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, endocrine, infectious diseases, in oncology, as well as primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.

Colostrum is recommended for use as a source of substances to support immunity. It is recognized as a unique concentrate of immunoactive factors and nutrients, which have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Mode of application

Colostrum NSP is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before meals. In order to achieve better effect, the drug can be used together with a multivitamin complex. Required dose Taking the drug Colostrum Ir for adults is 1 capsule 4 times a day, and for children 1 capsule 1 – 3 times a day.


Colostrum should only be taken after consultation with a physician familiar with your medical history. There is also hypersensitivity to any of its components, and there is also a risk of allergies to large proteins - immunoglobulins, caseins, etc. The drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Colostrum (colostrum): capsules, powder, chewable tablets, in liquid form

Colostrum: Capsules, Powder, Chewable Tablets, Liquid

Protect your health and stop aging with Colostrum PLUS ® from Symbiotics

Colostrum is the first food produced in mammals at birth. It is often called the “ideal food for life.” It contains an excellent combination of immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids to protect the body and stimulate the baby's immune system. As we age, the number of immune and growth factors in our body decreases and we become more susceptible to fatigue, unwanted weight gain, loss of skin firmness and muscle tone. Additionally, we become vulnerable to pollutants and allergens.

Colostrum PLUS ® is a source of powerful, natural antibodies and immune factors that help strengthen the immune system and play a key role in health:

– Gives strength, increases endurance and the formation of lean muscle mass;

– Promotes the formation of healthy intestinal flora and supports the entire gastrointestinal tract;

– Stimulates cell regeneration for healthy skin, bones, muscles, nerves and cartilage.

Remember, not all colostrum is created equal. Make sure your family gets the full benefit from Colostrum PLUS®.

Colostrum – Frequently asked questions

Why cow colostrum?

Research has shown that the immune and growth factors in bovine colostrum are almost identical to those in human colostrum. Because cow's colostrum is not species specific, it is effective in both humans and other animals.

Why do adults need Colostrum?

Immediately after puberty, our bodies begin to age, gradually producing fewer and fewer immune and growth factors that help us fight disease and heal. damaged tissue. Colostrum is the only natural source of these vital components. According to research, colostrum not only supports the functioning of the immune system, but also increases the consumption of fat for fuel and optimizes cell reproduction. As far as is known, no substance on earth has such miraculous benefits.

How safe is it?

Colostrum – natural product, which for a long time used as a bioactive additive.

What if I am lactose intolerant?

What if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

Talk to your healthcare professional before taking prescription or over-the-counter medications. medicinal herbs and dietary supplements. The same applies to colostrum.

Is it possible to give Colostrum to children?

For children who have not been breastfed, pediatricians recommend adding colostrum to infant formula. Be sure to consult your pediatrician about dosing.

What about pets?

Cow's colostrum has a wonderful effect on cats, dogs and other mammals because it is not species specific. In powder form, it can be added in small quantities to food and water. Most pets enjoy the taste of colostrum. It is advisable to drink it with water.

How much should I take?

Can Colostrum be taken at the same time as other supplements/medicines?

Colostrum acts in the digestive tract in such a way that all substances taken orally (food, healing herbs, healing substances, medicines) are better absorbed by the body. Although oh drug interactions nothing is known about colostrum, consult your doctor first, because other supplements and medications you take may have a pronounced effect.

What is the difference between powder and capsules?

Research suggests that to get the maximum benefit from colostrum, it should be taken in both powder and capsule form. Colostrum capsules should be taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water so that it gets into the small intestine, where immune factors are most active. To experience the beneficial effects of growth factors, colostrum should be taken in powder form,
which will allow it to mix with the acid in the stomach or oral cavity. The powder can be diluted with water or juice (preferably orange).

Does Colostrum have side effects?

Side effects are very rare. If you experience serious side effects, stop taking the drug immediately and call your doctor. Due to the detoxifying properties of colostrum, some side effects may occur. Before leaving our body, toxins can cause a slight rash, changes in the intestines and flu-like symptoms. Majority side effects arises due to
taken together with colostrum of others active additives or drugs. In this case, consult your doctor.

I am a vegetarian. Colostrum is not an animal food?

Although colostrum is an animal food, it has been an integral part of the strict vegetarian diet of rishis (spiritual leaders in Hinduism) for thousands of years. In modern India, dairymen supplied colostrum to wealthy vegetarians. It is interesting that in India, the birthplace of vegetarianism, the cow is considered a sacred animal.

Is Colostrum a Natural Antibody?

Colostrum has demonstrated beneficial effects on health. However, taking colostrum cannot change a person’s innate genetics. Colostrum does not change our DNA - our genetic makeup is determined by our parents. The goal of any nutritional support is to improve the health of the body and prevent the proliferation of diseased cells. Numerous scientific papers have written about the health benefits of colostrum.

Why is some Colostrum low-fat?

There are no growth factors in the fatty part of the colostrum. They are proteins and are not found in fat. Degreasing the colostrum prevents the development of a rancid taste.

How safe are gelatin capsules?

Gelatin capsules are generally considered safe and are made from connective tissue healthy animals.

Undoubtedly! Cow manure can get on the udder and cause coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens contamination of dairy products. To kill pathogenic microorganisms, dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: flash pasteurization (15 seconds) and long-term 30-minute pasteurization in a bath. Flash pasteurization uses expensive, high-tech equipment that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During the long half-hour pasteurization, a huge bath of colostrum is heated from the outside. To preheat the colostrum cauldron until desired temperature, it takes a lot of time. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most colostrum sold today is destined for the animal feed market and is not pasteurized.

Should colostrum be pasteurized?

Undoubtedly! Cow manure can get on the udder and introduce E. coli, salmonella and pathogenic bacteria. This threatens contamination of dairy products. To kill pathogenic microorganisms, dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurized. There are two ways to pasteurize colostrum: flash pasteurization (15 seconds) and long-term 30-minute pasteurization in a bath.
Flash pasteurization uses expensive, high-tech equipment that does not destroy the natural properties of colostrum. During the long half-hour pasteurization, a huge bath of colostrum is heated from the outside. It takes a lot of time to heat a cauldron of colostrum to the desired temperature. During this time, bacteria multiply in the colostrum. They feed on colostrum, destroying its natural properties and reducing its effectiveness. Most colostrum sold today is destined for the animal feed market and is not pasteurized.

When is the best time to harvest colostrum?

High levels of immunoglobulin are very important for newborn calves, as they are the only source of immune protection at birth. However, for people taking colostrum as a supplement, the level of immunoglobulin in colostrum does not serve as a quality criterion. The first milk yield contains a large amount of immunoglobulin, and, accordingly, not enough other useful substances like lactoferrin and platelet rich plasma. To obtain a perfectly balanced product, colostrum must be harvested within the first 48 hours.

Does colostrum contain estrogen?

Cow colostrum contains tiny amounts of estrogen. In this form - when taken orally - it is not absorbed human body. There is evidence that growth factors in colostrum balance sex and growth hormone levels. Women receiving hormone replacement therapy are advised to adjust their intake of medications and active supplements that increase levels
estrogen. Colostrum – Superfood

Colostrum Mt. Capra, CapraColostrum, Goat Milk Colostrum

My review today will be devoted to taking a dietary supplement such as Colostrum for autoimmune diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis.

This diagnosis was made very late, when exhausting night pain significantly worsened the quality of life. At first they bothered me only a few times a year, then a couple of times a month (usually on new and full moons), then most of the month. Rain, snow, north wind, south wind, etc. and so on. - all this did not let me sleep until the morning - I was “twisted”, “twirled”, “hooked”... I managed to fall asleep only at 6-7 in the morning, I woke up in the afternoon with terrible stiffness in my joints, a feeling of weakness. NSAIDs did not help at all (neither injections nor pills), hospitalization loomed. But there were already serious drugs with a bunch of side effects, so I decided to try dietary supplements first.

My first drug in the line of fighting rheumatoid arthritis was Colostrum from California Gold Nutrition. If you are reading this review, you are probably aware that Colostrum is colostrum, the first secretions of the mammary glands, for the first time hours after the birth of a mammal with a high content of immune factors. This is a well-researched and beneficial supplement that is safe even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Colostrum contains dozens of components essential for health, mainly for supporting the immune system and growth. Colostrum consists of various macro and micro components such as cytokines, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, growth factors and hormones, etc. These components perform various biological functions that are essential for maintaining health and immune function.

Here is a link to one of the scientific studies proving the effectiveness of Collostrum for a variety of autoimmune (and other) diseases: [link]

For autoimmune diseases, Collostrum helps in the following ways:

Immune factors (lactoferrin, proline-rich polypeptides, etc.) regulate the body’s immune response;
- growth factors restore damaged cells;

Anti-inflammatory substances help relieve inflammation characteristic of autoimmune diseases.
How is the immune response regulated? Transforming growth factors alpha and beta have been found in colostrum. Growth factor beta suppresses the functions of cells involved in immune defense when the infection is eliminated and the immune cells are no longer needed. It is under the influence of this factor that collagen synthesis and the production of immunoglobulin IgA during wound healing are enhanced, and memory cells are generated (we are talking about “immune” memory).

The growth factors in bovine colostrum repair the damage caused by autoimmune diseases. Transforming growth factor can reverse protein breakdown, which promotes tissue repair. For example, epidermal growth factor may help reverse cell destruction associated with autoimmune diseases. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) helps stimulate the transport of glucose molecules in patients with type 1 diabetes.
Growth factors have an anti-inflammatory effect, and inflammation is a consequence of autoimmune diseases.
Research shows that colostrum contains components that can positively influence the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), and TNF-a is considered by modern medicine as one of the most important areas in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Growth factors restore damaged cells of the gastrointestinal tract. They can also reduce the cellular distance of the gastric epithelium, which prevents the leakage of toxins from the intestines into the body (leaky gut syndrome, or leaky gut). This is especially true for patients with autism and psoriasis.
Research shows that colostrum is effective in treating a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions, including GI symptoms caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Colostrum is also used in the treatment of diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori and infectious diarrhea.

I chose Colostrum from California Gold Nutrition because good reviews(Collostrum also comes in different varieties) and ease of use (capsules are more convenient for me, although the same jar of powder is more affordable). On the IHerb website the price for the promotion was about 700 rubles. (now - about 1000).

I started taking Collostrum in the winter with a severe exacerbation. I took 2 capsules 2 times a day (strictly on an empty stomach) - already on the third or fourth day I felt relief - the night pains were dulled. This package should have been enough for 2 months, but it was not always possible to drink 4 capsules a day, so it lasted for about 2.5 months.

And then, a miracle happened! The night pain has stopped and has not bothered me for several weeks now. Today I woke up, it was raining outside (it turned out it had been raining all night), and my back, which always “felt” the approach of rain or strong wind 2-3 days in advance, did not feel it at all.

Of course, I still have a lot to do. Chronic sleep deprivation led to constant fatigue, which not only prevented me from exercising physical therapy(which is very desirable), but also simple household chores (after sleep, after 2-3 hours I really wanted to sleep again). After Collostrum I start taking other supplements (sulfur, boswellia, etc.). I’m also going to take a new (for myself) type of collagen type II.

Let me note that I have been taking collagen types I and III for a long time and am very pleased (about this in the review Magic Collagen, or how to look 16 at 40).

What is the difference between type 2 collagen? Collagen of the first and third types helps to maintain youthful skin (95% of all collagen in the human dermis is collagen of these types), and type II collagen is the main protein that forms the structure of cartilage, i.e. more suitable for joints. I'm not sure that it is indicated for rheumatoid arthritis, because it is still inflammatory disease and here you need to make the main effort to relieve inflammation, but still, I’m finally going to do physical therapy or yoga - so I hope this type of collagen will bring me at least some benefit for the joints.

I’ll write about the results later.

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