Home Dental treatment Causes of a sharp increase in body weight in women. Causes of excess weight that are not associated with overeating

Causes of a sharp increase in body weight in women. Causes of excess weight that are not associated with overeating

IN Lately I noticed one unpleasant feature. I began to seriously, very sharply gain weight. What should I do? What is the reason for this speed dial weight?

  1. Taking various medications.
  2. Cyst in the ovarian area.
  3. Lack of sex life.
  4. Menopause period.
  5. Taking antipsychotic drugs.
  6. Kidney diseases.
  7. Use of anti-seizure medications.
  8. Liver diseases.
  9. Eating in front of the TV or computer monitor.
  10. Taking antidepressants.
  11. Abrupt smoking cessation.
  12. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  13. Sedentary lifestyle.
  14. Constant overeating.
  15. Skipping breakfast.
  16. Late dinner.
  17. Use of hormonal ointments.
  18. Love for sweets.
  19. Age.
  20. Taking medications that lower blood pressure.
  21. Taking heartburn medications.
  22. Short-term (short-term) diets.
  23. Myoma.

How to get rid of excess weight, what to do with it?

I'm still deciding what to do. My friends advised me a lot, and the Internet helped in many ways. Now I'll show you some tips:

  1. Stop taking birth control. There are other ways to protect yourself. Try them too! There are such means, for example: contraceptive patch, vaginal ring, IUD, condoms, coitus interruptus, temperature method, calendar method, candles, “safe” types of intimate relationships.
  2. Do aerobics and fitness. Follow the regime in these activities. If the trainer told you to come and lose weight three times a week, then don’t skip it, go. Strengthen your exercise regimen, rather than “fitness” at one level. Otherwise, you won't get the effect you're looking for!
  3. Eat in the kitchen. Look at the dishes and dishes, not the TV screen! You can find other times to watch movies and shows. By the way, do not rush to lie down on the sofa after eating, as acting this way is harmful! Calories and weight will come to you faster! And it will be more difficult to get rid of “unwanted guests”.
  4. Eat less! You can drink whenever you want to eat! Why not an option? Quite convenient! Tea, coffee, juice, mineral water, ordinary water…. Drink something that doesn't contain sugar but is chock full of "naturalness." Beer (non-alcoholic) is definitely excluded!
  5. Try to get pregnant. Some women manage to lose weight after childbirth. Unless, of course, you are pregnant this moment…. This also needs to be checked. Sign up for to a good gynecologist. He (this doctor) will definitely not be mistaken about the results. Or buy tests at the pharmacy. A few pieces to “add” authenticity!
  6. Love the movement! Because activity is not only life, but also “parting” with kilograms. If there is no way to move in any special way, walk and run! Are you sweating a lot? Buy antiperspirant! It really helps to escape from such a problem.
  7. Sing, laugh, smile! Such positivity mercilessly “robs” excess weight With women's bodies. We bet you didn't know this? And now…. You will know! When you feel bad, remember this. Life will become more fun and easier! Happy testing, women!

I read these tips and even took some notes for myself! - I laughed a little at some points. A neighbor advised me to try a good one, effective diet. I don’t know what it’s called, but I wrote down its menu:

Menu for Monday:

We have breakfast:

  1. Three diet cookies.
  2. Three spoons of cottage cheese (low-fat).
  1. A piece of white bread.
  2. Two pieces of skinless chicken.
  3. A little vegetable salad.
  1. Two glasses of juice.
  2. Oatmeal.

Menu for Tuesday:

  1. Buckwheat porridge.
  1. A piece of chicken.
  2. A piece of bread.
  1. Any steamed fish.
  2. A little compote or tea.

Menu for Wednesday:

  1. A few cookies.
  2. A piece of chicken.
  3. Small jar of yogurt.
  1. One bowl of chicken broth.
  2. Two cups of tea.
  1. A small cup of coffee.
  2. Lots of crackers.

Menu for Thursday:

  1. Two small sandwiches.
  2. Seagulls.
  1. Two bowls of broth.
  2. A piece of bread.
  1. Compote (unsweetened).
  2. Two tables. spoons of any porridge.

Menu for Friday:

  1. Crackers.
  1. Some low-fat soup.
  2. Slice of bread.
  3. Three highlights.
  1. Three small fruits.
  2. A glass of juice.

Weekend menu:

We have breakfast:

  1. A cup of tea.
  2. Salad with grapefruit.
  3. A small slice of white bread.
  1. Two large pieces of skinless chicken.
  2. Unsweetened berry compote.
  1. Kefir (half a bottle).
  2. A few slices of bread.

One of the fashionable and popular magazines has the following recommendations:

  1. Do not eat while talking on your home phone or mobile phone!
  2. Before eating, chew parsley and drink a few sips of bitter tea. These “combinations” weaken the appetite.
  3. Get into the habit of brushing your teeth immediately after eating. The feeling of freshness in your mouth will give you the opportunity to refuse “extra” food.
  4. Wear very tight clothing. In it you will not want to overeat, you will remember about moderation in food.
  5. Drink exactly a glass of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The feeling of hunger will dull, and you won’t eat as much as usual.
  6. Proceed with hand washing. In an hour of this activity you will “kill” one hundred and sixty kilocalories.
  7. Wear bright and original clothes. Then you will attract Special attention, which will help you pull yourself together and get your figure in shape.

My colleagues insist that I go to the doctor, but I am afraid of them more than anything else, since the specialists will find “sores” in me that I didn’t even know about! You'll have to go if none of the advice offered has any effect.

I have a positive attitude towards diets. If she doesn't require you to fast. I definitely couldn't stand this! I'll lose weight, but new troubles will appear. And it seems to me that it is more difficult to deal with them than with kilograms. Soon I will fight fear too!

Haven't you noticed how you've gained extra pounds? It seemed like so little time had passed, and only a week ago you were wearing your favorite fashionable skirt, but today it’s impossible to button it. Unpleasant situation. And this is not just a matter of aesthetics, it can be a signal from the body that there are problems in it.

So, let’s figure out what the reasons for sudden weight gain in women are.

The source of excess weight can be different: changes in diet, the occurrence of a disease, disturbances in activity different systems body and others. There is no longer enough diet to lose weight. We will have to solve the problem at a deeper level. Which, frankly, is the right option.

Below we will look at each reason for weight gain in more detail.

Taking medications

Long-term use of some pharmaceuticals causes such an effect as “extra” kilograms. These include antibiotics and immune stimulants medicinal substances. Weight gain in this case occurs due to decreased digestibility nutrients. The list of such drugs is supplemented by the following groups of medications:

  • Oral contraceptives;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Neuroleptics;
  • Hormonal drugs;
  • Steroids;
  • Beta blockers used for high blood pressure and heart disease.

At the first signs of sudden strong weight gain in women, you should definitely consult a doctor to identify the cause. You cannot cancel or change dosages on your own, because this can lead to not very good health consequences.

The presence of salt in the daily diet

When the amount of salt consumed in the diet is too high, this can also cause excess weight gain. There is a violation of the water-salt balance, excess fluid is retained in the body. After 15:00? at all? It is better not to eat salty foods. Excess salt causes swelling, hypertension, heart and vascular problems. In the presence of a large amount of salt, metabolism slows down, waste and toxins are more difficult to eliminate and not in full.

Casein sensitivity

Casein intolerance occurs in every tenth person on the planet. It manifests itself in a delay in the removal of excess fluid from the body. You can identify products that provoke these unpleasant reactions using a blood test for the presence of antibodies, which detect even undetected food allergies. Excluding the product from the diet is a solution to the problem of weight gain.

Menstrual cycle changes

Due to ongoing hormonal changes in female body Possible sudden weight gain. As a rule, weight increases immediately after ovulation, and fluid volume increases. At the same time, the amount of minerals and salts increased. The value on the scale culminates on the first day of menstruation. If you have this problem, you need to limit yourself in consuming sweets and starchy foods during such periods.

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten is a protein. It is part of cereal seeds: oats, wheat, rye. A person gaining weight may suffer from weight intolerance. To accurately determine its presence, you need to take a blood test using the immunoglobulin G4 method.

This is a fairly serious disease. It is necessary to strictly monitor nutrition. If one is detected, you need to have regular blood tests for the first two years.

Lack of sleep

Full-fledged, healthy sleep important for the human body. In case of constant “lack of sleep,” insulin levels increase and blood sugar levels decrease, which in the long term can cause diabetes.

The active period of fat breakdown occurs from 23:00 to 02:00. When this phase becomes shorter, then metabolism slows down.

Failure to drink regularly during the day
To detoxify, the body simply needs clean, fresh water. General norm 30 grams of water per 1 kg of weight is considered. With a weight of 50 kg, 1.5 kg is required clean water. Please note that it is water. Tea and coffee are classified as food because they contain calories.

With a lack of water, metabolic processes slow down, which affects the process of fat breakdown.

Prolonged stress

Often a problem overweight associated with internal or external conflicts. There is such a thing as “stress eating.” Eating in this case has only a temporary, superficial effect, which may even worsen the situation. In this case, you just need to look inside yourself. Perhaps seek professional help. This is absolutely normal for the modern pace of life.

There is also such a thing as age. Don’t forget that the older a person gets, the slower metabolic processes become. This cause of weight gain occurs in women after thirty years of age.

Men may also experience sudden weight gain. It is caused by almost all the reasons listed here, except individually female ones. They are replaced by features male body. Treatment also works slightly differently for women and men.

Stay fit and take care of yourself!

While weight gain is most often associated with overeating and undereating physical activity, we found more unusual reasons. Perhaps our list will help you answer the question: why am I gaining weight?


Nutritional deficiencies

If you don't get a balanced diet, the needle on the scale may creep up, despite low calorie intake and exercise. Iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are vital important elements, which must be obtained from natural sources.

If you are deficient in some vitamin or element, your metabolism slows down and you feel a lack of energy.


Taking medications can also cause weight gain. Contraceptives and some other pills play a particularly large role in this, including antidepressants, steroids and even diabetes medications. If you notice that your weight has increased after starting a new medication, tell your doctor and ask for alternative medications that do not have the same side effects.

Hormonal imbalance

If your adrenal glands and ovaries produce too much testosterone, you will gain weight and experience other unpleasant symptoms, including irregular cycle. The unexpected appearance of acne also serves as a signal of hormonal imbalance. Polycystic ovary syndrome also leads to weight gain.

Lack of sleep

Even if you sleep 6-7 hours daily, your body may not be getting enough rest. To cross this reason off the list of unusual factors for weight gain, try going to bed half an hour or at least 15 minutes earlier. Trust me, you will notice the difference. However, if you have a desire to increase your sleep time by more than 8 hours, then remember the results of the study proving that excess sleep also causes weight gain.

Thyroid problems

Weight gain can be one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, but cases of significant weight gain are still quite rare. If you have gained 3-5 kilograms, the problem may be in the thyroid gland. Such problems can also provoke fluid retention, but when proper treatment extra pounds will quickly go away.

Slow absorption

Food stuck in the digestive tract for a long time can also cause extra pounds, especially if you suffer from constipation. In this case, the intestines can cause a slowdown in metabolism, which makes the set light weight task, and attempts to lose extra pounds are unsuccessful.

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If you suffer from depression, you are likely to overeat. Unfortunately, most antidepressants increase appetite. If your doctor confirms side effect pills, ask him to prescribe you another medicine.

Condition of the musculoskeletal system

Osteoarthritis and other diseases that affect the muscles, spine and joints can cause weight gain. Pain in the legs or joints does not encourage exercise. Another common cause of gradual weight gain is plantar fasciitis (heel spur).

Take up swimming or consult a podiatrist who can prescribe treatment to improve your overall condition.


It is not necessary to go into depression; stress simply negatively affects metabolism, significantly slowing it down, forcing the body to store fat in reserve. If the root cause is too much stress, you will gain weight around your waist. If you can't cope with stress, you'll likely overeat on top of that.

123RF/Dmitriy Shironosov

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome

This disease is the rarest of all the strange causes of weight gain. Except sharp increase body weight it is characterized by other unpleasant symptoms: from osteoporosis to blood pressure problems. The disease causes

Each person has his own specific genetic code. Even before birth, we are programmed with the color of our eyes, hair, and height. This also applies to certain diseases. The figure also often comes from our parents. If each of them weighs 100 kg, then it is unlikely that the daughter will grow up to be Thumbelina.

Fat cells are formed in children in the first 2 years of life. Therefore, they do not need to be overfed; it will be difficult to fight excess weight later.

Physiological causes of weight gain

Women can gain physiological gains in the following cases:

  • during puberty. At this time, the formation of the hormonal system occurs. You can gain extra 5-10kg.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can gain 10-15 kg.
  • in the second phase menstrual cycle(that is, before menstruation). The reason is fluid retention in the body. Weight may increase up to 5 kg.
  • before menopause and during menopause, at 45-50 years old.

If the listed cases have nothing to do with you, you are physically active, have not changed your lifestyle, and do not allow yourself to eat in excess, then you need to contact an endocrinologist to find the cause of the sudden weight gain.

Endocrine diseases leading to excess weight

You can gain weight sharply with the following diseases:

  1. Hypothyroidism. In this condition, the production of thyroid hormones decreases. Metabolic processes slow down, and weight begins to grow rapidly. In some cases, this may be due to a lack of iodine in the body. Symptoms: weakness, drowsiness, brittle nails and hair.
  2. Polycystic ovary syndrome. There is an increase in the production of testosterone by the ovaries - male hormone. This is what causes extra pounds. Signs of this disease: infertility, irregular menstruation, increased body hair.
  3. Disruption of the pancreas. It helps increase blood sugar levels.
  4. Kidney and heart failure, which leads to serious illnesses that require long-term treatment.
  5. Consumption of some medicines: antidepressants, steroid hormones, contraceptives and so on.
  6. Frequent dieting. The feeling of hunger contributes to the appearance of an alarm signal in the body, which reduces metabolic processes. After a diet, weight accumulates, and, often, with an increase.

How to lose weight by dealing with hormone imbalance

An imbalance of hormones: insulin, cortisol, ghrelin, leptin, estrogen can cause sudden weight gain.

Leptin, responsible for suppressing appetite. It is produced by fat cells. If this hormone is not enough, then you can for a long time do not “hear” the saturation signal. In people who are overweight, this hormone is usually elevated. For this reason, it is necessary to include in the diet foods containing fatty acid omega-9, as well as ensure proper sleep.

Ghrelin, which is called the “hunger hormone”. This hormone is activated when blood sugar levels drop. A person feels hungry. After finishing the diet, the lost kilograms return due to the fact that with sudden weight loss, ghrelin is released. To “calm down” this hormone, you need to:

  • do not adhere to fasting or “radical” diets. It's better to lose weight gradually.
  • get enough sleep. With chronic lack of sleep, ghrelin production increases by 28%.
  • maintain a constant feeling of satiety. Eat small meals every 2-4 hours.

By the way, swimming in cold and cool water leads to an increase in ghrelin production.

Insulin. It affects speed metabolic processes, regulates blood sugar levels. If the body's sensitivity to insulin decreases, weight may gain sharply. Try to eat more protein foods and less carbohydrates. Physical activity is also needed.

Cortisol- “stress hormone”. In a critical situation, it is produced in increased quantities. Because of this, metabolism slows down. Taking vitamin C, physical activity, and avoiding coffee and strong tea will help reduce cortisol levels.

If there is an imbalance estrogen extra pounds settle on the hips and waist. To restore balance, you need the help of an endocrinologist.

Eating heavily and being addicted to sweets are not yet the reasons for a rapid increase in body weight. More precisely, they are not the only provocateurs of obesity. There are a number of diseases, the development of which leads to a rapid increase in fat and extra pounds.

The causes of excess weight often depend on coordinated work internal systems and organs. Basically, what can provoke obesity are hormonal imbalances and disorders of those organs that produce hormones (hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid, ovaries). Let's look at 9 diseases that provoke excess weight gain along with deterioration in condition and well-being.

Causes of excess weight you need to know

Very often it seems to us that excess weight is a banal overeating and if we reduce our daily diet, all the problems will go away on their own. But nothing like that happens

There are three “pillars” of reasons that provoke obesity and prevent you from losing weight

  • psychological reasons: worries, stress, constant anxiety, melancholy, a lot of negativity in life position, lack of sleep.
  • reasons related to nutrition: excessive consumption of fatty and sweet food, fast food, irregular and unbalanced diet, passion for overeating after a diet, hunger strike;
  • reasons related to physical activity, or rather with its absence: sedentary lifestyle, restriction physical activity, sedentary work.

The above reasons are just the tip of the iceberg as to why fat accumulates and obesity begins. In addition, the main reasons that occupy 80% of this iceberg are health problems.

9 diseases that cause excess weight

Impaired functioning of the adrenal cortex leads to excessive secretion of the hormone cortisol, which can cause excess weight.

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome It is possible to diagnose immediately after examining the patient: the main symptom is a significant increase in body weight.

In excess, the hormone cortisol in the body can trigger various metabolic disorders. This hormone provokes the breakdown of protein and leads to an increase in blood sugar. This affects the rapid decrease muscle tissue, and an increase in body fat. Mostly fat accumulates on the waist and hips, in the chin area, while the legs and arms do not improve and remain thin.

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome cannot be left without treatment and medical supervision. This is fraught not only with obesity, but also with the development of cancer and death.

Hypothyroidism: malfunction of the thyroid gland

This disease is associated with a decrease in hormone production thyroid gland. It can be asymptomatic and masked for a long time. A decrease in the amount of hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and, as a result, to an increase in fat accumulation. The main symptoms can be confusing, attributing everything to exhaustion nervous system or vitamin deficiency: fatigue, fast fatiguability, memory impairment, drowsiness, significant decrease in performance, anemia, constipation, menstrual disorder.

Did you know

Genetics is to blame

Such genetic pathologies like Lawrence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome or Carpenter syndrome develop due to malfunctions of the hypothalamus. Excess hormones in the body provoke constant overeating - a person cannot distinguish whether the body is full or not. If you constantly oversaturate your stomach with food, it will stretch, digestive disorders will occur and obesity will begin to appear.

Violation of the hypothalamus leads not only to weight problems, but also to weight loss. mental activity, which can lead to backwardness and limitation. In addition, such disorders are often accompanied by developmental defects: asymmetry of the skull, curvature of the spine, an increase in the number of fingers or toes.

Pituitary obesity - Adiposogenital dystrophy

After injury or damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system, this type of obesity may develop. At the center of the problem of weight gain is the improper development of the reproductive system. Delayed sexual development can provoke fat accumulation. It appears in childhood or adolescence, during puberty.

Important! Parents should pay attention to the sequence of weight gain by the child: whether the weight is normal or exceeds. If the child's weight is without medical explanation is growing rapidly, you should undergo an examination and find out the causes of excess weight.

Pickwick syndrome

This disease is characterized by obesity and the occurrence respiratory failure. Lung pathologies are not observed during the development of this syndrome. The patient has to inhale and exhale more often due to the large weight and roundness of the shape. This syndrome most often develops in men aged 40 to 60 years.

Scientists find it difficult to explain the reason for the development of this syndrome. Rapid weight gain begins after disorders of the central nervous system, which leads to sleep disturbances, increased appetite, and self-doubt. Patients feel weakness, drowsiness and excessive appetite - these are the worst enemies of normal weight and healthy appearance.


This neoplasm, which consists of β-cells of the pancreatic islets, provokes the release of large amounts of insulin into the blood. As a result, there is more insulin in the blood and less sugar, which leads to hypoglycemia.

Attacks are characterized by cold sweat, trembling, tachycardia, feelings of increased hunger and fear, hearing, voice, vision, and speech disorders. In severe cases, the patient may experience seizures and coma.

Menopausal obesity

During the onset of menopause in women, the production of sex hormones produced by the ovaries decreases. This leads to the accumulation of excess fat female type(hips, stomach, legs, chin). This type of obesity can occur after surgical removal ovaries.

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