Home Tooth pain Rules for running for weight loss, treadmill training program. Proper running for weight loss - how to get rid of extra pounds

Rules for running for weight loss, treadmill training program. Proper running for weight loss - how to get rid of extra pounds

Almost every woman and man is haunted by two phantom fears - increasing age and excess weight. And if it is impossible to change the first, then they have been waging a serious struggle with the second all their lives. Some periodically go on exhausting diets, others work off seven sweats in the gym, and others painfully but persistently push even small cakes away from themselves. This is not to say that each of these methods is ineffective. But for representatives of both the beautiful and strong half of humanity, there is one method of successful weight loss that is not at all so extreme, absolutely free and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. And the name of this method is running. How to run correctly to lose weight we'll talk In this article.

Will it be possible to remove fat from the legs, belly and thighs? Is it enough to run outside - or will you need to run on a treadmill? To answer all these, as well as other questions on this topic, you first need to understand how running generally affects the body.

What follows from all of the above? Only that for the question of how to run to lose weight, the answer will be this - reasonable. And with mandatory compliance with a number of strict rules.

A few rules for fat burning running

There are not many of them, and the main ones among them should be the following simple list.

  • Don’t rush to “start right off the bat” without doing it. A little stretching and warming up your muscles will not only ensure a better running experience, but will also protect you from injuries and unnecessary sprains.
  • For beginners, significant loads from the first days of training are not recommended (this will not speed up the results, but will only put a stressful state on the cardiovascular system). Start with a brisk walk, interspersed with a 5-minute run - every day, gradually shortening the duration of the first segments and lengthening the second.
  • The length of your first run can be two or even one kilometer. After the initial adaptation, the distance (and running speed) should be increased to the extent that it is comfortable for you. The main thing is to reach the result in 1 hour (at an average pace this will ultimately be from 7 to 10 km).
  • The frequency of classes less than 2-3 times a week is practically meaningless. And, in any case, over time it will have to be brought to daily.
  • Want to maximize your calorie burning? Don't try to beat Usain Bolt's record. A “ragged rhythm” - which includes intermittent segments of regular fast walking, slow running and sprinting jerks - is much more effective at burning fat.
  • Listen to your body (especially if it can hardly be called athletic or even just well prepared). Immediately reduce the load if pain or lack of air. And run with pleasure!

What else do you need to know?

In addition to the rules relating to the technical aspects of running as such, it does not hurt to follow a number of auxiliary recommendations.

  • Combine exercise with proper nutrition. Do not overdo it with fried, flour and sweet foods - replacing these not only high-calorie, but also very harmful foods with vegetables and fruits. Be sure to also consume large amounts of regular clean water(at least 1.5 liters in winter and 2.5 liters in summer). In the morning, water with lemon juice will boost your metabolism, and in the evening, no later than a couple of hours before bedtime, with mint or lemon balm.
  • Never skimp on quality, light and comfortable clothing. And also choose comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement from natural materials(in bad and cold weather, you can complement your wardrobe with a waterproof polyester windbreaker with a hood).
  • Try to find places to run in parks or other green areas with unpaved surfaces. When running on asphalt, your legs will experience such stress that the benefits of running will be completely offset by the resulting joint problems.
  • Try to breathe rhythmically and only through your mouth (exceptions may be negative temperatures and strong winds).

How to choose the time?

It all depends on your goals.

  • Morning - best time for jogging to strengthen of cardio-vascular system(read,).
  • Day is the time to maximize muscle strengthening.
  • Evening is for everyone who wants to breathe in oxygen before bed and lose weight as much as possible.

However, keep in mind that early in the morning and especially late in the evening, the lighting on your favorite running routes may leave much to be desired. In this regard, take care of your own safety: buy sneakers (or clothes) with luminous elements, and, as a last resort, take a flashlight with you.

Using the Treadmill

Speaking about running in general (and its separate form for weight loss in particular), it is impossible to ignore such a wonderful technical invention as the treadmill. First of all, this simulator is multifunctional and significantly expands the capabilities of regular running training, combining them with comfort and increased level security. Essentially, it is a relatively compact device that can easily be installed even at home, while successfully simulating any type of running, including “hill climbing.”

The basic principles of how to lose weight on a treadmill are no different from the rules described at the beginning of the article for classic running. This is the same combination of walking, slow and fast running, supplemented by such exotic methods as running “sideways” and “up” - and, as a bonus, motivating the exercise with the opportunity to watch TV or listen to music.

A combination of business and pleasure

The last two options (present in any modern models of simulators of this type) are no different from the classic options for broadcasting such information. Moreover, the kit usually includes headphones that allow you not to disturb others, as well as the ability to switch to any channels, like in a standard TV receiver.

Principles for selecting exercises

A program for losing weight on a treadmill can be very diverse - but it must take into account physical state, age and experience of the runner. However, the principles of exercise selection should not affect the duration in any way (since, as mentioned above, actual weight loss begins no earlier than 25-30 minutes after the start of physical activity).

Interval training

Interval running, as the most effective way to get rid of excess fat, involves alternating individual stages with strictly limited rest periods between them. At the same time, the duration of such “segments”, as the level of training increases, gradually increases for active and high-speed running, remaining unchanged for periods of practical rest (moderate or fast walking).

The average time of both accelerated and relatively slow movement in each interval should not be too long and range from 30 to 40 seconds. The number of “circles” is dictated by the total required time for training - reaching 40-50 for each double “walking-running” cycle.

Based on this, sample program classes will look like this:

  • warm-up (in the form of a brisk walk lasting 3-4 minutes);
  • double cycles of fast running (about 30 seconds) and the same active walking (30-40 seconds);
  • running “on the left side” of the same duration (in this case, the legs should be rearranged, and not crossed), combined with walking;
  • similar running “right side”;
  • closing the circle of exercises and repeating all intervals again.

Approximate plan for alternating running modes

As a result, the training will take the form clearly shown in the table.

Stage Time (sec.) Average speed (km/h) Distance (km)
Warm-up180 (3 min.)6-7 0,3
Running straight30 12-14 0,1 – 0,12
Fast walk40 6 0,07
Running "to the left"30 10 0,085
Fast walk40 6 0,07
Running "to the left"30 10 0,085
TOTAL PER LAP6 min. 0,7 – 0,8

As a result, with a 30-minute workout, about 3.5 km will be covered, and with a lasting 1 hour, twice as much. The distance is quite decent for significant weight loss combined with a general increase in body tone.

Advantages of a treadmill

Summing up the results obtained, a simple and obvious choice arises - studying right in your apartment (of course, with open window or in a very well-ventilated area) you can achieve smooth weight loss to a predetermined level for yourself. Without breathing car exhaust, without getting injured and without fear of overloading your feet and joints by running on asphalt or concrete.

Of course, a treadmill is not a cheap pleasure. But it’s simply impossible to imagine a better option for practicing (at least in bad weather or in the absence of a park or green area near your home). In addition, running on it is comfortable and allows you to use a much larger arsenal of muscles due to the technological capabilities of the sports track.

Eat different variants for weight loss. Someone is on a diet and is looking for something new from the same series. There are also people who purchase drugs of dubious quality and origin and attend liposuction procedures. And there are those who always try to use the most original and not always healthy methods of losing weight. The most effective way to lose fat at the present stage is sports. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question of how to run correctly to lose weight.

Running can be called one of the most best exercises, which is found in many active sports. With its help you can train a large number of different muscles present in the body. It's not just the legs that are stressed. In addition, running is an excellent aerobic workout that can help you increase your endurance. The normal functioning of the nervous system will be established. And if you also run in the morning, you will get a wonderful boost of energy for the whole day. If you consider all these advantages, the reason for the question of how to run correctly becomes clear.

To lose weight, do not forget about normal nutrition

Many weight loss techniques that exist at this stage include similar aerobic exercise. However, is it possible to look at running as an independent means for losing excess weight? This problem cannot be solved in an unambiguous way. In addition to active sports, you need to take care of proper nutrition. It must be balanced. A diet that includes only unhealthy foods will block all the progress that could be achieved through running.

However, if you have firmly decided to find the answer to the question of how to run properly to lose weight, and have already been able to rid your diet of harmful products, then you should concentrate all your attention on aerobic training.

How much do you need to run to achieve success?

Jogging can bring a certain effect in terms of losing excess weight only when it becomes regular. Active movement should accompany a person for at least 300 minutes a week. And for this you don’t have to put all your strength into it, since you can always alternate running with simple walking.

In order to determine how much you need to run to lose weight, you should think about purchasing a heart rate monitor. With its help, you can calculate the optimal heart rate, which is necessary to start the fat burning procedure. All this will be quite easy to accomplish. All you have to do is use one simple formula: 220 - (person's age) - 50% = heart rate required for exercise. The resulting figure must be monitored while jogging.

What do experts think about this?

According to professionals, if you want a workout to be effective, it should last at least 20 minutes. What is this connected with? In the first 15 minutes of running, the procedure for burning excess weight will only “swing”. Training at such moments will be mainly of a healing nature. It will have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, but will not relieve you of unnecessary fat.

So how much should you run to lose weight? According to experts' recommendations, this should take approximately 40 minutes. Jogging should be done at least 5 times a week. It will not be superfluous to understand that each individual person has his own weight loss goals. Some will be happy to get rid of just a couple of kilograms, but for others this is too little, since a huge mass of unnecessary fat needs to be destroyed.

How many hours should be spent?

So, you needed to get rid of a certain number of kilograms, but how to do it? The question arises about how often to run to lose weight. There are special recommendations that must be taken into account in order to lose extra pounds.

  1. If you need to get rid of 1 kilogram, you will have to run for about 19 hours.
  2. In order to get rid of 5 kilograms, you will need to spend about 93 hours running.
  3. Those people who have 10 extra pounds should run 180 hours.
  4. How much should you run to lose weight? If you have 20 kilograms of unnecessary fat, you will have to run for about 350 hours.

Naturally, all the figures given above need to be distributed evenly. It makes sense to spend no more than 3 hours a day jogging. In addition, if there is such a need, you can study constantly, without weekends or holidays.

What to do if the weather is very bad?

In some situations, bad weather, a small amount of free time, or some other reasons may interfere with finding the answer to the question of how to run correctly to lose weight. These reasons can simply derail all your plans. However, you cannot give up training. You just need to find alternative training complexes. The following types of exercise are similar to jogging:

  1. Jumping rope.
  2. Using a treadmill.
  3. Riding a bicycle or working on an appropriate exercise machine.
  4. Active aerobics.

In order to lose weight, you need to run constantly. This benefits the entire body. However, there are several problems that must be faced.

How to force yourself to start running?

So, what problems might arise when trying to find the answer to the question of how to run to lose weight? You don't always feel like getting up in the morning. There is a desire to lie around longer. However, if you get up too late, then there will be no desire left for any training. Not to mention the time. Such laziness can always be overcome.

The first run should be done on a weekend. After getting up in the morning, don't have too much breakfast. One glass of tea or milk is enough. You can also eat some light fruit. You need to dress the way you plan to dress for each subsequent run. For the first time, you can cover the distance simply on foot.

How to start running to lose weight? Try to determine for yourself the benefits of a morning run. First of all, the absence of large crowds of people, huge amount cars and fresh air. In addition, it will be easier to plan your activities for the whole day, adding a positive mood. Morning jogging also allows you to take a little break from the routine of your working days.

What technique is required?

How to properly run to lose weight? It should be immediately noted that jerking and race walking are unacceptable for getting rid of unnecessary weight. Jogging - this type of jogging is optimal. In this mode, you can not only lose extra pounds, but also strengthen your muscles, normalize heart function, and increase energy output throughout the day.

In addition, to decide how to run correctly in order to lose weight, a warm-up is necessary. It should be done immediately before jogging. The distance must be increased gradually, focusing on your feelings. For example, you can start running from 1 kilometer, and then move on to 2 kilometers.

Optimal time of day for jogging

You can often hear the question about when is the best time to run to lose weight. We have sorted out the problems that arise in the morning. In the evenings, in principle, they remain the same. And if you don’t want to get up early, then you don’t feel like running in the evening, because you want to sleep. In addition, jogging late in the day is also undesirable because after it you may not fall asleep at all.

However, all this must be approached individually. And each individual person must independently determine for himself the optimal time for jogging. In this case, you need to be guided by the characteristics of the body. Therefore, you must decide for yourself the question of when is the best time to run to lose weight by choosing the optimal solution for yourself.

Looking for Motivation

Even if you have already started running due to the need to lose weight, at some points your motivation may disappear. A number of problems contribute to this. In addition, we must not forget about laziness. In order for your training to be regular, you need to create a clear training schedule for yourself, which you will follow. You will also need to keep a notebook in which the kilometers traveled and kilograms lost will be recorded. All these records should be kept strictly on schedule.

Thoughts should be positive, as sadness can only deprive you of the necessary motivation. Before jogging, you should only read funny news and interesting reviews. And, of course, you always need to truly believe in your capabilities. This belief is the most important assistant in finding the answer to the question of how to run to lose weight.

And loneliness can be dealt with

Another problem can be loneliness. It is not always pleasant to run alone, especially if we are talking about a representative of the fair sex. Therefore, you need to find a company for yourself. A running partner can be a friend, close relative, or loved one. You can also take your dog with you for a run. In addition, you can use the music player. Enjoy your favorite tunes while you run.

Surely many people know the benefits of running for weight loss.

Surely many people know the benefits of running for weight loss. It improves blood circulation, increases endurance, strengthens muscles, accelerates metabolic processes. As a result of training, the body becomes slimmer and more toned. However, many people quit running because they do not see the expected results. What is this connected with? How much and how should you run to lose excess weight? It turns out that running, like other sports, has its own secrets and nuances.

The benefits of running

The benefits of running are that it:

  • Stimulates blood circulation in the body;
  • Saturates body cells with oxygen;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Improves coordination of movements;
  • Strengthens the muscles of the body;
  • Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • Serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • Helps fight stress;
  • Helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol;
  • Activates work excretory system, helps the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins;
  • Relieves fatigue from mental and physical activity.

While running, breathing and heart rate increase, thereby improving blood circulation and oxygen saturation. Scientists have found that regular running increases life expectancy by 5-8 years. Researchers from America have found that jogging promotes the growth of brain cells, especially in the part responsible for the ability to remember and learn.

Running is very useful for people suffering chronic fatigue, apathy and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Fifteen minute jog fresh air It will invigorate you better than a cup of strong coffee.

Who shouldn't run?

Not all people benefit from running. You cannot exercise when:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Recovery after a heart attack or stroke;
  • At poor eyesight, damage to the retina;
  • Insufficient blood circulation;
  • Congenital heart disease;
  • The presence of injuries, bruises and sprains in the lower extremities;
  • Obesity;
  • The presence of certain chronic diseases.

Before starting classes, you should consult your doctor. It will help you determine your load level and optimal running time.

Why doesn't running work?

Many girls and boys, wanting to lose weight, start jogging for 15-20 minutes in the morning or evening. However, they do not see any results, even if they go for a run every day. After some time, disappointment sets in and running happily remains a thing of the past. Where is the mistake? It turns out that in order to lose weight by running, you need to exercise not for 15-20 minutes, but from 40 to 60. In addition, speed and running technique play a big role.

Jogging involves light jogging at a free pace. In this case, energy comes to the muscles from glycogen accumulated in the liver. It is consumed within 30-40 minutes physical activities. Thus, if a run lasts less than 30-40 minutes, then the body uses up some of the glycogen and replenishes it after the first meal. The fat remains in place and does not decrease.

Running for weight loss: how much should you run?

The body begins to use fat reserves as a source of energy at the moment when the concentration of oxygen increases greatly and blood circulation accelerates. This process is usually accompanied by heavy breathing.

So, as needed The jog should last from 40 minutes to 1 hour. Only in this case will the body switch to burning fat. However, you should not go to extremes and do long runs. When exercising for more than 1 hour, not only fats are burned, but also muscle mass.

The best results can be achieved not by jogging, but by interval running at a fast pace.

What is interval running?

Interval running is considered the best solution for increasing endurance and losing excess weight. The principle of the method is to alternate the load: you run one part of the route at an easy rhythm, and in the next section you accelerate as much as possible. Both professional athletes and just amateur runners train this way.

How is interval running different from regular running? It has a number of significant advantages:

  • Allows you to burn more calories compared to regular running. During maximum acceleration, energy consumption increases almost 2 times, and at the same time it does not have time to decrease during rest.
  • Alternating the load allows you to use up fat reserves and at the same time increase muscle mass. Sprint intervals are best suited for these purposes - increasing speed in sections from 50 to 400 m.
  • Interval running is considered the most in a simple way learn to run faster, gradually improving your results. The speed and length of the intervals varies depending on the distance.
  • Maximum acceleration is an unusual type of load for the body, so more calories are consumed during exercise than during normal running. Thus, interval running speeds up metabolic processes.

Who can do interval running?

Interval running is not for everyone. It puts a serious strain on the blood vessels, heart and joints, so it is better for beginners to start with measured jogging. You can start doing interval running 6 months after regular classes. You can check your readiness in this way: if you run 1 km in 6 minutes and 30 seconds, then you are ready to increase the load, and if not, then continue to exercise as usual.

If you are already fit and have been running for a long time, then you should try interval running. Firstly, it will teach you to run faster and increase endurance, and secondly, it helps burn fat faster and makes your figure more sculpted.

It is advisable to do interval training once every 1-2 weeks, and the rest of the time do measured jogging or engage in other sports.

Since interval training requires you to run faster, it should last less than a regular run. The optimal time for training is 30-40 minutes, time for acceleration is 20-25 minutes. You can break up your workout with a slow run. You can increase the interval time and distance only when the body gets used to the load, that is, after 2-3 months.

Contraindications to interval running

Interval running is quite a heavy load for the body. Main contraindications:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Flat feet;
  • Acute form of osteochondrosis or arthrosis;
  • Injuries to muscles, tendons, joints;
  • Spinal diseases;
  • Excess weight more than 7 kg.

Running is a free way to lose weight, get healthier, strengthen muscles and improve immunity. If you are planning to start training, then read the basic rules:

  • If you want to lose weight by running, then do it at least 3-4 times a week. A light jog 2 times a month will not bring any results. Running should become your way of life and then it will begin to bear fruit. Systematic exercises will help you get rid of extra pounds and improve metabolic processes.
  • At the initial stages, it is enough to overcome 1-2 km. Start small and gradually move on to more serious loads. Give your body the opportunity to adapt to the new state. If you experience any pain while running, consult a doctor. Often beginners experience pain in the right side. It usually goes away after classes are over.
  • Stick to a comfortable speed. You should jog. While jogging, monitor your heart rate: if it exceeds 150 beats per minute, then the load needs to be reduced. Don't overload your heart and listen to your body.
  • The first month of jogging should be very smooth and calm. In the second month you can increase the distance to 3-4 kilometers. By this time, you will have already prepared your muscles and will begin to enjoy jogging.
  • To increase sweating, wear a warm tracksuit or a special thermal belt around your waist. This way you can remove as much excess fluid from your body as possible.
  • Don't drink water immediately after your workout. Just rinse your mouth. Start drinking 1 hour after class. It is undesirable to eat 2 hours before a run and 1 hour after it.
  • Running is best used in combination with proper nutrition. In this case, you will begin to lose weight faster. Avoid sweet, fatty, smoked foods. Include more protein, vegetables and fruits in your diet. As desserts you can use dried fruits, honey, cottage cheese casseroles, fruit jellies.
  • Limit your salt intake as it greatly retains water in the body. A salt-free diet allows you to noticeably lose weight and get rid of excess fluid.

People who have been running for a long time note improved well-being, increased tone and resistance to stress.

Running in place at home for weight loss

Running in place does not give the same results as classic running for weight loss (reviews), but it can be used as a warm-up before the main set of exercises. Running in place warms up your muscles well and prevents injuries.

Training can only be carried out after preliminary preparation. You must protect your feet, chest and spine. This means that you cannot exercise in socks, bare feet, sneakers or slippers. Only sports shoes with shock absorbers and comfortable sports clothing are suitable. Buy good sneakers and use a sports top to support your chest.

Running in place is contraindicated when:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Injuries of ankles, knees, hip joints;
  • Excess weight of 7 kg or more;
  • Severe curvature of the spine;
  • Chronic hypertension.

For varicose veins, it is better to consult a doctor and use compression garments.

Technique of running in place

  • Normal running without jumping. Alternate your legs at a fast pace, place your foot from heel to toe, try not to raise your knees above the level of the navel. While running, pull in your stomach, keep your body straight, press your hands to your body, put them on your waist or hold them as if you were jogging outside.
  • Regular running with jumps. Touch the floor only with the ball of your foot. Jump up and change legs as soon as your foot touches the floor. Keep your knees in a natural and comfortable position. During training, tense your abs all the time (this will help relieve stress on your lower back).
  • Shuttle run. This type involves quickly moving from one point in the room to another. You can run from window to wall or from one wall to another. Even a couple of side steps will help you burn more calories.

When is it good to run: in the morning or in the evening?

Some people prefer to run in the morning, while others prefer evening jogging. Disputes about the benefits of running in different time days have been going on for quite some time, but the correct answer has not been found.

It all depends on individual characteristics person. It is advisable to run when the body is at its peak of activity. The first favorable time period for running is 6-7 am. During this period, it is easier for the body to bear the load.

Many experts believe that running in the morning brings additional stress to the body and negatively affects the heart. This is explained by the fact that at 6-7 am the body has not yet woken up and is not tuned in to increased activity. On the other hand, jogging in the early morning helps to cheer up, improves mood, and activates the fat burning process.

According to some data, the optimal time for jogging is 11-12 noon. However, few people can afford to go to training in the middle of the working day. Most busy people prefer evening jogging at a stadium, park or treadmill. In the morning you always want to sleep longer, drink a cup of hot coffee or tea, but in the evening you can dispel fatigue by running. Evening running promotes more deep sleep, relaxation, and oxygen saturation.

It doesn't matter whether you run in the morning or in the evening. Exercise when it is convenient and comfortable for you. Check out how running works for weight loss (before and after photos).

Let's start with the fact that any type of running at any time implies a certain load on the body. Only depending on the intensity of training, diet and rest can you really lose a lot of weight. However, the best option for weight loss - jogging in the morning.

Morning jogging speeds up your metabolism for the whole day, that is, throughout the day after jogging, the body will work better and burn fat better.

Preparing for running to lose weight

To lose weight through running, you need to choose the right type of workout.

  • Sprint races are performed at 30, 100, 200 and 400 meters.
  • By medium distances we mean from 500 to 3000 meters.
  • By long they mean distances from 3000 meters to 20000 (20 km)
  • Everything above is ultra-long distances, these include half marathon (21 km 97.5 meters), marathon (42 km 195 meters)

I would like to immediately note that losing weight by running requires a lot of willpower, desire and discipline.

Mike Tyson once said:

“This is called discipline, when you do what you don’t want. I like to go for a run at four in the morning, to see how the lights are still off in all the houses - people are still sleeping. This is an amazing motivation for me when I know that while others are sleeping, I am already improving myself. I have an advantage over others."

Therefore, you should understand that jogging requires a lot of strength and literally breaking yourself, but when the result appears, your attitude towards what you are doing changes dramatically.

What you need to know when running to lose weight?

The body is designed in such a way that it initially consumes carbohydrates, after which it begins to burn fats. This point is important, since our goal is to burn excess fat.

For the first 40 minutes of running, the body will use carbohydrates as energy. Therefore, to lose weight by running you will have to sweat a lot. The average running time for weight loss should be 60 minutes. Don't think you can't. High calorie expenditure occurs during jogging. In addition, alternating walking and running is acceptable. Therefore, the right playlist - and you can start losing weight.

After a few weeks, when the body gets used to it and there are no transitions to walking during jogging, you can complicate the task. More precisely, increase the weight loss effect of running. Alternate jogging with sprinting. For example, every 5 minutes, accelerate for 10-15 seconds. Then slow down and start running slowly. Repeat as many times as you can during your workout.

Monitor your condition while running. Somewhere you can be patient, but it is also important to maintain your health. A heart rate monitor would be a good purchase to easily monitor your heart rate while jogging. If it is not there, try to measure your pulse by the number of heart beats - this information will be enough.

Running program for weight loss

Keep your classes systematic. Regular jogging will allow you to achieve results much faster than interrupting training indefinitely. 3 runs per week will be enough.

A week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 3 km. 3 km. 3 km.
2 3 km. 3 km. 3 km.
3 3 km. 3.5 km. 3 km.
4 3.5 km. 3.5 km. 4 km.
5 3 km. 3 km. 3 km. 3 km.
6 3.5 km. 4 km. 4 km.
7 3.5 km. 4 km. 4 km. 3 km.
8 4 km. 4.5 km. 4 km.
9 4.5 km. 4.5 km. 4 km. 4 km.
10 5 km. 4.5 km. 5 km.

Gradually increase the load. The body is prone to adaptation, so the same load for a long time loses its effect. Increase your running time or acceleration duration while decreasing your jogging time.

Stretching will help you lose weight

Stretching is the stretching and relaxation of warmed muscles for maximum flexibility. The better the stretch, the more correctly and freely we move.

Stretching has another beneficial property - accelerating the breakdown of fat. When heated muscles stretch, they seem to help tear body fat. It is easier for the body to dissolve fat piece by piece.

Stretching exercises. There are a lot different exercises to stretch the main muscle groups. We need to teach the body to relax after exercise and at the same time prolong the effect of losing weight.

  1. To begin with, you can do an exercise known from physical education lessons - left hand on the belt, lift the right one up above your head and pull it to the left. At the same time, slightly tilting the torso to the left, and similarly on the other side - the right hand on the belt, and the left one above the head and pull to the right, together with the torso.
  2. Next you can do tilts. This exercise is simple: stand up straight (this will be the starting position), and now bend down to reach your palms to the floor. You need to do 10-15 bends forward, even if at first you won’t be able to reach the floor, don’t despair, there’s still more to come.
  3. Lunges. Get into the starting position, and now lunge forward with your right leg, bending the knee joint. Wherein left leg remains in place, slightly bent at the knee, but does not touch the floor. Pull it a little right leg forward and feel the muscles stretch. Repeat with the other leg.
  4. Stand with your back to a wall bars or other support. Place your shin behind your back while pulling your toe up. This way we will stretch the quadriceps (quadriceps) muscle and hip joints.
  5. Sit on the floor. Bend one leg and sit on it. Pull the second one forward and pull the sock towards you. Bend over, trying to grab the toe with both hands. Repeat with the other leg.
  6. Stand next to the support, grab it with your hands, and begin to spread your legs in both directions at once, trying to sit on the cross splits. Spread your legs until pain appears, then stop. Hold this position for five seconds and return to the starting position.

These are the most popular exercises for stretching joints and muscles. Of course, there are many different additional exercises, but such exercises cannot be done everywhere. For some time it will be possible to increase the muscle stretching time. The main thing is to do stretching exercises every day, or at least every other day, then you will see the result.

After the first workouts, for several weeks, your muscles will be quite sore. It is called sore throat. In the first days it will be quite unusual. Do your exercises at home, without sudden movements, everything is smooth and of sufficient quality, and only then, and with the same enthusiasm, press forward!

Proper nutrition

Your goal is to lose weight, so after a run you need to eat within an hour. That is, we worked out, came home, took a shower, then prepared something healthy, for example, eggs, cottage cheese, porridge, in general a mixture:

  • protein (which is used as a building material for muscles)
  • carbohydrates (which are the source of nutrition for the body, so you need to eat high-quality carbohydrates. Such as bread, durum wheat pasta, cereals - they are rich useful vitamins, enzymes), because you still have the whole day ahead of you.

Running does not require special equipment or devices, which makes this sport accessible to everyone. Find out how and when to run to get rid of extra pounds and get a beautiful figure!

Many inhabitants of planet Earth dream of quickly getting rid of excess weight and getting their body in order. A useful, inexpensive and effective way to lose weight is running. In order to start running, every beginner needs to learn many rules and recommendations for such training, but if you take into account all the features of the training, you can short term tighten muscles, strengthen the body, and most importantly, lose weight significantly.

Run - great way painlessly and effectively lose extra pounds and bring your body back to normal. To organize the most useful and productive workouts, you need to follow some rules that will help you make them easier and more enjoyable.

How to run correctly to quickly lose weight? These rules should be followed during classes.

  • An hour before going out on the track, you need to replenish your body's carbohydrate reserves.
  • You shouldn't drink a lot of water while running.
  • You need to breathe calmly and measuredly.
  • While jogging, you need to maintain correct posture.
  • The legs are always slightly bent at the knees.
  • You don’t need to swing your arms while moving, but you shouldn’t strain or press them tightly to your body either.

Simple running sessions will allow you to start losing extra pounds in less than a month. Simple rules that must be followed during training will help you run effectively and safely for your health.

The value of running for weight loss

Every day, those who want to lose weight ask thousands of times: how should you run to lose weight? What time of day should you exercise in the morning or evening? How often should you exercise?

The answer to these questions is very simple: you need to run constantly, and most importantly, regularly.

In order to get rid of body fat by running, you just need to burn more calories than you consume. Today's reality modern world are such that people do not have a standardized life schedule: they go to bed at different times, eat regardless of the time of day, in some cases they do not move at all or exhibit physical activity rarely. Such an imbalance in life leads to the formation of a fat reserve in the body, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Why is running so beneficial for weight loss?

  1. While jogging, almost all muscle groups work, and excess weight acts as a kind of weighting agent.
  2. Muscle work starts the process of burning fat tissue.
  3. Running does not require much preliminary preparation. After reading the instructions, you can start practicing today.
  4. Running is an exercise that is genetically inherent in us. It is safe, natural, affordable and suitable for people of any age group.

Myths about running

Many who started training or were simply interested in running to lose weight have heard unusual and contradictory statements about training. Among them are the following myths.

  • You need to run on an empty stomach. This statement cannot be correct, since the body in any case needs preliminary nourishment. Nutritionists and trainers recommend eating a small portion of complex carbohydrates half an hour before a run, so you can start your stomach and increase its productivity.
  • Jogging helps build up the muscles of the legs and does not provoke the burning of fat in the legs. There are no separate methods for losing weight exclusively in the lower extremities; in order to quickly lose excess weight, running must be combined with training for the whole body.
  • The calmer the run, the faster the fat is burned. A fast "wear and tear" pace forces the body to consume more oxygen than during quiet movement, and for this process the body requires much more energy.
  • For weight loss, running in the morning is more beneficial than daytime or evening exercise, but this approach can cause problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system, because a sudden awakening and a high load on the heart cannot have a positive effect on the human body.

Constant jogging can cause unwanted “drying” of the body, which will lead to loss of muscle mass. In order to quickly lose weight and acquire a beautiful shape, you definitely need to alternate them with physical activity in the gym or develop separate interval classes.


It may seem that running is the safest way to lose weight, but this is not the case.

Training is contraindicated for people with the following indicators:

  • abnormalities in work or diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vision problems, retinal diseases.

To run and lose weight by avoiding possible complications with health, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules.

  • While moving, you do not need to adhere to any breathing count. It is best to inhale and exhale naturally, since oxygen oversaturation causes dizziness, weakness and increased blood pressure.
  • Some beginners may experience easy stage asthma. To avoid unpleasant suffocation, doctors recommend walking and running in forested areas or at special training grounds located away from roads.
  • Avoid jogging on paved sidewalks. When running on asphalt, there is a strong impact load, which can cause injuries to the joints and spine.

Be sure to review your diet and lifestyle before starting classes. To lose weight by running, you will have to give up alcoholic drinks, sweets and fatty foods. You also need to organize a regular sleep schedule.

How to learn to run correctly

To start running for people with extra pounds, it is especially important to follow safety precautions, because very heavy weight during jogging will lead to increased stress on muscles and joints.

  • If you have not previously exercised or have taken a long break, then you cannot immediately start running. It is best to devote several days to race walking, and then gradually combine walking with light jogging.
  • Schedule an hour for a walk. For effective weight loss you need to constantly move. Even simple... walking in free style.

Find company or create the perfect playlist for yourself. New acquaintances will always help you not to give up and continue your studies, and good music will brighten up your loneliness.

How to start

To understand how to start running correctly as a beginner, you need to determine the required rhythm and initial loads. For beginners, the following training rules are widely applicable:

  • The frequency of classes is at least twice a week.
  • The initial distance for jogging should not exceed 1.5-2 km.
  • Young athletes are advised to start running in sportswear that repels moisture and stimulates the fat burning process.
  • It is advisable to combine regular jogging with race walking. This approach develops endurance, which will allow you to increase your running distance within a month.

Also, in order to quickly get involved in the training process, beginners are recommended to run according to a pre-designed program. By strictly adhering to the plan, you will be able to overcome physical stress at first, and subsequently run with pleasure.

How to breathe correctly

Normal breathing during running exercises can reduce the load on the cardiovascular system and increase the flow of oxygen to muscle tissue. This process allows you to increase physical activity and contributes to the effectiveness of running for weight loss.

How to breathe correctly during classes? There are several simple rules for breathing, however, they are all conditional, all because this process is strictly individual for each person.
While jogging with normal speed the human body begins to consume several times more oxygen than in normal life, therefore, improper breathing process can cause disturbances in the functioning of the lungs, and, accordingly, health problems.

Depending on the running technique, two main types of breathing can be distinguished for men and women.

  1. A uniform breathing process, which is optimal for quiet runs in the park or on specialized trails. In this case, you need to breathe based on the pace of your run. Breathing is considered optimal: inhale full breasts, 2-3 steps, exhale.
  2. Interval or sprint training. During such races it is impossible to control breathing; in such a situation you need to try to compensate for the lack of oxygen by taking deep breaths and sharp exhalations.

It is interesting that almost all people, back in school, were taught to breathe through their nose while running during running classes, but this statement is controversial. During intense movement, breathing through the nasal sinuses does not completely saturate the body with oxygen, which causes hypoxia and fatigue. Of course, if you run constantly and steadily in a park or in the city, then you need to breathe through your nose. In this case, such a respiratory process is needed because harmful microorganisms, pollution and dust do not enter the body, and the air is warmed before entering the lungs.

Breathing through the nose is good for health, however, depending on the location of your runs, methods of delivering air to the body must be combined.

At what time and how much should you run to lose weight?

Conditionally running training can be divided into morning and evening. However, everyone must set an alternative time for classes for themselves. You need to accustom yourself to running gradually, clearly defining the load, speed and distance that you can cover in a certain period of time.

In the morning

Running in the morning allows you to recharge your energy for the whole working day, however, you cannot actively carry out morning workouts, since high loads will provoke an increase in blood pressure, which will lead to fatigue and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

The time of morning jogging should not exceed half an hour, since such a duration will allow the body to wake up without causing unnecessary overexertion.

To lose weight by morning jogging, you need to follow the following rules.

  • It is necessary to start classes no earlier than half an hour after waking up, in this case the body will not experience a strong load.
  • Before running, be sure to warm up a little. Stretching exercises will be an excellent exercise for your body.
  • Before a morning jog to lose weight, you should not eat anything. Breakfast should take place only 15-30 minutes after its end. However, going to work out with an empty stomach is unhealthy, so be sure to drink a glass of water after waking up.

Don't throw off your internal clock. Choose a training time that is convenient for you.

In the evenings

Evening classes will be an excellent alternative to unloading for those people who do not expend all their energy during the working day.

You can run in the evenings according to any schedule, but in any case you must follow some rules.

  • Before jogging, you need to eat, but no later than two hours before it.
  • It is best to go to the track immediately after labor activity, because after returning from work, dinner and rest, it will be very difficult psychologically to force yourself to go outside.

If you decide to take your health seriously and appearance, a self-composed table of exercises will help you conduct regular training. It may look different, but such a calendar will help you control your results and motivate you for further victories.

Running techniques

How to choose a running technique for weight loss? Of course, to begin with, it is best to try all its methods and types, and then determine which ones are suitable for you. The secret to success in losing weight through running lies not only in following all the rules of training, but also in the pleasure that you should receive during them.

In any case, you need to run in such a way as not to get tired and out of breath, that is, you need to start training by gradually increasing the load, and a wide variety of running programs will allow you to develop your own training system.

Also, in order to track their results during training, athletes are advised to develop a table in which you need to enter data: weight, frequency of exercise, nutrition program and distance you ran. Such information will allow you to monitor your progress, and also to run in such a way that you do not get tired and have physical strength also for household chores.


Every person knows about the benefits of jogging for the body. Natural movements and uniform breathing help reduce appetite, faster fat burning, and act as relaxing elements.

It is difficult to explain how to jog correctly, since such jogging is based on natural and calm human movements.

There is a running technique for beginners, designed for three months of training.

1. Jogging is done three times a week. First, you need to warm up for 10 minutes, then jog at a free pace for 10-15 minutes. Next, you need to speed up the pace, for 10 minutes you need to run uphill or slightly increase the speed. Finish the run with a calm walk for 15 minutes.

2. Classes are also held three times a week, but running is combined with various physical exercises:

  • 1 workout: warm-up 10 minutes, half an hour jogging, stretching 10 minutes.
  • Workout 2: race walking for 10 minutes, 15 minutes of walking up the stairs at a fast pace, running for 10 minutes, walking for 5-10 minutes.
  • Workout 3: ten-minute warm-up, running for 10 minutes, jumping rope for 5 minutes, walking for 10 minutes.

3. In the third month, training is also carried out in combination:

  • 1 lesson: warm-up 10 minutes, jogging 40 minutes, walking 5-10 minutes.
  • Lesson 2: warm-up for 10 minutes, jogging for 20 minutes, alternating between active and quiet running.
  • Lesson 3: race walking 5 minutes, running 10 minutes, uphill walking 15 minutes, jogging 5 minutes, walking 10 minutes.

When developing a jogging system, try to choose routes with different road surfaces. Also, various obstacles: hills, stairs, descents and turns will allow you to diversify your workouts and lose extra pounds faster.

Shuttle run

Shuttle is a short distance run that does not exceed a distance of 100 meters. Every person at least once in his life has taken a shuttle run in physical education at school; its distinctive feature is that while running you need to stop abruptly and touch the limit mark, or run around some obstacle.

Such training allows you to develop agility and endurance, and sudden changes speed will help you quickly lose unwanted weight.


Sprinting is running short distances at maximum speed. Doctors do not recommend doing sprints alone to lose weight; such exercises should be included in interval training.

Smooth running, in which a person gives his best, will allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight. However, it is worth noting that sprinting provides a strong cardio load, which can negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

The standard sprint program is structured as follows.

  • Warm up for 15-20 minutes: it may include light jogging, stretching, and obstacle course running.
  • Training: A sprint race can range from 100 meters to 2-7 kilometers. For beginners, 300-500 meter races are recommended.
  • Completion of the lesson 10-15 minutes: important point any jogging, since proper “cooling down” helps to stretch the muscles and relieve you from painful sensations in them. You can finish with a gentle jog or full-body stretching.

Never neglect warming up and finishing your workout, as they help increase your performance and consequently improve your fitness.

Interval training

Interval running is the most effective way to get rid of extra pounds, since even after completing the workout, the body continues to destroy fat deposits, converting them into energy.

How is interval training built? You can do interval running both outdoors and on a treadmill. To do this, you need to determine your running technique and divide the route into time periods during which you will increase and decrease the load. For example: cover a distance of 50 meters by jogging, after 150 meters move at maximum speed, and 100 meters of race walking.

Short distances

Short-distance running is popular among those losing weight, since it does not require a large amount of time, and the effect is achieved as quickly as possible. Short distance training includes:

  • sprint races;
  • shuttle run;
  • interval classes.

Not a single weight loss program based on running can do without them.

Workouts that include high loads allow you to quickly “dry” the body and also build muscle mass, which is why athletes and bodybuilders often run short distances.

Long distances

In sports, both professional and amateur, the most common is long-distance running. It allows you to put your body in order and improve your well-being.

Running long distances builds endurance. To master long routes, you will need not only desire, but also perseverance and the correct calculation of strength.

As a standard, long routes are covered by jogging, but for more effective weight loss, elements of exercise and interval training are often added to classic runs.

Where to run?

There are many running techniques you can use to lose weight quickly, but it is also important to know in what places and on what surface you should do your running exercises. The following types of training are distinguished:

Running up the stairs: one of the most effective ways losing weight. This method of exercise allows you to quickly strengthen the muscle mass of your legs and lose excess weight. Jogging is often combined with body wraps, which increase sweating.

On the street: The most popular and useful type of running. You can conduct such classes:

  • In the stadium: Athletes who have the opportunity to train in stadiums are incredibly lucky, as these places are equipped with a special rubber coating that softens the impact of the feet while running and does not allow the shoes to slip. Also, at stadiums it is always easier to organize a jogging schedule, all because like-minded people will run with you and will not allow you to relax.
  • On asphalt: the most common type of activity, since in the city it is quite difficult to find a place for jogging. Since doctors do not recommend running on asphalt due to the possibility of joint injuries, people who do not have the opportunity to train in parks or stadiums need to purchase special shoes that soften the impact force.
  • With a dog: cheerful and nice way lose weight and walk your pet. In such a situation, you don’t need the company of friends or acquaintances, because the dog still needs to be taken outside. A quiet run with a furry friend will help you stay in shape.

On site: This method of exercise is perfect for shy people, since such jogging can be done without leaving home. Running in place can also replace warming up before a long race.

The training is carried out as follows: first you need to walk around the room a little at a fast pace, and only then start running. There are two ways to run in place:

  • raising your knees high;
  • touching the heels to the back of the thigh.

Endurance runs at home will allow you to lose 5 kilograms in one week.


Don't forget about exercising on the treadmill. An excellent exercise machine can be installed at home or used at local gyms.

Many people are interested in the question: how to properly run in the gym to lose weight.

The answer is quite simple: you need to develop a system of interval training.

The lesson plan looks like this:

  • warm-up 10 minutes - walking at a calm pace;
  • five-minute jog at a slope of 6-7 degrees at a speed of 5-6 km/h;
  • running without an incline at a speed of 10 km/h;
  • movement at maximum speed for 3 minutes.

This cycle is repeated 5-7 times depending on the athlete’s preparedness. You can develop an intensive training program yourself, based on your initial sports performance, and any trainer from the gym will be able to help you.

Running for weight loss for men and women

Often, novice athletes are interested in the question: why do girls need to put in more effort when running to lose weight than men?

The answer to this question is easy: the stronger sex is genetically better predisposed to running.

Men have stronger joints, and their excess weight is “concentrated” in the abdominal area, which determines their center of gravity. For this reason, the stronger sex tolerates physical activity more easily and is less likely to visit doctors due to joint problems.

In women, the center of gravity is below the lower back, which makes them more stable for bearing offspring, and extra pounds are located throughout the body, resulting in the appearance of cellulite. To quickly lose weight for girls, doctors and trainers recommend doing fitness or yoga, where all types of movements are aimed at maintaining balance.

In any case, the fair sex should not give up jogging, however, when choosing this weight loss system, you need to pay attention Special attention choice of running technique and training location.

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