Home Coated tongue When should you clean your home? A simple way to energetically cleanse your home. Simple and effective ways to cleanse the body A simple way to cleanse

When should you clean your home? A simple way to energetically cleanse your home. Simple and effective ways to cleanse the body A simple way to cleanse

Simple and effective ways cleansing the body.

Colon cleansing

The result of cleansing is health, beauty, rejuvenation and joy of life! During the cleansing process, toxins will come out, this will make the blood cleaner and the nutrition of the blood vessels will improve. good blood- This good health. Headaches will go away, blood pressure will normalize, digestion will improve, and constipation will disappear. Flexibility and mobility of joints will increase. Appearance will change in better side. If you regularly cleanse your intestines, your skin will become smooth and healthy, pimples, blackheads and flaking will disappear, and fine wrinkles will smooth out. You will look fresh and rested, just like after a vacation. The condition of your hair will also improve, it will look beautiful and healthy. They will become thicker and shinier, stop splitting and fall out less. Your mood will significantly improve, you will feel lightness and bliss. You will feel at ease, as if you have lifted a heavy burden. You will gain self-confidence. A smile will shine on your face, the joy of life will emanate from you, and this attracts people like a magnet! As a result of cleansing, you will feel a huge surge of energy. Your face will be refreshed, you will look like you've done plastic surgery! If you constantly maintain inner purity, then after some time you will be surprised to find that the years have turned back. You will look better than your peers, and others will tell you about it!

There are many options for cleansing the intestines - choose according to your taste!
Cleaning Pros Cons

Using bran

This cleaning is one of the simplest; it practically does not change your usual lifestyle.
Frankly speaking, bran is a tasteless thing, but is this a drawback? So we can say that this cleaning has no disadvantages

Juice, kefir, apple

Lasts only one day
It happens that by the end of the day he begins to suck in the pit of his stomach. Sometimes slight weakness and dizziness occur. No wonder, the body works, gets rid of toxins

Using raw vegetables

Lasts only one day
By the end of the day you get a little tired of the monotony. Prepare different salads, this will make cleaning easier

Using herbal infusion

This cleansing practically does not change the usual way of life.
Herbal infusion is not the most delicious thing in the world, especially at first, but if you get used to it, you will then get the hang of it and drink it with pleasure


It is good because it cleanses not only the intestines, but also the entire body.
It gets boring to eat only rice in the morning for a whole month, this monotony is tiring especially towards the end of the cycle, but there is one trick (see below)

Using enemas

The most effective cleaning intestines, within a week you get a noticeable healing effect
This is the most time-consuming cleaning. You will have to subordinate your daily routine to her for a week

Cleansing with bran

Bran is hard and coarse particles of grain shells mixed with flour. Their main value lies in the fiber they contain (these are the fibers that make up the walls plant cells). When the fiber contained in bran is mixed with water, it swells and increases in volume. As a result, a large amount of loose feces is created in the intestines. They put pressure on the intestinal walls, and this promotes emptying. Bran also has a choleretic effect, and this also causes stool. Together with the swollen fiber, all the “dirt” is removed from the intestines: cholesterol, salts heavy metals, radionuclides, decay products of food substances. This cleansing has a beneficial effect on health.

There is one more pleasant point: with the help of bran you can not only cleanse the intestines, but also lose excess weight practically without sports activities, diets, etc. Not a bad side effect, right?

For cleaning, of course, you will need bran. Buying them is not a problem. They are sold in the bakery and grocery departments of food stores, pharmacies, and also where they sell food products. healthy eating. They are inexpensive.

How to clean

The cleansing lasts one month. Bran should be taken three times a day 15 minutes before meals. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of bran and eat them with one or two glasses of water (instead of water, you can use weak tea without sugar or juice). And then lead a normal life: eat, drink, work, mind your own business, have fun, etc.

Bran must be washed down with water! Otherwise, the whole point of using them is lost. Fiber, for which bran is eaten, works only when it absorbs water and swells.

The daily dose of bran is no more than 6 tbsp. spoons Don’t try to eat more “to make it even healthier.” Everything is good in moderation! Otherwise, you may cause gas formation, heaviness in the stomach, etc. You can take bran with you to work and eat a couple of spoons 15 minutes before your lunch break and wash them down with water or weak tea.

How often should you clean?

A month-long course of cleansing with bran should be carried out once a year. Well, if you want your intestines to remain clean all the time and work like clockwork, then take bran in the morning all the time, fiber is an excellent broom for the intestines! Eat 2 tbsp. spoons a day, always washed down with one or two glasses of water, mineral water, juice or tea. And then you will forget about many ailments and will look great!

Juice cleanse

Almost all juices contain fruit acid. For cleaning, it is better to take those with sourness, for example apple, orange, grapefruit. You can also use sweeter ones, for example peach, multifruit, etc., they just have less acid. Thanks to fruit acid, juices perfectly wash the intestines, remove toxins from its walls, dissolve them and remove them. The content of fruit acid in juices is low, so it will not cause any harm to the intestines, but only benefit. And of course, juices saturate our body with vitamins, you know that. Another nice side effect of juice cleansing is that you can lose 0.5-1 kg in one day. Not bad, right?

For a juice colon cleanse you will need 2 liters of fruit or vegetable juice. You can buy ready-made juice or, if you are not too lazy, make it yourself using a juicer. Of course, freshly squeezed juices are better than store-bought ones. But whatever you say, preparing them takes time. To do this, you need to peel the fruits/vegetables, cut them, put them in a juicer, etc. So, if you are busy, use store-bought juices - it is always better to make something 80% better than nothing. Important! When you buy juice, be sure to read the ingredients on the package! You only need 100% juice - no added sugar, citric acid etc. All kinds of drinks and nectars are not suitable for cleansing the intestines! Manufacturers, trying to attract the attention of buyers, often cheat and write “100% quality” (and not “100% juice”) in large letters on the package. But don’t fall for these tricks - take only natural juices, without additives. Try to buy juices in liter glass bottles; they are more expensive, but they are of better quality than juices in cardboard packaging. The fact is that directly pressed juices are sold in bottles/cans.

First they are squeezed out, then immediately poured into bottles/jars and rolled up with lids. But in cardboard packages everything is different. There the juices are squeezed out, then the water is evaporated from them to obtain a concentrate, then this concentrate is brought to factories (sometimes from abroad!), diluted with water and poured into cardboard packaging for long-term storage - tetrapack. Do you feel the difference? Therefore, freshly squeezed juices are best, in second place are those in glass bottles/jars, and in third place are those in cartons.

How to clean

You should spend one day only on juices. You can’t eat anything on this day! In addition to juices, drink too (including water), so wait until the next day with tea and coffee. Drink a glass of juice (200 g) every hour. Don't break this rule! An hour has passed - drink a glass of juice. If you miss a dose, you may develop an appetite, feel hungry and, God forbid, have a breakdown. And if you drink a glass of juice every hour, the feeling of hunger will dull and your appetite will not increase - it’s been tested. Well, if you are used to constantly chewing something and have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, then be patient. After all, you are doing this for yourself, your loved one, for your health and beauty! How does a juice cleanse fit into your work life? Very simple. Take juice with you to work and drink it. For convenience, you can pour it into half-liter plastic mineral water bottles; they can easily fit into a medium-sized handbag. You don't have to tell everyone that you are doing a cleanse. Colleagues may start egging you on, saying, “eat this, eat that, why are you starving yourself” - you know. So keep yours little secret with you, it doesn’t concern anyone but you, do you agree?

How often should you clean?

Juice cleansing of the intestines should be done once a month. Well, if you want to get even better results, then do it twice a month.

Kefir cleansing

Kefir came to us from the Caucasus - it is there that there are special fungal bacteria with which milk is fermented (they do not reproduce in other places). Before praising kefir (and it’s worth it!), I’ll remember what the famous scientist Mechnikov said. He believed that the main cause of aging is decomposition processes in the intestines. According to him, we grow old because we poison ourselves with putrefactive substances from our own intestines. Mechnikov believed dairy products(primarily kefir) is a powerful means of healing and rejuvenation. Kefir promotes bowel movements, you know that. It suppresses putrefactive bacteria and cleanses the internal microflora, thanks to which a healthy environment is restored in the intestines. In addition, kefir contains necessary for the body microelements and improves immunity. Kefir colon cleansing will bring you great benefits!

For kefir cleaning you will need 2 liters of kefir. It is important that it is tasty, then you will drink it with pleasure. You can take kefir with a fat content of 1%, 2.5% or 3.2% - it doesn’t matter. Even if you start drinking kefir with the highest fat content (3.2%), don’t worry, you won’t get better from it in one day.

Fruit and sweet kefir should not be taken. Yogurt cannot be used! Therefore, drink our native, natural kefir with a shelf life of no more than five days from the date of manufacture, and everything will be fine!

How to clean

Kefir colon cleansing is carried out in the same way as juice cleansing and lasts one day. The only difference is that instead of juice we take kefir (or bifidokefir, it doesn’t matter). You need to drink a glass of kefir every hour. In this way, you “deceive” the body - before it gets hungry and asks for food, you give it a sop in advance, they say, “here, get rid of it for a while!” This way you can last until the evening without much difficulty. Kefir, like juice, can be taken with you to work or bought at the nearest store. The main thing is that when you return home from work, you don’t have a breakdown and don’t overeat. Well, what can I say - you have to be patient a little, cleansing requires internal discipline, you can’t do without it!

How often should you clean?

This cleaning should be done once a month. But you can do it a couple of times, depending on your desire. Kefir cleansing, like juice cleansing, helps get rid of extra pounds. If you urgently need to lose 0.5–1 kg in order to fit into your favorite dress, then do it, and the result is guaranteed - verified!

Apple cleanse

Apples have long been considered an excellent means of maintaining health. The British say: “One apple a day and you don’t need a doctor.” They, like all fruits and vegetables, contain fiber (and this is the “intestinal broom”, remember?). In addition, almost all apples (with the exception of sweet ones) contain fruit acid; it perfectly dissolves waste and toxins.
For apple peeling you will need 2 kg of apples. It is best to take Antonovka or other varieties with sourness. The main thing is that you like apples to your taste, then you will eat them with pleasure.

How to clean

Apple peeling is carried out for one day. Divide 2 kg of apples into seven to eight piles and eat them every two hours - that's all! If you want to drink, take tea without sugar, mineral water, herbal infusion. Don't drink too much, three to four glasses are enough. You won't want more, because apples contain juice. You can take apples with you to work, so this cleaning also fits well into your normal work routine.

How often should you clean?

Apple peeling can be done once every one to two months.

Cleanse with raw vegetables

Raw vegetables are a storehouse of fiber. Someone even said that this Toothbrush for the guts! Raw vegetables also provide the body with a large amount of vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. True, it’s still not worth it to constantly eat only raw vegetables and nothing else. Because too much fiber will irritate the intestines, and this will not be good for it. Everything is good in moderation!

For cleaning, stock up on vegetables. Best suited: carrots, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage (daikon), cauliflower, green salad, radish (black or Margelan), radish (red or white), rutabaga, turnip, bell pepper, zucchini, zucchini, cucumbers, apples, dill, parsley, cilantro.

Buy 2 kg of any vegetables from this list. You will use them to make salads. For dressing you will need salt and a little bit of any vegetable oil(sunflower, olive, corn, rapeseed, soy, etc.). You cannot season the salad with sour cream or mayonnaise.

How to clean

This cleaning will take one day. During it, you should only eat salad from raw vegetables, and nothing else (including bread, etc.). If you want to drink, take weak tea, mineral water or juice. Prepare a large bowl of vegetable salad from any of the vegetables listed in this list, season it with a little vegetable oil and lightly salt it. Do not add vinegar, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis, causes thirst and appetite. Well, if you firmly decide that you won’t “break out”, then so be it, add a little apple cider vinegar or soy sauce.
You can lightly season the salad by adding suneli hops, curry or garlic. But don't overdo it, as spices increase your appetite. Store the salad in the refrigerator and grab a serving every two hours. Don't take longer breaks between meals to avoid getting too hungry.

For variety, you can prepare not just one, but different salads.

1) white cabbage, carrots and garlic;
2) black radish, carrots and a little apple;
3) cauliflower (raw!), carrots and dill;
4) Chinese cabbage, bell pepper and cilantro.

And so on. Imagine! The main thing is that the salads are to your taste, then you will eat them with pleasure. By the way, greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) contain a large amount of fiber. Some even like to chew only greens, without anything else. And rightly so, it is very good for the intestines! So season your salads with herbs for health! You can take the salad with you to work.

How often should you clean?

This cleaning can be done once a month. In general, eat a good portion of raw vegetable salad every day. Thanks to this daily “cleaning”, your intestines will function perfectly and waste will not be retained in it!

Cleansing with herbal infusions

Since ancient times, people have been using herbs to heal, rejuvenate, and even bewitch their loved ones! Plants are the same medicines, only natural. Each herb included in the collection acts in a special way, it works in its own “area” and contributes something of its own to the cleansing process. One causes stool, the other drives bile, the third dissolves mucus and old waste, the fourth relieves inflammation and calms peristalsis. Let's make a herbal mixture. A pinch of one, two pinches of another, and so on - as witches do! All herbs needed for cleansing are sold in pharmacies. If you like to go into nature and know herbs, you can collect them yourself while walking through the forest. Or you can take them on yours summer cottage, if, of course, they grow with you. Sometimes a certain herb may not be available in the pharmacy. It's OK! Replace it with another one with a similar effect.

Compound herbal collection

Action Proportions of Herbs to choose from

Choleretic 4 parts Dandelion root, immortelle, corn silk, wormwood
Laxatives 3 parts senna, rhubarb root, zhoster
Mucus-dissolving 2 parts Plantain, elderberry, fennel
Calming 1 part Chamomile, mint, motherwort

Take a bowl or jar and pour different herbs into it, observing the above proportions. Pieces can be measured with a tablespoon. Mix everything. The herbal mixture for cleaning is ready

How to clean

Brew yourself a herbal infusion every day. Take 1.5 tbsp. spoons of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid. It's even better to use a thermos. Let the herbal tea steep for an hour. Strain it and drink it before bed. After this, do not eat or drink anything. Do not put sugar in the infusion!

The next morning (or early in the morning) you will have a bowel movement. As they say, relieved! The indicator of success is normal, abundant stool (but not diarrhea!) and a feeling of lightness and complete liberation. Perhaps 1.5 tbsp is for your body. A spoonful of herbal mixture is a bit much, and you will, as they say, “carry away.” It’s okay, in this case, just slightly reduce the dose - everyone’s body is different! It also happens the other way around: if you are prone to constipation, then this dose may be too small for you, and there will be no stool the next morning. Then slightly increase the amount of herbal tea leaves - instead of 1.5 tbsp. Take 2 spoons, that's all. In short, choose the right dose of herbal tea for you, and everything will be fine!

How long does cleaning take?

This tea should be drunk at night for two weeks. Well, if you want to achieve an ideal result, then on an empty stomach, after bowel movements, drink half a glass of kefir, then healthy intestinal microflora will be restored even faster.

How often should you clean?

Herbal colon cleansing should be done once a year. For prevention, you can drink a herbal infusion once a week, before bed, then your intestines will work like clockwork. And you don’t need to take herbs every day for a year, otherwise minerals and beneficial bacteria will be washed out of the intestines, and this is not good. And in general, excessive zeal does not lead to good. Everything is good in moderation!

Cleansing with rice

For this cleaning, soaked and cooked rice is used. After soaking for five days, it becomes porous, although this is not visible to the naked eye. Such rice becomes a sorbent; it draws out mucus, waste, putrefactive bacteria, old feces, etc. from the intestines. In addition, it draws out salts from the urinary tract and joints. In this way, not only the large intestine is cleansed, but the entire body. These are the extraordinary properties that soaked rice has! Moreover, the salts will not begin to come out immediately, but two to three weeks after the start of cleansing, and will continue to come out for another two to three months. This happens because the body is not a room that needs to be cleaned, but a self-regulating system. Almost any cleaning starts the mechanism more deep cleansing. If your intestines become cleaner, your blood will too. Gradually, other organs and systems will begin to catch up. If, of course, you try to continue to support healthy image life.

This cleansing is also good because it has no contraindications, so everyone without exception can do it. For this cleanse, buy long-grain rice (less starchy than round rice). Pour 20 tbsp. spoons of rice into a bowl or pan, pour cold water from the tap, if, of course, you have decent water (and if not, then boiled), and rinse thoroughly. Then fill it with water again and put it in the refrigerator to soak. Every day, rinse the rice thoroughly, pour out the water with the starch particles dissolved in it, replace it with a new one and put it in the refrigerator again. The rice should be soaked for five days.

How to clean

After five days, rinse the rice and cook it as usual (by the way, soaked rice cooks quickly!). Do not add salt, sugar, butter or other seasonings to it! Divide the cooked rice into five portions. Eat one of them on an empty stomach (after this you can’t eat for four hours!). You can heat the rice in the microwave or eat it cold - whatever you like. Place the rest in the refrigerator.

On the same day, take 20 tbsp again. spoons of rice, place in a bowl, rinse and refrigerate as described above. This will be a new "batch" and let it soak for now (remember to rinse the rice every day; so as not to mix up the days, write down the number when you put it in, and after five days of soaking, cook it). The next day, eat a second serving of cooked rice. And so on. The main thing is to follow the basic rule: before cooking rice, it must be soaked for five days. Rice should be eaten on an empty stomach and after that you should not eat or drink anything for four hours! Rice cleaning is carried out for 40 days. But there is one trick that makes rice cleaning easier. Let's say you woke up at 5-6 in the morning to go to the toilet. Once you've done your business, take a portion of rice out of the refrigerator and eat it. And go back to sleep, until 7-8 am (or until the time you usually wake up). You can have breakfast four hours after you eat the rice, that is, at 9-10 am.

Everything is legal - for four hours the rice “worked” and pulled out toxins, so there is no violation of the regime here.

How often should you clean?

Rice cleaning should be done once every one to two years.

Let me remind you: the release of salts will continue even after its end, so do not rush to draw conclusions.
You will feel the real effect a couple of months after it!

Cleansing with enemas

It is based on the fact that water is great power, capable of dissolving almost everything, it is not without reason that they say: “water wears away stones.” Water penetrates into all the bends and nooks and crannies of the intestine, soaks what is stuck to its walls, dissolves it and carries it away. Enemas are done not only with clean water, but also with various additives, for example lemon juice, soda, potassium permanganate, herbs.
For cleaning, you need to stock up on the following: an enema, bedding, Vaseline (or any oil), and a cleaning solution. Buy a 1.5 liter enema at the pharmacy. Just not a douche bulb, but an enema, similar to a heating pad, with a hose with a tap at the end. It’s called an “Esmarch mug”, they come in rubber or polyethylene, you can take any. A sheet or piece of polyethylene will do for bedding - the main thing is that you will fit on it when you lie down. Vaseline or oil will be needed to lubricate the enema tip so that it enters easily. anus. Instead, you can use any fatty cream, in short, what you have on hand. And finally, you need a washing composition. You can take plain water, preferably boiled. But you can also use raw, from the tap, if it is of decent quality. The water temperature should be room temperature or slightly cool, but in no case hot! You can use water with different additives. They all help dissolve toxins, each in their own way.

Component How to add How it works

* Lemon juice or citric acid
The solution should be slightly acidic so as not to burn the intestines
Citric acid dissolves toxins and washes them away from the intestinal walls

* Soda
Dissolve 1 tablespoon in 1.5 liters of water
Dissolves mucus, removes toxins from the intestinal walls

* Potassium permanganate
The solution should turn out slightly pinkish
Disinfects the intestines, suppresses putrefactive bacteria

* Medicinal herbs

Take 1 tablespoon of any herb from the list on the right or a mixture of these herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. When it cools down, strain and add warm water to make 1.5 liters
Chamomile relieves inflammation and removes gases.
Plantain heals microcracks and dissolves mucus.
Yarrow relieves inflammation and reduces hemorrhoids.
Celandine removes polyps.

Try each of these supplements and determine which one works best for you, and use that one in the future.

How to clean

It is best to give an enema after you have had natural bowel movements. But if you didn’t have it today, then first do an enema with 300–400 g ordinary water. This will open the sphincters (valves) of the rectum and allow the bowel to empty. After this, you can begin to remove the “sticky” waste.

How is an enema given?

There is nothing complicated here. Pour water or a cleaning solution into it (don’t forget to close the faucet before doing this so that the water does not leak out!). Hang the enema at approximately your height. Lubricate the enema tip with greasy cream, Vaseline or oil so that it then easily enters the anus. Lay a sheet or oilcloth (can be on the floor) and lie on your side, pull your knees towards your stomach. Carefully insert the tip of the hose completely into the anus, then open the tap. Always hold the tip with your hand so that it does not jump out, otherwise water will flow onto the floor! Breathe calmly and deeply. Water will flow from the hose into the intestines (you will feel that “the process has begun”), and the enema will gradually “deflate” until it becomes completely flat. When all the water has passed from the enema into the intestines, close the tap and remove the tip. Keep water inside (no more than five to seven minutes), because during this time it dissolves toxins. Try to restrain the urge “in a big way”, but do not go far from the toilet, otherwise, the hour is uneven, you will not make it... Well, when you feel that holding water is no longer bearable, go to the toilet and let it out. You will see for yourself how much “good” will come out of you! And this, keep in mind, after a bowel movement... It happens that after half an hour or an hour you will feel another urge (therefore, do not leave the house immediately after the enema), and another portion of bad blood will come out of you - that’s where it belongs! Finally, lubricate the anus with a rich cream, chamomile or calendula ointment, or insert a soothing candle (all of which are sold at the pharmacy) - let it rest. Don’t worry that such rinses will disrupt your intestinal microflora. In a clean environment, healthy microflora is restored very quickly. To help this, drink a glass of bifidokefir every day, and everything will be great! Do such enemas for a week - this will be a complete course of intestinal cleansing. They can be placed in the morning or evening - whenever you have free time. When you do this cleanse, eat light food, try not to overeat. The body is working at this time, getting rid of everything unnecessary, so why give it additional work and
load with heavy food?

How often should you clean?

This week-long cleansing cycle should be carried out once a year. You can give yourself an enema once a month to keep your intestines clean, then you will have them in perfect order!

Most likely, most of you have found horseshoes. Although they are iron, due to their shape and holes they can give a color signal. But one does not always raise one’s hand to throw away a blacksmith’s work. So, you brought home a rusty horseshoe and washed it in warm water. What's next?

Some craftsmen clean horseshoes using steel wool. This results in unsightly scratches on the horseshoe and the horseshoe loses its natural appearance.

However, there is a method that does not harm the surface of the horseshoe. To begin with, you will need to travel or go out into nature to make a fire. Or get to a house that has a stove. The horseshoe will have to be placed in the fire, and when it is calcined (the color will change from red to light gray), lowered into cold water. After this, tap with a hammer or something heavy and brush.

As a result, all the rust will come off and reveal an uneven blackish surface with a metallic sheen.

By the way, it is especially pleasant to roast horseshoes in the grill. Below is a horseshoe, above is a shish kebab. A classic combination of business and pleasure. We also remind you that you should follow safety precautions and place the horseshoe on the coals not with a twig, but with tongs.

P.S. A little handmade from your girlfriend or wife, and the horseshoe turns into hot commodity, which is usually given “for good luck”!

Hello, dear visitors. If you suddenly begin to notice that your head has become heavy, your mouth appears bad taste, the complexion has changed, this may mean that the body requires general cleaning. To help the body, there are various ways body cleansing - folk, Tibetan, from yogis, from doctors. Let's try to cover at least a few today.

Why do you need to cleanse your body?

Perhaps you doubt whether the body needs cleansing? Yes, we do! We clean the house, the summer cottage.

Human body can cleanse itself, but it’s better to help it anyway than to watch how it bad ecology, improper nutrition, he begins to work for wear and tear.

Where to start cleansing the body

Cleansing should begin with intestines, since it contains the most toxins and wastes. Due to lack of daily consumption clean water, intake of low-quality products, improper nutrition, food cannot be completely digested, so it begins to ferment there, rot, poisoning our body.

And his poisoning leads to excess weight, headaches, lethargy, apathy. Following this are serious illnesses, up to cancer. Now do you understand how seriously you need to take cleansing this organ?

In addition, the liver secretes bile, which promotes the breakdown of fats. Is a clogged organ really able to cope with its task?

Then we clean kidneys- another blood filter. It is important to know that after cleansing the liver, the kidneys themselves begin to cope with the cleansing task.

These recipes have been known for a very long time. With their help, you can get rid of waste and toxins in blood vessels, the liver, and cleanse the blood and lymph.

Lemon with garlic for cleaning blood vessels

Drug recipe:

  • Grind 100 grams of flax seeds in a coffee grinder, pour in 250 grams. sunflower oil (unrefined).
  • Let stand for 7 days, shaking daily.
  • Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon in 45 minutes. before meals.

Course - 10 days. Shake before use.
During this period, exclude flour, sweets, fried foods from your diet, eat fish, vegetable dishes.

Attention: for cholecystitis, exacerbation cholelithiasis, if you have pancreatitis, you should not drink the medicine in oil. It's better to do it on the water. For this, 1 tsp. pour the seeds into a thermos, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water Reception: 150 ml of infusion along with seeds. Course – 2 - 3 weeks.

The most powerful Siberian healing method

To cleanse the lymph, blood, intestines, liver, kidneys, you can use another Siberian method - with cedar resin or resin.

This the most powerful antiseptic, given to us by nature itself. By taking the drug, you will improve your joints, cleanse your blood vessels, and heal all organs of the body. In a word, where a person’s illness is lodged, that’s where recovery begins. The entire procedure will last 80 days.

  • Buy an insulin syringe at the pharmacy, as well as oleoresin (12%), remove the needle from the syringe.
  • Start the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, with 5 units of oleoresin dissolved in a teaspoon of water.
  • After taking it, do not eat or drink for 30 minutes.
  • Then you need to add 5 units every day to bring it to 200 units or 5 ml.

From the 40th day, begin to reduce the dose by 5 units daily. The procedure is carried out once a year.

A simplified method of healing with resin

But not all people can take advantage of such a health improvement scheme. There is a simplified cleansing schedule for them. At night, drink half a teaspoon of 10% with a tablespoon of water. Take one month. Repeat 2 or 3 times a year.

Flaxseed oil for cleansing and weight loss

Flaxseed oil is suitable for cleansing the intestines. In the morning, drink 2 tbsp. linseed oil, and after 30 minutes 1 tbsp. raw water.

Cleaning will begin in 30 minutes and can continue all day. If you carry out this procedure for several days in a row, you will lose up to 2 kg.

Cleansing the body with soda

There is no clear answer about the cleansing properties of soda. Some say that it is harmful, others - oh, how well it cleans. Let's figure out why you need to take soda?

  1. Soda shapes alkaline environment, in which all the viruses cancer cells, bacteria, as well as harmful protozoa, cannot live and reproduce.
  2. Soda improves immunity.

Be careful, if sodium bicarbonate is taken incorrectly, it will only cause harm.

How to drink soda correctly: first take a dose on the tip of a knife, gradually increase to 1 teaspoon, stir in small quantities hot water, then add cold water to 1 glass to get a warm solution, drink. To cleanse the stomach we drink the solution slowly, for other organs a little faster.

You should drink 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach. Course: from 1 week to 1 month. You can take it once a week for the rest of your life, in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sensation from Professor Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin, while conducting research, noticed that to destroy cancer cells and other pathologies, lymph small intestine produces hydrogen peroxide. But over time, it becomes clogged and stops producing it. We can help her if we drink 3% hydrogen peroxide daily.

The sequence of taking hydrogen peroxide: first, drop 2 drops into a quarter glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach. We monitor your health. Then every day add 1 drop of peroxide, bring it to 15.

If the body reacts normally, then 15 drops can be added every time you drink water on an empty stomach. Peroxide is a good blood purifier.

Dear friends, I hope you have learned a lot about cleansing the body, but what method of cleansing the body should you choose, and I have prepared many more interesting recommendations. Subscribe to my blog, invite your friends and acquaintances, because they also want to be healthy.

The topic of cleansing the body is quite popular. There are a lot of techniques and methods, and there is a lot of information on the Internet.

I am cautious about deep cleansing, because they have many contraindications. I prefer a gentle cleansing of the body from waste and toxins and for this I use the simplest recipes that can be used at home, that’s what we’re talking about.

Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins: why do it?

Why cleanse the body at all, I don’t think anyone has any doubts. Although, not all are supporters of this, including doctors.

But I think, like many traditional healers, if a person has some kind of disease, then its treatment must begin first of all with cleansing the body, otherwise the desired effect may not be obtained.

If you decide to lose weight, then you also need to cleanse your body.

Do you consider yourself healthy? But thanks to our ecology and polluted environment, increased background radiation, constant environmental disasters, the accumulation of cars, not only in large cities, harmful and toxic substances accumulate in the human body, which must be gotten rid of and cleansed the blood.

What do we eat? All kinds of goodies stuffed with flavor enhancers, dyes and others nutritional supplements. By the way, if you have not yet given up mayonnaise, margarine and refined vegetable oil, I highly recommend reading here.

In addition, we often catch colds, we get nervous, and we take so many medications! All this leads to the accumulation of toxins and waste and negatively affects our liver. Therefore, the liver needs regular cleaning.

Everyone needs to cleanse their body at least twice a year – in spring and autumn.

Any cleansing of the body should begin with cleansing the intestines, because if it is clogged, and even tormented, where can all these accumulated wastes and toxins go?

Well, you can’t do without using a large amount.

As I mentioned above, I do not use deep cleaning methods primarily because they are dangerous for gallstone disease. After all, a stone can move, clog ducts, cause severe pain, and then there is a direct path to the operating table.

I remember a case when my employee was cleaning her liver according to Malakhov and ended up in the hospital with a burst uterine cyst. Maybe it was a coincidence, I can’t say, but I still don’t recommend anyone to undertake such a procedure without consulting a doctor.

But gentle cleansing of the body at home is quite possible.

I will tell you about several simple methods for cleansing the body that I use myself or know positive reviews about them and trust these methods.

One of great ways- use. I described how to drink it in a separate article.

Gentle cleansing of the body with buckwheat - recipes

Buckwheat cleansing is a fairly popular and often recommended method by both doctors and healers.

What should be done. In the evening, rinse a glass of buckwheat, pour it into a thermos and add two glasses of hot water. You can also use glass or clay dishes.

And in the morning you can already eat this buckwheat porridge during the day as much as you want. But it is important not to add salt, sugar, butter or honey.

If it’s really hard, you can add a little chopped dried apricots, or an apple, or carrots, or pineapples for taste.

The course of cleansing the body with such a diet is one week. Be sure to consult your doctor before trying this diet.

There is another recipe that is more acceptable to everyone: cleansing the body with buckwheat and kefir.

To do this, grind 2 tablespoons of buckwheat (pre-washed and dried) in a coffee grinder and pour a glass of kefir. Leave overnight, stir and eat in the morning. Buckwheat with kefir should be eaten only once a day in the morning.

Buckwheat removes poisons, toxins and radioactive substances from the body, cleanses the blood, liver, blood vessels, helps with constipation, improves complexion, and effectively helps lose weight.

Body cleansing with juices

Cleansing the body can be done different juices. But beet juice is the most effective.

And you only need a little bit of it. Freshly squeezed juice should be allowed to stand for two hours in the refrigerator and only then taken.

You should start with one teaspoon of juice, diluted with water or mixed with carrot or apple juice. Gradually increasing the rate, bring the juice intake to two tablespoons.

You need to take beet juice three times a day before meals for 10 days.

Beetroot juice does an excellent job of cleansing the blood.

Contraindications: diabetes, peptic ulcer stomach, urolithiasis.

How to cleanse the body with activated carbon

For 2 weeks you need to take activated carbon tablets at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. The tablets must be taken twice a day. In the morning and a couple of hours before bedtime, drink plenty of water.

Cleansing the body with milk thistle

To cleanse the intestines and liver, prepare a decoction or decoction of milk thistle seeds. For the liver, this is generally the best remedy in my opinion.

To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of seed powder into half a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave overnight, strain in the morning and then drink 150 ml three times a day before meals.

To prepare a decoction, 30 grams of milk thistle seeds are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and simmered over low heat until half of the liquid has boiled away. Then the solution should be filtered. You need to drink one tablespoon every hour during the day.

Milk thistle infusion or decoction should be taken for 1-2 weeks.

Use with caution in cardiac vascular diseases, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Herbs for cleansing the body

On the advice of V.I. I often cleanse my liver with blades of grass and celandine. In general, this should be done once a month regularly, because we eat every day, accumulating toxins, and celandine will very gently help cleanse the liver. You can read more .

For cleansing gastrointestinal tract You can also prepare such a collection of herbs: take equal parts of immortelle, motherwort, mint, dandelion root, flax seed, chamomile, buckthorn bark, senna leaf, wormwood, tansy.
Combine all herbs. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink in small sips between meals.

I found this recipe from traditional healer V.D. Oleinikov, as well as the following method of cleansing the body.

Cleansing the body with flax seed

Flax seeds are very good at removing toxins, radionuclides, chemotherapy drugs, and cleansing the entire body as a whole.

You will need several packs of flax seed per course; I buy them at the pharmacy.

Pour 12 teaspoons of flax seed into 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool. Take 150 ml warm. from 12 noon to 12 midnight 6 times.

I distributed the appointment times by hour: 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.00.

The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. The result of cleansing is visible within a week. He made me very happy. After cleansing there is such lightness throughout the body!

Recipe for cleansing the body with onion peels

Another interesting recipe for gentle cleansing of the body is offered by V. Travinka - using onion peels, rose hips and pine needles.

We collect pine needles while walking in the park or forest. You need to take needles from the branch 10 cm from the base.

Pour 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 1 tablespoon of onion peel and rose hips into a liter of water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Wrap the pan in something warm and leave until the morning. Strain, top up boiled water up to a volume of 1.5 liters.

Drink 1 glass three times a day between meals.

This composition cleanses every cell of the body.

It also perfectly cleanses lymph and renews cells, I drink it regularly with breaks, I want to be young for a long time :)

And just recently I found out that the best remedy considered to cleanse the blood.

I wrote several simple recipes gentle cleansing of the body, which I like, and you choose the one you like.

» 5 simple ways cleansing the body

The statement that “the human body is a self-cleaning and perfectly balanced system” has already become a cliché. But by creating such perfect organism, nature could hardly have foreseen the virtuosity with which the brain of this organism would come up with ways of self-poisoning and self-destruction. Therefore, how to cleanse the body at home remains topical issue. After all, toxins are still deposited in the body and it is advisable to remove them to prevent diseases.

Let's look at the five simplest, most accessible and effective ways cleansing the body of toxins and toxins at home.

If you write herethat before cleansing you need to consult a doctor, you still won’t go, and the doctor will be surprised when you show up for an appointment with a similar question.

The basic rule when carrying out self-cleansing

When cleansing the body, you need to increase the amount of water you drink, since otherwise constipation will occur and additional self-poisoning of the body will occur.

The question of the need to use enemas to cleanse the body is controversial. A great many arguments for and against. An enema is not the easiest way to cleanse the body, so we will not consider it here.

The effect of the methods of cleansing described below at home is based on the fact that when harmful substances are removed from the gastrointestinal tract, the body as a whole is cleansed. The liquid part of the gastrointestinal juices is filtered from the blood and is again absorbed into the blood in the lower intestines. Therefore, cleansing the intestines prevents toxins from entering the bloodstream.

Citrus juice cleansing

Perhaps the most pleasant and easiest procedure, because no effort is required other than squeezing out the juices and mixing them with water. You need to drink juice when you want to eat, that is, we drink juice instead of food. You don’t feel hungry because the vitamins and microelements in the juices will easily support you. The basic rule: if you want to eat, drink! In addition to the intestines, this procedure cleanses the lymph. To carry out such a cleansing of the body, you should not have high acidity or allergies to citrus fruits. You will need:

· 2 kg of grapefruits;

· 2-3 lemons;

· 2 kg of oranges.

You should get about 2 liters of juice. Add water to 4 liters of liquid. You need to take spring water, purified by a filter, melted water, but not boiled dead water.

Take a laxative in the morning on an empty stomach. You can take 1 tablespoon (30-50g) Glauber's salt and dissolve it in 1 glass (200 ml) of warm or cool water. Not everyone can drink this, but there is an alternative in the form of a decoction of senna leaf or buckthorn bark.

We start drinking the mixture half an hour after taking the laxative and continue every 20-30 minutes.

The effect of a laxative will manifest itself at the most unexpected time, so it is optimal to carry out this cleansing of the body on a day off.

The ideal option is to undergo this cleansing of the body for 3 days. If it becomes difficult, you can limit yourself to one day to begin with. The next day it is advisable not to eat heavy food. fatty foods, but only vegetables and fruits, gradually moving on to boiled vegetables, cereals and their usual food.

Citrus cleansing of the body will give your body an excellent feeling of lightness and freshness.

Activated carbon cleaning

The cleansing method is simple and, when carried out correctly, safe for the body.

Cleaning with activated carbon is carried out over 7-10 days at the rate of: 1 tablet per 10 kg of your weight 2 times a day or 3 - 5 tablets 3 times a day, preferably 1.5 - 2 hours after meals, with a glass of water.

Be sure to drink at least two liters a day of purified or mineral water without gas.

The effect of taking activated carbon is based on its sorption properties. Like a sponge, it absorbs, binds and removes all the dirt accumulated in the body: salts of heavy metals, toxic substances and radionuclides. But in addition, in the process of energy absorption, the blood is cleansed due to the purified liquid part of the gastrointestinal juices.

But coal not only removes harmful substances, but also vitamins and microelements, so do not forget to replenish their supply in the body.

Cleaning with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

MCC is one of the means used for enterosorption. Its cleansing effect is similar activated carbon and dietary fiber, that is, mechanical and sorption.

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is a plant fiber concentrate that is the purest porous form of cellulose. It is obtained by finely grinding and thoroughly cleaning cotton or wood pulp. It is absolutely neutral and harmless to the body. MCC is one of the few industrial products that clinical trials which were not found side effects when used correctly.

Once in the stomach, MCC actively absorbs liquid, swelling and creating a feeling of satiety. But here lies the danger reduced level in the diet useful substances. After all, even with a feeling of satiety, the body does not receive anything useful from microcellulose. Therefore, a feeling of fatigue and loss of strength may appear.

It is recommended to increase the dose gradually. Start taking it with a single dose of 2-3 tablets, which are recommended to be taken up to 5 times a day, thirty minutes before meals, with a glass of water. Since microcellulose, when it enters the stomach, takes away all the liquid there, it is very important that the daily amount of water is at least 2.5 liters.

Also, microcrystalline cellulose can be a substitute for breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner.

Cleansing the body with rice

The ability of rice to cleanse the body of salts and toxins has long been known, and this quality is effectively used for weight loss. But it should be emphasized that the use of crushed, polished rice varieties is ineffective. It is best to use unpolished, dark rice, which cooks well and, due to its rough shells, cleanses the intestines mechanically. In addition, this rice almost doubles in volume when cooked, you get a lot of it and you won’t feel hungry.

Take 1 cup of rice, rinse it and fill it with water. In order for rice to better draw out salts, it is best to soak it for 3 days, rinsing regularly until the water remains clear. You can soak it for a day, also rinsing and draining the water.

The secret is that when we soak rice grains and then drain the water, the starch is removed from the cells along with the water, and the grains become porous. As a result, starch-free porous rice becomes an excellent sorbent and absorbs all toxins during digestion, cleansing the entire body.

Then drain the water and cook the rice in 2 cups of water until the water evaporates.

Divide the finished rice into 4 servings. Before eating rice, you can drink a glass of rosehip infusion, but you can just drink plain water. In addition to rosehip decoction, at least 2 liters of clean water should also be drunk on this day.

Eat servings at regular intervals throughout the day. On the second day, the diet should be 500 g of boiled beets and 200 g of apples.

Then take a break for 3-4 days with your usual diet (but no excesses) and repeat the procedure. It is advisable to carry out cleansing in a course of two months.

Salad "Pastel" for cleansing the body

The beneficial properties of broom lettuce (brush) are determined by its components with a high content of plant fibers. It is made from equal parts of grated raw beets, carrots and shredded white cabbage. Add 2 tablespoons to vegetables olive oil and juice of 1 squeezed lemon. You can add fragrant herbs if you like.

You can prepare 1.5 kg of “broom” and eat it throughout fasting day. And drink plenty of water at the same time.

But you need to know that red beets can cause heartburn and stomach pain, and cabbage is a recognized provocateur of bloating. In addition, beets contain a large amount of natural sugar, and even the fiber of other vegetables is not able to contain the increase in blood sugar levels after eating the dish. Therefore, eating this dish during a fasting day may not be suitable for everyone.

The effect of the salad is based on the fact that all the vegetables in this salad are sources of coarse fiber, and red beets are also a herbal laxative. Therefore this effective remedy to cleanse the body at home and also solves problems with constipation.

Daikon radish salad with carrots, with the addition of apple cider vinegar and unrefined olive/sunflower oil, has similar properties.

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