Home Pulpitis The story of a healthy body is a healthy mind. “A healthy mind in a healthy body”: an essay on enduring values

The story of a healthy body is a healthy mind. “A healthy mind in a healthy body”: an essay on enduring values

How often do you hear such a phrase from the media and literature. Everyone talks about the importance of having a healthy body. But what is a healthy spirit located in this very body?

Health is key concept of this proverb, which has been “walking” among the people for so long. Now it could not be more topical.

A healthy body is a feature of the state of a person’s body who takes care of his health, that is, eats right, regularly checks with doctors, plays sports, strengthening all muscle groups. Playing sports is the development of self-discipline in a person, the formation of a special worldview in him, when he constantly must not only maintain his body in good shape, but also improve it, strive for the ideal.

Connection 2

Health is one of the most important human values. As children, we often hear that we need to take care of our health from a young age. Throughout your life you can earn a lot of money, gain fame and recognition, buy a house, a car, have the opportunity to travel to different cities and countries, with a great desire you can achieve everything you want, but you cannot buy health.

"IN healthy body- healthy mind” it’s hard to argue with this expression. All life processes, mood, thoughts depend on work human body. When the body suffers, negative emotions immediately appear, which degenerate into irritation, anger, anger and other negative emotions

How to maintain your health? First of all, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, do not take alcoholic drinks, and especially drugs. Lead an active lifestyle, eat right, exercise, and get a healthy eight hours of sleep.

Nowadays, there are a large number of sections: swimming, wrestling, volleyball, tennis, football, gymnastics, dancing, figure skating And so on. Such activities will not only help you maintain your health, but will also strengthen your character and teach you discipline and a daily routine.

Nutrition is very important for our health. What we eat directly affects our health. Fresh milk, cottage cheese, cheese, meat and fish, vegetables and fruits are all the foundation for good digestion, which will result in a great mood, clarity of mind and purity of thoughts.

Walking on fresh air a beneficial factor for our health. People who live in big cities cannot boast of clean environment. Factories, exhaust gases from cars - all this is detrimental to health. Therefore, you should get out into nature with your family as often as possible, breathe fresh air, and simply enjoy the landscapes of our country.

Everyone has the right to choose how they want to live. However, we must always remember that everything we do, eat, and breathe affects our health. Nowadays, it has become very popular to lead a healthy lifestyle, and I really want this fashion to last as long as possible!

5th grade. 4th grade. 6th grade.

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“A healthy mind in a healthy body” – essay-reasoning

Taking care of your health

Many have heard the expression “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” This phrase has been around for decades, but it is still relevant, and it should always be so. In most cases, not only our physical well-being, but also our mental health depends on the state of our body.

Can a person independently influence the preservation of his health? Certainly! And it's not very difficult. You just need to play sports and give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and other harmful substances hit our body very hard. I generally cannot understand why people use such substances, knowing that they can cause serious harm to their health.

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Currently the choice various types The sports you can do are simply huge. Now a wide variety of sections and halls are opening, even in schools. For example, I chose swimming. I really like this sport. Exercising in the pool gives me energy and a positive attitude. We have a wonderful team led by an excellent coach. Our coach is a master of sports and has trained several generations of athletes. I try not to miss a single workout so as not to lose shape and keep up with others.

I also like to walk in the fresh air, I especially like walks in the forest. We go there with the whole family. It's just a pity that this doesn't happen so often. I try to captivate my parents with ideas. My mother supports me in this; for example, she attends yoga classes. But with dad it’s more difficult. He just can’t give up his bad habits and love of unhealthy food. We often get into arguments with him because of his habit of adding mayonnaise to almost any dish.

I believe that each person is responsible for his own health, so we need to treat it with care. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Of course it exists now great amount the most different medications, but we must understand that no magic pill, which would be a panacea. You need to take care of your health, take care of it and strengthen your body.

The following topics for essay-reasonings can also be interesting, like the topic “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

Health and happiness are what every person needs. It is difficult to imagine a person happy if he is sick. If you stay healthy, you will get everything, it says folk wisdom, with which one cannot but agree. Taking care of your health is the duty and responsibility of every person. Taking care of our health, we think about our physical and mental state, so that, as the song says, the body and soul are young. A healthy mind in a healthy body. Everyone knows this, just as they know that playing sports strengthens the body, helps get rid of bad habits, and contributes to the development of not only physical, but also moral qualities. But we often forget about this. Maybe to have a good mood, you need to start every day with a smile and exercise. Of course, it’s difficult to force yourself to get up early every day; your muscles hurt because you’re not used to it. But daily exercise is the beginning of physical and spiritual development, this is getting rid of bad habits and idleness, this is the first step to maintaining a daily routine. Athletes claim that physical exercise influence the state of mind and thinking. Sport is pleasure, harmony, harmony of mind and strength. Sport is work. When exercising physically, a person gets tired and needs rest. But rest can also be different. You can relax in front of the TV or computer, or you can relax in nature. But for some reason, many young people associate outdoor recreation with various entertainments, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. The forbidden fruit is sweet, says an ancient proverb. First, curiosity, imitation, the desire for self-affirmation, then addiction and now human brain ends up captured by a monster. Because alcohol, tobacco and drugs are three heads of one monster, which acquires terrible power over people, especially children and youth. Many young people believe that smoking is a harmless activity. Smoking is fashionable and cool. And no one thinks about the harmful effects of smoking on a young body until the disease makes itself felt.

Nature created man harmonious, laying a solid foundation for physical health and psychological well-being. However, as a rule, today we meet people with two extremes in relation to their body and soul. Some, caring about energy, beauty, vigor of the body, reject the influence mental processes, experiences, emotions, thoughts on well-being and health. Having fallen ill with some illness, they blindly follow the canons of orthodox medicine, without trying to understand the causes of their illness. Others, chasing spiritual comfort, surround themselves with material abundance, forgetting that man comes from nature. And in nature, all living things need movement and physical activity, even in the form of an imitation of the struggle for survival. But the existing formula for health is a balance of physical and spiritual activity. Those who think that following Nature means obeying one’s desires without denying oneself anything are grossly mistaken. Every person needs to move daily, spending at least 2-3 hours in the fresh air. Swimming, aerobics, dancing, and cycling are of great benefit. Yes, and yoga gymnastics is fashionable now - great way diving into the ocean of health, awakening mutual love body and spirit. Special attention should be given to the diet and quality of nutrition. Do not force the body by eating food without appetite, do not overeat. It is better to eat little and often, to diversify your diet. Remember the mysterious healing power of water - everything is good water treatments. We must learn to relax by releasing muscle tension. All physical exercises, all types of health procedures will help a person if he seeks inner beauty, achieves harmony of body and spirit, and be sure to understand and accept the wisdom of Nature.

« Health is the most valuable thing you havepeople, which means it must be protected.”

Health Day is held to so that the general public thinks about how important and valuable health is and how they need to behave in order to maintain it not only for themselves, but also for those around them. WHO dedicates each annual World Health Day to specific themes and conducts various promotional activities both on this day and long time after April 7. In particular, they pay attention Secretary General UN and CEO WHO in its annual messages dedicated to this day. Every year on April 7, World Health Day is celebrated around the world - a holiday approved to commemorate the founding of the World Health Organization. Already by tradition, on this day, the organizers conduct global campaigns that attract the attention of every concerned person to any major health problem.
The main goal of the event organizers is to involve world leaders, as well as the public, in emerging health issues, which makes it possible to carry out joint actions aimed at protecting the health and well-being of ordinary people. Every year on WHO Health Day, various promotional events are held related to one of the most actual problem healthcare.

Being healthy is a natural human desire. A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy: he feels great, receives satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth and beauty. Great poets, who inspire us with hymns to beauty, often equate beauty and health. Integrity and harmony of the human personality are manifested, first of all, in the interrelation and interaction of mental and physical strength body, harmony of self-expression in various areas of our lives. Active and healthy man preserves youth for a long time, continuing conscious activity, not allowing the “soul” to be lazy.
We must “create” and educate such a person, starting from early childhood. And for this there are currently various ways and possibilities.

Health is the most valuable thing people have, which means it must be protected.

"In a healthy body healthy mind" This is what they say when they want to emphasize that only a physically healthy person has a high charge of energy and vigor. And one of the sources of vigor is exercise. It is called that because it charges us with energy and good mood for the whole day, helping the body wake up and actively engage in work.

Physical education and sports There is no need to convince anyone of the benefits of sports. Everyone loves sports, only some people watch TV, while others go to the gym. Without physical education and sports there will be no harmonious development, no health, no graceful posture. During changes, you don't need to stay in a sitting position, you need to move. If we are preparing homework at home, we need to take a break every 45 minutes for active muscle activity. Such a change in mental and physical activity brings rest and maintains ability to work. Our age is the age of physical inactivity, i.e. limited motor activity. Therefore, you need to start your morning with exercise. It will take 5 - 10 minutes and will be a boost of energy for the whole day. On weekends it is better to take a walk in the forest or in the park. You need to strengthen your body in order to always be energetic and cheerful.

Nutrition Proper nutrition helps maintain health and vitality. Rule one: you need to maintain variety in your diet. The food should contain a sufficient amount of proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, mushrooms, beans, peas), fats (butter and vegetable oil, lard, etc.), carbohydrates (flour, sugar, cereals, starch), vitamins. Everyone should know what vitamins are contained in this or that food product: - vitamin "C" - in oranges, white and cauliflower, sweet peppers, horseradish, dill, parsley, green salad, rose hips, walnuts, black currants, lemon, apples ; - vitamin "A" - b fish oil, liver, butter, egg yolks, milk, fish, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce, parsley, cherries, raspberries, plums; - vitamin "B" - in yeast, coarse flour, young peas, beans, etc. d.

Of course, you cannot accumulate vitamins in your body for the whole year ahead. A person needs them every day. Rule two: remember moderation. Don't overeat. This is not only an overload for the stomach, but also a direct path to obesity. “He who is greedy for food will end up in trouble,” says a Vietnamese proverb. Animal fats, sweets, flour products, spicy and salty foods, and fried foods should be consumed in moderation. Rule three: proper distribution of food throughout the day. In the morning - a hearty breakfast, in the afternoon - lunch, in the evening, two hours before bedtime - a modest dinner. Doctors recommend at least four meals a day, and for fat people- and six times a day, of course, little by little and at a certain time. Avoid haste, insufficient chewing, dry food, etc. Stop chewing while reading or watching TV (candy, cookies, nuts).

Rules for a healthy lifestyle

There are many different rules healthy lifestyle:
- rejection of bad habits;
- active mental work;
- hardening;
- physical activity;
- pleasant work;
- watch your posture;
- avoid anger, fear, malice;
- proper nutrition;
- positive mood;
- moderate sex;
- maintain a daily routine;
- monitor hygiene;
- periodically consume sweets;
- do not wear tight, thick, extremely warm clothes;
- keep the house clean;
- while young and healthy, sleep not on feather beds, but on felts and mattresses;
- try not to take medications as long as you are healthy.

“We must strive to ensure that in a healthy bodyhad a healthy mind»


Paramedic – valeologist G.V. Yurkova


Tyazhin 2016

Department of Education

Administration of Tyazhinsky district Kemerovo region

Municipal educational institution

"Tyazhinskaya secondary school No. 2"

In a healthy body healthy mind


physical education teacher

MBOU "Tyazhinskaya average"

secondary school No. 2"

Tyazhin 2016

In a healthy body healthy mind

The body is the baggage you carry all your life,

The heavier it is, the shorter the journey.

A. Gmugou

Who am I? I'am a teacher! This word sounds like music to me. The imagination immediately begins to work, and the thought cannot be stopped, the dreams cannot be quelled. You truly love your chosen business, to which you belong undividedly.
The work of a physical education teacher is multifaceted, beautiful and incomprehensible, like the logic of flight. That's exactly how it should be. No matter what mood you are in when you come to school, you can always do something useful. You never know what a teacher has to do... The main thing is to work, try, don’t stop there – and everything will work out.
An integral part in raising a child is the development of physical and moral and volitional qualities. Which young person doesn’t want to be strong, agile, resilient, have a harmoniously developed body and good coordination of movements? Also in ancient Greece the cult was born physically developed person, full of strength not only physical, but also spiritual. To this day, such people are respected, admired and looked up to.
good physical state– the key to successful study and fruitful work. That's why great attention is given physical culture At school. Physical education and sports provide an invaluable service in developing high moral qualities in young people. They cultivate will, courage, perseverance in achieving goals, a sense of responsibility and camaraderie, charge the spirit of collectivism, and develop the ability to live and develop in society. I can say that many great people around the world have achieved success thanks to their hardened willpower, formed spirit of competition and the ability to pursue a goal to the end, which they developed throughout their lives, starting, of course, from childhood.
I'am a teacher. When I say these words, my parents stand in front of me. It was they who tried to give my sister and me a good upbringing and education. Dad, with his naval training (he served on a battle cruiser for three years, guarding the shores of India and Africa in the Indian Ocean), introduced us to a healthy lifestyle, and my mother, by her example, instilled in us a love for the teaching profession. We got higher education, we have teachers’ families, our own children, but parents' house, like the beginning of the beginning, calls us and warms the soul. It is to our parents’ house that we come when things are difficult both in life and at work. And when we visit, the soul calms down, and waves of never-before-seen thoughts and reflections come flooding in... “Isn’t this where the roots of our profession come from?” We are representatives of the fourth generation of teachers of our dynasty, which has experience pedagogical work is more than 200 years old.Yes, it all starts with the teacher, and therefore, probably, each of us has in our souls a feeling of great human recognition for those people who were real teachers for us, Teachers with a capital T...

My job is the school, the students. I want them to be beautiful, healthy, fit and kind, decent. It is difficult, but interesting and very important. I think school should be a world of discovery and revelation, joy of life for students and teachers, a world of calm, harmony and cooperation. And we, teachers, can turn learning into a process of developing cognitive aspirations.
Yes, physical education is one of the most active funds formation of high moral qualities in a person, but this means comes into effect when it is used not just by a professionally trained teacher or coach, but by a person who is passionate about his work, who cares about children and their future, a person who has a soul open to children, the need to communicate with them.

The goal of my teaching activity is to prepare the younger generation for independent life in society, to instill in them a sense of responsibility for their own health and destiny, the fate of their family and native land, physically and socially prepared young man. Through physical education and sports I fight smoking, drunkenness, substance abuse and drug addiction among the younger generation; it is this approach that helps to more effectively solve not only problems educational institutions, but also successfully solve problems such as maintaining and strengthening children’s health, disease prevention, and developing children’s sports. Children and teenagers only with simple speeches about healthy way life and calls to do physical exercise will not convince you. That’s why we hold a lot of games and competitions, sports relay races, “Fun Starts”, where the spirit of competition, empathy, mutual assistance, and friendship reigns. Feature junior schoolchildren is their interest in learning, cognitive activity and high emotionality during classes. Therefore, in lessons and extracurricular activities I combine clear organization, reasonable discipline with providing students with a certain freedom and independence of action, stimulating creativity and initiative.

I always pay attention to the fact that students gradually develop fairly stable and objective criteria for assessing their knowledge and skills. The student’s future attitude towards physical education and its content depends on this.

Don't be afraid to take risks, change, learn about life. It’s worth trying, daring, creating, without stopping there. I really like the words of the famous poet and philosopher Ralph Emerson:“...If we stop trying to do something other than what we already know how to do, we stop moving forward.” . I am happy that working together with children, I do not stand still, but move forward. As long as I have strength and a trembling soul, I am ready to accept and give my best. Maybe this is the basis of my profession.


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