Home Wisdom teeth Dream Interpretation - fire: why do you dream about a fire in your own house, apartment, in someone else’s home, your parents’ house, at work, at school, in the forest, in a cemetery? Why do you dream about a burning plane, a car, a house, a person, a child, hands, hair, trees, grass, hay, a church, an icon, a building, a city.

Dream Interpretation - fire: why do you dream about a fire in your own house, apartment, in someone else’s home, your parents’ house, at work, at school, in the forest, in a cemetery? Why do you dream about a burning plane, a car, a house, a person, a child, hands, hair, trees, grass, hay, a church, an icon, a building, a city.

Fires, flames or flames are very symbolic phenomena that can be interpreted in completely different ways. Obviously, the negative meaning of destructive force predominates, but dreams about a fire can also symbolize a bright outbreak of feelings or emotions, the renewal of some established things. Let's consider what the most famous dream interpreters say about fire and fire.

Miller's Dream Book: Why do you dream of a fire?

If you see in a dream how your house or apartment is on fire, then this does not bode well if there are no casualties. This symbolizes a great renewal of life, new stage. Such a dream should push a person to dramatic changes– change of job, place of residence, or at least renovation. Any, even the largest, fires in a dream, during which no one dies, foreshadow success in the near future, personal gain, and good news.

A fire in which someone dies or is injured is a bad omen. Such a dream entails the death or illness of a loved one.

If a sleeper dreams that he is putting out a fire, then Miller interprets this as a symbol of an emergency at work, problems that need to be urgently solved.

Vanga's dream book - fire and fire in a dream

According to Vanga, it is important to remember as much as possible all the details of your dream, down to the color of the smoke, the smell of the fire and the volume of the fire. If a person sees dense, thick black smoke and a suffocating smell, it means that very soon evil intrigues will begin to swirl around him. The large-scale fire that covers the earth symbolizes a very hot and dry summer.

Fire and fire in a dream according to Freud

According to Freudian psychology natural disasters have a direct bearing on the intimate sphere of a person’s life; the man-woman relationship becomes the center of everything. For example, if you dreamed of a blazing fire itself, then your destiny is mainly guided by the desire for sex, and perhaps you feel like you are missing it. But if a sleeping person puts out a fire, then sex life he is normal. Dreaming of fire is an all-consuming passion, and if you saw the consequences of a fire, coals, ashes, then your relationship has reached a dead end, ended and outlived its usefulness. Finding yourself in a burning house in a dream symbolizes uncertainty in the intimate sphere.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - why do you dream about fire and fire?

The interpretation of Nostradamus explains the phenomenon of dreaming fire as hidden desires and aspirations that will become apparent in the future. Thus, a fire seen in a dream is a future passion in a relationship, love, obsession with someone. Seeing that fire has engulfed your personal room (your space) is a sign of betrayal. Nostradamus deciphers saving a person from a fire as a quick completion of an important matter, but the ending of this matter will not be the best for you. If you participate in arson or the fire was your fault, then there was an injustice in your life for which you are still offended. There is also a rare, but very symbolic dream about a fire that ignites from a lightning strike. In this case, know that you will soon meet the person of your life and feel love like never before.

Fire and fire according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Seeing fire in a dream - bad sign, is a destructive force that destroys everything in its path. Listen to your feelings and emotions in your sleep. Perhaps you really want big changes, or, on the contrary, you are afraid of losing everything, so you dream of such destruction of real goods as a big fire.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of a fire, what is it for?

According to this interpretation, a dream with a fire will bring into your life great joy in the very near future, and if the fire had thick smoke, then other good news. IN in this case The fire that you dreamed of symbolizes the brightness of emotions and positivity.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The fire that raged in a dream carries with it negative emotions surrounding people, symbolizes conflicts with loved ones. In any case, you should think about trying to gain mutual understanding with people, otherwise a quarrel will flare up. If a person dreams that strangers are putting out a fire, this means trouble due to his fault. If the sleeper is fleeing from fire, he is trying to get away from grievances and problems, but perhaps they simply need to be resolved.

Gypsy dream book - fire

In this interpretation, the meaning of the dream depends on the nature of the fire. If the fire is clear and bright, then this is a sign of favorable changes, a change of home or status. If there is smoke in the flame, the fire is dirty and disgusts the one who is dreaming, then this may mean an imminent illness or quarrel.

Dreams about fire and their detailed interpretations

Often, dreams where a fire breaks out and has no casualties bring good news, changes in better side, joyful events. They should be perceived as a call to action, and do not be afraid to listen to subconscious desires.

If a person acts as an arsonist, then such a dream may have a negative connotation. It symbolizes your lack of confidence in yourself and your strengths, and impending failures. Therefore, if you dream that you are causing a fire, try to be patient and try to change the situation in real life.

A fire that breaks out without smoke, which burns everything, can often mean a flow of uncontrolled emotions that take possession of the sleeper.

Dream theme: ,

If you dreamed of smoke without fire, thick and acrid, then you should not dismiss such visions. Dream books, for the most part, when interpreting the meaning of such stories in dreams, consider them as a warning about impending events that will make you worry. But whether this excitement will be joyful or not will be determined by the details seen in the dream.

According to Miller's dream book, smoke without fire seen in a dream is a sign of doubts generated by fear and complexes. Did you dream that you were shrouded in haze? Be careful, such dreams mean deception. Perhaps someone is trying to fool you.

But the interpretation of a dream in which you smell burning, but do not see its source, means quick changes. This smell suffocates you, and in your dream you feel that you are losing consciousness from lack of oxygen - the changes will be negative, and if you do not react to it in any way, then soon everything will change for the better.

Black smoke screen as a symbol of trouble

Why you dream of black smoke without fire can be explained by almost all dream books. But everyone will do it in their own way. So, for example, the Eastern interpreter predicts scandals with household members and conflicts with strangers to someone who saw black smoke from a fire in a dream, but did not see the flames.

And Vanga’s dream book promises disappointment if you dream that your apartment is full of burning and soot left after the fire was extinguished. Why dream that there was no fire, but a dark smoke screen hangs in every room, the Gypsy interpreter will tell you: you are exaggerating the problem empty space If you don't stop doing this, trouble will really happen.

White nebula is a sign of positive moments

Why you dream of white smoke without fire can be easily explained by Pastor Loff’s collection of dreams. Remember exactly where you saw the smoke.

A whitish fog spreads over the ground in a dream - you cannot find a way out of some situation, because you are “looking” in the wrong place. If you dreamed of clouds of either smoke or steam in the sky, then this is a sign that your future is foggy, but very soon joyful events will happen in your destiny.

In a dream, you were flying in the sky, being shrouded in clouds of white smoke - to a romantic acquaintance. This is especially true for people who do not have a soulmate, but if you are already in a relationship, then expect that your feelings will regain newness, Miss Hasse’s dream book pleases.

Multi-colored nebula: Joy is on the threshold

Don’t be surprised if you dreamed of colorful smoke without fire in your house. Most dream books consider such dreams to be harbingers of amazing events that will soon enter your life. Here, for example, is what a specific color predicts:

  • blue smoke appeared in the house without fire - to gain useful connections;
  • a yellow haze that has no source hangs in the house - success and prosperity will come to you;
  • pink or red smoke is in the bedroom - expect passionate moments with your significant other;
  • dreamed of a lilac fog - get ready to welcome guests;
  • a greenish haze flowing in the air promises excellent mood and well-being.

Seeing a large fire engulfing a high-rise building in a dream means the patronage of influential people and the successful course of business.

If a large amount of money that belonged to you was burned in a fire that destroyed your office, deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible in reality.

A fire in which your house burned down foreshadows a hectic and extremely risky undertaking that could result in financial ruin for you.

Putting out a fire by pouring water from buckets on it - in reality you will try to reconcile quarreling friends, which will not lead to success.

If you dream of a fire engine roaring and rushing to the scene of a disaster, this foreshadows anxiety and unrest associated with an emergency at work, where you will be hastily called at an inopportune time.

Seeing a huge flame being knocked down by firefighters using a fire hose is a great joy in the family circle.

Smoke from a fire rising high into the sky and visible from afar promises you good news in reality, followed by awards and honors.

A fire with tragic consequences and loss of life means that in reality you will suffer significant damage and be punished.

A dream in which you witnessed a devastating forest fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will bring the expected results and allow you to unfold even more.

If in a dream you take part in putting out a fire or helping people affected by it, it means that in reality you will change your point of view in accordance with suddenly changed circumstances.

Seeing yourself in the role of a heroic fireman, risking his life, carrying a child out of the flames - such a dream is designed to dispel your doubts about the fidelity of your husband or lover.

If you dream that you are suffocating in the smoke of a fire and lose consciousness or are seriously injured by a collapsed burning beam, this means that in reality you may get into an accident or become the victim of a collision while carelessly crossing the street.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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It can be difficult to understand what a fire means in a dream. Such a plot has different meanings in dream books. It all depends on the details and details of the vision.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a house fire?

In popular modern dream books fire is interpreted in different ways. In order for the interpretation to ultimately turn out to be as true and accurate as possible, you need to try to remember the whole plot in detail in the morning. If it quickly fades from memory, the best solution is to jot down the details in a notepad.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

In Miller's work, the symbolism of fire is very ambiguous. If you dream of a bright, beautiful flame that engulfs the entire house, this means that the sleeper will soon receive a new position at work. She will be more prestigious and highly paid. The same plot symbolizes material well-being.

But there are also less pleasant interpretations. Miller putting out the fire himself symbolizes problems at work. They will appear as a result of the actions of the enemies of the sleeping person.

If the dreamer wanders through the ashes in his night dreams and sees victims of a fire, such a plot promises him health problems. One of the main symptoms of a developing disease will be strong increase body temperature.

Freudian meaning

Freud considered a fire in a house to be a symbol of sexual intimacy between a man and a woman. The partner who sees a fire around him is not confident in his abilities in an intimate way and is very worried about this. Most often, it is men who see such a dream.

The psychoanalyst’s work also notes that fire can symbolize passion. If in the middle of a flame a person feels comfortable, feels warm and does not experience fear, then he needs new sexual emotions. You should make an effort yourself to bring passion back into your love relationship.

If a fire frightens a man or woman, in a dream there is a desire to run away from it, probably in reality the circumstances develop in a similar way - the sleeping partner turned out to be too passionate. The dreamer cannot withstand the pressure of love, dreams of tenderness and tranquility.

Did you have to put out the fire yourself? This means that in real life a person lives, obeying the orders of society, completely not listening to his own desires.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga explains that fire is a symbol of spiritual purification. If a person is afraid of fire in a dream, or smells a strong smell of smoke, his endeavors will end unsuccessfully. But being involved in a fire in your own home means happy life changes.

Seeing a pleasant village landscape in a dream means a pleasant pastime and favorable circumstances in your life. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar village in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation or find out someone’s secret. Seeing a poor village in a dream means that you are upset and feeling sorry for yourself. Seeing a village in winter, chilly autumn, in bad weather is a sign of sadness and chagrin.

Looking for a house in the village means that your frivolous lifestyle will cause you a lot of worries in the future due to gossip and scandals with which your name will be associated. To live in a village - good dream and portends family well-being and peace of mind. To see your native village in a dream - to receive news about a loved one or relative. A dream in which you saw a village engulfed in fire predicts the rapid development of some events that will affect all members of your family. Meeting a village woman in a dream is a harbinger of squabbles or gossip about you. If you dream that you have become an ordinary villager, then your business will stall and your life will become boring and monotonous. Seeing villagers at work in a dream means that your business will not progress as successfully as you would like. See interpretation: house.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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