Home Prevention Which direction is best to sleep? Is it possible to sleep with your feet towards the door?

Which direction is best to sleep? Is it possible to sleep with your feet towards the door?

How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, what direction should the head be during sleep, what is the best way to position the bed in? Have you ever thought that a person's sleeping position has a strong impact not only on well-being, but on life in general? Let's listen to the advice of the ancient.

It turns out that in order to change your life for the better, you don’t always need to move mountains on your way. Often for this it is enough simply to follow the rules of Feng Shui and accept correct position during sleep.

If you calculate how much time we sleep, it turns out that a person spends about a third of his conscious life sleeping. This takes from 20 to 30 years of our life. All this time we are in a motionless state, and for hours we do not change the position of our body in space. And during this period, we are influenced by various energy flows, against the influence of which we are practically defenseless.

The teachings of Feng Shui help to direct, balance and harmonize for the benefit of people these mysterious forces of the earth and space, which we know as “qi”.

To determine which sleeping direction will be the most successful for you, let’s listen to Feng Shui knowledge about what kind of energy each direction has.


The northern direction of the head is perfect for good rest, sweet and good sleep. This position is recommended for hot-tempered and unbalanced people, for whom life constantly throws unpleasant surprises and nervous shocks.

Well suited for a married couple who are prone to frequent quarrels and showdowns. Sleeping with their head to the north will make their life more peaceful and harmonious and reduce the number of conflicts. In addition, the northern direction contributes to greater intimacy in relationships and the partners’ affection for each other.

Sleeping with your head facing north is also very beneficial for people suffering from chronic diseases– this will help them recover faster. But for the young and active people, ready for unexpected adventures, the north will turn out to be too calm and measured.


Has rough and harsh energy. Suitable for timid and indecisive people who find it extremely difficult to make a choice. By placing the head of the bed in the northeast, you will save yourself from the need to constantly make decisions in agony. It's not magic. It’s just that the energy of the northeast activates the brain, improves analytical thinking and speeds up reactions. But this direction is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia, as their condition may worsen.


The East is the place of sunrise, which gives us life and fills us with energy. By placing the head of the bed to the east, you will very soon feel the tide vitality. You will have a desire to act actively, new perspectives and opportunities will open up before you, you will be able to achieve what seemed impossible just yesterday. The eastern direction during sleep is most suitable for people experiencing a lack of energy.


It is an ideal destination for shy, insecure people who suffer from various complexes and have problems with self-esteem. By choosing the southeastern direction, they will become more self-confident and less vulnerable.


Sleeping with your head facing south is recommended for people who have problems with finances and careers. If you make an effort, positive changes will happen in your life very soon. Perhaps you can find another job or sources of additional income will appear.

But you must take into account the fact that for this you will have to sleep alone in bed. Also, people who are very impressionable and vulnerable and prone to depression should not sleep with their heads facing south.


An ideal direction for people who are not practical and reasonable enough, who often regret actions committed in a fit of violent emotions. People sleeping with their heads to the southwest will become less conflicted and tolerant of others.


Helps awaken creative energy, romantic feelings and bright emotions. Suitable for people who suffer from melancholy and monotony and want to add color to their lives. Every new day will bring them new interesting adventures and events.

If the spouses sleep with their heads to the west, in their sex life will happen dramatic changes, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.


The Northwestern direction should be chosen by indecisive people who are afraid of responsibility. Dreaming in this direction will strengthen their morale and enhance leadership skills. It is useful for older people to sleep with their head to the north-west - this will make their sleep healthy and complete. Not very suitable for young and active people.

Rules for healthy sleep according to Feng Shui

When choosing the ideal direction for sleep, pay attention to these feng shui tips:

  • The bed should not be positioned so that the head or feet are opposite the entrance to the room. This may have a negative impact on your health.
  • Don't place your bed between a window and a door. Such energy will have negative impact on relationships and worsen well-being.
  • You should not place your sleeping place in a draft - this will disrupt the proper flow of Qi energy, not to mention the risk of colds.
  • There should be no sharp corners near the sleeping place, and there should be no overhanging objects above the headboard: shelves, lamps, paintings.
  • The marital bed should not consist of two halves - the bed should be wide and solid. You cannot move two beds together or use a folding sofa that divides the sleeping space into two halves. Otherwise, the same thing will happen in family life - the couple will gradually move away from each other.
  • The head of the bed should not be directed towards the window. This will lead to health problems and deterioration of family relationships.
  • It is advisable not to keep various literature near your bed, especially horror stories, detective stories, and publications about incidents.
  • Do not place your sleeping place in front of a mirror - this will adversely affect your health and mental state.
  • It is best that the bed is new and does not contain any marks from previous owners. When purchasing an inexpensive bed at a thrift store, you are not insured against the fact that the previous owner could have died on it or had serious problems with health.
  • The bed should have a back, preferably solid and rectangular. The copper backrest is not suitable for a sleeping person.
  • The bed should be positioned with the sleeping place against the wall so that the person feels reliable support and felt protected.
  • Furniture intended for sleeping should have strong legs and be in a stable position. A bed on wheels is not suitable for a bedroom designed according to Feng Shui. Furniture that is in an unstable position symbolizes uncertainty and instability.
  • Do not place the bed directly outside the door, otherwise you will suffer from nightmares and disturbing dreams.

How to arrange a bedroom according to Feng Shui?

To ensure that your sleep is always healthy and complete, you need to take the arrangement of your bedroom seriously.

The bedroom should be located as far as possible from the entrance, and the door of the bedroom and bathroom should not be opposite each other, otherwise family relationships may deteriorate.

It is best to decorate the bedroom in delicate pastel shades - beige, coffee, peach. This color scheme promotes proper energy circulation. And rich dark shades absorb Qi energy, which has a bad effect on well-being.

A bedroom decorated in bright red colors will bring you relationship problems, insomnia and nightmares. When decorating a bedroom, it is best to use small red details.

In the matrimonial bedroom, you should use decor in the form of paired items: two doves, two hearts, two figurines. This will help strengthen family ties and fill relationships with harmony and passion.

Don't turn your bedroom into a pile of furniture. According to Feng Shui, it is enough to have a wide, comfortable bed and a spacious closet in the bedroom. It is better to opt for furniture from natural materials. But it is better not to use furniture made of metal, because it has an electromagnetic effect on people.

We introduced you to the secrets of Feng Shui teachings on how to sleep properly. And in conclusion, we recommend watching this interesting video:

Have you ever wondered how you relax? How to sleep: with your head or feet towards the door? Many consider this nonsense, and some, on the contrary, attach too much great importance these issues. What is really important and what is fiction can be found on this page.

This article talks about how you should sleep in relation to the cardinal directions, as well as according to yogis and various religions.

Relaxing like a Yogi

Yogis believe that you should sleep with your head facing north. This helps restore strength, which, in turn, allows a person to wake up fresh and healthy. This feature is due to the fact that the Earth's magnetic north is in the south, and the north of our magnetic field is located at the top of the head, and the south is at the feet. Therefore, if you sleep with your head facing north, energy will enter your head and exit through your feet.

For example, Charles Dickens adhered to this hypothesis and rested in the direction of the north.

Religious features

Each religion has its own prohibitions. We’ll talk about how to sleep with your head correctly in a Christian manner below.


It may seem surprising, but the Christian religion does not pay attention to this. Therefore, even if you are a believer, you can relax as you want - there are no restrictions. This also applies to Orthodox Christians - you can sleep with your head in any direction.

Muslim style

But with Muslims the situation is completely opposite. Islam affects a person’s entire life - even sleep. According to Muslims, you need to sleep with your head towards Mecca, the main city of believers. In addition, you should not lie on your stomach. The bed should not be high.

In relation to the cardinal points

We have already looked at how to properly rest according to various teachings and religions, and now it’s worth considering the last question: which side of the world should you sleep with your head on?


So in which direction should you rest? Most people believe that it is better to sleep with your head facing north. This will provide peace of mind good dream And good health. It is better for families or elderly people to relax in this position. The energy of the north will give patience and goodwill towards others, it will solve problems.


It is believed that it is better for young people to sleep with their heads on this side, since it is this side of the world that helps in starting various affairs, including love ones. The energy of the east gives good spirits, the desire for something new, unknown. This is how those who want to change their lives for the better and start a new business should rest.


Creative individuals should rest their heads to the west. This will help them in their work and give them inspiration for the whole day, ensuring great success. Many people believe that it is when you lie with your head to the west that ways to solve problems come into your dreams.


It is better for careerists to go to bed with their heads on this side. It is believed that such a state during sleep will help you climb the career ladder, become famous person. Those who want to become a successful businessman, sleep with your head to the south!

Several years ago, Russian scientists came up with an interesting experiment. A group of people lay down on the floor in the room - as anyone wants. After sleep, scientists analyzed their condition and found that those who lay with their heads to the east were more tired. And the subjects who rested with their heads facing north were very excited. The condition of those who rested their heads to the south and east did not change.

By the way, there is another interesting experiment that anyone can do. Lie down on the floor and begin to slowly turn like clockwork. In the position in which you stop and feel comfortable, you should rest.

In addition, it is believed that it is better to go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 6.

As you can see by reading the article, any direction of light is good in its own way. How you relax depends only on you.

  • In Russia, as in other countries, it is better to rest with your head to the north, although, of course, this depends on the body.
  • As experts advise, it is better for a child to rest his head on the eastern side, since the east personifies everything new and gives good spirits.
  • By the way, in China they believe that just by changing the location of the bed you can greatly change your life: both for the better and for the worse.
  • But the Japanese believe that under no circumstances should you place your bed with your feet facing the door, as this resembles the posture of a dead person - dead person always carried feet first.

I think now you know where to sleep with your head. Although, in my opinion, the main thing is not how to relax, but where and with whom. You shouldn’t focus only on these statements, because if you lie with your head to the west and it’s comfortable for you, why listen to anyone and change anything? It is better to relax in a way that is convenient for you.

Pleasant dreams!

Body position during sleep plays a role important role in a person’s life and influences his health, inner harmony and even on relationships with other people. If you sleep incorrectly, you will become irritable, drowsy, and aggressive. In addition, by changing the position of your head, you can change some aspects of your life and improve. Each side of the world in this case has its own meaning.

Where is the right place to sleep with your head?

Different teachings give different recommendations for head position during sleep. Yogis, for example, believe that the human body, like a compass, has a south and north pole. The head is considered to be south, and the legs to be north. The ideal body position, in their opinion, is the north-west or north direction. The side of the world is determined by looking at the head.

The meaning of cardinal directions and head position during sleep:

  • East– relief from insomnia and nightmares.
  • North– improvement of intuition and brain activity.
  • West– strengthening family life and approaching additions to the family.
  • South– attracting good luck and good reputation.

Which side of the world should you lie down in?

  • If you sleep with your head facing north, then you can improve your health, attract prosperity and good luck into your life, strengthen family relationships and find inner harmony (for active young people it is difficult to call this situation ideal; the northern direction is more suitable for married couples and adults).
  • If you sleep with your head to the west, then you can reveal your creative abilities, acquire a sense of satisfaction with life and receive a charge of positive energy (this position of the body during sleep is especially suitable for creative people - artists, musicians, as well as representatives of professions related to magic).
  • If you sleep with your head facing east, then you can get magic, become more purposeful and active, overcome the fear of starting a new business and enlist support higher powers(the position is especially suitable for those who have to work a lot, communicate and lead an active lifestyle).
  • Head position towards south ideal for those who seek to conquer career ladder(this position gives confidence in one’s own abilities, charges with positive energy and attracts good luck).
  • Head position to the northeast during sleep, it is suitable for older people (it is believed that thanks to this position you can get energy during sleep, restore strength; during depression, the northeastern direction of the head will help you quickly find a way out of difficult situations).
  • Southeast head position helps overcome complexes and fears (if after the experiment it turns out that sleeping in this position is not comfortable, then it is better to choose another option; this recommendation is not suitable for everyone).

Calculate according to Feng Shui

The teachings of Feng Shui attach great importance not only to the position of a person during sleep, but to the correct arrangement of furniture in the bedroom. These factors influence emotional condition, internal harmony and atmosphere in family life. The recommendations are different for each person.

The key factor in this case is the Gua number, depending on which it is necessary to install the bed in a certain area of ​​the bedroom and position the body during sleep towards a specific point of light.

Calculation Gua numbers:

  1. To calculate you will need date of birth.
  2. Add the third and fourth numbers.
  3. The resulting number you need to break them down into numbers and add them up again.
  4. The procedure must be carried out until until it works single digit number (calculation example: 1965, 6+5=11, 1+1=2, the required number is 2).
  5. For men, the resulting number must be subtracted from 10(if the year of birth is after 2000, then you need to subtract it from 9).
  6. Women need to add 5 to the resulting number(if the year of birth is after 2000, then it must be added to 6).
  7. The Gua number in this case is necessary to determine the category to which a person belongs (Western or Eastern). For each group there are individual recommendations for the location of the bed in. The numbers 1,3,4 and 9 belong to the Eastern category. The numbers 2,6,7 and 8 belong to the Western category.

    Favorable position of the head during sleep depending on the Gua number:

  • 1 - north, east, south, southeast
  • 2 - west, northeast, southwest and northwest
  • 3 – east, north, south and southeast
  • 4 – north, south, east and southeast
  • 6 – southwest, northeast, west, northwest
  • 7 – west, southwest, northeast and northwest
  • 8 – west, northeast, southwest and northwest
  • 9 – south, east, north and southeast

Please note that there is no Gua number equal to 5. If such a figure is obtained during calculations, then it is replaced by 8 for women and 2 for men. A situation may arise when spouses have different Gua numbers and finding a compromise becomes a difficult task.

In this case, it is better to give priority to those who contribute more to the family life. For example, he earns more or is considered a leader.

Folk signs and Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy does not give specific recommendations on the question of how best to sleep in relation to the cardinal directions, but some advice can be determined based on signs. It is believed that you should not place your body with your head facing west while sleeping.. This factor can contribute to a change in character for the worse. Selfishness develops in a person and the connection with God is lost.

  • If you sleep with your head facing south, then you can attract longevity.
  • The ideal position for the body during sleep is considered to be east direction (head east).
  • If you sleep with your head facing north, then the connection with God is lost.

Folk signs about the position of the head during the process are due to some superstitions. To believe in them or not - individual choice. It is believed, for example, that you should never sleep with your feet facing the door.. This warning is primarily due to the fact that the dead are carried out feet first.

Other folk signs:

  • Head during sleep under no circumstances should not be directed towards the mirror(the reflection of a sleeping person can attract failures and illnesses into his life).
  • Sleep with your head facing north– to health and long life.
  • Sleep with your head facing south– to aggressiveness and irritability.
  • If you sleep with your head facing west, then the person will get sick often.
  • Sleep with your head towards the door– ideal position, sleep does not take away vitality.

Common sense

Your own intuition can also tell you which position during sleep is most favorable. If for some reason you feel discomfort after sleep, then it is worth conducting several experiments. By changing the position of your head and assessing your sensations after waking up, you can determine the most comfortable conditions for your body.

After sleep, a person should:

  • Don't feel sleepy(sleep should be complete).
  • Feel a surge of strength and vital energy.
  • Don't feel sick(headaches, joint discomfort, etc.).

An ideal option for experimenting in finding the optimal head position during sleep is a round head, placed on which you can take any pose. The main difficulty in this case lies in the size of the room and financial capabilities.

Those who like to sleep with their heads to the west are concerned with the question: are they in the correct position while sleeping? Many teachings recommend this particular pose. Sleep is necessary to restore the energy spent during the day. It is important for a person to replenish it overnight in order to feel vigorous and full of energy. Since ancient times, it has been known that each of the cardinal directions has a special energy that affects sleeping people differently. Some of the ancient teachings are also popular among our generation. Let's look at some of them and learn to better understand the physiology of a sleeping person.

What lies at the basis of many theories about the position of a sleeping person? Answer: the energy with which the Earth is saturated. Its flows pass in different directions and create certain fields: magnetic and torsion.

  1. Magnetic fields. They move from north to south, which is noticeable on the compass. Humans also have an electromagnetic field. If a person’s body is located along magnetic lines, then he will receive powerful energy, the body will replenish its strength naturally.
  2. Torsion fields. These fields are formed due to the rotation of the Earth from east to west. They are perpendicular magnetic fields. If you sleep with your head facing west, it will restore strength and strengthen the aura of the sleeper. He will need much less time to sleep. He will wake up active and cheerful.

This is what the well-known Chinese teaching of Feng Shui says, which is aimed at building harmony between a person and the world around him.

According to the teachings of this philosophy, all four cardinal directions are favorable for sleep. But only his position suits the sleeper.

Feng Shui describes general rules, where is it better to lay your head:

Feng Shui philosophers have also developed a scale on which one can calculate an individual’s Gua number, which helps one decide in which direction to go to bed.

Gua calculation:

What position a person sleeps in is important, but Feng Shui philosophers advise adhering to some rules that must be followed for organization good sleep.

This is: do not place the bed in front of the mirror, do not sleep with your feet towards the door, as well as your head, and do not lie with your head towards the window.

This teaching is aimed at achieving harmony by a person and studying his essence. It recommends sleeping strictly towards the east, west or south.

Here are the tips Vastu-Shua gives:

  • sleeping with your head to the south means wealth, since Kuver, the god of wealth, is located in the north;
  • head in the west - if people sleep like this, it means the gods Indra will come for wealth and glory;
  • sleeping in the east means going in a western direction to the water god Varun for kindness;
  • in the south is Yama - the god of death, which is why you should not sleep with your head in the north direction.

The teachings of Vastu Shua prohibit taking intermediate directions during sleep, for example, southeast or southwest. It is believed that in this situation the internal flows of a person’s energy “conflict” with external flows.

Basically, teachings recommend sleeping with your head facing west. But modern scientists are inclined to spontaneous choice of body position during sleep. For example, people notice: “in the evening I lie down in one position, and in the morning I find out that I sleep in a completely different position.” Scientists conclude that nature is interconnected and man occupies a natural position for him. In connection with this judgment, furniture manufacturers began to produce round beds.

Is it possible to sleep with your head in a certain direction and get full sleep? Not really.

For strong and healthy sleep a number of measures must also be taken:

  • clean the bedroom;
  • ventilate the room;
  • do not overeat before bedtime;
  • turn off electrical appliances;
  • switch off the light.

In order to get a good night's sleep, you need to relax your body before going to bed. A little exercise to stretch the muscles, a massage or a warm bath will help with this.

A person can find out how to fall asleep correctly with the help of various ancient teachings, and also study modern knowledge. But at the same time, it is very important to listen to yourself and your body, which will help you draw conclusions about how it is more comfortable for you. Then the morning will always be cheerful and energetic.

Human health and vitality depend on proper and complete sleep. Lack of sleep causes lethargy, apathy and irritability, and over time provokes the development of more severe violations. On the contrary, high-quality healthy sleep adds strength, vigor and activity, allowing you to reach unprecedented heights.

It is believed that the place and location of a person during a night’s rest affects family harmony and mental comfort. When arranging bedrooms, everything more people seeks advice not from designers, but from specialists in the field of religion and ancient oriental practices, because they are interested in questions like this: is it possible to sleep at night with your head facing east or is it better to choose another direction.

The well-known teaching of Feng Shui takes this problem seriously and recognizes all four directions as favorable. But the ancient sages gave preference to the north, since it was there that the positive energy was concentrated, filling the body and eliminating diseases. Depending on the goal, it was recommended to choose one of the cardinal directions.

In today's understanding, the choice of the “right” side for each person is also based on the size of the Gua number.
  1. Add two last digits year of birth until you end up with a single digit number
  2. A woman should add the number 5 to it, a man – 2.
  3. If the final answer is 5, which does not exist in the values ​​of the Gua number, then representatives of the weaker sex should replace it with an eight, and the stronger sex with a two.

Having completed the calculations, you should summarize by choosing one of two categories.

  1. Eastern. It corresponds to the numbers 1, 3, 4, 9. The position of the head to the north, east, south or an intermediate direction between them is considered favorable.
  2. Western. Determined for people with values ​​2, 6, 7, 8. A suitable option would be slightly different directions.

Sleeping with your head facing east: different points of view

The question of how and where to turn your body during a night's rest has worried many people. Some argue that you should sleep with your head only to the east, while others insist on the north or other directions. Religions have very different points of view. And if there are no clear instructions in Christianity, then in Islam they exist. In addition, Hinduism, ancient practices, the Vedas and other teachings have their own views: Ayurveda, Vastu, Yoga.

Relaxing with your head to the east: positive and negative effects on a person

Many doctors recommend falling asleep, or simply dozing, with your head facing east. This is primarily due to the preservation of natural biorhythms.

Their violation leads to the following changes:

  • bad mood, depression;
  • disruption of metabolic processes;
  • failure of many systems and internal organs;
  • memory impairment;
  • development and proliferation of pathological cells.

Scientific approach

Modern science supports the opinion that if you sleep with your head to the east, then this direction will be optimal, justifying this by the peculiarities of the body’s natural biorhythms. The activity of any person increases in the morning after waking up due to the accumulation of energy. It begins to subside towards the evening, when the strength practically runs out.

Attention! When waking up, a person should turn his gaze to the rising sun, and when falling asleep, he should not see its setting. This statement is considered the simplest and truest, regardless of the psychotype of people.

It is useful for both “larks” and “night owls” to sleep with their heads facing east, since both of them should feel a surge of energy after waking up. Only their active life activities are activated at different times of the day.

Some experts are convinced that the state of health, mental condition, And metabolic processes A living organism is influenced by both the phases of the Moon and the Earth's magnetic field. They recommend lying down with your head towards the north pole so that the lines of force slide along the body, filling it with life-giving energy. Field exposure value if the head of the bed is facing:

  • to the north - healing of body and spirit;
  • to the south - longevity;
  • to the west - anger, envy, selfishness, vanity;
  • to the east - the divine principle, wisdom, spirituality, self-awareness.

Religious and philosophical views

The main religious movements have different attitudes towards turning the human body to the east. Thus, in Christianity there is no preference for cardinal directions at all. It considers these to be harmful prejudices that cannot be referred to, and advises paying attention to true faith and communication with the Creator. It is the need to perform a prayer service that is reminded in churches, since this ceremony helps to ensure a good night's rest.

In Islam, prayer is also the main ritual, but at the same time there is a system of traditions that allows you to properly set the body up for rest and get a good night’s sleep. There is also a specific answer to how to position your body and why to do it. The person's face should be turned towards the holy city of Mecca, and the head should be towards the Qiblah. It is necessary that the bed is low, and its location allows you to freely approach and lie on your right side. In addition, a Muslim is required to perform the following actions:

  • perform ablution and clean your teeth with miswak;
  • Before performing prayer, close the door to the house and room, cover the food with a lid.
  • perform the ritual in the light;
  • after finishing it, brush away the dust particles from your bed three times;
  • lie on your right side, slightly bend your knees, tuck them in, and place your hand under the pillow.

As practice shows, in this position you can quickly fall asleep.

Attention! Sleeping with the head facing east is approved by the ancient Indian teachings of Vastu Shastra, a book about useful tips for sleep Ayurveda, spiritual practices of yoga. This preference is explained by the positive influence of the cosmic energy flow and the Earth’s magnetic fields.

Popular beliefs

Some information on how to sleep well at night can be gleaned from folk beliefs. Probably everyone knows the phrase: “Don’t sleep with your feet towards the door.” It is considered a popular sign among many nations and is associated with the fact that this is how the dead are carried out. And so as not to disturb the representatives other world, you should not accept this position.

It is not recommended to fall asleep under the window. This is due to the fact that through the open opening, air currents blow out all the negativity that periodically accumulates in the house. When going to bed, a person risks his luck, which can fly out along with the negative energy at home.

It is not recommended to place a mirror opposite a sleeping person; it is not even recommended to turn your head towards this piece of furniture. This is due to the fact that on his life path Obstacles may arise, failures and illnesses may appear.

It is important to know! Conclusion: according to folk signs, you can sleep with your head to the east if there are no interior items such as a door, window or mirror in this direction.

Individual approach when choosing the optimal direction for sleep

Most people do not think about how they sleep relative to the cardinal directions, but lie down where their sleeping bed is. Experts say that if a person sleeps soundly and is fully rested, then changing the location of the bed is not recommended. They advise those who are not satisfied with the quality of sleep to experiment and choose one of the options - sleep at night with your head to the east or west, or maybe in some other direction. To do this you just need to do a few manipulations.

The first results of the experiment will not appear until several weeks later, so you should be patient. If, after the “correct” position of the body in a dream, the next morning a person feels weakness, apathy and weakness, then it’s time to rearrange the room and change direction.

Advice! The energy of the “eastern” direction is too calm for the younger generation with an active life position and does not match his needs. It is much more suitable for people of more mature and elderly age, since it represents the spiritual principle, the power of the mind and the concentration of freedom of spirit.

Other ways to normalize your night's rest

If the cause of fatigue and a broken state in the morning after waking up is an uncomfortable bed, posture, or conditions in the room, then you need to listen to the advice of somnologists.

  1. You should learn to follow a daily routine.
  2. Prepare properly for bed.
  3. Relax the nervous system.
  4. Organize a sleeping place.
  5. Change the time and quality of dinner.
  6. Improve the microclimate of the rest room.
  7. Distribute physical and mental stress.


Somnologists advise sleeping with your head on southeast, explaining this by the fact that upon awakening a person receives the energy of the rising luminary. If he feels comfortable in his current situation and gets enough sleep at night, there is no need to change anything in his life. But in case of inconvenience, fatigue, weakness, which accompanies every morning after a night's rest, experts recommend taking advantage of valuable advice, the experience of generations, and scientific developments in this area. And then your night’s rest will become strong, your dreams will be bright and positive, and your spirit will be cheerful.

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