Home Oral cavity How many hours should pregnant women sleep? Sleeping during pregnancy: positions, how much sleep, tips

How many hours should pregnant women sleep? Sleeping during pregnancy: positions, how much sleep, tips

It is known that different people You need a different number of hours of sleep for proper rest. This is most often individual and largely depends on age, load and personal characteristics person. But on average, the recommended sleep duration for teenagers is 9-10 hours, for middle-aged people - 7-8 hours, and for older people it is quite normal to sleep 6 hours. Scientists conducted a study and determined how many hours of sleep pregnant women need, and also made basic recommendations for improving sleep quality.

The relevance of the problem is clearly shown by a survey, which found that about 87% of pregnant women experience various difficulties with sleep. Some complain that they sleep for a long time and cannot get enough sleep, other women talk about problems falling asleep and insomnia. Experts attribute this primarily to increased anxiety and agitation in women during pregnancy. And sleep problems can cause complications such as premature birth or even miscarriage and termination of pregnancy.

American experts from the National Sleep Research Organization say that pregnant women need to sleep a little more than middle-aged people. Scientists say that at least 9-10 hours of sleep is optimal. Besides, important role plays a role in sleep quality during pregnancy. To do this, experts advise adhering to the following tips.

It is best to avoid prolonged sleep on your back during last months pregnancy, and give preference to sleeping on your side, which helps improve blood circulation.

It is also important for pregnant women to maintain a stable daily routine - both in eating and sleeping. Active physical exercise It’s best to do it at least 6 hours before bedtime, and before going to bed you can take a short walk in the fresh air.

Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room, and it is better to sleep with the window open. Of course, the mattress and pillows should be comfortable and maximize complete relaxation of the body during sleep. The last meal should not be large and at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.

All these recommendations will allow you to quickly fall asleep and get complete mental and physical rest during sleep. Remember good dream will allow you to restore the body's strength, which is simply necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Sleep is very important for a person, especially for pregnant women. After all, the healthy development of the fetus will depend on how much better a pregnant woman feels. During pregnancy female body constantly faces increased loads. Healthy and deep sleep will help restore strength. However, expectant mothers should know how to sleep properly in order to get a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day.

It is sometimes difficult for a pregnant woman to fall asleep and then have a “quality” sleep. The reason for this discomfort is the difficulty in choosing a sleeping position. Every person has his favorite poses that help him sleep soundly and peacefully.

If a woman is pregnant, it will be useful for her to know which position is best to choose in order to easily fall asleep without harming the unborn baby. Some pregnant women will have to give up their favorite body position for a while. It is necessary to give preference to safe positions that will not harm the health of the unborn child and the mother herself.

Preferred options

For a pregnant woman, the best position is considered to be one in which her body lies on her left side. It is this position that will not interfere with natural blood circulation, and the fetus will not put pressure on the liver. This is the only way to avoid back pain.

At night, during short awakenings, doctors advise changing body position. You should turn over from one side to the other 3-4 times a night. In addition, you need to know not only about comfortable positions, but also how to get out of bed correctly. First of all, you need to first turn on your side, then slowly sit down. Such an action will relieve the expectant mother of unwanted uterine tone (which can lead to an increased likelihood of miscarriage).

You are allowed not only to lie on your left side, but you can also lean back a little, leaning on your spine. For this purpose, you need to put a thick cushion rolled up from a blanket on the back. You can spread your legs without bending them too much at the knees, and place a special sofa cushion between them. All these actions will help you relax and fall asleep faster.

What positions are prohibited?

Before three months Pregnant women are allowed to sleep in their favorite positions. However, over time you will have to rebuild to a safer position. You will have to forget about some positions during pregnancy.

This is especially true for the 3rd trimester. This is due to the fact that during this period it is strictly forbidden to sleep lying on your stomach or back, because:

  • The baby has grown noticeably,
  • the uterus compresses the intestines with the lower back,
  • compresses a vein from the blood supply system bottom part bodies.

In addition, a pregnant woman, due to improper positioning of the body during sleep, may then experience dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and breathing problems. Due to lack of oxygen, the unborn baby will begin to kick and push vigorously. That's why mom needs to know how to sleep properly during pregnancy.

Many specialists and accomplished mothers give a lot different advice How to sleep correctly for your child and yourself. First of all, it is advisable to ventilate the room before going to bed. This will ensure good vacation.

Sleeping in such a cool room, wrapped in a warm blanket, will be pleasant and easy. For those women who follow such advice, it will be easy to fall asleep, since their fetus will constantly receive plenty of oxygen, this will lead to the overall health of both organisms. Before going to bed, it is also advisable to check your night pajamas to see if they fit comfortably. It is advisable that it be several sizes larger. There are cases when women experience insomnia precisely for this reason.

During rest, you need to use an elastic pillow so that your head does not sink and discomfort does not appear. Similar products can be purchased at a store for expectant mothers. Every woman can choose a model that will meet her taste requirements. Today, stores sell a diverse range of products: body pillow, mother's pillow, U-shaped and wedge-shaped pillows. They all differ in filling, size, and colors. These products are used to support the abdomen and back, and relieve stress on the legs.

To get a full and healthy sleep, you also need to carry out a daily “relaxation” procedure. Sleeping after the “relaxation” ritual will become much more pleasant. You should do the following exercise to help relax your body: lie on your back, close your eyes tightly, and just focus on breathing. Then you need to stretch your neck, pressing your chin to your chest, and at the same time lower your shoulders. To feel your breath, you need to place your palms on your lower abdomen. This easy exercise can be performed throughout pregnancy.

It is recommended to take a soothing shower before falling asleep. To ensure a good rest, a pregnant woman should adhere to correct mode day. 3 hours before bedtime you are not allowed to eat or drink much. However, if a woman is constantly tormented by evening toxicosis, it is useful for her to drink a cup of herbal tea and eat a couple of crackers. Any active physical movements before bedtime are prohibited, but you can take a walk outside.

To avoid leg cramps at night, you should perform a massage before bed. By pinching, you can quickly relieve tired leg muscles. If a woman is worried about fears or is worried about something, she needs to consult a specialist. The doctor will give useful recommendations so that the expectant mother’s night rest becomes calm.

So, healthy sleep is the key to the correct course of pregnancy, as well as normal childbirth. Insomnia can cause various complications, chronic fatigue, which will ultimately negatively affect childbirth and disrupt the health of mother and child.

While expecting a baby, many women refuse to sleep on their back, explaining this feeling unwell and fear for the child's health. Are there any risks in this situation? Why shouldn’t pregnant women sleep on their backs, and what position should they choose to sleep during this difficult period?

Supine position

In the supine position, a pregnant woman can safely sleep until she is 14-16 weeks pregnant. Problems can only arise with severe toxicosis. In the supine position, nausea increases, the urge to vomit appears, and the general well-being of the expectant mother worsens. In case of severe toxicosis in the first trimester, you should refrain from lying on your back.

Pregnant women are not recommended to sleep on their back after 16 weeks. At this time, the uterus extends beyond the womb and with its entire mass presses on the organs abdominal cavity. The inferior vena cava, one of the largest vessels, also gets human body. When the vena cava is compressed by the growing uterus, quite unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • noise in ears;
  • flickering of flies before the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • a fall blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

The position on the back is also unfavorable for the baby. When the inferior vena cava is compressed, blood supply to the pelvic organs and placenta slows down, oxygen supply is disrupted and nutrients to the fruit. Hypoxia develops, the rate of physical development, which naturally affects the child’s health after birth. The conclusion is simple: you should not sleep on your back after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Prone position

The expectant mother can sleep on her stomach only until she is 10-12 weeks pregnant. In the first trimester, as long as the uterus does not extend beyond the pubic bone, this position will be completely safe for the growing baby. On early stages The prone position may even be beneficial for the woman. In this position, the manifestations of toxicosis are reduced, sleep improves, and the load on the spine is reduced. Many women sleep well only on their stomachs, with their arms stretched out in front of them or placed under their heads.

After 12 weeks you should not sleep on your stomach. In the second trimester, the uterus grows and extends beyond the pelvis, settling in the abdominal cavity. In the prone position, the woman puts all her weight on the baby in her womb. This position is dangerous for the fetus and is not permissible in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman wants to lie on her stomach, you can sit between large bolsters or pillows, covering yourself soft cloth from all sides. In this position there is no load on the abdomen, and there is no compression of the uterus, placenta and fetus. It is not recommended to remain in the prone position (even between pillows) for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.

Side position

Lying on the left or right side is the most comfortable position during pregnancy. In this position, the pelvic and abdominal organs are not compressed, the blood flow in the placenta is not disrupted, and the baby does not suffer. You can sleep on your side from the moment of conception until birth.

The choice of a comfortable side in the lateral position will depend on the sensations of the expectant mother. Many women are unable to sleep on their right side during pregnancy. Here are the liver and gallbladder– important organs digestive system. When they are compressed, heartburn and abdominal pain appear, and intestinal motility increases. The appearance of any unpleasant symptoms– a reason to change your body position and carefully roll over onto your left side.

How to choose a sleeping position?

When choosing a comfortable sleeping position, a pregnant woman should adhere to some rules:

  1. Up to 12 weeks you are allowed to sleep in any comfortable position.
  2. After 12 weeks you should not sleep on your stomach.
  3. In the third trimester, all examinations lying on the back should be carried out quite carefully. If you feel worse, you should change your position (turn over on your side).
  4. The optimal sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side. In this position, pull out left leg, and bend the right one at the knee. In this position, the load on the abdominal muscles is reduced and the uterus relaxes.
  5. You should not sleep on a surface that is too hard or on a surface that is too soft. The mattress for sleeping should be of medium hardness, without dips or unevenness.
  6. You should not sleep in one position for a long time. It is necessary to change position every 2-4 hours.
  7. For comfort, you can use special pillows.

Maternity pillows – best helper future mother. Special pillows look like horseshoe-shaped cushions from 140 to 220 cm long. The pillows are filled with safe materials - synthetic fluff or holofiber. The pillow can be placed under the lower back or placed between the legs in a side position. Such pillows relieve stress on the spine, relieve tension from the back muscles and create conditions for relaxation. comfortable sleep. After childbirth, pillows will help a woman find a comfortable position for feeding her baby.

Every person needs good sleep, pregnancy greatly increases the need for rest, so it is especially important for expectant mothers. But the physiological changes that occur after conception, accompanied by breast tenderness, abdominal growth, pain in the back and limbs, do not always allow for proper sleep.

In a new position, a woman often faces insomnia, and choosing a position suitable for sleeping becomes a real problem. Let's consider the features of a pregnant woman's rest in each trimester, as well as the problems associated with it and ways to solve them.

Pregnancy and sleep are inextricably linked, since without proper rest normal sleep is impossible. intrauterine development baby and wellness mother. French scientists came to the conclusion that women who suffered from insomnia during pregnancy are more likely to experience complications during childbirth (prolonged period of pushing, slow dilatation of the cervix). In addition, lack of normal sleep increases the risk of disease of cardio-vascular system.

Healthy long sleep allows the expectant mother to get rid of the accumulated worries associated with expecting a child and the upcoming birth. Therefore, in order not to experience constant stress and nervousness, you need to rest whenever the desire arises.

Sleep during pregnancy is especially important, because the female body begins to expend more energy than usual. The loss of strength is also explained by a natural decrease in immunity and blood pressure in the expectant mother. This causes apathy and weakness. The best and only way to get rid of them is to give the body the right amount of rest.

How much sleep do you need during pregnancy?

To meet the new needs of the body, sleep must become longer. During normal periods, the optimal duration of night rest is 8-9 hours. But a pregnant woman needs more time to recuperate - on average from 9 to 11 hours.

In the first trimester, the expectant mother experiences severe drowsiness associated with increased production of progesterone, the onset of toxicosis and other physiological changes. In this regard, sleep during early pregnancy also includes additional time for daytime rest. If desired, it is recommended to devote at least 1.5 hours to it.

In the second trimester, the woman’s condition stabilizes and weakness subsides. The need for daytime sleep may disappear, but night rest should remain sufficiently long - 9 hours or more. It is also important to maintain a daily routine - go to bed and get up at approximately the same time. The best time to go to bed is 11 pm, and the best time to get up is 8-9 am.

What positions are best to sleep in during pregnancy?

When thinking about how to combine sleep and pregnancy, the belly, which is growing day by day, makes its own adjustments. Due to the rapid growth of the child and, accordingly, the uterus, the problem is choosing a resting position that is comfortable for the woman and safe for the baby.

Many expectant mothers have a question: is sleeping on the stomach during pregnancy allowed or not? Let's try to figure out how long this is acceptable and what sleeping positions are more suitable for pregnant women.

In the early stages

The correct position guarantees sound sleep and good health. In the first trimester, the choice of positions is practically unlimited. The uterus has not yet grown much and is reliably protected by the pubic bones, so sleeping on the stomach during pregnancy is allowed during this period.

But often women have to choose a different sleeping position in the very early stages. The reason for this is enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. In such a situation, you can sleep on your back or side, the main thing is that the position is comfortable.

In the later stages

Starting from the second trimester, the choice of acceptable positions is reduced. In order not to cause discomfort to the baby and to maintain the pregnancy, sleeping on the stomach will have to be abolished. It is better to rest during this period by lying on your side, as if curled up around the baby.

Since the baby's weight and the size of the uterus are still small, sleeping on the back during pregnancy at this stage is allowed. But after the 27th week, this pose should also be abandoned. If the pregnancy is multiple, the fetus is large, or oligohydramnios is diagnosed, then this will have to be done earlier.

In the third trimester, the most suitable sleeping position is lying on your left side. If the baby is inside the uterus in a transverse presentation, then it is better to lie down on the side on which his head is located. This encourages the child to take the correct position.

To make your sleep more comfortable, lie on your left side. right leg you need to bend the knee and place a pillow under it. You can use a regular pillow of a suitable size or one specifically designed for pregnant women.

In this position, blood circulation in the placenta improves, creating optimal conditions for the functioning of the mother's cardiovascular system. In addition, unnecessary stress on the spine, kidneys and other internal organs is removed.

It is difficult to sleep on one side all night, so if discomfort occurs, doctors recommend changing your position by lying on the opposite side. It is advisable to do this 3-5 times a night.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy in the third trimester is not advisable. At this time, this creates excessive stress on the spine, intestines, and, most importantly, leads to compression of the vena cava.

As a result, the expectant mother’s well-being deteriorates and the following symptoms may appear:

  • labored breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, sometimes fainting.

The child experiences intrauterine oxygen starvation, which negatively affects its development. Often, if a woman turns over on her back in her sleep, the baby begins to push hard, giving signals that he is uncomfortable. But as soon as the expectant mother turns on her side, the situation returns to normal.

Sleeping on your stomach in the later stages is also strictly prohibited. Although the baby is protected by amniotic fluid, there is still a risk of injury.

What to do if you have a sleep disorder?

Drowsiness – natural state for a pregnant woman, but there are exceptions to any rule. Some women experience insomnia during pregnancy. There are many reasons for this - difficulties in choosing a comfortable position for rest, back pain, spasms and cramps in the legs, concern for the unborn baby or fear of the upcoming birth.

Poor sleep during pregnancy is not normal. Lack of proper rest depletes the body of the expectant mother, leading to loss of strength, headaches and exacerbation chronic diseases. You can cope with sleep disorders by following a few simple rules.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the state of your body and your daily routine. It will be easier to fall asleep if:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every day. It is advisable to do this no later than 23:00. Getting up should also not be too late; 9-10 hours are enough for a pregnant woman to fully rest.
  2. Practicing nap, don't make it too long. If you rest for more than 2 hours during the day, your routine will be disrupted and falling asleep at night will be problematic.
  3. Do not drink a lot of liquid at night, otherwise the urge to urinate, already more frequent due to the pressure of the uterus on bladder, they won’t let you rest properly.
  4. Provide yourself with reasonable physical activity throughout the day. If there are no contraindications, you need to take a walk every day. fresh air at least 2 hours, attend yoga or water aerobics for pregnant women. It is better if physical activity occurs in the first half of the day.
  5. Don't overeat at night. If the dinner is too heavy, everything eaten will cause an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach and make breathing difficult, which is not conducive to healthy and sound sleep.
  6. Ventilate the room before going to bed. The air in the bedroom should be fresh, but not too cold and dry.
  7. Wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. Sleepwear should not be tight or hot. If the house is cool, it is better to cover yourself with a warm blanket, but be lightly dressed.
  8. Take a warm shower before bed. This will relax your muscles and speed up your sleep.
  9. Use aromatherapy. Essential oils(ylang-ylang, sandalwood, lavender, neroli) help calm, relieve nervous tension and get ready for sleep. They can be applied to fabric, placed in a special pendant, or evaporated using an aroma lamp. But you need to remember that oils can cause allergies.
  10. Convert a place to sleep by purchasing pleasant to the body bed linen, a comfortable pillow for pregnant women, and, if necessary, an orthopedic mattress.

If the tips listed above do not help you get rid of insomnia, you should consult your doctor. For persistent sleep disorders, pregnant women may be recommended herbal teas or lungs sedatives from natural ingredients - valerian, motherwort, etc. Any sleeping pills for expectant mothers are contraindicated, since they negatively affect the development of the baby and cause disruptions in the functioning of the woman’s liver and kidneys.

Electrosleep during pregnancy

Electrosleep during pregnancy is one of the few approved medical methods for combating insomnia. This procedure is carried out in a physiotherapy room and consists of applying low-frequency pulse currents to the brain using a special device.

This effect restores cerebral circulation, normalizes nervous activity, makes it easier to fall asleep. In addition, electrosleep improves metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces blood pressure, relieves spasms and reduces pain syndrome. The procedure is indicated for pregnant women not only for nervousness and sleep disturbances, but also for severe toxicosis in the second trimester.

The treatment has contraindications (epilepsy, dermatitis of the facial skin, eye diseases, oncological processes) and is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Adequate rest while expecting a child is possible. A stable daily routine and the creation of conditions favorable for falling asleep will allow you to forget about sleep forever. bad dream during pregnancy. But, if, despite this, you continue to experience difficulties and discomfort, do not hesitate. Timely request for medical care will help you get rid of insomnia and begin to receive only pleasure from your situation.

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Upon entering the final month of pregnancy birth process can start at any moment. At this stage the child is already small organism quite ready to meet outside world.

Well-being of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

Starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may experience new sensations. Heartburn, increased gas formation, constipation, vomiting, dizziness and headaches may occur.

May also appear various kinds muscle cramps during sleep, swelling of the nasal mucosa or nosebleeds. In addition, a woman at 9 months of pregnancy feels painful sensations in the spine, pelvic pain, very frequent urge to urination.

During this period, uterine spasms intensify and difficulties arise during movement and during sleep. Characteristic symptoms 9 months can also be called increased vaginal discharge and the presence of blood streaks in it.

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother may become very excitable, especially when thinking about the upcoming birth. Many women note the presence of fear and absent-mindedness. This condition is facilitated by a change in the child’s activity, because he no longer has enough space, and he does not push, but makes twisting movements.

Sleeping in the ninth month of pregnancy

Most pregnant women feel sleepy all the time. This is a normal reaction of the body to changes occurring in it. Future mom during this period experiences a very large emotional load. Therefore, fatigue sets in quite quickly and the woman constantly wants to lie down to rest.

You need to sleep as much as you want. The best solution would be to give up various kinds of evening entertainment in favor of sleep, and immediately before it take a short walk, after which it will be easier to fall asleep.

The duration of night sleep is recommended to be at least 8 hours. Best time to go to bed - around 10 o'clock in the evening, since from this time until one in the morning sleep is the most healing. The sleeping area should not be very soft, but not too hard either. Best pose For sleeping, the position is on the right side, or, in extreme cases, on the back, but not on the stomach.

A pregnant woman who spends most of her time at home can afford to sleep for a couple of hours during the day. You can avoid daytime sleepiness by spending more time outdoors. Stuffy and heavily smoky rooms, as well as places where there are large crowds of people, should be avoided.

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