Home Prevention How much sleep should a pregnant girl have? Learning to sleep correctly

How much sleep should a pregnant girl have? Learning to sleep correctly

Everyone knows that during sleep the human body rests and gains strength before a new day. Especially it is necessary to say about the benefits of sleep for pregnant women. Sleep during pregnancy is very important. With such rest, the functionality of the cells is restored, which is very important for the health of the expectant mother and baby.

It is worth noting that it is especially important night sleep during pregnancy. Agree that during pregnancy, a woman’s body must withstand a double load, which affects the functioning of all organs and systems. Some women complain of insomnia in the first trimester. On different dates sleep may be disturbed due to various reasons.

Research confirms the fact that insomnia occurs against the background of hormonal changes that occur in the body of any pregnant woman. Often the “peak” of sleepiness occurs in the second trimester. Then women get tired very quickly and sleep is necessary for them.

But from the third trimester, insomnia is associated with a growing tummy. Then the woman has difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position.

So in the first months of pregnancy, the causes of insomnia are excessive impressionability and other aspects of a psychological nature. The woman begins to gradually get used to the idea that she is pregnant. But at the same time, she is afraid of her future life and responsibility for the baby. When a woman finally falls asleep, she often has nightmares related to pregnancy or the upcoming birth.

In the middle of pregnancy, women suffer from insomnia due to physiological reasons. During pregnancy female body is being rebuilt. Very often, women feel a deterioration in their health due to bloating or difficulty breathing. It may also happen that insomnia prevents you from falling asleep due to inflammatory skin diseases. An expanding fetus can interfere with sleep, causing pain in the back and lower abdomen. Among other things, pregnant women very often want to go to the toilet at night. The thing is that the uterus grows, and at the same time there is pressure on bladder. With a lack of calcium in the body, the expectant mother may experience cramps in her sleep.

Another serious problem that prevents a woman from falling asleep peacefully is the lack of a comfortable sleeping position. After all, the stomach makes it very difficult to lie down the way a woman wants. Doctors note that women should not sleep on their stomachs, because this will harm the fetus. strong pressure, which will not benefit the health of the unborn baby. In the later stages, you should not sleep on your back, because then the pressure will affect it internal organs and impede blood circulation in the tissues.

When the baby's movements become noticeable, it can also interfere with a woman's restful sleep. If the baby pushes hard, this indicates that the mother chose not to correct posture for sleep.

Positions in which you can sleep during early and late pregnancy

Pregnancy time imposes its own restrictions - the usual sleeping positions during pregnancy can harm the fetus and be simply uncomfortable. Therefore, you need to understand what sleeping positions are acceptable during pregnancy.

Up to twelve weeks after conception future mom can sleep in a familiar position without wondering how to sleep properly during pregnancy. However, after a couple of months, restrictions are imposed.

What is the best sleeping position during pregnancy? Doctors advise sleeping on your side during pregnancy, preferably on your left. Sleeping in this position will be the best option. Try to develop this habit at the very beginning. In this position of the body, the legs should be bent. This pose is very comfortable, and it also promotes normal heart function.

You may find it comfortable to sleep on your left side. This is how you can protect the liver from pressure from the fetus. In addition, sleeping on the left side will improve blood circulation and also increase blood flow to vital organs and, of course, to the fetus.

Of course, not all people can spend their entire sleep in one position, so at night you can also roll over onto your right side. Closer to the third trimester, the body will finally be able to adapt and sleep in the desired position will be more comfortable.

If regular pillows are not conducive to comfortable rest, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women.
If you still wake up at night and realize that you can’t sleep anymore, then try to do something to distract yourself from the thought of sleep. You can look at photos in an album or just listen to calm music.

How can you not sleep during pregnancy?

Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy? Is it possible to sleep on your stomach? These questions often concern expectant mothers.

On early stages, up to 12 weeks you can sleep on your stomach, but later this position will be unsafe for both the fetus and the expectant mother.

It’s unfortunate, but you can only sleep on your back during pregnancy until the 24th week, so you need to give up this sleeping position. In some cases, you can't sleep on your back even earlier. This is due to the fact that the fetus and amniotic fluid put pressure on the inferior vena cava and can compress it, which will impede blood circulation, nutrients will not be able to be transported throughout the body, which can create problems for the woman and the fetus. This phenomenon is called inferior vena cava syndrome and is accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, decreased blood pressure and others unpleasant symptoms.

How much sleep do you need during pregnancy?

If we talk about the duration of sleep for pregnant women, then this figure should be at least 8-9 hours a day. With a lack of sleep, a woman becomes irritable and gets tired quickly.

It is best to go to bed at 10-11 pm so that sleep continues until 7 am. Sleep at this time best restores the body. Of course, not all women manage to get enough sleep. About 70% of all pregnant women complain of restless sleep. They may wake up frequently or suffer from lack of sleep.

To get rid of insomnia, you can try following simple rules.

    It is better not to fall asleep during the day, because falling asleep at night will be very problematic. Even if you decide to take a nap during the day, your sleep duration should not exceed 1.5 hours. If you notice that you sleep very restlessly at night after... nap, and do not fall asleep at all during the day. You can just lie down, but don't fall asleep.

    A woman will fall asleep faster when her body feels some fatigue. Similar fatigue occurs after exercise or walking in the fresh air before bed. It should be taken into account that physical exercises should be performed in the morning and after lunch. But in the evening, your body should prepare for sleep. Those women who want to do a set of exercises in the evening should know that it will not benefit the body. Doctors do not recommend exercising in the evening because it takes a very long time for the body to calm down after such activities.

    Emotional outbursts do not contribute to healthy sleep, especially in evening time. There is also no need to worry during the day. Even if it happens that you are upset, try to calm down as quickly as possible. You need to get rid of anxious thoughts from your head during the day, tell your loved ones about your experiences, so that in the evening you can sleep peacefully.

    Don't overload your brain too much before going to bed. The fact is that when the brain works hard, it needs some time to start resting. That's why you don't need to read serious books or solve problems. The best option, which will contribute to sound sleep, will be listening to pleasant music.

    It is not recommended for a pregnant woman to overeat before going to bed. Often it is overeating that causes insomnia. When the stomach continues to work, process food, and at this time a person cannot sleep. For dinner, it is better to eat some fruits or vegetables. The main thing is that the food is not heavy and is quickly absorbed by the body. In order to speed up the process of falling asleep, you can drink a glass of warm milk. After it you will fall asleep very quickly.

    You will not wake up often at night and go to the toilet if you can limit your fluid intake starting at 4-5 pm. The list of prohibited drinks includes tea, coffee and cocoa.

    A warm shower will help calm the body and set it up for sleep. It should be taken approximately 20 minutes before bedtime.

    Fresh air also promotes sound sleep. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to walk in the fresh air every day and sleep in a room with an open window. During the cold season, frequent ventilation of the room will help.

    Among other things, you need to take care of the comfort of the bed. It should not be too hard or too soft. Sleep only on comfortable pillows. The blanket should allow air to pass through well, which will help the body breathe while sleeping.

    You can improve your sleep with aromatherapy. Use healing herbs designed to calm the body and promote sound sleep. So you can put a bag near the pillow with lemon balm, laurel leaves, rose petals, etc. sewn into it. A good remedy will become from insomnia essential oil lavender. It should be applied to the temples before bed.

    Remember that you should not take any sleeping pills during pregnancy. This is because medications can have an extremely negative impact not only on the fetus, but also on the health of the pregnant woman. The liver and kidneys are especially affected by such drugs. If you really cannot sleep, resort to using herbal preparations - motherwort or valerian.

    Deep sleep is possible only if you follow a rest regime. That is, you must train yourself to get up and go to bed at the same time.

    If your sleep is disturbed due to lower back pain, ask for a back massage along your spine. If you have leg cramps, you need to pull it back slightly. thumb legs and hold light massage. In order to prevent the occurrence of seizures, it is necessary to take microelements such as calcium and magnesium. It is because of their deficiency that night cramps occur.

    Very often, women cannot sleep because they are disturbed by the active movements of the baby. In this case, you need to change the position, because the child is thus trying to say that he does not have enough oxygen. But even if you change your position and the baby is still tossing and turning, wait a little until he calms down.

    Try to find a comfortable sleeping position. Doctors advise sleeping on your side. But at the same time, you should additionally use pillows that will relieve the load on the spine. The first pillow should be placed under your head, the second between your knees, and the third under your stomach. There is also the option of placing a cushion under your lower back. Those women who are used to sleeping on their back should understand that this position can cause dizziness due to impaired blood flow to the heart and brain. All this is caused by the enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on the inferior vena cava.

    Don't take a hot bath before bed. Even though hot water It seems like it should help relax the body; during pregnancy it is better not to abuse this remedy. A pregnant woman taking a hot bath runs the risk of disrupting blood circulation in her body.

Sleep during pregnancy is very important. Choose the right sleeping position and remember: healthy sleep directly depends on your good mood. Therefore, you should not be upset over trifles. You need to enjoy life and then your sleep will be healthy and sound.

Contents of the article

It's no secret that pregnancy is a period of serious hormonal changes and significant stress, which become more noticeable every month. Therefore, proper rest and sleep at this time are necessary for the female body more than ever, because without them, not only the physical, but also emotional condition future mother. It is not surprising that extreme important questions: how best to sleep during pregnancy in order to fully restore the strength spent during the day, and how can you alleviate the condition of the expectant mother by making her sleep truly healthy and deep?

How to sleep properly during pregnancy

As the fetus increases in size and the expectant mother's belly becomes larger, finding the optimal position for sleeping can take so much time that there is practically no time left for rest itself. In addition, the body position should not only make it easier to fall asleep, but also be safe for the mother and her unborn baby - it is important that the uterus does not put pressure on the internal organs, impairing blood flow. So how should you sleep during pregnancy so that the position is not only comfortable, but also harmless to the woman’s body and the fetus itself?

First of all, it is worth remembering that you will have to give up resting on your stomach and back quite quickly. In the first case, the baby, finding itself under the weight of the mother’s body, may get injured, especially since it will simply not be possible to control its movements in a dream. And in the second, the uterus and the fetus itself, putting pressure on the vena cava, will prevent the cells from being saturated with oxygen in the proper volume. In this regard, women, being pregnant, ask the question: when falling asleep, is it possible to sleep on the side during pregnancy, and which side is better to lie on in this case?

Doctors strongly recommend that expectant mothers sleep on their left side, since lying on right side over several hours can cause compression of the kidney. The left side in this regard is considered an ideal option: not only the functioning of the kidneys improves, but also the blood supply to the placenta, as well as the functioning of the heart. In addition, the load on the liver and the risk of edema are reduced. Of course, if a woman has just recently become pregnant, sleeping on the right side will not be dangerous for her and the unborn baby, but from the 12th week of pregnancy this issue will have to be treated with much more attention.

And of course, answering the question of how to sleep properly during pregnancy, it is worth mentioning the importance of a high-quality orthopedic mattress and special pillows for expectant mothers, which will help get rid of discomfort and make a night's rest truly high-quality and complete.


In what position can you sleep during pregnancy, and does the choice of the optimal sleeping position depend on its duration? The answer is clear - it depends, and the longer the period, the more important it is for the expectant mother to think about the safety of the child during the night's rest. Often pregnant women complain: “Everyone says that sleeping on the right side during pregnancy can harm the baby, but I simply cannot sleep any other way.” In fact, everything is far from being so categorical, but for each period, doctors have special recommendations that are best known and followed.

First months

How to sleep better in early pregnancy? Of course, choosing the right and comfortable position at the same time. While the fetus and belly, respectively, are still very small, almost any option in which the expectant mother feels as comfortable as possible is acceptable. In the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, up to 11-12 weeks, there will be no harm to the baby, even if his mother sleeps on her stomach every night. At this time, the uterus is still protected from pressure by the pelvic and pubic bones, and the bladder has to feel the main load.

In the first trimester you can even sleep on your stomach

The only thing that can prevent a woman from sleeping soundly in the early stages of pregnancy is increased sensitivity and even soreness of the breasts, which appears as a result of hormonal changes occurring at this moment in the body of the expectant mother. In addition, even during early pregnancy, doctors recommend gradually learning to sleep on your side or at least in an intermediate position, placing a special pillow behind you, so that in the future, refusing to rest on your back and stomach will be painless.

Second trimester

Due to feeling good the expectant mother and her full sleep, the 2nd trimester is rightfully considered the most happy period pregnancy, during which the main hormonal storms have already subsided, and problems excess weight and back pain has not yet made itself felt. But now, wondering how to sleep better in the second trimester, she should first of all think about the health and safety of the unborn child, and not about her comfort. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the uterus already feels a lot of pressure, and although the fetus is well protected by adipose tissue and amniotic fluid, sleeping on the stomach at this time is not recommended.

From 24-26 weeks, expectant mothers have to give up resting on their backs - the fetus becomes quite large, which is why the uterus, pressing against the spine, can compress the inferior vena cava. Therefore, pregnant women during this period are recommended to sleep on their left side, sometimes turning to the right, and listen carefully to the movements of the fetus - if the baby is uncomfortable, he can tell the mother about it by kicking.

Third trimester

How is it recommended to sleep in the last weeks before giving birth? This question is not an easy one, because already at 33 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen significantly complicates the choice of a comfortable position for rest. How can you alleviate the condition of the expectant mother if she is already in her eighth month? At 8 months of pregnancy, doctors recommend sleeping exclusively on the left side to protect the liver from excessive pressure from the fetus. The same rule applies to the ninth: how to sleep in the 9th month of pregnancy, if the stomach has become so large that even turning over to the other side is a whole problem? Of course, spending the whole night in one position is quite difficult, but with the help of a special pillow sandwiched between the knees and a cushion placed under the stomach, you can almost completely get rid of the discomfort.

This way you will sleep very comfortably

In addition, if at 35 weeks of pregnancy an abnormal position of the fetus was detected, suitable posture for sleep can correct the situation: with a breech presentation, sleeping is allowed exclusively on the left side, and with a transverse presentation, sleeping on the side where the baby’s head is directed.

How to sleep when pregnant with twins

Women carrying two babies at once ask this question much earlier than others, because they have to experience a double burden. An expectant mother pregnant with twins should forget about resting on her stomach and back in the first trimester, because pressure on the spine will be exerted by two fetuses at once. This means that the answer to the question of how to sleep during a multiple pregnancy is obvious: taking into account all the standard instructions for this case, but taking into account the much greater load on the body and the need to take care of the safety of not one, but two babies at once.

Helper pillow

Most doctors, already in the early stages, recommend purchasing a special pillow for pregnant women, which will help cope with discomfort and pain and make the expectant mother’s sleep truly high-quality and deep. There are many available on the modern market various options such products that can satisfy any needs: some people find it more comfortable to sleep with support under their back, while others primarily need abdominal support with the help of a special cushion. In any case, when deciding on such a purchase, we are not just choosing a place to sleep and relax, but we are taking care of the health of the unborn child, ensuring his safety throughout the night.

How much sleep do pregnant women need?

You need to sleep as much as you like 😉

For full recovery After expended energy per day, an adult needs at least 7-8 hours of full sleep. How much rest will a pregnant woman need in this case, whose body is experiencing increasing stress every day? Research conducted in this area has shown that expectant mothers need a healthy sleep of 9-10 hours, which will provide her with sufficient energy for the entire next day. At the same time, constant lack of sleep, and even more so chronic insomnia, which is often found in pregnant women, can cause serious problems with health, up to premature birth and even miscarriage.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

Diagnosis of pregnant women is a rather complicated issue, because many types of examinations may turn out to be unsafe during this period. But this does not mean that with the problem of insomnia you should not seek advice from a doctor - an X-ray or CT scan for a pregnant woman, of course, is unlikely to be prescribed, but finding out what the cause of sleep disturbances is quite possible and using more gentle methods. Most often, the situation is normalized with the help of the lungs sedatives, which have a beneficial effect on the unstable emotional state of the mother, but in extreme cases, sleeping pills that are approved for use during pregnancy are also prescribed.

In addition, by examining and collecting anamnesis, the expectant mother can be detected accompanying illnesses, worsening the quality of night rest, for example, high blood pressure or cramps in calf muscles, and a blood sugar test sometimes reveals uncompensated diabetes, at which frequent urination And itchy skin make sleep shallow and interrupted.

Dangers and complications

How can you not sleep during pregnancy? This question worries expectant mothers for good reason, because many of the poses that seem quite comfortable can affect both their condition and the development of the fetus. Thus, sleeping on the right side significantly increases pressure on the liver, and lying on the stomach is generally dangerous for the baby’s life. In addition, an incorrectly chosen position for rest is fraught with disruption of the blood supply to the placenta, the appearance of aching pain in the back, edema, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, dizziness, general weakness, nausea and even vomiting. This means that taking care of the quality of sleep for a pregnant woman and her loved ones should be no less important than monitoring their diet and walking in the fresh air. And then she herself will feel great, and her baby will grow and develop fully.

This question worries all expectant mothers, because very often at an appointment with your gynecologist during pregnancy, you can hear something like this: “Tell me how you sleep, and I’ll tell you how the baby feels.”

This is not without reason: it turns out that there is a very close connection between the state of sleep and diseases characteristic of an interesting position. Special studies have shown that only 13% of all pregnant women do not have problems with sleep, while 87% of pregnant respondents noted various problems. The most common are the inability to get a good night's sleep, insomnia, and chronic lack of sleep. At the same time, drowsiness is most typical at the beginning of pregnancy, and lack of sleep is most typical for the last months. Sleep problems are quite serious while expecting a baby, because a woman becomes anxious and nervous about her condition, which leads to complications, including the threat of termination of pregnancy.

By the way, about anxiety. If a woman is not well prepared for her new position, if she is worried about the course of pregnancy, especially when she has already had a negative experience, if the pregnancy is unplanned, or the young mother has not reached 20 years of age - all these factors provoke additional anxiety. What can you recommend to such women? Of course, self-education through modern media, the Internet and books will not hurt, however, the best adviser is a specialist from antenatal clinic, family planning center or school for expectant mothers. Only a trained specialist can give reliable information and competently answer all the woman’s questions, which guarantees the woman’s emotional calm and stability, and this, in turn, will only affect her sleep for the better.

Duration of sleep Doctors say that a pregnant woman should sleep more than her peers, because the task of the expectant mother is to carry and give birth to a healthy child. And for this you need to sleep about 8-10 hours a day instead of the usual 6-8. This duration is due not only physiological state and the stress that the body experiences when working to create a new life, but also emotional: information, experiences, current affairs - all this takes energy an order of magnitude more than in the normal state. Therefore, if possible, rest during the day. If you are still working, give yourself breaks: just sit and relax; During your lunch break, don’t sit at the computer, but take a walk in the fresh air - it will be more helpful!

Yes, if we talk about habits, then hiking before bed (or at least just in the evening after work) should become the norm. As does the habit of going to bed at the same time. Cosmetologists and somnologists say that in the period from 10 pm to 1 am, all processes in the body work to improve health, so this time is even called “beauty sleep.” Based on the above, it is better for the expectant mother to go to bed around 22.00 so as not to miss this time - this way the beauty will be preserved and the body will work like a clock. Yes, and regulation of their biological clock will work to your advantage: drowsiness and lethargy, irritability and nervousness, characteristic of people who regularly do not get enough sleep, will bypass a pregnant woman.

How to sleep? The expectant mother’s bed should not resemble either a feather bed or a piece of wood: fortunately, modern market orthopedic mattresses allows you to find the best option, which, in in this case, should be “medium” in hardness. The optimal position is on the right side, so as not to compress the heart area, not on the stomach - obvious reason. As a last resort - on the back. Concerning organizational issues, then it’s worth dwelling on some nuances here.

To drink or not to drink? An hour or two, or even just before bed, many people like to drink a glass of cool water. This threatens a pregnant woman with increased urination, which is already frequent. And don't forget about the possibility of swelling. To avoid feeling thirsty in the evening, you can try drinking more during the day.

Dinner. If the rule “don’t eat after six” was relevant for you at the usual time, then during pregnancy these dates need to be shifted a little: the last meal is 3-4 hours before bedtime. Moreover, mommy’s food is “building material” for the baby, so you can eat both protein and carbohydrate foods, the main thing is not to mix them.

Inconvenience during sleep. Sometimes pregnant women, especially in the second half of pregnancy, experience discomfort from the chest side. You can try sleeping in a bra. Preference should be given to special “pregnant” models, which are made of cotton, often without seams - thanks to such a simple procedure, tension in the chest will be noticeably relieved. If the difficulties are associated with difficulty breathing, you can try sleeping on a large, high pillow - this way the uterus will stop putting pressure on the diaphragm due to the fact that top part the body will be located above the lower one.

If your legs cause anxiety during sleep (fatigue, bloating are the usual “companions” of the last trimester), you can try to elevate them by placing a pillow. This will ensure your legs have good blood flow.

Gymnastics. Simple physical exercises performed 3-4 hours before bed will help get rid of the adrenaline that has been accumulating in the body all day, enrich the body with oxygen by accelerating blood flow and will train muscles, the shape of which will then be easier to restore after childbirth. Book or magazine before bed. If this habit brought you pleasure before pregnancy, you shouldn’t give it up: by reading at night, you perform a familiar ritual that helps you fall asleep. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the lighting of the room.

Warm baths. During pregnancy, obstetricians and gynecologists do not recommend this method of relaxation. But giving preference to the pool, active (in moderation) swimming and a contrast shower is an option that is quite suitable for the expectant mother. Water will not only soothe, but will also have a good effect on the skin and muscles, and cold and hot shower It will give you vigor, and after class it will become a kind of sleeping pill by bedtime.

Speaking of sleeping pills. They should not be taken during pregnancy, just like other medications– they can harm the health of an unborn baby. If you understand that you still need help, try herbal teas, recipes traditional medicine. A glass of warm milk with honey is very soothing. Milk can be replaced with natural juices, and the sleeping effect is best manifested in apple juice. You can also try Herb tea with the addition of lemon balm and mint.

Aromatherapy. If there are no contraindications, you can try natural herbal pads (chamomile, hops, oregano, rose, mint are suitable). They have a calming effect and have a beneficial effect on the duration and quality of sleep.

In general, everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to approach sleep issues wisely, and then you will wake up rested, with good mood and love for your baby and the whole world. Sweet Dreams!

Alima Ospanova

An important part of our life and an integral element for maintaining health is good sleep. It is during sleep that we restore energy, “reboot” our brain and help all body systems prepare for a new day.

Think about any day when you woke up without sleep. The feeling of fatigue and weakness accompanies us throughout the day, concentration is impaired, any little thing can cause irritation, and the simplest work becomes significantly more complicated in our eyes.

Prolonged neglect of sleep can cause serious health problems. To avoid such consequences, doctors recommend that adults sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. But pregnancy changes a woman’s lifestyle very significantly, and these changes also affect the duration of sleep.

Duration of sleep. Why do pregnant women sleep a lot?

To feel good during pregnancy and create all the conditions for normal development unborn baby, mothers begin to monitor their health more carefully, try to avoid stress, eat better, walk more in the fresh air and, of course, get proper rest.

Many people are surprised that pregnant women sleep a lot. But actually, there is nothing strange about this. The female body begins to work “for two”, the load on almost all systems and organs increases, so expectant mothers get tired faster and more often feel the desire to sleep. In addition, drowsiness is often caused by low blood pressure, which often happens during pregnancy, as well as decreased immunity and a lack of vitamins.

In order for sleep to be beneficial and have a beneficial effect on the health of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to sleep about 12 hours a day. It doesn't have to be a one-time dream. It is much better not to lie in bed until lunch, but to set aside a couple of hours for a nap during the day.

The optimal time for mommy to rest will be night sleep from 22.00 to 7.00, that is, 9 hours to restore the body after the day's worries. After lunch, it is useful to set aside hours for sleep from 14.00 to 16.00 to “reboot” and regain some strength.

Some pregnant women claim that not used to sleeping during the day, so this system is not suitable for them. Of course, every body is different, but even if you can't sleep, just resting and relaxing for a couple of hours after lunch will give you an influx of energy and significantly improve your overall condition.

Sleep problems

As already noted, expectant mothers sleep much more than non-pregnant girls. However, often even long sleep does not relieve the feeling of fatigue. Why is this happening?

First of all, during pregnancy the stage of drowsiness increases, when consciousness is still sensitive to even the most insignificant external stimuli.

In the first months of pregnancy, sleep problems can be associated not only with hormonal changes in the woman’s body, but also with psychological problems. This is especially typical for the first pregnancy. Upcoming changes in life give rise to worries and fears, which, in turn, negatively affects the quality of sleep. Often women complain of nightmares that interfere with proper rest.

The following months may also be accompanied by insomnia. The development of the fetus increases the load on the mother’s body, all systems begin to work in increased mode, and it seems that they simply refuse to rest.

During this period, sleep problems are provoked physiological reasons: appear painful sensations in the back, lower abdomen, legs, may occur night cramps in the muscles, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and indigestion often occurs. In addition, there may be dermatological problems(itching, inflammation).

Yes and growing belly can cause problems with choosing a comfortable sleeping position, which also makes it difficult to relax.
In the last months of pregnancy, the baby's activity may interfere with proper rest, but this may be a signal that the sleeping position is chosen incorrectly. We will tell you below how to choose the optimal sleeping position during pregnancy.

It is not advisable to eat heavily before bed; it is best to avoid eating altogether two hours before bedtime. But considering that the desire to snack can be irresistible, and sleep on an empty stomach will also not be of high quality, you can allow yourself to drink a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, eat fruit (banana, apple), or a small piece of meat. It is preferable to choose turkey, because... it contains a natural mild sleeping pill.

It is also advisable not to consume a lot of fluids in the evening to minimize the urge to urinate, which interrupts sleep.

Give it to your body physical activity. Natural fatigue from a walk or light exercise is a great way to promote healthy sleep. If weather conditions permit, do not deny yourself a walk before bed. If this is not possible, then replace the walk physical exercise.

But they should be performed during the day, and not before bedtime, because the body, excited by the warm-up, will definitely refuse to fall into a healthy sleep. To prepare for bed, you can perform several relaxing exercises offered by a yoga course for pregnant women. This will help you get in the right frame of mind.

It will be useful to develop a certain sleep schedule so that the body itself knows when it is time to rest. Any rituals performed daily before bed can help form a routine. For example, you can take a warm bath with lavender oil or drink a cup of chamomile tea. Choose what you like.

It is advisable not to overload the body in the evening. All tasks that require stress (both physical and mental) are best done before evening.

Create conditions for comfortable sleep. Ventilate the room so that it is not stuffy, choose comfortable clothes for sleeping.

Choose the right pose.

Correct sleeping position during different periods of pregnancy. Sleeping on your back and stomach

One of the collaterals healthy sleep and quality rest is right choice poses. Probably, everyone has their own preferences: someone sweetly falls asleep on their side, grasping the blanket with their knees, someone sleeps on their stomach, hugging a pillow, someone on their back. But when a woman becomes responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn baby, she even has to choose a sleeping position taking into account her “position.”

Choosing a sleeping position in the first trimester

Let's first look at what happens to a woman's body during this period. In the first months, the uterus increases slightly, and the visually pregnant belly is still completely invisible. The fetus in the uterus is protected by the pubic bones. But already during this period, the sensitivity of the breast increases, as swelling of the mammary glands occurs.

What sleeping position should you choose? Almost any. However, doctors have differing opinions regarding the possibility of sleeping on the stomach.

Some experts argue that even in the early stages, the expectant mother should stop sleeping on your stomach, even if this position is familiar and comfortable for her. This is explained by the fact that body weight transferred to the stomach during sleep can harm the development of the fetus.

But there are doctors who do not place any restrictions on the choice of sleeping position in the first trimester, arguing that the main thing is maintain healthy and complete rest for a woman.

Who should you listen to? Of course, consult your doctor, because you trust this specialist. But if you want to get an outside opinion, we recommend choosing a middle ground.

When sleeping on your stomach does not cause discomfort, and this often happens due to hypersensitivity breasts, you can safely sleep as comfortably as possible. However, it should be taken into account that in the future this position will still have to be abandoned. Therefore, you can take advantage of the moment and begin to relearn little by little.

Choosing a sleeping position in the second trimester

At this time, the tummy begins to grow, as the uterus gradually enlarges. Now the baby is protected only directly by the walls of the uterus and amniotic fluid.

However it still exists freedom in choosing a sleeping position. Again, only sleeping on the stomach raises doubts. The protection of the unborn child is no longer as reliable as in the first trimester, so the pressure of the mother’s body weight on the tummy will be sensitive. But often, problems with sleeping on the stomach do not arise during this period, because many women simply find it uncomfortable to sleep like that and change their position voluntarily.

Choosing a sleeping position in the third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, the tummy becomes quite large, so it can cause some discomfort when choosing a comfortable sleeping position.

What do the doctor's say? It's obvious that sleeping on your stomach becomes physically impossible. It is not only unsafe, but also simply uncomfortable for the expectant mother.

Many women try sleeping on their back. However, it should be warned that during the last trimester the uterus, having increased significantly, in the “lying on your back” position compresses the inferior vena cava. This is quite dangerous, because it disrupts normal blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.

During sleep, a woman may even lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen reaching the brain. In addition, sleeping on your back in the later stages is fraught with vein diseases such as varicose veins and thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

An already grown baby puts pressure on the internal organs, so sleeping on the back can lead to impaired kidney function, gastrointestinal tract, liver. In addition, such a sleeping position is harmful not only to the expectant mother, but also to her baby, because he will also feel the lack of oxygen. Therefore we recommend Avoid this position while sleeping.

What sleeping position should you choose in the last months of pregnancy?

Here the experts are unanimous - optimal choice is sleeping on your side.

As an alternative, you can use a special pregnancy pillow, which is made to support the expectant mother's body in the most comfortable position.

Does it matter which side you sleep on?

Yes, it has. Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side to facilitate the functioning of the kidneys, gall bladder, and also reduce swelling of the extremities. However, some mothers feel discomfort and pressure on the heart. If this happens to you, then you are allowed to sleep on your right side. Doctors recommend this same position for women with oblique presentation of the fetus.

Finally, I would like to note that if you still can’t fall asleep, you don’t need to torment yourself with thoughts about the need for sleep and count how many minutes you still have to rest. Take a break, do something you enjoy. For example, read a book, listen to your favorite music. There is no need to try to solve the problem of insomnia with pills. Such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Take care of your health and your unborn baby. Let it go good dream helps you with this.

Each person has their own specific daily routine - someone can sleep only a few hours and feel great, while for others even 10 hours is not enough for proper rest. Changes regularly occur in a pregnant woman's body, so if before this situation she only needed 8-9 hours to sleep, now she may need much more time.

Difficulty sleeping

According to a study by Norwegian scientists, it was found that almost 70% of pregnant women experience serious problems with sleep. Half of the women complain about constant insomnia, that they cannot sleep for a long time, and they have to count all the “lambs and butterflies.” The second part of the respondents, on the contrary, say that they are constantly in a sleepy state, always experience a huge “oversleep”, but they are not able to force themselves to get up on time.

Both of these conditions can be easily explained. In the first case, this behavior characterizes the woman’s anxiety: she is worried about how her pregnancy is going, how the birth will go, what her baby will be like.

In the second case, the female body apparently accumulates hours of sleep, since after childbirth a woman is unlikely to be able to sleep for a long time. Moreover, there are a lot of women who literally learned after giving birth to fall asleep in any position, whether lying down or standing.

Need to sleep a little more

Scientists have concluded that if a woman is in an interesting position, then she should sleep a little more than she was used to before. For example, if she slept 8 hours a day, now she needs to allocate a couple of hours more for sleep.

In addition, you should not neglect daytime sleep. First of all, we must not forget that the baby feels everything, and if a woman regularly sleeps during the day, at the appropriate time, then the baby will get used to this in her womb, and after his birth he will not be capricious when it’s time for a nap , and calmly fall asleep.

We strongly recommend that pregnant women sleep on their back long time- give preference to sleeping on your side. In this case, the circulatory system will function better in the body, which means that oxygen will flow to the fetus in sufficient quantities.

Before going to bed, 4-6 hours before bed, a woman should always take a short walk around the fresh air, try not to eat at night, at least not too much. But we should also not forget that meals should be regular and frequent. And after waking up, the woman does not need to jump up, but needs to soak up the crib a little and say hello to the baby.

Before going to bed, you should leave a couple of dried fruits or nuts on the nightstand so that you can have a little refreshment without getting out of bed.

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