Home Oral cavity Is it worth doing rhinoplasty, why is it dangerous and other important questions about the operation. What can and cannot be done after rhinoplasty? Removing turundas and removing plaster

Is it worth doing rhinoplasty, why is it dangerous and other important questions about the operation. What can and cannot be done after rhinoplasty? Removing turundas and removing plaster

I'll tell you about the culprit or hero of my review. Since childhood, I have not dreamed, like many girls who have had rhinoplasty, to change the shape of their “hated” nose. It suited me until I was quite an adult, until I saw myself, or rather, him, in profile in photographs. I was very surprised and unpleasantly surprised; I found out that my nose was not perfect shape and has a hump.
Why have I lived in ignorance all these two decades? Because it never occurred to me to look at myself in full profile in mirrors, and no one ever told me anything negative about the shape of my nose. And here it is... I simply didn’t recognize myself in the profile! It seemed to me that I was seeing another person!

Yes, I didn’t like what I finally saw, but I didn’t have the desire to do anything about it. And since I didn’t always see myself in profile (I don’t have a trillage at home), I was happy with everything about myself and I tried not to think about it. And I diligently deleted photos with my profile accidentally caught (others see me like this every day - well, let them continue to see it, they are not used to it, but I didn’t want to see it)
A few years later, chronic sinusitis became my companion. The ENT said that there is a deviated septum and surgery MAY help (or maybe not).
I decided to take a risk and have septoplasty. And then I had a question: is it possible to combine business with pleasure, so to speak, that is, correct the septum and the shape of the nose at the same time?
I went for a consultation with a plastic surgeon, quite famous in our city, all tormented by doubts, and asked him this question. He replied that maybe my sinusitis situation would improve, but maybe it wouldn’t. But from his tone I realized that most likely not, and he performs purely plastic surgeries.
But... he examined my nose and declared that it was "male." He explained: there is a hump and the tip of the year is not upturned, not snub-nosed. And for a woman, ideally, the tip of her nose should be turned up, and at a certain angle. Therefore, my nose fits more under the “male” nose.
Why did he say this?!! These words about the “male” nose, I admit, “hooked” me. Moreover, the doctor said this, not somehow trying to amaze me and attract me to the operation, but, you know, he casually conveyed to me the homespun truth.
But these words shocked me! From that moment on, I definitely no longer wanted to live with my “male” nose! And even if sinusitis doesn’t go away, whatever... I immediately informed the doctor about this and began asking questions.
How will the shape of my nose change as a result of the surgery? The doctor did not do computer modeling, but showed in photographs and in me what changes awaited him. Specifically: they will change the length (downward, of course), remove the hump and raise the tip.
WHAT DO YOU NEED if you decide to have surgery:
1. Money
2. Take time off from work for at least 2 weeks.
3. Ointments, dressings - it is better to check the list with your doctor in advance, there may be discrepancies. If there is someone to look after you and go to the pharmacy, then you can skip this point.
4. Of course, be prepared for the post-operative “delights” and have a little patience. Nobody talks about this, but this is very important! Unfortunately, I only learned about this from my own experience. Everyone believes that the main thing is to decide to have an operation (or, for someone else, to collect the necessary amount).
So, I discussed everything with the doctor, chose a date for the operation, and took 2 weeks off from work. All necessary tests I passed it in the same clinic.
While waiting for the operation, of course, I could not sit quietly and wait for my fate of being in the dark about how the operation is performed, what complications there are and unsuccessful results rhinoplasty... I read forums about rhinoplasty, looked at before and after photos.
I found out that there are two types of rhinoplasty - open and closed.
When the columella (middle part of the nose) is opened, at its narrowest point, an incision is made, as a result of which the rest of the skin above the cartilage peels off and rises. In this way, all cartilage is exposed and, depending on the problem that needs to be solved, work is carried out at all stages of the operation.

And I came across a video of open rhinoplasty... God!.. Don’t even think about watching it if you’re very impressionable (like me)! You may change your mind about rhinoplasty! Seriously.
I couldn't watch the video to the end. As soon as I saw the skin peeling off and the cartilage being exposed, I felt sick and almost fainted. In addition, I realized that if I looked further, I would not have the operation. Without looking at the monitor, I tried to turn off this video so as not to see what would happen next...

If you’ve already decided on Rhino and watched the video, then it’s better to try to forget about it and not remember it!
Then I calmed myself down in every possible way. Well, if you have already had some kind of operation, for example, removing your appendix, it was also not Filipino healers who operated there.
The operation was scheduled for May 9. There is no need to look for some secret meaning in this, it’s just very difficult to take time off from my work, and taking into account the May holiday weekend, it was easier to do.
For the first time in last years On the morning of May 9, I didn’t go to the parade, but went to an operation.
The operation was performed under general anesthesia. Disconnected quickly. I recovered from the anesthesia wonderfully - I just woke up and that’s it. There was no tunnel, vomiting, delirium, dry spots, etc. (this is not the first operation in my life).
Like a real girl, I immediately picked up the phone and turned on the front camera to look at myself and capture it, of course.
A sad sight awaited me on the screen of my gadget:

The plaster (of which there was a decent amount, they obviously didn’t spare it!) on the nose was fixed with adhesive tape to the cheeks so that all the skin of the lower part of my face was “collected”, like a pug. The nostrils are clogged with turundas. In addition, there was a bandage under the nose, the ends of which were tied at the back of the head. What it was for, I didn’t understand at first. Terrible swelling - everything around the eyes swam, including the bridge of the nose. My husband said when he saw me that I looked like Avatar.
Sore throat after anesthesia. It went away in a couple of days.
The need to breathe through the mouth , and not with the nose turned out to be a surprisingly difficult and extremely unpleasant task for me. Both physically and psychologically. Yes, yes, maybe someone will find this funny. Maybe this is just another phobia I have. The whole time until they took out my turundas and I couldn’t breathe through my nose, it seemed to me that I was forgetting to breathe through my mouth, I didn’t have enough oxygen, and in my sleep I could completely forget that I needed to do this or I would simply close my mouth and die.
It has become very it's hard to eat . I am used to chewing food thirty times thoroughly and, accordingly, for a long time. How can you eat and breathe through your mouth at the same time? And still manage not to choke? Having just started my meal, I already wanted to finish it. Often I did just that. In 2 weeks I lost 2 kilograms. And even though I forced myself to eat.
The swelling intensified in the evening. It felt like the skin would burst. I had to change the bandage frequently because ichor was leaking from my nose.
There were also painful sensations in my nose, I even asked the nurse for painkillers. Before the operation, I read reviews where the girls wrote that they did not experience any pain after the operation. If I knew that after the operation I would experience quite painful sensations for me, I would somehow tune in to this and be ready for it. And so it turned out to be a very unpleasant surprise for me.
By the way, I was not prescribed any antibiotics either before or after the operation.
The next morning I went home and the “fun” days dragged on. Neither go outside (I couldn’t afford it like that), nor wash my hair (you can’t tilt your face and getting the bandage wet is also not welcome), nor wash your face normally. The family gets scared, although they try not to show it. Even my cat didn't recognize me right away.

Before the cast was removed, the bandages had to be changed for six days. I made them myself from a bandage and cotton wool, as the nurse taught me. Actually, this was my main occupation.
Well, I also kept track of changes in my appearance:

The “makeup” of the eyes changed every day and finally began to fade:


On the 7th day it was time to remove the cast. It wasn't very pleasant, to be honest. It felt like my nose was being torn off. Well, or the skin from it.
And when the doctor with difficulty tore off the plaster cast from my nose, diligently but unsuccessfully tried to wash away the traces of the adhesive plaster and who knows what else from my face, he suggested that I look in the mirror...
In almost all reviews, the girls wrote something like: “when the bandage was removed, I saw HIM... my new, beautiful nose was looking at me! A new life awaits me with my fabulous nose...”. After removing the cast, they immediately saw a perfectly shaped nose! For some reason, these pleasant moments passed me by. Let's face it, everything was completely different!
It was... shock! I saw in the mirror some small, flattened, a little like a duck’s beak, MY nose. From shock, I couldn’t even say anything or ask the doctor, WHAT IS THIS??? I couldn't find the strength.
Returned to the car at medical bandage, I didn’t even know how to show up to my husband. My husband asked me to take off the bandage and show me his nose, I answered something like “let’s do it next time” and other nonsense. But he did not calm down. I had to take off the bandage. He didn't know what to say either. He simply remained silent, and that was the best he could do then.

At home, I rushed to google this topic, but mostly the information I came across was that the nose was swollen after the operation, and then the swelling subsided, and the nose became normal size. But for me it was the other way around! It’s as if he was squeezed, all the liquid was squeezed out of him, I don’t know how to describe it...
To be honest, it was very scary, I tried to drive away bad thoughts. I tried to think that everything would get back to normal over time. It was terrible to think that it was all in vain. I saved money for the operation, prepared, but in the end my nose became a hundred times worse than it was! In addition, my mother constantly looked at me closely and expressed her conclusions.
I often remembered Michael Jackson, or rather, the story of his nose
The nose began to change a little. Sometimes it would swell.

But the shape was still strange - the tip was very raised.

On the 13th day I went to the clinic and saw a doctor. He said that everything was so good with me that it couldn’t be better.
It remained to believe that the shape of the nose would change in better side. I read that the tip of the nose will gradually descend, and the nose after rhinoplasty takes its final shape only after a year (!!!).
Two weeks of vacation were coming to an end, and my appearance left much to be desired - my nose did not become much more beautiful, the seam on the columella was clearly visible, the bruises did not go away completely. At least the swelling has subsided. But they were already waiting for me at work, and this is how I showed up at work on the 14th day:

I was unable to completely disguise the bruises, and I was afraid to smear the stitch on the columella with decorative cosmetics - let it heal calmly.

The first time after the operation, I expected a reaction from almost every acquaintance, something like: “Wow! Did you do THIS?” or “WHAT did you do to yourself?!” But no one said anything and it was clear that no one even noticed the change in my appearance. And I relaxed.
Colleagues at work, who knew about the operation and saw my nose in the first weeks, when it didn’t look the best, tactfully remained silent. Perhaps something was discussed behind their back. But no one said anything to my face, except for one colleague who told me that now I don’t have the zest that I had. If she meant that RAISIN, then I'm glad I lost it.
My husband was not against the operation, but did not insist either. You could say he supported me in my decision. And some time after the operation he said: “Did you really have a DIFFERENT nose? It’s as if it was always like this. Show me an old photo, I’ll compare.” One day I showed him an old photo of myself that wasn’t the best, and he said that it’s clearly better now.
At my age, my mother’s opinion was no longer very important to me. She reacted calmly, although at first she said something like “what kind of nose you were born with, that’s what you’ll come in handy with” and “teased” me sometimes.
The nose changed and took on a normal appearance within a year, and these changes pleased me. He seemed to be straightening out.
The seam on the columella healed (later it became completely invisible), the shape of the nose became more correct:

The tip of the nose remained hard after the operation for a very long time, more than a year, and even now it is not as soft as it was. Although it doesn’t matter whether it’s soft or hard, this, excuse me, is not a man’s dignity 😁
For some time after the operation, the nose “ached”, that is, it hurt, but not much. And then rare “shooting” pains appeared, a year later they stopped. Perhaps something in the nose took so long to heal.
During recovery period it was necessary to comply with certain requirements in order to avoid complications. For some time you should not blow your nose, wear glasses, or smoke. It is better to get a detailed list from your doctor.
The most unpleasant thing for me was that I couldn’t sunbathe or go to the sauna.
I also read that you should not get pregnant for a year after rhinoplasty, supposedly hormones can affect the growth of cartilage. And despite the fact that my doctor refuted this statement, I did not take any risks and postponed pregnancy for exactly a year, although my husband and I were already thinking about having a child.
However, I cannot say that my nose is now perfect, at least for myself. I'm not 100% happy with the shape. But in rhinoplasty, the result still depends on the source. For example, I have never seen a huge nose being made into a small and neat one - it still turns out larger than usual. Look at the “before” and “after” photos on the Internet.
But now that I see myself in profile, I'm happy. And I can wear whatever hairstyles and headdresses I want; now I don’t need to “distract” attention from my nose with lush bangs, etc. So I'm not complaining.
This is what my nose became like 5 months :

And this is now, later 2.5 years :

Operation I recommend . But first you need to weigh everything." behind" And " against".

A woman always strives to be attractive; even during pregnancy, she very carefully monitors her appearance and dreams of serious corrections of existing deficiencies. Rhinoplasty has been and remains one of the most popular plastic surgeries; it will allow you to rapidly approach the idea of ​​an ideal face, so a woman will never refuse the opportunity to change the shape of her nose, even if she is in an interesting position.

But is it worth performing rhinoplasty during pregnancy? Can you put yourself in the hands of a plastic surgeon without harming the health of the unborn baby? Only specialists can answer these questions, and they are confident that any operation performed under general anesthesia can negatively affect intrauterine development baby, so it’s better to postpone such adjustments until later.

Pregnancy is a very responsible state; a woman should think not only about herself, but also about her unborn child. A good professional plastic surgeon will tell you that nose surgery is contraindicated during this period, and will definitely dissuade the woman from making a rash decision.

Very often, selfish aspirations lead to real tragedies. Substances contained in modern anesthetics can harm not only the baby, but also the mother herself. When she is carrying a child, the hormonal levels change, and these changes can actively stimulate the growth of cartilage tissue in the nose, so rhinoplasty is strictly forbidden during this period: the results of the operation can be very unpredictable. In addition, there is a risk of serious complications, such as an unexpected reaction to anesthesia, the appearance of severe swelling, and other troubles. Therefore, those who pursue a purely aesthetic goal of such an undertaking should postpone the operation and postpone it even not until the time of the birth of the child, but until the end of breastfeeding.

There are small exceptions to every rule. Rhinoplasty can also be performed during pregnancy if defects in the internal nasal septum prevent the baby from fully developing. Yes, there are such cases. When the mother's breathing is difficult, little oxygen enters the body, and this, in turn, has a very negative effect on the development of the fetus. IN in this case, the risk is justified, numerous consultations with the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy and the vast experience of the entire team of doctors servicing plastic surgery will help you select the most gentle drugs and perform everything surgical procedures to the maximum short time. All postoperative period future mom will be under the close attention of doctors who will try to avoid any side complications.

In all other cases, pregnant women should be denied rhinoplasty if the situation is serious and the displeasure threatens to provoke the appearance of severe emotional stress, the patient will be offered to undergo treatment with an experienced psychologist who will try to reconcile her internal state with external perception of one’s own appearance.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in modern world, it implies a change or correction in the shape and size of the nose. This operation is performed on patients based on the need for medical changes or for the aesthetic needs of the client. Many women often resort to services plastic surgery, and even pregnancy is not an obstacle to this. But the main issue in this matter remains the protection of the woman’s body, in which hormonal changes occur, and not yet born child. Should I undergo rhinoplasty during pregnancy?

Admissibility of rhinoplasty during pregnancy

If you are going to visit a plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty, clearly find out all the motives and factors available for this. If your desire is driven only by the need to be beautiful, and you need surgery to get closer to your ideal face, then you should refuse rhinoplasty for the entire period of pregnancy and lactation. During a preliminary study, X-rays can harm the fetus, as they are characterized by some influence on the body of far from beneficial radiation. In addition, anesthetics used during surgery have no less effect on the body of a woman and child. These drugs are able to penetrate into the woman’s blood, and after that – into the placenta, to the fetus.

Surgery is a complex undertaking with a high risk factor, and for a woman during pregnancy it can be an overwhelming challenge. Due to changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, it remains unpredictable how the nasal tissues will behave after surgery. All results of the intervention may be impaired due to the growth of nasal cartilage.

Pregnancy and special need for plastic surgery

If you are in an interesting situation, then it is best to refrain from any intervention by a plastic surgeon as much as possible. You will always have time to correct and improve your own appearance after childbirth and the end of the breastfeeding period.

But a special factor in performing rhinoplasty during pregnancy is medical indications. If a woman has a deviated nasal septum, either congenital or acquired, then this makes plastic surgery not just a desire, but a necessity. Such health problems block the mother and baby from receiving the required amount of oxygen. Such an operation, although risky, allows, if the event is successful, to solve the problem that hinders normal development fetus

In the first 2-3 days after rhinoplasty, the most pronounced discomfort is observed. There is swelling and bruising on the face, the nose is breathing poorly, and the overall heaviness of the face is felt. Headaches are possible.

In a day During rhinoplasty, the surgeon inserts silicone splints or cotton wool into the nasal passages. A splint or plaster is applied to the external nose. Please note: it is strictly forbidden to remove the plaster cast and remove the turundas yourself - this is fraught with serious complications! The catheter, which is installed in the vein for delivery, can cause some inconvenience general anesthesia and postoperative drug infusion. It is removed when the patient is discharged and goes home. I recommend that you avoid wearing clothes that need to be pulled over your head, especially knee socks, T-shirts and jumpers with a narrow neck.

Removing turundas and removing plaster.

After 3 - 5 days The splints are removed from the nostrils. Contrary to common misconceptions, this procedure is absolutely painless. Thanks to the removal of splints, it becomes easier for the patient to breathe through the nose. True, free nasal breathing will still be partially blocked until the primary swelling subsides. During this period, patients begin to experience itching and irritation of the skin under the cast or splint. This is absolutely normal phenomenon, and you just have to endure it. Do not move or remove the immobilizing bandage without permission under any circumstances! This can lead to nasal deformities and spoil the result of rhinoplasty. If the surgeon finds traces of such actions, he has every right relieve yourself of responsibility for the outcome of rhinoplasty.

After 7 - 10 days surgeon removes plaster cast. What you see in the mirror after this should not scare you - your nose will be 1.5-2 times larger than planned for rhinoplasty. This is swelling that has not yet gone down. He can “walk” on his nose for up to six months. The final result of rhinoplasty is assessed after 1 year, when both external and internal swelling are neutralized. On days 7-10, the cast may fall off on its own, and this is not a big deal if you didn’t “help” it. But in this case, I advise you to contact a surgeon ahead of time.

After removing the tampons, stitches may remain in the nostrils, columella and nasal folds. Do not pull them with tweezers or remove them. This is fraught with divergence of the seams and unsightly scars. Try to avoid active facial expressions, especially laughter.

Household activities after rhinoplasty.

Mental preparation for surgery is no less important than physical preparation. First of all, you must internally agree to a number of restrictions that await you during the rehabilitation period.

Restrictions on sports and other activities after rhinoplasty

I forbid my patients to tilt their heads forward when there are splints in the nose. Heavy loads are an absolute taboo. Forget about it for now gym, jogging, etc. - allowed only hiking at a moderate pace. Organize your peace. Avoid heavy lifting, including pets and children.

You can return to the gym after 2-3 months. But even during this period, it is undesirable to perform exercises that provoke a rush of blood to the head. When cleaning a house or apartment, limit downward movements of your head (as when washing floors with a rag).

Professional sports activities are excluded for the next six months.

Boxing after rhinoplasty

Boxing, hand-to-hand combat and others martial arts- permanent limitation after surgery. The fact is that the nose becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to injury. You don't want to resort to rhinoplasty again and again, do you?

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty is extremely complex, and regeneration after it is worse.

Swimming in a pool, lake, river or sea after rhinoplasty

Swimming in pools and natural reservoirs is prohibited for 2-3 months. It's connected with increased risk penetration of infection. Besides, colds you don’t need them now, and when swimming, their likelihood increases even in hot weather.

After this period, you can safely return to swimming.

Sleep after rhinoplasty

In the first week after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to sleep on a hard, high pillow or half-sitting - for the second option, there are special beds that are raised at the head of the bed. It is recommended to use mattresses and pillows with an orthopedic effect. Try to control yourself in your sleep, do not roll over on your side or lie face down in the pillow.

Sleeping on your back - required condition for 3 weeks. Then you can carefully roll over onto your side. Your favorite position on the stomach is allowed to be taken only after 6-10 months, when healing is complete.

Washing your face after rhinoplasty

Washing is a real problem in the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty, because you can’t get the plaster wet and tilt your head down. During this time, try not to produce traditional hygiene procedure- use soft cleansing toners or micellar water.

The usual method of washing will become available after the cast is removed. But even now we must proceed with extreme caution. Do not rub your face with a towel - just gently blot it to remove excess moisture. Do not use cleansers that cause allergies.

Diet and nutrition

Rehabilitation does not involve following a specific diet, although I advise my patients to eat light and healthy foods. However, I do not prohibit any food. The only thing you should limit yourself to is pickles and smoked foods, which retain fluid in the tissues.

During the first 2-3 weeks, you should refrain from eating too cold or hot foods and drinks - for example, ice cream and coffee.

Watch your stool and avoid constipation - unnecessary stress will not do you any good.

Conclusion: eat warm, healthy food, preferably easily digestible. Minimize the amount of salt in your diet whenever possible.

Nasal rinsing after rhinoplasty

Nasal rinsing is allowed after the cast is removed, but only in consultation with the doctor and subject to correct technique performing the procedure.

  • Make a slight side tilt over the sink
  • Using a special pipette, pour in medicinal solution into the nostril opposite to your tilt
  • Blow your nose without pressing on your nose - only by lightly blowing air, always with your mouth open
  • Drop emollient oil into each nostril (peach oil is best) or lubricate the mucous membranes with ointment

Returning to work after rhinoplasty

Return to work is allowed after 2-3 weeks, after removal of the plaster and stitches. During the same period, severe bruises and swelling are neutralized. But remember that physical exercise are still prohibited, so the rule applies to people with purely business activity.

Washing hair after rhinoplasty

You should wash your hair by tilting it back, as in hairdressers and beauty salons. You can contact the masters or ask for help from household members.

If you have a splint on your face, make every effort not to get it wet.

Thermal changes have a bad effect on regenerative processes, so you should not take hot baths.

Alcoholic drinks after rhinoplasty

Avoid alcoholic drinks for the entire time recovery stage. Before surgery, also limit your alcohol consumption - this will help protect you from bleeding and the side effects of medications that do not combine well with ethyl alcohol.

A month after the operation, it is permissible to drink wine in limited quantities.

Champagne, low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks, beer - all this is prohibited for the next 5-6 months.

Steaming and warming procedures after rhinoplasty

Any temperature fluctuations have a negative impact on rehabilitation. Avoid visiting baths and saunas, tanning (natural and artificial), and contrast showers.

Avoid prolonged exposure to straight lines sun rays and use high SPF sunscreens.

Failure to comply with this rule can lead to hyperpigmentation.

After osteotomy, you cannot wear corrective or Sunglasses to avoid bone tissue deformation.

Wearing glasses after rhinoplasty

It is better not to wear glasses for 1.5 months. This is due to unwanted pressure on the bridge of the nose - the tissues in it have not yet been completely reorganized. Additionally, wearing glasses can cause pain. A possible result of ignoring this rule is a curvature of the back.

At poor eyesight Take care in advance about selecting and purchasing contact lenses.

Flu and colds after rhinoplasty: how to treat?

Colds and flu are best avoided completely. But if the illness begins, do not blow your nose under any circumstances. Use sanitary sticks, tampons, napkins and other devices.

You can blow your nose 1.5 months after rhinoplasty. This should be done carefully.

It is important to sneeze with your mouth open to relieve excess pressure from your inner nose.

Cosmetic procedures after rhinoplasty

It is prohibited to resort to mechanical cleaning for 2-3 months. I advise you to use soft and gentle products. It is important to moisturize dry skin, and cleanse oily skin with a fine scrub. Superficial and medium peels are available no earlier than after 2 months.

For optimization appearance For a new nose, the doctor may prescribe a massage. You cannot do it yourself!

Any manipulations aimed at accelerating healing are agreed with the surgeon.

Plastic surgery called Rhinoplasty can really help those who have birth defects or a crooked nose as a result of injuries. Despite the fact that aesthetic surgeries are designed to make people beautiful, like any other interventions, they can cause serious harm to both health and appearance.

Therefore, before deciding on rhinoplasty, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the indications, contraindications, and possible side effects. Not only a conversation with a doctor will help with this, but also the experience of other people, about which a lot is now written on the Internet.

Is it worth doing rhinoplasty and why is it dangerous?

Often people turn to a doctor for help even in cases where the problem is simply far-fetched and a small hump on the nose does not allow them to live in peace. There are several types of rhinoplasty. Each operation can eliminate one or another problem:

  • correct the saddle shape of the nose;
  • remove thickening at the tip of the nose;
  • change the length of the nose downwards;
  • correct large nostrils to the desired size;
  • restore impaired breathing;
  • narrow the bridge of the nose that is too wide;
  • restore a deformed nose after injury;
  • to correct congenital deformity nasal skeleton;
  • correct the nasal septum, including when “ cleft lip" and "cleft palate";
  • remove an overly protruding hump on the nose.

But even if there are clear indications for rhinoplasty, the doctor may refuse to perform the operation under the following circumstances:

To determine whether there are contraindications for rhinoplasty, the doctor will prescribe appropriate tests and conduct a thorough examination. When positive result the date of the operation will be set, about possible unpleasant consequences which you also need to know. Side effects can be aesthetic and functional. Aesthetic ones include:

  • formation of adhesions and rough scars;
  • seam divergence;
  • drooping of the tip of the nose;
  • different types of curvature.

Functional complications include:

  • hematomas;
  • abscess;
  • toxic shock;
  • labored breathing;
  • cutting bones;
  • perforation of the nasal septum;
  • intracranial complications.

Rhinoplasty is an individual surgery with limited predictability. Often, the patient's wishes go beyond the capabilities of the plastic surgeon. And even when the doctor is satisfied with the result, the patient may become depressed.

This video will tell you whether you need a nose job:

Time frame

In most cases, rhinoplasty is not recommended before the age when the patient is physically and emotionally ready for it. As a rule, this is reaching adulthood. Physical maturity is a guarantee that the result of the operation will not change due to the fact that the body continues to grow. When performing rhinoplasty in early age there is a high risk that facial contours will be disrupted during growth. Therefore, to correct an aesthetic defect, it is necessary to wait until complete physical maturation.

Sometimes rhinoplasty is performed in children's or adolescence. This is due to the need to restore vital important functions body, for example, if a curved nasal septum makes breathing very difficult. However, you should know that pediatric rhinoplasty differs significantly from operations for adults. To carry it out, it is also necessary to undergo a number of procedures to examine the body.

As after any other operation, after rhinoplasty, hematomas and swelling form. In a couple of weeks they will no longer be there. You will need to wear a bandage for ten days after surgery. To prevent bleeding, you will have to walk around with tampons in your nose for several days.

The effect of rhinoplasty will not be felt immediately, but only after a few months, and the final result will be seen after a year. The healing time depends on individual characteristics patient. It can be significantly delayed if complications arise as a result of surgical intervention. During this entire time you will have to see your surgeon.

Does it hurt to do

Rhinoplasty is a painful operation, so each patient, taking into account his individual characteristics and the complexity of the intervention, is given anesthesia:

  • Local. Painkillers are applied to the surface of the skin or injected subcutaneously. The patient does not feel anything during the operation, but hears and sees everything.
  • Local anesthesia with sleep-like state. The affected area is frozen using special preparations. The patient is also given a small dose of a drug intended for general anesthesia. During the operation, the patient is fully conscious, although he feels drowsy.
  • General. With this type of anesthesia, the patient does not see or hear anything, since under the influence of the drug he is in an unconscious state.

Pain sensations are different for everyone. All patients experience pain when changing tampons on the first postoperative day, and also feel unwell and weak. In the future, everything depends on individual characteristics.

Is it possible to have surgery?

With a runny nose

For any type of runny nose good specialist will postpone the operation. When you have a runny nose caused by a cold or allergy, your immune system is weakened. This means there is a high risk of complications.

A runny nose that went untreated for a long time and developed into chronic stage, is also a contraindication for surgery. Sinusitis is accompanied by inflammation of the nasal sinuses, fever, headaches, and weakness. In such a situation, it is hardly possible to avoid serious complications during surgery. Rhinoplasty in this case is strictly contraindicated.

The patient will talk about her experience of the operation in this video:

During your period

Among the contraindications for rhinoplasty are the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • period.

Pregnancy after the procedure

Experts do not recommend planning a pregnancy after rhinoplasty for at least six months. Many patients are perplexed: it is known that new image After surgery, it develops within a year, but how can pregnancy affect this? The thing is that during pregnancy a woman experiences hormonal changes that can negatively affect the healing process and scarring.

What time of year is best to do it?

The time of year does not affect the operation in any way. Rhinoplasty can be performed when there is an indication for it, the risk of complications is minimized, and it is possible to follow medical recommendations in the postoperative period, for example, take time off for the recovery period. And this can happen at any time of the year.

Is it done under a compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance policy?

Within health insurance An operation such as rhinoplasty is provided. By compulsory medical insurance policy or DMS, the patient can undergo surgery, as in the case of septoplasty.

However, there is a very strict selection process for free rhinoplasty. Experts determine how serious a nasal defect has a negative impact on a person’s health and psyche. Of course, if you just need to correct a cosmetic defect, then no one will perform free rhinoplasty.

How long does it take for bruises to go away?

After plastic surgery Bruises and swelling appear on the patient's face. They usually disappear completely within 10 to 14 days. This is considered a normal reaction of the body to surgery. To speed up the recovery process, you can use homeopathic ointments. But first you should discuss this issue with your surgeon.

How to sleep after rhinoplasty

After the operation, the doctor gives a number of recommendations to minimize the occurrence of side effects. Among them are tips on how to sleep. For two weeks you only need to sleep on your back due to a special fixing bandage. You should position yourself in bed so that your head is high on the pillow.

How long does the operation take?

The operation to correct the shape of the nose does not last very long. Depending on the complexity of the wash, it can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours. You will have to stay in the hospital for a couple more days. All this time you will have to breathe through your mouth, since tampons in your nose will interfere with normal breathing. After 10 days, the fixing bandage will be removed.

Rhinoplasty is considered the least dangerous looking surgical intervention. Side effects occur in approximately 10% of cases. And the most common complications are non-acceptance new appearance patient when reality does not coincide with the expected effect.

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