Home Dental treatment Why is it freezing in the morning? Causes of chills without fever in women and men

Why is it freezing in the morning? Causes of chills without fever in women and men

Chills without fever are a fairly common symptom of some diseases. Of course, more often it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and the appearance of muscle tremors and spasms.

Constant chills may be a reaction of the human body to increased thermogenesis. In addition to fever, trembling and spasms, it is characterized by pallor skin, the formation of “goose bumps”, a feeling of cold, lack of sweating, etc.

It should be noted that chills without fever are a consequence of long-term or occur during an acute febrile reaction to any processes (infectious, autoimmune, allergic and others). The most common and well-known causes of a febrile state in humans are malaria, sepsis, inflammatory processes in organs with the formation of pus, acute phase of lupus erythematosus, etc.

The main ones may be mechanical injuries body, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurotic diseases, hypertension or increased arterial pressure, infections and viruses, hypothermia, fever and others. Also very often constant feeling cold occurs when work is disrupted thyroid gland And endocrine system. This is due to the fact that it is thyroid capable of secreting a certain group of hormones that take part in the process of thermoregulation human body. Accordingly, when this function decreases, the patient develops this symptom.

The presence of infectious diseases also causes chills in a person. In this case, when a harmful virus penetrates, special substances are produced. The body begins to secrete pyrogens, which can destroy the virus on its own. But at the same time there is an increase in blood temperature and, as a result, the whole body. In the process of equalizing these indicators, a person feels trembling and chills.

The appearance of trembling, which is characterized by chills without fever, is associated with a sharp narrowing of the walls blood vessels skin, resulting in significantly slower blood flow. This is what leads to chilliness and cessation of sweating. It should be noted that in addition to trembling, tinnitus, nausea and chills throughout the body may appear.

Very often, chills without fever or chills are a symptom of nervous overexcitation or occur during severe fright. In this case, it performs the function of protecting the body from environmental influences. Therefore, in case of illness nervous system such phenomena can occur quite often.
To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is advisable to start treatment on time. As a rule, when elevated temperature it is necessary to give the victim an antipyretic; in no case should he be subjected to cooling procedures, which may aggravate the situation.

Of course, when you have a chill, it is advisable to drink a large amount of liquid (mostly acidic) and ensure yourself peace. The best option is various herbal decoctions, berry fruit drinks, a solution of lemon juice or acid. If there is no high temperature, then you can take a hot bath and drink Herb tea with the addition of honey or raspberry jam. After the procedure, provide warmth (wool socks, blanket).

To withdraw harmful substances from the body, brew lingonberry leaves, as this remedy has a diuretic effect. Never drink alcoholic beverages, which cause vasodilation and increase blood pressure. As a rule, after this the patient’s general well-being worsens, muscle weakness and dizziness appear.

The article will address the question - why does a person without fever freeze, and the development of what disease this may indicate. It is worth noting that you should not just leave the symptoms, you need to consult a doctor, who will prescribe the correct treatment.

What is chills?

There are people who are constantly cold and wear a lot of clothes. But there is a category of people who often experience a feeling of chills. Chills are a condition when a person is cold due to low temperature bodies. Symptoms of the phenomenon include the following:

  • Goose pimples;
  • Chilliness;
  • Shiver;
  • Shivering.

If you look at the statistics, chills are more often observed in thin girls, but the manifestation of the symptom occurs in men.

You need to understand what this is not a disease, but a reaction of the body, which can manifest itself in the following cases:

  • At ;
  • Stress;
  • Menstruation;
  • Increased pressure.

Often when a doctor makes a diagnosis, he says about symptoms, manifested in a complex. But this does not mean that the manifestation of any one symptom does not indicate the development of the disease. Perhaps the remaining symptoms will make themselves felt a little later. And if you exhibit any of the signs of the disease, it is better to see a doctor to determine its occurrence.

What diseases does chills indicate?

Chills without fever indicate the presence the following diseases and deviations:

Infectious diseases- in which the temperature rises the next day;

  • ARVI;
  • Pressure;
  • Stress, overwork;
  • Operational disruptions;
  • Tension, excitement;
  • Violation of the metabolic process.

Causes of chills

The reasons when a person gets cold can be considered various factors. The most common ones include the following:

  • Heredity;
  • The presence of an inflammatory process;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • Freezing;
  • Development of tuberculosis;
  • Climax;
  • Fright;
  • Infection entering the body;
  • Diseases internal organs;
  • Hemorrhage;
  • Taking medications;
  • Tumor.

As we can see from this list, chills most often occur with the development of a disease, or when an infection appears in the body. Along with chills, a person’s bones ache and he feels unwell - all these are harbingers of the disease.

How to treat chills

As doctors say, chills should not be treated, it’s better identify the causes of its occurrence and try to eliminate them. If you don't have a fever, you can take a hot bath and wrap yourself under a warm blanket with a mug of hot tea. Under no circumstances should you expose yourself to stress; you need to calm down and do something, for example, read a book.

Treating chills with alcohol is strictly prohibited. As for taking medications, they should only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

If the chills are caused by hypothermia, you need to relax, do gymnastics, take a sedative and warm up in any way. If you notice that you are trembling - this may be due to intoxication, then you should take a herbal decoction.

The child is freezing without fever

You need to be careful about childish chills In some cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary. A doctor should be called in the following cases:

  • The chill does not go away for more than an hour;
  • The child is lethargic;
  • The baby chatters his teeth;
  • The child became capricious and nervous;
  • Recently the child was in exotic countries;
  • The general condition has worsened;
  • For chronic diseases.

Types of fever

Fever there are two types:

1. Pink, which manifests itself with symptoms such as:

  • Fever;
  • Red skin;
  • Humidity.

2. White, in which the following symptoms are observed:

  • The skin turns pale and begins to dry out;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Cold extremities.

Less dangerous pink fever, and if a person has white, then it needs to be converted to pink. Before the doctor arrives, you should carry out the following procedures:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, it is better to give preference to fruit drinks and juices from sour berries;
  2. Maintain bed rest;
  3. When the temperature is high, wipe with a sponge soaked in warm water.

It can be concluded that chills are serious symptom, which may indicate the development of the disease. If it is observed in a child, then his condition should be closely monitored. You should always think about your health and take action immediately after the onset of illness.

Video about the causes of chills

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you why he can freeze without fever:

If a person develops severe chills and the body breaks down, this means that a spasm occurs in the blood vessels and muscles of the skin.

The patient gradually develops the following symptoms:

  1. weakness and trembling throughout the body;
  2. increased sweating at night;
  3. nausea and vomiting;
  4. headache.

Chills without fever in women and men are accompanied by problems with masticatory muscles. Most often, the reason for this condition lies in hypothermia, since in such a situation the temperature drops sharply and the person begins to shiver. This is how a protective reaction to cold manifests itself.

Why then does the temperature rise? This factor is due muscle spasm, which leads to an increase in the amount of heat in the body. If a person warms up quickly, the chills disappear naturally.

Chills are usually accompanied by fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, and normal temperature body gives way to high. Chills without signs of fever are most often a symptom of the following pathological conditions:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • various injuries;
  • neuroses;
  • fright

Why do chills occur without fever?

The reason for this pathological condition in women and men – a serious disruption in the functioning of any body system.

It is accompanied by weakness, general malaise, headache, nausea and even vomiting; the patient always wants to lie down to rest.

Chills without fever develop as a result of:

  1. stressful situations;
  2. severe hypothermia;
  3. infectious disease;
  4. ARVI;
  5. pathologies of the endocrine system;
  6. sudden jumps in blood pressure.

If the cause of chills is hypothermia, at this moment the person experiences a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. In this pathological situation, the patient’s condition is characterized by slow blood flow and the appearance of problems with metabolic processes.

The patient says that he feels cold, and the condition worsens at night, when the body sweats more. You can improve your well-being with the help of special warming procedures and drinking hot drinks.

Chills without fever during a cold, as mentioned above, are the body’s natural defense. What to do in this case? If a person is very cold, the following will help in this situation:

  • warm foot baths with the addition of medicinal herbs;
  • hot milk with butter and natural honey;
  • herbal infusions of strawberries, raspberries and currants.

After any medical procedures the patient should immediately go to bed and try to sleep. The body rests best during sleep.

When the cause of chills is some infectious pathogen, the patient’s body will most likely develop symptoms characteristic of general intoxication:

  1. nausea;
  2. vomit;
  3. headache;
  4. general weakness.

This condition is due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating the human body, begin to actively produce various toxins and poisons, which are the result of the vital activity of these bacteria. What to do in such a situation? Treatment of infectious diseases can only be prescribed by a doctor, so the patient must immediately contact a medical facility.

The reasons for the condition when there are chills, but no temperature, often lie in the fact that a person is constantly experiencing stress and nervous tension. Most often it is observed in women, since they experience it more deeply than men. In such a situation, the patient needs:

  • try to calm down;
  • take a decoction of sedative herbs;
  • drink tea with lemon or sour berry decoction (blackcurrant, blackberry).

People with disorders of the vegetative-vascular system (dystonia) typically experience chills at night, less often during the daytime. Impaired blood circulation leads to the fact that these patients are cold all the time. This is why their extremities are constantly cold.

The condition when there is chills, but no temperature, is explained by a violation of the tone in the blood vessels. Taking the following will help make the circulatory system normal, at least for a while. contrast shower, going to the sauna and other hardening activities. Hot procedures must be replaced by cold ones.

In order to remove toxins caused by stress from the body as quickly as possible, it is recommended for women and men to use a decoction of lingonberry leaves. However, in order to avoid such poisoning and its symptoms, which are headache, nausea and vomiting, you need to try to distance yourself from stressful situations and strive for a normal emotional environment. Nervous exhaustion poses a serious threat to the functioning of all internal organs.

Severe chills, in which there is no temperature, can occur in people susceptible to surges in blood pressure. During a hypertensive crisis, the state of the blood vessels changes, and this entails circulatory disorders.

When blood pressure returns to normal indicators the chills disappear completely.

Treatment of chills

If the cause of chills without fever lies in hypothermia, the patient will be helped by:

  1. breathing exercises;
  2. warm bath;
  3. taking a sedative;
  4. hot drink.

When chills are caused by infections or colds, foot steaming and hot baths can be used as therapeutic measures. After such activities, the patient’s body must be rubbed with a terry towel and the person put to bed.

If the patient has symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, he loses his appetite. In this case, the person should be given as much drink as possible, to which lemon, raspberry jam and honey should be added. In this way, you can get rid of intoxication from the body.

In addition, the patient is prescribed diuretics. With the help of diuretics, toxins are removed from the body faster, which means that the symptoms of intoxication (headache, nausea and vomiting) also disappear faster.

To treat chills without fever, you should not resort to drinking alcohol. Such actions will only lead to a worsening of the condition.

Chills may be caused endocrine diseases, so the patient needs to undergo appropriate hormone tests. If there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, the doctor will prescribe replacement therapy.

Drugs containing hormones are often prescribed to women during menopause, and these drugs are intended specifically to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, which include chills without fever.

Periodic vascular spasms are typical of Rhine disease. In such a situation, Botox injections will help get rid of the unpleasant symptom. Patients who are familiar with chills should avoid hypothermia.

If the condition is provoked by vegetative-vascular dystonia, treatment should be comprehensive, it will help strengthen the body from the inside. From bad habits the patient should refuse, since smoking and alcohol impair blood circulation. Full sleep– the key to good blood circulation.

A condition where there are chills but no temperature may indicate the presence of various diseases, most of which are very serious. Therefore, the cause of the pathology needs to be found out as quickly as possible.

And in the video in this article you can learn how to correctly diagnose the flu and not miss the onset of the disease.

In winter, most often you want to wrap yourself in a blanket and do nothing. But it happens that the question is not at all about the time of year, but about the state of the body. Today we will figure out in what cases a feeling of cold may occur, if not visible reasons, like low temperature environment, and what should be done if the body temperature does not rise during chills.

Signs of chills

The main sign by which you can tell if a person has chills is a feeling of cold. There may be a desire to wrap yourself in a blanket or dress warmer, as well as weakness. If you are sure that the ambient temperature is warm enough, but the feeling of cold does not disappear, this is definitely chills.

First of all, you need to understand that this is just a symptom of the disease, not a disease. Secondly, it is important to know why the body reacts this way and what caused the reaction itself.

When a person feels cold, the following happens: the peripheral vessels go into spasm, due to which they decrease - this is how the body controls the evaporation of heat. In addition, trembling may appear, with the help of which the body produces that same heat. which he now lacks.

Did you know? The muscles of mastication are the first to be affected by trembling, hence the saying “tooth does not touch tooth,” which means a feeling of extreme cold.

Also, at the moment of hypothermia, a person’s metabolism begins to accelerate intensely and a reflexive desire to curl up appears.

Thus, we understand that chills are directly related to a lack of heat in the body, and its characteristic symptoms are aimed at increasing the temperature and producing the missing heat.


Now that we understand what happens in our body when we get cold without a rise in temperature, it’s time to figure out why exactly the symptom arose. Knowing what caused hypothermia, you can choose the most suitable one for you. the right way eliminating an unpleasant symptom. Let's look at the main reasons why you may feel cold.

Flu and SARS

When the disease is in initial stage development, you may not observe an increase in body temperature, but feel a feeling of frost. If there is a virus in the body, such a symptom can be a tool to combat harmful bacteria.
In addition, it is through the feeling of cold that the body notifies you that there are health problems. The best way to cope with the symptom in this situation is to drink warm teas, to which you should add honey or raspberries - these products reduce fever and warm the body. You can also take a warm foot bath.

Violation of the circulatory system

It often freezes those people who have problems with blood circulation. Thus, poor blood circulation leads to a lack of heat. This problem can be dealt with by increasing physical activity. If you move a lot and your blood circulation is not working properly, seek help from a doctor.


Spending a long time outdoors or in a room with low air temperatures subsequently results in the blood vessels narrowing and you feeling very cold. The best thing to do in such a situation is to drink a cup of warm drink and cover yourself with a blanket.

Important! You shouldn't crawl under a warm blanket if you feel cold. After all, the body is already producing heat and your “help” to yourself can result in overheating of the internal organs.


Situations that are uncomfortable for a person or a change in environment often become causes of stress. This is reflected, first of all, in the state of the human nervous system.

At the same time, it is the nervous system that monitors the body’s temperature and the amount of warmth, so a feeling of chills can occur if a person is very nervous or is experiencing a stressful situation. For the same reason, weakness appears, accompanied by a feeling of cold.

You will not be able to cope with this cause with heat alone, but you can minimize the symptoms. To do this, drink warm chamomile tea or lemon balm tea. These plants have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and have a calming effect. Video: methods for eliminating chills

Hormonal disorders

This cause of heat loss usually occurs in women. It is associated with a lack of certain hormones in the body, which often occurs during menopause.

A feeling of heat may also occur during this period. To normalize the functioning of the body, seek help from a doctor - treatment is carried out through hormone therapy.

Important! It is prohibited to carry out such procedures on your own. Therapy that uses hormones is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise you can harm the body.


Infectious diseases are characterized by the appearance of not only a feeling of cold. In addition, the body becomes exhausted, nausea may occur, and the skin will turn pale.

In this case, it is unsafe to take any measures on your own: you need to determine what kind of infection is causing this state of the body. Contact your doctor for help, who will prescribe the treatment that is right for you.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract

Stomach diseases can also be expressed through a symptom such as chills. This particularly applies to people who have gastritis or stomach cancer.

If you have not previously been diagnosed with one of these diagnoses, you should consult your doctor and get tested. In addition, you may have pain in the abdomen, as well as heartburn or diarrhea, which are associated with increased production of hydrochloric acid by the body.


This disease negatively affects the condition of the blood vessels located under the skin. As a result, the reaction to changes in air temperature slows down.

Those vessels that are directly connected to the temperature regulation center and the brain also suffer from the development of diabetes. Patients with this disease also experience deterioration in nutrition of the extremities. All these changes in the body can lead to frequent feelings of cold.

The main characteristic of this disease is a malfunction of the pituitary gland, in particular a decrease in the level of hormones that the pituitary gland is supposed to produce. Important role plays the presence of adrenal hormone. With its deficiency, a feeling of cold will be observed, as well as a deterioration in mood and the appearance of weakness.

The disease manifests itself in attacks, during which a person may feel cold, that is, vasospasm. The chin, fingers, ear cartilages, and the tip of the nose are subject to this effect. An attack occurs in two cases: a person is in a place with low air temperature or is very nervous.

This is a disease in which the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired. The level of hormone production decreases, which affects the metabolic process in the body and slows it down.

This disease can be either an independent diagnosis or accompany inflammation or cancer of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism can affect both adult men and women, as well as children.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Increased blood pressure

A sharp change in blood pressure also leads to a feeling of chills. Hypertensive patients most often experience cold, since their blood pressure is unstable - it either drops sharply or rises sharply. In this regard, this symptom arises.

Treatment consists of timely regulation of indicators with the help of medications prescribed to you by your doctor.

Important! If you are hypertensive, monitor your blood pressure and take necessary medications during. If you neglect your condition and do not regulate your blood pressure, you can get a stroke.

People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia live with cold extremities most of the time, and the effect of any warming disappears quite quickly. This is due to the state of the blood vessels themselves, their low tone.
This problem can be solved with medication, but we suggest paying attention to means that strengthen the immune system - exercise, washing with cool water. With this, you will simultaneously strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which means you can get rid of the feeling of chills.


There are several types of shock, but with each of them the following happens: either there will be less blood in the vessels than usual, or the vessels will dilate, but the amount of blood will remain the same. A person can experience anaphylactic (caused by an allergen), pain (caused by physical trauma), infectious-toxic and hypovolemic shock.

Did you know? Despite the fact that alcoholic drinks help dilate blood vessels, we do not recommend using it as a warming agent. As a result, your condition may worsen, even fainting states. But if the cause of the chills was stressful situation, you can drink a sedative - valerian or motherwort infusion.

Alcohol intoxication

Due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the blood vessels expand, and the heat they generated evaporates very quickly. Then the body temperature drops and the person feels cold.

Taking medications

Permanent consumption also leads to cooling of the body:

These medications help dilate blood vessels, which leads to rapid evaporation of heat and equally rapid cooling of the body. In this case, you can consult your doctor and change the drug.

Severe illness

A long illness leads to exhaustion of the body - immunity decreases, adrenal glands suffer, exhausted long-term treatment. It is important to note that if the level of hormones produced by the adrenal glands drops, your body temperature will drop, your blood vessels will constrict, and you will feel chills.

In this case, the body temperature when measured will be below normal, that is, 36.6°C.

If the disease has not yet developed, the person will feel weak, lack strength, will be irritated more often than usual and suffer from poor concentration. Periodic insomnia, daytime drowsiness, noise in the ear or ears, and headache are also possible.

In children

All of the above reasons are also typical for children and adolescents, but one cannot help but pay attention to the characteristics of the young body. During this period, the body is prone to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

It is also impossible to exclude the possibility of the teenager using alcohol or drugs that dilate blood vessels. It is not uncommon for teenagers to feel cold due to a lot of stress. Chills can also be caused early pregnancy in girls under 20 years of age.

Among women

The female body is somewhat different from the male one. In this regard, we indicate the causes of chills that are characteristic only of women.

A woman may feel cold if:

Night chills in women

The feeling of cold that disturbs a woman at night is a sign of a disease such as hypothyroidism.

How to fight or what to do

Since chills occur when there is a lack of heat, you can help the body warm up as quickly as possible. To do this, just drink warm tea, wash your hands in warm water or take a warm foot bath.

You can wrap yourself in a blanket or blanket if it is not too warm. Then you can cause the temperature inside the body to become higher than necessary, your internal organs will overheat.
If you develop chills due to shock, call a doctor. Independent actions can only do harm. We strongly do not recommend drinking warm liquid after shock.

If a child under three years old experiences a feeling of cold, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance. You should not treat your child on your own - you can also harm the baby without knowing the reason for the decrease in body temperature and the characteristics of the child’s body.

Many of us are concerned with the question “What happens when I get chills?” Chills are a feeling of cold that is accompanied by goosebumps and trembling. In this condition they say “tooth does not meet tooth.” Chills, weakness and temperature cause deterioration of well-being and a feeling of anxiety. Of course, we want to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible. However, not everyone knows that chills are a protective reaction of the body. It is aimed at warming and increasing blood circulation. Let’s try to find out why people often “shiver” when they have a fever, whether such a reaction occurs without fever, and what to do if they have chills.

Signs of chills at fever

  • Feeling cold. When the temperature rises and chills, the patient freezes, even if he is warmly dressed and is in a heated room.
  • Trembling in the body. When a person is shivering, all his muscles begin to contract frequently. This is a reflex reaction.
  • The appearance of goose bumps. Often, a sign of chills at a temperature becomes small pimples on the surface of the body - goosebumps. They appear due to contraction of the muscles around the hair follicles.

Often, with flu and colds, not only an increase in temperature and fever are observed. To these symptoms are added muscle pain, weakness, headache - signs of intoxication of the body.

Causes of chills at fever

Chills at fever are a reaction to infection. When bacteria or viruses enter the body, a protein is released in the blood cells, which transmits signals to the brain that the temperature needs to rise. Very often this condition is observed with influenza and acute respiratory infections. In addition, when there is a chill, other processes can occur in the body:

  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disorders digestive system as a result of intoxication (poisoning);
  • various diseases bacterial nature(pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.).

How are chills related to fever?

Fever helps the body adjust to infectious disease and deal with it. This mechanism is aimed at fighting viruses or bacteria. When the body temperature rises to 38 °C and above, a person feels “broken.” Headaches and aches in muscles and joints, weakness and loss of appetite appear. Chills and fever with high temperature similar in origin. What happens when a person gets chills? It has a sharp increase in heat generation (by 200% or more). The heat transfer does not change. The body begins to give off heat to external environment only as the heat sets in. It is due to this mechanism that the body temperature rises during chills.

Causes of chills without fever

Hypothermia. If a person is very cold, chills without fever may occur due to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels. When hypothermia occurs, they are impaired metabolic processes and blood flow slows down. This is what causes the body’s reflex reaction aimed at warming up. Chills may cause a person to feel trembling in the body. Due to muscle contractions, the temperature gradually increases (from low to normal). To alleviate the patient's condition during hypothermia, the doctor may recommend warm drinks and warming procedures.

Endocrine disorders. The causes of chills without fever are sometimes pathologies of the thyroid gland. It is this organ that participates in the processes of thermoregulation of the body. Therefore, when the thyroid gland does not work properly, a person may feel shivering all the time. The same reaction often occurs when diabetes mellitus. In this case, chills are caused by circulatory disorders. In women the reason this state There may be a change in hormonal balance during menopause. At endocrine disorders Drug therapy selected by a doctor helps improve well-being and relieve chills.

Stress and overwork. The cause of weakness and chills in the absence of fever may be physical or psychological emotional overstrain. This reaction is the body’s response to stress. IN in this case To make the patient feel better, it is recommended to provide the patient with rest. Sedatives may only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Change in blood pressure. Severe chills may be caused by sharp decline or promotion blood pressure. A similar reaction is often observed when hypertensive crisis. To make the patient feel better, it is necessary to normalize blood pressure. A doctor should give specific recommendations.

What to do when you have chills: how to quickly relieve them?

The choice of treatment methods depends on the cause of chills with or without fever. If such a condition is associated with influenza or ARVI, the following measures often help alleviate the patient’s condition.

Maintain bed rest. Chills are often accompanied by weakness and other unpleasant symptoms intoxication. Bad feeling- a reason to cancel work for a while and stay at home. Avoid physical and intellectual stress. Maintain bed rest. This will help the body devote all its strength to fighting the infection.

Drink warm drinks. To quickly get rid of chills and warm up, drink compotes, fruit drinks or tea with lemon. Drinks should be warm, but not scalding. It is recommended to consume them little by little: take at least 1-2 sips every 10 minutes.

Create an optimal climate in the room. Despite the feeling of cold during chills, you should not stay in a stuffy and hot room for a long time. The optimal air temperature in the room is 20–22°C. The room needs to be ventilated periodically. During the heating season, it is recommended to maintain air humidity at least 50%.

Take an antipyretic. When the temperature rises above 38°C due to a cold or flu, you can use antipyretic medications*. Complex products are well suited for this (for example, RINZA® or RINZASIP® with vitamin C).

RINZA® and RINZASIP® with vitamin C for chills

Combination active ingredients in the preparations RINZA® and RINZASIP® with vitamin C affects the body in several directions at once. This helps to simultaneously eliminate chills accompanied by fever, body aches and other unpleasant signs of ARVI. The analgesic and antipyretic paracetamol reduces fever and relieves pain. The component with a vasoconstrictor effect, phenylephrine, helps reduce runny nose and nasal congestion. Chlorphenamine (pheniramine) helps relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, reduce nasal discharge, and relieve itching in the nose, throat and eyes. And vitamin C, which is part of RINZASIP® with vitamin C, helps restore the body's defenses.

What should you not do if you have a chill?

Carry out warming procedures. Hot compresses, inhalations and any other similar procedures can lead to sharp increase body temperature during fever and, as a result, heat stroke.

Wrap up and take cover. When a person is shivering, the body produces more heat. Under thick blankets the effect of a thermos is created. Heat is not removed outside - the body does not cool down. This can lead to overheating of internal organs. Moreover, the skin may remain cold due to vascular spasm.

Reduce the temperature by physical methods . For chills, treatment should not include alcohol, vinegar or water rubdowns, cool baths, etc. Such procedures only intensify the spasm peripheral vessels. As a result, the body does not transfer heat well, which leads to overheating of the internal organs.

How to get rid of severe chills?

If you are suffering from painful chills and the usual methods do not alleviate the condition, you need to seek help. medical care. It is up to the doctor to decide what to do in case of severe chills and high temperature. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the thermometer shows more than 39.5 °C, the patient experiences convulsions, delirium and loss of consciousness. Doctors will help eliminate health-threatening symptoms, determine the cause of fever and chills, and select adequate treatment.

*According to the instructions for medical use medications and after consulting a doctor.

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