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Students with disabilities. Education for children with disabilities


From September 1, 2016, federal state educational standards for children with disabilities come into force. disabilities health and federal state educational standards for children with mental retardation(intellectual impairment) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for OVZ and UO).

children with disabilities).

The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, regional, national and ethnocultural needs of the peoples of the Russian Federation..

The Federal State Educational Standard for General Education and the Order is a set of mandatory requirements for the implementation of adapted basic general education programs of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as AOEP NEO) in organizations engaged in educational activities.

The standard regulates relations in the field of education of the following groups students with disabilities: deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders, with mental retardation, with autism spectrum disorders, with complex defects (hereinafter children with disabilities).

The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, regional, national and ethnocultural needs of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO OVZ is associated with the need to create special conditions to ensure equal access to education for all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their problems, including providing special assistance children with disabilities who are able study in a public school setting.

In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, federal state educational standards for the education of these persons are established or special requirements are included in the federal state educational standards (Part 6 of Article 11 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”)

Children with visual impairments

Children with hearing impairments

Children with severe speech impairments (SSD)

Children with musculoskeletal disorders (MOD)

Children with mental retardation (MDD)

Children with intellectual disabilities (ID)

Children with autism spectrum disorders (AS)

The status of “child with disabilities” is established by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

The established status can be changed if the child experiences positive dynamics as a result of the psychological and pedagogical assistance provided.

The status of “child with disabilities” in the education system gives children of this category certain benefits:

  1. Right for free correctional and developmental classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, special teacher in an educational organization.
  2. Right to a special approach on the part of teaching teachers, who must take into account the psychophysical characteristics of the child, including an individually oriented assessment system.
  3. Upon completion of 9th and 11th grades right to choice of the traditional form of passing the state final certification (state final exam) or in the form of the main state exam (test tasks).
  4. Right for free 2 one meal At school.
  5. Children with disabilities cannot be subject to measures disciplinary action, throughout the entire period of study.

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Adapted program for children with musculoskeletal disorders

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2014 N 1598 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities”

Information for parents!

New approaches to education.

What does the abbreviation OVZ mean? The transcript reads: limited health capabilities. This category includes persons who have developmental disabilities, both physical and psychological. The phrase “children with disabilities” means that these children need special conditions for living and learning.

With behavioral and communication disorders;

Hearing impaired;

With visual impairments;

With speech dysfunctions;

With changes in the musculoskeletal system;

With mental retardation;

With mental retardation;

Complex violations.

Children with disabilities, their types, provide correctional training schemes with the help of which the child can be relieved of the defect or significantly reduce its impact. For example, when working with children with visual impairments, special developmental tools are used. computer games, which help improve the perception of this analyzer.

Principles of learning.

Working with a child with disabilities is incredibly painstaking and requires a lot of patience.

Each variant of the disorder requires its own development program, the main principles of which are:

Psychological safety. Help in adapting to environmental conditions. Unity of joint activities. Motivating the child for the educational process.

The initial stage of education in a preschool educational institution includes cooperation with the teacher, increased interest in fulfilling different tasks. Secondary school should strive to form a civic and moral position, as well as to develop creative abilities. We must not forget about the influence of family education on the development of children with disabilities, which plays a major role in the development of personality. It is no secret that the process of becoming an individual includes the unity of systems of sociocultural and biological factors. Atypical development has a primary defect that was caused by biological circumstances. It, in turn, forms secondary changes that arise in the pathological environment. For example, the primary defect will be hearing impairment, and the secondary defect will be the onset of muteness. Studying the connection between primary and subsequent changes, teacher L. S. Vygotsky put forward a position that states that the further the primary defect is separated from secondary symptoms, the more successful the correction of the latter will be. Thus, the development of a child with disabilities is influenced by four factors: the type of disorder, the quality, degree and timing of the main disorder, as well as environmental conditions.

Training the guys.

With proper and timely development of the child, many deviations in further development can be significantly mitigated. The education of children with disabilities must be of high quality. Currently, there is an increase in the number of children with severe disabilities, but at the same time, thanks to the use of the latest equipment and modern correction programs, many students achieve the required level of development in their age category. Currently, the tendency to eliminate inequalities in general education and correctional schools, the role of inclusive education is increasing. In this regard, there is great heterogeneity in the composition of students in terms of their mental, physical, mental development, which significantly complicates the adaptation of children both with and without health problems functional disorders. Teachers are often simply lost in the methods of providing assistance and support to students with disabilities. There are also shortcomings in the use of various information technologies during lessons or extracurricular activities.

Such gaps are due to the following reasons:

Absence in educational institution necessary technological infrastructure, software and hardware. Lack necessary conditions oriented towards joint learning activities.

Thus, creating a “barrier-free” learning environment is still a challenge.

Education for all.

Distance learning is confidently gaining a place of honor in learning along with traditional forms. This way of organizing educational process significantly simplifies obtaining a decent education for children with disabilities. Decoding distance learning looks like this: this is a form of training whose advantages are:

High adaptation to the living and health conditions of students. Quick update of methodological support. The ability to quickly obtain additional information. Development of self-organization and independence. The opportunity to get help in in-depth study of the subject.

This form can resolve the issue of homeschooling for frequently ill children, thereby smoothing the boundaries between them and children without deviations in health.

The role of parents.

What should parents do if they have a child with disabilities? The decoding of the abbreviation is simple - limited health capabilities. Receiving such a verdict leaves parents in a state of helplessness and confusion. Many try to refute the diagnosis, but in the end they come to awareness and acceptance of the defect. Parents adapt and take different positions - from “I will do everything so that my child becomes a full-fledged person” to “I cannot have an unhealthy child.” These provisions must be taken into account by psychologists when planning a correctional program for children with health problems. Parents should know correct forms helping your child, despite the types of disabilities, methods of adaptation, and developmental features.

A new approach to education.

Joint education of children with disabilities and without health problems is supported and described by a number of documents. Among them are: the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education, the National Educational Initiative “Our New School”. Working with disabilities involves performing the following tasks in inclusive education: everyday, normative, labor, as well as socially adapting students with their subsequent merging with society.

With long, patient work on correctional programs developed by psychologists, sooner or later there will definitely be a result.

Children with disabilities are children who have various mental or physical abnormalities that cause impairments general development that do not allow children to lead full life. Synonyms this concept The following definitions of such children can be used: “children with problems”, “children with special needs”, “atypical children”, “children with learning difficulties”, “abnormal children”, “exceptional children”. The presence of one or another defect (disadvantage) does not predetermine incorrect, from the point of view of society, development.

Hearing loss in one ear or visual impairment in one eye does not necessarily lead to developmental disabilities, since in these cases the ability to perceive sound and visual signals with intact analyzers remains.

Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with impaired psychophysical development who need special (corrective) training and upbringing.
According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov, the main categories of abnormal children include:

    Children with hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);

    Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);

    Children with speech disorders (speech pathologists);

    Children with musculoskeletal disorders;

    Children with mental retardation;

    Children with mental retardation;

    Children with behavioral and communication disorders;

    Children with complex violations psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the disorder, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child, for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated. Complexity and nature of the violation normal development the child is determined by the characteristics of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as various shapes pedagogical work with him. One child with developmental disabilities can master only basic general education knowledge(read syllables and write simple sentences) , the other is relatively unlimited in its capabilities(for example, a child with mental retardation or hearing impairment) . The structure of the defect also affects the practical activities of children. Some atypical children have the opportunity to become highly qualified specialists in the future, while others will spend their entire lives doing low-skilled work.(for example, bookbinding and cardboard production, metal stamping).

There are so many developmental features and they are so different that “special children” sometimes do not fit into the “cliche” of one diagnosis or another. And the main problem of teaching them is precisely that all the children are completely different and dissimilar, and each with their own oddities and health problems. And yet, experts have identified the main developmental problems or diagnoses, which are designated by the following abbreviations:

Cerebral palsy – cerebral palsy;

DPR – mental retardation;

ZRR – delay speech development;

MMD – minimal brain dysfunction;

ODA – musculoskeletal system;

ONR – general speech underdevelopment;

EDA – early childhood autism;

ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;

HIA – limited health capabilities.

As you can see, of all of the above, only cerebral palsy, MMD and problems with the musculoskeletal system are specific medical diagnoses. Otherwise, the names of children's characteristics, oddities and problems are very, very arbitrary. What does “general speech underdevelopment” mean? And how does it differ from “speech development delay”? And this “delay” is relative to what - relative to what age and level of intelligence? As for the "early childhood autism“, then this diagnosis is given to children so different in behavioral manifestations that it seems that our domestic experts themselves do not agree on autism, since they have not yet studied this disease well enough. And today almost every second restless child is diagnosed with “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”! Therefore, before you agree that your child will be given this or that diagnosis, show it to not one, but at least a dozen specialists and get from them clear arguments and clear medical indications for which the child will be given a diagnosis. A diagnosis such as blindness or deafness is obvious. But when they rush to assign a “diagnosis” to a playful child who causes educators and teachers more trouble than other children, just to get rid of him by transferring him to a kindergarten or school for “children with special needs,” then you can fight for your child . After all, a label stuck on since childhood can seriously ruin a child’s life.

Special (correctional) schools of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII types. What kind of children do they teach?

In special (correctional) general educationType I schools children with hearing impairments, hard of hearing and deaf children are educated. INType II schools Deaf and mute children study.Schools of III-IV type Designed for blind and visually impaired children.Type V schools accept students with speech disorders, in particular children who stutter.Type VI schools created for children with physical and physical problems mental development. Sometimes such schools operate with neurological and psychiatric hospitals. Their main contingent is children with various forms of cerebral palsy (CP), spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries.VII type schools for children with ADHD and mental retardation.VII type schools They deal with the correction of dyslexia in children. Alexia is the absence of speech and a complete inability to master speech, and dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of reading acquisition caused by a violation of higher mental functions. And finally, in special (correctional) general educationVIII type schools teach mentally retarded children, the main goal of these educational institutions is to teach children to read, count and write and navigate in social conditions. At schools of the VIII type there are carpentry, metalworking, sewing or bookbinding workshops, where students within the school walls receive a profession that allows them to earn a living. The path to higher education is closed for them; upon graduation, they only receive a certificate stating that they have completed the ten-year program.

Special methods for teaching children with disabilities

In general, at school, teachers work with children using special teaching methods that cover all stages: explaining new material, completing assignments, and assessing the student’s work. The teacher uses the following methodological techniques:

    Step-by-step explanation of tasks.

    Consistent completion of tasks.

    Repeating instructions to students to complete the task.

    Providing audio-visual technical means training.

    Being close to students while explaining a task.

    Change of activities

    Preparing students for a change in activity.

    Alternation of classes and physical education breaks.

    Allowing additional time to complete a task.

    Providing additional time to submit homework.

    Working on a computer simulator.

    Use worksheets with exercises that require minimal completion.

    Using exercises with missing words/sentences.

    Supplementing printed materials with video materials.

    Providing students with printed copies of assignments written on the board.

    Individual assessment of responses of students with disabilities

    Use of an individual rating scale according to success and effort expended.

    Daily assessment to achieve a quarter mark.

    Permission to redo a task he failed.

    Evaluation of reworked works.

    Using a student achievement assessment system.

IN last years considerable attention is paid to the problems of children with disabilities special features health (HIV). What are these and how to solve them? Let's try to figure it out.

Disabilities of health (HD). What it is?

Scientific sources of literature describe that a person with disabilities has certain limitations in everyday life. We are talking about physical, mental or sensory defects. A person therefore cannot perform certain functions or duties.

This condition can be chronic or temporary, partial or general.

Naturally, physical limitations leave a significant imprint on psychology. Typically, people with disabilities tend to isolate themselves and are characterized by low self-esteem, increased anxiety and lack of self-confidence.

Therefore, work must begin from childhood. Within the framework of inclusive education, significant attention should be paid to the social adaptation of people with disabilities.

Three-tier disability scale

This is the British version of it. The scale was adopted in the eighties of the last century by the World Health Organization. It includes the following steps.

The first is called “disease”. We are talking about any loss or anomaly (psychological/physiological, anatomical structure or functions).

The second stage involves patients with defects and loss of ability to perform activities that are considered normal for other people.

The third stage is incapacity (disability).

Types of oats

In the approved classification of disorders of the basic functions of the body, a number of types are identified. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Violations mental processes. We are talking about perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, emotions and will.

2. Violations in sensory functions. These are vision, hearing, smell and touch.

3. Violations of the functions of respiration, excretion, metabolism, blood circulation, digestion and internal secretion.

4. Changes in statodynamic function.

Disabled children who belong to the first, second and fourth categories are the majority of total number. They are distinguished by certain deviations and developmental disorders. Therefore, such children require special, specific methods of training and education.

Psychological and pedagogical classification of children who belong to the special education system

Let's consider this issue in more detail. Since the choice of techniques and methods of training and education will depend on this.

  • Children with developmental disorders. They are lagging behind mentally and physical development due to the fact that there is organic damage to the central nervous system and dysfunction of analyzers (auditory, visual, motor, speech).
  • Children who have developmental disabilities. They differ in the deviations listed above. But they limit their capabilities to a lesser extent.

Children with disabilities and disabled children have significant developmental disabilities. They enjoy social benefits and benefits.

There is also pedagogical classification violations.

It consists of the following categories.

Children with disabilities:

  • hearing (late-deafened, hard-of-hearing, deaf);
  • vision (impaired vision, blind);
  • speech (various degrees);
  • delayed psychospeech development (DSD);
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • emotional-volitional sphere.

Four degrees of impairment

Depending on the degree of dysfunction and adaptation capabilities, the degree of health impairment can be determined.

Traditionally there are four degrees.

First degree. The development of a child with disabilities occurs against the background of mild to moderate dysfunction. These pathologies may be an indication for recognition of disability. However, as a rule, this does not always happen. Moreover, with proper training and upbringing, the child can fully restore all functions.

Second degree. This is the third group of disability in adults. The child has pronounced disturbances in the functions of systems and organs. Despite treatment, they continue to limit it social adaptation. Therefore, such children need special conditions learning and life.

Third degree of health impairment. It corresponds to the second disability group in an adult. There is a greater severity of disorders that significantly limit the child’s capabilities in his life.

Fourth degree of health impairment. It includes pronounced dysfunctions of systems and organs, due to which the child’s social maladjustment occurs. In addition, we can state the irreversible nature of the lesions and, often, the ineffectiveness of measures (therapeutic and rehabilitation). This is the first group of disability in an adult. The efforts of teachers and doctors are usually aimed at preventing a critical condition.

Developmental problems of children with disabilities

This special category. Children with disabilities are distinguished by the presence of physical and mental disorders, which contribute to the formation of general developmental disorders. This is a generally accepted position. But it is necessary to understand this issue in more detail.

If we talk about a child with minor disabilities, we have already defined what this is, then it should be noted that by creating favorable conditions, most developmental problems can be avoided. Many disorders do not act as barriers between the child and the outside world. Competent psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities will allow them to master the program material and study together with everyone else. secondary school, attend a regular kindergarten. They can communicate freely with their peers.

However, disabled children with serious disabilities need special conditions, special education, upbringing and treatment.

State social policy in the field of inclusive education

In Russia, certain areas have been developed in recent years social policy, which are associated with an increase in the number of children with disabilities. What this is and what problems are solved, we will consider a little later. For now, let's note the following.

The basic provisions of social policy are based on modern scientific approaches, available material and technical means, a detailed legal mechanism, national and public programs, high level professional training of specialists, etc.

Despite the efforts made and the progressive development of medicine, the number of children with disabilities is growing steadily. Therefore, the main directions of social policy are aimed at solving the problems of their education at school and stay in preschool institutions. Let's look at this in more detail.

Inclusive education

Education of children with disabilities should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for realizing equal opportunities with peers, obtaining an education and ensuring a decent life in modern society.

However, the implementation of these tasks must be carried out at all levels, starting from kindergarten and finishing school. Let's look at these stages below.

Creating a “barrier-free” educational environment

The basic problem of inclusive education is to create a “barrier-free” educational environment. The main rule is its accessibility for children with disabilities, solving problems and difficulties of socialization.

In educational institutions that provide their support, it is necessary to comply with general pedagogical requirements for technical equipment and equipment. This is especially true for fulfilling everyday needs, developing competence and social activity.

Besides, Special attention should be given to the upbringing and education of such children.

Problems and difficulties of inclusive education

Despite the work being done, when teaching and raising children with disabilities, not everything is so simple. The existing problems and difficulties of inclusive education boil down to the following positions.

Firstly, the group of children does not always accept a child with disabilities as “one of their own”.

Secondly, teachers cannot master the ideology of inclusive education, and there are difficulties in implementing teaching methods.

Thirdly, many parents do not want their normally developing children to go to the same class with a “special” child.

Fourthly, not all disabled people are able to adapt to the conditions of ordinary life without requiring additional attention and conditions.

Children with disabilities in a preschool institution

Children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions are one of the main problems of a non-specialized kindergarten. Because the process of mutual adaptation is very difficult for the child, parents and teachers.

The priority goal of the integrated group is the socialization of children with disabilities. For them, preschool becomes the primary stage. Children with different abilities and developmental disabilities must learn to interact and communicate in the same group and develop their potential (intellectual and personal). This becomes equally important for all children, as it will allow each of them to push the existing boundaries of the world around them as much as possible.

Children with disabilities at school

The priority task of modern inclusive education is to increase attention to the socialization of children with disabilities. An approved adapted program for children with disabilities is required for training in a general education school. However, the currently available materials are scattered and not integrated into a system.

On the one hand, inclusive education in secondary schools is beginning to appear, on the other hand, the heterogeneity of the composition of students is increasing, taking into account the level of their speech, mental and mental development.

This approach leads to the fact that the adaptation of both relatively healthy children and children with disabilities is significantly hampered. This leads to additional, often insurmountable difficulties in implementing individual approach teacher

Therefore, children with disabilities cannot simply study at school on an equal basis with others. For a favorable result, certain conditions must be created.

Main areas of work in the inclusive education system

For the full development of a child with disabilities at school, it is necessary to work in the following areas.

Firstly, in order to solve problems, it is recommended to create a group of psychological and pedagogical support in an educational institution. Its activities will be as follows: to study the developmental features of children with disabilities and their special needs, draw up individual educational programs, develop forms of support. These provisions must be recorded in a special document. This is an individual card of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child with disabilities.

Secondly, constant adjustment of techniques and methods of teaching and education is necessary.

Thirdly, the support group should initiate a revision of the curriculum, taking into account an assessment of the child’s condition and the dynamics of his development. As a result, an adapted version is being created for children with disabilities.

Fourthly, it is necessary to regularly conduct correctional and developmental classes aimed at increasing motivation and development cognitive activity, memory and thinking, knowledge of one’s personal characteristics.

Fifthly, one of the necessary forms of work is working with the family of a disabled child. Its main goal is to organize assistance to parents in the process of mastering practical knowledge and skills necessary in raising and teaching children with disabilities. In addition, it is recommended:

  • actively involve the family in the work of the educational institution, providing psychological and pedagogical support;
  • provide parental counseling;
  • teach the family the techniques and methods of assistance available to them;
  • organize feedback from parents to the educational institution, etc.

In general, it should be noted that inclusive education in Russia is just beginning to develop.

What does the abbreviation OVZ mean? The transcript reads: limited health capabilities. This category includes persons who have developmental defects, both physical and psychological. The phrase “children with disabilities” means some deviations in the formation of the child when it is necessary to create special living conditions.

Categories of children with limited health

The main classification divides unhealthy children into the following groups:

C and communication;

Hearing impaired;

With visual impairments;

With speech dysfunctions;

With changes in the musculoskeletal system;

From development;

With mental retardation;

Complex violations.

Children with disabilities, their types, provide correctional training schemes with the help of which the child can be relieved of the defect or significantly reduce its impact. For example, when working with children with visual impairments, special educational computer games are used that help improve the perception of this analyzer (labyrinths, etc.).

Principles of training

Working with a child with disabilities is incredibly painstaking and requires a lot of patience. Each variant of the disorder requires its own development program, the main principles of which are:

1. Psychological safety.

2. Help in adapting to environmental conditions.

3. Unity of joint activities.

4. Motivating the child for the learning process.

The initial stage of education includes cooperation with the teacher and increased interest in performing various tasks. Secondary school should strive to form a civic and moral position, as well as to develop creative abilities. We must not forget about the influence on the development of children with disabilities, which plays a major role in the development of personality.

It is no secret that the process of becoming an individual includes the unity of systems of sociocultural and biological factors. Atypical development has a primary defect that was caused by biological circumstances. It, in turn, forms secondary changes that arise in the pathological environment. For example, the primary defect will be and the secondary defect will be the onset of muteness. Studying the connection between primary and subsequent changes, teacher L. S. Vygotsky put forward a position that states that the further the primary defect is separated from secondary symptoms, the more successful the correction of the latter will be. Thus, the development of a child with disabilities is influenced by four factors: the type of disorder, the quality, degree and timing of the main disorder, as well as environmental conditions.

Children's training

With proper and timely development of the child, many deviations in further development can be significantly mitigated. The education of children with disabilities must be of high quality. Currently, there is an increase in the number of children with severe disabilities, but at the same time, thanks to the use of the latest equipment and modern correction programs, many students achieve the required level of development in their age category.

Currently, the trend towards eliminating inequality in general education and correctional schools is gaining momentum, and the role of inclusive education is increasing. In this regard, there is great heterogeneity in the composition of students in terms of their mental, physical, and mental development, which significantly complicates the adaptation of children both with health problems and without functional disorders. Teachers are often simply lost in the methods of providing assistance and support to students with disabilities. There are also shortcomings in the use of various information technologies during lessons or extracurricular activities. Such gaps are due to the following reasons:

1. Lack of the necessary technological infrastructure, software and hardware in the educational institution.

2. Lack of necessary conditions focused on joint learning activities.

Thus, creating a “barrier-free” learning environment is still a challenge.

Education for all

Distance learning is confidently gaining a place of honor in learning along with traditional forms. This method of organizing the educational process greatly simplifies obtaining a decent education for children with disabilities. The explanation of distance learning looks like this: it is a form of learning whose advantages are:

1. High adaptation to the living and health conditions of students.

2. Quick update of methodological support.

3. Possibility of quickly obtaining additional information.

4. Development of self-organization and independence.

5. The opportunity to get help in in-depth study of the subject.

This form can resolve the issue of frequently ill children, thereby smoothing the boundaries between them and children without deviations in health.

Federal State Educational Standard. Disabilities in children

Based on the Standard, it is possible to use four types. The determination of the desired option for students is based on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. For the successful implementation of the selected program, special conditions are taken into account, necessary for the child with disabilities. A transition from one option to another is provided as the child develops. This action is possible subject to following conditions: parental statement, child’s desire, visible positive dynamics in learning, PMPK results, as well as the creation necessary conditions educational organization.

Development programs taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards

There are several based on the Standard. The first option was created for children who were able to achieve the required level of development by the time they entered school and who can cooperate with their peers. In this case, on a par with healthy schoolchildren students with disabilities are taught. The interpretation of this option is as follows: children study in the same environment, they are subject to basically the same requirements, and upon graduation, everyone receives an education document.

Children with disabilities who study under the first option have the right to pass different types certification in other forms. Special conditions are created in relation to a specific category of student’s health. Main educational program includes mandatory correctional work, which corrects deficiencies in the child’s development.

Second type of program

Students with disabilities who are enrolled in this option at school have the right to longer terms. The main program is complemented by several curricula that take into account the needs of students with disabilities. This option can be implemented both in the form of joint learning with peers, and in separate groups or classes. Important role play in learning information Technology and special equipment that expands the student’s capabilities. The second option involves carrying out mandatory work aimed at deepening and expanding social experience students with disabilities.

Third type

Students with disabilities studying under this option receive an education that is not comparable to that received by schoolchildren without health impairments. Required condition for implementation curriculum is the creation of an adapted individual environment. Students with disabilities, together with an expert commission, choose certification forms and study periods. In this case, it is possible to carry out educational activities both together with peers and in separate groups and special organizations.

The fourth type of development program

IN in this case a student with multiple health impairments is trained according to an adapted program, taking into account an individual plan. A prerequisite is the formation of an environment in which the implementation of life competence in society to a large extent occurs. The fourth option involves homeschooling, where the emphasis is on expanding within accessible limits social contacts and life experience. To master the program, it is possible to use a network form of interaction using various educational resources. Students who successfully complete training in this option are issued a certificate of the established form.

Those that can be considered promising educational establishments, which implement both basic programs and those adapted to the needs of a child with disabilities. Such organizations include inclusive classes, which allows children with disabilities to develop freely in society. Also in these schools there is continuous operation not only with children, but also with their parents and teachers.

Sport as a reliable assistant. Working programm

A disability (diagnosis) is not a reason to reduce motor activity child. Efficiency physical culture in the development of children is an indisputable fact. Thanks to sports, productivity, intellectual development, and health improve.

Exercises are selected individually or students are divided into groups depending on the categories of diseases. Classes begin with a warm-up, where children perform a series of simple movements to the accompaniment of music. The preparatory part takes no more than 10 minutes. Next, you move on to the main section. In this part, exercises are performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles of the arms and legs, to develop coordination, and others. The use of team games contributes to the successful functioning of communication skills, the “spirit of competition”, and the discovery of one’s abilities. In the final part, the teacher moves on to calm games and exercises, and sums up the work done.

Curricula in any subjects must comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. Children with disabilities can be corrected with appropriate physical activity, because it’s no secret that when you develop your body, you also develop your mind.

Role of parents

What should parents do if they have a child with disabilities? The decoding of the abbreviation is simple - limited health capabilities. Receiving such a verdict leaves parents in a state of helplessness and confusion. Many try to refute the diagnosis, but in the end they come to awareness and acceptance of the defect. Parents adapt and take different positions - from “I will do everything so that my child becomes a full-fledged person” to “I cannot have an unhealthy child.” These provisions must be taken into account by psychologists when planning a correctional program for children with health problems. Parents should know the correct forms of assistance to their child, despite the types of disabilities, methods of adaptation, and developmental characteristics.

A New Approach to Education

Joint education of children with disabilities and without health problems is supported and described by a number of documents. Among them are: the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education, the National Educational Initiative “Our New School”. Working with disabilities involves performing the following tasks in inclusive education: everyday, normative, labor, as well as socially adapting students with their subsequent merging with society. To successfully develop skills, special schools organize elective classes, where all conditions are created for children to develop additional abilities. This form of educational activity for children with health problems must be agreed upon with psychologists and take into account individual characteristics students. With long, patient work on correctional programs developed by psychologists, sooner or later there will definitely be a result.

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