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Russian general education portal. Russian education

Russian general education portals and websites.

Russian general education portals and websites for schoolchildren. Catalogs of educational Internet resources - portals, websites, electronic libraries, etc. Lists educational institutions. Legislation. Regulatory documents and standards.

edu - "Russian education" Federal portal. Catalog of educational Internet resources: Russian education. Legislation. Regulatory documents and standards. Educational institutions. Catalog of websites (you can choose: subject, audience, level of education, type of resource) and electronic libraries. Educational and methodological library.

- edu.ru - portal resources for general education

school.edu - "Russian general educational portal" . Catalog of Internet resources: preschool education; primary and general education; distance learning; pedagogy; training; reference and information sources.

ege.edu - "Portal of information support for the Unified State Exam" News. Regulations. Demos. Preliminary Unified State Exam results.

fepo - "Federal Internet exam in the field vocational education" In order to assist universities in creating quality management systems for training specialists based on independent external assessment, the National Agency for Education is conducting an experiment to introduce F federal uh replacement in higher education P professional O education (FEPO). .

allbest - "Union of educational sites" Select the "Home" button at the top left. We get to the main page. Here are a selection of resources: Libraries, Tests, Abstracts; below - Foreign languages and most importantly, the so-called “Electronic Libraries” are simply collections of sites on various topics. There is a rating of sites by section (when registering, they give you a personal number.

fipi FIPI- Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. Unified State Examination - test and measurement materials (Unified State Examination demo); Federal bank of test tasks (open segment); Research work; Training.

ed.gov - "Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation". - Educational management. Security educational process(regulatory documents; Information; News; Statistics, etc.).

obrnadzor.gov - "Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science". - Official documents. Supervision. Quality control of education (USE). Licensing. Certification.

mon.gov - Official site Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.

rost.ru/projects - National project "Education".

edunews - "Everything for applicants" Main sections of the portal: For schoolchildren and preschoolers; For applicants and students; Exams and tests; Additional education. Thematic links to educational resources and the educational materials themselves on the site.

window.edu.ru - Single window of access to educational resources. Thematic catalog of educational resources.


Portal Digital Education


Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources (FCIOR). Catalog of electronic educational resources


Project federal center information and educational resources (FCIOR) is aimed at distributing electronic educational resources and services for all levels and stages of education. The FCIOR website provides cataloging of electronic educational resources of various types through the use of a unified metadata information model based on the LOM standard.

Federal System of Information and Educational Resources


4. Unified collection of digital educational resources


5. Federal government agency"State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications" INFORMICS


Within the framework of the "Information Technologies" direction, the Federal State Institution State Research Institute of Technology "Informika" maintains and develops the system of federal educational Internet portals and Internet repositories of information resources for general and vocational education

Russian education. Federal educational portal: institutions, programs, standards


The portal "Russian Education" was created in 2002 as part of the project "Creation of the first stage of the system of federal educational portals" of the Federal Target Program "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment" (2001-2005) - (Federal Target Program REOIS).

Main information sections of the Russian Education portal:

  • Catalog of educational Internet resources ( attribute-contextual search, more than 40 thousand cards)
  • Electronic archive regulatory documents federal educational authorities ( orders, letters, decisions since 1996, more than 17 thousand documents, attribute-contextual search, cross-references)
  • Electronic archive of state educational standards
    • general education ( standard files, standard subject programs)
    • professional education
      • initial ( list of professions, standards files)
      • average ( list of specialties, standards files)
      • higher ( list of specialties, files of standards and sample curricula, files of standard programs academic disciplines, educational and methodological associations universities)
      • postgraduate ( candidate minima programs, passports of scientific specialties)
  • Map service ( scalable educational cards Russia and the world)
  • Institutional databases ( contact information, state accreditation, specialties of training, student population)
    • secondary vocational education
    • higher education
  • Activities of the education system ( conferences, seminars, exhibitions)
  • Distance learning
  • Full text library ( scientific and methodological full-text materials)
  • Glossary

8. Federal portal "Single window of access to educational resources"


The purpose of creating the information system "Single Window of Access to Educational Resources" (IS "Single Window") is to provide free access to the integral catalog of educational Internet resources, to the electronic library of educational materials for general and vocational education and to the resources of the system of federal educational portals .

Main sections:

  • Home page
  • Unified catalog of educational Internet resources ( more than 40 thousand cards)
  • Full-text educational and methodological library ( more than 17 thousand materials)
  • Educational portals ( federal and regional portals, education authorities)
  • Education system news

Table at http://www.couo.ru/document_print.asp?document_id=170715

Portal of the Central Educational District


Collections of digital and electronic educational resources
A unified collection of digital educational resources. A collection of various DSOs in various formats http://www.school-collection.edu.ru
Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources. The largest catalog of DSOs in various formats http://fcior.edu.ru
Single window of access to educational resources. EER catalog for subject teachers http://window.edu.ru
Electronic educational resources. Repository of lesson plans, collection of electronic educational resources http://eorhelp.ru
All-Russian competition pedagogical excellence on the use of ESM in educational process. Materials from competition participants may be useful to teachers http://www.konkurs-eor.ru/materials
Russian educational portal. TsOR collection http://www.school.edu.ru
TEACHING COUNCIL.ORG. Media library, including TsOR and methodological developments http://pedsovet.org/m
Primary School- children, parents, teachers. Primary Teacher Resource Library http://www.nachalka.com
Creative Teachers Network. Library of lesson methods and ready-made educational projects http://www.it-n.ru
Open class. Online educational communities.. TsOR collection http://www.openclass.ru
Resources providing distance education
Moscow Institute of Open Education. After completing the courses, it is possible to obtain a state document. sample. http://mioo.seminfo.ru
The project covers almost all levels of education – preschool development, introduction of new technologies in primary and high schools, in addition, training of persons with disabilities and people with disabilities, providing equal opportunities to students of various universities, improving the quality and efficiency of the use of electronic educational resources (EER). After completing the courses, it is possible to obtain a state document. sample. http://eor.it.ru/eor
The “Unified Educational Information Environment” portal is a project of the Moscow Department of Education. This portal is a communication environment for the professional community, offering new opportunities, services and collections of materials. It is intended to provide access to information resources for all interested users, for methodological and information support for teachers of educational institutions, for the formation and development of a unified educational information communication environment. http://eois.mskobr.ru/
Intel's Education for the Future program. You will be able to complete distance learning and receive a certificate confirming completion of the courses (not a state document). http://www.iteach.ru
Internet University of Information Technologies http://www.intuit.ru
Learn Office applications with self-paced courses and videos http://office.microsoft.com/ru-ru/training/FX100565001049.aspx
Skillopedia.Ru is a video encyclopedia of knowledge that helps people learn new things. With the help of Skillopedia, you can find lessons, complete distance learning and receive instructions in almost all areas of life. Watch various video courses and trainings, study interactive guides and instructions that tell and show. http://www.skillopedia.ru
Microsoft educational initiative “Your Course”. You will be able to complete distance learning and receive a certificate confirming your level of knowledge in specialized centers, one of which is the OMC of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. http://ycdl.ph-int.org/
A large selection of block-modular courses on various topics. Convenient training schedule. Paid. http://www.specialist.ru/
You can listen to more than 300 authorized IT courses on various products and directions. IT specialists are trained under the guidance of certified trainers with extensive practical experience. Paid. http://www.softline.ru/
Distance education at Moscow State University http://www.msu.ru/study/dist-learn.html
InterEducation. Distance learning portal. http://www.interobuch.ru/
Open College. You will be able to receive individual assignments via the Internet (self-tests), which are generated taking into account the class of study, topics of the desired level of complexity, as well as electronic consultations from leading teachers in Russia who will answer your questions on mathematics, physics, chemistry, English language, biology, geography. You will also have the opportunity to remotely gain initial, basic knowledge in the field of business and economics. "Open College" is an educational Internet portal that includes training for schoolchildren (mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology and other subjects) and courses for vocational education http://college.ru/
Center for distance education "Eidos". Paid http://eidos.ru
All-Russian innovative educational portal VSE-ZNANIYA.RF http://all-knowledge.rf
Resources to help teachers
Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements http://www.fipi.ru/view
Federal portal of Russian education http://www.edu.ru/
Information and communication technologies in education http://www.ict.edu.ru/
Creative Teachers Network http://www.it-n.ru/
The Internet is a state of teachers http://intergu.ru/
Lessons.Net http://www.uroki.net/docinf.htm
Klyaksa.Net http://www.klyaksa.net/
Newspaper "Informatics" of the publishing house "First of September" http://inf.1september.ru/
Journal "Informatics and Education" http://infojournal.ru/journal/info/
MCNMO http://www.problems.ru/
Methodical piggy bank for computer science teacher http://www.metod-kopilka.ru/
Flash animation training course http://flash.lutskiy.ru/
Virtual Computer Museum http://www.computer-museum.ru/index.php
Publishing house "Binom" http://www.lbz.ru/
Olympiads in Informatics http://www.olympiads.ru/
CAD COMPASS -3D in education file http://edu.ascon.ru/news/
Education Law http://zakon.edu.ru/
New generation general education standards http://standart.edu.ru/
Sample programs of basic general education http://mon.gov.ru/work/obr/dok/obs/3837/
Official website of the Unified State Exam http://www.ege.edu.ru/
Information and technical support portal for open source software http://www.spohelp.ru/
Gimp - graphics editor http://www.gimp.org/
OpenOffice http://ru.openoffice.org/
Pinta is a raster graphics editor, perfect for computer science lessons. http://pinta-project.com/
Inkscape is a free vector graphics editor. http://inkscape.org/
Computer Science Tests http://www.junior.ru/wwwexam/
Computer Science and ICT in Education http://www.rusedu.info/
Resources to help you carry out project and research activities
Portal dedicated to research activities http://www.researcher.ru/
Website of the competition of multimedia, design research works “Grant of the Prefect of the Central Administrative District for schoolchildren” http://www.grant-prefekta.ru
Website of the city conference "POISK-NIT" http://poisk-nit.ru/
Website of the All-Russian open competition of research works named after. V.I.Vernadsky http://vernadsky.info/
Electronic educational magazine for high school students and teachers “Potential” http://potential.org.ru/
Internet portal of the magazine “Technology for Youth” http://www.technicamolodezhi.ru/
Scientific and educational magazine "Computerra" http://www.computerra.ru/
An Internet portal about scientific and technical creativity, including the following sections: institutions of scientific and technical technology in Moscow, examination of projects, how to equip your community, etc. http://4nttm.ru/
Popular Software Resources
Kaspersky Antivirus Kaspersky. Antivirus http://www.kaspersky.ru/
Radmin. network administration http://www.radmin.ru/products/radmin/text_voice_chat.php
NetOp School. A software package designed to organize training in computer classes http://www.netop.ru/
ABBYY. translator, dictionary, text recognition http://www.abbyy.ru/
PROMT. Professional translation system. http://www.promt.ru/
Pinnacle Studio. Video editor http://www.pinnaclesys.ru/
Acronis True Image 9.1 Server for Windows - 1-9 Cohies. solutions for backup, recovery and protection of operating systems and data in physical, virtual and cloud environments http://www.acronis.ru/
ACDSee Photo Manager 12 Full Version Educational/Government Software. program for working with images and illustrations http://www.acdsee.com/
QuarkXPress Passport. A powerful publishing system with an intuitive interface and an expanded set of text processing tools http://www.quark.com/
Adobe. graphic editor http://www.adobe.com/ru/
Corel. creating vector illustrations, page layouts, photo editing and raster image tracing http://www.corel.ru/
Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 Professional Concurrent ELS. tools for designing, building, optimizing and managing databases and application programs on different platforms and programming languages http://www.embarcadero.com/ru/
Compass-3D. Design and construction in mechanical engineering, license. http://ascon.ru/
Kerio WinRoute Firewall. The software provides corporate IT security, transparency, ease of installation, configuration and operation of firewalls for full-scale control of user access on the Internet http://kerio-shop.ru/kerio_winroute_firewall
LabVIEW Full. platform graphic programming, intended for the development of test systems, control and embedded systems http://www.labview.ru/
Sony Vegas Movie Studio. video creation, sound work http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/moviestudiope
Symantec Endpoint Protection. a product that includes Symantec AntiVirus and advanced threat prevention to protect laptops, desktops, and servers from malware. http://www.symantec.com/ru/ru/business/endpoint-protection
AutoCAD. designed to solve problems of land management, design of a general plan and linear structures http://www.autodesk.ru/adsk/servlet/home?siteID=871736&id=1096170
1C: Accounting. A universal program for automating accounting and tax accounting in commercial organizations http://www.1cbit.ru/?gclid=CNC3r6KHpa0CFQG-zAodsx_Mng
ESET NOD32 Business Edition. Antivirus http://www.esetnod32.ru/
AVG Internet Security. a software package for comprehensive computer protection against all the most serious Internet threats, including viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, hackers and spam. http://www.avg.com/us-en/internet-security
Xara3D. A program for creating various three-dimensional inscriptions and 3D buttons http://www.xara.com/us/products/xara3d/
Auslogics BoostSpeed. will clean your computer of system junk, fix registry errors, defragment disks and optimize Windows settings. http://www.auslogics.com/ru/software/boost-speed/
Сhildwebguardian. program for restricting children's access to the Internet http://childwebguardian.ru/
TheBat!. Program for working with by email, ensuring speed and efficiency of business and personal correspondence http://www.ritlabs.com/ru/products/thebat/
Dr.Web. Antivirus+Antispam http://www.drweb.com/
Sound Forge Pro. sound editor with wide range opportunities http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/soundforge
NetSupport Manager. program remote control computer http://www.netsupportmanager.com/
VideoPort. software for organizing video conferences in workgroups of any size within a corporate network of any complexity. http://trueconf.ru/
Sibelius. allows for group classes on music theory with students in a computer class, the program allows teachers to design and publish arrangements, transcriptions, and arrangements of musical works for students. http://www.sibelius.com/home/index_flash.html
ARCserve. allows you to protect all critical data and applications by providing them with backup. http://www.arcserve.ru/
MIMIO. http://www.mimio-edu.ru/
Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/default.aspx
NERO. program for burning CDs, DVDs http://www.nero.com/rus/
Winamp. media player http://www.winamp.com/
Linux. operating system http://linux.ru/
Resources for Using Free Software
E-learning. Moodle, Karaganda, KSTU http://cde.kstu.kz/courses/
Information and educational portal of the CIS. Project of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia of an informational nature. Apparently in development. http://cis.rudn.ru/rubric/show.action?rubric.id=38
UNESCO Institute for IT in Education. IITE's mission is to serve as a center of excellence and provide technical assistance and advice in the application of ICT in education. http://ru.iite.unesco.org/
Federal Center for Innovation and Educational Resources. The project of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources (FCIOR) is aimed at distributing electronic educational resources and services for all levels and stages of education. http://fcior.edu.ru/
A site for open education enthusiasts. The site is dedicated to the OER (open educational resources) movement and the ideas of open education. http://oer.snosakhgu.ru/
Single window of access to educational resources. Catalog of educational Internet resources and full-text electronic educational and methodological library for general and professional education. http://window.edu.ru
Distance education at Moscow State University. The information portal of the School of Distance Education is a single shell of the distance education system at Moscow State University, which allows you to open the entire spectrum of university knowledge through electronic libraries, textbooks and courses, audio and video materials, as well as support from highly qualified specialists from among the teaching staff of Moscow State University in the process of mastering knowledge using distance learning technologies. http://www.distance.msu.ru/2009/10/blog-post_4895.html
Network educational communities. Project "Development of new generation electronic educational Internet resources, including cultural and educational services, systems of distance general and vocational training (e-learning), including for use by people with disabilities" http://www.openclass.ru/
A unified collection of digital educational resources. The purpose of creating the Collection is to concentrate in one place and provide access to a full set of modern teaching tools intended for teaching and learning various academic disciplines in accordance with the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education. http://school-collection.edu.ru/
Center for distance learning and advanced training of DSTU. Complete courses, training materials, modules, textbooks, videos, tests, software, and any other means, materials and technologies used to provide access to knowledge. http://de.dstu.edu.ru/CDOSite/Pages/OpenSourse.aspx#
Russian State Children's Library: provides users with access to safe and high-quality information in order to improve the quality of children's reading and preserve the book as a cultural phenomenon; supports and develops a unified space for library and information services for children in Russia; studies reading, information behavior of children and serves as a creative laboratory for library work with children; collects, preserves for future generations and promotes the best information resources for children. Resources under testing http://www.rgdb.ru/catalogs
Resources to help educational psychologists and speech therapists
Federal portal. Russian education http://www.edu.ru/
Official website of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniya" http://www.prosv.ru/
Website "Moscow School" http://www.mschools.ru/
Publishing house "First of September" http://1september.ru/
Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “First of September”
Creative Teachers Network http://www.it-n.ru/
Russian general education portal http://region.edu.ru/moscow/
Educational portal “Study” (for those who study and teach) http://www.ucheba.com/
Establishment Russian Academy Education "Institute of Content and Teaching Methods" http://ismo.ioso.ru/
Distance learning laboratory http://distant.ioso.ru/
Festival of Pedagogical Ideas (September 1) http://festival.1september.ru/
Official website "Institute of Correctional Pedagogy" http://ikprao.ru/
Official website “Comprehensive service of psychological, pedagogical and social support” http://c-psy.ru

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
General information about the service: regulations on the Federal Service, information about management and structure, telephone directory. Collection official documents. Informational resources. Coverage of competitions in the interests of Rosobrnadzor. Official materials of the service for quality control of education (USE), supervision of compliance with legislation, licensing, certification and accreditation, certification of scientific and teaching personnel and state certification of schoolchildren. News and announcements.

Education: national project
General information about the project: goals and objectives, main activities, expected results. Coverage of ongoing projects and programs in the field of secondary, higher and vocational education. Collection of documents. Project news.

Social, humanitarian and political science education: federal portal
Materials on various social and humanitarian subjects: philosophy, history, psychology, political sciences, state and municipal administration, international relationships. Curricula, programs, educational and educational materials, scientific and official materials. Lecture courses. Review of educational and scientific literature. Collection of laws and regulations. Discussion of thematic issues in the forum. Conferences and round tables on-line. Glossary. Information about the project participants. Review of periodical electronic publications. Analytical reviews. Portal news.

Information and communication technologies in education: federal educational portal
Electronic library: books, articles on the problem of information technology in education. Information about the forums, about the conferences. Resource catalogue. A database of organizations whose activities are related to education in the field of information and communication technologies and the use of ICT in education.

Supporting learning processes in the CIS countries: educational portal
Information on educational institutions of the CIS countries. Choosing an educational institution in geography and specialty. Catalog of educational and scientific resources of the CIS countries.

Modernization of Russian education
Materials of the official website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: a collection of documents and links to specialized sites on the problem of modernization, information about conferences, exhibitions and seminars. News from federal experimental sites. Review of new arrivals. Archive of materials.

Russian Open Education Portal
Materials of the Central Server of the Consulting Center for the Information and Educational Environment of Open Education. Information about the software complex "Russian Open Education Portal": concept, regulatory support, recommendations, glossary. An integrated catalog of virtual universities and representative offices, as well as information about courses, disciplines, specialties and directions, a collection of curricula. Education news. Press review and information and analytical materials in the field of education. Electronic versions of scientific and educational publications. Educational network conferences and forums.

Science and education: educational portal
Materials about education in Russia. Catalogs of educational institutions at various levels and educational authorities: preschool education, school education, vocational education, higher education, research activities, advanced training, distance education, Internet training. Abstracts, articles, dictionaries, programs, etc.

Russian education: federal portal
Catalog of links to educational portals, sites and electronic libraries. Coverage of state policy in the field of education. Information about the institutions of the educational system. Review of foreign programs and funds. Educational statistics. Review of electronic educational periodicals. Mapping service. Information about distance learning and Russian education for foreign citizens. News feed: news from the Ministry of Education, news from educational sites, review of the Russian press. Editorial information and contact information.

Information server on education in the CIS
Materials of the Council for Cooperation in the Field of Education of the CIS Member States, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Regulatory documents and educational standards. Educational and methodological literature. Statistical data in the field of education. List of educational structures and organizations. Lighting international projects and software systems. Publications in the media. Materials about research. Addresses of excellence and innovation. An action plan for the implementation of the Agreement and the Concept of information exchange in the field of education of the CIS member states for 2002-2005 is presented. Information about the meeting of the standing commission on distance education of the Council for Cooperation in the Field of Education of the CIS member states. Archive of news and materials in the field of education in the CIS.

Novosibirsk regional educational network
Information educational base of Novosibirsk: information about educational authorities and educational institutions. Review of educational projects of the network: information technology in school, distance learning system, electronic version of the Intellect-Club newspaper, grants and competitions, etc. Electronic publications Media about education. A collection of educational, methodological, reference and information materials on all school subjects. Review of education news and NOOS news.

Education in Krasnoyarsk
Coverage of the activities and work plan of the Main Directorate of Education of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the 2002/2003 academic year. Main development program: official package of program documents, reflective analysis and reprogramming, etc. coverage personnel policy management. Information about regional innovation complexes, educational institutions and organizations. Methodological material for teachers. Children's page. Psychological service. Coverage of educational news and press. Collection of libraries and reference books, etc.

SchoolNet Global: British portal of online resources created by schoolchildren
Internet pages created by English-speaking students around the world. "Global Curriculum" in history, geography and other subjects: research projects schoolchildren.

Euler Foundation
Information about the Foundation's projects; publications; information about olympiads, clubs, distance education programs.

Library Acquisition Center: software package
Names of school literature that are available in the warehouses of Russian publishing houses.

Portal of the education system of Nizhnevartovsk
Information about educational institutions of the city of Nizhnevartovsk; statistical information implementation of programs, projects; catalog of resources to help educators, teachers, and students.

Altai educational portal
Methodological materials; information about educational institutions and educational projects; catalog of educational resources.

Samara Schools
Lesson planning and notes, development extracurricular activities, presentations, methodological articles; reference Information about schools; articles for parents; teachers' blogs.

To obtain free access to the electronic resources of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS, you must register on the library website. Registration on the website of the State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS is free.

2.3. Information resources Internet

The Internet carries enormous potential for educational services. The development of the Internet gives a powerful impetus to the use of new types, methods, forms of teaching and teaching aids focused on the active cognitive activity of students. Of particular importance in this regard is the quality of electronic resources used in the educational process. It should be noted that the quality of education depends, first of all, on the perfection of the educational material, the form of its presentation and the organization of the educational process.

Basic Internet services can be divided into three large groups:



Search engines

Russian general education portal is a single window of access to educational resources.

The purposes of using the information resources of the portal for teachers are:

Improvement traditional methods studying in a comprehensive school;

Use of innovative forms and methods of teaching;

Carrying out cultural and educational activities.

The purpose of using the information resources of the portal for administrators is to search for regulatory and methodological documentation.

The purposes of using the information resources of the portal for students are:

Preparation for the lesson;

Preparation for university;

Using the resource to complete learning tasks in class;

Leisure activities.

The purposes of using the information resources of the portal for parents are:

Preparation for extracurricular activities;

Searching for information on preparation for university;

Leisure activities.

Information resources posted on the portal are collected in the following main sections: Current, Education in the regions, About catalog resources, Officially, Forums, Search in encyclopedias and dictionaries, Projects and archives, Collections. You can search for information by keyword or in categories: Preschool education, Primary school, Primary and secondary school, Additional education and upbringing, Educational leisure, Distance learning, Corrective pedagogy and special psychology, Pedagogy and teacher education, Advanced training, Technical teaching aids and educational equipment, Reference and information sources, National educational portals, Internet: to help the user, Printed publications.

The portal contains scientific-pedagogical, educational-methodological, textbook, normative-instructional, technical, organizational information and software tools and systems for educational purposes, stored in various file archives of the portal.

The above materials are presented in the following form:

Hypertext catalog with a brief summary of the use of the resource;

Notes of lectures, lessons, laboratory, practical work, etc., presented in hypertext form with links to other resources;

A hypertext textbook posted on portal sites with built-in links to relevant Internet resources;

Electronic copies of printed methodological manuals, containing indications of Internet resources;

Websites for educational purposes containing links to Internet resources;

- “virtual” laboratory work operating on the portal’s Web sites.

Types of information activities implemented on the basis of information resources of the portal

Let's consider different kinds educational activities carried out during educational information interaction using portal resources.

Under educational activities implemented in information and communication subject environment, we will understand dynamic system, providing conditions for interaction between the student(s), the student and the means of information and communication technologies, aimed at achieving educational goals. The integration of the capabilities of information and communication technologies into educational tools and systems available on the portal, which model and imitate educational subjects, objects, processes, and phenomena on the screen, ensures the implementation of new types of educational activities both in form and in methods of presenting and retrieving knowledge.

Types of educational activities:

Registration, collection, accumulation, storage, processing of information about the objects, phenomena, processes being studied, including those actually occurring, and the transfer of sufficiently large volumes of information presented in various forms.

For example, each teacher who has access to the portal can, in turn, create a distributed educational information resource, creating catalogs of sites in areas of activity that interest him. With the help of such a resource, he can create his own electronic library in the form of a database or just a text file. For example:

Historical resources can be found in the section "Collections/Collection: Historical Documents" (http://historydoc.edu.ru/). You can organize a search for the necessary historical documents: by keyword, by creator (alphabetical search), by time period, by geographic region. The materials are designed for the modern reader; they directly, in all details, make it possible to feel the events of the past, to imagine the mindset and feelings of the people who created history.

A teacher can create a resource independently, together with his students, and exchange information with colleagues. In the process of this activity, which can be considered the information activity of the teacher in searching, collecting, structuring and producing information, a process of continuous retraining of the teacher takes place on the basis of distributed information resource portal. To enable teachers and students to work collaboratively with their colleagues both nationally and internationally, sharing new ideas and online collaboration initiatives to enhance their teaching and learning capabilities to enhance the health and well-being of the planet.

Interactive dialogue - user interaction with components of educational interaction, including with a learning tool operating on the basis of information and (or) communication technologies, characterized by the implementation of developed means of dialogue (the ability to ask questions in any form, using the so-called “key” words or with a certain set of such “key” words or symbols), while providing the ability to select options for the content of educational material or mode of operation in accordance with the personal preferences of the user (teachers, administrators, students, parents).

Federal portal "Russian Education"

The federal portal “Russian Education” has been operating on the Internet since 2002. The portal was created and developed over a number of years within the framework of several government contracts on behalf of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Currently, the portal is one of the largest and most authoritative Internet resources in the scientific and educational segment of the Runet. According to the Yandex search engine, the TIC (thematic citation index) of the portal is 21,000 and is the highest indicator among resources in this subject; PR according to Google is 7.
The federal portal “Russian Education” is registered as a mass media (Certificate No. El N 77-8321 dated October 6, 2003).

The main information sections of the Russian Education portal are:

  • a catalog of educational Internet resources with attributes and content search and categories by type, subject area, level of education and target audience;
  • archive of federal state educational standards of the new generation for general, primary, secondary and higher professional education (FSES for NPO, SPO, HPE);
  • archive of administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system (orders, resolutions, instructions, instructions letters, decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia);
  • databases of Russian educational institutions;
  • “Events” database with information about conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the life of the scientific and educational community;
  • subsystem of online testing and preparation for the Unified State Exam (USE) and state final certification (GIA);
  • section “For applicants” (information about educational institutions, deadlines and procedures conducting the Unified State Exam, GIA and GVE, procedure for admission to universities and colleges, Olympiads for schoolchildren, etc.;
  • news feed system.

In 2013, work was carried out on content support and updating of the Russian Education portal. First of all, she touched upon one of the most visited sections, dedicated to information for applicants.

428 cards of universities and 182 cards of secondary secondary education institutions were edited, 835 news reports about “Open Days” of educational institutions, 1,300 news on educational topics were prepared and published, 11 announcements of preparatory courses were posted. In addition, other information useful to applicants was posted - 3,578 accredited programs of educational institutions were added, 228 pages with information about organizational structure Universities.
We also worked with requests on issues arising from portal users

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