Home Wisdom teeth Technologies according to FGOS noo. Modern technologies for implementing the federal state standard of primary general education

Technologies according to FGOS noo. Modern technologies for implementing the federal state standard of primary general education

One of the important directions for solving these problems is the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies



Prepared by Khazieva A.M.

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 8


Modern pedagogical technologies

as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

Today the school is aimed at achieving modern quality of education, at solving vital tasks and problems. What should a student master when leaving the walls of elementary school? Of course - the ability to learn. First of all, the student must develop universal learning actions,skills independent activity, initiative, tolerance, ability for successful socialization in society.Federal government officials are talking about this educational standards new generation.

Teachers from all countries are looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching. But still, in the educational process, contradictions remain between frontal forms of learning and individual methods of learning. cognitive activity every student; between the need for differentiation of education and uniformity of content and teaching technologies.

One of the important directions for solving these problems is the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies, the main feature of which can be considered the degree of adaptability of all elements of the pedagogical system: goals, content, methods, means, forms of organizing students’ cognitive activity, forecasts of compliance of learning outcomes with the requirements of the program.

So what is “technology”, what is its difference from methodology?

Technology – Greek. the word means “skill, art” and “law of science” - this is the science of mastery. There are many definitions of the concept of “educational technology”.

Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and acquiring knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize forms of education. In other words, technology is recorded sequential actions that guarantee the achievement of a given result. It contains an algorithm for solving assigned problems; its use is based on the idea of ​​complete controllability of learning and reproducibility of educational cycles.

In contrast to the method:

The technology is not subject-specific; it can be implemented on any subject, regardless of the content. The technology can be implemented by any teacher.

Among the main reasons for the emergence of new psychological and pedagogical technologies are the following:

  • Educational technologies easily fit into the educational process of the classroom system.
  • Allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and education standard in a specific academic subject.
  • They ensure the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanization of education and a person-oriented approach.
  • They ensure the intellectual development of students and their independence.
  • Educational technology promotes goodwill towards the teacher and towards each other.
  • They show Special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality.
  • Educational technology is development-oriented creative activity.

The main objectives of primary general education: development of the student’s personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn; education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and value-based attitude towards oneself and others. Solving these problems is possible if we proceed from a humanistic conviction based on data educational psychology: all children are capable of learning successfully in primary school, if you create the necessary conditions for them, a pedagogical environment that influences various aspects and aspects of personality development.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies provides personal development child by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what remains in memory) in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, more effective use school time.

Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies. They are classified according to organizational forms, by subject, by author, by approach to the child, etc.

These include:

  1. Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process:
  • Pedagogy of cooperation
  • Humane-personal technology Sh. A. Amonashvili
  1. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities:
  • Gaming technologies
  • Problem-based learning
  • Design and research technology
  1. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process:
  • Technology of level differentiation of training
  • Group technologies
  • Information and computer technologies
  1. Technology of developmental education:
  • System of developmental education L. V. Zankova
  • General fundamentals of developmental learning technologies
  1. Health saving technology

The lesson scenario may include elements of various modern educational technologies: (Table No. 1)

The task of a modern teacher is not to present the student with ready-made knowledge on a “silver platter”, but to organize an independent cognitive process through the technology of competency-based training in classroom and extracurricular activities.

Huge positive role in modern educational system plays the use of information and computer technology. The widespread use of information and computer technologies in schools significantly improves the positive dynamics in children’s education and their quality component. Of course, this happens subject to the competent use of computer and multimedia technology.

In my practice, the main areas of application of ICT have already been formed: preparation didactic material, participation in remote competitions, Olympiads for teachers and students; testing in subjects, checking reading technique; searching and using information from the Internet for preparing lessons, design and research work, practical work on the world around us, for extracurricular and educational work; virtual travel, subject simulators, testing; educational games on subjects;

The use of various technologies and information and computer technology, in particular, is necessarily accompanied in combination with health-saving technology (physical exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, hearing, relaxation exercises, dance-rhythmic breaks to music, recreational games during recess, reflection), since the formation of a responsible attitude towards the health of the younger generation is the most important and necessary condition success of modern man

All of the above techniques, new technologies used in lessons and outside of school hours, enable the child to work creatively, promote the development of curiosity, increase activity, bring joy, and create a desire to learn in the child.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that all modern technologies, and computer technology in particular, can become in education both a simulator and a means of control, a means of mobile visibility and monitoring, a custodian and disseminator of information. With the proper use of information and communication technology, the effectiveness of teaching and the culture of the lesson are significantly increased, interest in the subject is formed, and, therefore, education junior schoolchildren becomes high-quality, meeting the requirements of new educational standards.

Subject: Minerals. Product “Malachite box”

Type: lesson - project


Review basic information about minerals (concept, transportation, groups);

Get acquainted with ornamental stones used in the manufacture of art objects, with new technology working with plasticine - modeling in layers;

Introduce the technology of manufacturing a product that imitates the “Russian mosaic” technique

Planned results


Use the technique of mixing plasticine of different colors to obtain new shades;

Explain the method of creating a product using the mosaic technique;

Know the types of plastic materials, their properties; make mosaics from plasticine;

Know the content of conceptsornamental stones, imitation, mosaic, plastic materials, Russian mosaic, stone master


Independently plan your actions in accordance with the assigned educational task; carry out control, adjustment, reflection of your actions;

Evaluate your activities in group and pair work according to the criteria;

Find and select information about the technology of making “Russian mosaics”;

Argue your point of view when working in a group


Treat with respect professional activity people in production;

Show interest in search and research activities;

Understand the reasons for success and failure in your own activities;

Strive to be creative and realize your own ideas

Interdisciplinary connections:Literary reading, theme “The Tale of P.P. Bazhov “The Malachite Box”

Lesson Resources

For the teacher:

Working programm.

Manual for teachers, p. 60-67.

Tale by P.P. Bazhov “The Malachite Box” (1 copy per group).

Table “Characteristics of ornamental stones”.

Images of various minerals and objects created from them.

Mosaic samples, plasticine.

For students:

Textbook, pp. 24-27.

Workbook, p.18.

Materials: plasticine green, white, black.

Tools: stack

Accessories: backing sheet or oilcloth, backing board, thread for cutting plasticine, box, cloth for wiping hands.

During the classes

Formed UUD

Updating the necessary knowledge

Remember into what groups minerals can be divided.

Today in the lesson you will get acquainted with ornamental stones, which are used to create decorative items.

Remember the diagram made in the previous

Lesson, called groups of minerals.

Repeat the formulation of the educational task.

Personal UUD:

Show interest in further acquaintance with minerals

Regulatory UUD:

Form an internal action plan

Motivation for cognitive activity

1.Teacher’s story about ornamental stones and their use. Work from the textbook, p.24.

Ornamental stones are opaque or slightly translucent minerals, inferior in hardness to semi-precious stones. Such as peridot, turquoise, garnet, topaz, amber, coral.

(The teacher shows photographs of jewelry made from these semi-precious stones.)

Ornamental stones have beautiful patterns and colors, therefore they are widely used in the jewelry industry. These are chalcedony, carnelian, agate, onyx, cat eye, jasper, malachite, synthetic emerald, cubic zirconia.

(The teacher shows photographs of jewelry made from these ornamental stones).

Let's look at photographs of jewelry made from semi-precious stones.

2. Research work. Work in groups.

Students are offered a table with columns: ornamental stone, color, stone products; samples of ornamental stones (jasper, lapis lazuli, malachite).

To fill out the line “malachite”, study the information in the textbook, on p. 25.

3. Conclusion.

What place do stone products occupy in our daily life?

Find and select information from textbook texts and other sources about creating products from ornamental stones and the “Russian mosaic” technique. Explain new concepts.

Fill out the table without the last line. They read and note what needs to be written down in the table about malachite.

Analyze the information received. They draw a conclusion.

Personal UUD:

Show interest in creating decorative products from ornamental stones

Respect a person’s professional activity at work

Communication UUD:

Enter into dialogue

Regulatory UUD:

Make necessary additions and adjustments

Personal UUD:

Show interest in search and research activities

Regulatory UUD:

Communication UUD:

Integrate into a peer group

Regulatory UUD:

Argue your point of view

Organization of cognitive activity

1. Work in groups.

Before you is P.P. Bazhov’s tale “The Malachite Box”. Find a description of the box in it.

2. Work according to the textbook.

How should the product be made?

What materials can be used to create a mosaic?

Plasticine mosaic is a new way of working for you. The technique of creating products from real malachite is called “Russian mosaic”.

4. Drawing up a plan for working on the mosaic. Work in pairs.

Make a plan for working on the mosaic, call the first stage: searching for malachite deposits.

Which of the steps written on the board can be reproduced in class?

5. Organization of work to complete the product.

Read the work plan for the “Malachite Box” product on p. 26 textbooks.

6. Management of practical work.

1) Choose plasticine.

2) Cut a small piece from each block of plasticine using a piece of string or thread.

3) Roll out the cut pieces.

4) Place the rolled out layers on top of each other.

5) Twist them tightly into a tube and squeeze to form a bar.

6) Cut thin plates from the resulting block, which will become the details of the mosaic.

7) Attach them tightly to the walls and lid of the box, as well as to each other.

7. Organization of work in groups on a project for making products using the “Russian mosaic” technique.

Select the necessary information with a description of the box. Read the passage.

They read Anya’s words that an imitation of marble will be made using plasticine and the “mosaic” technique.

They remember their work and name the materials: cereals, paper, stones, smalt.

Discuss and make a plan in pairs:

  1. Search for malachite deposits.
  1. Malachite mining.
  1. Delivery to the workshop.
  1. Sawing malachite into thin tiles.
  1. Gluing tiles onto the material.
  1. Grinding and polishing.

They conclude that stages 1 – 3 cannot be completed in the classroom, but stages 4 – 6 can be reproduced.

They study the work plan and slides for it from the textbook, fill out the technological map.

They master the technology of sculpting in layers to create an imitation of a malachite pattern. Mixing plasticine different shades to create a new shade of color. Use techniques for working with plasticine. Select materials and tools for making the product. The parts are connected by selecting the color and pattern of the malachite pieces.

They apply in practice an algorithm for constructing activities in a project based on the textbook text and technological map. They use materials rationally when simulating malachite. They compose a story for the presentation of the product.

Be aware of what has already been learned, what still needs to be learned, as well as the quality and level of learning

Cognitive UUD (problem solving):

Formulate a problem and solve it

Communication UUD:

Enter into dialogue

Regulatory UUD:

Analyze the course and method of action

Personal UUD:

Build an educational route

Regulatory UUD:

Carry out self-assessment of the learning task

Communication UUD:

Create oral utterances

Cognitive UUD (logical):

Analyze upcoming actions

Personal UUD:

Show interest in the technique of making mosaic products

Regulatory UUD:

Carry out a learning activity using a plan

Communication UUD:

Construct statements that are understandable to your partner within the educational dialogue, using terms


  1. Exhibition of works and their analysis according to the criteria on p. 7 textbooks.
  1. Diagnostics of planned results.

What is imitation?

How is a malachite product created?

What method of working with plasticine have you mastered?

Complete the sentence:Pieces of malachite are sawn into ..., from which ... is selected.

3. Homework.

For the next lesson, prepare reports on the professions of mechanic, electrician, welder and electrical equipment adjuster. Add a new concept to the “Glossary of Professions” stone master.

Give presentations.

Answer questions.

Write down homework.

Personal UUD:

Show awareness of success when mastering the topic

Regulatory UUD:

Correlate the set goal and the obtained result of the activity

Evaluate the results of your own activities

Communication UUD:

Adequately use verbal means to present the result

Cognitive UUD (general education):

Talk about the technique of mixing plasticine of different colors to obtain new shades

Talk about the mosaic technique

Cognitive UUD:

Search and highlight the necessary information

Personal UUD:

Making moral choices and making moral judgments

Additional material:samples of products made using the Russian mosaic technique

Annex 1

Table “Characteristics of ornamental stones”

Page break

Appendix 2

Complete the sentence:

Then the received ... are pasted onto ... .

Complete the sentence:

Pieces of malachite are sawn into..., from which... is selected.

Then the received ... are pasted onto ... .


FULL NAME. teachers: Grachev A.N.

Subject: Technology

Class: 2 B


Application. Making a postcard.


Create conditions for the development of creative abilities by creating postcards through the formation of UUD


promote memorization of basic terminology on the topic “Application”

contribute to teaching schoolchildren the ability to plan their activities and work in a group


Personal: mastering the personal meaning of learning, the desire to learn.

Regulatory: the ability to independently organize one’s own workplace; the ability to determine a plan for completing tasks in the lesson; the ability to evaluate a completed task according to certain parameters.

Communicative: the ability to collaborate in jointly solving a given task; the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral speech, taking into account the educational situation.

Cognitive: Compare and group objects on several grounds.

Planned results

Subject: give an idea of ​​what a postcard is and its production stages.

Personal: ability to accept basic values:

Meta-subject: developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate one’s educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways achieving results.

Basic Concepts

Applique, postcard, quilling, origami, shape.

Interdisciplinary connections

With fine art through creating a sketch to make parts. WITH literary reading through the development of reading skills, ....

Resources: 1. Basic

2. Additional

1. sheet of work plan, answer form, card base, details for design, colored pencils, pen, glue - pencil.

2. Presentation.

Lesson form

Lesson - project


Project-based learning technology

Technological lesson map


Stage name, goal

Teacher activities

Student activities

Form of work


Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Goal: to motivate students to educational activities

Greets students and checks their readiness for the lesson:

Hello, sit down!

Guys, look at your workstations and decide if you are ready for the lesson? Relate and discuss in a group with the list given to you on the slide. If you're ready show me.(Slide1)

Now I see that you are ready and we continue our work.

Greet the teachers and check their readiness for the lesson.

(the guys greet the teacher, discuss, check their jobs, give a sign that the group is ready)


Formation of UUD:

(R)volitional self-regulation

Setting goals and objectives

Goal: agree on the purpose and topic of the lesson

1) Draws a parallel with previously studied material.

2) Leads to the purpose of the lesson.

3) Organizes a dialogue of difficulties leading to the topic and encourages children to determine their position.

Let's remember what it is project ?

Express your opinion to your shoulder buddy.

Group 2 will tell me what the project is(slide 2)

What stages does the project consist of? List them in order. (slide 3)

Look carefully at the stages and tell me at which stage we stopped?

What goal will we set for ourselves at this stage of the project?

1) Formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

(students express their opinion to their shoulder mate)

Students pronounce

The project is:




(the guys list)

Manufacturing of the product.

We must prepare the product and protect it.

Front. Individual


Formation of UUD:

(R) self-control: learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher; determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher. (K) the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; the ability to listen and understand the speech of others; take into account different opinions.

(K) the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; the ability to listen and understand the speech of others. (P) formation of mental operations: analysis, comparison, generalization.


Purpose: creating a postcard

Physical education minute

1) Observes, advises, directs the analysis process.

2) Helps in securing the project.

3) motivates students, creates a feeling of success; emphasizes the social and personal importance of what has been achieved.

We will continue to work on the product, but remember that our product must be completed(slide4)





Subsequently, these criteria will be needed in evaluating your project.

Group commanders, distribute responsibilities among your group members and write them down on the Mission Planning and Progress Sheet.

Show your readiness.(slide 5)

We began to manufacture the product and prepare the defense of the project, using the reference book and our skills when working with paper. Remember how to work with glue

They stood up and pulled up their chairs. They mixed and found a mate. They froze. In pairs they answered the question.

What is an application?

They mixed and found a mate. They froze. In pairs they answered the question.

What is origami?

They mixed and found a mate. They froze. In pairs answer the question

What is quilling?

Well done! Sit down! Sign of silence

1) They draw up a project and produce a product.

2)Participate in a collective analysis of the project, evaluate their role, analyze the implementation of the project

(commanders distribute responsibilities and write down a list of planning and progress on a mission) show their readiness.

The guys begin making the product using a reference book and available tools.

They mix and find a mate. They freeze. In pairs they answer the question, etc.


Formation of UUD:

(R) pronouncing the sequence of actions in the lesson; formation of cognitive initiative.

(P) the ability to find and isolate the necessary information; the ability to make assumptions and justify them.

(L) the ability to recognize responsibility for a common cause; ability to follow moral standards and ethical requirements in behavior

Project protection

Purpose: to show the effectiveness of the work

1) Acts as an expert.

2) Summarizes and summarizes the results obtained.

3) assesses the ability to communicate, listen, justify one’s opinion, tolerance, etc.; focuses on the educational aspect: the ability to work in a group for a common result, etc.

Now let's start defending the project.

1) Protect the project.

2) Demonstrate: understanding of the problem, goals and objectives, ability to plan and carry out work.

In groups they defend their project.


Formation of UUD:

(L) mastering the personal meaning of learning, the desire to learn

(K) the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; ability to listen and understand the speech of others

Evaluation of the results and process of project activities

Goal: assessment of the results and process of project activities

Evaluates student efforts, creativity, use of sources, quality of report, motivates students. Observes and directs the process.

Well done! Let's clap for each other and appreciate the work of the groups.

1 group ,

Take an emoticon and explain why you put such a mark

2 groups, (We don’t vote for our group.)

3 groups, (We don’t vote for our group.)

Take an emoticon and explain why you give it such a mark

4 groups

Take an emoticon and explain why you give it such a mark

Evaluate activities and their effectiveness during collective discussion; self-reflection; act as an expert for other groups

(children in groups evaluate each group except their own and express their opinions, etc.)

(think about their assessment, paying attention to the screen)

If you learned a lot of new things, it was interesting, the lesson was easy, you understood everything – the color green.

If sometimes there were difficulties or doubts, the color is yellow.

If you didn’t understand the topic, it wasn’t very interesting - the color was blue.



Formation of UUD:

(L) The ability to evaluate oneself based on the criterion of success.

(P) ability to control and evaluate the process and results of activities

(K) the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; the ability to listen and understand the speech of others; take into account different opinions


Technology lesson. Grade 2 B Lesson topic: Folk crafts(item: landscape “Village”)

Teacher: Grachev A.N.

Target: creating a relief picture.

Tasks :

  • create conditions for mastering technologyrelief painting, techniques for obtaining new shades of plasticine;
  • strengthening the ability to work with plasticine and create a thematic composition (village landscape).

Planned results:

  1. Subject:
  • Know the properties, methods of use, types of plasticine,
  • Work in the technique of making a relief picture using plasticine;
  • Analyze a sample landscape proposed in the textbook and create your own sketch based on it;
  • Organize the workplace;
  • When creating a sketch, use artistic techniques for constructing a composition,
  • Maintain proportions when depicting perspective,
  • Compose a composition in accordance with the theme;
  • Use the ability to work with plasticine, create new color shades by mixing plasticine;
  1. Metasubject

Cognitive UUD

  • We develop the ability to extract information from diagrams and illustrations.
  • We develop the ability to identify the essence and characteristics of objects.
  • We develop the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects.

Communicative UUD

  • We develop the ability to listen and understand others.
  • We develop the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks.
  • Forming the ability to express one’s thoughts orally.
  • Ability to work in pairs and in a group.

Regulatory UUD

  • We develop the ability to express our assumptions based on working with the textbook material.
  • We develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the assigned task.
  • We develop the ability to predict upcoming work (make a plan).
  • We develop the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.
  1. Personal

Personal UUD

  • We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

Lesson Resources : Working programm,

N.I. Rogovtseva and others. “Technology”. Tutorial for educational institutions. 2nd grade.

Equipment: Teacher: image of a village, models of village buildings, various types of plasticine, images of bas-relief, high relief, relief in nature. For students: textbook, cardboard for the base of the craft, plasticine, stacks, backing sheet, images of village buildings.

Determined depending on the planned results and the content of activities to achieve them

Teacher's actions

Student actions

1. Self-determination for activity

Org. moment

The teacher greets the children. Looks ready for the lesson.

Good afternoon, my friends!
I am in front of you again.
I'm very glad to see everyone.
Success awaits you today.
And I’ll also tell you:
Smile for everyone - all of us.
Pull yourself together, pull yourself together
And sit down quietly.

Children greet the teacher. Check their readiness for the lesson.

2. Updating knowledge, motivation

We travel in time.

In previous lessons we got acquainted with different types folk crafts. Do you remember that folk crafts originated in ancient times, people began to engage in various crafts even at the time when they lived in villages? Today we will go on a journey through the village.

What material was used to build the villages? (Tree.)

What is a house in the village called? (Hut.)

What other buildings are there in the village?” (Well, bathhouse, barn, barn, etc.)

Observe and highlight the features of products from Khokhloma, Dymkovo and Gorodets,

Understand the importance of folk crafts for the development of arts and crafts, studying the history of their native land, and preserving folk traditions

3. Setting a learning task

Now we will create our own small village, and for this we will draw, and not in the usual way, but with plasticine. Drawing with plasticine is a rare way to create an image. We also have to use relief elements in our work.

Electronic supplement to the textbook

4. Solving a learning problem

Sample analysis.

It is carried out based on samples and material in the textbook on p. 33

– Open the textbook on p. 33, look at the pictures.

What materials do we need?

What tools will we use?

What are the rules and techniques for working with plasticine?

Electronic supplement to the textbook

What is the peculiarity of the image (this is a convex image), how to use the craft.

What is a convex image called? (Relief.)

There are several types of reliefs: bas-relief - low relief, in which the convex image protrudes above the background plane by no more than half of its volume (showing the picture); high relief, in which the image protrudes above the background plane by more than half of its volume (showing the picture).

Where else can we find relief? (In nature.)

What is called relief? (The unevenness of the land, the bottom of the oceans and seas.) (Show the picture.)

Read in the textbook on page 32 what Anya remembered.

Analyze a sample of the landscape proposed in the textbook and the electronic supplement to the textbook,


Primary consolidation

(Applying the algorithm in practice)


Let's discuss our work plan.

- Let’s read the work plan in the textbook (p. 33) and compare it with the appendix in the textbook.

Product manufacturing sequence

- Let's consider the sequence of manufacturing the product.

- Video from the electronic supplement to the textbook

- navigate the pages of the textbook, find the necessary information,

- independently draw up a work execution plan based on a slide plan and analysis of a product sample;

6. Independent work with self-test in class.

Independent work.

1 . Concept: come up with a composition using various village buildings.

The teacher invites students to think about what elements can be used to create the “Village” composition, look at p. 33 textbooks, what composition Anya came up with.

2. Marking: draw the intended landscape on cardboard with a pencil so that it can be painted with plasticine. This stage of work will help develop students' self-esteem and self-control skills.

3. Preparation of individual parts of the plasticine composition: sculpt the details various shapes necessary for work, keeping in mind the rules and techniques for working with plasticine and its properties.

4. Applying plasticine to the base: before applying, knead the plasticine, fill the areas with images of the sky and earth with layers of plasticine using the rubbing technique (applying plasticine to the base should start from the top to prevent the palm from touching the covered areas), lay out the prepared landscape details with rollers in the right places. It is important to develop accuracy, patience and attentiveness in students. The teacher reminds the children that clay can be mixed like paint to create new colors. To do this, you need to take pieces of different colors and, after heating them in your palms, roll them until you get a uniform color (without streaks or spots of color).

5. Composition design: finish the composition using a stack, you can place the craft in a frame

- use skills to work with plasticine,

- organize the workplace, follow the rules safe use tools,

- master the technique of making a relief picture using plasticine,

- based on the analysis of the proposed landscape, they create their own sketch,

- use artistic techniques to construct a composition when creating a sketch,

- maintain proportions when depicting perspective,

- compose a composition in accordance with the theme,

-create new color shades by mixing plasticine

- design the product

7. Generalization of what has been learned and its inclusion in the system of previously learned knowledge

Diagnostics of achievements of planned results:

- What type of image did you use in your work today? (Relief.)

“How is it different from a regular image?”

Complete the tasks in the textbook (teacher).

Come up with your own assignments on the topic you have studied.

8. Grade

Exhibition of works

Work evaluation criteria:

  • accuracy,
  • thoroughness,
  • manifestation of creativity,
  • using the technique of mixing plasticine,
  • originality of the composition and the use of techniques to create the details of the composition.

Carry out the proposed independent work.

Evaluate results and ways to achieve them.

9. Summary of the lessons. Reflection of activity

Additional creative tasks:

- Prepare a written answer to the question: “How is life in the village different from life in the city?”

Participate in dialogue with the teacher (organized discussion).

They analyze and comprehend, pronounce their achievements.


Grachev A.N., technology teacher

GBOU school No. 487, Vyborg district

St. Petersburg

“If we teach today like this,

as we taught yesterday, we will steal

children have tomorrow" John Dewey


The role and place of technology in the life of society, its social functions and tasks, problems and contradictions, ways to resolve them and ways out of crisis conditions, educational technological institutions and systems, types of activities and processes of interaction of social communities included in the field of education technology - all this is studied by a special branch of knowledge, which is called a new subject of education - technology. The development of students, and not just the transfer of certain skills and abilities, is a priority area for reforming Russian education. Of the totality of specific problems of education, the state puts the problem of its quality in the leading place. This reflects society’s attention to various aspects of quality - life, production, labor, management, etc. Modern system education faces many challenges. The first and most important is the acceleration and unpredictability of economic and technological development. This is a challenge to education, since historically all educational systems were created to prepare young people and integrate them into existing society. In the structure of the interrelations of elements expressing the systemic and holistic nature of the quality of life, the quality of education as the basis for self-development is of particular importance in ensuring the vital activity and viability of society as a whole, individual social groups and personality. Technology is a human activity aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of people and solving their problems. It includes processes of transformation of matter, energy and information, is based on knowledge and influences nature and society, creates new world. The use of new technologies requires that the population have a certain set of knowledge and skills. To teach this knowledge and skills, we have to modernize the education system. IN last years Russian education is increasingly integrated into the global educational space. One of the manifestations of this is the introduction of a new educational field “Technology” into the program. In the development of teaching natural sciences, there has long been a tendency towards convergence with practice. At school, “Technology” is a deeply integrated subject, knowledge based on interdisciplinary connections, and ways of their implementation in modern life. This subject is focused on the creative development of students not only during the study of its content, but also when implementing a system of projects under the guidance of teachers, developing in students the qualities of creatively working individuals who are active and easily adapt to the new economic, social conditions, in the conditions of future professional activity. Innovative trends in the development of the education system. The modern lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in grades 1–4 involves the initial stage of students’ professional self-determination, during which they become acquainted with the world of work and professions, receive initial general labor training and basic work skills in everyday life. The main goal of the educational field “Technology” is to prepare students for an independent working life in modern life. When studying all sections, it should be emphasized that a person in his activities constantly collects, analyzes, stores, and uses various information that he receives from conversations, surveys, books, newspapers, and with the help of ICT. The main part of the educational material and time (at least 70%) is devoted to practical activities - mastering general labor skills. The program includes a set of modules that ensure integration various types activities necessary for students to achieve learning goals: 1. Technology of manual processing of materials. 2. Modeling with the basics of artistic processing of materials. 3. Elements of electrical engineering and electrical work. 4. Culture at home. 5. Basics of agricultural labor at the training and experimental site. 6. Information technology. 7. Creative project, technology of processing materials (natural, paper, wire), home culture. The subject "Technology" is required at the initial stage of education.

In schools, “Technology” is an integrated subject, knowledge based on meta-subject connections, and ways of their implementation in modern production.

The requirements of the new standard are not something completely new to modern

teachers. The current lesson should reflect mastery of classical structure

lesson against the backdrop of the active use of one’s own creative developments, as in the sense

its construction, as well as in the selection of the content of educational material, the technology of its presentation and


The lesson is the main component of the educational process. The quality of students’ preparation in any academic discipline is largely determined by the level of the lesson, its content and methodological content, and its atmosphere.

The teacher, both before and now, must plan the lesson in advance and think it through

organization, conduct a lesson, carry out correction of your actions and actions

students, taking into account analysis (self-analysis) and control (self-control).

Differences between a traditional lesson and a lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard

At detailed analysis two types of lessons (traditional from lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard), it is clear that they differ, first of all, in the activities of the teacher and students in the lesson

Technological process of lesson preparation modern type coincides with the main stages of designing a traditional lesson:

defining goals and objectives;

selection of educational material content;

selection of teaching methods and techniques;

determination of forms of organization of student activities;

selection of material for homework students;

determination of control methods;

thinking over the place and time in the lesson to evaluate students’ activities;

selection of questions to summarize the lesson.

Only now the teacher at each stage must critically

relate to the selection of forms, methods of work, content, methods

organizing student activities. After all, there must be a lesson

personal, meta-subject and subject.

Preparing the teacher for the lesson

IN modern conditions, when the volume of scientific information is huge and the learning time

limited, one of the most basic requirements is to find the optimal

(primarily in terms of time) presentation of content and selection of teaching methods. This requirement applies to every lesson.

The quality of any lesson is largely determined by the thoroughness of the teacher’s preparation for it. I want to highlight, in my opinion, several main stages:

Stage 1 - study of the curriculum.

Stage 2 - study of methodological literature.

Stage 3 - studying the material of a specific lesson in the textbook.

Stage 4 - study and preparation of teaching aids available at school on the topic of the lesson.

Stage 5 - developing a lesson plan.

When I prepare for a lesson, it is necessary to carefully study the curriculum (this part of the work is done in preparation for the school year), while paying special attention to the main goals and objectives academic subject in general, and on the goals and objectives facing each educational topic. Studying the content of a specific educational topic, I understand the logical relationship of the educational material with

previously studied, as well as with material that will be studied later. This allows you to more deeply and clearly formulate the short-term and long-term goals of studying educational material. I would like to bring to your attention the development of 3 technology lessons.

Innovation(English Innovation - innovation) - the introduction of new forms, methods and skills in the field of training, education and science. In principle, any socio-economic innovation, while it has not yet received widespread attention, i.e. serial distribution can be considered innovation.

What is it today "innovative education"?— This is an education that is capable of self-development and which creates conditions for the full development of all its participants; hence the main thesis; innovative education is a developing and developing education.

New standard determined requirements, which must correspond educational process, his result and, just as important, conditions of education. Innovations in the education system connected with making changes: . in goals, content, methods and technologies, forms of organization and management system; . in the styles of pedagogical activity and the organization of the educational and cognitive process; . into the system of monitoring and assessing the level of education; . into the financing system; . in educational and methodological support; . into the system of educational work; . in the curriculum and training programs; . in the activities of students and teachers.

In order to confidently predict the desired result and make error-free, scientifically based decisions, the teacher must be professionally proficient in the methods of teaching.

What is it "innovative educational technology"? This is a complex of three interconnected components:

  1. Modern content, which is transmitted to students, involves not so much the mastery of subject knowledge, but rather the development competencies, adequate to modern business practice. This content should be well structured and presented in the form of multimedia learning materials that are delivered using modern means communications.
  2. Modern teaching methods are active methods of developing competencies, based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the educational process, and not just on passive perception of the material.
  3. Modern training infrastructure, which includes information, technological, organizational and communication components that allow you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

The main goal innovative technologies Education is to prepare a person for life in an ever-changing world. The essence of such training is the orientation of the educational process towards human potential and their implementation. Education should develop mechanisms for innovation, find creative ways to solve vital problems, and contribute to the transformation of creativity into the norm and form of human existence.

Currently, a variety of pedagogical innovations are used in school education. This depends, first of all, on the traditions and status of the institution. However, the following most characteristic innovative technologies can be identified.

  • developmental training;

Thus, in developmental education, the emphasis is shifted from studying educational material to the student’s educational activities to develop theoretical thinking and to the comprehensive development of the student’s personality. At the same time, knowledge is still transferred to students, but using a deductive approach.

Knowledge is communicated not for its reproduction, but in the process of specially organized diverse activities. Personal and activity-based accents are introduced into the educational process, which are very important for working with children.

  • problem-based learning;

The central link of the problem learning is problematic situation - with the help of which thought awakens, cognitive need, thinking is activated, conditions are created for the formation of correct generalizations.

A problematic situation is a person’s intellectual difficulty that arises when he does not know how to explain an emerging phenomenon, fact, process of reality, and cannot achieve a goal using the method of action known to him. This prompts the person to seek a new way of explaining or way of acting. A problematic situation is a pattern of productive, cognitive creative activity. It encourages the beginning of thinking, active, mental activity that occurs in the process of posing and solving a problem.

  • design technology;

The innovative search for new means leads teachers to the understanding that we need activity-based, group, game, role-playing, practice-oriented, problem-based, reflective and other forms and methods of teaching/learning.

The leading place among such methods today belongs to the project method.

The project method is based on the idea of ​​focusing the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren on the result that is obtained when solving one or another practically or theoretically significant problem.

The external result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities.

The internal result - the experience of activity - becomes an invaluable asset of the student, combining knowledge and skills, competencies and values.

The teacher is left with the difficult task of choosing problems for projects, and these problems can only be taken from the surrounding reality, from life.

  • ;

which is of great importance, because the student must own information, be able to use it, select from it what is necessary to make a decision, work with all types of information, etc. And today the teacher must understand that in the information society he ceases to be the only carrier of knowledge, as it was before. In some situations, the student knows more than he does, and the role of a modern teacher is more of a guide in the world of information.

Application experience information and communication technologies showed:

a) the motivation of students to study subject disciplines increases significantly; b) the psychological stress of school communication is relieved by moving from the subjective “teacher-student” relationship to the most objective “student-computer-teacher” relationship, the efficiency of student work increases, the share of creative works, the opportunity to obtain additional education in the subject within the walls of the school, and in the future they will realize a purposeful choice of a university, a prestigious job;

c) informatization of teaching is attractive for teachers because it allows them to increase their productivity and improves the general information culture of the teacher.

  • gaming technologies;
  • critical thinking technology
  • group technologies;
  • CSR
  • technologies of activity-based teaching method ; (it is important to note that the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is system-activity approach).

presupposes that children have a cognitive motive (the desire to know, discover, learn) and a specific educational goal (an understanding of what exactly needs to be found out, mastered); students performing certain actions to acquire missing knowledge; identifying and mastering by students a method of action that allows them to consciously apply acquired knowledge; developing in schoolchildren the ability to control their actions - both after their completion and during their course; inclusion of learning content in the context of solving significant life problems.

  • person-oriented technologies

Personality-oriented technologies They place the child’s personality at the center of the entire school educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for her development, the realization of her natural potentials. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a subject priority; she happens to be purpose educational system, and not a means to achieve some abstract goal. It manifests itself in students’ mastery of individual educational programs in accordance with their capabilities and needs.

research technology

Target- stimulate the development of the intellectual and creative potential of younger schoolchildren through the development and improvement of research abilities and research behavior skills.


Training in conducting educational research for junior schoolchildren

Development of children's creative research activity

Stimulating children's interest in fundamental and applied sciences - familiarization with the scientific picture of the world

Involving parents in the educational process

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard there appear new (latest) pedagogical technologies

  • information and analytical support of the educational process and management

quality of student education

The use of such innovative technology as information and analytical methodology for managing the quality of education allows you to objectively, impartially trace the development over time of each child individually, class, parallel, school as a whole. With some modification, it can become an indispensable tool in preparing class-general control, studying the state of teaching of any subject curriculum, studying the work system of an individual teacher.

  • monitoring of intellectual development

Analysis and diagnosis of the quality of learning for each student using testing and plotting graphs of progress dynamics.

  • assessment technology (“School 2100”)
  • Portfolio method -

Portfolio - technology for accumulating and systematizing information

New educational standards introduce a new area of ​​assessment activity - assessment of personal achievements. This is due to the implementation of a student-centered approach to learning. The introduction of assessment of personal achievements ensures the development of the following components of personality: motivation for self-development, the formation of positive guidelines in the structure of the self-concept, the development of self-esteem, volitional regulation, and responsibility.

Therefore, in the standards, the student’s final grade also includes an accumulated grade that characterizes the dynamics of individual educational achievements throughout all years of schooling.

The optimal way to organize a cumulative assessment system is portfolio. This is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating a student’s work, results, indicating his efforts, progress and achievements in various areas over a certain period of time. In other words, it is a form of fixation of self-expression and self-realization. The portfolio ensures a transfer of “pedagogical emphasis” from assessment to self-assessment, from what a person does not know and cannot do to what he knows and can do. A significant characteristic of a portfolio is its integrativeness, which includes quantitative and qualitative assessments, presupposes the cooperation of the student, teachers and parents during its creation, and the continuity of replenishment of the assessment.

Portfolio technology implements the following functions in the educational process:

Diagnostic (changes and growth (dynamics) of indicators over a certain period of time are recorded);

Goal setting (supports educational goals formulated by the standard);

Motivational (encourages students, teachers and parents to interact and achieve positive results);

Developmental (ensures continuity of the process of development, training and education from class to class);

you should still add:

Educational (creates conditions for the formation of the foundations of qualimetric competence);

Corrective (stimulates development within the framework conditionally set by the standard and society).

For a student, a portfolio is an organizer of his educational activities; for a teacher, it is a means feedback and an assessment tool.

A distinctive feature of the portfolio is its personality-oriented nature:

The student, together with the teacher, determines or clarifies the purpose of creating a portfolio;

The student collects material;

The basis for evaluating results is self-assessment and mutual assessment

Important characteristic technology portfolio is its reflexivity. Reflection is the main mechanism and method of self-attestation and self-report. Reflection is a process of cognition based on self-observation inner world. /Ananyev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge. - L. - 1969 / “psychological mirror of oneself.”

In addition to general educational skills to collect and analyze information, structure and present it, a portfolio allows you to develop intellectual skills more high order- metacognitive skills.

Student must learn :

Select and evaluate information

Define precisely the goals he would like to achieve

Plan your activities

Give assessments and self-assessments

Track your own mistakes and correct them

In this context we consider portfolio as one of the techniques most suitable for the tasks technologies for developing critical thinking. It is he who combines the capabilities of the most important technology strategy for the development of critical thinking and modern method assessment and makes it possible to diagnose the formation of the main goals - the ability to self-education.

The most the best way get acquainted with technology portfolio is its practical implementation.

Using the capabilities of modern innovative technologies will ensure the formation of basic competencies of a modern person:

  • informational(ability to search, analyze, transform, apply information to solve problems);
  • communicative(ability to collaborate effectively with other people);
  • self-organization(ability to set goals, plan, take a responsible approach to health, make full use of personal resources);
  • self-education(readiness to design and implement one’s own educational trajectory throughout one’s life, ensuring success and competitiveness).

Innovation in education refers to the process of improving pedagogical technologies, a set of methods, techniques and teaching aids. Currently, innovative pedagogical activity is one of the essential components educational activities any educational institution. And this is no coincidence. It is innovative activity that not only creates the basis for creating the competitiveness of an institution in the educational services market, but also determines the directions professional growth the teacher, his creative search, really contributes to the personal growth of students. Therefore, innovative activity is inextricably linked with the scientific and methodological activities of teachers and educational and research students.

Prepared by Khazieva A.M.

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 8


as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

Today the school is aimed at achieving modern quality of education, at solving vital tasks and problems. What should a student master when leaving the walls of elementary school? Of course - the ability to learn. First of all, the student must develop universal learning activities, skills of independent activity, initiative, tolerance, and the ability to successfully socialize in society. This is evidenced by the federal state educational standards of the new generation.

Teachers from all countries are looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching. But still, in the educational process, contradictions remain between frontal forms of teaching and individual methods of educational and cognitive activity of each student; between the need for differentiation of education and uniformity of content and teaching technologies.

One of the important directions for solving these problems is the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies, the main feature of which can be considered the degree of adaptability of all elements of the pedagogical system: goals, content, methods, means, forms of organizing students’ cognitive activity, forecasts of compliance of learning outcomes with the requirements of the program.

So what is “technology”, what is its difference from methodology?

Technology – Greek. the word means “skill, art” and “law of science” - this is the science of mastery. There are many definitions of the concept of “educational technology”.

Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and acquiring knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize forms of education. In other words, technology is recorded sequential actions that guarantee the achievement of a given result. It contains an algorithm for solving assigned problems; its use is based on the idea of ​​complete controllability of learning and reproducibility of educational cycles.

In contrast to the method:

The technology is not subject-specific; it can be implemented on any subject, regardless of the content. The technology can be implemented by any teacher.

Among the main reasons for the emergence of new psychological and pedagogical technologies are the following:

    Educational technologies easily fit into the educational process of the classroom system.

    Allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and education standard in a specific academic subject.

    They ensure the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanization of education and a person-oriented approach.

    They ensure the intellectual development of students and their independence.

    Educational technology promotes goodwill towards the teacher and towards each other.

    They show special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality.

    Educational technologies focus on the development of creative activity.

The main objectives of primary general education: development of the student’s personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn; education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and value-based attitude towards oneself and others. The solution to these problems is possible if we proceed from a humanistic belief based on the data of educational psychology: all children are capable of studying successfully in primary school if the necessary conditions are created for them, a pedagogical environment that influences various aspects and aspects of personality development.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies, which ensures the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what remains in memory) in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing student workload, and more efficient use of educational time.

Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies. They are classified by organizational forms, by subject, by author, by approach to the child, etc.

These include:

    Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process:

    Pedagogy of cooperation

    Humane-personal technology Sh. A. Amonashvili

    Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities:

    Gaming technologies

    Problem-based learning

    Design and research technology

    Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process:

    Technology of level differentiation of training

    Group technologies

    Information and computer technologies

    System of developmental education L. V. Zankova

    General fundamentals of developmental learning technologies

    Health saving technology

The lesson scenario may include elements of various modern educational technologies: (Table No. 1)

The task of a modern teacher is not to present the student with ready-made knowledge on a silver platter, but to organize an independent cognitive process through the technology of competency-based learning in class and extracurricular activities.

The use of information and computer technology plays a huge positive role in the modern educational system. The widespread use of information and computer technologies in schools significantly improves the positive dynamics in children’s education and their quality component. Of course, this happens subject to the competent use of computer and multimedia technology.

In my practice, the main areas of application of ICT have already been formed: preparation of didactic material, participation in distance competitions, competitions for teachers and students; testing in subjects, checking reading technique; searching and using information from the Internet for preparing lessons, design and research work, practical work on the world around us, for extracurricular and educational work; virtual travel, subject simulators, testing; educational games on subjects;

The use of various technologies and information and computer technology, in particular, is necessarily accompanied in combination with health-saving technology (physical exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, hearing, relaxation exercises, dance-rhythmic breaks to music, recreational games during recess, reflection), since the formation of a responsible attitude towards the health of the younger generation is the most important and necessary condition for the success of a modern person

All of the above techniques, new technologies used in lessons and outside of school hours, enable the child to work creatively, promote the development of curiosity, increase activity, bring joy, and create a desire to learn in the child.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that all modern technologies, and computer technology in particular, can become in education both a simulator and a means of control, a means of mobile visibility and monitoring, a custodian and disseminator of information. With the proper use of information and communication technology, the effectiveness of teaching and the culture of the lesson are significantly increased, interest in the subject is formed, and, therefore, the education of younger schoolchildren becomes high-quality, meeting the requirements of new educational standards.

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Modern pedagogical technologies

as a means

implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of NOO

.A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences capable of cooperation, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and possessing a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.” (Concept of modernization of Russian education)

"Technology"- this is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, or art.

"Pedagogical technology" is a set of psychological and pedagogical techniques, teaching methods, and educational means.

Criteria for educational technologies:

- unambiguous and strict definition of learning goals (why and for what?);

- selection and structure of content (what?);

- optimal organization of the educational process (how?);

- methods, techniques and teaching aids (using what?);

- taking into account the required real level of qualification of the teacher (who?);

- objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is this true?).

In the very general view technology is a thought-out system, “how” and “in what way” the goal is embodied in “a specific type of product or its component .

Reasons for choosing innovative technologies

  • Educational technologies easily fit into the educational process of the classroom system.
  • Allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and education standard in a specific academic subject.
  • They ensure the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanization of education and a person-oriented approach.
  • They ensure the intellectual development of students and their independence.
  • Educational technology promotes goodwill towards the teacher and towards each other.
  • They show special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality.
  • Educational technologies focus on the development of creative activity.

Create conditions for students to acquire means of cognition and exploration of the world

Create conditions for students to develop a motive for self-change and personal growth

processes, phenomena, events, properties, laws and patterns, relationships, etc.

Create conditions for the possibility of realizing the “I-concept” (“I-can” - “I-want” - “I-like”)

Modern pedagogical technologies

is a set of operations for constructing knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes in accordance with the goals

Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process

Pedagogy of cooperation

Technologies based

activation and intensification

student activities

Technologies based

management efficiency and

organization of the educational process

  • Advanced learning technology using reference circuits with commented control
  • Technology of level differentiation based on required results
  • Group technologies
  • Computer (new information) teaching technologies

Private subjects


Improvement technology

general educational skills

in primary school

Early and

intensive training



developmental education

Distance learning technologies

Distance learning – a set of educational technologies in which the interaction of a student and a teacher is carried out regardless of their location and distribution in time, on the basis of pedagogically organized information technologies, primarily using telecommunications and television.

Lesson stage

Educational Technology Use Cases



Method and techniques

Gaming technologies

Creating a game situation.

Pedagogy of cooperation

Joint activity. Heuristic conversation.

Topic message

and goals


Psychophysical training (mood for the lesson).

Algorithmic warm-up.

Problem-based learning

Creating a problematic situation

Pedagogy of cooperation

Work on



Work in groups, pairs. Heuristic conversation.

Presentation of visual material (working with interactive whiteboard, presentation)

Individual, group, pair work.

Humane-personal technology

Creating a situation of success.

Competency-Based Training

Research work in groups, pairs.

Information and communication technologies

Getting to know new material on PC. Multi-level tasks.

Developmental education

Tasks for the development of general intellectual skills: comparisons, thinking, specification, generalization.

Gaming technologies


Game situation.

Problem-based learning

Individual (independent) work

Creating a problematic situation.

Health saving technology

Gymnastics for the body, hearing, eyes, breathing; dance-rhythmic breaks, acupressure.

Individual and differentiated approach



Information and communication technologies

Multi-level tasks.

Testing on PC. Multi-level tasks on PC.

Pedagogy of cooperation

Collective conclusion.

Summing up in pairs.

Humane-personal technology


Creating a situation of success.

Humane-personal technology

Creating a situation of success.


Training “I was able...What happened?”


The following are the purposes of using ICT:

Increase learning motivation; Increase the efficiency of the learning process; Promote activation cognitive sphere students; Improve teaching methods; Timely monitor the results of training and education; Plan and systematize your work; Use as a means of self-education; Prepare a lesson (event) efficiently and quickly.

Requirements for a teacher

working with IT:

  • master the basics of computer operation
  • have skills in working with multimedia programs
  • master the basics of working on the Internet

  • Electronic textbooks
  • Training computer programs
  • Computer laboratory workshops
  • Control and testing complexes…

It's difficult to teach children today

It wasn't easy before.

"The cow gives milk."

The XXI century is the century of discoveries,

The age of innovation, novelty,

But it depends on the teacher

What children should be like.

We wish you that the children in your class

Glowing with smiles and love,

Patience and creative success to you

In such difficult times these days!

If a teacher has not learned to analyze facts and be aware of pedagogical phenomena, then things repeated from year to year seem boring and monotonous to him, he loses interest in his own work... The essence of pedagogical experience is that every year something new opens up for the teacher, and in the desire to comprehend something new, his creative powers are revealed.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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