Home Removal Horus eye amulet meaning. Eye of Horus - “All-Seeing Eye” in modern life

Horus eye amulet meaning. Eye of Horus - “All-Seeing Eye” in modern life

The mountain is one of the oldest symbols that has firmly penetrated into fine art. Of course, mountain tattoos are widely accepted as a beautiful and meaningful image.

Since ancient times, the mountain has symbolized power, power, as well as hermitage and a certain detachment from earthly affairs. In the mythologies of many peoples, the mountain is the habitat of gods, spirits or other creatures with supernatural powers. Based on this, it can be argued that the mountain tattoo has a mystical or religious meaning.

In culture, the image of a mountain is often associated with indestructibility and wisdom, but, at the same time, the mountain range almost always acted as a natural barrier, a border between worlds.

The specific meaning of a mountain tattoo will depend on many circumstances. These are the colors used in the execution of the drawing, and the plot, and appearance the depicted peak. Of course, a flowering, sunlit mountain will most likely symbolize stability and protection.

An example of such a mountain is Olympus, the home of the gods. A tattoo of a gloomy, cloud-covered peak will have the opposite meaning. The image of Golgotha ​​fully meets these characteristics. Consequently, the meaning of such a drawing may be ambiguous. The image of a mountain is applied to any part of the body, both men and women. The choice of plot and symbolism depends on the character and personality of the customer.

Eye of Horus Tattoo

Another, perhaps even more popular, theme is the tattoo of the eye of Horus - a symbol of the ancient Egyptian deity Ra.

The meaning of this symbol has not changed over millennia - it is protective amulet, driving away evil spirits, giving the bearer of this sign vigilance and vigilance. The meaning of the eye of Horus tattoo completely coincides with the symbolism of Ancient Egypt. The location on the body can be arbitrary. The symbol is equally suitable for both sexes. Regardless of character or occupation.

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Ancient Egypt is a place where miracles happened. No one still knows what knowledge the ancient Egyptians had or how they were able to do what they did.

The most popular symbol that has managed to overcome centuries is the eye of Horus. Tourists prefer to bring this particular sign from Egypt. But few people know what it means and where it came from, and this is exactly what we will talk about.

Legend of Egypt

During the reign of Osiris, his brother was tormented by envy and the desire to ascend to the throne. Having thought through an insidious plan, the god of death Seth killed his brother and began to rule Egypt. The grief-stricken wife of Osiris gave birth to a child from her late husband. Horus gave him his name. He looked like a deity: his body was human, and his head was that of a falcon. The son grew up, and with him the thirst for revenge for the death of his father grew. And at the moment of the fateful duel, Seth tore out his nephew’s left eye. Anubis, a guide to the world of the dead, came to the aid of Horus and returned his eye.

It was decided to give the new eye of Horus to be eaten by his dead father so that he could return to the world of the living. But the former ruler chose the kingdom of the dead, in which he became a judge and ruler. And he named his son ruler in heaven and on earth. Since then, he has forever become a one-eyed divine symbol. After this, the Egyptians believed that the eye of Horus, whose meaning is “resurrection,” helped the pharaohs to be reborn.

Worship of the Pharaohs

This symbol gained great popularity and was used in all burial rituals. The Eye of Horus was depicted on sarcophagi, man-made frescoes and decorations. Rulers and members of their families decorated their clothes, bedrooms and festive jewelry with the image. The symbol was placed in the hands of the deceased before the mummification process. The people of Egypt believed that the eye of Horus would help the soul not to get lost, and would also provide the opportunity to be resurrected.

A little later, Egyptian sailors began to depict the symbol on the outside of the ship. On such ships they believed that they were under the protection and patronage of a deity. The Greeks also adopted this experience, depicting the same symbol on their ships - the eye of Horus.

Symbol meaning

The left healed eye of the son of Isis is considered to be a symbol of the Moon, and the healthy right eye is considered to be a symbol of the Sun. The color with which the eye of Horus is depicted is also different: the symbol for living people is drawn in white, and for the dead, respectively, in black. The image of an eye with an eyebrow symbolizes power and authority, and the spiral under it is an endless flow of energy. Therefore, in general, he personifies power. They also depict the eye of Horus on the hand along with a papyrus staff or a bow of life. This image surprisingly evokes an association with Egypt and its ancient rulers.

Little Egyptians are taught in schools to calculate the fractional value of an eye. In the teachings of ancient Egyptian mathematics, each fragment of the image corresponds to a certain fraction, because According to legend, Osiris tore the eye into 64 pieces. The Eye of Horus is laid out like this: eyebrow (1/8), pupil (1/4), white (1/16 and 1/2), spiral (1/32), tear (1/64). The sum of these values ​​is 63/64. It turns out that one fraction is missing. The legend says that the treacherous Osiris took her.

All-seeing eye

The Christian people did not go far from the Egyptians: the image of an eye is also found in their religion. It is often called the All-Seeing Eye of God and is associated with the heavenly contemplation of the Lord behind mere mortals.

In this religion, the eye of Horus is depicted in a triangle, which means endless divine power and the Holy Trinity. Such a symbol can be seen in temples, chapels, cathedrals, on historical monuments. But in Christianity there is no cult of worship of the All-Seeing Eye; it is not considered a miraculous symbol and is not used as amulets or amulets. It serves as a reminder that the Lord sees everything and watches over every person.

Modern image

Only legends of the appearance of this symbolism have survived to this day. But it has taken root quite tightly and is still in use today. For example, in the USA, the sign of the eye, enclosed in a pyramid, was honored to exist on the Great Seal of the country. He was chosen specifically, as if God himself were blessing the prosperity of this country. Americans liked the All-Seeing Eye so much that his image was printed on the one-dollar bill. Ukraine followed suit and placed this symbol on the five hundred hryvnia banknote.

Masonic sign

The symbolic image of the contemplating eye was seen among the Freemasons. As you know, the origins of this movement were simple workers, masons who were engaged in the construction of European cathedrals. One of the first symbols depicts an eye in an open compass, and below it is a plumb line.

All this is based on a closed book. On the right is a construction trowel, and in the upper corners are the Moon and the Sun. Later, this image of the eye was called the Radiant Delta. Among the Masons, she personified the mind and enlightenment of the Creator. It is used to symbolize entry level initiation, Radiant Delta must help Masonic students begin their journey.

Symbol of protection

The ancient Egyptians believed so much in the power of the image of this symbol that, despite the long period of time, this belief has survived to this day. The eye of Horus amulet, popular during the time of the pharaohs, is also used in modern world. It is considered a symbol of protection from illnesses, diseases and troubles. Such amulets are made from various materials: these can be different precious metals, ordinary pieces of papyrus. Main factor, influencing the action of the amulet of the eyes of Horus - the meaning that fills its owner. Constant contact with this symbol will ensure prosperity, good health and even development psychic abilities from a person who will believe in its action.

For people with a leadership position, the amulet will help them quickly find a way out of any situation, sense people’s intentions, and also effectively negotiate and conclude deals. This symbol will also appeal to young people who have not yet chosen their life path while in thought. The image of the Eye of the Mountain can become a talisman of the hearth if placed at the entrance to the house.


But in order to fill the eye of Horus with power, the talisman must be carried with you at all times and a program must be given to it. Performing a simple ritual will charge it powerful energy and direct it to the desired target. In the room where the action will take place, you need to light candles, incense and begin to contemplate the image of the amulet. Thoughts at this moment should be directed towards the desired goal, that is, think about what is missing and what needs to be corrected in life. This installation will enhance the effect of the Eye of Horus several times, and the result will not be long in coming. It was not for nothing that the pharaohs in ancient times firmly believed in the power of the god Horus. Maybe such an amulet can really work miracles?

“Intensive study of the pineal gland is already underway, although only at the stage of chemistry...

Everything studied to date is just a speck on the surface of the water...

People don’t even know yet that this water is an ocean, not to mention the lack of information about the properties of the ocean itself. Although the medicine of the future, if, of course, such a future comes, will reveal the secret of the pineal gland... It is enough to learn to read information from its holograms. But if human science manages to get to this point, the world will turn upside down.”

The pineal gland (pineal/pineal gland or “Third Eye”) is one of the most mysterious parts human brain. About the pineal gland and its significant role in the process spiritual development People have known humans since ancient times, as evidenced by numerous archaeological monuments of art and architecture, and the works of ancient philosophers. For example, two thousand years BC in ancient india there was a flourishing of the doctrine of the pineal gland. IN Ancient China and Tibet, after the ritual of burning dead clergy, the students looked for an amber pebble - ringse(sand of the pineal gland, which to this day remains a mystery to modern scientists). The size of the pebble was used to judge the degree of spirituality of the teacher. Also, due to external similarity, the pineal gland was symbolically depicted in the form of a pine cone. Its image and form are found in abundance among ancient and modern monuments of art.

Knowledge about the pineal gland and other ancient structures of the brain was also available in Ancient Egypt. Moreover, the artifacts of Ancient Egypt never cease to amaze with their informativeness in the transmission of spiritual knowledge about man and the world. A clear example is the most commonly used image of the “Eye of Horus” or “Eye of Ra”. The question arises, what knowledge did the ancient Egyptians try to pass on to future generations in this way?

The Eye of Horus consists of six components, which corresponds to the six human sense organs, the incoming signals from which it deciphers thalamus(from the Greek “thalamos” - “bedchamber, room”) - pupil of the Eye. The transformation of subtle energies into coarser ones occurs in the thalamus. On the other hand, based on the existing knowledge base about the pineal gland, at night (from 24.00 to 3.30) the most intense production of the hormone melatonin occurs, which takes part in recovery vitality body. It is during these hours that various church services are traditionally held and meditations are performed.

As you know, the ancient Egyptian god Ra was depicted as solar disk, which is an associative symbol of the soul. This suggests that stimulation of the pineal gland occurs due to the manifestation "light of the soul". Other ancient peoples also knew about the activation of the pineal gland with the help of internal light, as evidenced by numerous artifacts, as well as ancient works of art and literature (read more in the book "AllatRa"). Initially, such practices were carried out for the purpose of spiritual self-improvement, knowledge of one’s soul, and disclosure of a person’s inner spiritual potential. In the course of working on oneself, a person could develop so-called superpowers. However, this is not the main goal of a person, because superpowers are just one of the possible stages personal development in a limited three-dimensional world. Only thanks to change internal frequency man towards creation and goodness, that is, his internal transformation, there is a true activation of the pineal gland and the manifestation of its functions.

One of the details of the Eye of Ra corresponds to the location medulla oblongata , where the center is located vagus nerve (nervus vagus) - main nerve parasympathetic system, the branches of which are involved in the formation of the solar plexus (where, according to legend, the human soul is located).

An ancient way of working with the pineal gland

It is worth noting that, from time immemorial, the most in effective ways stimulation and work with the pineal gland were spiritual practices and meditation. For example, the original spiritual practice “Lotus Flower”, which was also known in Ancient Egypt. The scheme of how this practice works is the result of any spiritual path. (details about the circulation process internal energies, figuratively projected onto human physiology, read in the book by A. Novykh “Birds and Stone”). IN hypothalamus there are two ancient centers - agathodem O n And cacodem O n, which together with the epiphysis form a triangle. In the process of developing the Lotus Flower practice, active stimulation center of positive thoughts, which in the Greco-Egyptian tradition is called agathodemon (translated from Greek agato - “good” daemon - “spirit”, “deity”).

Constant stimulation of this center drowns out the work of the center of negative thoughts - the cacodemon, i.e. there is a change in the frequency of human perception, internal positive changes. This helps to awaken certain internal energies that actively stimulate the work of the pineal gland. Thus, a person naturally spiritual vision or the “Third Eye” opens, colossal powers of the soul begin to awaken. In Ancient Egypt, complete or partial inhibition of negative thoughts (cacodemon center) was compared with the passage of the first Guardian (Gate, Snake, in other words - the hypothalamus) on the spiritual path of a person and further development was carried out exclusively under supervision. IN In ancient Egypt, a sign associated with the subsequent stage of opening of the pineal gland, called Through the Eye of God Horus(in the East - the All-Seeing Eye of the East, and its oldest name is the Eye of the Goddess Phaethon). And looking at the image of a fragment of a breast ornament pendant, it becomes clear why the person’s further choice was closely watched. After all, above the Eye of Horus there is a sign AllatRa! This speaks about the quality of the strength that a person reveals within himself (more details can be found in the book "AllatRa").

Kindness and Love are natural activators of the pineal gland

The pineal gland is a kind of control organ, the host of the body, which manifests its real opportunities with the dominance of exclusively positive thoughts and feelings generated by the power of Love. Thus, the pineal gland is a kind of Guardian that records the individual’s every second choice, stores this data in so-called holograms (including those about previous reincarnations) and enhances what dominates in a person. At the same time, negative emotions and doubts block the work of the pineal gland.

Nowadays, the work of many doctors and neurophysiologists (for example, N.P. Bekhtereva, N.I. Kobozev, I.M. Sechenov, E. Gelgorna, J. Lufborrow, etc.) confirm that when negative emotions dominate in a person, the work of the so-called self-punishment center (the same cacodemon), located in the hypothalamus. With prolonged stimulation of this center, various devastating consequences and malfunctions of the body. When a person forms the habit of positive thinking, work is stimulated accordingly self-encouragement center (agathodemon), also located in the hypothalamus, which subsequently has a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

Famous Russian doctor V.V. Karavaev suggested that these centers of the hypothalamus are “involved” in work at the command of the pineal gland. Karavaev argued that the evolution of man lies in his moral purification, goodwill, love, and the implementation of the high principles of collectivism. All this, in his opinion, also mobilizes the body's defenses. And years later, the scientist’s assumption begins to be confirmed. Now scientists already know that the vital activity of the pineal gland directly depends on the quality of a person’s thoughts. Many people successfully apply this knowledge in practice to help patients, thereby confirming that the external is a reflection of the internal. For example, the method of working with both patients and independent work each person, which consists in activating the agathodemon center, in other words, in the skill of thinking positively, controlling one’s thoughts. In practice, it has been proven that this stage is very important for every person, especially if the individual strives for spiritual perfection. As one example of switching attention from the activation of a cacodemon to the work of an agathodemon, one can cite the method that Dr. Ranji Singh offers his patients. He uses a technique for activating the pineal gland by intoning religious mantras. Thus, an ordinary switching of a person’s attention occurs, as when working with spiritual practices, meditation, and prayers.

In Ancient Egypt, during the time of the famous architect Imhotep, there was a flourishing of universal human values ​​among the population thanks to Besides that Special attention was given moral education of younger generations. From early childhood, the ancient Egyptians received knowledge about the multifaceted nature of man, the meaning of life, the tools for unlocking their spiritual potential, and most importantly, they acquired experience in their practical application. This allowed us to consciously make a choice towards creative development. This is evidenced by the Egyptian "Confession of Denial", consisting of forty-two provisions covering all areas of human life. At the same time, laying the spiritual and moral guidelines of the individual was of paramount importance. Thus, from childhood, a person learned to live, guided by the laws of Conscience and Goodness, learned to keep desires under control, and concentrate his attention in a creative vector of development. All this contributed to the rapid development of personality and the revelation of the powers of the soul! And as a consequence of such a positive desire of the majority of people - cultural revival and prosperity of society.

Thus, the result of the development of society depends on the daily dominant choice of each person, on internal work on oneself. The more people in the world who cultivate positive thoughts and feelings, examples of a real Person, the more these changes will be projected onto the world. The uniqueness of each person lies in the right of his choice, which does not depend on external conditions and circumstances. When a person chooses good, he finds reconciliation with the people around him, because he looks at the world from a position of Love. It is then that the real Wisdom of life awakens in him, the soul awakens.

Arina Kalinina

We also suggest watching an educational video about the pineal gland"Pineal gland. Why is it so important for humans. COGNITION. Issue 1"

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The ancient Egyptian symbol Wadjet is also called the “Eye of Horus” and the “Eye of Ra”, all of which are synonyms, each of which, however, has its own semantic series. But it must be said right away that the name “all-seeing eye of Wadjet” is fundamentally incorrect, since the “all-seeing eye” is a fundamentally different, although similar, symbol.

Moreover, the Eye of the god Horus is in fact one of the most striking esoteric signs of ancient Egyptian culture. The Eye of Horus symbol is no less popular than, say, the Ankh or the Wand of Uas. However, the Egyptian Eye of Horus is shrouded in many secrets and most modern interpretations of its symbolism (as well as interpretations of the original legend) have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. So what does the Eye of Horus actually mean? Well, let's start with a mythological basis.

It is curious that the epic of Ancient Egypt has preserved to this day many texts that mention the symbol of the Eye of Horus. Actually, on this moment There are three primary archaeological artifacts from which we can learn what Wadget is. All three texts say that the Eye of Horus is... really the eye of Horus (!), which the solar god (son of Ra) lost in a battle with Set. Set by the time these legends arose (not earlier than the 19th Dynasty) was already demonized and represented the antagonist Horus. Regarding the fact that Horus lost his eye, the texts sought vary: one text states that the Eye of Wadjet was torn out and swallowed by Set in battle. The second text says that Seth tore out the eye of the god Horus and trampled on it. According to the third version, Seth simply pierced the torn out Wadget with his finger. One way or another, but Egyptian eye The mountain symbolically indicates an element separated from the divine principle, but still belonging to it. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that we are talking about a fight (and not about a voluntary sacrifice, as, for example, in the case of the eye of Odin and Mimir).

Further, one of the texts says that Hathor (goddess of the sky and wife of Horus), or (according to another version) the god of wisdom Thoth, was able to restore the “all-seeing” eye of Wadjet with the help of gazelle milk. But there is another text, it says that Wadget (the meaning of which is not considered here from the point of view of symbolism) was buried by Anubis (at that time he, and not Osiris, was the lord of the Duat). According to this legend, the Eye of Horus (photo, images of the symbol are presented below) gave shoots from which a grapevine appeared. In the future, none of the legends contradicts the other, “agreeing” that later the eye of Horus (the meaning of the image is clearly manifested here) was used by the falcon god (as Horus was sometimes called) to resurrect his father, Osiris (yes, and Ra was also Horus’s father; everything is complicated there for them). Horus put Wadjet into the mouth of Osiris (previously dismembered by Set) and the body of the god of the underworld instantly grew together, just as it had previously happened with the eye itself. Probably, it is with this legend that one very important element funeral ritual: the Wadjet symbol (the significance of which for the tradition of Ancient Egypt can hardly be overestimated) was applied to the body of the deceased near the hole through which the entrails were removed during the process of mummification. The priests believed that this would facilitate subsequent resurrection. Moreover, every month a special ritual was carried out, during which the ritual Eye of Horus was “restored”. Astrologically, the ritual was based on lunar cycles.

So what does the Eye of Horus mean, and does this symbol have a specific semantic layer? Here it must be taken into account that in the fight Seth tore out the left Eye of Horus, which was associated with the Moon (while the right one was associated with the Sun). Actually, lunar phases Ancient Egyptian astronomers explained it precisely by damage to the Wadget. Subsequently, Wadget became a full amulet, that is, a sacred object with a very specific set of unique properties. The Eye of Horus amulet embodied wide range"divine" principles, in particular, it was a symbol of fertility, prosperity, perseverance, unity, family and power. That is why the Eye of Horus amulet was worn by everyone without exception, pharaohs, warriors, and ordinary people. In fact, the Eye of Horus (a photo of a modern reconstruction of the amulet is presented below) is the most universal (unlike the same Ankh) sacred sign, which had specific protective functions. Wadjet bestowed good luck in business and the blessing of Horus on everyone who wore it.

Graphically, the Eye of Horus looks like a “mixture” of a human eye and a falcon eye. The corresponding hieroglyph has two meanings - “eye” and “protect”. That is, we again return to the amulet function, which is hidden even in the outline of the hieroglyph denoting the desired symbol. Today, buying the Eye of Horus is not difficult. This symbol is used to decorate pendants, necklaces, rings and many other accessories. But buying the Eye of Horus does not mean actually touching ancient knowledge. A symbol can indeed be bought, but no amount of money can buy its power, which is based to a greater extent not even on a person’s faith, but on the understanding of the sacred processes associated with this symbol, hidden in it. That is why if you decide to buy the Eye of Horus and make an amulet out of this purchase, do not rush. Read the relevant literature (preferably primary sources), because according to the ancient Egyptian canon, using a symbol without taking into account its understanding and awareness entailed the wrath of Maat (the goddess of truth).

As for the Eye of Horus tattoo, one thing can be said for sure - there is no historical evidence indicating that the ancient Egyptians got similar tattoos. It was said above that such symbols were applied to the bodies of the dead, but, firstly, with paint (that is, this is not a tattoo at all). The Eye of Horus, the meaning of which seems obvious, was painted only on the deceased, and this also needs to be taken into account when it comes to tattoos. In other words, the Eye of Horus is a tattoo, the meaning of which can have a whole layer of specific meanings. It can be assumed that if a person has a Wadget on his body, it means he is dead. In the end, it was not for nothing that the symbol of the Eye of Horus was used only as a “material” amulet, and not “stuffed” on oneself (although in Ancient Egypt they knew about tattoos and used them widely). In general, when getting a tattoo like this, you need to be clearly aware that it could probably be risky.

You may have already come across ancient Egyptian symbols in the form of tattoos, amulets, etc.
While these symbols are becoming increasingly popular, few people know about their meanings.
There are many symbols such as the Egyptian scarab beetle, earrings, shenu, ouroboros, eye of Ra, etc.
The Eye of Ra is one of the most popular ancient Egyptian symbols, and this article will tell you about it in more detail.

What is the Eye of Ra?
The Eye of Ra, known as the Eye of Horus, is an ancient Egyptian symbol that is depicted as a human eye and eyebrow with elements of a falcon's cheek.

The symbol, which represents the ancient Egyptian god Horus, also has a teardrop below the eye.
According to Egyptian mythology, the right eye of the god Horus represents the sun god Ra, and his mirror image (left eye) represents the god of the moon and magic, Thoth.

According to legends, Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, lost his right eye during a fight with his evil brother Set.
Horus fought his brother to avenge his father's death, and Set lost.
The god of magic Thoth returned the lost eye.

It is believed that the eye, which was torn apart by Set, was found by Thoth, who reassembled it.
It is also believed that Horus used this eye to revive his father.

Since then, the Eye of Ra has been used as a symbol of healing, restoration, health, safety and protection.
As protective amulet this symbol has been used in Egypt for a very long time.

It was also used as a funeral amulet, which was intended to protect the dead in afterlife.
Even sailors used to paint this symbol on their boats to ensure a safe voyage.

Let us now look at how the Eye of Ra was used in the ancient Egyptian measurement system.
The Eye of Ra was also used as a means of measuring medicines.
According to legends, the eye was torn into six parts in such a way that each part represented a specific meaning.

According to this measurement system, 1/2 represented the sense of smell, 1/4 was for vision, 1/8 was for the brain, 1/16 was for hearing, 1/32 was for taste, and 1/64 was for touch.
If you add these parts together, you get 63/64 and not 1.
The remaining portion is believed to represent Thoth's magic.

Now, you have general idea about the eye of Ra and its significance in Egyptian mythology.
It is not just a symbol, it is also associated with Egyptian gods and goddesses and Egyptian mythology.
Even today this symbol is very widely used in amulets, jewelry, tattoos, etc.
While some people wear it for protection, others simply love the image even though they know nothing about the Egyptian symbols and their meanings.

Most ancient Egyptian symbols have a meaning, as is the case with the Eye of Ra.
By being interested in the use of mythological symbols in tattoos, amulets or other things, you will better understand their meaning.


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