Home Orthopedics How the Kuznetsov applicator works. Kuznetsov applicator: what it is and how to use it

How the Kuznetsov applicator works. Kuznetsov applicator: what it is and how to use it

If you are constantly tormented by neck and back pain, then it would be good to have a hand-held massager or needle applicator at home. These remedies allow blood not to stagnate, relax muscles, that is, they affect important reasons pain.

The reflexology method includes the Kuznetsov applicator, the use of which in everyday life is simple: just lie on the mat for a few minutes and the pain will go away. This safe way cope with pain due to osteochondrosis. Kuznetsov's applicator, the benefits and harms of which are hotly debated, was very popular in recent Soviet times.

An inexpensive and durable rug with sewn-on plastic spikes can be used by the whole family for many years. Maximum benefits and minimum contraindications.

The rehabilitation period for osteochondrosis is not complete without means that improve blood circulation. Maybe instead medicines use less harmful ways restoration of metabolic processes. Kuznetsov's applicator does not directly affect biologically active points, but helps to activate them and causes expansion blood vessels and replaces physiotherapy.

How to use:

1) Select the applicator according to size and sensitivity. Now there are many modifications, the pharmacist will tell you what the difference is and help you choose the right one. If the mat is used for the back, then it is better to take a long strip of size 7 cervical vertebra and to the coccyx, and in width from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. If the applicator is used for the neck, then you need to place a hard cushion under it, for example, roll up a blanket.

2) Place the applicator on a hard surface and lie down on it. Exposure time is from 5 minutes to half an hour. In this case, it is necessary to make slow and smooth movements:

  • Light body swaying from side to side
  • Shaking your head
  • Deflection from the lower back
  • Lifting legs and arms in turn
  • Lifting the head and upper chest
  • Bike

Movements increase efficiency: by lifting some part of the body, you put it back in a slightly different place, thereby increasing the area of ​​influence and using more points on the body.

Kuznetsov’s applicator for osteochondrosis solves many problems:

  • Relieves acute pain
  • Prevention of chronic osteochondrosis
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Relieves fatigue

3) You need to use the applicator 1-3 times a day for two weeks, and then take a break.

4) After the procedures, in the evening, the mat with needles must be rinsed to remove residual sebum.

The benefits and harms of the applicator

By influencing reflex zones, Kuznetsov’s applicator activates metabolism. This has a positive effect on the entire body, improving the functioning of internal organs.

All people have different sensitivity and pain thresholds, so in some people excessive irritation of nerve endings may result in decreased immunity. This is expressed in the form colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is easy to prevent such harm from the Kuznetsov applicator: focus on how you feel when using it. If you feel agitated, chills, or the skin at the injection site is too red, then the procedure time should be reduced.

Correct use of the Kuznetsov applicator is expressed in the following sensations: a feeling of peace, drowsiness, comfort, a pleasant back burn, relaxation and reduction painful sensations. This means you have chosen the right time for the procedure and the method of influencing osteochondrosis.

The benefits of the Kuznetsov applicator are undeniable and harm occurs extremely rarely, due to negligence.


  • Skin diseases
  • Temperature
  • Tumors
  • Severe chronic diseases

If you avoid these conditions, then the use of the Kuznetsov applicator for osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic regions will be an indispensable assistant. If you go on a trip, the rug is easy to take with you. If you suffer from periodic pain, the mat is always at hand, you can take it to work and use it during your lunch break. Regular rest and stimulation of blood supply will allow your discs to “stay in shape” longer.

Medicine knows a huge number of diseases and for almost each of them there are several treatment methods. One of them is reflexology, which includes the use of Kuznetsov applicators.

These devices are well proven not only for their versatility (they can be used to treat a wide variety of pathologies), but also for their ease of use. At the same time, applicators are an effective and practically harmless method of treatment. Now we will talk about what kind of device this is, in what cases applicators are effective, what they are, etc.

A Kuznetsov applicator is a device made in the form of a rubber or fabric mat on which small spikes or needles are located. They are distributed in a strictly uniform sequence over the entire area of ​​the device; they are square or round structures made of medical grade polystyrene, or less often of a special metal alloy.

The applicator or applicator has several variations of design, differing in their shape:

  • It looks like a flat mat of varying sizes.
  • This could be a wide, long belt.
  • Some devices are made in the form of a movable roller (round or semicircular).

Why is it useful?

As mentioned earlier, the operating principle of the Kuznetsov rug is based on the reflexology method. The simulator acts directly on the skin, where there is a mass of nerve endings connected to tissues and organs in the area of ​​manipulation.

The thorns irritate and stimulate the mentioned nerve endings, affecting reflex zones, activating some biological processes. Thus, using the Kuznetsov applicator allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  • Increased conductivity of nerve endings.
  • Reducing pain, getting rid of pain.
  • Increased muscle tone and simultaneous relaxation of the body.
  • Establishing biorhythms and sleep.

As you can see, the benefits of the applicator are multifaceted; it allows you to fight a lot of problems and pathological processes.


To achieve maximum therapeutic effect it is necessary to choose the right device, taking into account the scope of its application, the nature of the disease and desired result. Let's look at the types of Kuznetsov applicator:

The types of these therapeutic devices also mean their division in accordance with the age and sensitivity of the patient to pain. For convenience, they are divided by color:

  • Green – intended for people with a low pain threshold or children, due to the special shape of the spikes.
  • Blue – the thorns are sharper, which is why the applicator is used for people with less sensitive skin.
  • Yellow - in addition to the fact that this type of device has even sharper spikes, it is equipped with magnets that increase its effectiveness.
  • Red – the needles in this version are the sharpest, so the device is suitable only for people with a high pain threshold.
  • When purchasing, always pay attention to the color indicators, because an incorrectly selected device can harm the body or aggravate the disease.

But that’s not all, there are three more types of applicators, each of which is worth talking about separately.


Indications for use

The use of the Kuznetsov applicator is possible when a huge number various pathological processes accompanied by pain and disruption of entire systems or individual organs.

Indications for use are:

  • Diseases of the nervous system, central and peripheral. Impact on specific nerve centers allows you to cope with pathologies such as migraines, depressive states, sleep disorders, radiculitis, etc.
  • Pathologies of cardio-vascular system, which include systematic differences blood pressure, ischemia of individual vessels, vegetative-vascular dystonia, encephalopathy, etc. Also, Kuznetsov’s applicator allows you to speed up the rehabilitation process after a stroke or heart attack.
  • Diseases of the spine and back in general, the most common among which, for treatment using an applicator, is osteochondrosis. Kuznetsov’s device is indicated for pain in the lower back, thoracic and cervical spine.
  • Pathological processes affecting respiratory system. Refers to diseases of the upper respiratory tract(up to a runny nose), as well as bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system. These are all kinds of joint diseases, as well as bruises, fractures, dislocations, sprains and much more.
  • The applicator has a beneficial effect on the fight against abdominal diseases, that is gastrointestinal tract. We are talking about ulcers, colitis, gastritis, diseases of the liver, pancreas, etc.
  • Applicators are actively used in gynecology for treatment inflammatory processes in the ovaries, uterus, normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Patients are recommended to use the applicator during pregnancy in order to reduce back pain or speed up the body's recovery after childbirth.
  • For illnesses genitourinary system, among which the most common are cystitis, prostatitis and much more.

It is worth understanding that there are a lot of ways to use the applicator and the list given is far from complete; you can add the fight against hemorrhoids to it, diabetes mellitus and a host of other diseases. It is only important to remember that for correct and complete treatment, before using the massager, you must consult with your doctor.


As for contraindications, first of all, it is important to use the applicators correctly, acting strictly on certain areas of the human body, depending on the specific disease. Otherwise, the effect may not be therapeutic, but the opposite.

If we talk about specific contraindications, they are as follows:

  • Abnormalities on the skin at the site of use of the massager, which include any skin degeneration (scratches, hematomas, cuts, ulcerations), warts, papillomas, etc.
  • Blood clotting disorders, as well as thrombophlebitis.
  • Infectious diseases in acute form, accompanied by general intoxication of the body and an increase in body temperature.
  • Direct contraindications are heart and pulmonary failure, as well as epilepsy.
  • Oncological processes in the body, accompanied by malignant and benign neoplasms.

How to use the applicator

The applicator helps get rid of many diseases. Depending on the pathology and the goals facing the doctor and the patient, the device is used in different ways. We are talking about different points of influence in a specific pathological process. To better understand how to use such massagers, let’s look at the most common techniques.

To eliminate pain

Pain is the most frequent symptoms, against which the applicator is most effective. The device used operates in different ways:

  • If it is a mat, you need to lie on it, evenly distributing the weight over the entire area of ​​the massager.
  • When it comes to a belt, it is simply secured in the area where the pain is localized.
  • The use of a roller has an active effect; you need to move it over the skin in the area of ​​​​biologically active centers.

To improve the body's metabolism

In order to normalize metabolism in the body, little changes; the principle of influence remains the same. It all depends on the goal being pursued. For example, if you need to get rid of cellulite, the effect goes directly to the place where it is localized. For weight loss, the massager is applied to those areas where you need to “remove” the fat layer. Also in this case, it is important to know which biological centers to influence; for this it is better to contact a specialist.

Effect of the applicator on the feet and palms

According to doctors, standing on spikes or placing your palms on them activates the nerve centers of the entire body. A course of such simple procedures improves sleep quality, has a beneficial effect on psychosomatics, etc.

Be careful, if the mat is chosen incorrectly (too sharp), there is a risk of injury to the feet, because you press on the spikes with all your weight.

Fighting osteochondrosis with an applicator

Osteochondrosis – pathological process, affecting different areas spinal column. The disease leads to damage intervertebral discs, which causes disruption spinal cord, squeezing nerve roots and large blood vessels in this area.

Instructions for using the applicator for osteochondrosis involve influencing different parts of the spine in order to prevent the progression of pathology and combat the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the back, neck, headaches.
  • Normalization of blood circulation.
  • Improving metabolism in tissues.
  • Stimulation of muscle tone and elasticity.

However, it is important to understand that treatment with an applicator when thoracic osteochondrosis and, for example, the neck, are somewhat different.


Rollers or straps are used to influence the cervical spine. The principle of action is simple, Kuznetsov’s applicator for osteochondrosis cervical spine is pressed tightly onto the neck, the procedure takes 15–30 minutes.

The duration of action on the cervical spine depends on the stage of disease progression, as well as a number of individual factors.


To get rid of osteochondrosis thoracic and its symptoms, use an applicator in the form of a mat. The patient lies down on it smoothly and carefully, evenly distributing his weight and avoiding excessive pressure on the spikes to avoid injury. Otherwise, the principle remains the same.


To treat the spine with lumbar osteochondrosis, I use a roller or mat. As before, it is necessary to distribute the weight evenly, and for a more effective impact on the lumbar region, you can make smooth rolls to the left and right.

Treatment of spinal hernia

Spinal herniation is a severe pathology accompanied by disc displacement, which leads to severe pain and sometimes loss of control over certain parts bodies. Complications are directly related to the area of ​​the spine where the hernia occurs. For example, with a herniated cervical spine, there is a risk of losing control of the arms.

Treatment with the Kuznetsov applicator in this case makes it possible to stop pain syndrome, restore innervation, improve blood circulation, and also begin regeneration processes in intervertebral tissues. The type of device and method of its use depend on the location of the hernia and the severity of the pathology.

How to use it correctly?

If earlier we looked at how to eliminate various symptoms and influence the active zones of the body to achieve certain goals. Now it’s worth talking about the principle of using applicators on different parts of the body, depending on the situation.

For weight loss

First of all, the benefit of Kuznetsov’s device for weight loss is expressed in the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. In this case, the principle of action is that by acting on areas of the skin, the inflow and outflow of blood in the so-called problem areas improves. At the same time they accelerate metabolic processes and a person loses weight, the same principle allows you to get rid of cellulite. Of course, it is important to correctly influence specific areas of the body.

To do everything correctly, spread the mat on a flat surface, lie on it with the problem area and make smooth rolling movements.

For sciatica

In medical terminology, the word sciatica describes a disease in which the sciatic nerve is pinched. At the same time, the person experiences pain of different nature and degree of intensity.

With this disease, the correct use of the applicator is corrected by a doctor, since sciatic nerve stretches almost along the entire spine and bypasses the pelvic area and goes into the leg. This means that treatment may require stimulation in different areas.

For radiculitis

Radiculitis, the brightest clinical sign which causes pain in the back, most often in the lumbar region. In this case the best option a needle-type device will be used.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the massager is attached to sore spot using a bandage or cuff, after which you need to do a series of bending exercises, about which it is better to consult a doctor.

With a heel spur

A heel spur is preceded by microtrauma to the plantar fascia. A pointed osteophyte gradually forms at the site of injury; it can reach 12 mm in length; its growth is accompanied by severe pain.

In this case, excellent remedy there will be a Kuznetsov applicator again, but now in the form of insoles. Daily use of such a massager will not only help you get rid of pain, but will also contribute to the resorption of the formation.

For flat feet

Surely many have heard the advice that if you have flat feet, it is useful to walk on rocky beaches. Kuznetsov’s massager is many times more effective in such situations, because thanks to the symmetrical arrangement of the spikes, nerve endings are more uniformly stimulated.

In this case, insoles are also used, but you can walk on the mat. This technique is especially useful for children.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, Kuznetsov's applicator helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic and uterine organs, relieve swelling of the legs, and even reduce toxicosis. But there is a significant contraindication - massagers cannot be used by pregnant women, starting from the second trimester. In other words, the use of the device is possible with special doctor’s indications for early stages and under no circumstances should you use this method on your stomach.

How long does it sit on the applicator?

It is extremely difficult to give a definite answer regarding time, because in this case there are a lot of variables. These include the patient’s age, sensitivity threshold, disease, its stage of development and much more.

But in this regard there are certain rules. It is important to remember that:

  • IN different cases The procedure time can take from 10 to 30 minutes, but should not exceed these values.
  • It is important to lay down smoothly on the mat and distribute your weight evenly across the cleats.
    Throughout the entire procedure, you should be very comfortable; the person should not feel any discomfort, much less pain.

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov applicator

Not everyone thinks that you can make a Kuznetsov applicator with your own hands, but this is true. To create it you will need pointed caps from tin bottles, a sheet of durable material and glue.

Mark the canvas into even squares using chalk, grease each cover with reverse side glue, apply tightly to the selected material and then place the entire structure under the press. It would be even more reliable to sew on the covers using strong thread and washers for fastening on the reverse side.

However, it is worth saying here that lids can harm yourself, injure your skin, or if they are not properly processed, cause an infection. Therefore, it is better to buy a rug at a pharmacy.

Which is better, Kuznetsov’s or Lyapko’s applicator?

To decide on the choice of applicator - Lyapko or Kuznetsov, consider a comparative table of these devices, we will display the main differences in it to make it easier for you to make a choice.

It is worth mentioning separately only the fact that Kuznetsov’s device was invented earlier. Of course, all this information does not indicate which is better to choose; personal preferences, the nature of the disease and the doctor’s recommendations play a role.

Indian and Chinese cultures have been using therapeutic acupressure for more than 5 thousand years. This technique is still in demand in China. In India, yogis used (and still use) a bed of nails for better meditation and healing. In the West, these practices are becoming popular as alternative therapy to support health.

Not every person has the opportunity to visit a massage therapist, especially when it comes to acupuncture. Due to this, home appliances are becoming in demand. The most famous of them is the Kuznetsov applicator.

Kuznetsov applicator does not apply to scientifically based treatment methods, but due to its relative safety it can be used as an addition to the main treatment for diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous system.

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

This acupressure device is amazing in its simplicity and effectiveness. The applicator is a mat with small needle plates. It is designed to affect biologically active points human body. You could say that this is a kind of lazy massage. All you need to do is lie down on the mat or apply it to the sore spot. That's why he became so popular.

Currently, Kuznetsov’s applicator can be found in almost every home. It is affordable, especially for simple modifications. That's why you buy it just in case. However, those who know the benefits of needle massage often use the applicator to relieve muscle and joint pain, improve immunity and mood.

Types of applicators

The applicator was developed in the 80s of the 20th century by Russian scientist Ivan Kuznetsov. The first copy was released in 1998. Back then it was a small plastic plate with spikes sewn onto a piece of fabric. Now it is available in various modifications and price categories.

Today, the classic Kuznetsov applicator is affordable - the simplest one can be bought for 100 rubles. However, the price depends on the size of the base, shape and material. The applicator can be made in the form of a large pad, belt, or insole. Sometimes the plates can be purchased separately and then attached to the base yourself.

The device can be made in the form of a roller for the neck, muscle massage, feet, joints, or lower back. You can roll it with your foot on the floor or on your body. You can put the roller under your neck and lie on it. This helps well with cervical osteochondrosis.

Recently, the applicator has been made even more efficient with the help of magnets located on each plate. Such models are more expensive - they cost about 1000 rubles, but they also have a greater effect due to magnets.

Indications for use

When analyzing the research results, experts came to the conclusion that the applicator should be used for treatment of spinal hernia, all types of arthritis, neuroses, radiculitis, paralysis, chronic fatigue, depression and insomnia, migraines, panic attacks, obesity, asthma and sinusitis.

Kuznetsov applicator for osteochondrosis lumbar region

The device is mainly used for lower back pain. Even doctors prescribe it as an auxiliary treatment for osteochondrosis. For the procedure you will need a special bedding, pillow or belt.

You need to lie with your back on the applicator, applying the weight of your entire body to it. How long should you lie on the Kuznetsov applicator? If you don't have discomfort, exposure should last at least 1.5 hours.

The neck roller should be used less for cervical hernia and osteochondrosis. The course of treatment should last 2 weeks. You can repeat after the break.

When Kuznetsov's applicator can cause harm

The use of a massager also has contraindications:

  • papillomas;
  • warts;
  • hemophilia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • birthmarks.

Contraindications are dermatitis and skin damage, tendency to bleeding. It is not recommended to carry out therapy immediately after eating.

When using this massage there is no side effects. For people with a low pain threshold, massagers with less sharp needles have been developed. In this regard, most patients successfully tolerate treatment with the applicator.

Massage can only be harmful if the device is used incorrectly. Therefore, it is important to know how to lie on it. Some people experience high fever, rapid heartbeat, blood pressure may rise, and ringing in the ears may appear. In this case, the procedure is stopped.

The normal reaction is a feeling of warmth, slight pain, sudden sweating, slight dizziness. This indicates that the applicator has an intensive effect on nervous system. People with hypersensitive skin may experience severe redness during massage. In this case, you should change the applicator to another model with a smaller distance between the needles.

Instructions for use

It is very important to know how to use the applicator correctly in order for this treatment method to be beneficial. It can be used different ways. The simplest of them is to lie on the floor with your whole body, changing your body position from time to time. In some cases, it is attached to the body with special belts. Sometimes it is needed for a specific part of the body, such as the knee. In this case, it is recommended to apply the applicator to the sore spot and massage slowly, with light pressure. At the beginning, the duration of the session should last 10 minutes and increase to 30 minutes.

How to use the massager depends on which part of the body requires treatment. For neck pain, it can be used on the back of the neck and collar area. The applicator must be pressed with your hands for 40-60 seconds until pain appears. The standard time for the procedure is 5-6 minutes. If necessary, this massage can be repeated several times a day. A roller is best for neck massage.

For intervertebral hernia and pain in the upper spine, a massage mat is used. Place her on a soft, flat surface and slowly lie down on her back. Lie like this for at least 10 minutes. To increase the therapeutic effect, you can move your arms and legs from side to side.

If you have a hernia of the lumbar spine and pain, you need to hold the massager firmly on the sore spot for about 40-60 minutes. Don't worry if it doesn't have special straps. You can secure it with an elastic bandage.

The massage mat can be used for sciatica and even on the face. The main thing is to be careful. Place the applicator on a flat, soft surface and lie face down on it. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, but you should not experience any discomfort or severe pain.

Acupressure helps with heel spurs and healthy feet. For leg swelling, it is best to use applicator plates. Place them on the floor and place your feet on them. Start in a sitting position and then gradually move to a standing position. Raise your legs from time to time to change the weight load. The standard time for the procedure is from 5 to 20 minutes.

The fact that massage is good for health has been known since ancient times. And now everything more people prefer these methods because drug therapy often brings more harm than good. In terms of its effect on a person’s well-being, massage is one of the most effective methods. Its ancient form, acupuncture, is considered especially useful. This method comes from the East and has a positive effect on health. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit a massage therapist, especially an acupuncture office. Therefore, devices for home use are becoming increasingly popular. The most famous of them is the harm and benefits it has been studied in detail by doctors, and it has been proven that its correct use is effective in many diseases.

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

This is an amazingly simple and effective device. It is a rug with small plates with spikes sewn onto it. It was created in the 80s of the 20th century by the Russian scientist I. I. Kuznetsov.

This device has many modifications, and its purpose was to influence biologically active points independently. We can say that this is a massager for the lazy, because all you need to do is lie on the mat or press it onto the sore spot. That’s why Kuznetsov’s applicator has become so popular. Its harm and benefits were investigated immediately, and instructions were included with it upon sale. The fame of such a simple and effective massage device spread quickly. And now in almost every home you can find some kind of Kuznetsov applicator. Its price, especially for the simplest modifications, is so low that many people even bought it just like that, just in case. But those who know the benefits of such a needle massage use the applicator often, relieving pain in muscles and joints, increasing performance and mood, and improving immunity.

Types of applicators

The first such rug was released in 1988. Kuznetsov's needle applicator was a small plastic plate with spikes sewn onto a piece of fabric. Now the industry produces many modifications that differ in the size of the spikes and their distance from each other, the size and shape of the base.

1. Classic Kuznetsov applicator. Its price is quite low - the simplest one can be bought for 100 rubles. But the cost depends on the size of the base, its shape and material. These can be large mats, massagers in the form of a belt or insoles for the feet. Sometimes records can be purchased separately, then you will have to attach them to the base yourself.

2. The Kuznetsov roller applicator is designed for massaging muscles, feet and joints. You can roll it over your body or with your feet on the floor. You can also place a cushion under your neck and lie on it. It’s so easy to relieve pain from cervical osteochondrosis.

3. B Lately The efficiency of the massager was increased with the help of magnets that are located on each plate. Such applicators are more expensive - about a thousand rubles, but thanks to magnetic field, its impact is stronger.

What effect does it have on the body?

During the procedure, the needles of the applicator are pressed into the body, affecting small vessels. Blood circulation accelerates, due to which metabolism increases, plaques and various toxins are washed out of blood vessels. Recent studies have shown that the applicator also presses on acupuncture points. And it has long been known that such an effect has a positive effect on all organs, relieving pain and improving their functioning.

When you press on it, blood circulation accelerates, muscles relax and sleep improves. The Kuznetsov applicator is especially effective for back and joint pain. The harm and benefits of its effects on the musculoskeletal system have been well studied. Such procedures are widely used to restore cartilage tissue, improve blood circulation and relieve pain after injuries.

Benefits of the applicator

This device has the following effects:

Calms and relaxes muscles;

Increases performance;

Relieves pain;

Improves blood circulation;

Increases immunity;

Accelerates the process of cell regeneration;

Metabolism is stimulated;

Improves tone and increases skin elasticity.

When is the Kuznetsov applicator used?

1. Most often, such influence is used when various diseases musculoskeletal system:

For radiculitis;



Muscle pain;

2. But not only such problems are treated by the Kuznetsov applicator. Its use is indicated for:




Obesity and cellulite.

3. With the help of this massager you can successfully treat diseases of the digestive tract, genitourinary system and respiratory organs.

Kuznetsov applicator for osteochondrosis

Most cases of using such a massager are associated with back pain. Even doctors prescribe such procedures as an auxiliary treatment for osteochondrosis. To do this, you can use special mats, rollers or belts.

Most often, for osteochondrosis, the Kuznetsov needle applicator is placed along the spine and lies down, pressing it with the weight of your body. If you do not feel any discomfort, the effect must be maintained for at least half an hour. For treatment cervical osteochondrosis use special cushions placed under the neck. In this case, the exposure time should be shorter. After a two-week course of procedures, you need to take a break, then they can be repeated. But usually the effectiveness of treatment is so high that the pain goes away for a long time.

Can everyone use it?

As with any massage, there are contraindications for using the Kuznetsov applicator:

Moles, papillomas or warts in the place where the massager is applied;

Dermatitis and skin damage at the site of exposure;


Various tumors;


Tendency to bleeding;



What harm can the applicator do?

Basically, there are no side effects when using this massage. For people who have reduced sensitivity, there are special varieties with blunter thorns. Therefore, most patients tolerate the Kuznetsov applicator well. The harm and benefit from it are incomparable. After all, negative effects can only occur when misuse massager Some people feel very hot, have a rapid heartbeat, may have high blood pressure, or may experience tinnitus. In this case, the procedure must be stopped. There is also an opinion that influencing biologically active points with an applicator is harmful. After all, when acupressure The specialist must accurately select the location and force of pressure. But when using a needle mat, this cannot be done.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator

Depending on the type of massager you choose, you can apply it, bandage it, or press it to the sore spot. High efficiency is observed if you place the Kuzetsov needle applicator on the floor and lie on it. This procedure can be performed from half an hour to an hour.

And on the feet, temples, neck and back of the head, the effect should be dosed: you need to press the applicator for several minutes, then take a break. You can repeat this effect until the pain disappears. The course of treatment should be no more than two weeks. After the break, you can use the Kuznetsov applicator again. Its use has almost no contraindications and is effective for improving performance. Many people buy this massager. But before starting treatment, you need to learn how to use the Kuznetsov applicator correctly:

Before use, consult a doctor;

The procedure should be carried out no earlier than an hour and a half after eating;

You should carefully study the instructions and follow their recommendations.

Today we can observe a trend of increasing interest among people in non-drug methods of treatment. These include acupuncture, massage and other methods. This is due to many factors, first of all, people are afraid of harming their health through excessive use of medications.

Therefore, various massage devices are becoming increasingly popular.

Very effective technique Acupuncture is considered. But regularly visiting a specialist in this field is often unaffordable. Therefore, more and more people are resorting to various devices for home treatment. Kuznetsov's applicator is great for use at home

The most common among such devices is the Kuznetsov applicator due to its simple instructions for use.

Kuznetsov's applicator: what it looks like and what it treats

Kuznetsov's Tibetan applicator has a simple appearance. It's just a rug that happens various shapes and made of fabric or metal.

On the surface of the mat there are plates, at the ends of which there are needles.

All you need to do for treatment is just lie down on the sore spot on the mat. The needles will affect the nerve endings. The principle of treatment is similar to acupressure.
Using the Kuznetsov applicator you can cure many diseases

The applicator is used to treat many diseases of varying origin.
Indications for use of the Kuznetsov applicator are:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • respiratory tract;
  • endocrine system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • gynecological abnormalities.

Diseases that the Kuznetsov applicator treats:

  • Arthrosis, osteochondrosis, muscle or joint injuries;
  • Sore throat, bronchitis, rhinitis;
  • Headache, insomnia, neuralgia, radiculitis;
  • Fights obesity and diabetes;
  • Treats infertility, normalizes intrauterine development fetus

So, a massager can be called a universal device that is affordable and easy to use.

Rules for using the applicator

If you use Kuznetsov’s massager according to the instructions for use, it will turn out to be elementary and simple. You just need to apply the mat to the sore spot and press it tightly. But the main thing is to monitor the time of the procedure. So, how long can you lie on the Kuznetsov applicator?

If you are treating your back, hips or feet, apply it for 30 minutes. You can act longer, but not more than an hour.

If the effect is on the neck, back of the head or temples, then the time of use must be strictly measured. You can apply the mat for a few minutes, take a break, and then apply it again until the pain completely disappears (with breaks).

You will learn more about the rules for using the Kuznetsov applicator from the video:

The duration of treatment can be two weeks, but no more. If necessary, after a break you can repeat the course of treatment.

If during the procedure you feel dizziness, increased blood pressure, sweating or increased heart rate, then you definitely need to take a break or refuse treatment altogether!!!

Types of applicators

Today you can find Kuznetsov's applicator quite different types. They may differ in size, shape of the spikes and distance between the plates.
So, you can find the following types of applicators:

  • The simplest and most classic option: fabric with sewn plates. Such Kuznetsov applicators are used, as a rule, to treat the back. They come in the form of mats or belts;
  • Kuznetsov needle applicator 3x8 cm in size, which are used to relieve spasms or during a heart attack;
  • Applicator with needles measuring 12x47 cm, which is most often used to treat the back. Thanks to large size it is also used as a rug under your feet;
  • Massager in the form of insoles. It is used to influence the feet;
  • Roller. This Kuznetsov applicator is very convenient to use for the neck in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

To increase the effectiveness of Kuznetsov’s applicator, they began to use a magnet, which is located on each plate, and contributes to a stronger effect on the sore spot.
There are several types of Kuznetsov applicator

Kuznetsov's applicator: how not to harm

Quite a lot of research has been carried out on the topic of the benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator and the works of scientists have been written.
So, the main benefit of the device is that it makes it possible to quickly remove painful sensations in muscles and joints. In addition, it helps improve sleep quality. With its help you can fight insomnia.

For men The massager is very useful in the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma. Women its benefits include the treatment of infertility and disorders menstrual cycle, also in the treatment of inflammation of the appendages and other sexual disorders.

In addition, the applicator helps speed up the recovery process after childbirth. Kuznetsov’s applicator is also used during pregnancy to relieve toxicosis and lower back pain. During childbirth, it is used to ease contractions. Treatment of diabetes, obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system and much more: all this is just small part the benefits that Kuznetsov’s applicator has brought to our lives.

Kuznetsov's applicator also helps in the fight against cellulite.
Thus, thanks to regular exposure to the skin, its tone improves, metabolism accelerates and burns. fat layer. But there are also opponents of using the Kuznetsov applicator for weight loss, who claim that it does not bring any benefit in this sense. But it should be noted that in order to achieve positive results in losing weight, you should approach this comprehensively, and not pin your hopes only on the needles of the rug.

Kuznetsov's applicator will help in the fight against cellulite

Kuznetsov’s applicator is also effective in the treatment of spinal hernia. To do this, you need to place the mat on a hard surface and lie on it so that the massager is located at the site of formation. intervertebral hernia, and the load on the needles was distributed evenly. The procedure should last 30 minutes, and the course of treatment is no more than two weeks.

The scope of application of this device is huge. But you need to know how to use the Kuznetsov rug correctly so as not to harm your health.

To get the maximum benefit, you need to strictly follow the instructions, which indicate all the contraindications to the use of the Kuznetsov applicator, including:

  • Presence of damage to the skin;
  • Moles and papillomas;
  • Malignant tumor;
  • Tendency to bleeding;
  • Heat.
  • Pregnancy is not a categorical contraindication, but the massager should be used during this period only on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account all the risks for the child.

Which massager to choose: Lyapko applicator, pranamat eco, Kuznetsov applicator

The market for home massagers is represented not only by Kuznetsov’s applicator. On the shelves of medical equipment stores you can also find Lyapko applicator. Now you need to figure out which applicator is better: Lyapko or Kuznetsova?

Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicators differ in the shape and material of the needles
In essence, their principle of influence on the body is similar: they both promote energy circulation and blood flow to the sore spot. But the shape is slightly different.

So, Lyapko’s applicator is a rubber mat with metal needles very close to each other, and Kuznetsova’s is a fabric mat with plastic needles located at a distance. Massagers also differ in price. Due to the fact that the Kuznetsov rug is made of plastic, it is cheaper than its metal counterpart.

So, to answer the question: “What is better than the Lyapko or Kuznetsov applicator?” impossible for sure. It depends on the specific case and disease.

Each person has his own characteristics, needs and wishes, so the patient himself must answer this question by studying in detail the instructions of the two samples and consulting with a doctor.

Another massage mat that can be found today is Pranamat ECO. It is not a competitor to the Kuznetsov rug, it is simply an improved version of it.
Pranamat ECO, in comparison with Kuznetsov’s applicator, has a larger area and is made of environmentally friendly materials, so it does not cause allergies. Another difference is the design that will fit into any room. Also, Pranamat ECO mats are sold ready-made and you do not need to sew spikes onto them yourself. It is manufactured according to quality standards under strict control.

For a detailed review of the Pranamat ECO mat, watch the video:

Treatment price

After you have figured out how to use the Kuznetsov applicator and how it is useful, the question arises about its price. So, how much does Kuznetsov’s applicator cost?
A classic fabric applicator with several rows of plates will cost you about 100 rubles.

Its cost will depend on the size and number of plates; the more plates, the higher the price, the more effective the effect on the site of pain.

The Pranamat ECO applicator will cost much more, as it is made of expensive materials and has an improved design.

So, if you are faced with the problem of back pain, neck pain, joints or other problems, and decide to use Kuznetsov’s miracle massage mat, consult your doctor and be sure to act strictly according to the instructions. Then the result will not take long to arrive. Don't neglect your health!

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