Home Removal Rules for visualizing desires on paper. Wish fulfillment: visualization rules

Rules for visualizing desires on paper. Wish fulfillment: visualization rules

How can you get closer to fulfilling your dreams and achieving more in life? A special technique at the intersection of psychology and magic will help you realize your wildest plans - a vision board, how to properly design it is described below.

Vision board: how it works

Your thoughts can become reality: the more you think about something, the more intensely your brain works on ways to realize it. If you focus on specific positive changes in your life, return to them and imagine their implementation in detail, you will involuntarily look for ways to achieve what you want and generate new ideas. This process is called visualization of desires. Unlike negative thinking, with which you can set yourself up for failure, it attracts success, prosperity and happiness to you.

The main tool in the visualization technique is a vision card or vision board. Making it is simple: you will need not so much accuracy and artistic skills as strong and sincere intentions.

How to make a vision board with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at the stages of creating a vision board.

Preparation and necessary materials

A vision board cannot be created in a hurry. Take the time to think carefully about what you want to achieve, prepare inspiring pictures and arrange them correctly.

1. Choose what is important and unrealized

Make a list of your dreams and goals without thinking about how feasible they are. Then select the most important points, guided by the following principles:

  • There is no point in adding to the map what is easily feasible. If you want to make a small purchase, such as a chocolate bar, go and treat yourself right away, rather than wasting precious space on a momentary whim.
  • There is no need to visualize what already exists. Example: if you are already a member harmonious relationships, don't limit yourself to adding a shared photo of you and your partner being happy. Think about what could make you even happier and write about your plans.
  • Even if you feel like you want the impossible, don't give up on that goal. It's hard to imagine an insurmountable obstacle that will prevent you from going on a long-awaited trip or earning millions if you are already ready to take decisive action to achieve this.

2. Decide on the material and collect source images

First decide on the basis:

  • Whatman paper or cardboard. A clean, thick sheet of paper, which you will completely design with your own hands, will carry special energy and “absorb” strong emotional impulses.
  • Cork or magnetic board. A practical option that can be easily updated as your dreams become reality.
  • Digital image. This format is convenient if you spend a lot of time at the computer or often use your phone. Create a wish map in a graphic editor or using an online service and set it as wallpaper to regularly remember your dreams.

For the first two options you will also need:

  • your personal and family photos, photos and pictures that most accurately reflect your dreams (cut out from magazines and newspapers or printed);
  • everything for drawing and writing: colored pencils, pens, markers or felt-tip pens;
  • optional - colored paper and separate album sheets (for backgrounds or mini-collages);
  • glue and scissors.

3. Time and mood are important

Do not start work during periods of mental decline, troubles, or when you have a lot to worry about. Outsiders should not distract you or interfere with the process with comments. You must be relaxed, free and positive, otherwise you will not be able to express your thoughts correctly and the card simply will not work.

Feng Shui wish board - the best design option

The Chinese technique of Feng Shui is designed to harmonize the flow of energy in the surrounding space. Its methods will also be useful when creating a visualization map. When you place images in sectors that symbolically correspond to the chosen areas of life, the harmony of the location will enhance the attraction of what you want.

Dividing space into symbolic areas and filling them is done as follows:

  • To mark out sectors, you can use two methods: divide a square or rectangular field into nine equal parts (in the form of a 3 × 3 table) or apply a Bagua grid to it, highlighting the central area and eight sectors extending from it. Choose the method that seems more attractive to you.
  • It is better to do the decoration during periods with the energy of new beginnings: on your birthday and the first days after it, on the waxing moon, and even better - on New Year according to the eastern calendar.
  • Each sector has a specific color, number in numerology and life sphere, so it is better to work on them in a certain order. While filling one area, don't get distracted by others. Take care of the background for the images: paint it over or stick on colored paper. When using cork and magnetic boards, you can arrange pictures into small collages on separate sheets of paper - this will make it easier to set a single background for the area.
  • Write in an affirmative form, without negations and the particle “not”. The selected pictures should not contain negative phenomena.
  • You cannot ignore any sector; be sure to fill in everything.
  • Detailed information about the placement of pictures is given in the table:
    Number Cardinal direction and sector location Sphere of life Background color Recommendations for selecting pictures and writing descriptions
    1 North (under center) Career Blue Photo or logo of a successful company or successful business, a leader in the workplace, a recognized professional. You can draw a “career ladder” by hand, indicating the desired positions and dates of entry into them. How much do you want to earn? job responsibilities, add the type of activity in the form of inscriptions.
    2 Southwest (upper right corner) Love and relationships Pink Symbols of romantic relationships: kisses, hearts, flowers. Avoid photos of celebrities (they often play to the public) and strangers real people, if the right person is not yet in your life (do not attract the unknown to yourself - you may be disappointed in the result, and they may dream of something that does not suit you). Better add something specific verbal description qualities of the desired partner and how your interaction will go.
    3 East (left of center) Family Green Joint and separate family photos taken at a joyful moment. Images of your ideal family. Descriptions of a calm and conflict-free life, qualities that your family lacks.
    4 Southeast (upper left corner) Wealth Violet Money (banknotes, coins, precious metals and stones) all types of profit - from treasures to bank deposits. Attributes of wealth - cars, luxury buildings, prestigious accessories. You can describe your dreams in words and numbers, and do not forget to indicate the time frame for acquiring these benefits.
    5 Center Health Orange A photo where you like yourself and are in a good mood. If you are planning to lose weight or get rid of chronic illness, it wouldn’t hurt to edit it in Photoshop or make a collage so that the desired changes are clearly visible.
    6 Northwest (lower right corner) Helpers and travel Grey Cities and countries where you want to go, attractions, hotels, planes or cruise ships. It wouldn’t hurt to add symbols to this sector that are associated with those areas of life where you need support: photos of religious figures and religious symbols, people whose wisdom deserves your respect, and those who can provide you with patronage or other assistance.
    7 West (right of center) Children and creativity White If you dream of having offspring - images of happy babies or older children. If you are already a parent - a photo of your child, supplemented with wishes good health And Have a good mood. For creative people Inspiring examples and any images related to the sphere of self-realization will do.
    8 Northeast (lower left corner) Wisdom and knowledge Yellow Everything related to learning new things: teaching aids, diplomas and certificates (write your name there), places where you would like to study. A popular Western symbol, the academic cap, would also work. You can add it along with the mantle to your photo.
    9 South (above center) Glory Red Diplomas, cups, other awards, individuals or groups of people who are famous and recognized in the desired field. More effective way– add yourself to a photo where someone is being honored.

Of course, you can ignore some of these requirements: do not highlight the background of the sectors, arrange materials for visualization in random order, or not pay attention to irrelevant areas of life. But do this only when you are clear about your priorities, and general case follow the complete instructions.

Wish board: layout instructions

To work properly, the visualization map should hang where you can see it often, and not lie on a distant shelf. If you do some of your work at home, or have a hobby that requires perseverance, it's a good idea to place it above your desk to set yourself up for your chosen goals. Another good option is near the bed, so you can “program” yourself in the right way every morning.

The board should be hidden from prying eyes. If possible, remove it during guests' visits or relatives' arrival.

Wish visualization board: reviews

Let’s take a closer look at several reviews about using the vision board and analyze the events described.

1. After the movie “The Secret” I decided to test the law of attraction. He works! Everything is like on the wish map: I got married successfully, a daughter was born, and over the past three years we have bought a car and an apartment. All we have to do is wait for our vacation, and then we’ll go on vacation wherever we want. Anna.

Clear and achievable goals were set, reasonable deadlines were set, and everything was achieved.

2. I made a wish card and, returning from vacation, found in my room a brand new laptop of the same model that I really wanted to get. My parents unexpectedly decided to please me, although the old computer was fine, and I didn’t tell them what kind of laptop I wanted. Nastya.

Another example of how a thought, given the proper strength, materializes and even infects others.

3. I did it and regretted the time spent. Nothing came true, no money, no new job. Apparently, he works for those who are already lucky in life. Tatiana.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect that your life will immediately change for the better as soon as you paste the last picture. But focusing on work without leaving room for dreams is not best strategy. Set realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, think through your actions, and everything will work out.

Now that you know what a vision board is, how to properly design and use it, all you have to do is not be discouraged and wait for your dreams to come true.

Have you heard a lot about visualization of desires, but never used it? Try it, you will be surprised by the result. Many people think that this is stupidity, it’s not even worth starting. But you definitely have at least one case in your memory when you made a wish and asked the universe to make it come true. And it came true. So try again, believe me, you won’t regret it.

Write a list of goals

Before you start visualizing your desires, you need to understand them. You might be surprised, but many people don't know what they want. Yes, there may be some desires, but they are not clearly formed or even abstract. Well, how will you look for the love of your life if you have no idea what she should look like? Or maybe you want to change your job? What does your goal look like? Just change? But this is not a dream. You can dream about a position as a boss or about a promotion with a good increase in salary. And a simple change of place will definitely not bring you joy.

So if you seriously decide to engage in visualization, first you need to write down all your desires. What does everything mean? This means that you need to take this issue seriously and write down everything you would like to receive on a sheet of paper. This should include something global, such as a house, and something small, such as new gloves. And be sure to include intangible values, for example good figure or warm relations with parents.

But remember: a person has two types of desires, some are his own, and others are imposed. So, you need to learn to distinguish one from the other. For example, think about whether you need a car? Perhaps you want to have one because all your friends have personal vehicles? But you never wanted to get behind the wheel, and you never learned to drive. And such visualization goals are not amenable to visualization. So after the goals are written out, they should be sorted for the presence of ideas and ideas imposed by someone. beautiful life.

Wish board

You have a list of things you would like to bring into your life. Now you need to make a collage of visualization of desires. What it is? This is a collage that you will make yourself. If you love handicrafts, then the vision board can be material. If cutting and gluing pieces of paper together is foreign to you, then you can make a picture in Photoshop and then put it on your computer’s desktop screensaver.

How to make a vision board? Find beautiful pictures that suit your goals. If you want a car, download a photo of the model you want on the Internet. If you dream of a new job, then find a photo of a specialist who has achieved professional success in your chosen field of activity. Now these pictures need to be cut out. You may need to print them if you are making a physical rather than virtual collage.

How to correctly place visualization of desires on the board? First we post pictures and then add captions. You can attach motivational phrases or sayings from people who lift your spirits to your board. Glitter stickers or stickers will help you decorate your board. You can glue your cutouts to the board with funny faces or stars, or you can place the decor in a chaotic order between the pictures. You can use any available material as decoration: shells, beads, beads, etc.


Visualization of desires begins with purification of consciousness. Do you not meditate and have little idea about this process? It's okay, Visualization Meditation is not some complicated spiritual practice. All you have to do is sit down and relax. At the same time, you need to let go of your intrusive thoughts, which will appear every now and then. For example, you may suddenly remember that you didn't wash the dishes. No need to jump up and run to the sink. You will still have time to do this.

Making wishes correctly is not something complicated. After you have relaxed and let go of everyday problems, you need to imagine the desired item or object as clearly as possible. Feel it with your hand, feel the roughness or smoothness of the surface. Imagine it as if you already have it. If it's a car, try to imagine yourself driving down the road. You need to imagine the breeze that flies into the cabin from open window, smoothness of the steering wheel and elasticity of the pedal.

Magic notepad

Have you heard positive reviews about visualizing desires? Perhaps your neighbor told you that she was imagining a new food processor, and on March 8th her husband gave it to her. And exactly the way she wanted. Although I used to say that now there is no money, and the purchase is not the most budgetary. After such inspiring words, I want to test the magical effect for myself.

Create a wish visualization calendar. What will it be? Take a notepad and write down something simple in it. For example, today is December 30th, and you want it to snow tomorrow, on New Year’s Day. And then tomorrow comes, you look out of the window, and there it is white and white. You should open your notepad and write thank you. Who are you thanking at this moment? The universe, God, a mysterious force - it doesn’t matter. Thank anyone you want, the main thing is to do it sincerely.

When your first wish comes true, write the other two. Don't think of anything serious right away. You need to start with pleasant trifles. Write thank you every time, and increase the number and complexity of your wishes. There is no need to describe anything in detail here. Try to fit your thought into one, maximum two sentences.

Thoughts come true

Once goals are written, they need to be released. You need to replay them in your head, but not every second. Imagine that you bought boots. Yes, today it makes you happy, and tomorrow too, but the day after tomorrow putting on boots will become a routine that you will stop noticing. The same should be true with desires. You remember them, you have them, but you don’t need to keep them in your head all the time. Let them go so you can come up with new ones. Here we need to talk in general about the thoughts that a person scrolls through his head. You can't think in a negative way. Don't wish anyone harm. Better focus on establishing positive thoughts. Think about the good, imagine the good and try to look at any situation in a positive way. Has your wallet been stolen? But there was no money there, it’s all stored on the card that you blocked. There will be a reason to get something new.

People leave only positive reviews about the visualization of desires. They learn to look at this world positively and not despair. After all, there is always someone to rely on. If you run out of your own strength, you can rely on the universe. She will always solve all problems in the best possible way.

Trust paper

And desires are possible when your desires are formed. You wrote them down in a list and pasted the pictures on the board. Now you should describe each dream in detail. Do you want shoes? Describe them. Should they be high heels or not? Perhaps they should be decorated with a clasp. Be sure to indicate whether you want a model in leather or suede.

The same must be done with all, even great desires. For example, you want a house. You should imagine it visually and write everything on paper. Imagine walking into your dream home. What kind of door will it be? What will you see in the hallway? Be sure to write down what color the chest of drawers should be, what material the floor will be made of, how many floors there should be in the house, how many rooms. Then think about the patio. Will it be big? Or maybe there will be a vegetable garden or garden? You will have a garage or shed to store all the necessary things.

The more detailed you describe your dream, the more you will believe that you already have it. And this will help the desired object or item become a part of your life.


There are quite a few techniques for visualizing desires. One of them is script writing. Do you like watching movies? But more than one screenwriter is working on its creation. So our life is created by someone from above. But you can take your script writing into your own hands. Is there something you don't like in life? Adjust this.

You should start by describing your ideal morning. Again, here everything needs to be detailed. Write down where you want to wake up, in what bed, who should lie next to you, what view will be from the window. The more details, the better. Now write down what you will do after getting up, for example, drink water and go to the gym. The evening, and then the whole day, should be described in the same way. Then describe your ideal week. Next, work on the scenario of the month, and then the year. All that remains is to look step by step at your next 5 and 10 years of life. Write down what you want to achieve by retirement. Many people don’t understand what they spent their lives on because they weren’t going anywhere.

Write your script and don't show it to anyone. Let it lie somewhere in a secret place. For example, next to the magic notebook. Believe me, after some time it will begin to come true. First in parts, and then the whole thing. Don't forget to re-read your script from time to time, simply refreshing it in your memory or slightly editing it to suit changing life conditions.

Daily practices

Are you wondering how to properly materialize thoughts? Visualization of desires requires daily practice. You don't have to sit all day long and meditate on your dreams. 15 minutes in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening will be enough. But every day. Training must be regular to achieve solid results. After all, to do the splits, you need to stretch your muscles. So it is here. The more often you tune in to the desired wave, the better. But this should be a conscious attitude, and not a time allocated in fits and starts during the working day. This is what main secret visualization of desires.


How to materialize desires correctly? Visualization is a good thing. She has several techniques. One of them is affirmations. What it is? These are short positive statements with which a person can set himself in the right mood. What might they sound like? For example, if you lack self-confidence, and you want to become the life of the party or a leader among your friends, you can repeat the phrase: “I am brave and strong. I always succeed and things go uphill. People love me and are ready to follow me.” me".

Note that you need to pronounce the phrase as if necessary qualities already inherent in you. When talking about visualization of desires, one cannot fail to mention that they only work if you read them clearly and thoughtfully. If you run your eyes over the leaf and hide it in the table, you won't succeed. Remember, even the strongest and successful individuals They need the right attitude, because it’s half the battle.

be careful

We have discussed how to correctly visualize desires in the form of a board, notepads and positive statements. Now you need to open up to this life and accept the fruits of your activities. Remember the hackneyed phrase that when one door closes, another always opens? This always happens. But people often do not want to notice the door that has opened. They want to close it, because everything new is scary.

For example, a person works in a bank and does not expect a promotion in the near future. And during the lunch break, he meets a school friend who tells him that they need a young specialist for their job. But the bank employee doubts that his candidacy is suitable. Therefore, he will refuse this opportunity to change jobs.

Try to understand that visualization works whether you like it or not. If today you dream of new car, perhaps you will break the old one tomorrow. And then, willy-nilly, you will be able to buy a new car. How to correctly visualize desires is described above. Therefore, do not allow negative thoughts to prevent troubles from happening to you on the way to your dream.


You've learned how to visualize your wishes, now think about how to say thank you. Gratitude is very important, even if you say it to the universe, God or karma. It doesn't matter to whom. Did you get what you wanted? Say thank you sincerely. It doesn't have to be anything like prayer. It should feel more like clearing your mind. The universe heard you and gave a signal, send it feedback that you accepted the gift and the transaction was successful.

But immediately noticing all the gifts of fate is quite problematic. Therefore, you can start by doing a simple exercise in the evenings. It's called a "candle". If you have been to children's camps, then you know what it means. You need to light a candle and start remembering what good happened to you on this day. What wishes of yours came true, and what progress were made towards them? Think about all the surprises the day has brought you. They might not even have been very pleasant. But remember, nothing happens by chance. Therefore, if some event knocked you out of your routine, think about what it could mean. Simple observation combined with gratitude strengthens your faith in visualization, and therefore helps your desires come true.

Every person, even the most inveterate skeptic, at least sometimes imagines in his head an image of what he wants. For some it’s a luxury car, for others it’s the birth of a child.

Essentially, it's not what you want to achieve that matters, but how you do it. Some people make every effort to get at least one step closer to their dreams, others lie on the couch and dream about what they want all day long.

But the point is that these two paths need to be combined! When active actions are supported by visualization of desires, the chances of success double.

Rules for visualizing desires

Visualization is the ability to imagine a vivid image of a certain object, person or phenomenon. We all have an imagination that can paint our dreams in all colors in our heads. So why not take advantage of this opportunity given to us by nature?

Many confirm that visualization of desires helped them a lot in making their dreams come true. How it works? Constantly replaying in our head the image of a dream come true, our feelings and emotions in connection with this, we thereby tune ourselves into the same wavelength as our dream.

Our subconscious gets used to this way of thinking, and then we sometimes unconsciously from millions possible options We choose those that will bring us closer to fulfilling our dreams.

How to visualize desires correctly? There are several rules that, if followed, will help you achieve amazing results.

Rule 1. Precise wording

If you want the Universe to help, you need to accurately “voice” it. To do this, the formulation of your current desire must meet the following requirements:

  • use the verb in the present tense (not in the future or past);
  • do not contain the negative particle “not” and the word “want”;
  • contain a specific description of what is desired.

For example, a correctly formulated desire for subsequent visualization should look something like this: “I get the position of head of a department with a salary of …” (insert your amount instead of the ellipsis). Incorrect options: “I want to get a managerial position”, “I will not work in the same place.”

Maximum specificity will help you reproduce the image in your head in more detail.

Rule 2. Visualization of a dream come true

It is necessary to imagine the already achieved goal, and not the steps towards achieving it. This will help you enjoy success, albeit imaginary, relax and be in a positive mood.

It is not so important what actions you take to bring yourself closer to your goal - give fate the reins. Of course, one cannot rely only on providence, but one should not underestimate it either. Using the visualization of desires and imagining a vivid image of a dream come true, you start the process of attracting what you want, and the whole Universe begins to help you.

Imagine your feelings, emotions, the joy of owning a desired thing or the happiness of fulfilling your dream. These positive vibes will definitely help you move forward.

When visualizing your dream, be sure to imagine it from your own perspective, as in real life. Feel the joy of fulfilling your desire, enjoy its consequences. There is no need to imagine yourself from the outside - this way you will not be able to feel true ecstasy and tune in to the right wave.

For example, if you want to buy an apartment, imagine how you first enter it, what the decor is like, what kind of wallpaper and furniture it is. Feel like you no longer have to live on rented apartment, provide signed title deeds. But you must see it all with your own eyes. You don't have to imagine the view from the outside, you need an image from inside your consciousness.

Each person imagines the fulfillment of his desire in his own way: someone seems to be leafing through a photo album, while others are watching a movie. People who actively use visualization of desires say that “videos” are more effective than photographs.

It is very important to create in your head the basis of a video called “A Dream Come True.” To do this, it is better to choose a moment when you can be alone with yourself and imagine in detail how it will be. If you find it difficult, try to imagine the answers to the following questions:

  • How will you react to your dream coming true?
  • Who will you tell first about these important changes? How will these people react?
  • How will your life change after this wish comes true?
  • Where will you be when you achieve your goal?

Rule 5: Use your senses

It is not for nothing that a person is given the opportunity to hear, see, smell, taste and touch. Try to use them all to visualize your dream more vividly.

Let's say you want to go to Brazil for the carnival.

  • Hearing: “play” upbeat music in your visualization video.
  • Vision: imagine all the rich colors of the Brazilian carnival, colorful costumes, fireworks at night.
  • Smell: feel the smell of flowers, the sea, and national cuisine being prepared nearby.
  • Touch: Feel the feathers on the dancers' costumes.
  • Taste: Taste the treats offered to carnival guests.

Rule 6. Regular visualization of your desires

Like any other thing, visualization will only be effective if it is repeated regularly. The more often you imagine your dreams coming true, the faster they will come true.

Choose a specific time that you can devote to visualizing your desires. 5-10 minutes are enough for this. It is better to set aside morning hours for this: at this time you are full of strength and energy, and have a positive attitude.

Try to use every free moment to think about your dream. For example, when you are traveling in public transport, waiting in line, or having lunch alone.

Now that you can visualize your dream in detail, it's time to make a vision board.

It will help you achieve your goal faster, and will also remind you to visualize your dream regularly. Hang it in a prominent place so that you can be inspired anew every time you pass by.

You don't need any special skills to work, just follow these small step-by-step instructions.

  1. Gather everything you need:
  • whatman;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers;
  • a stack of glossy magazines.
  1. Decide what you want to see on the board (for example, if you want to receive a certain amount per month, you can stick images of banknotes and coins everywhere, and write the slogan in the middle: “My monthly income is 100,000 rubles.”
  2. Look through magazines to find suitable pictures and cut them out.
  3. Paste the pictures onto whatman paper in any order you like.

Help your dream come true

In order for your wish to come true, just visualizing it will not be enough. Even if you continuously replay a video in your head about how happy you are at achieving your own goal, but do not take any active action, the Universe will not help you.

The forces of providence will take your side only if you prove that you really deserve it. Make an action plan, divide it into its component parts and regularly take small but important steps towards achieving your plans. Trust that the Universe will help you.

Of course, everyone has troubles in life that can lead them astray from the intended path and overcome the will to win. At such moments, it is important not to give up, but to continue working to achieve your goals - this is the only way to achieve success. Luck falls into the hands of few people; it must be earned.

Visualizing your desires will help you get on the right path, remember why you want to achieve this, and stay on the road you are on. The technique of presenting what you want helps you not to lose the spirit of victory, which many people lose when they encounter obstacles on their way to the goal.

Visualization helps us attract the fulfillment of our dreams, but only those who are ready for this can grab the bird of luck by the tail. Be alert, use the opportunities that fate offers you to bring the day of meeting your dream closer. The main thing is to sincerely believe that your dream will come true.

Olga, Moscow

Psychologist's comment

IN last years Quite a lot has been said and written about the visualization of desires: there are ardent supporters - who succeeded in something, there are ardent opponents - who did not succeed, there is a neutral side - with a range of all possible options for unseen interest.

In order to avoid purely value judgments and look at the issue objectively from the point of view of the basic postulates of psychology, let us first outline several important points:

  1. The foreign term “visualization,” which has widely and firmly entered our lives with the book and film “The Secret,” essentially means nothing more than a mechanical type of imagination (the development of which in the old days was prerequisite school curriculum).
  2. The ability to visualize is initially determined by the natural ability of a person (who is lucky enough to be born a “visualist”), for everyone else it is trained in practice, like any other skill.
  3. Visualization itself is not a panacea for ills and not a way to achieve what you want - it is only part of a set of measures aimed at achieving the goal.
  4. Understanding the difference between visualization as a tool for “getting closer to what you want” and escaping into illusion helps you avoid extremes.
  5. Without a precisely formulated goal, no visualizations can achieve it.
  6. Until the risks are “assessed” and the internal barriers to achieving the goal are not worked out, visualization will not be successful.
  7. A set of measures to achieve a goal should be as balanced and effective as possible, tailored to the individual’s request with all individual characteristics its manifestations.

So to be or not to be Visualization?! As a specialist, I will undertake to assert that in any case, visualization is useful and important: both the imagination develops and reinforces a person with positive emotions, therefore, as part of the commentary, we will focus on the practical approach = What? + For what? + How? It is worth doing so that visualization becomes not a common tool, but an integral part of a comfortable lifestyle.

Step 1. Determine whether you were born “visual” in order to objectively understand “Why do others succeed, but I don’t?!”

  • Answer the questions below "Yes"/"No"
Statement Yes No
1. I love watching clouds and stars
2. In a car, color matters to me
3. I attach serious importance to appearance
4. When I have time, I like to watch people
5. When I see clothes in a window, I know that I will feel good in them
6. I like to read while eating
7. I take a lot of photos willingly
8. I can easily give money for flowers, because they brighten my life
9. I try to write down my personal affairs
10. I attach importance to the way others dress
11. I like to watch TV and videos
12. Even years later I can recognize faces I've ever seen
13. On vacation I don’t like to visit architectural monuments
14. I can't stand the mess
15. I believe that the atmosphere in a room depends on the lighting
16. I enjoy visiting galleries and exhibitions
  • Calculate the number of points scored (“Yes” = 1 point).
  • If you score 13 or more points, the visual channel is the leading type of perception, from 8 to 12 - not clearly expressed, 7 or less - not expressed.

Step 2.
Having determined whether the visual channel of perception is leading for you, take it for granted:

  • if you are a visual person, then when proper organization process visualization is one of the most effective tools for self-motivation;
  • If you are not a visual person, then, firstly, you should not be upset, since any skill, including visualization, can be developed by any adult at any time with a conscious need and desire. And, secondly, visualization will be effective for you, but not to the same extent as for a natural visual artist - you have other effective channels for self-motivation.

Step 3. Check at simple exercises how much you really know how to visualize:

  1. Exercise 1. Start by visualizing colors. Fill your brain with red, green, blue... Focus all your attention on keeping the color bright and pure.
  2. Exercise 2. Try to visualize familiar things geometric figures- such as circle, square, triangle. Change the size, shape and color of an object. Rotate the object mentally. If you are experiencing difficulties, do not despair or become discouraged. Experience is a gain.
  3. Exercise 3. Visualize a three-dimensional object: a chair, a ball, a tomato, a cup. Place the image at a distance of 0.5 - 1.5 meters in front of you, relax and study it. Close your eyes and visualize again, trying to include as much detail in your image as possible. Relax even more and let your brain create an image without critical evaluation.
  4. If you are good at it, feel free to start visualizing on your chosen topic. If not, I recommend practicing the skill daily until you receive it. positive results in the form of visualization without stress, then move on to creating the desired images.

Step 4. Decide on a goal - this is the most important point throughout the entire range of events.

Be careful: firstly, our desires are not always our true goals, and secondly, very often in practice there is a substitution of the concepts of “goal” and “task”, which ultimately leads to demotivation and disappointment.

Let's say you want to go to the carnival in Brazil».

In this version, it’s still just a “wish”, most likely inspired from the outside (for example, I saw a carnival in Brazil on TV, heard from friends who were there, looked at a photo in a glossy magazine).

In order for a goal to become true, it must be formulated in a two-sided format: “What?! +For what?!” I want. Without understanding why you need a trip to the carnival in Brazil, visualization, of course, can add positive emotions to life, but most likely it will not bring an effective result in the form of a trip: internal motivation for action will not work.

I recommend that you always SMART your goal by defining it as specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely, and also check for environmental friendliness (how achieving the goal will affect your life). I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this entire set of measures will help not only to correctly formulate the goal, but in the future will also serve as a real guide to creating a bright and detailed image.

Step 5. Formulate your goal correctly and precisely

  • Let's look at an example from the article: “ For example, a correctly formulated desire for its subsequent visualization should look something like this: “I get the position of head of a department with a salary of …” (insert your amount instead of the ellipses).”

It seems that everything is correct: the verb is in the present tense, the negative particle “not” is not present (formulated in a positive way), it contains a specific fulfillment of a desire... but the verb “I receive” is an imperfective verb, that is, a verb of a process, not a result! So imagine how for many years you have been visualizing an image where you get a management position, but in reality you never get it, because you are involved in the process and are not focused on the result...

Accordingly, the most optimal version of the verbal formulation (according to the principle “Whatever you call the boat, so it will float”) is “ I am a salaried department head…»

  • If the optimal transport for a trip to the carnival in Brazil is an airplane, and you have aerophobia, then any, even the most vivid visualization, created according to all the rules, will encounter an unambiguous subconscious resistance from the body. You will look at the picture, only actions to achieve the goal (in in this case at the stage of purchasing a ticket) will be blocked by you.
  • If you want to be the head of a department, then you need to understand how ready you are not only to receive the appropriate salary, but also to long working hours, and to the option of a rigid structure business relations boss-subordinate with colleagues. Only in fairy tales can it be simple: Emelya, having lain on the stove all his adult life, was “revisualized” with the help of a pike to the point that he married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom. BUT a fairy tale is just a fairy tale, so as not to stoop to the daily reality of government with all its difficulties and vicissitudes; in life, everything is much more complicated from the point of view of responsibility for one’s choice.

Step 7. Based on objective readiness (Steps 1-6) and the appropriate internal mood, proceed directly to visualization. The brighter and more tangible the image, the more emotionally involved you will be in it.

Listen to yourself, record your feelings, add colors, sounds, objects until you are truly satisfied with what is happening. I agree that to complete the effect of “involvement” you need to be not an outside observer, but a direct “participant” of the event, which is usually called an associated view in psychology.

The main thing in this case is to “not burn out” in advance: I visualized and visualized and realized that in reality it is no longer interesting... In a word, in the process of getting pleasure from visualizing what you want, do not miss the joy of today “here and now.”

  • Perhaps it’s not so much the carnival itself that attracts you in Brazil, but the lack of vivid emotions and sensations that bothers you. Accordingly, you can start solving the problem small - identifying those areas where you can find and get the desired sensations nearby and without great expense - and this is really achievable. If you start small, the big thing will catch up in a spiral...

As in everything, in the process of visualization the very edge that is called the “golden mean” is important - it awakens interest, but does not create the effect of oversaturation.

In addition to the associated view “from the inside,” I recommend from time to time to practice the view “from the outside” (dissociation), which helps to objectively perceive reality.

Step 8. The author of the article is three times right in that visualization in no way cancels your real actions to achieve results, for which a balanced action plan is developed, which must be followed consistently and flexibly, adjusted for circumstances.

And, as they say, “on the road” - folk wisdom from the famous Soviet film “Sorcerers” (truly everything new is well forgotten old): SEE THE GOAL – BELIEVE IN YOURSELF – DON’T NOTICE OBSTACLES. In my opinion, a real effective formula for success, where visualization plays an important role...

With wishes of good luck and success in your endeavors,

Oksana Popova, psychologist-consultant, business coach


How to visualize a desire correctly?

Have you noticed that wishes sometimes come true without any effort or action on your part? They probably did, but they didn’t attach any importance to it. But in vain.

- wrote Andrei Ivanov, a journalist for the magazine “The Path to Yourself”, in 1992. Below I quote almost entirely his article on how to correctly visualize a desire.

Just imagine, this text is 24 years old. How about more for you? 😉

Using the power of imagination, you can create anything- says the author of the creative visualization technique, the famous author Shakti Gawain. Shakti is confident that by using the power of imagination, you can not only acquire excellent health and certain character qualities, but also attract necessary situations to yourself, for example, making friends or getting money.

Of course, you will say that you often dreamed about something, but dreams did not always come true. But pay attention that you dreamed most often in this form: “But if I had...” or “But if I had...”. You dreamed, but deep down you didn’t believe that your dream could come true.

Important! In order for dreams to become reality, you need to be CONFIDENT that they will come true and adhere to some visualization rules. so or

Our life in our perception has three levels:

  • being,
  • creation,
  • possession.

First level- being - we feel most clearly in meditation, which allows us to realize ourselves here and now.

Second level- creation, that is, movement and activity, which are based on the creative natural energy that permeates all living things and is the source of life.

And finally, possession, that is, your connection with the people and things that exist in this world. This is the ability to allow and accept people and things into your life, interact with them, and not feel constrained.

All these three levels do not conflict with each other, but exist in harmony. Usually people try have more things or money to do what they want to be happier. But in reality the reverse order applies.

You must first be who you really are, then want what you want to do in order to have what you want to have.

Therefore, you need to imagine that you already whoever you want to be. What do you already happy to have you already love that you already healthy, already rich that you are already get satisfaction from work.

There is no deception in this, since the form always follows the thought of it.

After all, you first think that it would be nice to cook breakfast, and only then do you cook it. A thought is like a drawing. It creates an image of the form that attracts and directs the physical energy that fills the form. Thus, the form created at first only in the imagination is realized on the physical level.

For example, Shakti Hawaii says that she once imagined a check for one hundred thousand dollars for a week. In every detail. She imagined that the check was already on the table in one of the rooms of her house. After some time, she received a contract for exactly this amount.

How to correctly visualize a desire?

A visualization session should begin with relaxation or meditation, even the simplest one.

  1. First of all, you need to sit in a comfortable position or lie down and relax all your muscles (it is very convenient to do visualization before going to bed or immediately after waking up).
  2. Then try to stop internal dialogue, constantly sounding in your mind, free your mind from thoughts. This is a very difficult but necessary condition.
  3. Next, the purpose of the visualization is determined. To do this, you need to decide what you need in life now. Once you've determined this, consider whether you really need it. If yes, you can start visualizing.

You can do visualization anywhere, using any free minute: in transport, at work, etc. The more often the better. If you want to get something, you need to imagine it in all details, imagine that it already exists. At the same time, bring it into consciousness visual image not at all necessary (for many this is quite difficult). Enough to think about her.

How to visualize correctly? The answer is in this video

Important! Try to feel the joy that this thing gives you. Don't you know how? Don't know what will give you the most pleasure?

Imagine your friends expressing admiration for this item. The same can be done if the purpose of visualization is not a thing, but, for example, some abilities, character traits, people with whom you would like to meet or improve relationships, situations in which you would like to find yourself.

Pay attention to one thing. If visualization does not produce results for a long time, that is, your desires are not realized, then this may mean that over time the goal you have chosen has ceased to be truly important to you. By visualization, you can only get what you strive for not only at the level of consciousness, but also deep in the subconscious. (The trick here is about the same as in the Strugatskys’ “Roadside Picnic,” I think. Remember, one of the stalkers asked the Zone for his son’s health, and received a bag of money. Because what he really wanted was money.)

Sincere aspiration is the first important element necessary for successful practical application of visualization.

The second element is the belief that a given goal can be achieved.

And finally, the third is the willingness to accept what you wished for.

Another reason that your desire may not come true, or may not come true as quickly as you would like, may be that most of us need to overcome the development of long years blocks of negative thoughts. This can be done using a process called positive statement.

It is customary to end the visualization process with a positive statement; it seems to consolidate the picture drawn in the imagination, especially since it may not be clear enough.

For example, if you visualized a new interesting work, the statement can be confirmed fact having this job: “I like my new job.”

If you imagined new character traits, such as wit, you could end the session with the following statement: “My wit brings joy to my friends.”

By pronouncing these statements, we seem to be putting into our body a program that will create our future. In this way, we also free ourselves from those thoughts that are old, once acquired “programs,” but which nevertheless continue to influence what is happening to us now.

Here are some examples of positive statements:

  • I am the master of my life.
  • I have everything I need.
  • I love and accept myself as I am.
  • My relationships are getting better every day.
  • The more I have, the more I can give to others.
  • I'm healthy and happy.
  • The light within me works wonders in my life.

Rules for drawing up affirmations (statements)

  1. Statements must be positive. In other words, if your goal is to start getting up early in the morning, you shouldn't say, “I don't sleep long in the morning anymore.” It is better to say: “I wake up with the sunrise.”
  2. The shorter the statement, the more effective it is.
  3. Try to make the statement sound natural. Sometimes even a well-written statement causes internal resistance - this is how the “ego” resists internal growth. This can be overcome.
  4. When using affirmations, always try to create something new. Do not try to remake or change what already exists in reality, as this will cause conflict and struggle. (Here the question may arise: how, for example, to correct existing bad relationship, say, with relatives? Indeed, if you inspire yourself: “My ideas about raising a child are fully understood by my mother-in-law,” although in reality this is far from the case, you will not succeed. Try to visualize some new positive aspects of your relationship first. For example: “My mother-in-law reads books about unconventional methods of raising children.” Gradually, things will come to mutual understanding.)
  5. When using affirmations, try to convince yourself that what is being stated is true. Drive away doubts and hesitations.
  6. Statements that mention God, Christ, Buddha or other great Teachers are often very effective, says Shakti.

Affirmations can be used without a prior visualization process. You can recite or simply remember certain statements throughout the day. The only condition: statements should not be repeated mechanically. You should put into them the meaning that corresponds to these statements, and, if possible, achieve the corresponding sensations. That is, if on the way to work you say to yourself, “I love my job,” you should feel joyful in the knowledge that eight happy hours await you.

And remember: it took you many years to create for yourself the world in which you live now, therefore, it will take some time to change it. Be patient.

However, do not despair - five minutes of creative visualization can sometimes help you get rid of negative blocks accumulated over several hours, days and even years. This, by the way, is one of the reasons that visualization is a great help in healing.

The state of health, Shakti believes, directly depends on how consciousness evaluates it. People get sick because they often believe in the depths of their consciousness that illness is an inevitable reaction of the body to certain situations. If you believe that swimming in an ice hole or, say, getting your feet wet will make you sick, you will definitely get sick. To be healthy, you must believe that such trifles are not scary and that you are absolutely healthy. Your consciousness affects not only your own health, but also the health of those people you think about.

You can love your sick grandmother living in another city and wish her long life in letters. But if at the same time you agree with the concept of her ill health, then you support her state of illness. Surprisingly, in order to positively influence the health of another person, sometimes it is enough to simply change your own assessment of the other person's health and create confidence in yourself that he is healthy.

(On the topic of health, read the Healing section, there are many useful articles there)

Moreover, he does not necessarily need to know about your manipulations with his consciousness. This is quite difficult to believe, especially for people raised to respect rational science and rational thinking. Even more difficult, having believed this, says Shakti, is to learn to use the principles of visualization in practice: changing your consciousness is extremely difficult.

Now let me give you a few examples of meditations and affirmations from the book Shakti Hawaii.

Healing Visualization

  • Sit comfortably and try to relax your entire body, from your toes to your facial muscles. Feel the tension go away.
  • Imagine a golden healing flow of energy around your body...feel it...enjoy it.
  • If a part of your body has been hurting, ask if it has a message for you. Ask if there is something you need to understand or do right now or in life at all.
  • If you receive an answer, try to understand it and do what is necessary. If there is no answer, continue the process.
  • Send loving healing energy to the part of your body that needs it and try to see and feel it. how she heals.
  • Imagine that the problem is solved and you no longer need energy. Then imagine yourself cheerful and healthy in different situations.
  • Finish with the healing visualization.

Affirmations or affirmations for healing

  1. I freed myself from the stereotypes of the disease.
  2. I love my body and it loves me back.
  3. I feel deep peace of mind.
  4. I love myself and therefore my relationships with others are based on love.
  5. I am open to creative energies.
  6. Creative ideas and inspiration come to me every day.
  7. I create my life according to my desires.

These are just some examples that do not necessarily need to be copied. You can come up with your own meditation and your own positive affirmations that are in tune with your inner world. Remember that the visualization process is a creative process.

After reading the book Shakti Hawaii, I received confirmation of my vague suspicions that we ourselves are the creators of our own destiny.

Several years ago I was a programmer and worked in the same “mailbox”. My attempts to change jobs for several years were unsuccessful. Now I understand why. Trying to get a job, say, as a translator, I thought that, on the one hand, it would be nice, but, on the other hand, this work also has serious disadvantages - in general, it turned out that I didn’t really want to become a translator. As a result, despite my efforts, I was not hired as a translator, and I continued to do work that I had long been tired of.

And a few years ago, my wife and I went on a boat trip along the Volga. In the library visitors' questionnaire, my wife wrote that I work as a journalist. Whether she wanted to see me in this capacity, or whether she wanted to make fun of my unsuccessful attempts to get on the staff of one rather reputable magazine, I don’t know.

Immediately after returning from the trip, I did not become any kind of journalist. And only periodically I remembered the cute joke and, during half-oblivion, half-meditation in front of the computer screen, I imagined the same situation: I work in a small youth group that is doing I don’t know what, but something completely unusual... Almost a year passed. Shortly before my birthday and the anniversary of our trip, I heard astrological forecast, according to which people of my zodiac sign were soon to realize their secret desires and radically change their fate. And so it happened. I ended up in “The Path to Myself” (completely by accident?). And in general, I was not surprised by this. I believed so much that something like this was going to happen.

Something else remains surprising to me even now: I accurately predicted the age of the people with whom I had to work. And even such an insignificant detail as my current “office” receiving new premises (this happened shortly after I joined the magazine), and even my participation in the “clean-up work” for its final improvement.

In order to finally understand certain things, we sometimes need to hear it a hundred times and different circumstances. The ten truths we'll talk about today relate to just such things. These are the kind of life lessons that many of us learned many years ago. Yet we are constantly reminded of them because we have never been able to learn them properly.

Friends, today I will try to help all of us, including myself, to realize and remember some things once and for all...

1. Life is quite short.

We know that life is short. We know that death, sooner or later, will come to our doorstep. And yet we seem to be climbing the stairs without thinking about anything. We all rise and rise and... suddenly we stumble and fall down.

We expected there to be another step at the top, but there wasn't one. We lose our balance, and it is at this brief moment that our attention switches to the present. We begin to realize what is happening and what the world is like.

Live your life today! Don't forget about death, but don't be afraid of it either. Be afraid that you won't live the life you could live. Why? Because you are too afraid to take action.

Death is not the main loss in this life. The main loss is everything that you allow to die while you are still alive. Go for it. Be brave. Take action even if you are scared to death.

2. You will only live the life you create.

Yes, others can convince you, but they cannot decide for you. Make sure that the road you choose is truly yours. Make sure it matches your desires and aspirations. When that moment comes, don't be afraid to change your path or start carving out a new path for yourself.

It's better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb to the top of than to be at the top of the ladder that was never yours. Remember this.

Be productive and patient. Tolerance does not mean to wait. Being patient means working hard towards what you believe in while maintaining a positive attitude. This is your life. It consists entirely of your decisions. Don't just talk, but do it. Let your life be a clear example that you have achieved everything you said you would. May success still overtake you.

Even if you only learn one truth in life, let it be this: Taking risks to follow your heart is always worth it. Even if you have no idea where you will end up, be brave. Be brave enough to approach the frontier, beyond which the unknown awaits you. Listen to your heart.

3. Being busy doesn't always mean being productive.

Busyness is not a virtue. Busyness doesn't deserve respect. Yes, we all have crazy days. However, few of us can actually be busy all the time. Many people simply don’t know how to live within their means, set priorities, and say “No” when necessary.

Today, being busy doesn't always mean being productive. Just look around. There are many more busy people in the world than productive people. Busy people are always running somewhere and half the time they are always late. They run to work, to conferences, to meetings, to important events... They have almost no time to be with their family. They rarely get enough sleep. They receive new emails every minute and they have a lot of obligations that they must fulfill during the day.

Thanks to their busyness, they feel like super important people. But this is nothing more than an illusion. They are like hamsters that run on their own wheels all day.

Although busyness makes us feel alive, this feeling is fleeting. It disappears very quickly. One way or another, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or already on the verge of death, we realize something very important. Let's understand that we would like to spend less time being busy and more time living a life that has meaning.

4. Before achieving success, you always have to face failure.

In most cases, mistakes cannot be avoided. Learn to forgive yourself. Making mistakes is completely natural. Problems only arise if you don't learn from your mistakes.

If you have a very strong fear of failure, you simply won't be able to do what it takes to succeed. You need to come to terms with the fact that you cannot avoid failures along the way.

Do you know how a professional in his field differs from beginners? The professional has fallen many times. He tried and fell much more than a beginner. Every work of art is the result of many failed attempts to create it. The thing is that only the artist himself knows about these failures. We see only the work of art that he managed to create in the end.

What conclusion can be drawn? It's simple. If what you want does not happen now, this does not mean that it will never happen. For things to go right, sometimes it takes things to go wrong first.

5. Thinking and doing are two different things.

Success will not come to you on its own if you sit and only dream about it.

A person's actions speak about him, not his words. Knowledge that is not supported by action has no meaning. The beautiful and wonderful do not happen to those who only dream about it. It happens to those who work hard to achieve their goals.

Ask yourself what is really important to you, what you want in this life. Be brave enough to reshape your life according to your desires.

If you continue to live your life waiting for the moment when you are 100% ready, you will most likely spend your entire life waiting.

6. In order to forgive, it is not necessary to wait for someone to ask you for forgiveness.

When you learn to forgive without hearing someone ask you for forgiveness, your life will become much easier. The main thing is to be grateful for every experience that life gives you. It doesn't matter whether the experience is positive or negative.

It’s worth slowing down and saying: “Thank you life for this lesson.” You need to realize that clinging to past grievances means losing the opportunity to feel happiness today. Remembering old grievances is like putting thoughts in your head that you don’t need at all.

Forgiveness is a kind of promise. A promise you want to keep at all costs. When you forgive someone, you promise yourself that you will not use your past (which cannot be changed) against your present.

To forgive does not mean to justify a person for the wrongdoings he has committed. To forgive means to throw off the burden of resentment and no longer feel like a victim of the past.

7. Some people are just not right for you.

What you achieve in this life also depends on the kind of people you surround yourself with. That is why you need to be brave enough to cut off communication with everyone who is trying to drag you down. You should not try to maintain relationships with those next to whom you do not seem to be a wonderful person, capable of almost anything.

If you feel insecure and begin to doubt yourself, then this person definitely should not be part of your inner circle.

Do you feel like you can't be yourself? Do you feel emotionally drained every time after communication? Are you starting to feel anxious? All this is a reason to think about your social circle.

Listen to your intuition. You already have people who inspire, give energy and strength. That is why there is no point in trying to start relationships with those who simply are not suitable for you.

8. Loving you is not the job of others, it is your task.

Yes, it is important to treat the people around you with kindness and love. It is even more important to treat yourself with kindness and love. In order to achieve anything, you need to learn to love yourself.

Make sure you don't see yourself through the eyes of people who don't value you at all. No matter what they think of you, you must know your worth.

Get started today. Let someone love you for who you are. Let me love you with all your flaws. Let me love you no matter what. Let that “someone” be you.

9. Material goods you are not defined.

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