Home Prosthetics and implantation How demons inhabit a person, according to Orthodox teaching. Possession - real cases of people being possessed by demons

How demons inhabit a person, according to Orthodox teaching. Possession - real cases of people being possessed by demons

Strange, negative behavior of a person is often explained by moving into his astral body one or another alien creature. This is not such a rare case, and even those who are far from esotericism and spiritual teachings and practices can notice signs of an essence entering a person.

Reasons for moving in

There are two types of creatures that can move in with a person - these are low- and high-vibration creatures. Entities with high vibration can be called friends - they enter into symbiosis with a person in order to protect, help and advise, that is, to bring benefit. Such sharing occurs as a result of magical practices and ancestral heritage, and often a person is fully aware of the presence of the essence within himself.

Unfortunately, cases of precisely this type of settlement are the most common. Entities with low vibration are dangerous, and the reasons for their settlement may be the following:

  • Carelessness during magical ritual or spiritual practices.
  • Conscious decision to share essence into your body.
  • Strong negative emotions and thoughts - hatred, anger, desire for death, anger at the whole world, and so on.
  • Presence of vicious addictions And bad habits– drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, fornication, committing crimes of various types, etc.
  • Lack of astral protection, a decrease in “spiritual immunity” - every person has a natural spiritual defense (, ancestral protector, and so on), which throughout life various reasons may deplete and even disappear.

A low-vibration entity can move into a person during:

  • The absence of his consciousness in the physical shell (during sleep or anesthesia).
  • Spiritual practice, for example, a seance or trance.
  • Taking drugs and alcoholic substances - that is, those that cloud the mind.
  • When taking sleeping pills and strong tranquilizers.

Another special case of inhabiting an entity with a low vibration is corruption. Some magicians and sorcerers inflict damage or a curse on a person by attaching an unfavorable entity to him, which will dry the individual to the bottom, thereby killing him. Such magic is unusually strong, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

Signs of an entity

The essence enters the human body through a small gap in the body, which opens due to the above reasons. For some time, the entity remains inactive, showing no signs of its existence, and gains strength. Such incubation period can last from several months to several years, and the longer the creature is in the human body, the stronger it is and the more difficult it is to expel or destroy it.

The essence appears very sharply, and then the behavior of the “vessel” suddenly changes. This becomes noticeable to the people around him - even the nicest and most well-mannered person becomes rude, irritable, aggressive, and begins to develop bad habits.

Main features subdivisions:

  • "Fog" in the head, detachment from reality.
  • Panic fear, strengthening of existing phobias.
  • Permanent anxiety , development of paranoia and others mental illness.
  • Apathetic state when a person cannot and does not want to perform any actions (for example, such a person can stare at one point for hours).
  • Loss of appetite or, conversely, eating large amounts of junk food.
  • Insomnia.
  • Tremor arms and legs.
  • Seizures like an epileptic attack.
  • Permanent Bad mood, development of depressive states.
  • The emergence of bad habits and addictions - drinking alcohol, drugs, sexual liberation.
  • Unwillingness to look after oneself appearance and personal hygiene.
  • The desire to accept physical and mental pain others (quarrels, fights, humiliation, and so on).
  • Suicidal thoughts and impulses.
  • Indifference to yourself and those around you.
  • Severe pain and vibrations in the chest area.

In the case of a difficult situation or possession by a particularly strong entity, a person may hear voices and see unpleasant hallucinations. He becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​hurting someone or committing suicide. Often such people become patients psychiatric hospitals and outcasts of society.

It is also worth mentioning external changes. How more people is under the influence of a malevolent entity, the worse he looks. as if it is slowly flowing out of it - the eyes become cloudy, dead, lose their shine, the quality of the skin deteriorates, bags and dark circles appear under the eyes. Such a person, as a rule, becomes painfully thin, haggard, and his hair and teeth may actively fall out.

Such external changes are also appear suddenly but progress quickly. Soon the unfortunate person becomes unpleasant to be around.


Having become familiar with the signs of a foreign entity being in the human body, it is easy to guess that nothing good can be expected from such a neighbor. Entities with low vibration prey on human energy - it is food for them and the meaning of existence. But they cannot penetrate the body of any person, so they look for a victim among weakened people, and then penetrate it.

All people are vulnerable to these creatures from time to time: when bad mood, loss of strength, grief from the loss of a loved one or animal, despondency, irritability, and so on. It is not for nothing that the Bible lists despondency as one of the most terrible mortal sins - after all, it is in this state that even the most righteous person is vulnerable to the penetration of dark forces within him.

The main consequences of settlement:

  • Demotion immune defense body.
  • The emergence of diseases varying degrees severity (from a simple cold to cancer, AIDS, and so on).
  • Development of mental illness(very often this is schizophrenia, paranoia, Cotard's syndrome).
  • A loss, loss of strength, bad mood.
  • Death.
  • Soul Destruction a person, the seizure of his body by an alien entity (this consequence is extremely a rare occurrence, but the losses and troubles from it are colossal. This is exactly the phenomenon that is often shown in horror films, for example, in Insidious, The Last Exorcism, The Conjuring and others).

Invaders are dangerous not only for the human carrier, but also for the people around him. To an entity that has attached itself to a person’s body, other entities of the same nature are attracted, like moths to a light. These arriving entities in search of food can weaken the energy field of surrounding people and move in with them.

How to get rid of it?

An entity can enter the body of almost any person, but driving it out can be quite difficult. Depending on the severity of the case, there are two ways to expel the creature - self-expulsion and contacting specialists.

A particularly severe case of attachment is called possession, and the process of eliminating the entity is called exorcism. As a rule, exorcism is carried out by priests with certain training and esoteric exorcists. To expel an entity from another person, the exorcist must have an unbending will and a pure soul, otherwise he will break and become another victim of the malevolent entity.

Often, an exorcism procedure carried out incorrectly or by an insufficiently strong specialist is useless - the entity stops its attacks for a while, seems to hide, and then appears with renewed vigor.

But freeing a person from being a settler is not all - we need to help him return to normal life, restore his health and emotional condition. There are cases when a person cannot get rid of the consequences of this kind of proximity until the end of his life - he becomes a patient in a psychiatric clinic, kills himself, or from time to time suffers from attacks of inexplicable melancholy or depression.

As for the second method of getting rid of an entity, it requires strength of character. Such a person must monitor his every emotion and prevent the urge to commit a bad act in the bud. You need to ask yourself: “Do I really want this, or is someone else demanding this?”, and be aware of your every action, and not have your head in the clouds.

To expel an entity yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • Always to be “here and now”.
  • Don't allow yourself to be weak and fluctuations.
  • Create a daily routine and strictly follow it.
  • Control your thoughts and don’t give in to a bad mood.
  • Look for the positive and joy in everything, doing things that make a person happy.
  • Refuse from bad habits.

And remember that a person is the master of his body and his emotions, and he has the right to decide who is in this body and who is not.

At all times there has been a belief in the devil and witchcraft. This belief has survived into our time. But in the Middle Ages, this faith was elevated to a system that dominated the entire society and which permeated philosophy, politics, religion, and jurisprudence.

Medieval religion great place gave it to the devil. Medieval people had a strong belief that the world was ruled by two forces, equal in power, but having different principles - God and Satan. God gives Satan the opportunity to act and tempt humanity so that it earns salvation through its resistance to evil spirits.

Between these forces, the struggle is carried out on equal terms, according to the prescribed rules: the devil has legions of dark forces and numerous demons, and God has his heavenly forces and his angels. Dark forces operate under the control of their leaders, who have the names Asmodeus, Dagon, Wezelbul, Magog, Azazel, Astaroth, Gaborim. They all have their own type of activity and their own army of demons who fight side by side with heavenly forces and angels. In the world of devils there is the same hierarchy as in humans.

Each human soul has her own guardian angel who encourages her to good deeds and her demon tempter, who tempts her to evil deeds. The soul chooses between them and saves itself or destroys itself. God gave dark forces equal weapons for humanity to be elevated and the soul to be purified through trials. Evil is given the opportunity to penetrate the soul, inhabit the body and dominate it. If it is impossible to drive out the devil in the name of God during life, then only death will free you from him. Then the soul perishes for the sake of salvation.

To enter the human body, the devil uses various tricks and temptations. The power he possesses gives him the ability to take the most different types and use various ways to seduce a person. To seduce the victim, he can take on any image he wants. He can appear everywhere: in the forest, on a crowded street, in a poor hut, in a luxurious castle.

Everywhere you can enter into a relationship with a person and do everything to take him away from God. When the devil succeeds, he secures his power over a person with a formal agreement. This agreement is signed in blood, and a “devil’s sign” is imprinted on the person’s body with a claw. The person becomes a slave of the devil and must obey him in everything.

Girls who are abandoned by their lovers most often surrender to the devil. married women who are dissatisfied with their husbands or people in need. Women most often become victims of the devil, this is how it is easiest for him to gain power over them. He consoles a woman if she is in a state of grief, promises her money if she is in need, seduces her if passion is boiling in her.

The devil destroys people with the help of witches. He teaches witches to bring illnesses to people, destroy their body and soul, destroy property and livestock, cause winds and thunderstorms, spoil crops, etc.

To harm people, the devil supplies witches with magic ointment and witchcraft powder. A small handful of such powder sprinkled into food is enough to cause a fatal illness to a person.

Entities that inhabit people themselves, or what to expect from an entity that is a settler?

There are many ghost stories meeting with ghosts about their habitat. Sometimes these entities scare a person, creating problems for him, sometimes they warn him of impending danger by giving signs. But there are those that inhabit people themselves.

Spirit is a protector

For a long time, people have noticed unexpected changes in behavior, character, and sudden anxiety in themselves or other people. Sometimes people begin to commit actions that are unusual for them, although they do not have any mental abnormalities. Persistent thoughts and unexpectedly illuminating ideas that come out of “nowhere” are familiar sensations to many.

In ancient times, the Greeks believed that there were invisible creatures that were attached to every person and that were able to inhabit him. These entities act as guardians. They do not have a physical body, they are able to interact with the energy-informational shell of the owner, understanding his thoughts, fears and experiences. They can give useful tips the owner about current or upcoming events.

Manitou and loa

Each North American Indian warrior, while growing up, underwent a series of ritual tests, with the help of which he could infuse himself with a special supernatural entity - Manitou. With the help of such an essence, a person establishes contacts with the forces of nature, gaining power over the vital energy that is found in all the constituent elements of the physical world.

It should be noted that the manitou themselves are a kind of quintessence of this energy and are divided into good and evil. During the rituals, the good ones called to gain strength and provide support, while the evil ones tried to possess a person against his will, to exist at his expense.

In voodoo, an African religion, there are many loa - spirits that can inhabit a person. Voodoo priests perform ritual dances of fusion with the Loa in order to gain connection with higher world, receiving advice from the elder gods and protecting yourself from the influence of the evil souls of the dead. As payment for the leniency and assistance provided, sacrifices of various animals are made to the loa. And it is believed that the spirits are not interested in the carcasses of sacrificed animals - they only absorb their vitality.

Similar entities existed in almost all ancient cultures. Assuming that settler entities actually exist, it should be recognized that most of them have an effect on people negative impact and only a few provide assistance to their carrier. But what could such mystical creatures need from an ordinary person?

The concept of “energy vampirism” became popular in the 20th century - the non-contact absorption by one individual of the mood and emotions, and in some cases, the health of another. In our progressive age, people are forced to constantly interact with each other in different areas life. This happens more often in major cities, and stories about evil energy vampires appear more and more every year. But, most likely, in some cases attributed to these “vampires”, the victim’s life energy is taken not by an energy vampire at all, but by something otherworldly?

Most of the settlers prolong their existence using human life force. It is believed that highly sensitive, weakling. Perhaps such settlers are simply curious to play with such individuals - it gives them pleasure, so they approach the process with great interest, constantly looking for new victims. By accumulating energy, the settler entities become stronger over time and thanks to this they acquire the ability to move into a mentally more stable, strong-willed person. But you have to start somewhere, attacking the weak, taking away their strength, less powerful entities train and gain experience.

There is another reason for the settlers’ interest in people - the opportunity to come into contact through human body with our world.

Happened to the famous Victorian artist Richard Dadd, who lived in the 19th century. Richard was a talented and good-natured man. Even at the beginning of his artistic career, he received widespread critical acclaim and received several prestigious awards, and with them many fans. A year after painting the most famous of his works - the painting "Sleeping Titania" - Daddom embarked on a months-long expedition across the countries Mediterranean Sea. While traveling in Egypt, Richard began to experience strange visions that haunted him at night and caused severe irritation and fatigue. One hot December day, while sailing on a ship along the Nile, Dadd suddenly announced to those around him that Osiris himself, one of the elder gods of the Egyptian pantheon, who alternately served as the judge of all the dead and the ruler of the underworld, had entered into him. On the way back home, Richard periodically lost control of his actions and became aggressive.

Returning to his native England in 1843, the artist was declared insane and was placed under the guardianship of his closest relatives. In August of the same year, he killed his father, considering him the embodiment of evil. After that, he broke out of the house, intending to kill several more people, and began attacking passers-by. Citizens who witnessed those events noted the exorbitant strength of this frail man. Dadd spent the rest of his life in psychiatric hospitals, continuing to paint.

But even there he had fits of rage. At the same time, the artist claimed that some evil entities were constantly invading his body and taking over him.

By the way: in the previously mentioned voodooism there is a character similar to Osiris, Baron Semetier, the ancestor of the spirits of death and graves. It is to him that the priests turn with a plea to drive away otherworldly monsters from themselves.

But let's return to our unfortunate artist. Was he really possessed by an ancient Egyptian deity? Among the Mediterranean peoples there was a widespread belief about larvae, which came down from the Romans - evil spirits, which were people who died an unexpected death, not necessarily evil, but who did not receive proper repose. Translated from Latin, larvae means “mask”, “mask”, which perfectly characterizes these creatures. The larvae fed on the vital energy of people, brought misfortune and drove them crazy. At the same time, they deceived their victims, posing as much more powerful entities, like omnipotent gods.

Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap

Currently, the problem of unwanted spirit settlers has begun to worry Eastern European Catholic priests. Last September, the world's first magazine dedicated to this topic, Egzorcysta, began publishing in Poland. The clergy sincerely hope that the advice published in the publication will help people suffering from foreign influence.

Taking into account all of the above, it is impossible to unequivocally call the settling entities exclusively bad or exclusively good. The smallest nuances of the behavior of each of them should be taken into account. But caution is never too much. Even if someone invisible starts persistently giving you useful advice, it’s worth remembering: free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Traditionally, possession means the possession of a demon or demon in a person, who begins to control his life, pushing his victim onto the path of evil. And although few people today believe in Christian stories about demonic possession, this phenomenon itself continues to excite the minds of many researchers who have decided to study this issue.

First of all, it is necessary to separate the phenomenon of possession by demons and demons from its religious interpretation. Hundreds, if not thousands of books have been written about demoniacs, and their number is steadily increasing every year. Briefly, the Christian explanation of possession is as follows: a demon or demon subjugates a person’s will in order to lead him astray from the “true path.”

Under the influence of the servants of the devil, a person changes beyond recognition: he becomes aggressive, he experiences convulsions or epileptic seizures, they come to him intrusive thoughts about murder or suicide, he loses his sense of shame, hallucinates and speaks on behalf of those he is obsessed with, including in languages ​​unknown to science.

Other signs of demonic possession are expressed in irrational hatred of Christian symbols and clergy, but in in this case it's more about mental disorders, rather than about outside interference. To confirm this, it is enough to turn to the descriptions of possession in Islam, where, for obvious reasons, strong dislike for Christians is not indisputable evidence of the influence of evil spirits on a person.

Islam considers inadequate amoral behavior, hallucinations, frequent loss of consciousness and psychical deviations. True, unlike Christianity, Muslims blame all these symptoms on jinn or shaitans.

In both cases, the general properties of obsession should be considered: increased level aggression, strange visions and frequent attacks accompanied by clouding of reason. Similar symptoms can be found in the Voodoo religion, where, IN ADDITION to everything else, it is also about the abduction of the soul. Religious systems only interpret this phenomenon differently, burying it under a heap of conjectures built on the tenets of each specific cult.

Cults may be different, but the cases described by their adherents of the introduction of hostile entities into a person’s energy field remain unchanged. The possessed person not only suffers himself, but also causes pain to those around him, depriving them of peace and vitality - here lies the key to solving the riddle of demonic possession.

All religions agree that demons or jinn have a destructive influence on people, but they find it difficult to explain how an immaterial entity destroys the physical body of its victim. The spirit that has taken possession of a person does not absorb food or blood and does not eat the body from the inside, then what does it feed on to maintain its own existence?

The only answer that comes to mind is energy. The possessed person behaves hostilely towards others not because the entity that has possessed him embodies evil, but because this is the mechanism of its feeding. Strictly speaking, calling it a spirit, demon or shaitan is not entirely correct, since the most precise definition for creatures of this kind is the term “energy vampire”.

When faced with these dangerous creatures, ancient people tried to explain their nature in accordance with their religious doctrines and mistook them for demons, shaitans or ghosts. Priests and priests tried to fight them with the help of spells and rituals, but the history of the Inquisition shows that the fastest and most effective way to expel the “demon” remains only the physical destruction of its carrier. A. since energy vampires are well aware of all human misconceptions, they willingly play along with people with the sole purpose of getting as much energy as possible, generated by physical and moral suffering.

Victims of the Inquisition did not always incriminate themselves, admitting to relations with the devil, under the influence of torture. Often, the energy vampire who possessed them actually took the form of a demon or Satan in the hallucinations he created, which were taken by the possessed to be true reality.

The stronger the torture, the more the victim suffered, and the energy vampire doesn’t need anything else. Burning alive at the stake, a person released a colossal amount of energy. The vampire could only take it and leave the body of his carrier just before death.

However, over time, viewers got used to public executions and stopped feeling the fear for their own lives, which helped energy vampires from lower castes survive. They had to look for other ways of feeding, and the public burning of heretics gradually became a thing of history. Belief in demons and demons began to steadily weaken, and this moment has almost completely disappeared in civilized countries, where a cult of virtual violence and irresistible fear of the future, which promises either crises and ruin, or another “End of the World,” now reigns.

In the first decades of the existence of Soviet Russia, mass repressions of the clergy gave energy vampires a lot of food, closing the circle of history. However, from the point of view of a predator, the human personality is secondary in relation to the amount of energy that can be obtained from it. Executioners and victims change places from era to era, but for an energy vampire this is just a change of dishes on the dinner table and nothing more.

Incubi and succubi

Sexual energy is a powerful source of food for energy vampires, who from ancient times came to people under the guise of incubi and succubi in order to have sexual intercourse with them. Incubi are lecherous demons who seek sexual contact with women. In contrast, succubi seduce men in the form of seductive women.

History has preserved many descriptions of intercourse between humans and demons, but the nature of incubi and succubi for a long time remained a mystery to researchers. Traditional ideas about sin and morality, as well as the desire of many demonologists to replace reality with their own fabrications and speculations, prevented them from looking at the problem from the point of view physical processes the flow of energy from one being to another.

Descriptions of incubi are full of ugly details and details. They, like most demons, are credited with goat-like features, which make them similar to satyrs. Sometimes they look like dogs, cats, deer and other animals, while their animal appearance in no way interferes with carnal contact with humans.

Due to the fact that demons were considered ethereal beings, for a long time demonologists tried to figure out how they converge with women. Some suggested that demons simply possessed other people or created bodies for themselves from scrap materials. Others believed that demons used corpses for their purposes.

Both of these versions should be considered overly far-fetched, given the ability of energy vampires to instill in their victims any visions, giving them vivid, realistic hallucinations.
Succubi visit men in the form of beautiful demonesses, whose devilish essence is sometimes revealed by clawed feet or webbed wings.

In the early Middle Ages, they were considered dream demons that caused lustful thoughts and visions in “good Christians.” Initially, there was no sexual motive in their actions. In the mythology of many nations there is an invisible creature that comes to people at night and sits on their chest, causing suffocation and immobilization. A man caught while sleeping was horrified, generously sharing vitality with an energy vampire who visited him. Later it turned out that during orgasm the human body releases much more energy, and the vampires simply changed tactics, skillfully playing on the religious views of that time.

That demons only create an illusion sexual relations, wrote the Parisian bishop Guillaume of Auvergne (c. 1180 - 1249). For a variety of reasons, his ideas were not received further development, because the Inquisition needed something more substantial than the fantasies of illiterate peasants prone to self-hypnosis and hallucinations generated by ergot poisoning. As in the case of ghosts, the appearance of which is accompanied by a decrease in temperature, similar details are present in the descriptions of incubi. “Many witches from all European countries and in all centuries when they were persecuted spoke about the specific cold emanating from demons...

Isabel Goody and Janet Braidheid of the Alderk coven confessed in 1662 that the devil " dark man, very cold; this cold was like water from a spring well" (Summers A. "History of Witchcraft"). “Jeanne d Abadie confessed to de Lancre [the demonologist] that the devil’s semen was unusually cold, so that she could not become pregnant from him” (Robbins R. “Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology”). “In those cases when the Devil appeared in human form, he was often “dark-skinned” or “swarthy,” as befits the Prince of Darkness. They said that an icy cold wafted from him...” (Cavendish R. “Black Magic”).

A feeling of cold occurs in a person when he loses energy, for example, on the street in winter or when in contact with an energy vampire. In turn, an abundant loss of vitality can lead to illness and even death, as medieval demonologists wrote about. After having sexual intercourse with a “demon,” a person feels “upset and weakened.” The man whom the succubus visited for a month soon died. According to the English monk Thomas Walsingham, one girl died three days after intercourse with the “Devil”.

There are other cases where sexual relationships with “demons” continued for several decades. “So, the witch-priest Benoit Berne, who was burned at the age of eighty, admitted that he lived with a demon named Hermione for forty years; at the same time, the demon remained invisible to others...

In the legends about the incubate... a person often has a long and quite long relationship with a succubus (incubus). happy life and has prosperous offspring, but in the end the succubus (incubus) still disappears after its mortal partner violates a certain prohibition” (Makhov A. “Garden of Demons”). And in Neoplatonism, sexual relations with a “demon” were considered completely honorable: “As a result of a connection with an incubus, human nature not only does not degrade, but, on the contrary, is ennobled” (Sinistrari L. “On demonicity and incubi and succubi”).

It was believed that a woman could give birth to a child from an incubus, who would be either a great genius or a terrible villain. Any extraordinary personality like Attila or the wizard Merlin was recorded as demonic offspring. There is no real basis for such stories, since energy vampires do not have DNA and seed to transfer it to a woman. The roots of these tales should be sought not in the facts of sexual relations between people and “demons,” but in the psychology of envious ordinary people who are inclined to see mysticism and otherworldly intervention where the result was achieved through patience and hard work.

Temptations of Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony was a very interesting person from the point of view of researchers of the problem of possession by demons and demons. He was born around the year 251 in Egypt, at the age of eighteen he gave away all his property to the poor and went to live in the desert, where throughout his long life he was subject to temptations from devilish forces. He died at the age of 105, which indicates a huge supply of vital energy and explains the reasons why the energy vampires did not leave him alone until his death.

Being an ascetic, Saint Anthony successfully resisted the attempts of energy vampires to infiltrate his biofield, but his enemies found very effective method feed at his expense. At first, vampires came to him under the guise of seductive women, trying to awaken in him sexual energy. When this strategy failed, they began to take the form of hideous demons and tear at his flesh, causing unbearable suffering.

From the point of view of an outside observer, all this looked like the hallucinations of an old man who had lost his mind, but according to the information that has reached us, Saint Anthony was by no means a madman. He maintained clarity of mind and reason until his very old age, which many of our contemporaries cannot boast of.

Energy vampires took advantage of the burning feeling of guilt for their own sinfulness, inherent in most great ascetics and ascetics, as a master key to the treasury of the life force of St. Anthony. Struggling with “devilish temptations,” he was forced to pacify the flesh and work hard, which caused him a lot of physical suffering, which he perceived as a reward for his asceticism.

Saint Anthony lived far from people, in a tomb. He ate only once a day, and ate mainly bread and salt. He prayed at night, leaving only a few hours for sleep, “Then the enemy... comes to him one night with many demons and inflicts so many blows on him that he remains silently lying on the ground from pain; and, as Anthony himself assured, his suffering was very cruel, and the blows inflicted by people could not, according to him, cause such pain...” (Life of our Venerable Father Anthony).

Another passage from the Life indicates that Anthony was well aware of the immateriality of his tormentors: “The whole place was instantly filled with the ghosts of lions, bears, leopards, oxen, snakes, adders, scorpions, wolves. Each of these ghosts acts according to their outer appearance. The lion, preparing to attack, roars; the ox apparently wants to gore; the snake does not stop wriggling: the wolf strains his strength to rush. And all these ghosts make a terrible noise and display fierce rage.

Anthony, struck and wounded by them, feels terrible bodily pain, but even more so, awake in soul, lies without trembling, and although he groans from bodily pain, nevertheless, sober in mind and as if laughing, he says: “If you have how much... If you had any strength, then it was enough for one of you to come... If you can and have power over me, then do not hesitate and attack. And if you can’t, then why are you fussing in vain?”

Here, the demons and demons that tormented thirty-five-year-old Anthony are referred to several times as ghosts, although the author of the Life does not even try to explain how these immaterial entities could cause Anthony such serious physical suffering. The answer is quite simple: in ancient times, and even now, ghosts and ghosts were called energy vampires who briefly acquire a visible form. It was they, under the guise of demons and demons, who devoured the energy of Saint Anthony during the eighty-five years of his hermitage.

And although Saint Anthony did not leave drawings or other images of the demons he saw, the story of his temptations has constituted an inexhaustible theme for artists, from the Renaissance to the present day. However, the greatest interest in this regard is the creative heritage of Hieronymus Bosch, in particular his famous triptych “The Temptation of St. Anthony”.

The magical appeal of Bosch's paintings has baffled many art historians, especially considering that similar images can be found in the paintings of other painters of that era, for example, Jan Mandijn, Pieter Bruegel the Elder or Wellens De Kock. Perhaps Bosch did not invent his monsters, but depicted real creatures he saw.

In this case, Bosch's painting is the most detailed and accurate reflection of the world of energy vampires, instilling disgusting hallucinations in people in exchange for pure energy of fear and suffering. It is difficult to say anything definite, since Bosch himself preferred not to talk about the source of his inspiration. The triptych “The Temptation of Saint Anthony” is so filled with monstrous characters that you can look at it for hours, amazed at the abysses into which the painter bravely looked.

Among other notable paintings, one should mention the painting by Peter Hughes “The Temptation of St. Anthony” (1547), as if divided into two parts. On the left we see many demons and demons, appearing before Anthony in an endless line, and on the right - a lonely candle in the ruins, which the saint symbolically protects from the invasion of devilish forces.

If by candle we mean a source of light and energy, then the ultimate goal of the satanic army becomes obvious: they came not for Anthony, but for his life force, which they need for existence. Orthodoxy has developed the theme of torture by “demons” and “demons” in the doctrine of posthumous ordeals of the soul.

"Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown" No. 10 2013

About demons...

A person begins to hear other people’s thoughts (let’s say I’m your friend, I’ll help you, I love you, I’ll give you special knowledge). There may be “cosmic stories” of extraterrestrial Intelligence, and even deception when a demon pretends to be a Guardian Angel, or the voice of God. This is done in order to gain trust; the demon knows where your weakness. The bet is on pride - I chose you because you are better than others, they are worse than you. The demon manipulates you as he wants you to believe him and want to communicate with him. If you suspect anything, he will immediately come up with excuses to make you calm down and blindly trust him. Then the “Friend” and “Mentor” will begin to teach you and guide you along the path of Satan.

The situation may be different. The person clearly doesn’t hear any other voices, but he suddenly becomes completely different. The look, gait, movements, and manner of speaking change dramatically; inside you feel a sudden impudent confidence, a feeling of strength and authority. In such a state, a person, previously very modest and virtuous, is immediately drawn to sin. Often the catalyst for this state is a walk in the dark, drinking alcohol, or a noisy disco with trance rhythms. Then the person realizes what he has done and falls into bewilderment. How could he, so virtuous, do such a thing? And the reason is that he is a demon inside him. The demon feeds on the energies of sin, and specially arranges for the victim to drink alcohol, go to a disco, etc., in order to receive the necessary energies.

The demon can persuade a person to watch horror films, films with prodigal themes, films with scenes of bloodshed, cruelty, violence, while the person experiences pleasure from watching, and craves such viewings again and again, and some want to receive these pleasures in real life, imitating your favorite movie characters. During such pleasures, a person releases the energies necessary for the demon, which the creature absorbs, and the person develops a persistent passionate dependence. Thus, a person prepares himself for contact with the real heroes of his favorite “horror film”.

A person may develop an inexplicable craving for occult symbols, which are sold in abundance in specialized esoteric departments. The victim of the demon begins to be drawn to talismans, cards, figurines, audio materials with trance rhythms, meditations, lectures by psychoenergy therapists (listening to which, a person enters a hypnotic state and opens up to demonic influences), aromatic burning incense, books on the occult, healing, magic, witchcraft . A person strives to develop superpowers, to open the “Third Eye” in order to become all-seeing and all-powerful, without thinking about the fact that he is making a deal with the devil.

A demon can inspire a person possessed by him that he has unusual abilities and they need to be developed, he is not like everyone else, and then, taking advantage of the person’s desire for knowledge, he begins to “process” the person, persuading him to study in the opening schools of magic and witchcraft , healing, etc., sometimes playing on the victim’s feelings of altruism and compassion, that in this way a person will help people, heal them, bring invaluable benefits to others, encouraging the victim that “soon everyone will know about you, you will be the best healer.”

When a person’s will is greatly weakened, the demon can put the victim into a hypnotic state, literally ordering him to do sometimes wild things, even life-threatening (walk in an unfamiliar forest, hurt someone else, etc.), and at this time the person may not give an account of your actions. A person is brought to a state of mental disorder.


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