Home Removal Head of the intensive care unit of psychiatric hospital 3. From the history of the hospital

Head of the intensive care unit of psychiatric hospital 3. From the history of the hospital

DEAR Muscovites -residentsdistricts, attached to the Psychoneurological dispensaries - branches of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "PKB No. 4 DZM" " Psychiatric hospital them. V. A. Gilyarovsky"!

For ease of receiptmedical services provided only on a paid basis**, You can contact any of the branches, regardless of your registered address at your place of residence.

Addresses and telephone numbers of branches of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “PKB No. 4 DZM” “Psychiatric Hospital named after. V. A. Gilyarovsky":

If it is more convenient for you to contact a branch other than yours, we recommend that you make an appointment in advance by calling the reception of the branch you need at the telephone number indicated above. Following this recommendation will reduce the time spent seeing a psychiatrist*** and providing you with medical services.

ADMINISTRATION Branch of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “PKB No. 4 DZM” “Psychiatric Hospital named after. V. A. Gilyarovsky"

**- primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a psychiatrist on the personal initiative of citizens to exclude acute and chronic mental disorders;

Examination (psychiatric) by a psychiatrist during preliminary and periodic medical examinations citizens in the conditions of the branch (including state civil servants of the Russian Federation and municipal employees to exclude diseases that prevent entry into the state civil service of the Russian Federation or its passage);

Examination (psychiatric) by a psychiatrist confirming the absence of contraindications for working with the use of information constituting a state secret;

Examination by a psychiatrist for the presence of medical contraindications to management vehicle;

Examination by a psychiatrist to determine the presence of medical contraindications to gun ownership;

Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a psychiatrist

***Required for pre-purchase medical information about you in the branch to which the address of registration at the place of residence belongs in the manner established by paragraph 8 of part 4 of article 13 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation»

Delivery schedule paid services

Branch (PND 9), 8th st. Falcon Mountain, no. 28

Department for provision of paid services

Electroencephalography room

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 8 19.02.2018 21:34

Twice during the year I had to hospitalize my daughter in the Central Clinical Hospital 3 in the 9th department under the leadership of the head of the department Lindarenko Ivan Viktorovich. A wonderful doctor, a highly qualified specialist, an attentive person, in a month of treatment he did what private clinic couldn’t do it even in 8 months: returned my daughter to her previous condition, joy of life, hope for full recovery. Our family thanks the brilliant psychiatrist Lindarenko Ivan Viktorovich, who not only treats patients, but also restores faith in their relatives modern medicine, in the selfless attitude of the doctor, who in his work is guided by the interests of the patient. There is strict order in his department. The medical staff is patient and attentive to both the sick and their relatives. They did not “gallop” to private clinics from difficulties and problems, but calmly and courageously work for the benefit of the patient. Motherly thanks and low bow to you, people in white coats!

Just Kozlov-Kiselev’s mother

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 7 17.04.2017 14:00

There was no time to write a review right away, but my opinion has not changed over time. It’s already bad and scary to end up in a psychiatric hospital, but what to do if you need to... They helped us! Many thanks to the head of the department, Viktor Ivanovich Lindarenko! Strict, but to the point, patiently and politely listens to and explains everything. I also liked the fact that he thoroughly examined our specific case, not superficially, as is often the case with other doctors. Ivan Viktorovich, we wish professional growth and convalescent patients. Thank you and your staff!

Alla Viktorovna

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 6 24.10.2016 11:54

Our mother was in department 9. I would like to express my gratitude to the head of this department, Ivan Viktorovich Lindarenko, the attending physician, Alexey Mikhailovich Frolov, as well as nurse Inna Borisovna. In addition to their competence in treating patients, they were very friendly and sympathetic not only towards our mother, but also towards us - her close people.

Thank you so much and bow to you!

Maslova Margarita

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 5 12.10.2015 20:47

My son arrived from St. Petersburg to Moscow in September and was admitted to the hospital without documents or belongings. I was in the first department. They provided him with everything he needed, conducted an examination, and took tests. I spent three weeks in excellent conditions: comfortable modern beds, a library, TV, refrigerator, excellent ventilation, spacious. We were fed five times a day. And all this is absolutely free! Doctor Moskaleva Oksana Viktorovna picked up correct treatment. We talked on the phone, and every time she patiently and thoroughly answered all my questions. Thank you very much! I also thank the department staff for their sensitive and correct attitude. I spoke with some relatives of other patients on the day of the visit. There were no dissatisfied people among them.

Elena Vyacheslavovna

1 2 3 4 5 4 (Good)

№ 4 13.04.2015 20:51

Our mother was admitted to the hospital two months ago to Leonora Vladimirovna Gaskina, in the 11th department. I am very grateful to the head of this department and all the medical and service personnel. The help is qualified and the attitude towards mother Kokoreva A.I. is very good! I come to my mother every 2 days and I always see cleanliness, order, a gentle attitude towards the sick and polite treatment of the staff towards patients... they affectionately call them “our girls”. I can say that they spoon-feed them - that’s for sure, I’ve seen it many times myself. Nobody offends anyone there .We are very grateful to our sister Leonora Vladimirovna for her human understanding in a difficult situation for us! Many thanks to her!!!

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 3 10.01.2015 22:35

it so happened that we put my grandmother there, she was 91, at 7 PAID branch, headed by Gaskina Leonora Vladimirovna! When they brought her there, my grandmother could feed herself, she moved with help, she had to be supported, but she more or less walked. the first month of being there went more or less normally, although very often when we came to visit my grandmother (and we came 1-2 times a week), we noticed injections and a semi-vegetable state on her body. since my grandmother was already old, we attributed her condition to blood pressure (the weather changed only this way, sometimes plus, sometimes minus). going to the doctor and inquiring about the health of her grandmother, Leonarda Vladimirovna, constantly said “what do you want, age, etc. if not for me everything could have been much worse.... thank you to me...” and so on, hinting that we gave her money... and so on all the time.... in the second month she directly told us that there were a lot of people willing to take our place.... we had to bring her an envelope... but we brought little for the campaign, since the grandmother and subsequent Day by day it only got worse... arriving to see her, we began to notice bruises on her body and legs. More and more often her condition became “vegetable”; she could no longer walk on her own, stopped recognizing us, and could barely eat. she didn’t get out of bed, couldn’t say anything... after the last visit, seeing her like this, we decided to urgently take my grandmother out of this hell... we told the manager, she asked why ahead of time... we didn’t explain the reason.. .. we were told that grandma would be prepared for discharge in 3 days!!! 2 days later we received a call from the hospital and said that my grandmother had been transferred to intensive care... the next day she died!!! Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to pick her up from there! so dear people, please think about it, if you really love your relatives, I beg you, under no circumstances put them in this hospital!!!

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