Home Stomatitis Otitis in a child: signs, proper treatment and possible complications Pain and inflammation of the ear - otitis media in a child: home treatment, rules for taking drugs depending on the type of disease Ear inflammation in a child 2 years old

Otitis in a child: signs, proper treatment and possible complications Pain and inflammation of the ear - otitis media in a child: home treatment, rules for taking drugs depending on the type of disease Ear inflammation in a child 2 years old

Inflammation of the ear canals is a disease that often affects children. Everything happens for the simple reason that in babies the structure of the ear is somewhat different than in adults. Baby aisles are wider and shorter. The infection moves freely through them. In this article we will tell you about how to treat otitis media in a child. You will learn about the main drugs. You can also find information about additional medicines that speed up recovery.

Otitis media in children

If your baby once suffered an ear infection, then you can prepare for the fact that this situation will happen again. Experienced moms already know the baby. However, it is still better to contact an otorhinolaryngologist in every case. Only a doctor can make a correct and careful examination internal cavity ear. Also, the specialist, if necessary, will take the material for research.

Otitis in children is often accompanied by the most unpleasant symptoms. These include: fever, pain, backache, burning and itching in the ear. Often additional features illness becomes a runny nose. With a purulent form of acute otitis media, fluid is released from the auricles. It should be noted that acute otitis is much more severe than chronic. However, it is safer in terms of consequences.

Otitis in children: how to treat?

How to correct the problem? Seek medical attention first. The doctor will carefully examine your clinical picture and conduct an examination. Also, when prescribing therapy, a specialist will definitely take into account the facts of pre-existing ear diseases and intolerance to any medicines.

If otitis media occurs in children, how to treat the disease? All funds can be divided into folk and conservative. The latter, in turn, are divided into medicines for oral use and local use. In especially severe cases, otorhinolaryngologists use surgical skills. It is worth noting that, unlike other specialists, an ENT doctor can perform a small operation on his own. Consider how much to treat otitis in a child, what drugs should be used.

Antipyretics and pain relievers

If otitis occurs in children, how to treat it? The first aid you can give to your baby is the use of medicines to relieve fever and pain. During acute otitis media, the child feels discomfort in the ear. He has reduced hearing, noises appear, and most importantly, the baby feels backaches that cause severe pain. Most children begin to sleep poorly at the same time, their appetite decreases, they become whiners.

To give first aid to the baby, give him medicine. These can be drugs based on ibuprofen, paracetamol or analgin. Aspirin can be offered to children over the age of 12. most popular trade names These funds are the following: "Nurofen", "Paracetamol", "Ibufen", "Panadol", "Cefekon", "Analdim" and many others. Be sure to correctly calculate the dosage of the medicine. It always depends on the age and body weight of the child.

Antibacterial compounds

Do not know how to treat otitis media in a child? Most domestic doctors, when this problem appears, always prescribe antibiotic therapy. Its effectiveness is considered to be maximum. However, these drugs have a lot of side effects. And, for example, in Europe they are treated very wary. Foreign doctors often use expectant therapy. If the child does not feel better within three days, then only after that the question of the use of antibiotics is decided.

Of the most commonly prescribed formulations based on amoxicillin. It can be "Flemoxin", "Augmentin" or "Amoxiclav". They are recognized as the most harmless, but effectively coping with otitis media. If the child has previously taken similar medications, but they did not help him, then it is advisable to prescribe cephalosporin antibiotics. These include: "Ceftriaxone", "Cefatoxime", "Supraks" and others. They are quite serious drugs that have proven themselves on the good side in the fight against ear inflammation. Less commonly prescribed are drugs such as Amoxicillin, Sumamed, Clarithromycin, and so on. The duration of the use of drugs can range from three days to several weeks.

Antiviral agents and compounds to increase immunity

How to treat otitis media The child has? Rarely, but it happens that the disease is caused by a virus. In this case, no fix the problem. The child needs. In some cases, they are also prescribed for bacterial damage, since such medicines can also increase immunity.

The most popular are formulations with interferon or its inducers. It can be "Anaferon", "Ergoferon", "Viferon", "Kipferon" or "Cycloferon". Often, doctors prescribe children "Isoprinosine", "Likopid" and similar drugs. However, they should not be consumed without a doctor's recommendation. Before using them, be sure to consult a doctor. The duration of the course is determined individually.

Antihistamine drugs and their effectiveness in the treatment of otitis

We continue to consider how to treat otitis media in a child. In most cases inflammatory process begins because the Eustachian tube narrows due to edema. It turns out that the ear simply cannot be ventilated. Because of this, the inflammatory process develops. Help relieve swelling antihistamines. Not all of them are allowed for children of the first year of life. Be sure to read the instructions before use. Doctors usually use the following remedies: Zirtek, Zodak, Tavegil, Fenistil and others.

It is worth noting that the described drugs will only work in combination with general therapy. They are not able to eliminate otitis media on their own.

Medications to be injected into the ears

How to treat otitis in children? Komarovsky says that an acute inflammatory process in the ear is a reason for using drops. They may contain anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, or antibacterial ingredients. The most commonly recommended remedies are: "Otipax", "Otinum", "Otirelax" and so on. All of them contain an anesthetic that relieves pain. However, some doctors are wary of such drugs. Doctors advise what to remove pain syndrome possible with the help of the drugs described above. Directly for the treatment of the ear, it is better to use drops such as Dioxidin, Otofa. They have an antibiotic in their composition, which will help to quickly remove the inflammatory process.

It is worth noting that some drops for introduction into the ear canal require intact integrity eardrum. If it is damaged, then the use of such funds can lead to quite serious consequences in the future.

Nose medications: a must

If otitis media appears in children, how to treat the pathology? Most accompanies a runny nose. This symptom also needs to be eliminated. Otherwise, after recovery, the bacteria will again enter the ear canal. Treatment of a runny nose with otitis media involves the use of vasoconstrictor and antimicrobial compounds. Xylometazaline-based drugs are very popular. The doctor may prescribe "Snoop", "Nazivin", "Vibrocil" or "Tizin". When especially serious problems corticosteroids (Avamys, Tafen, Nasonex) are recommended. These drugs should not be used for a long time. This can lead to atrophic rhinitis.

Among the antimicrobial formulations for the treatment of the nose, one can distinguish such as Polydex, Isofra, Pinosol, and Dioxidin. It is worth noting that washing the sinuses with otitis media is strictly prohibited. This can only aggravate the situation and lead to complications.

Puncture of the eardrum and its cleansing

How to treat otitis media in a child? If the problem does not go away after using the described remedies or the baby in short time becomes worse, it is advisable to perform this manipulation is called myringotomy. It is performed without additional anesthesia. The doctor, using an appropriate instrument, makes a small incision, after which the accumulated fluid and pus come out of it.

The resulting material should be sent for research to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. After the results obtained, the otorhinolaryngologist can prescribe the appropriate drug with high accuracy.

Tube application: drainage

How to treat otitis in a child of 3 years, if the situation repeats itself constantly? After all, it is in children of this age that the recurrence of the described disease is very large. The specialist may suggest that you use surgical methods and insert a small tube into the eardrum. This detail will allow the liquid not to accumulate, but to go outside. As a result, the inflammatory process will not appear. Often this method is used for chronic otitis media that recur more than 10 times a year and are difficult to treat with antibiotics. The procedure is called a tympanostomy. The drainage in the child's ear can be left on for as long as the doctor deems necessary.

Folk methods of treatment

How to treat purulent, our grandmothers are advised to apply heating. Doctors say it can be very dangerous. Under the influence of heat, the inflammatory process can only worsen. Traditional methods of treatment are as follows:

  • Take it and warm it up a bit. Soak a swab in it, then insert it into your ear. Put on a tight bandage and warm the inflamed part for two hours.
  • Hydrogen peroxide has always been used to treat and prevent otitis media. Put a few drops of the drug into the damaged ear, then with cotton swab gently clean the sink.
  • Take boric alcohol and hold it in your palms to warm it. After that, inject two drops into each ear canal. The drug will help kill pathogens. However, it must be remembered that this method cannot be used if the eardrum is damaged.
  • Heat a handful of salt in a frying pan. After that, put the loose mass in the sock and apply to the sore ear. Hold for half an hour and remove the heat compress.

Instead of a conclusion

After reading the article, you learned how to treat otitis in a child of 3 years old or at a different age. Remember that this is a very insidious disease. You should not cancel the prescribed drugs as soon as you feel better. This practice can lead to an increase in drug resistance in microorganisms. Be sure to complete your prescribed medication course.

Try to never self-medicate. Remember that timely access to a doctor is the key to a successful outcome. Use the services of specialists and always be healthy!

Has your cheerful child suddenly lost interest in entertainment, become lethargic and moody? If, in addition, he regularly complains of severe pain in his ear and head, and you do not know why, immediately run to a therapist. Most likely, you are faced with such an unpleasant and very serious illness like otitis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which will be described below.

This is an inflammation of the ear, in which severe pain occurs in the auricle and the eardrum area. In addition, often the baby complains of prolonged migraines. Sinelnikov says: “Depending on the location, the disease is divided into three types: external, middle and internal. As soon as you see the child's symptoms of this viral disease, contact your doctor immediately. Otherwise, the disease can become chronic, and there is a high probability of such a consequence as complete hearing loss.”

Causes of otitis media in children

There are several causes of ear inflammation in children:

  • bacterial flora that contributes to the development of infection;
  • complications after a cold;
  • presence or other pathologies;
  • reduced immunity;
  • anemia;
  • leukemia or AIDS.

Doctors note that with chronic inflammation of the ear, the cause of otitis media in children is not even worth explaining. The root cause - - has not been completely eliminated, or the parents neglect preventive measures.

Symptoms of manifestation

If we're talking about outdoor form diseases, the gradual symptoms of otitis media in children may look like this:

  • A boil ripens in the auricle, provoking pain and hearing loss.
  • The focus forms a purulent core. Until the wound begins to fester, the pain is very strong. Check out the informative photos below.
  • The receptors die off, while the pain becomes much weaker.
  • The wound heals with the formation of a scar. In this case, severe itching may be felt.

Symptoms and treatment of otitis media in children should be given twice as much attention, because the inflammatory process is already much deeper. Pain may be stabbing or cutting. Sometimes they seem absolutely unbearable, giving to the temple, cheek or back of the head. The doctor can also ascertain the general intoxication of the body. The appearance of all these signs requires immediate surgical intervention.

Often parents worry about whether this disease is transmitted from one patient to another during close contact. It is impossible to say for sure, because it all depends on the type of infection. There are three forms of the disease:

  • Internal (labyrinthitis) - inflammation takes place in the middle ear.
  • Medium - inflammation is localized in the area between the tympanic membrane and the middle ear itself.
  • External - the outer part of the ear is affected, which is visible to the doctor without additional devices. It is this form of the disease that is contagious.

Types of otitis media in children

An adult rarely gets sick with an acute form, but breast baby- on the contrary, often. It is detected in 90% of cases. It is catarrhal, purulent or serous. In this case, the first form is more common than others. The acute phase lasts 1-2 weeks, the subacute phase lasts 4 weeks, and the chronic phase lasts from several months. Symptoms up to 2 years of age are very acute.

Purulent otitis media

This disease develops very quickly. Full symptoms appear within 12-24 hours. Especially quickly it passes into a bilateral purulent form catarrhal form. The main symptoms of purulent otitis in a child are pus from the hearing organs, as well as severe dull pain, which subsides as it decreases. purulent discharge. Medical assistance must be provided immediately, even if there is no qualified person nearby. medical worker. It is necessary to lay a piece of gauze or cotton wool in a sore ear, and then call a doctor.

Exudative otitis media in children

This form of the disease is often called chronic. It can literally last for months. The name comes from the term for the fluid that accumulates in the eardrum - exudate. This species is dangerous because the accumulating substance does not flow out of the ear, freeing the ear canal, but collects in one place, impairing hearing. The exudative appearance may not cause pain at all.

Catarrhal otitis

Particular attention in this form of the disease should be given to the symptoms and treatment. Symptoms and treatment of catarrhal otitis in children is easier to start on initial stages. Therapy should be immediate, because otherwise the disease can lead to the development of purulent complications. hallmark is a shooting pain in the ears, which is greatly aggravated by coughing or sneezing. Catarrhal otitis media can cause fever, fever, and ear congestion.

How to determine otitis in a small child?

Children under one year of age cannot complain to their parents about pain in any way other than crying. A newborn may also rub their ear against a pillow to relieve earache. If up to 3 years of life you still need to focus only on external indicators (the baby’s behavior, his mood, crying, whims), then at 4 years old he can already explain exactly where he feels pain and how it manifests itself.

How to treat otitis media

Each of the forms of the disease can begin in its own way. These features must be taken into account when choosing therapy. Treatment of otitis in children can take place in several ways: using medications, folk methods or by surgery. It all depends on the degree of complexity of the disease.

First aid

If you have diagnosed this disease in a baby, you should immediately call a doctor. As the first medical care you can try to eliminate the symptoms: bring down the temperature, eliminate the pain syndrome, but this must be done very carefully so as not to harm the baby.

Do not put him to bed, but rather put him on his knees and press his sore ear to you. This will help reduce the sting a little.

How to relieve pain in otitis media in children?

Komarovsky advises to fix the problem with the following method: “If the baby is constantly crying and cannot tolerate severe pain in the ear, you can purchase Otipax ear drops. They will help relieve pain before going to the doctor. Use the product two to three times a day, 4 drops ... "

Which doctor to contact

If baby light form of the disease, then you may well turn to a pediatrician, but with suspicions of surgical intervention, you should immediately go to the ENT.

How does a doctor determine an infection?

For this procedure, the doctor needs an ear mirror. It allows the otolaryngologist to see the condition of the inside of the ear up to the eardrum. In addition, the doctor may use an otoscope for this purpose.

Treatment of otitis externa

This form of ear disease is treated with alcohol compresses and antibacterial agents. When the abscess is already fully formed, and the swelling is gone, the surgeon opens it with the help of special tools. After that, the wound is disinfected with peroxide and ointments. If there is intoxication of the body and an increase in temperature for three days, the condition will be the connection of antibiotics.

Treatment of otitis media

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, prescribe medications for local treatment. Antibiotics are prescribed very rarely, because they carry a strong load on the microflora. An exception may be severe pain that prevents the baby from sleeping and eating, as well as a fever that does not go away by the third day after the start of local treatment. The middle form is treated with ear drops, which must be applied from 7 to 10 days. After the end of the course, the doctor determines the need to extend therapy.

How to correctly drip drops?

So that you do not have problems when instilling funds, you must follow this algorithm:

  • Lay the patient on their side with the ear on top.
  • Warm the drops to body temperature, make sure they are not too hot.
  • Note that the pipette also needs to be warmed up before use. You can do this by dipping it in hot water for a few seconds.

Do not instill the drug directly into the ear. Be sure to use gauze or cotton wool as a small barrier. Direct application can severely damage the eardrum, especially if the child has acute otitis media. A moment of indiscretion can cause hearing loss for the rest of your life. We also recommend watching the instructional video.

Nobody forbids home treatment, but such techniques can only be used as a supplement. drug therapy. There are several methods that have been proven over the years to help defeat the infection several times faster.

The first way is to use brilliant green for treatment. This tool has both an antibacterial and a warming effect. All you need is a bottle of brilliant green and a Q-tip. You need to soak the stick in alcohol solution and lubricate the affected area with otitis media.

At first, the patient will feel warm, and after a few hours itching will appear. It can wax and wane. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which indicates that the brilliant green has begun to act. For elimination acute symptoms 5-6 procedures are enough, after which the infection begins to turn into a recessive form.

The second method is also absolutely harmless to children. You will need bay leaves and water. To prepare a decoction for the treatment of otitis, you will need to boil a few bay leaves in a saucepan of water for 5-10 minutes. Cool the finished broth to room temperature and instill into the inflamed ear through a cotton swab 3-4 drops 4 times a day.

Ear compresses

Although compresses have a warming effect that will help to quickly cope with inflammation, doctors do not recommend treating the disease using this method for complications and acute forms of the disease. If the patient has a high temperature or discharge that has begun to fester, a hot compress can serve as a kind of catalyst, increasing the symptoms.

This treatment can cause deafness or complete hearing loss. It is better to replace it with dry heat. Warm sand or salt bags are perfect.

It happens that the disease does not pass without a trace. So, the outflow of pus may not occur, which leads to the spread of infection throughout the body. First of all, nearby organs suffer.

If the mastoid process, located next to the ear, becomes inflamed, this can lead to hearing loss, migraines, and swelling of the area behind the ears. This disease is called mastoiditis.

No less common is labyrinthitis, a disease characterized by severe tinnitus, nausea, loss of consciousness, and problems with the heart. The reason may be the flow of pus into the cochlea.

Much less often, the infection flows into meningitis - inflammation of the soft membranes of the brain. This happens only 3% of the time. The child needs immediate hospitalization and examination by a doctor: fever, delirium begins, the temperature often rises to 40 degrees.

Persistent otitis - what to do?

Sometimes it happens that the baby was only cured after one otitis, and he already fell ill again. This does not indicate any pathology. The whole reason is that the original cause of the disease has not been eliminated. Some children have ear inflammation 6-7 times a year. Of course they suffer a lot. To stop the disease, it is advised to remove the adenoids.

Children are hard of hearing after illness

Sometimes, even after the disease has receded, the patient continues to complain of hearing problems and a feeling of stuffy ears. There can be several reasons at once:

  • During the illness, the ear canal, located in the outer ear, was blocked. This often results in a feeling of obstruction when sound enters.
  • A large amount of pus accumulated in the middle ear, and it clogged the secretory section.
  • Inflammation and suppuration of the inside of the ear.

Prevention of infection in children

When parents struggle with the symptoms for the umpteenth time, they involuntarily begin to think about how to prevent the frequent recurrence of inflammation. There are a number preventive action which will help to forget about the problem once and for all. Experts recommend adhering to the following rules for caring for a baby:

  • monitor the level of immunity of children;
  • enroll your child sports section, dancing, teach him to exercise;
  • harden with it: it is not necessary to douse yourself with cold water, it is enough to support temperature regime indoors within 18-21 degrees;
  • regularly ventilate the baby's room and monitor the humidity in it;
  • make sure he drinks enough water a day to keep hydrated;
  • help him keep his ears and nose clean.

If the baby is still very young and cannot wash his ears on his own, parents should supervise this. After taking a bath, clean the ear with a small piece of cotton wool. Never use cotton swabs for this purpose, because in this way you will only push the earwax inside more.

Small children need to constantly remove unnecessary mucus from the nose. For these purposes, tampons and aspirators are suitable. If your child can already do this procedure on your own, teach him to gently blow his nose to clear his sinuses. Check that he does not overdo it in his efforts.

Many parents are afraid to bathe their children during the course of the disease. But doctors unanimously insist on the need for such a procedure. The only thing to pay attention to is not to wet your head, because the risk of water getting into the ear is very high. If the inflammation is chronic, you can wash your hair.

Remember, every disease is curable if you consult a doctor in time. Sometimes home therapies and folk remedies do not give any effect, and you lose precious time. If your child has an ear infection, a visit to the doctor should take place immediately, because this is not just about the health of the baby, but precisely about the ability to hear. Late or not proper treatment can cause deafness and even total hearing loss.

Ear inflammation is a very common pathology among children, especially under the age of 3 years. This is due to the structural features of the organ of hearing and other predisposing factors in the development of this disease. At the same time, the signs of otitis in a child of 3 years are the same as in children of any other age. Differences may be due not to the age of the patient, but to the localization of the process. In this regard, otitis is divided into external, middle and internal. Most often, speaking about the signs, symptoms, prognosis of otitis media, it is precisely the defeat of its middle section that is meant.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Development pathological process with otitis media due to impaired patency eustachian tube leading to a decrease in pressure and stagnation in the tympanic cavity. Transfer process sound wave on the auditory nerve can only be carried out with normal pressure in the tympanic cavity. Under such conditions, the tympanic membrane is able to transmit signals to the anvil, malleus and stirrup, and then further, to the auditory nerve located in the cochlea.

The disturbed pressure in the tympanic cavity prevents the normal functioning of this process. Audio transmission is difficult.

Reduced pressure in the tympanic cavity causes retraction of the tympanic membrane during otoscopy, which is important diagnostic sign characteristic of catarrhal otitis.

An even greater change occurs in the ear, when, while maintaining the swelling of the auditory tube, mucus and pathogenic microbes from the nasal cavity continue to be thrown into the cavity of the middle ear. The stagnation existing there leads to the fact that the mucous membrane of the middle ear begins to produce exudate, and otitis from catarrhal becomes exudative.

The otoscopic picture is characterized by such signs exudative otitis media characteristic for children and adults:

  • the tympanic membrane is still retracted into the cavity of the middle ear;
  • it is possible to determine the level of exudate, which varies depending on the position of the body.

Ear pain and hearing loss characteristic symptoms otitis media in children 2 years of age and older. For younger children these symptoms are also typical, but due to their age it is difficult for them to express complaints. The task of parents is to pay attention to the indirect and objective signs of otitis in a child 2 years old and younger.

Symptoms of otitis media in a 1-year-old child are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • bad sleep;
  • screaming, crying, especially at night;
  • constant head movements
  • poor appetite or refusal to eat;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees.

Given that otitis media is a complication of respiratory diseases, influenza, ENT pathology, the appearance of a runny nose, malaise, headache a few hours before the development of ear inflammation is very characteristic.

Careful observation of the patient allows you to determine other signs of otitis media in a 1-year-old child. These include attempts to take a forced position in bed, constant nervousness, a desire to touch the affected ear with your hand or scratch your earlobe. An important objective symptom of otitis in 3-year-old children, which makes it possible to determine the disease even in a newborn, is increased pain when pressing on the tragus of the affected ear. The child reacts to such an action by screaming or crying.

Features of purulent inflammation

With a severe course of the process, an increased amount of pus puts pressure not only on the tympanic septum, but also on inner ear. In this case, there are symptoms that are more characteristic of labyrinthitis. Its presence is due to the fact that not only the organ of hearing is involved in the process, but also the organ of balance.

Dizziness, incoordination, vomiting are symptoms that are also characteristic of acute purulent otitis media.

A common but optional symptom of this disease for patients of all age groups- suppuration. The exudate is a viscous cloudy liquid of a yellowish or greenish color,
flowing freely from the outer ear canal. Availability given symptom It is characteristic only for purulent otitis media, and develops when the exudate thickens and a bacterial pathogen joins.

Despite the frightening appearance, otorrhea is a natural outcome purulent inflammation. The patient's condition improves, the pain syndrome decreases, the temperature normalizes.

Hearing recovery occurs within the next 2-3 months.

With a small hole in the eardrum, scarring occurs on its own, without requiring medical or surgical intervention.

The ability of parents to suspect otitis media in a child is an important part timely treatment. In most cases, the disease is characterized by a benign and mild course. However, with the development of a purulent process, serious complications are possible. Timely diagnosis and correct treatment prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Otitis is a disease characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in any part of the ear. Most often it occurs in children. According to statistics, by the age of 5, almost every child has one or even several times this problem. The causative agents of the disease can be viruses, fungi or bacteria. The most common otitis media is bacterial. The inflammatory process in the ear is accompanied by quite severe pain for children and requires the immediate provision of qualified medical care.

  • outer;
  • average;
  • internal (labyrinthitis).

In 70% of cases in children, and in babies early age in almost 90%, acute otitis media is detected, caused by infection through the auditory tube from the nasopharynx into the tympanic cavity. By the nature of the inflammation, it can be catarrhal, serous or purulent. Catarrhal otitis media is more common than others.

By the nature of the course, ear inflammation can be acute (no more than 3 weeks), subacute (3 weeks to 3 months) and chronic (more than 3 months).

By origin, otitis is infectious, allergic and traumatic. Depending on whether an inflammatory process has developed in one or both ears, unilateral and bilateral otitis media are distinguished.

Causes of ear inflammation in children

The main reason for the high incidence of otitis in children is the peculiarity of the structure of their auditory (Eustachian) tube. It is practically not curved, has a larger diameter and shorter length than in an adult, so mucus from the nasopharynx can easily enter the middle ear cavity. As a result, the ventilation of the tympanic cavity is disturbed and the pressure in it changes, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process.

Otitis externa occurs due to infection when damaged skin while cleaning the ear canals or combing the hair, as well as when fluid gets into and stagnates in the ear after swimming or bathing.

The main causes of acute inflammation in the middle ear can be:

  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • hypothermia;
  • hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils and chronic adenoiditis;
  • chronic pathologies nasopharynx (sinusitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis);
  • weakening of local immunity against the background various diseases(rickets, weight deficiency, anemia, exudative diathesis, leukemia, AIDS and others);
  • frequent allergies, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and runny nose;
  • improper blowing of the nose;
  • injuries with penetration of infection into the ear cavity.

Otitis media develops as a complication of acute or chronic inflammation middle ear, as a result of trauma or a common infectious disease. In the latter case, the pathogen enters the inner ear through the blood or meninges (for example, with meningitis).

Symptoms of otitis in a child

Characteristic of otitis media clinical picture determined by the location of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of otitis externa

With otitis externa in children, there is redness, itching, swelling of the auricle and external auditory canal, accompanied by a sudden rise in temperature and painful sensations. The feeling of pain intensifies when trying to pull the auricle, when opening the mouth and chewing.

Allocate external limited and diffuse (diffuse) otitis media.

Limited otitis externa occurs with inflammation hair follicle And sebaceous gland in the external auditory canal. It manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin, the formation of a boil, in the center of which a purulent core is formed, and an increase in lymph nodes behind the ear. When the mature abscess opens, the pain decreases, and a deep wound remains in its place, which subsequently heals with the formation of a small scar.

With diffuse otitis externa, the inflammatory process affects the entire ear canal. It usually occurs due to allergic reaction, bacterial or fungal (otomycosis) lesions of the skin. Blisters often appear on the skin of the external auditory canal with this form of the disease. With a fungal infection, peeling of the skin in the ear canal is observed, accompanied by severe itching.

Video: How to treat otitis media in adults and children

Symptoms of otitis media

In acute otitis media in children, the symptoms depend on the form of the disease. For catarrhal inflammation, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • throbbing, stabbing or shooting pain in the ear, aggravated by pressing on the tragus, pain may radiate to the temple, throat or cheek;
  • sharp rise body temperature up to 40°C;
  • stuffiness in the ears;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • capriciousness, irritability;
  • vomiting, loose stool (not always observed).

In the absence of timely therapy, acute catarrhal otitis media can turn into purulent on the next day. Pus is formed in the exudate that has sweated out during catarrhal otitis, which is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Severe pain is characteristic of purulent otitis media (the higher the pressure in the tympanic cavity, the stronger the pain), hearing loss. When the eardrum ruptures, purulent fluid flows out of the external auditory canal. Pain sensations become less intense.

Serous otitis media is a low-grade inflammatory process that can last from several weeks to several months. It is characterized by the accumulation of fluid of non-purulent origin in the tympanic cavity.

The chronic form of otitis media is characterized by mild symptoms. With it, the hole on the eardrum does not grow in the child for a long time, pus is periodically released from the external auditory canal, tinnitus is noted and hearing loss gradually increases depending on the duration of the disease. severe pain missing.

Symptoms of otitis media

The inner ear is closely connected with the vestibular analyzer, so the inflammatory process in it affects its functions. In children with this type of disease, in addition to hearing impairment, there is tinnitus, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements and balance, nausea and vomiting.

Features of otitis media in infants

Suspecting otitis media in infants who cannot explain to their parents what exactly hurts them is a difficult task. The main sign of ear inflammation is a sharp anxiety, a strong, seemingly unreasonable piercing cry and crying. They do not sleep well at night, wake up screaming. If you touch the sick ear, then the crying intensifies. There is a marked deterioration in appetite or refusal to eat. The child cannot eat normally, as pain increases during sucking and swallowing. He twists his head and turns away from the bottle or breast.

The child can pull the sore ear with his hand. During sleep, he often rubs his head against the pillow. With unilateral otitis, the baby, in order to reduce pain, tries to take a forced position and lies down so that sore ear sunk into the pillow.

The risk of developing the disease in children of the first year of life is increased by the fact that most of the time they are in horizontal position. This makes it difficult for the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx during a cold and contributes to its stagnation. Also when feeding the baby in the supine position or when spitting up breast milk or milk mixture sometimes get from the nasopharynx into the middle ear and cause inflammation.


If you suspect otitis in children, you should contact a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist. In the case of purulent discharge from the ear, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor at home or put cotton wool in the child's ear, put on a hat and go to the clinic on your own.

First, the doctor collects an anamnesis and listens to complaints, and then examines the ear with an otoscope or ear mirror, evaluates changes in the external auditory canal and the condition of the eardrum. The sinuses and mouth are also examined.

If otitis media is suspected, it is prescribed general analysis blood to assess the presence of an inflammatory process in the body and its severity ( elevated ESR, an increase in the number of leukocytes). Audiometry may be done to check for hearing loss.

If purulent fluid flows out of the external auditory canal, then it is taken for bacteriological research and antibiotic susceptibility testing. In particularly difficult situations (for example, with the defeat inner ear) is additionally applied x-ray examination, CT and MRI.


Timely treatment of otitis in children provides favorable outcome. Depending on the type of disease and the severity of the course, the recovery process with acute form may take 1-3 weeks. After the end of therapy in children, on average, up to three months, hearing loss persists.

Treatment of otitis externa

Otitis externa is treated outpatient settings. Until the purulent core of the boil matures, it consists in the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and alcohol compresses. After the rod is formed, the doctor opens it, followed by drainage of the resulting cavity and washing it with antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, miramistin, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution). After the end of the procedure, a bandage with levomecol is applied, which must be periodically changed until the wound is completely healed.

If there is a high temperature and a strong increase in the size of nearby lymph nodes, antibiotics are used.

With otomycosis of the outer ear, the auricle and external auditory canal are cleaned of earwax, desquamated skin, pathological discharge and fungal mycelium. Then they are washed with solutions of antimycotic agents and treated with antifungal ointments or creams (clotrimazole, nystatin ointment, candida, miconazole and others). Tablets are prescribed inside (fluconazole, ketoconazole, mycosyst, amphotericin B), taking into account the admissibility of their use for children of a certain age.

Treatment of otitis media

Treatment of acute otitis media in most cases is carried out at home. Depending on the form and severity of the disease can be used:

  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers;
  • antibiotics;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • antiseptics;
  • antihistamines;
  • physiotherapy procedures (ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy, UHF in the nasal passages and external auditory canal);
  • surgical intervention.

For children older than two years, if the diagnosis requires clarification, the inflammation is unilateral and the symptoms are not too pronounced, expectant management is advisable. Therapy in this case consists in the use of antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen with an increase in temperature. After some time, a re-examination is carried out to confirm the diagnosis. If the child's condition does not improve during the observation period (24-48 hours), the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics for otitis media are prescribed if the cause of the disease is bacterial infection. Their use in injection or oral form (tablets, syrup, suspension) is necessary from the first day if:

  • the disease was detected in a child under one year old;
  • the diagnosis is not in doubt;
  • the inflammatory process is localized in both ears;
  • there are severe symptoms.

With purulent otitis media, antibiotics are usually prescribed by injection, since this method of administration significantly increases their effectiveness.

Of the antibiotics for the treatment of otitis in a child, penicillin preparations (amoxiclav, amoxicillin, ampisid, augmentin and others) and cephalosporin series (ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, cefotaxime), macrolides (azitrox, sumamed, chemomycin, azimed and others) are most often used. The main criteria for choosing a drug are its ability to penetrate well into the middle ear cavity and relative safety for children.

The dosage is calculated exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the weight of the child. The therapeutic course is at least 5-7 days, which allows the drug to accumulate in sufficient quantities in the tympanic cavity and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the symptoms and treatment of otitis media

Local remedies for purulent otitis media

For the treatment of otitis media, ear drops with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects and antiseptic solutions are used.

With suppuration from the external auditory canal, the doctor first carefully removes the pus and rinses the ear cavity with disinfectant solutions (hydrogen peroxide, iodinol, furacilin), after which he instills an antibiotic solution (dioxidin, sofradex, otof).

From painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, you can use ear drops otipax, otirelax, otinum. They are instilled into the ear cavity directly or soaked in cotton turundas, and then inserted into the ear. Drops in the ear canal are instilled into the child in the supine position with the head turned to the side, slightly pulling the auricle up and back. After that, the child should lie down for 10 minutes without changing the position of the body.

Many pediatricians, including Komarovsky E. O., especially focus the attention of parents on the fact that no ear drops can be used to treat otitis before the ear cavity is examined by a doctor and the integrity of the tympanic membrane is assessed. If, when the tympanic membrane is ruptured, they fall into the middle ear cavity, then damage to the auditory nerve and damage is possible. auditory ossicles which will lead to deafness.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops

With otitis media, it is important to ensure that the child breathes freely through the nose. To do this, it is necessary to regularly clean the sinuses from accumulated mucus with cotton flagella soaked in baby oil. If there is dried mucus in the nasal cavity, then 2-3 drops of saline or special preparations (aquamaris, marimer, humer) should be instilled into each nostril, and then after 2-3 minutes very carefully remove the softened mucus using an aspirator.

With otitis media, instillation into the nose is indicated vasoconstrictor drops(nazivin, vibrocil, galazolin, rinazolin), which not only improve nasal breathing, but also ensure the patency of the auditory tube, reducing mucosal edema and normalizing the ventilation of the middle ear.


Surgery for acute otitis media is rarely required. It consists in an incision in the tympanic membrane (myringotomy) in order to provide an outlet for the pus or exudate accumulated in the tympanic cavity to the outside. The indication for this procedure is severe pain. It is carried out under anesthesia and allows you to immediately alleviate the condition of the child. A damaged eardrum takes about 10 days to heal. During this time, careful ear care is necessary.

Treatment of labyrinthitis

Treatment of inflammation of the inner ear is carried out in a hospital, as this disease is fraught with the development of quite serious complications in the form of disorders cerebral circulation, development of meningitis, sepsis.

Antibiotics, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and dehydrating agents, vitamins, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation and normalize functions are used for treatment. vestibular apparatus and hearing. If necessary, resort to surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to remove fluid from the cavity of the inner ear and eliminate the purulent focus.


In case of late start or improper treatment, as well as with a rapid course, otitis media can become chronic or lead to the development of the following complications:

  • mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process temporal bone);
  • meningeal syndrome (irritation of the membranes of the brain);
  • hearing loss;
  • paresis facial nerve;
  • damage to the vestibular apparatus.

Immunocompromised children are most at risk for complications.


Prevention of otitis media in children is aimed primarily at increasing the body's defenses and preventing mucus from entering the auditory tube from the nasal cavity. In this regard, it is recommended:

  • ensure as long as possible breast-feeding;
  • take measures to harden the body;
  • timely and completely cure acute respiratory infections and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • if you have a runny nose while breastfeeding or from a bottle, do not lay the baby horizontally;
  • regularly remove mucus from the nasal cavity with a runny nose;
  • wear a hat that covers the ears in cold and windy weather.

Parents need to ensure that the child correctly blows his nose, alternately each nostril.

Ear inflammation is a very common condition in infants and children. Signs in a child, parents may well recognize on their own at home. The disease is most common in children from six months to 3 years. But we can not exclude its possibility and at an older age.

The type of otitis media directly depends on which part of the auditory organ has been affected by the disease.

There are three types in total:

  1. External: appears as a result of injury to the outer part of the ear.
  2. Medium: most often due to viral or infectious diseases respiratory tract. At the same time, it is affected.
  3. Internal: occurs mainly as a complication of otitis media. It is very rare, but is considered the most dangerous.

The external form of the disease manifests itself in visible to the eye parts of the auditory organ. In this case, external otitis can be:

  • diffuse (damage with the formation of purulent masses)
  • purulent limited (boils, pimples and other suppurations on the auricle)

Otitis media accounts for over 90% of all cases. With it, the middle ear becomes inflamed, namely tympanic cavity, which includes 3 sound bones.

Usually occurs as a result of the transfer of infection from the nasal cavity, but may appear due to trauma or get hematogenous.

It is divided into:

  • acute, caused by a viral or bacterial infection and accompanied by the formation of pus
  • exudative, occurs as a result of blockage of the auditory tube
  • chronic, ongoing long time, while a small amount of pus is formed and hearing deteriorates

Video. Otitis in children: causes and treatment.

Acute otitis media as a rule, it is a consequence of a purulent form of a lesion of the middle part of the ear or an infectious disease general. The most severe type of inflammation, in some cases, only surgical treatment can help with it.The course of any of the types can be chronic or acute.


The most common cause of otitis media in a child are various colds. This is due to the structural features of the auditory tube in young children.

They are very short, but wide at the same time. Because of this, mucus during or another acute respiratory illness can easily penetrate into the middle section of the hearing organ and cause inflammation. This is facilitated by the recumbent position of the baby, who is not yet able to sit.

Diseases or also often provoke otitis media. The cause can also be improper blowing of the nose, hypothermia and weakened immunity.


The disease is characterized by an acute onset. The baby may suddenly rise above 39 degrees. He becomes irritable, constantly naughty or crying, sleeps restlessly, refuses to eat. The child often turns his head, rubs it against the pillow, tries to reach the sick ear with his hands.

In children under one year of age, a severe form of the disease may be accompanied by tilting the head, sometimes vomiting, liquid stool. The outflow of pus from the ear is not observed.

Children over 3 years old can already describe on their own. The child complains about:

  • pain in the ear, radiating to the temple area
  • feeling, feeling of pressure
  • hearing loss
  • noise in the ear

At the same time, the temperature rises sharply, the child becomes lethargic, feels weak, sleeps poorly, loses his appetite.


The whole complex of measures necessary for the treatment of a child must certainly be prescribed by a doctor. Attempts to get rid of the disease on your own lead to the loss of precious time and can only aggravate the situation.

Treatment begins with the use of nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect:, and others. Buried directly into the ear antiseptic solution(For example, boric acid). For treatment, drugs such as Otinum, Garazon, Sofradex and others are used. Paracetamol is recommended as an anesthetic. In almost every case, the patient is prescribed antibacterial agents, for example, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin or Biseptol.

You can not start treatment without consulting a pediatrician or otolaryngologist.

But there are times when it is not possible to immediately show the child to the doctor. Then, before visiting the clinic, you can drip drops with a vasoconstrictor effect (Naphthyzin) into his nose, and Otinum, which has an effect, into the sore ear.

A sick organ of hearing must certainly be kept warm. For this purpose, a scarf, headscarf, scarf or hat is suitable. In this case, heating pads should not be used or, with purulent otitis media this can lead to serious complications.

Complications and consequences

Complications of an inflammatory disease of the ear in a child do not arise just like that. Most often this happens as a result of late otitis media, untimely or improper treatment.

Most often, hearing is impaired, the child suffers, complete deafness is possible. With belated treatment, the disease can turn into labyrinthitis (otitis media) or take a chronic form.

The consequence of incorrect or out of time treatment of otitis media in a child may be the development of paralysis.

More severe consequences occur in cases where the infection penetrates deep into cranium To meninges- meningitis, encephalitis, sepsis.

Otitis media is not included dangerous diseases. Much worse are its complications and probable ones. Therefore, it is important not only to start treatment as early as possible, but also to continue it until complete recovery. The disappearance of symptoms of the disease does not mean at all full recovery. On average, otitis media lasts about a month.

It should be remembered that otitis media is very serious. It should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. You can not try to get rid of this disease on your own with the help of folk remedies and methods.

This will likely only exacerbate the situation or lead to chronic course diseases.

If otitis media is suspected or after its diagnosis, it is strictly prohibited:

  • by any means and means to warm the sore ear
  • at high temperatures, resort to compresses, especially those that have a warming effect
  • if there is pus, try to remove it with a cotton swab or other objects
  • ask the child to blow his nose from both nostrils at once
  • pour various alcohol tinctures into the patient's ears
  • independently pierce purulent formations
  • apply antibacterial drugs and other medicines without a doctor's prescription.


Inflammation of the ear healthy child First of all, it involves strengthening his immune system.

It is also very important to maintain a normal level of humidity in the children's room.To do this, you need to systematically ventilate it, as necessary, carry out wet cleaning.

If the air is very dry, then you can use special humidifiers.

If the child is already sick with any colds, then for the prevention of otitis media you need:

  • give your baby plenty of fluids to drink
  • timely shoot down high temperature body

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