Home Tooth pain Why is my cheek swollen? What to do if your cheek is swollen but your tooth doesn’t hurt? Inflammation of the facial nerve.

Why is my cheek swollen? What to do if your cheek is swollen but your tooth doesn’t hurt? Inflammation of the facial nerve.

If swelling of the gums and cheeks occurs, inflammation of the tooth tissue should be suspected, although it may not bother you. Therefore it is worth as soon as possible contact your dentist.

A problem often arises when the gums are swollen, but the tooth does not hurt. In this case, it happens that the sensitive nerve fibers passing through the tooth are not affected or have already been removed, but pathological process develops in soft tissues.

Mumps attacks the glands found in the neck area. Swelling is characteristic of damaged salivary glands located in cervical spine below the ears. This infection causes swelling on one side or both sides of the neck and lymph nodes. Apart from cheek swelling, other symptoms that victims experience include pain in the salivary glands, fatigue, fever and loss of appetite.

How to get rid of puffy cheeks, including procedures

Neck swelling is also another indicator of a problem thyroid gland, which means your thyroid glands are not functioning properly. Typical thyroid malfunctions include hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Tumor and puffy cheeks can make one naivety apart from the fact that some cases can lead to death if left untreated. In order for you to live your life to the fullest, you need to undergo treatment. Do you know the reason why your cheeks are swollen? We hope you went to test and know.

Main reasons

There are several reasons for swelling of the gums and cheeks without pain in the tooth. The main ones are still associated with dental pathology.

Tooth pathology

Just because a tooth doesn’t hurt, doesn’t mean it doesn’t leak. inflammatory process. This type of painless inflammation is typical for teeth in which the nerve was previously removed during treatment. Therefore, if the gums and cheek are swollen, this may be a symptom of a purulent process occurring in the tissues of the tooth.

Let's see how you can get rid of some facial problems. How is facial tumor treated? Treatment for mild cheek swelling is fairly easy if the cause is well known. For example, if the swelling is due to infection or injury, you may be able to relieve pain and inflammation by using certain medications.

Let's take a quick look at how to get rid of puffy cheeks with the use and help of medications. There are several topical medications in the form of tablets, capsules and liquids that are safe. These include anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, antiviral or antibacterial drugs and many others.

The absence of pain greatly slows down the diagnosis of the purulent process, which contributes to its spread to the tissue of the gums and cheeks. Such a tooth without a nerve can cause a lot of inconvenience.

This inflammatory disease periosteum is popularly called “flux”. This is a rather serious dental pathology that can significantly worsen a person’s general condition. The following symptoms occur:

Now, if you or your child is experiencing symptoms such as pain, you can use ibuprofen or paracetamol to kill the pain and reduce swelling. For young teething babies, you should give them a mild antiseptic gel to control pain.

Remember that these symptoms exclude redness and tenderness on the cheeks or around the face and eyes, sudden, severe or severe swelling and painful cheeks, especially when you have had them for a while or get worse over time. Otherwise you should also get good advice from a doctor or doctor.

  • the gums are swollen, hyperemic;
  • the tumor is dense, protrudes significantly above the gums;
  • severe pain in the gums;
  • cheek swelling;
  • temperature reaction is expressed;
  • opening the mouth is difficult and is accompanied by pain.

The tooth may not bother you. Over time, the pus accumulated under the periosteum breaks into the oral cavity. This is associated with an improvement in the patient's general condition.

How to get rid of swollen cheeks from bulimia

In an attempt to relieve themselves, people who have this problem have a strong desire to eliminate excess food by vomiting, exercising, or using a diuretic laxative. Sometimes they have problems with salivary glands, located under the cheekbone, where they widen.

Individuals who exhibit these symptoms require visiting a physical therapist for education and training on how to cope with stress. Therapists will also advise accordingly about the use of an antidepressant if there is a tendency to resist behavior change.

After tooth extraction

After a tooth has been removed, swelling may occur not only in the gums, but also in the cheeks. If the gums and cheek are swollen, which often happens when a wisdom tooth is removed, this can cause the formation of a massive wound surface. Inflammation of this wound is a natural response to injury.

If healing occurs without infection of such a large wound surface, then after a day the swelling will decrease significantly. Otherwise, the damaged surface of the gums becomes infected, which will worsen the swelling. This infected inflammation is called alveolitis. This disease may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Cheek products or facial swelling

These are simple home tricks that can help make your face less swollen and reduce symptoms such as pain. These two methods will help you quickly get rid of mild symptoms and thereby quickly get rid of swelling. One way to reduce swelling is to apply cold ice to the affected area. This is very useful after tooth extraction or non-bleeding injuries. This is undoubtedly the most common remedy for use even at home. It has a simple procedure and does not require any special products or tools.

  • severe pain at the site of the extracted tooth;
  • deterioration of health;
  • rise in body temperature;
  • enlargement of local lymph nodes;
  • putrid odor from the mouth.

This situation can be avoided if you follow all the doctor’s instructions. You should often rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and salt, which helps relieve swelling, and refrain from eating and drinking for a while.

You only need a cold source that can fit into this situation, such as ice cubes, bags of ice, or a piece of towel. Hold it on the swollen area on your face for at least 10 minutes if both sides of your face are swollen, then do the same on the other side for another 10 minutes. Place ice cubes in a piece of towel and wrap them. . For best results, doctors recommend that you do this in the morning or when it's a little cold to avoid extreme temperatures bodies.

Also known as a heat compress, this remedy can also help reduce swelling due to cheekbone injury. This remedy is helpful if you are not in pain, because for some people the fever can be aggravated and make the experience even more painful. So be patient until the pain stops after 2-3 days.

If the gums and cheek in the back of the mouth are swollen, then this may be the eruption of a wisdom tooth. Its eruption occurs at the age of 17-30 years. Sharp tooth tries to cut through the gums, which causes inflammation. A hematoma can also occur between the gum and tooth, which is expressed by swelling and an increase in the size of the gum.

As a precaution, you should make sure that the heat source you are going to use will be moderate to avoid burning skin or children. For small children, it is recommended to use a warm water bottle. Adults can gently apply a warm compress using boiled water and a piece of fabric.

When should you seek medical help?

After all, they may not apply if your problem is allergy related. Either way, you have persistent facial swelling or other symptoms such as very heat, difficulty breathing - shortness of breath, shortness of breath, inability to breathe at all, etc. - sudden swelling of the face, tongue or lips, breathing, which you should see your doctor immediately.

An erupting wisdom tooth is characterized by so-called pericoronitis, that is, inflammation of the gums that partially covers the tooth. This process is painful.

Abscess and phlegmon

Abscess and phlegmon are complications of inflammation of the gums and cheeks. If a cavity is formed that is filled with pus, then it is an abscess. If pus is not limited by the membrane of the cavity and can freely spread to neighboring tissues, involving more and more new areas in inflammation, then this process is called phlegmon.

Immediately after surgery

Removal of extracted teeth - serious surgical procedure. Postoperative care very important. Unnecessary pain and complications of infection and swelling can be minimized if instructions are followed carefully. Marching pads placed over surgical areas should be kept in place for one hour. After this time, the gauze pads should be removed and discarded. If bleeding persists, new gauze pads should be placed and pressure over the surgical site should be applied by gently biting the gauze.

An abscess and phlegmon can form as a result of periostitis, a purulent process that was painless and asymptomatic, the eruption of a wisdom tooth, trauma, or burn. It is worth noting that such serious complications occur more often when the body is weakened, for example, in people who abuse alcohol, after pneumonia, or intestinal infections.

The gauze pads should then be replaced when they become saturated with blood. Once the bleeding has decreased or is very slow, you should stop using the gauze pads. You should avoid vigorously rinsing your mouth or touching the wound area after surgery. If you have been prescribed an antibiotic mouth rinse, you should start using it again the day after surgery. Take prescribed pain medications as soon as you begin to feel discomfort.

This usually coincides with a decrease local anesthesia. Limit your activities on the day of surgery and resume normal activities as directed by our office. Our recommendation for resuming normal activities depends on the extent of your surgery.

Insufficient hygiene

Insufficiently thorough brushing of your teeth can cause your gums to become swollen. In this case, the tooth does not hurt, but the inflammation can even spread to the cheek. Accumulated microorganisms on the gum in the immediate vicinity of the tooth, in the absence of necessary dental care, lead to the development of inflammation. This effect can also be observed during the formation of tartar.

Apply constant gentle pressure to the surgical site for 60 minutes after leaving the office. Check the gauze approximately every 60 minutes and replace when saturated. Continue using gauze until the bleeding subsides.

Gauze can be left in place while drinking liquids, but should be removed before eating soft foods. Swelling around the mouth, cheeks, eyes and sides of the face is common. Swelling may not appear until the next day after surgery and will not peak until 2-3 days after surgery. However, swelling can be minimized by directly using ice packs. Two bags filled with ice or ice packs should be applied to the sides of the face where surgery was performed.

Gum inflammation, or gingivitis, has several causes. IN childhood This problem most often occurs due to insufficient hygiene. In the adult population, local immune defense The gums are reliable, due to which the gums remain intact to the inflammatory process.

Ice packs should be used within 30 minutes and 30 minutes from the day of surgery. After 24 hours, ice has no beneficial effect on swelling, however, if it helps control pain, feel free to continue using it. Swelling and jaw stiffness may persist for 7-14 days. Restricted mouth opening may persist for up to two weeks. Patients with allergies to the above medications should avoid taking them. At severe pain Take your prescribed pain medication as directed.

Prescribed pain medication may make you clumsy and may slow your reflexes. Don't drive or walk around cars. Pain and discomfort after surgery often peaks around the postoperative days. 3 After this, the pain should subside more and more every day. Postoperative pain in some cases can last up to 7-14 days until it completely subsides.

But with immunodeficiency, the sensitivity of the gums to microbial flora increases, which leads to inflammation and swelling. This condition often accompanies pregnant women, adolescents, and people with chronic inflammatory processes.

Mucosal injury

When the oral mucosa is damaged, the gums and cheek swell. Trauma can be of various types: both penetrating and closed. When struck, the cheek is easily damaged by the teeth, which leads to swelling. If on inside If you have a wound on your cheek, you must rinse your mouth frequently to prevent infection.

It is important to keep food away from surgical sites. Suggested Diet Instructions section at the end of the booklet. To prevent dehydration, you should continue to drink plenty of fluids. Your food intake will be limited for the first few days. You must compensate for this by increasing your fluid intake. You should take at least 8-10 glasses of liquid daily. You will feel better, have more strength, less discomfort and heal faster if you continue to eat.

Caution: If you suddenly sit up or stand up from a lying position, you may feel dizzy. If you are lying down after surgery, make sure you sit for one minute before standing up. No rinsing should be done until the next day after surgery. You can brush your teeth the night of surgery, but rinse gently.


A burn to the oral mucosa can be caused by a temperature factor, but more often the burn is provoked by chemical substances, consumed internally. In this case, swelling can cover the entire oral cavity.

Treatment of swelling of the gums and cheeks

You should be treated by a dentist, but if swelling occurs after tooth extraction, or after another intervention, then you need to tolerate this normal soft tissue reaction for a while, adhering to the following recommendations.

The development of black, blue, green or yellow discoloration occurs due to the spread of blood under the tissue. This is a normal post-operative phenomenon that may occur 2-3 days after surgery. Often bruising will migrate to the neck and chest area within a week after surgery. If you are on antibiotics, take the tablets or liquid as directed. Antibiotics will be aimed at preventing infection.

Then you should sip water, coke or red ale. You should sip slowly over a fifteen minute period. When the nausea subsides, you can begin taking solid foods and the prescribed medication. If nausea and vomiting continues after the first postoperative day, call our office for further suggestions.

First aid

To relieve symptoms of inflammation and swelling of the gums and cheeks, you can use by special means, which contain anesthetics. The use of these funds in the shortest possible time will reduce painful sensations, and will also reduce swelling somewhat. Such medications include Dentinox, Hexoral, Lidocaine Asept.

Folk remedies

You can get help at home if your gums and cheeks are swollen, but only for the first time. If in the near future home treatment does not reduce swelling, or the condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor!

If your gums and cheek are swollen, you can perform the following simple procedures at home to reduce swelling and inflammation.

  1. Rinse with soda-saline solution. Add half a spoonful of soda and salt to a glass of water. This solution should be used after every meal, before and after sleep.
  2. Prepare an infusion of sage, nettle, calamus and oak. All ingredients are mixed in equal quantities (10g each) and poured into a liter hot water. This mixture should sit for several hours. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours.
  3. Chamomile brewed with sage in equal quantities is also suitable for rinsing the mouth.
  4. If you insist in 0.75 liters of boiling water 3 tbsp. spoons of calendula flowers will also make an excellent rinse solution.
  5. You can take a decoction of St. John's wort, which is prepared using 2 tablespoons of raw materials and a glass of boiling water, after which this mixture should stand for about 2 hours.
  6. By placing propolis on the gums, you can quickly relieve swelling.

It is important that the measures taken do not bring complications, because the purulent process that has begun cannot be removed with herbs and propolis. Therefore, if your cheek and gums are swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, you should go to the doctor.


If the tooth does not hurt, but is swollen soft fabrics, then you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They will somewhat reduce swelling and inflammation. But they will not be able to eliminate the cause of this symptom. Therefore, as soon as you take an Ibuprofen tablet, immediately go to the doctor.

By contacting your dentist in a timely manner, you can prevent the development of complications. It may be necessary to treat the tooth, remove it, open an abscess or periostitis, which is not possible to do at home.


To prevent gums and cheeks from swelling, you must follow the rules:

  • Brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste should be done at least 2 times a day;
  • use dental floss, dental brushes, mouth rinses;
  • seek help from a dentist in a timely manner;
  • undergo preventive examinations;
  • eat a variety of foods rich in essential substances.

Swelling and inflammation of the gums and cheeks cannot be ignored, even if the tooth does not hurt. If such serious complications as an abscess or phlegmon develop, then surgical treatment can't be avoided. Therefore, a timely visit to the doctor can save you from unnecessary problems in the future.

If a person has a toothache and a swollen cheek, then there can be no question of a normal existence.

A constant feeling of discomfort will not allow the patient to concentrate on work, and besides, he will be irritated not only by the aching tooth, but also by his own appearance.

Lots of houses discomfort waits for the patient when eating and caring for oral cavity. And yet, few of these people immediately try to go to the dentist.

Postponing a visit to a specialist, patients try to relieve swelling of the cheek and get rid of toothache using all the means known to them.

Any dental disease is accompanied by a sensation of pain, which may vary in nature, but is always a symptom of a pathological change occurring in the layers of the tooth.

In dentistry, there are many reasons why acute toothache and swelling of the cheek.

The main provocateurs of this pathology are:

  • thinning of tooth enamel or cracks in it;
  • damage to dentin (the base of the tooth);
  • pathology of the dental pulp (accumulation of blood vessels and nerves);
  • infection of the dentinal canals of a tooth;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • illiterate treatment or tooth extraction.

Toothache can occur systematically or be temporary. In the latter case, most often the tooth begins to ache during and after eating.

Often the cheek swells and the tooth hurts due to inflammation of neighboring organs, for example, due to pathology trigeminal nerve, cluster migraine, inflammation maxillary sinuses or middle ear, malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Taking into account the symptoms of toothache, the doctor is able to diagnose the disease and prescribe a specific treatment regimen.

But when the pain is accompanied by swelling of the cheek and fever, then symptoms alone are not enough to prescribe treatment.

In some cases, swelling of the cheek and toothache are directly related to each other, because such a symptom may indicate the formation of a purulent cavity in the gum.

A common reason for this is flux; in other words, here we are talking about purulent inflammation tooth root.

With this pathology, not only the cheek, but also the gums swell; as a result, it is impossible to touch the swollen area.

Flux belongs to the inflammatory group of dental diseases; the reason for its appearance comes down to infection of the pulp, tooth canals, gum and cheek tissues.

If left untreated, the patient's condition worsens, the rotting process progresses, resulting in increased swelling of the cheek and a rise in temperature.

The occurrence of flux does not go unnoticed for the tooth itself - first of all, it is reflected in the enamel of its apex, then damage appears in the bone tissue.

The purulent focus that develops at the root of the tooth increases in the gum area, which is due to the formation of a channel for the pus to escape out.

The pathology is accompanied by persistent painful sensation Moreover, the spread of infection does not stop.

Pathological changes begin to invade neighboring tissues, the pain becomes throbbing and unbearable. Late application V dental clinic threatens to intoxicate the body.

How can you get rid of dental flux?

Only by knowing why the tooth hurts and swelling on the cheek appears can you get rid of health troubles.

Therefore, at the first signs of tooth inflammation, you need to be examined by a dentist who knows what to do in each specific case.

Often the cause of toothache and swollen cheek is pathology of the periosteum (periostitis, gumboil). Only a doctor can tell you what to do with such an illness.

The main thing is not to experiment with taking different medications for dental pain relief.

Correct treatment is prescribed taking into account the location of the painful focus and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Usually as medicinal drugs For teeth, the specialist prescribes the patient anti-inflammatory tablets and rinses the diseased area with special solutions.

In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

The first thing to do when your cheek is swollen and gumboil appears on your gums is to start rinsing with a warm soda solution.

The soda composition is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. baking soda for 250 ml of warm water. To speed up the release of pus, rinsing should be done every hour throughout the day.

To treat a tooth affected by flux, you can make a decoction of medicinal herbs(pharmacy chamomile, sage).

The decoction recipe itself consists of boiling for 15 minutes the following composition: 1 tbsp. l. dry herbal collection and 1 liter of water.

It is recommended to use lukewarm liquid for treatment, otherwise rinsing too warm will contribute to the rapid spread of infection to the cheek tissue. For the same reason, warm compresses should not be applied to a swollen cheek.

But if dental flux is in a neglected state, then pain can be relieved and the situation can only be corrected by surgical intervention.

The difference between operating on gums with just emerging gumboil and advanced pathology is that in the first case, the dental surgeon only needs to open and clean dental cavity from pus and expand the root canals and open the root tip.

In the second case, when the pathology requires immediate surgical intervention, the tooth is removed and the gum is opened to clean out the purulent cavity. The operation to remove the flux is carried out with the participation of an anesthesiologist.

After such an operation, the swelling of the cheek temporarily increases. To successfully remove purulent exudate, the doctor installs a drainage, which is a rubber strip that does not allow the incision tissue to regenerate prematurely.

Tooth treatment after opening the flux

After surgery to open the purulent flux, antibiotic treatment is prescribed; the list of commonly used drugs includes Gentamicin and Lincomycin.

At the discretion of the doctor, additional physiotherapy may be prescribed, which is important for severe patients.

Treatment of dental tissue using ultrasound, iontophoresis and ultraphonophoresis is considered highly effective.

As for therapeutic rinses to reduce swelling of the gums and cheeks, chlorhexidine is usually prescribed for this purpose, which helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms and can relieve pain.

The drug may cause allergic reaction and the appearance of taste sensitivity in teeth.

Therefore, to successfully cleanse the cavity of purulent exudate, experts recommend that their patients continue treatment with chymotrypsin or trypsin.

Using these medications, you need to make oral baths, which will reduce swelling of the gums and cheeks.

During postoperative recovery need to take care of general condition health. For this purpose, it is recommended to take immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin complexes.

As a rule, immunomodulators are used in dentistry to prevent infectious pathologies and prevent relapses.

Vitamin complexes for teeth, as well as immunomodulating drugs, should be prescribed by a doctor - it is not recommended to do this on your own.

IN postoperative period You can care for the operated gum area using folk remedies.

The solution gives a good antibacterial effect sea ​​salt, but they cannot replace antibiotics.

At the same time, a high effect in treatment can be achieved with the help of such natural antibiotic like propolis.

For example, in order to reduce swelling of the gums and cheeks, mouth rinses are carried out herbal decoction, to which a few drops of propolis tincture are added.

A decoction of calamus root, oak bark, nettle and sage quickly helps restore dental health after opening the gumboil.

A remedy prepared from these herbs is good antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.

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