Home Tooth pain Lymphomyosot instructions for use for children analogues. Lymphomyosot in drops and ampoules - composition, medicinal properties of the drug, dosage for a child or adult

Lymphomyosot instructions for use for children analogues. Lymphomyosot in drops and ampoules - composition, medicinal properties of the drug, dosage for a child or adult

Synonyms: Lymphomyosot

Lymphomyosot ( international name Lymphomyosot) is a homeopathic medicine that has pronounced lymphatic drainage, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and immunomodulatory properties. Thanks to a composition that has no analogues, it significantly improves metabolic processes. We bring to your attention an overview of the features of the drug and recommendations for its use.

Lymphomyosot Heel is produced by a German pharmaceutical company with the world name Heel. This manufacturer produces the drug in the form of drops, granules and solution for injection.

Lymphomyosot is a multicomponent drug. It contains 17 ingredients that have different origins: plant, animal and mineral. The effect of the drug on the body is determined by how each individual component affects it:

  • Field forget-me-not is a plant that has anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects;
  • Veronica officinalis - known as an antiallergic and restorative agent;
  • Dubrovnik skorodonia - with tissue hypertrophy, it facilitates the well-being and condition of the patient;
  • Scots pine - beautiful disinfectant for mucous membranes, and also cleanses blood and lymph;
  • Robert's geranium is natural antiseptic, helps interrupt the growth process of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Zherukha officinalis - effective remedy for cough, has an expectorant effect;
  • Walnut is an irreplaceable source of many important vitamins and microelements;
  • Horsetail overwintering - removes toxins from the body and also has a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Gentian yellow - has a beneficial effect on body temperature, has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties;
  • Diadem ragwort - the venom of this spider is used in the treatment of neurological problems;
  • Iron iodide - used for enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Sarsaparilla - has a positive effect on the state of the body's fluids;
  • Norichnik nodosum - helps the patient get rid of itching and burning, as well as sore throat;
  • Medicinal fume is an effective analgesic, decongestant and tonic component;
  • Sodium sulfate - helps normalize appetite and digestion;
  • Calcium phosphate - used for the regeneration and development of musculoskeletal tissues;
  • Levothyroxine - affects the processes of tissue growth and metabolism.

In addition, the drops contain ethanol, but the ampoules contain no alcohol. The excipients in the injection solution are water and sodium chloride.

Drops are the most common and convenient form of release of the drug Lymphomyosot. Vials made of transparent dark glass contain 30 ml. transparent liquid of yellowish color with a characteristic alcoholic odor.

The tablet form of the drug is the least common. In addition, Lymphomyosot in granules is not so easy to find in pharmacies. Method of administration: sublingual. Based on this, it should be noted that this form of release is not suitable for small children, since they are not able to hold the tablet under their tongue until it dissolves, but for schoolchildren and adults it is quite acceptable.

The injection solution is usually prescribed in particularly complex or acute cases. In this case, the duration of treatment is much shorter than when taking drops. Lymphomyosot injections are allowed to be given intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous, intraarticular and intradermal methods, depending on the prescription of the attending physician. In some cases, the contents of the ampoules may be taken orally. Each ampoule contains 1.1 ml. solution.

Indications for use

As a rule, Lymphomyosot is prescribed as part of complex therapy during treatment:

  • Chronic tonsillitis and other pathologies of the nasopharynx;
  • Drug intoxication;
  • Hypertrophy of the tonsils;
  • Mesadenitis;
  • Lymphadenopathy;
  • Tuberculous, tonsillogenic and other types of intoxication that arose as a result of infections;
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in the case of exudative-catarrhal diathesis;
  • Diabetes mellitus, which is accompanied by polyneuropathy;
  • Diseases that develop against the background of immunodeficiency;
  • Perineural edema;
  • Lymphatic edema;
  • Lymphatism;
  • Cardiac and renal edema;
  • Somatic personality disorders;
  • Asthenia;
  • Astheno-neurotic syndrome;
  • Endogenous dermatosis;
  • Eczema;
  • Neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.

How the drug works/mechanism of action on the body

According to the instructions, Lymphomyosot is a homeopathic drug that is prescribed as part of complex therapy for diseases lymphatic system.

This homeopathic remedy is immunomodulatory, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and also lymphatic drainage.
During the course of treatment, various metabolic processes, as well as the outflow of lymph from tissues, the protective function of the lymph nodes improves. In addition, the drug helps eliminate toxins.

As a result of this effect of the active components of the drug on the patient’s body, an improvement in the interaction of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems is observed. Local immunity of the mucous membranes throughout the body is stimulated. Taking Lymphomyosot promotes optimal penetration of other drugs into tissues, and their toxic effects on the body are reduced.

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug in given time have not been studied.

Instructions for use

Most often, Lymphomyosot is prescribed in drops. As a rule, they should be taken three times a day, if there is no special instructions attending physician. Moreover, in case acute course On the first day of illness, it is allowed to take the required amount of the drug every 20-30 minutes, but not more than 8-10 doses per day. The next day you should switch to taking the medication three times a day.

Adults and older children school age You can drop the drug directly into your mouth, but you can also dissolve it in water if necessary. Young children should not take the undiluted drug due to the ethanol content - this may cause unwanted reactions such as vomiting, nausea. The duration of the course depends on the disease and is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, it is 8-12 days, but for some chronic diseases it can be much longer - up to 5 weeks. You should maintain an interval between food and taking the drug - 20-30 minutes before or 1-1.5 hours after. It is recommended to hold the drug in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing for better absorption.

Standard single dosage of drops:

  • For a child under 1 year old - 1-2 drops;
  • Child 1-3 years old - 3 drops;
  • Child 3-6 years old - 5 drops;
  • Child 6-12 years old - 7 drops;
  • Children over 12 years old and adults - 10 drops.

Injections are performed 1-3 times a week. 1 injection - 1 ampoule. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks. If necessary, the course can be re-assigned.

Possible side effects and contraindications

If you follow the instructions, the drug should not be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age. However, this drug is often prescribed to small children, including newborns - it has proven effectiveness, and thanks to natural composition not capable of harming a small organism.

It is prescribed with caution to patients with problems with the thyroid gland, liver, as well as those with alcohol and drug addiction, and previous traumatic brain injuries.

Usually, adverse reactions the drug does not cause. However, in case hypersensitivity to one of the components, allergic reactions may occur.

During injections, local reactions in the form of redness and thickening may occur.

Drug analogues and price

The price of Lymphomyosot is determined by the form of release and the region of the country. On average, an injection solution costs around 450 rubles, and drops cost an average of 500 rubles.

At this time, there are no complete structural analogues of Lymphomyosot, since the drug has a unique composition. However, there are a number of drugs that are used to treat the same diseases as the above homeopathic remedy. These include:

  • Sumamox;
  • Miramistin;
  • Taromentin;
  • Ronidaza;
  • Kyzyl-May;
  • Unidox Solutab;
  • Esparoxy;
  • Ciprobid;
  • Augmentin;
  • Neovasculgen;
  • Broncho-munal;
  • Sumamed;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Aqualor forte;
  • Strepsils;
  • RoxyHexal;
  • Rapiklav;
  • Yox;
  • Cystamine;
  • Bioparox;
  • Nalgesin;
  • Panclave;
  • Khairumat;
  • Ecositrin;
  • Fugentin;
  • Umkalor;
  • Tonsilotren;
  • Tonsilgon N;
  • Terzef;
  • Grammidin.

Included drops contains a complex of homeopathic components: Myosotis arvensis, Teucrium scorodonia, Veronica officinalis, Scrophularia nodosa, Equisetum hyemale, Sarsaparilla (Smilax), Pinus sylvestris, Gentiana lutea, Calcium phosphoricum, Natrium sulfuricum, Juglans regia (Juglans), Levothyroxinum, Fumaria officinalis, aneus diadematus (Aranea diadema), Nasturtium officinale (Nasturtium aquaticum), Ferrum jodatum (Ferrum iodatum), Geranium robertianum. Ethanol (35 vol.%) is used as an additional component.

Included solution there is also a complex of homeopathic ingredients: Sarsaparilla (Smilax), Veronica officinalis, Myosotis arvensis, Pinus sylvestris, Teucrium scorodonia, Gentiana lutea, Juglans regia (Juglans), Equisetum hyemale, Calсium phosphoricum, Scrophularia nodosa, Levothyroxinum, Natrium sulfuricum, Araneus diadematus, aria officinalis, Nasturtium officinale (Nasturtium aquaticum), Geranium robertianum, Ferrum jodatum. Sodium chloride and water are used as additional components.

Release form

Lymphomyosot solution and drops are produced:

  • drops for oral administration- a clear liquid with yellowish color, smell of ethanol. The drops are contained in 30 ml dropper bottles made of dark glass;
  • solution for intramuscular administration– a transparent, colorless, odorless liquid. Contained in transparent ampoules, in contour packages - 5 such ampoules.

pharmachologic effect

Lymphomyosot is a homeopathic remedy that is indicated for use in diseases of the lymphatic system. The effect of a homeopathic medicine is due to the influence of its components. The drug belongs to the homotoxic series of drugs.

Provides lymphatic drainage, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, detoxification, immunomodulatory effects. After entering the body, the medicine stimulates the metabolic process, activates lymphatic drainage from tissues, increases barrier functions lymph nodes. The active component also stimulates the process of eliminating toxic components from the intercellular environment.

As a result, there is an improvement in the interaction between the nervous endocrine and immune systems. Thus, activation of lymphatic drainage digestive system provides stimulation of local intestinal mucosa. Similar changes occur in almost all mucous membranes in the human body. When taking Lymphomyosot, there is a more active penetration of drugs belonging to other groups into the body tissues. As a result, it becomes possible to reduce the dosage of such drugs, as well as reduce their toxic effect on tissues and organs. The product activates protective function immune system and normalizes other body functions due to the complex influence of components of mineral, plant and animal origin.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Not defined.

Indications for use

The use of the drug Lymphomyosot is indicated in the process complex treatment in such cases:

  • complex treatment of chronic , as a stage in the treatment of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • drug intoxication;
  • tonsil hypertrophy ;
  • intoxication infectious origin(tonsillogenic, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • diathesis lymphatic-hypoplastic, exudative-catarrhal;
  • accompanied by polyneuropathy;
  • diseases in which there is ;
  • perineural edema;
  • lymphedema;
  • lymphaticism ;
  • cardiac, renal edema;
  • astheno-neurotic syndrome , asthenia , somatic personality disorders;
  • skin diseases (endogenous dermatoses).

Since the medicine acts directly on lymphoid tissue, it is advisable to use Lymphomyosot when , tonsil hypertrophy , increased lymph nodes. Lymphomyosot for adenoids in children is used under the supervision of a doctor and only after his prescription.

Due to its ability to restore impaired lymph outflow, Lymphomyosot is prescribed after surgery, in particular after removal of breast tumors, etc.


The following contraindications for taking this drug are defined:

  • the patient's age is under 18 years (there is not enough data on the treatment of children and adolescents with the drug);
  • high sensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug;
  • period of pregnancy and natural feeding.

Prescribe a homeopathic remedy with caution to people suffering from liver diseases and thyroid gland, and those who have suffered traumatic brain injury.

Since the medicine contains Ferrum jodatum, Thyroxin, the patient may develop stimulation of thyroid hormone production. Therefore, Lymphomyosot is not used to treat patients thyrotoxicosis . If necessary, treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Side effects

As a rule, both drops and injections are well tolerated. As side effects while taking Lymphomyosot, allergic reactions may develop, manifestation high sensitivity. When the solution is administered intramuscularly, local reactions may occur.

Instructions for use of Lymphomyosot (Method and dosage)

Lymphomyosot drops, instructions for use

Ingestion of 15-20 drops of the product three times a day is indicated. Before taking, you need to dissolve the drops in 100 ml of water. If the patient takes a dose of medication undiluted, it is advisable to place it under the tongue. Treatment should be continued for 8-12 days. It is advisable to take the product 20 minutes before meals or one hour after. The course of treatment can be increased or therapy repeated only after a doctor’s prescription.

Children can take the drug only according to indications, after a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision. The instructions for children stipulate that children 3-6 years old should drink 5 drops at a time, children 1-3 years old should take 3 drops. Single dose for children under 1 year of age is 1-2 drops.

Lymphomyosot injections, instructions for use

The injections should be administered intramuscularly. The solution contained in 1 ampoule is administered 1-3 times a week, the course of treatment continues for 4 weeks. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a repeat course. If such a need exists, the solution can be administered subcutaneously, intravenously, intradermally, periarticularly, or at acupuncture points.


There are no data on overdose.


Other medications may be used for treatment while you use this medication.

Terms of sale

Lymphomyosot can be purchased without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Drops and ampoules should be stored in a dark place, the storage temperature should be 15-25°C.

Best before date

The product can be stored for 5 years.

special instructions

People taking homeopathic remedies, it should be taken into account that at first, during therapy, the symptoms of the disease may worsen - the so-called primary deterioration occurs. In this case, treatment should be stopped and be sure to consult a specialist. You should also consult a doctor if side effects occur due to the use of the medicine.

Greatest daily dose The medicine contains approximately 0.21 g of ethanol.

Analogues of Lymphomyosot

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogues of the drug therapeutic effect, composition and mechanism of influence are absent. Drugs used to treat chronic tonsillitis and other diseases.

Lymphomyosot for children

According to the instructions, Lymphomyosot is not prescribed for children under 18 years of age. However, reviews from parents indicate that the drug is sometimes successfully used to treat children, while strictly adhering to the dosage specified by the doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation

Since there is no clear data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding no, medication is not prescribed at this time.

Modern pharmacology presents every consumer with a huge list of drugs. Can be used for the same disease different drugs. If their composition is the same, then such agents can be called structural analogues. Also, generics may differ in different active ingredients, but at the same time have an identical effect on the body. Today’s article will tell you about the drug “Lymphomyosot”. Analogues, features of use and indications will be presented to your attention.

Description of the drug: composition, release form and method of use

Before you find out which analogue of “Lymphomyosot” you can choose, you should familiarize yourself with original drug. The medicine belongs to homeopathic remedies. It contains mineral, plant and animal additives. Among them are the following: geranium, pine, smokeweed, spider venom, pharmaceutical speedwell, Dubrovnik, Walnut, horsetail, forget-me-not, gentian, norichnik, nasturtium, sarsaparilla, salts, calcium phosphate, iron, levothyroxine. The effect of the drug is due to the components included in its composition. The cost of the medicine depends on its type.

The drug is available in three dosage forms: tablets (up to 800 rubles), drops (500-800 rubles for 30 ml) and solution for injection (600 rubles for 5 ampoules). The abstract recommends using the following doses of a homeopathic remedy:

  • tablets are placed under the tongue until completely dissolved, the dose is set individually (not recommended for young children);
  • the tincture is used 10-15 drops for adults and 3-10 for children, taken three times a day;
  • injections are administered 1-3 times a week (acute situations require daily use) in a whole ampoule for adults and 1/6-1/2 for children.

Indications for use

Any analogue of Lymphomyosot should have the same indications for use. In this case, the drugs can be called generics. Homeopathic medicine is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases. Its work is determined by the components included in its composition. The medication has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and detoxification effects. The drug has a lymphatic drainage and decongestant effect, and it can also speed up metabolism.

The main indications for use are:

  • tonsillitis in different forms(acute and chronic, bacterial and viral);
  • inguinal, in armpits and so on);
  • hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue (adenoiditis), including the peripharyngeal ring;
  • drug and infectious intoxication;
  • immunodeficiency conditions caused by various reasons;
  • diabetes;
  • swelling, including lymphatic;
  • tumors of various types (benign and malignant);
  • somatic disorders, asthenia;
  • cutaneous allergic diseases and pathologies of ENT organs.

The medication should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components or during an exacerbation of thyroid diseases. In such cases, it is advisable to choose an analogue of Lymphomyosot. The substitute, in turn, may be cheaper or more expensive. Let's look at some of them.

Homeopathic remedy "Tonsilgon"

An analogue of Lymphomyosot, which is often preferred by consumers, is Tonzilgon. This medicine is exactly the same as homeopathic remedies. Available in the form of drops and tablets. The drug costs 450 rubles - solution and 400 rubles. - dragee. We can say that this is a cheap analogue of Lymphomyosot, but the composition of the drugs is different. The basis of the medicine "Tonsilgon" was: chamomile, horsetail, yarrow, walnut, dandelion and oak bark.

Indications for the use of this drug are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis in various forms, pharyngitis, adenoiditis. The medication has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, accelerates regeneration. Children are allowed to take pills only from 6 years of age. Drops have been used since one year.

Plant complex "Lymphosan"

The manufacturer offers several types of its products, so the range of applications for this product is quite wide. It is used to treat immune and intoxication and inflammatory processes, pathologies of the heart and liver, and urological ailments. The medication is also prescribed for the treatment of ENT diseases. The product contains only herbal ingredients.

Immunomodulator "Likopid"

If there is intolerance to any component, the instructions recommend replacing the drug “Lymphomyosot”. In this case, analogues are selected with a different active ingredient. More often, preference is given to medications rather than homeopathy. In some way, a substitute for the herbal preparation “Lymphomyosot” can be called “Licopid” tablets. They produce an immunostimulating effect and increase the activity of capillary cells. The drug is used for acute and chronic infections respiratory tract, hepatitis, herpes, psoriasis, pathologies of the ENT organs, hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue (tonsils and adenoids).

The cost of tablets intended for children is no more than 300 rubles. The drug for adults is more expensive - about 1500-2000 rubles. The composition contains the main active substance called glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide.

Notta drops

For certain indications, you can replace the drug "Lymphomyosot" with the composition "Notta". This is a homeopathic remedy that includes the following components: chamomile, phosphorus, zinc valerianate and coffee tree extract. This drug costs an average of 200 rubles. It has a tranquilizing, calming, sedative effect. The medication improves sleep, increases psycho-emotional stability, and is effective during physical and mental stress.

The instructions indicate that it is used for fear, nervous excitability, anxiety and worries. "Notta" is prescribed for attention disorders, as well as in the complex therapy of immunodeficiencies and somatic diseases. Not recommended for children under three years of age and persons with individual intolerance to the components.

Is there an absolute analogue of the drug "Lymphomyosot"?

You already know which drugs can replace the composition in question in one case or another. As we found out, the components included in the medicine differ from the original product.

Consumers often wonder: is there an analogue of Lymphomyozot at a more affordable price, but with the same composition? The answer to this will be negative. This medicine unique in its structure and action. No structural analogues of this drug have yet been found.


You can replace the homeopathic remedy “Lymphomyosot” with different formulations that are used for the same indications. But you shouldn’t choose an alternative on your own. You just might be wrong in your preference. Consult your doctor to choose a medication that is right for you. Best wishes!

Homeopathic medicines cause frequent controversy - do they provide real help or do pharmacists make money by offering “dummies” to patients? This medicine has positive responses from patients and doctors and helps to quickly cope with diseases. What properties does the medicine have, how is the treatment carried out, are there any contraindications - this is discussed in the annotation to the homeopathic remedy.

Instructions for use of Lymphomyosot

The medication is a homotoxic drug. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to accumulate the medicine in the body. This requires a long course. The drug Lymphomyosot is indicated for diseases of the lymphatic system and has the ability to:

  • increase immunity;
  • activate lymphatic drainage from tissues;
  • eliminate swelling that interferes with breathing due to throat diseases;
  • activate the intestinal lymphatic system, which affects the entire body;
  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • remove toxins from the body that cause intoxication.

When the drug enters the cells, what happens:

  • activation of local immunity in the lymph nodes;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of tissue nutrition;
  • regulation of the joint actions of the endocrine glands, nervous, and immune systems;
  • diuretic effect - removal of excess fluid;
  • accelerating the delivery of other drugs to the affected area, reducing their dosage;
  • reducing the toxic effect of medications on the body.

Composition and release form

The homeopathic remedy comes in two forms. Each has its own characteristics when used. Lymphatic drainage drugs are available in the form of:

  • Solution for intramuscular injection– ampoules 1.1 ml.
  • Drops for oral use in a dark glass bottle with a built-in dropper, quantity – 30 ml. The liquid is transparent, yellow, with the smell of ethanol.

The composition of Lymphomyosot includes substances per 100 ml of solution:

Quantity, gram


Nasturtium aquaticum

Geranium robertianum

Araneus diadematus

Fumaria officinalis

Natrium sulfuricum

Calcium phosphoricum

Scrophularia nodosa

Equisetum hyemale

Pinus sylvestris

Teucrium scorodonia

Veronica officinalis

Myosotis arvensis


35% composition

One injection ampoule contains ingredients of animal, plant and mineral origin:

Amount, mg

Basic substances

Ferrum iodatum

Nasturtium officinale

Geranium robertianum

Araneus diadematus


Fumaria officinalis

Natrium sulfuricum

Calcium phosphoricum

Juglans region

Scrofularia nodosa


Equizetum hiemale

Gentiana lutea

Pinus sylvestris

Teucrium scorodonia

Veronica officinalis

Myosotis arvensis


Sodium chloride

pharmachologic effect

A large number of active substances composition has a healing effect on the body. The main one is lymphatic drainage. Medicine Lymphomyosot:

  • activates tissue metabolic processes;
  • eliminates swelling of the intercellular space (matrix);
  • strengthens the protective barrier of lymph nodes;
  • accelerates the elimination of homotoxins;
  • restores matrix homogeneity;
  • renews metabolism in cells;
  • increases immunity;
  • organizes interaction between body systems – endocrine, nervous, immune;
  • increases tissue bioavailability to any medications.

Indications for use

The main purpose of a homeopathic remedy is to treat diseases of the lymphatic system. Lymphomyotosis helps cope with intoxication that appears with any inflammatory processes, taking medications. The medication is prescribed if:

  • edema of various etiologies - renal, cardiac, lymphatic, with diabetes mellitus;
  • acquired immunodeficiency;
  • prolonged lymphatism;
  • allergic, exudative diathesis;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • mesadenitis;
  • conditions accompanied by fever;
  • inhibition of intellectual development.

Lymphomyosot is used after surgery to remove a breast tumor to restore lymphatic drainage. Great reviews has a medicine in otolaryngologists, who prescribe it for the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, especially in chronic form. The drug is used in diagnosing:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis of any etiology;
  • tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • tonsil hypertrophy;
  • adenitis.

The medication has proven effective in treating:

  • enteritis complicated by diarrhea;
  • neuralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • skin diseases - neurodermatitis, eczema, dermatoses;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanied by polyneuropathy;
  • digestive disorders - vomiting, flatulence, belching;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • bronchitis;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • lack of appetite;
  • states of exhaustion;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • nephrosis;
  • colitis with bleeding;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • neoplasms;
  • asthenia.

Directions for use and dosage

Medicine prescribed by a homeopath, to whom the patient is referred by a specialized specialist. The course of treatment and dosage are selected in accordance with the severity, advanced stage of the disease, and the patient’s condition. There are features of use:

  • long-term use of a homeopathic remedy is required for the accumulation of substances in the body;
  • injections are recommended for chronic course diseases.


The homeopathic remedy is used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. The medicine in drops has its own administration characteristics. Recommendations:

  • course of treatment – ​​up to 12 days;
  • the undiluted dose is taken sublingually - dripped with a dispenser and dissolved under the tongue;
  • the maximum amount for an adult patient is 20 drops three times a day;
  • It is permissible to dilute the dose in 50 ml of water, swallow it after holding it in the mouth;
  • consume 30 minutes before meals or an hour after.


Lymphomyosot in ampoules is prescribed for severe disease. Indications are acute conditions, trauma, bleeding, in intensive care, necessity intensive care, saving lives, supporting body functions. The advantages of this treatment - the solution begins fast action, it is possible to use a variety of methods of administering the drug. Instructions for use prescribe:

  • course of procedures – a month;
  • if necessary, the doctor prescribes re-treatment;
  • injections are given up to three times a week, if necessary - daily.

The traditional form of injection is intramuscular. In addition, the solution is administered:

  • intravenously;
  • subcutaneously;
  • periarticular - to acupuncture points of the joints;
  • intradermally;
  • mesotherapy method - to remove fluid in the treatment of cellulite;
  • by homeosynaitric method - biologically active points on the body;
  • segmentally - to a specific area spinal column;
  • when performing pharmacopuncture - combining injections with acupuncture.

special instructions

The instructions for use specify important points that you need to pay attention to when using a homeopathic remedy. Self-administration of the medicine without a doctor’s prescription is unacceptable. Please note:

  • taking the drug may cause an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease;
  • when side effects You need to consult a doctor to adjust the course of treatment, dosage or completely discontinue the medication.

It is important to know:

  • the homeopathic remedy does not affect the ability to drive a car or work in conditions requiring increased concentration;
  • the daily dose contains 0.2 grams of ethanol - this must be taken into account in conditions that require the exclusion of alcohol;
  • The use of medication for thyroid pathologies is possible only after consultation with an endocrinologist.

Lymphomyosot during pregnancy

The period of waiting for a child is a serious test for a woman’s body. The use of any medications at this time can negatively affect the health of the embryo and expectant mother. Although gynecologists give positive reviews and note the effect of using the medicine in small doses, the instructions prohibit the use of Lymphomyosot during pregnancy. This is due to:

  • lack of research results;
  • the presence of a large number of active substances in the composition.

Lymphomyosot for children

The instructions prescribe the use of the drug for children over 18 years of age. According to reviews from pediatricians, Lymphomyositis can be taken in small dosages, with constant monitoring of the child’s condition. It is recommended to dilute the drops with juice and dissolve under the tongue. You can dilute the dose prescribed for a day with a glass of water and drink a small sip all day. The instructions suggest for children:

  • up to one year – 1-2 drops per dose;
  • from one to three years – 3;
  • from three to six – 5 drops;
  • older – 10 per appointment.

Pediatricians prescribe lymphomyosot for children by injection, starting in infancy, with constant monitoring of the condition. Injections are given:

  • course 2 months;
  • 1-2 times a week, depending on the severity of the child’s illness;
  • at acute form illness - every day;
  • intramuscularly, subcutaneously;
  • dose up to a year – 1/6 ampoule;
  • from 1 to 3 years – the fourth part;
  • from three to six – half an ampoule;
  • over 6 years old - whole.

Drug interactions

According to the instructions for use, the homeopathic drug Lymphomyosot can be taken together with any medicines. Chemical properties the substances included in the composition have exceptional qualities. When using the drug:

  • active ingredients other medications reach the lesion faster;
  • the treatment process is accelerated;
  • you can reduce the dosage of concomitant medications;
  • side effects are reduced.

Side effects and overdose

During the use of the drug, during studies, no cases of overdose were recorded. Lymphomyosot may cause side effects if you are sensitive to the ingredients. It is possible that:

  • reactions at the injection site - redness, itching, swelling;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • skin rashes;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • sweating;
  • hives;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • anaphylactic shock.


The drug Lymphomyosot should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. It is important to take into account all contraindications for the use of the product by a specific patient. Due to the ethanol content in the drops, it is prohibited to take the following medicine:

  • for brain pathologies;
  • children under 18 years of age (no research data);
  • in case of alcoholism;
  • for liver diseases;
  • in case of traumatic brain injury;
  • during breastfeeding.

It is not recommended to use Lymphomyosot if you have hypersensitivity to the components. The medicine contains iodine-containing substances Ferrum jodatum and Thyroxin, which activate the production of thyroid hormones. Only under the supervision of an endocrinologist is it permissible to treat patients who have:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug Lymphomyosot in drops, in the form of an injection solution, can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Instructions for use stipulate the storage conditions of the medicine. Important points:

  • the drug should be kept out of the reach of children;
  • use is prohibited after the expiration date – 5 years;
  • organize a dry place, protected from light and electromagnetic radiation.


Homeopathic medicine doesn't have complete analogues by composition, effect on the body. You can select medications that have a similar pharmaceutical effect. These include homeopathic remedies:

  • Vokara – drops, treat inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, lymphadenitis, stomatitis;
  • Angin-Hel SD – lozenges with antiseptic effect;
  • Fitangin Edas-105 – treats lymph nodes, sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils;
  • Tonsilla compositum is an injection solution that has lymphatic drainage, detoxifying, and immunostimulating effects.

To treat inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, you can choose medications based on plant extracts:

  • Tonsilotren - lozenges, accelerate reparative processes in the mucous membranes;
  • Tonsilgon N – drops, pills, have an antiseptic effect in the treatment of an infected respiratory system;
  • Likopid - treats pathologies of the nasopharynx, hypertrophy of the adenoids, tonsils;
  • Umkalor - drops, have an immunostimulating effect, antimicrobial activity;
  • Lymphosan – removes toxins, eliminates intoxication, relieves inflammation.

Can be picked up medications, which have a similar healing effect in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases:

  • Grammidin, Imudon - used for diseases of the throat and oral cavity;
  • Broncho-munal - reduces the severity of ENT diseases, stimulates local immunity;
  • Bioparox – spray, treats respiratory infections;
  • Augmentin is an antibiotic that counteracts bacterial diseases and causes complications in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Aqua Maris – spray based sea ​​water for rinsing the nasopharynx.

To cope with the problems of respiratory pathologies, medications are used:

  • Tsiprolet A – antibacterial medicine wide range actions;
  • Sodium nucleinate is an immunomodulator, eliminates intoxication, is used for inflammation and infections;
  • Nalgesin, Rapten Duo - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has many contraindications;
  • Miramistin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent.

Lymphomyosot price

Homeopathic medicine in the form of drops and solution for injection and its analogues can be purchased through the pharmacy chain. It is easy to order the product from online pharmacies. The cost will be affected by the release form and dosage. Shipping costs will be added when purchasing online. The price in rubles for Moscow residents is:

Release form

Dosage, ml


Average price, rub.


drops (bottle)

Tonsilla compositum

Fitangin Edas-105

Angin-Khel SD


The cost of medicines based on plant extracts with similar therapeutic effect which are sold without prescriptions:

Release form

Dosage, ml


Average price, rub.



Tonsilgon N

oral solution



powder for oral solution


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