Home Wisdom teeth What is hematogen made from: composition. Natural hematogen: what is it made from, how to choose. Can hematogen be used by type 2 diabetics?

What is hematogen made from: composition. Natural hematogen: what is it made from, how to choose. Can hematogen be used by type 2 diabetics?

What do you need to know about the composition? Hematogen is well known because it is a dietary supplement that helps prevent iron deficiency in the human body. It was first invented by Swiss scientists about a hundred years ago. During this time, the hematogen recipe changed several times and became more and more useful. Various types of hematogen are produced by dozens of different companies. Today, both the classic variety and the fortified variety or with various additives are available in pharmacies.

What is hematogen made from: composition

The composition of hematogen is now: the basis is albumin, the composition also includes condensed milk, starch syrup or syrup, vanillin and sucrose, and may contain additives, vitamins and minerals.

Hematogen is a bar somewhat reminiscent of iris. The most important ingredient is the protein albumin. This protein can be obtained from specially processed blood of large cattle. So, for the production of hematogen, powdered black food albumin is needed - this protein is very rich in iron, so doctors recommend hematogen as a prevention or treatment light form anemia.

Composition of hematogen according to GOST:

  • black food albumin should be at least 4%;
  • whole condensed milk with sugar – 30-33%;
  • starch syrup – 18-23%;
  • vanillin – 0.01-0.015%;
  • granulated sugar - the remaining percentage;
  • additives should be 5-10%.

The human body requires more iron when playing sports, recovering from surgery, pregnancy and lactation. On average, children should receive about 15 mg of iron per day, women about 20, and men 10 mg per day.

It also happens that vitamins are added to hematogen, which help iron to be absorbed in the body. For example, vitamin C, folic acid and copper.

There is also hematogen with chocolate, raisins, coconut - any, even the most fastidious consumer will find an option that suits him.

Hematogen is perfect for tea as a substitute for sweets and will be an excellent alternative to chocolate. It can also be used as a snack. But first, you should consult your doctor, because hematogen is not just a sweet, but a dietary supplement. You should not use it without measure: adults can take 50 g of hematogen per day, children – 30 g.

Which hematogen is real?

If we talk about taste, then of course hematogen with additives is better, but doctors say that hematogen should not contain anything unnecessary in order to bring maximum benefit. Since the most important thing in Hematogen is iron, some supplements may interfere with its absorption in the body. Also, hematogen itself is a very high-calorie product, and sweet additives will only add calories to it. In order for there to be an effect, you need to take hematogen for two months, and this can have a bad effect on a person’s weight.

Before buying a bar, you should study the composition: the shorter the list, the better. If the composition contains: fat, palm oil, dyes or flavoring additives, then this is definitely not a natural hematogen.

It is very important that albumin contains at least 2.5%, otherwise such a hematogen will not bring a noticeable effect.

We choose natural hematogen. To really choose useful hematogen need to:

  • give preference to the one that contains powdered hemoglobin or albumin (this is the hematogen that is considered useful);
  • the minimum dose of albumin should be 2.5 g per 50 g bar;
  • You should not choose hematogen if albumin is listed at the very end of the composition. This means that a small amount is added and it will not have the desired effect.¶

A real hematogen can affect not only the level of iron in the blood, but also the condition of hair and skin, as well as well-being in general.

It is recommended to use Hematogen for children; it should also be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Medicine has proven that women are more likely to suffer from anemia than men, mainly due to menstruation. In pregnant women, iron requirements increase by approximately 50%.

Is it for sale now? real hematogen? Despite the fact that each manufacturer has its own unique hematogen recipe, real hematogen can be found to this day.

It is simply impossible to create the same hematogen on different industries, because each manufacturer has its own technology. That is why hematogen with different properties and characteristics is found.

What manufacturers of hematogen can be found:

  • "Russal" is a fairly large manufacturer of sweets; it produces "Hematogenka" - a regular hematogen for adults and children. The bar, thanks to its composition, becomes tasty, but has a high calorie content.
  • "Pharm-Pro" - produces hematogen "Russian". It also produces many types with various additives, which affects the number of calories.
  • "Siberian Health 2000" is the manufacturer of the hematogen "Narodny". This manufacturer can also offer different kinds additives
  • Exon is a well-known Belarusian company with a fairly good reputation. Dietary supplements from this manufacturer are sold in 13 countries around the world. When producing Hematovit, the manufacturer uses only environmentally friendly ingredients.
  • "Revival and Development" produces "Hematogen L", which, in addition to vitamin C, is also enriched with lysine - this is a substance that can improve the body's metabolic processes.
  • “Pharmstandard” - this manufacturer produces real modern classics among drugs and dietary supplements. "Ferrohematogen" - contains the most suitable dose of albumin and vitamins that help improve iron absorption. The manufacturer does not specifically add any extraneous additives to Hematogen, since they can reduce the absorption of iron and increase the calorie content of the product.

If you study the topic of hematogen production a little better, then choosing the most useful one will not be difficult. All of the manufacturers listed above fully comply with quality standards. You should not use hematogen in excessive quantities, otherwise it will do more harm than good. And we must not forget that such a high-calorie product is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

Iron is often not absorbed together with other substances, and some foods interfere with its absorption. You should take breaks between consuming hematogen and dairy products and cereals.

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Hemoglobin began to drop. The gynecologist who monitored the pregnancy said that it was impossible to do without additional intake of iron-containing drugs; it would only get worse, because the child was growing faster and faster. She advised me several drugs to choose from, and I clarified about hematogenka, said that it’s possible too, although better than tablets, sort of more reliable. But I already take prenatal vitamins that already contain iron. Besides, I tried a lot of different medications as a child and I remember what side effects they had. And here hematogen My stomach tolerates it well. I decided to replace sweets with them. I bought several different types. So, out of all the variety with nuts, coconut, lysine and something else, I finally settled on Ferrohematogen e with a hedgehog. Because only in it I tasted blood. I’ve been eating it for several days now, I try to divide it into several doses, there are no side effects. Tests are due in three weeks, I’ll write about the results.

Hematogen is considered one of the most popular dietary supplements for replenishing iron deficiency in the body. We have known it since childhood - many kids love this sweet treat. But, despite the pleasant taste, hematogen is not a confectionery product, and its use is associated with some restrictions. What are these sweet bars made of, how effective are they for prevention? iron deficiency anemia, what is the benefit of this dietary supplement, can it harm your health and, finally, how to take Hematogen correctly?

In the 19th century, through the efforts of the outstanding physician Sergei Botkin, the connection between blood composition and human health was identified. Of course, assumptions that blood carries some “ vitality“, were expressed earlier, but only in the middle of the century before last it was proven that blood loss and a decrease in the level of iron in the blood lead to weakness, loss of strength and disruption of many important functions.

An active search began for a remedy that would help improve blood quality and increase the amount of hemoglobin - a protein that, with the help of iron, carries oxygen to the organs. In 1890, the first hematogen was developed in Switzerland - rich in iron medicine based on bovine blood. Its effectiveness was so high that the product immediately became widespread. After the revolution, hematogen began to be produced in Russia. During World War II, hematogen became vital important drug, it was actively used in military hospitals for the rehabilitation of the wounded who had lost a lot of blood.

After the war in the USSR, it was decided to “rebrand” Hematogen, adapting it to the needs of the post-war period. In those years, food was often poor, monotonous and insufficient; childhood anemia became common occurrence. This is how the familiar solid hematogen appeared - a sweet slab similar to iris. Both children and adults liked it, it could replace sweets for tea, it was cheap, easily divided into portions and did not look like medicine. The best minds of medicine of that time worked on the development of the recipe. Since the 1970s, hematogen began to be produced at the Ufa Vitamin Plant, and the technology has been improved and improved many times.

The last major change occurred in 1999, when technologists from the Ufa Vitamin Plant and scientists from the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov joined forces to create much more effective product. Vitamins were added to the hematogen composition, which increase the absorption of iron and have a general strengthening effect. Later, European technologists were also involved in the work, who helped make the product tastier and softer. The new product, Ferrohematogen-Pharmstandard, is superior in effectiveness to earlier analogues, and it also tastes much better.

Currently, the Ufa Vitamin Plant is part of the Pharmstandard group and specializes in the creation and production of modern highly effective vitamin complexes, and Ferrohematogen remains one of the company's most popular products.

The popularity of hematogen led to the emergence huge amount analogues, but many of them copy only the taste of this product, without possessing its beneficial properties. Since, by law, sweets that do not contain albumin cannot be called hematogen, their manufacturers get out of the situation by changing the name to something consonant - “Hemagen”, “Hematogeshka”, etc. These sweet bars may be enriched with vitamins, but they are not a hematogen.

What is hematogen made of: composition of lozenges

The main active component of hematogen is the protein albumin, obtained from purified bovine blood. This substance is rich in iron and can compensate for iron deficiency. Ready-to-use albumin appears as a water-soluble powder. Whole blood has not been added to hematogen since the 1950s - this is an extremely outdated technology.

According to GOST, the product “hematogen for children” should contain 4–5% black food albumin, 30–33% sweetened condensed milk, 18–23% starch syrup, 0.01–0.015% vanillin and about 40% sugar.

However, today manufacturers themselves decide whether to follow GOST or use other recipes. Therefore, the buyer has to carefully read the composition of the product. Very often, the production of hematogen analogs is carried out not by pharmaceutical companies, but by confectionery factories, and their products may not contain albumin at all. Some tiles contain albumin, but in low concentrations - less than 2.5%. In addition, to improve the taste, nuts, seeds, coconut flakes, raisins, dried fruits, candied fruits, chocolate, flavorings and flavorings are often added to such a product. This increases the calorie content of the bar (already considerable!) and can interfere with iron absorption.

A real hematogen is a valuable dietary supplement. It is a source of protein and amino acids necessary for regulation metabolic processes. But the most important quality hematogen - the ability to replenish iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is a problem that is familiar to almost every inhabitant of our planet. At different stages of life, almost all of us at least once encounter manifestations of a deficiency of this element. Iron is one of the main elements of hemoglobin. This substance is necessary for transporting oxygen to all tissues of the body. With a lack of iron, the level of hemoglobin decreases (if it drops to a critical level, they speak of iron deficiency anemia). A lack of iron is fraught with a lot of problems, since oxygen is required by all organs and systems. Symptoms of iron deficiency are varied - dry, pale skin, brittle nails and hair, drowsiness and chronic fatigue, irritability, deterioration of memory and concentration, the appearance of strange eating habits and perception of smells (often people with iron deficiency begin to chew chalk or find the smell of car exhaust very pleasant), headaches and muscle pain, dry mouth, problems with swallowing.

Iron deficiency is often caused by an unbalanced diet. Busy city dwellers who are forced to eat fast food and processed foods, women who adhere to a strict diet, kids who are picky eaters - they are all at risk for iron deficiency. Even with good nutrition We get only about 20% of the iron we need from food. But most people eat incorrectly, and the intake of this element with an unbalanced diet is even lower.

Iron deficiency is often caused by blood loss - and not only as a result of injuries and operations. Frequent nosebleeds can lead to iron deficiency (this is especially true for children), heavy menstruation and blood loss during childbirth, bleeding due to hemorrhoids and some diseases of the internal organs.

Sometimes iron is supplied in full, but is poorly absorbed due to pathological changes in the intestines, due to illness or lack of certain vitamins, without which the absorption of this element is impossible (in particular, vitamin C).

During certain periods - during pregnancy and lactation, after operations, during childhood - our need for iron is especially high and the rate of its consumption must be increased, otherwise iron deficiency cannot be avoided.

Define low level iron can be measured not only according to the signs described above, but also using a routine blood test. If the iron level in the blood is low, it is recommended to take iron-containing drugs, in particular Hematogen. Doctors also recommend using it to prevent iron deficiency.

Children and adolescents under 18 years of age should receive 5–15 mg of iron per day - than older child, the higher the need for this element. With a lack of iron, children become lethargic and moody, sleep poorly, and schoolchildren's performance declines. Iron deficiency in children can be caused by errors in diet, bleeding and illness, or by the presence of iron deficiency and anemia in the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How is hematogen useful for children? Its use will help the child cope with high stress at school, prevent iron deficiency and the delay in physical development caused by it, and improve immunity.

Daily consumption of hematogen helps restore iron levels and get rid of constant fatigue, apathy, shortness of breath and headaches, and remain physically active and resilient.

The iron norm for women is 15 mg per day, and during pregnancy and lactation it can increase to 20 mg and higher. According to research, it is women who suffer from iron deficiency most often. Approximately 60% of women have experienced symptoms of iron deficiency at least once. The reason for this is monthly blood loss during menstruation and food restrictions. Many women follow strict diets to stay slim, but such diets often exclude foods rich in iron - red meat, organ meats, eggs - and as a result, the body does not receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of hematogen for women are undeniable - its use helps strengthen the immune system, cope with chronic fatigue, irritability and tearfulness, headaches and dizziness. Iron deficiency has a detrimental effect not only on a woman’s health, but also on her appearance. Using hematogen to prevent iron deficiency restores smoothness and healthy color to the skin, strengthens nails and hair.

It is recommended to use Hematogen during pregnancy and lactation - this will not only avoid the development of iron deficiency in the mother, but will also protect the child from this trouble.

We looked at the benefits of Hematogen, but does this product have a “dark side”?

First of all, you should understand that hematogen is not a candy, but a dietary supplement, so you should not use it uncontrollably. It is best to consult a doctor. It is also important to follow the dosage indicated on the package and not exceed it.

Hematogen is very tasty, however, it is a high-calorie product. 100 g of hematogen contains 370–500 kilocalories, and this should be remembered when including it in the diet. Especially high-calorie varieties with additives - nuts, chocolate and others.

Since hematogen is not a medicine, it is sold not only in pharmacies. No prescription is required to purchase it. And, as mentioned above, not all manufacturers care about the benefits of the product. Many types of this additive do not have any beneficial properties - it is, in essence, a confectionery product.

Main difference good hematogen- high albumin content, not less than 3%. This amount of albumin can already affect iron levels and blood composition.

Keep in mind that any extraneous components can negatively affect the absorption of iron, and they also add more calories to the product. It is better to choose hematogen without such “additives”, but with a high content of albumin.

If you buy hematogen as a dietary supplement, and not as a treat, choose varieties produced by pharmaceutical concerns, not confectionery factories. Nuts and candied fruits are not added to this hematogen, but it is additionally enriched with vitamins and other components that increase its value and contribute to the most effective absorption of iron.

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that hematogen is a tasty medicine, almost a dessert. But how to use the drug correctly so that it does not cause harm? And what are the indications for use?

Made from the blood of cattle. But do not be afraid of infections - the blood undergoes a long, thorough treatment. Condensed milk, ascorbic acid or honey, as well as other substances that improve the taste of the drug and increase its therapeutic effect, are added to the base.

It has a briquette shape, similar to a chocolate bar, a pleasant sweet taste and a slightly viscous consistency that sticks to the teeth.

The first useful product of this kind was called Hommol's hematogen and was released in 1880 in Switzerland. It was made from a mixture of egg yolk and ox blood. The medicine looked more like a potion than a typical candy bar. This product was sold in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

After 1917, Russia began to produce its own hematogen, which found application in the food industry and medical purposes. Today the drug is produced by private enterprises, changing the recipe and taste remedy at your own discretion. However pharmacological properties drugs remain (or should remain) unchanged.

Composition of hematogen

The preparation contains substances that have properties of a wide therapeutic spectrum. They are necessary for healthy hematopoiesis and wellness:

  • Proteins and amino acids that partially cover the daily requirement.
  • Minerals: a lot of iron, as well as calcium, chlorine, potassium, sodium.
  • Fats are presented fat-soluble vitamins and fats of animal origin.
  • Vitamins: ascorbic acid and vitamin A.
  • Carbohydrates: glucose and sucrose, as well as maltose, dextrin.

Excipients in the composition of hematogen are needed to improve taste and increase nutritional value. This could be nuts, condensed milk, cereals, sugar, etc.

The exact set of ingredients in a bar depends on what changes a particular manufacturer has made to the basic recipe. For example, nuts and berries expand the vitamin and mineral profile of the product.

As for calorie content, on average one hundred gram slab of hematogen contains about 355 kcal.

This drug can be used as a preventive measure various diseases both adult men and women, and children. In some cases, taking hematogen is an urgent need and is part of the complex treatment of various diseases.

Current indications for use:

  1. Poor or inadequate nutrition.
  2. Blood diseases, including iron deficiency anemia.
  3. Chronic diseases.
  4. Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  5. Internal bleeding.
  6. Bone fractures.
  7. Serious blood loss.
  8. Haemorrhoids.
  9. Convalescence (in the process of recovery from some serious illness).
  10. Time of menstruation (in women).
  11. Postoperative recovery period.
  12. Visual impairment.
  13. Withdrawal syndrome.

The use of the drug has an excellent effect on general state, has a good effect on skin, hair, and nails.

The drug should be taken between meals.

Application of this pharmaceutical drug shown not only for children. The benefits of Hematogen for adults (both women and men) are based on the following beneficial properties of the drug:

  • promotes healthy hematopoiesis;
  • contains essential amino acids and proteins;
  • helps to survive stress without consequences;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the condition of nails, skin, hair;
  • necessary for women to feel good during menstruation;
  • needed by men to produce healthy sperm;
  • partially eliminates the consequences of evading healthy image life;
  • allows you to quickly recover from injuries and illnesses;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • relieves drowsiness and feelings of fatigue;
  • saturates with useful substances in case of disrupted diet;
  • For athletes, hematogen is shown as a healthy source of energy and protein.

It is advisable to use this bar when long-term treatment infections, with surgical interventions, during and after a course of chemotherapy, as well as while following a strict diet.

Hematogen must be eaten by blood donors so that the honorable deed does not harm the body.

This product is also necessary for people who avoid eating meat because they don’t like the taste. But the product is not suitable for vegetarians, because it consists of animal blood.

The product can be given to children over 3 years old. Indications for use in children are:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • weak immunity;
  • drowsiness, frequent moodiness;
  • low weight (less than normal);
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • growth disorders;
  • chronic and acute diseases;
  • poor vision;
  • skin problems.

The drug will be useful for children after colds. In addition, the product should be mandatory give to babies after operations, including minor interventions, for example during removal baby tooth. It is also advisable to treat a child with hematogen after minor injuries: a skinned knee, broken palms and other consequences of children's games.

Hematogen is not a dessert; it cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities. In case of overdose, it causes nausea or diarrhea, and long-term abuse can lead to more serious consequences.

In particular, an excess of iron in the body causes the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels, that is, it provokes the development of atherosclerosis. For anemia not associated with iron deficiency, the drug can be taken only with the permission of a doctor.

Hematogen is very high in calories, so it is contraindicated for obese people. It also contains a lot of sugars, which is why it is harmful for patients with diabetes.

This valuable source of iron is incompatible with some medications. Therefore, if you are undergoing any course of treatment, consult your doctor first.

Hematogen cannot be combined with sources of calcium and its derivatives. Such substances make it difficult to absorb the components of the drug. Thus, it does not need to be washed down with dairy products, eaten for dessert after salads and other dishes containing cabbage, as well as after semolina and rice porridge.

It is not recommended for use by those who adhere to a diet that excludes salt.

Cereal products, liver, all types of fish and meat should be eaten separately from the iron bar - after a few hours.

Children are given the product as a light snack, but not after a hearty lunch or ice cream.

All heavy fats interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the hematogen, and you should not eat it after chebureks and other fatty foods.

Hematogen cannot be combined with antibiotics, including the following drugs:

  • oxycycline;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • tetracycline;
  • ofloxacin;
  • levofloxacin;
  • norfloxacin;
  • minocycline, etc.

Check with your doctor if you are taking diuretics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including:

  • diclofenac;
  • naproxen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • ibuprofen;
  • indomethacin

The potential harm of hematogen lies in its poor compatibility with certain drugs for the heart and normalization of blood pressure:

  • penicillamine;
  • vesanoid;
  • isotretinoin;
  • sulfamethoxazole;
  • trimethoprim

This is a medicine, so you do not need to buy it at the market, grocery stores or stalls. Only in pharmacies.

The name of the drug must contain the unchanged word “hematogen”. Names like “hematogen” indicate a major change in the formulation. It is possible that such a product contains no traces of bovine blood at all.

You need to look at the composition: it must contain black food albumin - this is main component medicinal product.

If there is an additional “C” in the name, this drug is enriched with ascorbic acid. And the “+” sign indicates the content of divalent iron.

There is no need to buy hematogen with the addition of:

  • plant components, including nuts and grains;
  • sweeteners;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives;
  • flavor enhancers.

Any mysterious combinations of letters and numbers in the composition of the drug indicate unwanted additives.

Don't take the cheapest one, choose the middle one within the pharmacy's price range.


Bus station


Wilhelma de Gennina 34 Wilhelma de Gennina 37 Krasnolesya 123 Shamanova 21


Belinsky 198 Rhodonitovaya 5 Rhodonitovaya 12 Rhodonitovaya 27 Savva Belykh 3 Tbilissky 17 Shchorsa 96

Vikulova 38a Vikulova 46 Vikulova 61/3 Zavodskaya 17 Kraulya 44 Kraulya 82 Metallurgov 87


Bratskaya 4 Military 6 Sanatorium 3


Gagarina 6 Komsomolskaya 1 Lenin 95 Malysheva 146 Sofia Kovalevskaya 1

Papanina 7/1 Sverdlova 66

Lilac Boulevard 1 Syromolotova 7 Syromolotova 24



Bakhchivandzhi 16


Latviyskaya 18


Dekabristov 4 Michurina 235


Blue Stones

Baikalskaya 23


Bebelya 138 Bilimbaevskaya 28 Nadezhdinskaya 8 Infantry 10 Technical 14 Technical 48

Shcherbakova 7

Ilyich 59 Ilyich 71 Krasnoflottsev 1a Mechanical engineers 12 Victory 5 Ural workers 28

Griboyedova 20 Inzhenernaya 31 Yuzhnogorskaya 9

Belinsky 84 Bolshakova 155 Weiner 60 Vostochnaya 76 Kuibysheva 57 Lenin 69/3 Lunacharsky 78 Lunacharsky 133

Red commanders 27 Star. Bolshevikov 91 Black Sea 2


Amundsen 64 Bardina 19 Bardina 48 Belorechenskaya 7 Belorechenskaya 17/1 Belorechenskaya 28a Volgogradskaya 45 Denisov-Uralsky 16 Serafima Deryabina 51 Furmanova 127 Chkalova 139


Amundsen 64

Baikalskaya 23 Bardina 19 Bardina 48 Bakhchivandzhi 16 Bebelya 138 Belinsky 84 Belinsky 198 Belorechenskaya 7 Belorechenskaya 17/1 Belorechenskaya 28a Bilimbaevskaya 28 Bluchera 18 Bluchera 47a Bolshakova 155 Bratskaya 4

Vainera 60 Vikulova 38a Vikulova 46 Vikulova 61/3 Wilhelm de Gennina 34 Wilhelm de Gennina 37 Military 6 Volgogradskaya 45 Vostochnaya 76

Gagarina 6 Griboedova 20

Decembrists 4 Denisov-Uralsky 16

Zavodskaya 17

Komsomolskaya 1 Krasnolesya 123 Red Navy 1a Red Commanders 27 Kraulya 44 Kraulya 82 Kuibysheva 57

Latviyskaya 18 Lenina 69/3 Lenina 95 Lunacharsky 78 Lunacharsky 133

Malysheva 146 Mechanical engineers 12 Metallurgists 87 Michurina 235

Nadezhdinskaya 8

Opalikhinskaya, 21 Opalikhinskaya 27

Papanina 7/1 Infantry 10 Pioneers 12/3 Pobeda 5

Rhodonite 5 Rhodonite 12 Rhodonite 27

Savva Belykh 3 Sanatornaya 3 Sverdlov 66 Seraphim Deryabina 51 Sirenevy Boulevard 1 Sofia Kovalevskaya 1 Star. Bolsheviks 91 Sulimova 38 Syromolotova 7 Syromolotova 24

Tbilisi 17 Technical 14 Technical 48

Ural 61 Ural workers 28

Frunze 62 Furmanova 127

Chernomorsky 2 Chkalova 139

Shamanova 21

Shcherbakova 7 Shchorsa 64 Shchorsa 96


Haematogenum is one of the types of preventive food additives, which are used to activate hematopoiesis. Due to the inclusion of a large amount of vitamins and iron, a saturation effect is produced circulatory system microelements. Available in the form of chewable strips using additional dairy products, available in pharmacies.

What is Hematogen

Hematogen is a drug (as the instructions say). Many people mistakenly consider this a healthy children's dessert, allowing kids to consume large quantities for no reason. No harm has been noticed with frequent use, but overdoses are undesirable. This bar contains micro- and macroelements; modern classification indicates that it is biologically active additive(dietary supplement) with beneficial properties. The taste of the medicine is sweetened, since the main component is processed animal blood.

Is Hematogen useful?

The benefits of Hematogen are predetermined by the components of the composition. Doctors point to the following pharmacological properties: improves well-being, increases hemoglobin by saturating the body with iron, stimulates hematopoiesis. Additionally, this medicine contains an increased concentration of minerals and nutrients (such as protein). The use of hematogen is recommended by doctors.

Why is hematogen needed? Natural cattle blood helps saturate the body with amino acids, including an essential group of vitamins. A type of medicinal bar (ferrohematogen) is used by children and adults who suffer from a significant iron deficiency. Hematogen - the composition has a positive effect biological effect– recommended for use by children and adults who have:

  • problems with clarity of vision, severe myopia, disturbances in the stability of the retina;
  • flaw physical development(height, weight in children);
  • anemia, reduction of red blood cells in the blood, etc.;
  • ulcerative pathologies;
  • skin diseases (flaking, eczema);
  • early loss, cessation of hair growth.

And shown when:

  • long-term exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • malnutrition;
  • in the period after illness, surgery, pregnancy, after the birth of a child (in women).

What is Hematogen made from?

A biologically active supplement such as hematogen is made from filtered evaporated components of cattle blood with the addition of an additional mineral and vitamin complex and essential amino acids. There are no carbohydrates in it. Previously real drug included pure blood of a bear or bull, and now - its derivative substances.

To achieve sweetness, sugar and condensed milk are used - due to this, the product has a high calorie content. In modern production, natural flavors and ascorbic acid can be used (synthetic additives are prohibited). You can make hematogen or its analogue at home, strictly following the instructions and observing the dosage of the components.

The answer to the question of what is included in Hematogen contains a paragraph about nutrients with which the drug is enriched: animal fats, potassium, chlorine, calcium and more. The daily dose ranges from 5 grams at a time for children, up to 20 grams for adults, up to three doses. No noticeable harm to the body was detected in case of an overdose, but the product contains a large amount of sugar, which is harmful to the body in large doses in itself.

Composition of Hematogen according to GOST

Classical technology assumed the presence of a vitamin complex. This recipe tradition has survived to this day, because hematogen sold in pharmacies contains only natural ingredients. A substitute for this drug may contain palm oil, which may be harmful to the body and may not have the same properties. The classic composition of Hematogen according to GOST assumes the presence of:

  • starch syrup;
  • black albumin, edible;
  • condensed milk, boiled in accordance with GOST (no more than 20 percent);
  • sugar, vanillin (no more than 23 percent).

Composition of Hematogen in the USSR

Important note: ox blood classic recipe the drug, produced according to USSR standards, was never part of the bar. The base used was bear blood, molasses and albumin (up to twenty percent of general composition). Most of vitamin composition vitamins A, B and C were present. Until the fifties of the twentieth century, the composition included powdered dried blood (up to five percent of the composition), albumin and molasses were not used. The composition of Hematogen in the USSR differed little from the classic established recipe in accordance with GOST.

Bovine blood in Hematogen

When asked how Hematogen is made, many claim that the composition contains bovine blood. Traditional recipe last century assumed the presence of this component (dried, filtered), but since 2001 this component (pure) has not been included in the dietary supplement, albumin is used instead. The process of iron saturation occurs due to the hemoglobin concentrate. Hematogen with bovine blood has not been produced for several decades, but its constituent components can contain it in purified and evaporated powder form.

Many older people remember their childhood times with warmth and nostalgia. Life then seemed simple and carefree, and problems seemed insignificant and insignificant. The child was surrounded with special care and warmth, and hematogen was certainly taken from the medicine cabinet: a tasty and healthy medicine that tasted like chocolate and toffee at the same time. Unfortunately, today hematogen has acquired the status of a confectionery product in the public consciousness, and manufacturers tirelessly offer us a wide variety of “variations on a theme,” paying little attention to preserving its healing properties. Therefore, we decided that it was time to answer the most common questions regarding hematogen and debunk the most common myths.

Treat or medicine?

If we approach this issue seriously, then not a single option can be considered true. Hematogen is a prophylactic agent with a high iron content and a strong hematopoietic effect. Therefore, an attempt to treat certain diseases with it is unlikely to be effective, and using it as a substitute for sweets, on the contrary, can lead to very sad consequences. We do not recommend asking your pediatrician for a prescription for Hematogen, and you can delight your child with a square or two several times a week without any worries. But there is also no need to fight low iron levels in the blood by consuming 2-3 hematogen bars per day.

Does it contain bovine blood?

This formulation of the question is not entirely correct. Firstly, cattle blood as such has long been absent from hematogen, and now most manufacturers use exclusively its components. They can be either natural or artificial, that is, synthetic. Secondly, in our realities it would be appropriate to talk about the second option, and not believe the advertising brochures pharmaceutical companies. Thirdly, if such a method of therapy seems “unworthy” to you, you can always choose the necessary pharmacological analogue.

Medicines as a way to earn money

No one will argue with the fact that when buying hematogen you can run into a fake. The percentage of counterfeit products in pharmacies, whose management thinks exclusively about the material side of the issue, is indeed quite high. Therefore, if you value your own health, you can only buy any (!) medications from trusted retail outlets that care about their own reputation.

The question of the composition of hematogen is more complicated. If you believe GOST, then each hematogen tile must contain the following components:

  • Black food albumin (GOST 49-161-80): 2.5%.
  • Starch syrup (GOST 5194-91): 12.5%.
  • Condensed milk with sugar (GOST 2903-78): 19.9%.
  • Pure granulated sugar (GOST 21-78): 22.8%.
  • Vanillin (GOST 16599-71): no more than 0.06%.

The mass of one “correct” tile should be exactly 50 g, and the maximum tolerance– no more than 2 g. As is easy to see, GOST does not regulate the presence of bovine blood in any way.

The formula adopted by most domestic manufacturers is slightly different:

  • Vitamin C: 0.09% to 0.12%.
  • Black food albumin: 4% to 5%.
  • Starch syrup: 21% to 25%.
  • Vanillin: from 0.01% to 0.015%.
  • Whole condensed milk with added sugar: from 33% to 36%.
  • Pure sugar: the rest.

To complete the picture, you can also familiarize yourself with the old regulations, adopted in the mid-1950s, where the composition of the hematogen is slightly different:

  • Dried blood: 5%.
  • Ascorbic acid: 0.12%.
  • Sugar, molasses, honey, condensed milk: the rest.

There is indeed a mention of ox blood, but there is not even a hint of vanillin, black albumin or starch. Therefore, there is no need to talk about strict compliance with GOST requirements during the production of hematogen: in all three cases you are really buying a healthy and tasty treat with a certain healing effect.

But if the manufacturer did not bother to indicate the composition or used certain unnatural components (dyes, preservatives, sweeteners), there is no need to talk about compliance with GOST: you are offered ordinary cheap consumer goods, devoid of any medicinal properties. The presence of vitamin complexes, whole nuts or any other additives is optional, and such a hematogen can no longer be called medicinal.

Children's and adult options

Is there a difference between them? It all depends on the integrity of the manufacturer. Ideally, there are no differences between them. Moreover, there should not even be a division into “children’s” and “adult” hematogen. But many companies have decided to “simplify” the life of parents of young patients by introducing certain flavoring additives into the Hematogen composition, designed to make the Hematogen more attractive to children.

How did this affect the quality and therapeutic effect? This hematogen arouses the keen interest of children, who begin to perceive it as candy. Whether this is good or bad, everyone decides for themselves, but I would like to note that it is still better to refrain from such rationalization.

Hematogen and figure

Is it possible to gain weight by consuming this sweet “medicine”? Yes, it is possible, but only if you try hard. The calorie content of a regular hematogen is 354 kcal/100 g: 303 kcal comes from carbohydrates, 27 from fats and another 24 from proteins. For comparison, energy value other types of cervelat - about 400 kcal, corn flakes - 363 kcal, cherry jam - 256 kcal, and cottage cheese casserole - 168 kcal. Let us note for clarity that the recommended dose of hematogen is 30–40 g. Therefore, if you treat the hero of our conversation today as a medicine, there is no need to worry. But if you replace lunch or an afternoon snack with hematogen, then you can really gain extra pounds.

A little about the “harm” of albumin

This is complete and utter nonsense! In fact, black food albumin is a drug with a high content of vitamin A and iron, a wonderful stimulator of red blood cell production. Its undoubted advantages also include a physiologically verified proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, due to which hematogen chemical composition very close to human blood.

The only case where you can be right about something concerns the extremely negligent attitude of the manufacturer towards the compliance of the products with the requirements of the standards. If the blood of infected animals is used as a starting material, disaster can await. Problems will also arise if production facilities are located in heavily polluted areas.

What to look for when purchasing?

First of all, on the composition of the hematogen. Ideally, the manufacturer should list not only all the components of the product, but also its compliance with GOST requirements (we talked about this just above). If this is not the case, carefully read the list of ingredients for the presence of various flavoring additives: honey, nuts or caramel.

You should definitely refuse the purchase if there are any preservatives, sweeteners, thickeners or flavorings (letter E with a 3-digit numerical index), or if the composition of the product is not indicated at all. Also, you should not buy hematogen in supermarkets or at the market: for any medications, as we have already found out, you should go to the pharmacy.

Hematogen has remained tasty and delicious for many decades. useful medicine. Young patients have a very positive attitude towards such therapy, thanks to which it is possible to improve their normal level iron in the blood, cope with anemia, restore skin and vision, and also fill the body with vitamin A. At the same time, the need for traditional pharmacological drugs, and the number of possible side effects is reduced to a minimum.


There is no child or adult who has not tried hematogen at least once in their life - the benefits and harms of this remedy are still discussed by doctors, but if early age It looks like a tasty treat, similar to a bar of chocolate, but when people learn about the composition, they are often in no hurry to eat it. The drug, which stimulates hematopoiesis, contains defibrinated bovine blood. The product was invented at the end of the 19th century in Switzerland. At first, the medicine was a mixture based on the blood of cattle, familiar form It found sweet tiles in Russia after 1917.

What is hematogen

Hematogen refers to medications containing dried processed blood. Translated from the Greek “haematogenum”, this word means “giving birth to blood.” The medication consists of albumin (blood protein) and various food additives that improve taste. Hematogen increases hemoglobin. During the Great Patriotic War The Russian drug was included in the mandatory diet of the wounded.

According to modern pharmaceutical classification, it is a dietary supplement rich in vitamins and microelements. The dietary supplement is not a candy or dessert. It has a memorable specific sweet taste and soft consistency. It is important to know what hematogen is used for - the benefits of the treat and the harm border on each other.


The active components of hematogen are proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Divalent iron is considered an important substance, which forms erythrocytes in the blood - red blood cells. The chemical element is represented by iron-containing protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. The preparation contains vitamin A, which is necessary for a growing body, and is a source of amino acids.

Additional food ingredients of hematogen are flavoring additives: honey, molasses, sugar, chocolate, sesame seeds, nuts, condensed milk, coconut flakes, candied fruits are added to it. The product is made from blood, and it is listed as food albumin. The calorie content of the product is 354 kcal per 100 g. Detailed analysis BJU useful product:

How to make hematogen

The dietary supplement contains classic black food albumin. It is obtained from the blood of cattle - the blood or red blood cells are stabilized and dried. These components contain many allergens, so in modern production they are replaced with hemoglobin. Medicine production technology according to GOST:

  • sugar syrup is mixed with condensed milk, molasses, heated to 125 degrees;
  • the mass is cooled to 60 degrees;
  • black food albumin or hemoglobin is injected into it.

The benefits of hematogen

The effect of taking the medicine is a preventive and restorative effect. The dietary supplement is an aid in the prevention of anemia and treatment of diseases. How hematogen is useful:

  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalizes the process of blood production;
  • amino acids support the normal functioning of all organs;
  • vitamin A improves the condition of nails, skin, hair, supports vision;
  • used in complex treatment anemia, postoperative periods, weakness;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and proteins, eliminates general exhaustion;
  • indispensable for stomach and duodenal ulcers, since these diseases are accompanied by blood loss;
  • normalizes the weight and height of children.

For children

Pediatricians will tell you why children need hematogen. The drug is given from 3 years of age to 30 g per day. Its benefits to the child’s body are as follows:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents anemia from developing;
  • enhances production in case of red blood cell deficiency, normalizes hemoglobin, protects against anemia;
  • renews the structure and composition of the blood, strengthens the body;
  • increases the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • stimulates hematopoiesis, metabolism, develops visual function;
  • improves the functioning of digestion and respiratory organs;

For women

Some doubt whether Hematogen is useful, because the product has many contraindications, harms and side effects. For women, especially pregnant women, the benefits are as follows:

  • helps the fetus and placenta to fully develop;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps avoid the risk of iron deficiency;
  • doctors recommend using the drug to prevent iron deficiency anemia;
  • increases the reserves of microelements in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • during menstruation, it replenishes lost substances;
  • increases osmotic pressure in the blood, eliminates swelling;
  • It is recommended to use hematogen to enhance the transport of hormones;
  • The composition contains vitamins A, C and E, which maintain the normal condition of mucous membranes, skin, hair, and nails.

For men

The product is considered important for children and women, but there are benefits of hematogen for men. It is as follows:

  • helps with emotional, mental, physical activity;
  • stabilizes metabolism, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • improves digestion, breathing;
  • normalizes vision, tones the body, contains vitamins;
  • amino acids protect against infections;
  • helps cope with intense workouts
  • restores strength after medical procedures, operations.

Hematogen for weight loss

Beneficial features hematogen are applicable in many areas, but not for weight loss. The product has a high calorie content to include it in the diet menu. If you count calories, hematogen can be used as a dessert. When following a special diet, take into account the rate of supplement use - fillers increase calorie content and are included in the list of prohibited foods for people suffering from excess weight.


You should not uncontrollably take any dietary supplements, including Hematogen - the benefits and harms of its use can be closely intertwined. Here are a few harmful factors:

  • additives and albumin are allergenic and cause severe consequences;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates cause harm in the form of obesity and diabetes;
  • overdose threatens nausea, diarrhea;
  • helps reduce the digestibility of saturated fats;
  • negatively affects the thyroid gland of diabetics.

Instructions for use

1-2 tablets three times a day - this is the norm for taking hematogen without consequences for the body. Bars, bars or chewable strips are available in 20, 30 or 50 g sizes and are divided into strips or cubes. The duration of taking the medicine is 2-3 weeks. Take it between meals, preferably two hours after meals. You can drink the cubes with water, but do not combine them with dairy products - this makes absorption difficult useful substances. While using Hematogen, it is prohibited to take vitamin complexes.

Before starting to take the product, consult your doctor to avoid harm to your body. Consumption of hematogen for preventive purposes requires compliance with a number of rules:

  • Do not combine with salt substitutes;
  • you cannot eat tiles while following a low-salt diet;
  • do not combine with antibiotics (take after two hours);
  • You cannot simultaneously consume protein foods - meat, fish, liver, foods with calcium or antacids;
  • Hematogen should be stored in a dark place out of reach of children.

Daily dosage depends on age, gender and individual characteristics person. Approximate permitted doses for benefit:

At what age can a child be given hematogen?

For children under three years of age, taking hematogen is contraindicated. Even if your child asks to buy a delicious candy bar, don’t give in. Starting from the age of three, it is allowed to include 5 grams three times a day in the baby’s diet, from six years old - 10 g twice a day, over 12 - 10 g three times a day. The duration of treatment lasts 21 days.

What happens if you eat a lot of hematogen

Daily dose hematogen for children over six years old is 20 g, for adults 50 g. It can be taken every day, but not longer than 21 days. After this, take a break for at least three weeks. If the dosage is not observed, the following may occur: unpleasant symptoms:

  • Digestion becomes difficult;
  • painted tooth enamel;
  • frequency of urination increases;
  • possible stomach bleeding, uneven heartbeat, muscle weakness.

Possible side effects

The iron ions included in the product have a slight irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach. They activate nervus vagus, which supplies nerve endings to organs abdominal cavity. Side effects. According to reviews, they are:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • flatulence; diarrhea, diarrhea;
  • frequent urination.


The instructions for using Hematogen indicate contraindications, in the presence of which the use of the bar is not prescribed in order to avoid harm:

  • diabetes mellitus (the medicine contains easily digestible carbohydrates that increase sugar concentration);
  • obesity;
  • gastritis;
  • hypersensitivity to the main components;
  • anemia without iron deficiency (excess iron can have a toxic effect on the body);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • childhood up to three years.

How to choose

Tiles are sold at the pharmacy. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors, guaranteeing quality and benefits natural product:

  • in the first place of the present composition is food albumin (black, dried bovine blood);
  • albumin content should be 4-5% of the total mass;
  • It is better not to choose a product with additives, they reduce the effectiveness of the medication;
  • If the records are dipped in chocolate, reduce the total calorie content of your diet.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The benefits and harms of hematogen for children and adults

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