Home Prevention My lower back hurts when I get out of bed. Pain in the back and lower back - a harbinger of illness or a common occurrence? urgently, girls!! impossible pain in the thigh under the buttock of the right

My lower back hurts when I get out of bed. Pain in the back and lower back - a harbinger of illness or a common occurrence? urgently, girls!! impossible pain in the thigh under the buttock of the right

What is sciatica in the back

Pain in the lower back when walking or inhaling occurs due to injury to nerve fibers or their endings intervertebral hernia, displaced vertebrae, inflammatory changes in the ligaments of the spinal column, spasmodic contractions of the back muscles.

Since the duration and intensity of muscle contractions are controlled by the nervous system, any pathological changes spinal nerves affect the functionality of skeletal muscles.

Against this background, excessive physical activity leads to persistent hypertonicity of muscle groups (staying in a state of contraction without relaxation). A person cannot bend forward or get up from bed.

Why does it occur pain syndrome in the lower back:

  • Lifting too heavy objects with rupture of the muscular-ligamentous aponeuroses;
  • Sharp turns of the body at an angle of more than 120 degrees with weakness of the spinal ligaments lead to displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Strenuous fitness classes without pre-warming create microcracks and muscle tears;
  • Prolonged “hunched” position of the lumbar spine when sitting gradually leads to weakness muscle corset backs;
  • Carrying children weighing more than 4 kilograms is often accompanied by damage to the cartilaginous intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis).

In general, any load on lumbar region spine, which leads to damage to the intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis, hernia). In such a situation, there is likely to be compression of the nerve root that comes out of the spinal cord, so my back starts to hurt.

If the back muscles are damaged, any attempt to make a sharp turn ends in severe pain due to compression of the nerves by inflamed or spasmed muscles (myofascial syndrome). This is why doctors prescribe muscle relaxants for spinal hernia.

If, at a doctor’s appointment, a patient complains: “I can’t bend over because pain occurs in the lower back with minimal flexion and extension of the back,” myofascial syndrome should be suspected. With it, pain sensitivity increases with movement or inhalation, as the strength of muscle spasm increases.

Another cause of lower back pain is “banal” weakness of the abdominal and back muscles. Availability sign of this state is the presence of aching pain when inhaling, when standing for a long time or frequently bending the body. When trying to bend forward, a “vertebral hump” appears in a person with a weak back muscle corset.

In such a situation, due to the weakness of the skeletal muscles, the back muscles are stretched, so they are compressed spinal nerves. To avoid pain, it is enough to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the pathology will disappear forever on its own.

When one lumbar vertebra is displaced relative to another (spondylolisthesis), an unstable position of the spinal axis is formed. When turning the body sharply or lifting heavy objects, the nerve roots with spondylolisthesis are injured.

How to determine the cause of pain yourself

To find out why your back hurts, you should differentiate between the five most common syndromes: spinal pathology, myofascial syndrome, weakness of the back muscle corset, kidney disease, and metabolic disorders.

However, most often pain in the lower back when walking, as well as when inhaling, occurs due to pathology of the spine. To confirm the “vertebral” cause of pain at home, a number of tests are used:

  • Touch your chin to your chest;
  • Tighten your abs;
  • Take a vertical position, rising from horizontal position, but without bending your legs;
  • Raise your legs up, first one and then the other;
  • Feel the points along the spinal column with your fingers.

If, when performing the exercises described above, you feel an increase in pain in the spine, the likelihood of having a spinal pathology with irritation of the nerve endings is quite high. X-rays of the spine, as well as magnetic resonance imaging, will help confirm this assumption.

A common kidney pathology that leads to pain on the right and left of the spine is urolithiasis. Pain syndrome occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings of the urinary tract by a large calculus (stone).

Metabolic diseases with pain in the lower back include severe osteoporosis (loss of bone structure due to a lack of calcium). This condition leads to deformation of the osteoarticular system of the spine and limbs.

Considering the seriousness of the diseases described above, which lead to pain when walking in the lumbar region, we recommend that you do not try to treat them yourself, but consult a doctor. If there is a pathology, it is important not only to get rid of it, but also to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the person’s condition in order to prevent dangerous complications.

Classification of pain in the lumbar spine

Spinal hernia - common reason back pain

Back pain can be divided into primary and secondary.

  1. Primary pain syndrome occurs against the background of changes in the spinal column, nerve endings, and ligamentous-muscular structures.

The intensity of primary pain can be cumulative or acute. The cumulative pain is aching in nature and intensifies over time with any careless movement or sharp turn of the body. With acute pain in the lower back, a person feels sharp pain when getting out of bed or trying to put on a shirt.

If the reason primary syndrome lies in the narrow spinal canal, a person is almost always in pain. He cannot spend time standing quietly, but when sitting, the symptoms of the pathology are alleviated.

  1. Secondary lower back pain occurs when:
  • Tumors of the spinal column;
  • Pelvic infections;
  • Spinal injuries.

Secondary pain in the lower back during inspiration is an alarming signal that requires a thorough diagnosis of the health condition. If it intensifies when bending forward, briefly standing, straightening or bending the upper limbs, this is an unfavorable sign of cancer.

Rules for treating the disease

When a patient tells the doctor: “I’m standing still, but my lower back hurts a lot,” most likely the cause of this situation is weak back muscles. With it, conservative drugs are usually not prescribed, and treatment is carried out with the help of physical therapy.

It’s a completely different matter when the aching pain sharply intensifies when turning the body, while inhaling or exhaling. In such a situation, doctors already prescribe local or systemic anti-inflammatory drugs, since the likelihood of myofascial syndrome or damage to the spinal cartilage is high.

If pain in the lower back appears while lying on your back, in a state of flexion or extension, but disappears on the stomach and when getting out of bed - a sign of pathology light spine degrees. It is treated with conservative methods.

If the pain is not caused by a pathology of the spine, but only muscle spasm(does not disappear when lying on the stomach), vertebrologists believe that the best treatment is the return of a person to moderate physical labor after intramuscular injection muscle relaxant (mydocalm).

If the pain is so severe that it occurs with the slightest movement, you should not get out of bed. An intervertebral hernia is possible, in which the person must be transported to a hospital hospital in a stationary state. After the x-ray, the doctor will apply a plaster splint or the patient will undergo emergency surgery.

Manual therapy as effective remedy treatment of lumbar myalgia has a right to exist, but in the treatment of spinal diseases it can only be used to stimulate blood supply along the spinal column.

Mostly for lumbar pain, doctors prescribe non-steroidal drugs(diclofenac, ketorolac), long-term chondroprotectors (teraflex, alflutop) and symptomatic drugs.

In conclusion, advice to readers: when you experience pain in the lower back when inhaling, straightening up and getting out of bed, do not treat it yourself. Most likely, you do not have a simple muscle strain, but a more serious pathology.

Ankylosing spondylitis and other autoimmune diseases

Back pain (dorsalgia)

Other pathologies of the spinal cord and brain

Other musculoskeletal injuries

Muscle and ligament diseases

Diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues

Curvatures (deformations) of the spine

Treatment in Israel

Neurological symptoms and syndromes

Tumors of the spine, brain and spinal cord

Answers to visitors' questions

Soft tissue pathologies

X-ray and other instrumental diagnostic methods

Symptoms and syndromes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Vascular diseases of the central nervous system

Spinal and central nervous system injuries

©, medical portal about back health SpinaZdorov.ru

All information on the site is presented for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Back pain after getting out of bed

Good afternoon Tell me, every morning after getting out of bed, shooting pain appears in the lumbar region. During the day it grows smoothly up to the rib area. Sometimes I apply ointments, the pain goes away for about 30 minutes. I don’t have time to go to the doctors. What could it be?

Hello. The cause of such symptoms is often associated with exacerbation of osteochondrosis in the lumbar/thoracic region. Treatment with ointments is conditional and will not give a long-term effect without therapy. In your case, an in-person consultation with a neurologist is necessary to exclude radicular syndrome and the presence of a hernia. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude diseases genitourinary system.

Kidney diseases and gynecology can cause similar symptoms. Try to independently compile a primary spectrum of common complaints, in addition to the lower back:

  • Is there pain/sharpness when urinating;
  • Are there any changes in the color of urine discharge and its quantity;
  • Are there any changes in menstruation: cycle irregularities, increase/decrease in intensity;
  • Did the temperature rise during the specified period;
  • Have you been diagnosed with adnexitis or uterine fibroids?

Have you had any back injuries? Perhaps you have once fallen on your back or hit your tailbone or chest. The results of a spinal injury may take several years to appear. Brief Analysis will help you more accurately choose the right specialist.

You can relieve pain during exacerbation of osteochondrosis short course the following drugs:

  1. Diclofenac injections – 2 times a day (5 days);
  2. Milgamma injections – 2 times a day (5 days);
  3. Mydocalm injections – 2 times a day (10 days);
  4. Movalis – 1 injection every other day;
  5. Rub Nise/Ketonal ointment into the spine 2 times a day (5 days).

But this is a temporary solution to the problem. You need to undergo examination in a clinical setting to achieve a stable effect and an accurate diagnosis.

Lower back pain when getting up from a chair

Lower back pain when moving, in particular when getting up from a chair, is a common symptom that can be caused by so-called postural stress. Pain may appear after prolonged sitting. This symptom is also one of the manifestations of osteochondrosis. In order not to neglect your own health and not provoke the development of serious complications, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible if the pain appears frequently and is of sufficient intensity.

Lower back pain when getting up from a chair: causes

There are several main reasons that contribute to the appearance of lower back pain when getting up from a chair:

excessive physical activity and the resulting persistent muscle hypertonicity;

staying in one position for a long time, for example, sitting on a hard surface in a hunched position;

rupture of the muscular-ligamentous aponeurosis due to heavy lifting;

displacement of the lumbar vertebrae due to a sharp turn of the body with general weakness of the spinal ligaments;

osteochondrosis of the lumbar spinal column.

Sometimes pain occurs simply because the back muscles are weak, as are the abdominal muscles. In such cases painful sensations occur due to compression of the spinal cord nerves by stretched back muscles. When the vertebrae are displaced relative to each other, pain occurs when motor activity appears due to traumatic damage to the nerve roots.

Very often, pain in the back area has nothing to do with the spine, which is why before prescribing treatment it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of the pain syndrome.

Osteopathy for lower back pain

Osteopathy differs from classical medicine in that it practices a holistic view of the human body and the treatment of its diseases. If a patient has pain when getting up from a chair, the osteopathic doctor will not directly treat this symptom. But he will find out its cause and eliminate it.

As a rule, it is possible to detect a whole pathological chain. The task of an osteopath is to eliminate every link in order to achieve a cure and bring the body into a state of harmony and internal balance.

If lower back pain is associated with osteochondrosis or another disorder of the spinal column, it is better to start osteopathic treatment as early as possible. The fact is that with the help of special manual techniques, an osteopath can easily eliminate functional disorders, but if the disease is at an advanced stage and is already accompanied morphological changes, therapy may be much longer, but nevertheless effective.

During treatment, the osteopathic doctor will eliminate the pathological processes he has identified in the patient’s body, normalize the anatomical position of all structures and internal organs, restore normal innervation and blood circulation, as well as muscle tone. As a result, the pain syndrome will be completely eliminated, and the body will receive optimal conditions for self-healing and resistance to any future ailments.

Possible contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Common causes of severe lower back pain and main symptoms

The human lower back is quite complex, and this is necessary in order to withstand heavy loads during movements, bending, and lifting heavy objects. The lumbar region in the human body is considered the largest, plus there are many organs located in the lower back. This leads to the frequent occurrence of pathologies of the organs and spine of the lumbar girdle. The nature sharp pain occurs most often in the lower back and the reasons for its appearance are as follows: acute conditions and in chronic diseases.

In addition, the widest and largest part of the body is susceptible to injury, and since it is more difficult to completely immobilize the lower back than, say, the limbs or neck, delayed treatment often leads to complications and chronic pathologies.

Causes of severe lower back pain

In total, the causes are divided according to several criteria - these are degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and bones or pathologies of internal organs. There are also combined causes of pain, for example, when the lumbar spine and kidneys are damaged due to injury.

If aching, girdle pain is more often observed in chronic or long-term pathologies in the body, then acute symptoms characterized by rapid development of the condition due to such factors:

  1. An injury to the back or lower abdomen leads to pain that is acute in nature and can radiate to the leg, right or left back, or buttocks.
  2. Exacerbation or occurrence of spinal pathology: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, vertebral displacement, curvature and other conditions. In this case, nerves and blood vessels are pinched and there is a girdle, sharp pain that radiates to the leg, pain in the lower abdomen, as well as from the pinched buttock and back (right or left).
  3. Pain syndrome occurs with pathologies of internal organs: genitourinary organs, liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas and diseases specific to gender. In women, pathologies of the ovaries and uterus occur, and in men, of the prostate gland.

In addition, there are conditions in which severe lower back pain is temporary and goes away on its own, even if treatment was carried out at home. These conditions include lifting a heavy object, pinching a nerve, or spraining a ligament when moving, bending over, or getting out of bed. Generally, there is an acute, girdling pain that intensifies with movement or palpation. Most often it hurts in the lower back and abdomen, and in case of pinching sciatic nerve the pain radiates to the right or left buttocks, to the leg.

Spine pathologies

If we look at the statistics, sharp lower back pain occurs more often in conditions associated with disease or injury to the spine. The condition when acute, girdling pain occurs in the lower back and abdomen with moments of “lumbago” is called lumbago. Depending on what structural units the body is damaged, lumbago is associated with pinched nerve roots (lumbodynia) and with irradiation of pain in the leg (lumbar ischialgia).

Spinal diseases are often caused by predisposing factors in a person’s life. These include work associated with such circumstances as frequent heavy lifting, a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Obesity and genetic predisposition are not the least important factors in the occurrence of spinal diseases.

The above reasons, plus spinal curvature and trauma, lead to conditions such as osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthrosis, hernia and protrusion (disc protrusion). In the first stages of the pathology, pain occurs when bending, moving or lifting something heavy. This is how lumbago appears with the following symptoms:

  • girdle pain during exacerbation;
  • limited mobility;
  • rapid fatigue and decreased performance.

After rest, symptoms generally either go away or subside. Clinical picture characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. As the disease progresses, pressure occurs on nearby tissues and nerves. So, after a slight load (when lifting weights, bending over, getting out of bed), severe back pain appears, which radiates to the right or left of the buttocks, legs, sometimes encircling with irradiation in the lower abdomen.

If this condition is not treated, the disease quickly impairs a person’s ability to work and leads to disability. Painful conditions of lumbodynia are relieved with the help of blockade and NSAID drugs, muscle relaxants. In extreme cases, surgery is performed. With any option, you need to do gymnastics, undergo a course of physiotherapy, and a special regime of work and rest is recommended.

Pathologies of internal organs

The causes of acute lower back pain syndrome are acute and chronic diseases during exacerbations.

When the body suffers from urolithiasis, kidney cancer or injury, acute girdling pain occurs during an attack renal colic. The causes of the condition are a delay in the outflow of urine from the kidney. In the kidney and urinary tract Sand or stones (urates) appear, clogging and putting pressure on the kidney itself and the urine outflow tract.

Renal colic is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • acute back pain occurs suddenly, after which the person takes a forced position (bends) and cannot make movements due to pain;
  • girdling pain, radiating to the leg, lower abdomen, sometimes stronger on the right or left;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • the person feels nauseous and sometimes vomits.

Treatment of this condition should be immediate, as it threatens complications. Colic attacks are treated with antispasmodics, analgesics, difficult cases drugs. If necessary, a blockade with Novocaine is performed. Complete treatment of the disease is carried out in a hospital setting, using ultrasound technology, then you need to do physical therapy and symptomatic treatment.

Acute pain also occurs with pyelonephritis (inflammation in the kidneys), urolithiasis. Pain on the right or left side in the back with bilateral inflammation, girdling pain. The pain radiates to the leg, lower abdomen. Diseases occur after hypothermia, poisoning or weakened immunity.

Mostly, symptoms of pain occur in combination with other symptoms. This is a violation of urination, a change in the color and density of urine, and an increase in temperature. To prevent transition to a chronic condition, treatment must be comprehensive and complete. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, antimicrobial agents, and vitamin therapy.

Girdle pain in the back and abdomen, radiating to the left or right, occurs with appendicitis. In addition, appendicitis causes symptoms in the lower abdomen and radiates to the leg. After analgesics, the pain does not go away, so doctors recommend not anesthetizing this condition so as not to complicate diagnosis. The causes of its occurrence are not fully understood, and treatment is carried out only by surgery.

Short-term pain

The lower back hurts when you receive an injury after a blow to the back, a fall, or a sharp push. Injured soft fabrics, muscles, and increasing swelling puts pressure on the nerves. This leads to symptoms of pain in the right or left back, and if the injury is extensive, then pain in the entire back of the lumbar region. There is a disturbance in sensitivity, swelling and increased pain when standing up, moving and exercising.

If the organs are not damaged, there is no fracture or dislocation, then treatment is possible at home and is aimed at eliminating pain and swelling. Depending on the degree of damage, the injury takes from several days to 2-3 weeks. When a vertebra is fractured, dislocated or displaced, pain radiates to the leg, upper back, buttocks and lower abdomen. To identify these conditions, you need to do an x-ray examination, and the doctor will select the necessary treatment.

Women experience back and abdominal pain during menstruation or pregnancy. Observation by a gynecologist and following the doctor’s recommendations will allow you to survive the symptoms without consequences.

How to get out of bed with back pain

In the morning, when you hear the alarm ringing, do not jump out of bed abruptly. It is very useful to lie on your back and put your hands on your stomach, take several slow deep breaths and even slower deep exhalations, while straining your stomach and protruding it as you inhale, drawing it in as you exhale. The knees may be slightly bent. Then stretch your arms up and your heels down. Remember that a cat never gets up after sleep without stretching.

Then slowly rise up using your hands. To do this, you can first turn on your side, then lower your legs from the bed to the floor, then sit down, starting with your head, keeping your back straight, and stand up. If your lower back hurts, you can stand up as follows: lie on your stomach, lower your legs to the floor, lie there for a few seconds, and then lean on your hands and stand up without bending your lower back.

“How to get out of bed with back pain” and other articles from the section Treatment of back pain

I had difficulty getting out of bed this morning due to back pain.

A few days ago I woke up in the morning and had difficulty getting out of bed due to back pain in the lumbar region, which arose with any change in body position. Before this there were no special loads. I work in an office. There seemed to be no drafts. The air conditioner didn't turn on. I warmed my back with Fenalgon and a warm bandage for 2 days. The pain has decreased, but has spread to the right thigh, which hurts when moving and, most importantly, the surface of the thigh in front has become numb (it has not gone away for the third day). Tell me what this could be and how to cure it. Thank you!

Alexander, Bryansk, 43 years old


Pluzhnik Elena

Master instructor of exercise therapy

For the spine to start hurting after 40 years, it is not at all necessary to fall from a height or be in an accident. It is enough to sit in the office for many years without taking care of your spine in advance. The most vulnerable part of the spine is the lumbar spine, and if it is not protected by muscles, the intervertebral discs gradually flatten and become unable to perform their shock-absorbing function, as a result, the nerve roots are pinched and the intervertebral joints suffer. As is known, the innervation of the lower extremities comes from the lumbar spine. If you have deformed intervertebral discs or perhaps pinched nerves, then pain is not surprising. I advise you to read the answers to identical questions No. 56, 120, 106, in them you will find an explanation and means of assistance.

Sincerely, Pluzhnik Elena.

Next question in the section

Do you prefer manual therapy or massage?

Hello! I have s-shaped scoliosis of the second degree, the curvature is in both the thoracic and lumbar regions. →

Lower back hurts when you stand up

Pain in the back and lower back

Lower back pain

the same bullshit... probably two weeks already...

I can’t stand up, I can’t lie down... everything hurts... especially when you stand at the stove or wash dishes, the pain is absolutely unbearable... but I don’t say anything about getting out of bed... I feel like a hippopotamus..

lower back pain

urgently, girls!! impossible pain in the thigh under the buttock of the right

This is most likely sciatica, this is a common occurrence in pregnant women, please do not overload yourself! You need to go to a neurologist (neurologist), if you know an osteopath, then you can! When did the pain appear, after sleep? after cleaning, for example (after a load?), a bandage with stiffening ribs or a lyapko roller will save you! And without stress.

Don't panic, most likely the nerve is pinched. Do not make sudden movements, more rest, exercise, warm-up. Warm... is it possible? When my neck gets stuck, I apply it with momom and it goes away, is it possible on my thigh? Well, go see a doctor, maybe he can give you some advice)

I had it too, only before pregnancy. It’s a back problem, apparently it’s been torn off, it will hurt more and more, you need to see a doctor, it won’t go away on its own. Treatment should be prescribed, injections, but in your situation I don’t know how they will treat

It really hurts a lot today

After giving birth, everything will pass just a little bit, just be patient!

The tailbone and pelvis hurt.

My tailbone also hurt, it really hurt when I walked there, I can say one thing, this is just the beginning)))) I’m already walking like a snag, the pelvis of my leg still hurts, I can’t turn around normally at night, well, I can’t bear it for a little while)))) worry about these are all pregnancy symptoms))

I’m also struggling with this ((I only need to do a little something around the house and I’m already hobbling around. It’s painful on my left leg and I can’t turn from one side to the other at night

I have the same thing, I also have a sedentary job, after which I can barely walk(

Pain in the lower back and buttock

This started happening to me around the same time. By week 27 it got a little worse. Now it feels like the bones in the pelvis are jammed. I made an appointment with a neurologist. I'll go to next week. The LC says it is possible because the fetal head is located too low in the pelvis. Perhaps something is being squeezed. In general, I will find out. Do not be ill.


It was like this when we were taking it, especially in weight... Sometimes I lay there and thought, all my legs are going away... But how to give birth. I gave birth myself, after giving birth for about a week, two perineal bones ached and everything went away))) only fatigue sets in so quickly... Apparently from lack of sleep

I gave birth almost half a year ago, it still hurts there, at first I cried from the pain. I'm sorry for the epidural

It also hurts, now it’s less, but at first it was terrible, you wake up because your back hurts.

lower back hurts

You're about to give birth, it's your pelvic bones that are moving apart.

30 weeks of lower abdominal pain

Don't panic, it happened too. After 2 weeks it went away and I was still running until I was 38, and then it started again.

This is how I was diagnosed with the symphysis: pain when trying to lift my leg. This is a given. Not a threat.

I had back wall and it hurt there too. In general, she was like a grandmother. Ligaments, intestines

39 weeks of pregnancy in one post! history!

I have no words... as if I lived this time with you in a minute...

33 signs B before delay!

My cycle days - sensations

And you too this week.

It was my lower back that didn’t hurt at all) EVERYTHING else hurt

I have other jokes. On one side the leg is numb, on the other the pelvic bones hurt :)

My caesarean: how it happened

Thank you for your story, the CS is coming, you answered many questions!

What to do?

oh, it’s not just you, I have a sedentary job, my legs also swell a little, and my lower back ache, and many people say you need to drink more for swelling, I try to drink anyway, and so I constantly run to the toilet, and if it’s even more, then I think this trip to the toilet will be a complete mess)))

and I alternate, for myself or my husband))) I’m already on my second jar of Nivea cream, I really like it, although before I always thought it was greasy, now my skin is like a sponge. I bought some kind of oil at the pharmacy for babies, it worked for me, I spent hours on it.

It's hot here now. I started noticing swelling, I can’t sit for a long time, my legs are shaky... my lower back doesn’t hurt much, but sometimes it does. I have a sedentary job

No forces!

Well, of course, ideally, consult a doctor)) I would like to know the reason. If the tower corset is weak, then just strengthen your back with exercises, and the remaining reasons, again, probably need to be resolved with a doctor.

I had this happen, it gets stuck, it’s because you carry the baby in your arms, your back gets tired, and as she gains weight the load increases

Hello accounting✌

The nurse tells me to bring some stationery, if you don’t mind, I think she asked for paper. But the attitude towards me at the first appointment was rude. What the hell do you need? And the card was free

Hold on) I also paid for the card, but it was 50 UAH) then I brought various little things like packages, etc. to the office fund ahead)

We also free cards... Now, on the contrary, all the signs of toxin have gone away and I’m in just a wonderful state

with a clear conscience

Well done. And my husband washes and irons diapers at home... I didn’t have time myself.))))

you'll see the doll soon

It’s getting harder to sleep at night, the deadline is approaching, I can’t wait to see you)))

I generally get up after sleep, as if I had been kicked all night (((And my lower back hurts, and my stomach is tight, but after 10 minutes everything goes away.

so if I roll over((((it hurts everywhere

Giving birth soon?

I had all your symptoms 4 days ago. Exactly what they wrote. Now the baby, on the contrary, has become quieter (I really feel that there is no room for her to push hard anymore) She just moves her back and knees with her arms. But below, apparently when I turn my head, I immediately feel like I’m going to wet myself. I relieve the sensations in my back with a warm shower and also read that my lower back and pelvis should now be kept warm. I walk and sleep with a woolen scarf (I wrap it around my lower back and pelvis), you know, the bones of the perineum stop hurting when it’s warm there. So yes, the birth is coming soon!

I’m on the second day of training contractions, my stomach is pulling. I save myself and recognize the shower only (they say if you go to the shower and let go, it means training contractions) and I also save myself with it. I buzzed all the ears of my parents and husband that I’m afraid if I’m suddenly already giving birth, but I suspect about that😂I went through my entire pregnancy without any complaints about anything, but now I feel a tingling sensation, a tug here and I’m almost shuddering(

I also have a pain below, as if she was sitting with a knife, she told the doctors, everything is somehow passing by 🤦🏼‍♀️ at least manage your pregnancy yourself

Letters to my mother (diary of the baby's intrauterine development)

every child is unique))

Diary of a baby in the womb)

Eh, mother-mother...

It’s a pity that such an attitude still exists in maternity hospitals... Damn bastards.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby!))) Let him be healthy and strong)

God forbid anyone else should experience this.

Everything went much better for me... if it had been the same, I definitely wouldn’t have thought about the second one.

Funny thing) from the stories of women in labor)))))))))))) Generally atas)

hilarious)))))))I have never read about women in labor in such quantity))))

way to improve mood, proven to work

I'll bookmark it!

Jokes of women in labor

oh I can’t laugh all over the apartment))) my daughter walks nearby and looks at me in bewilderment)))

Lighten the mood a little

Just laughter and tears! I read and remember myself. There was also plenty of laughter, although at that moment it wasn’t funny at all!

I’m now going to a massage therapist, and he told me that many women who have given birth themselves have problems with the pelvis. When the pelvis is fixed during childbirth, misalignment may occur. and because of this, in the future, problems with the lower back, knees and everything in general spinal column. Subluxations appear, which cause pain due to stress. You should find a good back specialist. Well, an MRI wouldn’t be superfluous for sure.

I have it, it’s a pinched nerve. After the first pregnancy it went away, I didn’t treat it, but now I’m suffering again, then I’ll treat it. I think massages will do

Lower back pain when getting out of bed

About 2 weeks ago my lower back started to hurt and it was hard to bend over.

I went to the doctor. She didn’t do any tests, didn’t even examine me and said that I had sciatica.

prescribed injections and medicine.

injections every other day. I’ve already done 2.

I hardly strain my back, but it still hurts a lot.

Today (stupid) I put on heels and walked for about 20 minutes (went on business).

Now I can’t get up. My lower back hurts like hell, I can’t get out of bed without crying.

I lay down on the floor and something crunched in my lower back a couple of times. Horror: D

I don't want to scare you, but it could be a hernia. Which is very unpleasant

and I never had scoliosis.

and doctors, yes. We have exactly the same ones.

She touched it and said that most likely there was a leak somewhere.

The lower back doesn’t hurt so much anymore, but I still feel pain sometimes..

Lower back pain occurs quite often. Patients say “my lower back hurts”, “my lower back is pinched”, “shot in the lower back”. If the pain is not acute, they may say “lower back hurts,” “lower back pulls,” “lower back ache.” Sometimes the pain is described as a burning sensation in the lower back.

Lower back called the lower back - from the place where the ribs end to the tailbone. Perhaps a separate word for the lower back was needed just to indicate the place where it hurts. After all, if your back hurts, then in most cases it is your lower back that hurts.

What can low back pain look like?

Most often, lower back pain occurs suddenly, sharply and is acute. In this case they talk about lumbago(obsolete popular name - lumbago). The pain is described as sharp, “shooting.” Movements are constrained, sometimes it is even impossible to straighten your back. With any movement the pain intensifies.

An attack of pain can last a couple of minutes, or it can last for a longer period of time (up to several days). It may be that the attack will pass, and the pain will no longer remind you of itself, but often the pain returns and the person gets used to the fact that his lower back can hurt.

Lower back pain can not only be acute (sharp), it can be nagging and chronic. Mild but constant pain in the lower back, sometimes worsening, for example, when physical activity, infectious disease, hypothermia, etc., are called lumbodynia. Sometimes there is no direct pain, but stiffness remains in the lower back, and the patient experiences discomfort.

Causes of lower back pain

Low back pain can be caused for various reasons, however, the statistics here are as follows:

  • in 90% of cases the pain is caused by problems with the spine and back muscles;
  • in 6% the cause of pain is kidney disease;
  • 4% - diseases of other internal organs (genitourinary system, intestines).

The spine accounts for the majority of all cases of low back pain, and this is no coincidence. In humans, the center of gravity of the body is located exactly at the level of the lower back, and when walking, the entire load falls almost entirely on the lumbar spine (animals that move on four legs do not have this problem). And when a person sits down, the vertebrae of the lower back and sacrum experience the same force of pressure with which a 170-meter layer of water presses on a diver. Naturally, this area is particularly vulnerable.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system that cause lower back pain:

  • pinching of the sciatic nerve. The nerve roots extending from the spinal cord are compressed by neighboring vertebrae. In this case, a sharp, shooting pain occurs. As a rule, pinching of the roots becomes possible due to degenerative changes in the spine (): the intervertebral discs separating the vertebrae from each other are destroyed, the gap between the vertebrae narrows and sudden movement (tilting, turning) can lead to pinching of the nerve branch;
  • sciatica (lumbosacral radiculitis). Pinched nerve roots can become inflamed. Inflammation of the nerve roots is called radiculitis (from the Latin radicula - “root”); To indicate inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a special name is sometimes used - sciatica. If the sciatic nerve is damaged, lumbar ischialgia may be observed - pain in the lower back, also spreading to the buttock and leg along the sciatic nerve;
  • intervertebral disc herniation – protrusion of a fragment of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. Occurs as a result of injury or degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis);
  • myositis of the lumbar muscles. Myositis is inflammation skeletal muscles. The cause of myositis of the lumbar muscles can be hypothermia or sudden tension.

Low back pain can also be caused by diseases such as multiple sclerosis, degenerative sacroiliitis, .

Prevention of low back pain

The occurrence of lower back pain is often provoked by a careless attitude towards one’s own health. Pain may be caused by:

  • staying in the same position for a long time (for example, during sedentary work);
  • incorrect posture;
  • low mobility;

All these factors contribute to the development of diseases manifested by lower back pain. The risk of pain can be reduced by following the following advice from doctors:

Lower back pain due to kidney disease

For lower back pain, it is important to determine what is causing it - pathologies of the musculoskeletal system or kidney disease (as well as other internal organs). Diagnosis must be carried out by a doctor. However, there are signs to suggest that the pain may be due to problems with the kidneys and/or other organs of the genitourinary system. If these symptoms occur, it is advisable to immediately contact a urologist. Kidney disease (or more broadly, the genitourinary system) can be suspected if lower back pain is accompanied by:

  • general deterioration in health (lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue);
  • swelling of the eyelids and face. Swelling is especially pronounced in the morning, after waking up, and subsides in the evening;
  • increased body temperature, chills, sweating;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • frequent or painful urination;
  • changes in the characteristics of urine (it may become more concentrated in color or, on the contrary, colorless, contain mucus or blood);
  • increased blood pressure.

Also important sign The fact that lower back pain is caused by problems of the internal organs, and not the musculoskeletal system, is its independence from the position of the body: the pain does not increase or decrease from changes in the position of the body and limbs. However, with prolonged standing in a standing position due to check pathology, the pain may intensify.
The location of the pain also matters. With kidney disease, pain is most often observed on one side (since usually only one kidney is affected). Kidney pain may not be limited to the lower back, but may spread along the ureter, to the groin, to the external genitalia, to the inner thighs.

Lower back pain: what to do?

Low back pain is a symptom of a disease that requires treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor. But in case of a sudden attack acute pain(“lumbago”, typical of radiculitis), first of all, it is necessary to relieve the pain syndrome. Doctors advise:

  • use gentle heat. Tie a woolen scarf or woolen belt around your lower back;
  • take painkillers;
  • It is necessary to take a position that allows you to relax your back muscles. It is recommended to lie on your back, on a hard, flat surface (board); The legs should be raised and bent at the knees, for which a rolled blanket or pillow should be placed under them. (It is not advisable to lie on the floor; there may be a draft).

The proposed pose is not a dogma. The patient should feel relief, so other positions are possible; for example, lying on a board, place your legs bent at the knees on it, holding a pillow between them. You can try lying on your stomach and stretching your legs, placing a cushion under ankle joints. If the severity of the pain has been relieved, this does not mean that a doctor is no longer needed. Without proper treatment, attacks will recur and the situation as a whole will worsen.

Which doctor should I contact with a complaint of lower back pain?

If you have lower back pain, it is best to consult a general practitioner, since first of all you need to determine which organ disease is causing the pain. Depending on the results of the examination, consultation with a particular medical specialist may be required. Can be assigned:

  • consultation with a neurologist to assess the condition of the spine, back muscles and nervous system;
  • consultation with a urologist – in case of suspected disease urinary system;
  • consultation with a gynecologist - if suspected or present chronic diseases organs of the female reproductive system;
  • and – to confirm or exclude the inflammatory nature of the disease;
  • as well as other studies.
  1. BertinYO Newbie

    I am 23 years old. Height 175. Weight 70kg. I live in Leninogorsk RT. I played basketball for 7 years. I haven't been working out for a year now. For 2 years I have been working as a geophysicist in my main job and as a DJ in another. The main work involved (was) heavy loads.

    It all started suddenly. A month ago, having driven from far away, I lay down and began to be bothered by lower back pain, which intensified over the week. At the same time, he continued to work. He lay on the needles (iplicator), smeared with finalgon. Then I went to the doctor when it became unbearable. They prescribed electric massage, baralgin and diclofenac with vitamins. Moreover, they didn’t particularly examine me and didn’t send me for pictures. They immediately scheduled everything and sent me home for three days. Then the sick leave was extended several times.

    I underwent 10 sessions of electric massage on the lower back. The pain went away only for an hour. In the evening, severe aching pain set in. I drank baralgin. It was letting go. About a week and a half ago I started waking up with pain at night. I was shaking from pain. This also happened in the evenings. At the pharmacy they even took me for a drug addict and called me out, although I am a respectable person. It was simply unbearable to endure these pains while standing in a long line. I was constantly twitching. So here it is.

    A week ago, I went to Almetyevsk myself for an MRI. Did. By that time the pain had calmed down a little. The picture shows a Schmorl's hernia of seven vertebrae. On the same day I went to the head of the department of our medical unit to see doctor Shamsutdinov. He said that if the pain does not go away within a week, we will hospitalize him. In the evening, having returned home, I squatted down to pick up some slippers (I was afraid to bend over because of the discomfort in my lower back). So at that moment I felt a sharp pain in the lower back from the vertebrae to the right hip. He stood up carefully. I went on errands. The pain was present and intensifying. I stopped by the apartment to pick up my things and when I got out of the car I once again felt a stronger sensation of lumbago. I went to my mother and there I was no longer able to get out of the car due to terrible pain. Friends brought me in. I couldn't get up. It hurts to move. The next day, leaning on crutches, I could still walk a little. A week has passed. There are no changes. I can’t stand on my feet without support. Lower back pain. Sitting hurts. Walking hurts. Toko in a strictly straightened lower back, which is uncomfortable when walking. Otherwise it hurts. I bought a medium fixation corset. Standing, I can’t bend forward even an inch - Pain in the lower back. It feels like something is stuck there. I'm like a log. Lying down, I feel like I want to push the vertebrae back into place by stretching out. But the pain prevents me from doing this. The doctor prescribed chondrolone and chondroxide. I drank Nise. I don’t go to the magnet, because... I can't. I'm waiting in line for inpatient treatment. Help, advise. What is this???? Is it curable??? How long will it last??? How to put everything in place??? I will soon attach an MRI scan with the diagnosis. Thanks in advance.

  2. Doctor Stupin Doctor

  3. BertinYO Newbie

    Help. I am suffering a lot.

    I'm afraid that I won't receive qualified treatment in our hospital. Today I barely got back on my feet. I was only able to walk two steps and then very unsteadily, because... I couldn’t find a torso position in which I didn’t feel pain. I took an injection of diclofenac. I'll wait for relief. I’ve been taking Ketorol since last night, otherwise it’s unbearable. Yesterday evening there were severe pain. I could not roll over from my stomach to my back. How long will this continue? I haven’t gotten out of bed for a whole week now, only out of urgent need due to pain. What should I take???

    Added after 3 minutes
    By the way, at home there is a Vitafon-IR ultrasonic device and Kuznetsov and Lebko (Lepko, Lyapko) applicators. How can they help alleviate my ailments?

  4. Doctor Stupin Doctor

    Registration: September 19, 2006 Messages: 35,074 Likes: 21,019 Address: Moscow. Lyubertsy

    Help. I am suffering a lot.
  5. BertinYO Newbie

    Help. I am suffering a lot.

    Thank you, Dr. Stupin. My mistake - I lay down all week and didn’t walk much. Obviously my back has weakened. The pain doesn't go away. Sednya could not get up. Muscle spasms cramped my back. It was impossible to get up and even stand straight. I couldn't use my legs because of back pain. Pain in the spine. The body was “walking”. All support was only on the hands. The brain did not allow me to let go of my hands and stand on my feet. Pain, pain, pain. I resigned myself and lay down. I took ketorol and got up half an hour later. The back muscles calmed down.

    Now I will walk more. Just lie on the thorns. Do gymnastics carefully. Should I continue to wear a medium corset? What medications do you recommend to relieve muscle tension in the morning? I understand that in the morning all this is due to spasms of the back muscles? It cramps and the lower back bends forward, causing pain and preventing you from getting to your feet. Is there a possibility that when I squatted then I experienced a displacement or something else?

    The indifference of our doctors is amazing. Should I get another MRI? Recommend medications. I started taking diclofenac. Yesterday the first injection. Chondrolone, as I understand it, is of no use now. I have slight stomach problems. So far I seem to be able to tolerate Diclofenac well. How long does it take to inject it? When to switch to Niz. I already took it before the exacerbation. Should I start taking Neuromultivit again? What ointment do you recommend? Best regards, Albert Karaban.

  6. Doctor Stupin Doctor

    Registration: September 19, 2006 Messages: 35,074 Likes: 21,019 Address: Moscow. Lyubertsy

    Help. I am suffering a lot.

    Should I continue to wear a medium corset?

    Click to expand...

    What medications do you recommend to relieve muscle tension in the morning? I understand that in the morning all this is due to spasms of the back muscles? It cramps and the lower back bends forward, causing pain and preventing you from getting to your feet.

    Click to expand...

    Unable to assign. Look at the article, there are general discussions about muscle relaxants.

    Is there a possibility that when I squatted then I experienced a displacement or something else?

    Click to expand...

    Most likely, they stirred up the sore spot, maybe, of course, with new additional pressure on the hernia.

    The indifference of our doctors is amazing.

    Click to expand...

    They did everything they could.

    Should I get another MRI?

    Click to expand...

    At least every day, especially when your health changes and when the pain process drags on.

    Recommend medications. I started taking diclofenac. Yesterday the first injection.

    Click to expand...

    Let's start, shoot.

    Chondrolone, as I understand it, is of no use now.

    Click to expand...

    I have slight stomach problems. So far I seem to be able to tolerate Diclofenac well.

    Click to expand...

    Add Omez overnight.

    How long does it take to inject it? When to switch to Niz. I already took it before the exacerbation.

    Click to expand...

    Check out the article.

    Should I start taking Neuromultivit again?

    Click to expand...

    What ointment do you recommend?

    Click to expand...

    Difficult. Any anti-inflammatory, the article has the answer.

    Best regards, Dr. Stupin.

  7. Timur Huseynov Active user

    Help. I am suffering a lot.

    Let's try to figure it out.
    There is no doubt that you have severe pain. Moreover, this is your first time and it seems that you perceive it with elements of panic. However, there is nothing unusual about this. For healthy young man experiencing it for the first time is stressful situation. A real test. And believe me, such situations have happened thousands of times and will happen thousands of times.

    In my opinion, you have a rather common situation of acute inflammation due to unsuccessful movement (position), possibly in combination with hypothermia and stress. According to MRI data, you do not have a hernia.

    Just in case, let's consider a rare casuistic situation - you have harbingers of a developing hernia. But you already know everything how to behave. And by observing this, the increase in this hypothetical hernia is blocked.
    Recommendations. On the forum it is not customary to prescribe medications without seeing the patient. But I'll try to explain the principle. In this situation, you should take it not when it hurts. And constantly, over time. For example, take diclofenac (Voltaren) 100 mg in the morning and evening (or better rectal suppositories at the same dosage). approximately 5-7 days. Take into account Dr. Stupin's recommendations regarding Omez. This is stomach protection. After all, it is not clear how long you will take drugs like diclofenac.

    Central muscle relaxants include Sirdalud. It causes drowsiness. But maybe if you drink it at night 2-4 mg. Will you sleep better and be rested?

    Muscle relaxants and sedatives. For example, Novopassit regularly 1-2 tablespoons (3 times). Or maybe a third of a bottle of valerian tincture at night (don’t be alarmed by the dose - it’s an herb).

    Nise is a good drug and has almost no effect on the stomach. But it is not as powerful as diclofenac. You can move on to nise later, when it gets much better.

    About repeating the MRI. If there is no significant improvement in the next 5-10 days, much less pain in the leg below the knee, it’s worth doing it. In another situation, there is no evidence, but only a waste of money.
    I'm skeptical about ointments. But if, for example, finalgon brings you relief during the burning period, go ahead!
    And I also have a clear feeling that another 5-7 days and you will be fine. Write about it. We are all worried about you.

  8. BertinYO Newbie

    Help. I am suffering a lot.

    Honestly, there is panic. I've never had back pain and have been playing basketball various injuries(mostly legs and very strong). But what is happening to me now is very frightening. Especially visited bad thoughts about future
    So now I need to move more than lie down? After the iplicator, I had difficulty getting up and my back began to hurt again, but before that I was walking normally. I had to resort to ketorol. This already worries me.
    To the question WHY AM I STILL NOT IN THE HOSPITAL, I answer - we have the following procedures: you need to take tests (HIV, SIF, general, urine), then go to the military registration and enlistment office, then see a doctor and he puts you on the waiting list. Insanity. I'm taking tests, waiting for the results. That's why I'm suffering at home.

  9. Timur Huseynov Active user

    Registration: Feb 12, 2008 Messages: 907 Likes: 512 Address: Moscow

    Help. I am suffering a lot.

    I already advised what I could. Do it.
    You need to move within the limits of the absence of severe pain.
    The opinion about the need for sedatives has become stronger.
    And I repeat again. Everything has already happened in this world. There is nothing unusual about you. All this passes. Write what will happen in 5-7 days. And I'm convinced everything will be fine.

Trying to suddenly move or lift something too heavy to lift is the root cause of all back problems. The result is usually back pain, and it is not always easy to get rid of. Experts in this field say that 4 out of 5 Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. And back injuries cost the industry $10 billion annually in workers' compensation costs.

So, if you're trying to lift something and it doesn't "give" when you lift it, there are things you can do afterwards to prevent an attack of acute back pain.

Symptoms for which you should consult a doctor

When does your back need medical attention? Then when you experience the following:

  • back pain appears unexpectedly and for no apparent reason;
  • back pain is accompanied by other symptoms, such as high temperature, stomach cramps, chest pain, or difficulty breathing;
  • an acute attack lasts more than 2-3 days without easing the pain;
  • chronic pain lasts more than 2 weeks without improvement;
  • back pain radiates to the leg, knee or foot.

“You shouldn't always mistake back pain for a back problem,” says Dr. Milton Fried. “It could be a sign of some other disease.”

Experts will tell you that back pain can be acute or chronic. You feel acute pain unexpectedly and intensely. This pain comes after you have done something you shouldn't have done or done something wrong. Pain can be caused by joint deformities or strained back muscles. It may hurt like crazy for days, but doctors say you can get rid of the pain if you give yourself the following help.

Don't stand on your feet

Your back will thank you for it. “For acute pain,” advises orthopedic surgeon Eduard Abraham, associate professor Medical College University of California, “the first thing to do is go to bed.” In fact, it may be the only thing you want to do. Any movement can cause you pain, so for 1-2 days, reduce physical activity to a minimum.

Don't stay in bed

Dr. Abraham says the amount of time you spend in bed depends on the severity of your condition. “If you, for example, are still hurting after 2 days in bed, an extra day won’t hurt. However, it is best to get out of bed as soon as possible. Everything will depend on the pain.”

“Many people think that a week in bed and the pain will go away,” adds Dr David Lerman, chief orthopedic surgeon at St. Francis Hospital in Miami, Florida. - But this is not so! For every week in bed you will need 2 weeks of rehabilitation.”

Study conducted at the Medical Center University of Texas, confirmed this. Researchers examined more than 200 patients who came to the clinic complaining of acute back pain. Some were recommended 2 days of bed rest, others - 7 days. “Patients in both groups took the same amount of time for pain to go away,” said Dr. Richard A. Deyo. “Those who got out of bed after 2 days started working much earlier.”

“Length of time in bed has little effect on recovery,” adds Dr. Deyo. “For some people, this is simply the most comfortable position for the first two days.”

Apply ice to the sore spot

"It's always best to quell a flare-up of acute pain with ice," recommends Canadian pain researcher Ronald Melzack, a professor at McGill University. – This will help reduce swelling and strain in the back muscles. For best results, try ice massage. Apply an ice pack to the sore area and massage for 7-8 minutes.” Do this for one or two days.

Try to relieve pain with heat

“After the first two days of ice treatment, doctors recommend switching to heat,” says Dr. Milton Fried of Atlanta, Georgia. – Place a soft towel in a bowl of very warm water, wring it thoroughly and straighten it so that there are no wrinkles. Lie on your chest, place pillows under your hips and shins, and spread a towel over the area of ​​your back where it hurts. Place a plastic bag on top and a heating pad set to medium. If possible, place something on top that will add pressure, such as a phone book. This creates damp heat and helps reduce muscle spasms.”

Try hot and cold alternately

“For those who can't decide which is better, it's good to try both methods,” advises Dr. Abraham. “It might even bring double the benefits.” Alternating cold and heat will make you feel better. Try 30 minutes ice followed by 30 minutes heat and repeat the cycle.”

Stretch to relieve cramps

“Stretching a painful back will actually speed up the healing process,” says Dr. Lerman. - Here good exercise To stretch your lower back: Slowly pull your knees toward your chest while lying in bed. Put a little pressure on your knees. Stretch out and relax. Repeat the exercise." Stretching will help the muscles calm down faster.

Roll out of bed

When you need to get out of bed, doctors advise rolling out, carefully and slowly.

“You'll minimize pain by sliding to the edge of the bed,” says Dr. Lerman. – Once there, keep your back straight and first lower your legs off the bed, then move like a spring, lifting top part body straight."

For some, back pain is part of everyday life. By various reasons it goes on forever. Someone suffers from periodic pain: even the slightest movement can cause it. This is the so-called chronic pain. For those who are familiar with it, the following tips are especially useful to know (although they will also help with acute pain).

Sleep on the board

A board under the mattress will help your lower back. "The goal is to keep the bed from sagging in the middle when you sleep," Dr. Fried explains. “A piece of plywood between the mattresses and special springs - and the bed will not sag.”

Drown the pain in a hydrostatic mattress

“A modern hydrostatic mattress that can be adjusted and does not create many waves, - excellent remedy for most back problems,” says Dr. Fried.

Dr. Abraham agrees: “With a hydrostatic mattress, pressure is distributed evenly across different areas of the body, so you can sleep through the night without changing your position.”

Sleep in a lazy position (S-shape).

A sore back does not tolerate lying face down. “The best position for those lying in bed is the so-called lazy position,” says Dr. Abraham. – Place a pillow under your head and neck, with your back fairly flat on the bed, and then place a pillow under your knees.

When you straighten your legs, the hamstring muscles stretch and press against your lower back. With the knees bent, the hamstrings are not stretched and there is no pressure on the back.”

Sleep in the fetal position

You will sleep like a baby - on your side, in the fetal position. "You can place a pillow between your knees when you sleep on your side," says Dr. Fried. “The cushion prevents your legs from sliding forward and rotating your hips, which would put additional pressure on your back.”

Take one aspirin daily

Experts say this will relieve pain. “Back pain is often accompanied by inflammation around the area,” explains Dr. Fried, “and simple anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen can relieve the pain. They can also help with fairly severe inflammation. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is not as effective because it is not an anti-inflammatory drug.”

Try willow bark

“If you're looking for a natural anti-inflammatory, try white willow bark, which is available in capsule form in the US,” says Dr. Fried. – It is a natural salicylate, the active ingredient that gives aspirin its anti-inflammatory properties. If taken after a meal, it will have no effect on your stomach but will relieve mild to moderate back pain. Those suffering from ulcers and heartburn should not take this remedy.”

Free yourself from pain with imagery

The pain may be the worst in the middle of the night. You wake up in pain and can't sleep. “It's a good time to try visualization,” says Professor Dennis Turk, director of the Pain Institute at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. – Close your eyes and imagine a lemon on a white porcelain plate and a knife next to it. Imagine taking it and cutting a lemon; the sound made when a knife passes through a lemon; bring the lemon to your face, smell it and imagine its taste.”

This is just one example of how you can use your senses when visualizing. The point is to imagine the smallest details. The clearer the image, the more occupied you are with it, and this distracts you from the painful sensations.

Turn the pain upside down

“Shifting your center of gravity has a surprising effect on back pain,” says Dr. Fried. “In this treatment, you strap yourself to a special device that flips backwards and allows you to hang upside down. Gradually, by doing these inversions using a suitable safe device for 5-10 minutes a day, you will truly get rid of lower back pain. You will, however, need to get your doctor's approval for this treatment, especially if you have a problem with the discs in your spine. And those who are prone to glaucoma. should not use it at all."

Try tai chi

Tai chi is ancient Chinese gymnastics consisting of slow, smooth movements. "This is very good way relaxation, which helps the back muscles,” says Dr. Abraham, who uses this method himself. Gymnastics includes a lot breathing exercises and stretching exercises that promote harmony within your body. Learning tai chi takes time and self-discipline, but Dr. Abraham says it's worth it: "I know it's strange for an orthopedic surgeon to say that, but it's a wise way of life with great potential to help people with back problems." .

Exercises to relieve pain

When your back hurts, the last thing you want to do is exercise, but experts say that physical exercisethe best remedy against chronic back pain.

“For people who suffer from back pain every day, especially if it hurts in different ways throughout the day, exercise can be very helpful,” says Dr Roger Minkov, a spine specialist and founder of a gym for people with bad backs in Petaluma, California.

If you are under a doctor's care, get his approval before you begin. Here are some exercises recommended by Dr. Minkow.

Do push-ups

Lie on the floor, on your stomach. Press your pelvis to the floor and do push-ups on your hands, arching your back as if trying to lift your shoulders off the floor.

This will help strengthen your lower back. Dr. Minkov recommends doing this exercise 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the afternoon.

Do a half-rise

Since you're on the floor, roll over onto your back. Lying on your back, do a half-rise. Lie with both feet firmly planted on the floor and knees bent. Cross your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor as high as you can, while keeping your lower back pressed toward the floor. Stay in this position for 1 second and repeat again.

Sail on dry land

You don't need a soft carpet to float on the floor. Lie on your stomach and lift left hand And right leg. Hold for a second, then switch arms and legs as if you were swimming. “This will stretch and strengthen the lower back,” explains Dr. Minkow.

Go to the pool

“Swimming is a great exercise for your back,” says Dr. Milton Fried. “If you have acute pain in the lower back, it’s good to get into a warm pool and swim.”

Step on the pedals

“Pedal a stationary bike in front of a mirror,” advises Dr. Minkov. – Be sure to sit up straight, don’t slouch. If necessary, raise the steering wheel up so as not to lean forward.”

Remember: the main thing is not to overdo it!

“When doing all these and other exercises, be careful and remember moderation,” warns Dr. Minkov. – If the exercises you are doing cause pain or make your condition worse, don’t do them anymore. You won't improve anything if you grind your teeth and try to repeat the exercise. If you feel great the next day or 2 days after the exercises, then they are safe for you and you can continue.”

Comfortable driver's seat

"If you have back problems, the root of the problem may be in the driver's seat of your car," says Dr. Roger Minkow, a California-based spine specialist. He redesigned seats for aircraft and automobile manufacturers. “German cars have the worst seats in terms of back harm,” he says. – American cars are also bad, but at least you can remake them. On the other hand, Japanese cars have the best seats, followed by Swedish Volvos and Saabs.

“Next time you buy a car, check not only the ride quality, but also the seat comfort,” suggests Dr. Minkov. The following notes will help you make the right choice.

Choose a car with a comfortable seat

“Look for a seat with adjustable lumbar support and set it as low as possible,” he recommends. “Try to sit, if you need to adjust it, start from the lowest level.”

Create your own comfort

If your driver's seat is hard on your back and you drive an American car, you can probably fix it yourself, and quite easily. Most American cars have a zipper at the bottom of the top of the seat. “Simply unzip and slide the makeshift lumbar support in,” he advises. Here's how to do it.

Buy a pillow from a store made of highly elastic foam rubber that sag under a load of 11-17 kg. Use an electric knife to cut a piece 14 cm wide and 2.5 cm thick. Trim it to fit the width of the seat, but bevel the end so that it does not rise when you lower the upholstery. Slide the foam under the padding and adjust it, raising or lowering it until it fits your back above the level of the belt. Then zip up the cover.

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